starsansesstudio · 1 year
if there is a star sanses studio is there a bad sanses studio????????i just want to know sorry TnT
Sorry this is so late, but yes! There is
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starsansesstudio · 2 years
SSS!Ink & Error arc in the nutshell-
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This is not an update (sorry) but I saw this can’t help but think of this AU 🤣🤣
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starsansesstudio · 2 years
SSS!Ink & Error arc in the nutshell-
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This is not an update (sorry) but I saw this can’t help but think of this AU 🤣🤣
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starsansesstudio · 3 years
Hi, I just wanna ask, why do you use Tumblr? For what?(No Hate here)
Hello! Mod Shandy here. We use tumblr because not only is it the platform we met on, but it’s also the one we use the most (although we’ve been very inactive lately, and I’d like to apologize about that. We both however lead very busy lives at the moment, I hope you understand!)
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starsansesstudio · 3 years
I know not everyone alright for just donating out of nowhere,
so I starting a Ko-fi doodle commission!
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The Ko-fi doodle commission is like a mini commission for cheap bucks with a price of:
-sketchy style (which is how I normally draw anyway)
-can’t decide what kind of brush it will end up picking (unless if you want to pay $3 extra to pick base on the brush category)
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If you want to do Ko-fi doodle commission,
You can DM me sending photo reference or put the character name in “your message” when you giving ko-fi.
If you sent references & agreeing with terms on DM, please giving Ko-fi base on price right away so I can quickly do it for you.
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This way you guys can support me a little and still get the signature messy sketch that I been doing so long, because I know that everyone can’t suddenly want to donate so I want to so something that seem to be fair for all of us.
I hope this somewhat interesting to y’all, and thank you for following me for so long.
If there any questions, you can ask it below this post:
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starsansesstudio · 3 years
Pre SSS doodle (Error trying out 3D for first time)
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Mod Ly: aka my way of trying to stay awake during 9 am class and this is my way to make 3D animation notes
I did told y’all that I want to came back to this AU, maybe this might be away to do so.
It might not from Error himself but might from Template later on. This is my way to show what I learn in the class and apply to y’all and to these idiots.
And the full picture I did for the class for first assignment! :D
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starsansesstudio · 3 years
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I miss them and I think they grew a bit.
Mod Ly: I know some of y’all might not interested but under this will say about me regarding to this AU. You don’t have to read it, it just my feeling to this lil AU I made.
Mod Ly: I know I barely update because of school life and other fixation occupied me but all I can say that this AU mean so much to me.
This AU miraculously help me became friend with my favorite fanfic writer of the whole UT fic and I’m so happy that we build up this first crack fanfic idea into a whole AU (with the help of Template too). It’s an au that make me know that I might have a chance in animation, something that I know I love but afraid to do as career and family against it. It make me willing go through ton of research to learn more about the industry & 3D animation, that I use to be against of learning that make me hesitate to choose it as a major, just for the sake of to understand how they interact base on their work.
It help me step forward to my dream. I’m change my major to study animation.
My mind said that I should move on since my UT fixation start to tone down and I barely upload it, but for once I don’t want to.
For once, I don’t want to let go of an AU I create just yet. It might be so slow and never finish but I don’t want to let go, even some of the draft were gone from iCloud purge but some still with me. I have all of this worlds in my mind constantly change and move forward that sometime I can’t keep up with what they been doing for me to told y’all.
But for now, I know I will be gone on hiatus again since my first animation class will start at the 21st. If I start to learn more what I learn in those class, it will remind me of this AU and might as well come back to the root that make me feel like I can try to do something I love. At least I know I will understand SSS!Error’s pain of doing 3D stuff more, but that will be experience I want to try. I might love animation but I don’t know if will be something that end up doing as a job, but that what it meant to be. To try, to experiment, to fail, to live, to create. I want to try what I love and share with y’all through this AU, and this AU drive me to get what I want. Which also,
I just want to say, thank you to you all for enjoy what so little of an AU that me and Shandy create
It might not be much but y’all enjoy it anyway make me incredibly fill me with joy, and I’m so grateful for y’all.
I’m too stubborn to discontinue this AU because I want to learn and comeback to share what I learn through this AU, I know y’all might not be here by then but I know I still want to comeback. Plus I know this AU can still live on how it was intended, FANFICION!! Don’t forget that this AU is for all to write, it not have to be the same as what I write, it just idiots shenanigans in mini animation studio they create. I want y’all to have fun with this concept too.
Thank you so much if you reading to this, have a nice day.
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starsansesstudio · 4 years
Pre SSS doodle (high school addition)
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Blue always Geno’s favorite of all Error’s friends
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Fun fact: the Queens are adopted brothers
Mod Ly: sorry for haven’t updated for LONG time. Life and school not making things better but I miss drawing this au so much..
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starsansesstudio · 4 years
Pre-SSS AU doodles
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Mod Ly: Nothing has to do with the current timeline of this AU but I been thinking of what was like when Blue and Error in the same high school WAY back
There actually a reason why Error is few years behind everyone in school department
Also you can’t denying that Classic in this AU would be those student that keep repeating their grade because they are too lazy to do the test and bad attendance (sleep on the tree or shiz) but secretly a genius😂
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starsansesstudio · 4 years
Hey! I (Mod Shandy) have decided to temporarily open up my Discord server! Mod Ly’s on there too, so feel free to hop on and join!
Hey guys! I’m opening my Discord server again, so...
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starsansesstudio · 4 years
My question is, what hijinks are afoot?
All the hijinks.
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starsansesstudio · 4 years
Has Ink ever used his "Scary face" in the Sss Au?
Ok first of all, when it come to Star Sanses Studio, please keep it in the SSS AU blog
For the answer:
The “fang” face when he’s like to prank people (or being an ass in general)
But if you mean “emotionless” face...
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starsansesstudio · 4 years
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[OLD ART, then new]
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Note: don’t mess with Blue when he in bad mood, especially after a fight with his brother (rare it happen but still deadly)
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Protective Feisty Blue🤣
He have the second lowest HP of 2, yet the most feisty
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starsansesstudio · 4 years
The banner was literally enough to convince me to follow you
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Mod Ly: it at 5:11 of this video, SPA studio is pretty much one of my inspiration to expand this AU, along with Shandy (love ya) and Template.
When I first see it I can’t help but see these idiots did it😂
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starsansesstudio · 4 years
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Mod Ly: Me still trying to get Dream right, again😂
Help Q~Q
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starsansesstudio · 4 years
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starsansesstudio · 4 years
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Mod Ly: sorry, I haven’t draw this AU for awhile due to life, work, and college been hard but
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