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Hello, Spidey Fandom! 
I hope this new year has brought you health and happiness so far, and that it continues to prosper throughout 2023. The best news to announce is that our beloved MJ Watson will be celebrated for an entire week again, for the third time! I can’t believe it’s already the 3rd official MJ Week. This is an event that is so special to me, and I’m excited to share the new prompts with you for the year. 
As always, this week’s purpose is to highlight the importance and depth of MJ, to emphasize her character as a whole person. The prompts are to encourage writers and artists and MJ-lovers of all kinds to express your thoughts and feelings through fanfics, moodboards, artworks, graphics, gifsets, etc.
If you post your work on AO3, make sure to add it to our ongoing collection, MJ Week. When you post on Tumblr, make sure to tag our blog so we can boost your work!
Monday, April 10th: Between the Reveal and the Spell - Fill in the gap between Far From Home’s ending and the first act of No Way Home (the first spell). A lot of the footage was not included in the final cut, so what do you think should have been added, too?
Tuesday, April 11th: Quiet Moments - Amidst the mayhem of living in a superhero-filled world, what are some of the moments in between that are…quieter? What are the slices of life that MJ experiences?
Wednesday, April 12th: Free Day - Anything you want!
Thursday, April 13th: College AU - Our girl got into MIT! What is her life like? What does she major in? Any extra-curricular? Who does she meet? Will Spider-Man come back to her life…? 
Friday, April 14th: MJ Remembers - The final spell of No Way Home caused MJ to lose her memories of the existence of Peter Parker. How would it be like for her if when she remembers who he is? 
I hope you are all excited to participate and good luck!
Disclaimer: No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, pedophilia/age in-appropriate ships, non-con, etc. We reserve the right to deny any creations that we feel can cause harm.
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MJ Week is coming soon…
April 10 - 14, 2023
Save the date y’all!
Feel free to message for prompt suggestions <3
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Happy Holidays @seek--rest ! from your secret santa! Sorry this came in late but I'm so happy to give it to you anyway!
I want to thank you for your amazing fics and wonderful friendship! I hope you have a great year! ily!!
Also I made some phone wallpaper free to download for personal use!
phone wallpaper under the cut! \^o^/
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I Want Your Midnights
to @jenniboo311 for @spideychellesecretsanta
“This is for sure one of the more unhinged ones we’ve watched,” Peter says with his mouth full of popcorn.
“Shh,” MJ tells Peter. “He’s about to confess his love.”
It’s Peter and MJ’s fifth Sunday night in a row watching Hallmark films in anticipation for the holidays. And because of MJ’s extensive knowledge of these movies, she correctly presumes the plot more often than not.
Incredibly enough, the love interest begins confessing his love on the screen. 
Peter and MJ’s late nights during the holidays.
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sparks fly
T | 2.8k | cheesy kissing and second chances | to @ixoren for @spideychellesecretsanta
“MJ Watson? Is that really you?” A vaguely familiar voice asks, MJ turning and putting on her most affected smile when her mouth drops open— genuine shock causing her to smile as she huffs out a laugh.
“Peter Parker?”
He grins, MJ immediately going to hug him as he laughs as he hugs her back. He’s more filled out than he’d been in school, a little taller though not quite enough in her heels.
When she leans back, she’s sent back into time— seeing the way Peter Parker smiles back at her.
Read now on AO3
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Happy Holidays, @goldenavenger02 ! from your secret santa! I hope you have a good one!
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mr. parker and ms. watson getting pretty cozy in the teacher’s lounge. they think they’re being sneaky about it, but the student gossip mill is buzzing and everyone can see the ~chemistry.
for @holyfishsticksironman for @spideychellesecretsanta​! happy holidays!!
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For @mcuwatcher85 for @spideychellesecretsanta . Merry Christmas! I hope you like this art based on your like, "first love".
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Sign ups are now closed!!
To those who signed up, you’ll be receiving an email soon, so stay tuned for that!
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Last day to sign up!
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Just two days left to sign up!!
More info here!
To sign up, fill out this form!
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Just two days left to sign up!!
More info here!
To sign up, fill out this form!
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Just one week left to sign up!!
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Welcome to the Spideychelle Secret Santa Gift Exchange 2022!
Hello again! Welcome back for year four! It’s hard to believe we started this back in 2018, but here we are! It’s been so much fun, and I’m excited to get this started! If you’re interested in participating, keep reading!
Keep reading
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yes yes!!!! Round four!!!
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Welcome to the Spideychelle Secret Santa Gift Exchange 2022!
Hello again! Welcome back for year four! It’s hard to believe we started this back in 2018, but here we are! It’s been so much fun, and I’m excited to get this started! If you’re interested in participating, keep reading!
Keep reading
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Welcome to the Spideychelle Secret Santa Gift Exchange 2022!
Hello again! Welcome back for year four! It’s hard to believe we started this back in 2018, but here we are! It’s been so much fun, and I’m excited to get this started! If you’re interested in participating, keep reading!
To sign up, fill out this form.
If for some reason that doesn’t work, feel free to send a DM!
You’ll need to provide an email, but if you are uncomfortable sharing that, you can create a temporary one just for this event
Sign ups will be open until September 30th 11:59:59 PM EST. After this day, SIGN UPS WILL BE CLOSED.
You’ll receive your assignments the week of October 2nd in an email! That email will contain a link to the Secret Santa Discord server! Here, there will be announcements and other things related to the event.
Once you’re in the server, you’ll find a link to a Google form to create a wishlist! This will be sent to your Secret Santa, and your giftee’s will be sent to you! You can also snoop around on their (your giftee’s) blog in the meantime! Get the inside scoop!
If you’d like to make things a little easier for your Secret Santa, enable anons here on Tumblr.
Beginning on Dec. 25th, we will start posting through the week until January 1st!
If for some reason you are unable to make that deadline, don’t hesitate to DM me.
NEW THIS YEAR: Dedicated Pinch Hitters!
Pinch hitters are there to create a gift for someone if their Secret Santa drops from the exchange. In the past, we’ve done this by asking those already taking part if they’d like to volunteer. This year, however, pinch hitters are going to be volunteers from outside the exchange! So, if you’re wanting to sign up to be a Secret Santa, you will NOT be able to pinch hit. They are two different things. 
That being said, if you’d like to volunteer to be a pinch hitter, fill out this form!
Pinch hitters will also receive a discord invite!
Pinch hitters can sign up until the week before Dec. 25th!
Tag your giftee!
Tag @spideychellesecretsanta​
use the tag #SpideychelleSecretSanta2022
Post on the AO3 collection!
The deadline for having your wishlist form completed is OCTOBER 9th.
You won’t have to worry about this until after you join the discord, but keep it in mind!
Think about...
What genres you like (fluff, angst, etc.)
What tropes you like (fake dating, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, etc.)
What AUs you like (Mob!AU, College!AU, etc.)
Specify whether or not you’re okay with receiving smut/n*fw art.
A NOTE: if you are an artist/writer and you are not comfortable drawing/writing smut, then you are not obligated to, even if it’s on your giftee’s wishlist. This is simply just so that the Secret Santa’s that are comfortable know what their options are.
This is pretty self-explanatory, but DON’T TELL ANYONE WHO YOU HAVE! It’s not a secret if you do! Keep it secret! Keep it safe!
Remember that this is an exchange. If you are expecting to receive something, you must also expect to give something in return.
Dropping out, no matter how last minute, means that you will not receive a gift.
Know that you aren’t guaranteed a specific gift, even if you specify it in your wishlist. So be kind!
Depending on who your Secret Santa is, you will either get a fic, art, a moodboard, or some other creative work.
If you put that you are comfortable with smut/ns*w fanart, know that there are minors in this fandom, so give other ideas, too! Don’t just ask for smut!
THAT BEING SAID, Secret Santa’s, please be sure that your gift is tailored to your giftee’s wishlist. Of course, put your own spin on what you create, but the gift should be something your giftee wants! Make them feel special! 
Along that note, GIVE FEEDBACK!! Someone created something to make you feel special! 
No talking about your gift/giftee publicly. This is supposed to be a secret!!
For writing fics, shoot for around a minimum 1-1.5k word count.
and the biggest rule of all DO NOT FORGET THIS:
You made it to the end! If you read all of that, and you’d still like to sign up, fill out this form (potential pinch hitters, fill out this one!) If you have any more questions at all, feel free to send me a message or an ask! 🎁
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Secret Santa 2022 is coming soon! Be on the lookout for a post with all the details in the next week! ❤️
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But I Stayed Anyway
Peter and MJ experience autumn in New York.
for @friendofspidermannedleeds for  @spideychellesecretsanta 
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