spaz8550 · 4 months
Masterlist- edited February 4, 2024
Sons of Anarchy
Hard to Love  *one-shot complete
Point At You *one-shot request complete
Love Me Harder *in progress
1    2    3    4    5    6    7     8    9    10    11    12    13    14    15    
16    17    18   19    20    21    22    23    24    25    26    27
Sam- For the Love of a Winchester *complete
1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12    13    14    15    
16     17    18    19     20    21     22     23     24    25    26    27    
28    29    30    31    32    33    34    35    36    37    38
 Falling To Pieces sequel to For The Love of a Winchester *complete
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   
15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22    23    24    25 
It’s Different For Girls *songfic complete
Sigurd- Marry Me    *complete
Ivar- I Hope *complete
Harry Potter
Severus Snape
Stay * completed
1   2  3  4  5  6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   
16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   
28   29   30   31   32   33    34   35   36   37
Daylight sequel to Stay
1   2  3  4
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spaz8550 · 4 months
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Daylight a Severus Snape fan fic
Previoous chapters:
1   2  3  4 
Ch 5 
The week leading up to Halloween Sinead was busy with decorations and setting up the festivities in the Great Hall. Severus only saw Sinead at meals and at night when they were together.
"Sev, have you picked out a costume?” Sinead asked coming into Severus’s room. 
“Costume?” He asked as she put her hands on her hips. 
“For Halloween? There is going to be feast and a celebration.” Severus looked up from his book with a scowl. 
“I don’t wear costumes. I’m sure other professors will not be joining in-“  
“Everyone else is wearing a costume. I have personally checked.”  
“Sinead, as much as your enthusiasm is well received by the other staff and the students I will not be wearing a costume.”  
“Oh, ok.” She said clearly showing her disappointment. “Well… I’ll leave you to your book.”  
“Your not staying?” He asked closing the book. 
“I should go work on my costume.” She said with a smirk before disappearing back into her room. 
The day before Halloween Sinead spent all day at the shop in Hogsmeade. She had released a new line of products and everything was flying off the shelves between orders from all over the world and witches making the trek to the shop in hopes of meeting her. Trent found it funny she was becoming a celebrity but that day a few Death Eaters appeared in the shop he began to fear for Sinead’s safety. 
“Hello, how can I help you?”  The shop was about to close. 
“Just looking around.” The taller man all but growled. Trent who was getting ready to leave the shop paused. 
“Oh forgot those notes I need to review.” He said walking back further into the shop and back towards the workspace. 
“All of the products over there are for the women’s line. The men’s line is over here and all general purpose items are in the middle of the shop.” Sinead said forcing herself to smile. 
“Not to many shops are open here. A young witch like you shouldn’t be left alone.”  
“I’m here all the time.” Trent said coming out of the back. 
“Hmm… why not pack things up and return to America? It would be safer for a mudblood like yourself.” The taller name sneered. Trent was about to draw his wand when Sinead mouthed no. 
“Sorry you feel that way. If you don’t like mixed blood wizards then maybe my shop isn’t for you.” Sinead said crossing her arms. 
“Wouldn’t want anything here anyway.” The shorter man said opening the door and slamming it shut as the walls rattled. The taller man sneered. 
“Watch yourself, mudblood. It would be a shame if something happened to you or this shop.”  Trent was about to open his mouth as the man stalked out the door. 
“Sinead, you really had to push them-"  
“They were going to have a problem no matter what we said or did. We need to up our protection spells.” Trent followed her lead setting an even more complicated spell on the shop. Sinead flooed back to the castle and Trent flooed home. When Sinead walked through the flood Severus was pacing. 
“Why didn’t you send a Patronus for help? Where were the Aurors? They are supposed to be protecting Hogsmeade?” Sinead frowned and let out a sigh. 
“Sev, this was going to happen. I’m honestly surprised it’s the first time they showed up and tried to intimidate me. Trent was there and everything is fine.”  
“Sinead, they would do horrible things to you if they could.” Severus said wrapping his arms around her shaking. “I was about to go there myself-“  
“Sev, it’s ok. I’m fine and maybe I need to close the shop earlier if it would make you feel better.”  
“Your safety is a priority. Even if Trent is there he wouldn’t be able to stop them. I doubt some of the Aurors would be able to stop them if they wanted to hurt or take you.”  
“Shhh…let’s not worry about that.”  
“Sinead, all I do is worry. Every time you leave this castle I worry.” He whispered as she rubbed his back. 
“I will be more careful. I promise.”  
“If anything ever happened to you I don’t know what I would do.” He said softly. 
“I worry every time you leave too.” 
That night Severus couldn’t sleep. Every time he closed his eyes he saw Death Eaters torturing Sinead and he was forced to watch. After not being able to sleep he made his way out to Hogsmeade using an invisibility spell. He checked on the defenses of the shop and when he felt satisfied with his improvements he went back to the castle and worked in his study till the early hours of the morning and he made sure he returned to bed so Sinead didn’t wake up alone. 
Sinead’s fluttered open a small smile on her face and it faded when she saw how tired Severus looked. 
“You didn’t sleep again.” She said softly. 
“It’s fine. I’ll be fine.” 
“Severus, you need to sleep. Tonight you should take a sleeping draught. You need your rest.” He forced a nod. 
“Today is your big day. The whole school is excited for the costume ball.” Severus said changing the subject. 
“Yes, did you changed your mind about a costume?” He shook his head and Sinead grinned. “Ok, I made you something incase you did. It’s hanging in your closet.”  A rare smile crossed Severus’s face as he chuckled. 
“Don’t you know I need to keep my reputation as the most hated and feared professor at Hogwarts?” He said pulling her close. Sinead frowned. She hated when he spoke badly about himself. 
“Everyone does not hate you. Slytherin House respects you as do your peers.”  
“Sinead, I learned long ago I cannot care about who hates or likes me.” He said with a sigh. 
“Well… I love you. I have seen the real you, Severus and if more people saw that-“  
“No, that is not something I want to share with the world. I am not a people person, I never have and I doubt I ever will be. The world has not been kind to everyone, Sinead. You have led a charmed life where things have happened easier for you and people love you. Just walking into the room and smiling you win most people over.”  
“Oh, Sev. It’s not that always that easy-“  
“It’s getting late and we should get ready for the day.” 
Sinead nodded knowing that was his way of “ending” their discussion. It was a discussion she had tried to have several times before and it had always ended in a similar fashion. 
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spaz8550 · 4 months
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Daylight- A Severus Snape fan fic
Previous chapters: 1   2   3
Ch 4 
The weeks leading up to Halloween were filled with excitement for both the students and faculty except Severus who seemed to be dreading the ball. Sinead was spending hours planning the ball. When she wasn’t teaching, her apprentices were coming to the castle to work with her in her study so she could plan the ball. Albus was in a pleasant mood humming and the free elf Dobby who was helping plan the menu for the feast was in out and out of the rooms bringing dishes to try. Minerva and Filius offered to help decorate the Great Hall and some hallways freeing up some of Sinead’s time. Sinead’s plans were full scale and Dumbledore was impressed with the student drawings and costumes he had seen at the workshops he had walked through. Each costume workshop was full and Sinead held an information session that almost every student attended. 
Severus was walking the halls when he heard a group of girls whispering about surprise guests at the ball he was about to start deducting points when he spotted Maggie and Caleb entering the castle. He didn’t have the patience to deal with the woman and quickly disappeared before they saw him. Maggie glanced around the hallways Caleb holding her hand tight. An Auror who worked with Tonks had walked them up from Hogsmeade before they needed to return to their post. 
“Mommy, I love it. I want to go to school here.” He said looking around. 
“Let’s see if I remember the way…”  Maggie stopped and looked around. She noticed a short man that she assumed must be a Professor. “Hello, sorry to bother you. I’m looking for Sinead O’Neil. I’m her friend Maggie.”  The man nodded and smiled a bit. 
“I’m Professor Flitwick.”  
“You teach Charms.”  Caleb said excitedly as the man grinned. 
“You must be Caleb. Sinead speaks about you all of the time. I’ll show you to her office. Hogwarts can be difficult to navigate.”  The professor lead the way chatting about the castle and pointing things out. Caleb was in awe at the decorations and Maggie smiled knowing her friend must have loved setting this up for the students. “Well, this is the hallway to her classroom. I have a lesson I need to be teach in about 10 minutes or I would bring you to the door. It is the third door on the left. I sent my patronus along. It was nice to finally meet both of you and I hope to see you at the ball.”  With that he hurried off. 
“Mommy, let’s go!” Caleb said running down the hall mixing in with the students that were now in the hallway. 
“Caleb!” Maggie started to panic not seeing her son. “Caleb!”  Maggie tried to move through the crowd of students to see Caleb scamper into the office without knocking. Maggie made it to the doorway several moments later to see Caleb perched in Sinead’s arms while Sarah and Max worked in the adjacent classroom. 
“Mommy, I found her! Auntie, I have missed you so much. Bill has been reading me to every night but he doesn’t make the silly voices like you do.”  Max snickered a bit as Sarah chuckled. “Auntie, we met Professor Flitwick. He was telling us about Hogwarts but he had to teach his class. Can I stay and see you teach a class?”  
“Oh, Cal… I taught a class this morning. But I have a tutoring session later if you stay for dinner. Maybe if you stay for dinner in the Great Hall you can stay and help me tutor.”  
“Mommy, can I? Can I have a sleep over? I want to sleep over in the castle! I want to sleep over in Gryffindor tower, maybe can I stay with Harry and Ron.”  
“Cal, that is a lot to ask. Yes, you can stay for dinner but no to a sleep over and I’m sure Harry and Ron will not want you up in Gryffindor Tower and I’m sure that’s not allowed. Come give me a kiss and a hug, I guess I’ll go and get ready for a date night. Sinead, are you sure-“  
“Professor O’Neil, I hear you had some guests.” Professor Dumbledore said from the doorway as Caleb gave his mother a quick kiss and hug. 
“Professor Dumbledore, you’re famous!” Caleb said half in awe. 
“Maggie, I can walk you out. I’m sure Caleb will enjoy his time here.”  
“Excuse me, Sir. I have a question.”  Sinead bit her lip trying not to laugh. “If I come back for the Halloween ball do you think I could maybe have a sleepover in the Gryffindor Tower if Harry and Ron let me?”  Albus chuckled as Maggie frowned a bit. 
“I’ll talk to your mother and Harry while I think it over. Enjoy the time in the castle.”  
“Thank you, Sir.” Caleb said with a wave. Sinead chuckled as Maggie was ushered out of the door by Albus. Sinead kept Caleb entertained in the classroom for the remainder of the school day. When it was time for dinner Caleb walked up to the Great Hall with Sinead. As they entered the Great Hall Harry and Ron came over. 
“Hi, Caleb. Professor Dumbledore said you would be here. Would you like to sit at the Gryffindor table?” Caleb looked to Sinead who nodded. 
“Go ahead.” Caleb followed Ron and Harry to the Gryffindor table as Sinead walked to the head table. Sinead chatted with the other professors and they all commented on how quickly Caleb was fitting in at the Gryffindor table. 
“If he stays here with his mother. I’m sure he will be sorted into my house.”  Minerva said as Filius frowned. 
“Maybe he would be sorted into Ravenclaw.”  
“From what I see he could be a Gryffindor but he may be more of a Ravenclaw like his aunt.”  Albus said as Sinead smirked. 
“I had almost forgotten you tried on the Sorting hat.”  Minerva said with a chuckle. “I imagine you would have made a decent Gryffindor too.”  
0 notes
spaz8550 · 2 years
Love Me Harder Chapter 28
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I know it’s been forever since I’ve posted a new chapter but I’m back and want to get on a more consistent posting schedule.
Chapter list
Ch 28 
Several days later Bobby appeared back at the clubhouse and then Juice. Gemma was suspicious of Bobby and Jax who seemed to be whispering back and forth but didn’t mention it to anyone but Kerry. 
Kerry was constantly checking up on Gemma who was now spending her nights out drinking and in the company of various men she met at bars. Happy called Kerry’s phone telling her to get to the clubhouse after work one day as she saw Jax, Chibs, and Tig without their cuts. 
“They are going in. Witnesses came forward about the shooting.” Happy said putting his arm around her. Gemma and Tara looked nervous and Kerry spotted a ring on Tara’s finger. 
“Will they be ok inside?” Kerry whispered as Happy nodded. 
“They had some time to make arrangements.”  
The sheriff arrived as Opie pulled into the lot and backed into a spot. Roosevelt approached him and Opie head-butted him, hard. The sheriff went down and he called for his men to arrest Opie. 
“What is he doing?” Tara gasped. 
“Staying close.” Gemma said with a nod as Opie was walked past the group to the waiting van. 
Jax, Tig, and Chibs were escorted inside the van as Kerry went to comfort Gemma and Tara. Happy stayed with the other Sons who were chatting as Kerry heard about Jax and Tara’s wedding at Diosa. Tara was quick to excuse herself stating she needed to get the boys and Gemma filled her in on the rest, Dawn being murdered and the tough situation the guys were facing inside. 
“Oh Gemma, Tig was barely holding his shit together before. This is terrible.”  
“This is payment from Pope for Tig killing his daughter. It’s getting bloody.” Gemma sighed. “I wasn’t even invited to the damn wedding. The only reason I found out was Lowen brought by the marriage license. I bet it was Tara’s idea.” Gemma muttered lighting up a cigarette. 
“Who else was there?”  
“Chibs, Bobby, Juice, and Nero. I figured she would have called you, you two are friends.”  
“When Tara feels like it we are friends, these days it feels very one sided. I know she is going through shit but aren’t we all.”  Gemma frowned. 
“I know she’s pissed about her hand and all but you have been nothing but nice to her.”  Kerry nodded as Happy came over. 
“Let’s go home. There isn’t much we can do right now.”  Kerry looked to Gemma who nodded. 
“Go ahead. I’m going to do some work and go to Diosa.”  
When Kerry and Happy arrived home she started dinner as he took Kasey for a walk and they went into the back yard to hang by the pool and grill for dinner. 
The days Jax, Chibs, Tig, and Opie were in prison passed in a blur. Happy was on edge like the other club members, worried about what could happen even with protection inside.  The day the guys arrived home it was very tense. Kerry was at the school late for an after school meeting and didn’t find out about Opie till she got home. Kerry was about to get her keys to go to Lyla when Happy stopped her. 
“Let her be it’s late and you’ve been working.”  
“She must her a wreck. With the kids-”  
“Kerry, relax. You have been taking care of everyone for weeks. I know you aren’t sleeping much and your getting thin. I’m going to order us some Chinese food and we’re going to stay here. Tara was with Lyla and some crow eaters were checking in on her. Lyla knows you were at work.”  
Kerry sighed and went to sit on the couch putting her feet up on the ottoman. Happy joined her on the couch a few minutes later and Kerry started to cry. 
“Hap, it’s gotten so bad for the club. I am worried about you every day.”  
“Things are going to get better soon, they have to.” Happy said rubbing her back as she sobbed. 
“Plus I’m already feeling bad and the doctors said I would have awhile and I’m already feeling the pain. I’m never going to have a baby.” She said completely breaking down. 
“You will, we will. Tomorrow I want you to call the hospital and get an appointment right away. Let me know and I’ll be there with you.”  
“But Opie-“  
“The wake will be at night. Get a substitute for tomorrow and Friday. That way you can relax a bit and sleep in. You can see the doctor and find out what’s going on.” 
Kerry nodded and got up and go wash her face while Happy went to pick up the food. While in the bathroom Kerry pulled out the pregnancy test she had taken the day before that said negative and wiped her cheeks. She returned the test to the box and washed her face letting a few more tears fall. Kerry stared at her reflection for a few minutes. 
“Hold your shit together girl.” She mumbled before finally leaving the bathroom. 
After sitting on the couch Kasey moved to sit against her legs. Kerry went to work finding a substitute which was easy as the first on the list was free both days. A few minutes later Happy arrived with the food. 
“Substitute is all set.”  
“Good.” Kerry and Happy ate in silence and after dinner they took Kasey for a walk together. “Why don’t you go take a bath and I’ll join you in a few?”  
“Sounds perfect.”  Kerry started the bath, pouring in her favorite bubbles and once it was almost full she slipped off her clothes and pulled her hair back and slipped in. She was relaxing when Happy appeared a few minutes later in his boxers. He took them off and slipped in behind her. 
“This just sucks.”  
“I know. It does, Opie, was a good guy. He has been through too much with loosing Donna and then Piney. The club will help Lyla and she has you, Gemma, and Tara to help and support her.”  
“Hap, Lyla isn’t like Gemma and I. She was barely holding her shit together before and I don’t know what is going on with Tara. Gemma has so much shit going on with Clay. I know Lyla is close with some of the crow eaters and Imma.”  Kerry said with an eye roll. “Maybe she will be able to do it. Those kids have been through so much and I felt like they were finally in a good place and they lost Piney and now Opie. It’s so much for them, maybe they need grief counseling and good therapist or something.”  
“If you think so tell Lyla. Your the expert with kids. I bet they would tell you first. They love you.”  Kerry nodded as Happy washed her back. 
“I’m going to tell them they can stay here anytime, all 3 of them. That’s the least I can do. It can give Lyla a break and they are easy kids, Kasey loves them.”  
“Sure, whatever you think.”  Happy nodded. He knew Kerry had a big heart and this would make her feel better, he didn’t love the idea but those kids needed someone. Kenny, Ellie, and Piper looked up to Kerry like a big sister and she was always cooking or doing activities with them. 
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spaz8550 · 3 years
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Happy Ravenclaw Day!
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spaz8550 · 3 years
Love Me Harder chapter 27
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Chapter list
Ch 27 
Kerry arrived back from lunch with Mary and went to take Kasey for a walk. As she approached the house Happy pulled up. He turned off his bike and walked over looking very serious. 
“Tig is ok, I want you to stay in the house and I’m going to send Rat over to stay with you when I’m not here. I’ll let you know more later.” He pulled her in for a kiss and sighed as he backed up. “As much as I want to go in with you I gotta go to the warehouse. I hope I won’t be late tonight.”  
“Me too. I’ll stay inside and wait for Rat.”  
Kerry kept herself busy doing laundry and making dinner. Rat was quiet and seemed tense. After trying to start a conversation and getting one word answers Kerry went back into the kitchen to bake. It was around 7 when Happy called saying he had church at the clubhouse at 8. At 7:30 Rat drove Kerry to the clubhouse at her insistence and everyone started to arrive. At 8 Happy left Kerry’s side to walk into church. Within a few moments Tara came through the door and walked into church and Gemma stood in the doorway. Kerry made her way over to see Jax at the head of the table with Chibs in the Sargent at Arms seat and the V.P. seat empty. As the meeting ended Kerry looked at Tig who looked to be barely hanging on. 
“Tiggy, are you ok?” He forced himself to nod. Happy came over and wrapped his arms around her. 
“We can stay for a drink and go home. I’m glad you are here.” He said kissing the top of her head. Happy drifted off to talk to Chibs as Kerry went to talk to Gemma. 
“She’s done it.” Gemma muttered into her drink. Kerry put an arm around Gemma giving her a half hug. “Kerry, you take care of yourself ok? I have a feeling things will get worse before they get better.”  Gemma muttered. 
“We’ll sort it out.”  
“You're right. Jax and Bobby will sort it out.” Gemma said her voice quivering. 
“Gem, you sure you’re ok? Do you want to stay with us?”  
“No, I’ll be fine. I know you and Hap need your space. You two are still newly weds.” Gemma said forcing a smile. 
“I have an idea. Why don’t we have a girls day tomorrow? Just you me? We can go get our nails done, do a bit of shopping? We can drag Tiggy along and cheer him up? I made lots of sweets back at the house.”  
Gemma nodded and a real smiled crossed her face. 
“I’d like that. Hey Tiggy, we need an escort tomorrow. Girls day, are you up to it? Kerry here will bring lots of snacks.”  
“Snacks? What kinds of snacks?” Tig said walking over with his drink and a Crow Eater on his arm. 
“I made chocolate chip cookies, brownies, rice crispy treats because Rat wouldn’t talk to be and I was board after my lunch with Mary.”  
“Hey Rat! Come over here!” Rat scurried over. “When Kerry wants to talk you better talk to her. She’s an Old Lady, and one of the best damn cooks this club has ever had.” Tig said smacking the back of his head. “Hey Hap, you gotta tell the Prospect he better treat your Old Lady better!” Tiggy said his mood improving at the thought of the food he would be getting the next day. 
“What did he do?” Happy said stalking over his face dark. 
“I took care of it. He wouldn’t talk to her and I bet you didn’t let him taste test like we can right?”  
“No taste testing that’s for patched members.” Kerry said with a laugh. 
“Hap, I’m going to watch over Kerry and Gem tomorrow.” Tig said before wandering off. 
“Let’s get out of here. Good night, Gem.”  
“Night, Hap. See you tomorrow, Kerry. Come by the garage around 11 so I can get caught up on some paper work. I’ll give you to some alone time.” Gemma said giving her a hug. 
After a few more quick goodbyes Hap was driving behind Kerry’s SUV on the way home. When they got back to the house Hap took Kasey for a quick walk while Kerry filled up some zip lock bags with snacks for Tig. By the time she had finished Happy was standing at her side. 
“So Jax is President, Chibs is Sargent at Arms, Opie is V.P?  Don’t you think Bobby is a better fit? Op has been through so much-“  
“Babe, no club talk.” Happy said washing his hands and grabbing a chocolate chip cookie with one hand a treat for Kasey with another. Kasey sat and gave him a paw and was rewarded with the treat and went to her bed. “These are amazing.” Happy lifted Kerry over his shoulder slapping her ass. “I’ve missed you.” He grunted. 
On the way past the front door he was sure to lock it. When they reached the bedroom Happy dropped her pulling off her pants. He pulled her top off and stepped back to admire her black lace bra and panties. 
“My sexy little girl.” Happy put his cut on the door. He started slowly working on his belt as Kerry licked her lips. “Is someone getting inpatient?”  
“I’m always inpatient for you.”  She said with a smirk. 
“Good, I love it.” Happy growled pulling off his clothes and climbing on the bed. 
Kerry woke up the next morning deliciously sore with Happy half on top of her. She wiggled as he groaned. 
“Are you trying to kill me, little girl?”  He muttered. 
They had spent the majority of the night frantically making love. Happy looked at his phone and when he saw no messages rolled onto his back pulling Kerry against him. 
“You’re staying here with me.” He said grinding himself against her as she sighed. 
“If only every morning could be like this.” Kerry mumbled. 
The pair spent the next two hours in bed before making it to the shower and Kerry started breakfast while Happy took Kasey for a walk. Happy and Kerry arrived at the clubhouse around 10:30. Gemma was still at work in the office so Kerry wandered into the clubhouse and when no one was around she walked outside to see the bays busy with work. Kerry walked over to the office and saw Gemma on the phone. Chucky walked into the office. 
“Chucky, when Gemma is free let her know I’m here and I’ll be in the clubhouse when she’s ready.”  
Gemma gave a wave as she was on the phone.  Kerry made her way into the clubhouse and got coffee started and Tig wandered out of his room when he smelled the coffee Kerry had brewed. 
“Kerry, you are the best.” Tig said sitting at the bar as Kerry put the coffee in front of him. 
“Anytime you want to talk I’m here.” Kerry said handing over the bag with rice crispy treats. 
“Sometimes I wonder why your here but then I think about you kicking Ima’s ass and I know you are as tough as nails maybe even more the Gemma.”  
“SAMCRO is my family. This is where I want to be here with Happy and everyone else.”  
“You two are lucky to have each other.”  
Kerry nodded and a few minutes later Gemma walked in. 
“I see sleeping beauty is awake.” Gemma said as Tig chuckled. 
“I got coffee and snacks. I’m good to go.”  
Gemma and Kerry enjoyed their manicure and pedicure then did a bit of shopping before returning to the clubhouse. 
0 notes
spaz8550 · 3 years
Love Me Harder Chapter 26
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Ch 26 
A few days later Kerry walked into the clubhouse dropping off brownies and cookies she helped bake with Abel and Thomas. 
“Lass, how are yeah?” Chibs asked as he and Bobby stopped talking. 
“I’m ok. I wanted to drop these off and go see Tara. Jax said she’s doing better.”  
“Kerry, I have to say you are the glue holding all this shit together. It’s bad and just seeing you around keeping everyone fed and helping with the boys is great.” Bobby said giving her shoulder a squeeze. 
“Did Koz’s brother get his cut?” Kerry said looking at her feet.  
“Yes, we had Dan bring it. Since he and Koz got close we figured he or Hap would be the best. Hap didn’t want to leave you with everything going on.”  Bobby said as Kerry nodded. “Dan’s doing good in Tacoma. I know you were worried about him but he’s a good fit. The Tacoma chapter say he’s a good prospect.”  Bobby continued. 
“Good, he needed something-  a family.”  
“You’ve been a breath of fresh air around here, lass.” Chibs said frowning a bit as Tig stumbled out of his room looking worse for wear. 
“Tig, sit down and I’ll get a coffee and something greasy.”  Kerry said noticing the dark circles around his eyes. 
“Your too good.” Tig said flopping on the couch as he put an arm over his eyes. 
After making some eggs and bacon for Tig and BLT sandwiches for Bobby and Chibs Kerry made her way to the hospital. Tara still seemed to be in a funk but she listened to Kerry talk about the boys and looked at some cards that Abel had created. 
“Kerry, has Wendy Case been around?” Tara asked. 
“No, not that I have seen. I’ve been in and out to check in at the club house and a meet the teacher event.”  
“If you see her tell Jax. We don’t want her around. The doctors say I should be going home in a day or two.”  Kerry nodded and after saying goodbye made her way to the school to pick up some more paperwork before going home. 
The days following were spent the same way. Kerry and Gemma spent most of time with Abel and Thomas at Jax and Tara’s house. Kerry brought Kasey who kept Abel busy while she helped with cooking for the club and caring for Thomas. Kerry was spending time with Abel reading books and drawing both of which were something he requested when she walked through the door. The following day Tara would be returning home. Kerry was going to spend the day putting together meals as Gemma and a few of the crow eaters cleaned. Kerry saw the bruises on Gemma’s face and how skittish she had been at the mention of Clay. Abel was at the table making a large poster for Tara. 
“You are quite the artist.” Kerry said giving his hair a ruffle as she took a break from making pasta sauce. 
“I miss mommy, Auntie Kerry.”  
“Me too but she will be home today. She is going to love the poster.”  
“Auntie Kerry, when can I go to your school? I want to go to school like Ellie and Kenny.”  
Kerry smiled. 
“Soon, little man.I love to hear you want to go to school.”  
“I want to read books like you and mommy.”   
Kerry stayed around till Tara returned home and then stopped by the local Chinese restaurant on the way home to pick up dinner for her and Hap. Happy arrived home looking exhausted. 
“I hate those Irish sons of bitches.” He mumbled grabbing a beer. 
“What happened?”  
“They have a house of babies. Just like in Ireland.”  Kerry frowned as Happy continued, “We had to go there with Galen. Jax lost it after what happened with Abel. I wanted to go off too.”  
Kerry wrapped her arms around Happy, these moments that they had alone were the only time that things felt right in the world. Later that night there was a shooting at the clubhouse and Clay ended up in the hospital. Kerry and Happy arrived after a call from Chibs. 
“Where is Bobby?”  Tig asks as Chibs pointed out that Juice was missing as well. Kerry sat with Gemma who has been receiving updates from the doctors. 
“So they were black? Niners?” Tig asked Unser who had been talking to sheriff. 
“Had to be.” Chibs said. 
“I can’t be sure. I didn’t see colors.” Unser walked off to check on Gemma. 
“This is on me. Clay wanted me to stay. He has a feeling something was going on.” 
“We don’t know nothing yet, Tiggy.” Chibs said as he and Happy tried to talk to Tig.  
“He asked for help and I turned my back.” Tig said shaking his head as he stalked off. Gemma went to get an update as Kerry stood at Happy’s side. 
“I’m worried about Tig.” 
After a few hours Jax arrived and he briefly spoke to Chibs and Happy before leaving. 
“Kerry, you should go home. You’ve spent the day taking care of the boys and you should rest.” Gemma said. 
“I’m going to stay.”  
Gemma nodded. 
“I’m going home. I’ll be back tomorrow.”  
Kerry stayed with Happy and Chibs for several hours until V. Lin and Rat arrived. 
“Go get some sleep.” Happy said in the early hours of the morning. 
“I can stay-“  
“You need to rest. Rat, drive Kerry home and stay around until I come back.” 
Rat nodded as Kerry sighed. 
“Ok, if you’re not back by 10 I’m coming by with coffee and breakfast for you all.” She said. 
When she got back to the house she gave Rat a blanket as he settled in on the couch and Kerry brought Kasey upstairs. She tossed and turned before falling into a light sleep for a few hours. At 10 she walked through the doors of the hospital with coffee and muffins for the club members who were gathered around. 
“I’m going to go check in on Gemma.”  Kerry said as Happy nodded. “I don’t need an escort. Mary is going to stop by the house for lunch.”  
“Lass if you stop by the clubhouse can you check in on Tiggy? He’s not answering his phone.” Chibs said as Kerry nodded. 
“Bobby, Juice, and Opie?”  The two men shrugged. “I’ll check with Lyla about Opie and let you know.”  Kerry stopped by Gemma and Clay’s house to see Gemma finishing a coffee. “Do you need anything?”  
Gemma shook her head. 
“The hospital called and Clay is going in for another surgery. I’’m going over to spend some time with Tara and the boys. No sense in me being at the hospital when there is nothing I can do.”  
Kerry nodded and sat at the table. 
“If you need to talk or vent I’m here.”  Gemma nodded and sighed. “It’s dark times here and you have been one of the people holding it together. Have you seen Tig, Bobby, Juice, or Opie?”  
Gemma frowned. 
“Bobby would never take off. The other three like to run or in Tig’s case drown himself in crow eaters.”  
“I’m going to check with Lyla. I doubt Opie would go to her but you never know.”  
“Kerry, be careful. Op is not in a good place. What I am going to say can’t leave this room. Piney is dead- I can’t say any more then that.” Kerry’s eyes widened as Gemma frowned. “Op has been through a lot. Loosing Donna and all that shit with Lyla. She was never cut out to be an old lady. She’s not strong and meant for this life. It’s just you and me.” Gemma said giving Kerry’s hand a squeeze before she stood. “Just check the clubhouse for Tiggy. I’ll call him too and make sure he’s ok.”  
“Ok, I’m going to go by the clubhouse and then I’m going to the diner to meet Mary for lunch. If you and Tara would like to join us.”  
“I’ll think about it and let you know.”  
Kerry headed for the clubhouse as Gemma went to Jax and Tara’s house. Much to Kerry’s annoyance the clubhouse was empty and the two crow eaters she found hadn’t seen or heard from Tig. Kerry sat at the picnic table to call Lyla. 
“Lyla, it’s me. Have you seen or heard from Opie?”  
“I picked him up last night and he’s crashing on my couch while I’m at work.”  
“Thank god. Clay was shot last night and everyone was worried about the guys who were missing. Did he mention seeing Tig, Bobby, or Juice?”  
“No, he said that he had talked to Jax and he knew where he was.”  
“Ok, well… that’s good. How have you been?”  
“I’m ok. I know I’ve been a real shitty friend but I can’t really be around the club with how things are with Op and I.”  
“I understand. I miss you and Piper though. Sometime soon we will have to plan either lunch or shopping.”  
“Sure, I know with school starting you’ll be busy but we can work something out.”  Kerry and Lyla ended the call and she called Happy. 
“Hap, I checked the clubhouse and no sign of Tig, Juice, and Bobby. Opie is with Lyla. Gemma is going to try to call Tig.” 
“Jax is going to check in Stockton to see if Bobby made it together yesterday. Be safe.”  
“You too. I love you.”  
“You too.” 
Kerry arrived at the diner a few minutes before Mary and she assumed that Gemma and Tara would not be joining them. Kerry enjoyed the lunch with Mary who spent the time chatting about her classroom designs and upcoming trip to Vegas. 
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spaz8550 · 3 years
I Hope
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Vikings AU
Inspired by the song by Gabby Barrett
Warnings: mention of cheating, swearing
“Bjorn, I don’t see why I need to be here for this.” Ivar hissed following his eldest brother into his newest venture a nightclub in Kattegat that he had opened with Ubbe and Torvi. Ubbe and Hvitserk were already sitting in the VIP section that had a view of the stage along with Bjorn’s wife, Gunnhild. The club was already busy and loud which was beginning to piss off Ivar. 
The past year had been the messiest of his life. The spiral started when he cheated on his fiancee with their wedding planner. Ivar shook his head trying not to think of the venomous Inga who ruined his life. Inga was the opposite of his Liv. Originally Ivar thought her boldness was attractive at but it quickly led to deceit. Two months after Liv found them in bed and called off the wedding Inga announced she was pregnant. Ivar was quick to move her into his large house and cater to her needs even though his family wanted proof the pregnancy was real and he was the father of her unborn baby.  
“Ivar, you are my brother and I want you to see this. We have a special guest performing tonight. The club has been a success and has already made back everything it took to build it and so we are making a profit. Even Hvitserk came back from his travels to celebrate.” Bjorn’s statement drew Ivar out of his dark thoughts and he scowled as he settled into a sofa as a waitress came over with a round of beers. 
“Ubbe, where is Torvi?” Ivar said noticing his brother’s wife strangely absent as she was always at Ubbe’s side. 
“She is here. Just in the office and will be joining us shortly.”  Ubbe said trying not to smirk looking at Bjorn. 
“Ivar, no new women in your life?” Gunnhild asked sipping her drink. 
“No, I have decided to take a break. As you know Inga made a mess of things.” Ivar said as Hvitserk snickered. “Hvitserk, I am surprised you returned from your travels.” Ivar spat. 
“I have enjoyed seeing the word and I have met someone. She’ll be joining us later.”  
Ivar frowned not liking the idea that he would be the only one without a woman on his arm, he cursed the day he took Inga to his bed and ruined things with Liv. Liv was his only childhood friend the only person who saw him as more than a cripple, as more than Ubbe and Hvitserk and Sigurd’s brother, as more than Ragnar’s and Aslaug’s angry son. The lights on stage flickered as Torvi walked on stage and the loud music stopped. 
“As you all know tonight we have a special guest here. Many of you will know her and remember seeing her sing here in Kattegat before she became famous. Give a warm welcome to Liv.”  
Ivar’s jaw dropped as Bjorn, Ubbe, and Hvitserk watched his reaction. Liv looked the same but was dressed very glamorous. Torvi rejoined the group as the crowds applause finally died down. 
“Kattegat, it’s been awhile. I’ve missed my home and my friends. When I heard that Bjorn, Ubbe, and Torvi were opening this club I knew I would need to make an appearance. Bjorn and Ubbe are like my big brothers. Torvi is my best friend.”  
Liv played a few of her upbeat songs dancing around the stage as the crowd sang and cheered, Gunnhild and Torvi were singing and dancing around the VIP section. Ivar caught Ubbe, Hvitserk, and Bjorn tapping their feet and singing along a few times. Ivar kept his eyes glued on her and the few times she glanced in that direction her eyes didn’t land on him, almost like she was avoiding him. 
“Kattegat, now I’m going to sing one last song for you. This one goes out to anyone who has ever had their heart ripped out of their chest, who has ever been hurt by that person who they thought loved them, and if you’ve ever been cheated on and came out a better person this one is for you. I wrote this one at a dark time and if you’ve ever been through this it gets better. This is my latest single I Hope.”  
The crowd roared their approval and Liv’s eyes finally locked on Ivar’s as she began to sing. Ivar felt his heart thudding in his chest and the words cut deep. He had heard this song on the radio and didn’t realize it was Liv. The crowd was clapping and singing along and Ivar felt his heart breaking as he felt everything that Liv went through because of him. When the song ended the crowd roared their approval. Liv bowed and waved before making her way to the VIP section sipping a bottle of water. 
“You were amazing.” Torvi said hugging her and the Gunnhild and then Ubbe, Bjorn, and Hvitserk who seemed to linger. Hvitserk ushered Liv to sit next to him as Ivar scowled. 
“Ivar.” Liv said narrowing her eyes. 
“Liv, it’s good to see you.” Ivar said his eyes raking over her as Liv sighed. 
“So I heard that Inga chewed you up and spit you out. How did it feel?”  Ivar felt like he was slapped but what was he expecting? He narrowed his eyes seeing Hvitserk’s hand on her knee. 
“Liv, it’s so good to see you. It has been far to long.”  Bjorn said as the others agreed. 
“Well, I have been traveling the world and making music. People can really relate to those songs about a broken heart.” Ivar launched himself to his feet as he saw Hvitserk squeeze her knee. 
“Are you fucking him?” Ivar spat. 
“Like that is your business. You lost the right to ask those questions a long time ago!” Hvitserk said standing up and blocking Ivar’s view of Liz. 
“Calm down.” Bjorn said getting between them and forcing Ivar to sit down. Ivar glanced Liv grabbing Hvitserk’s hand as he sat down too. 
“So it’s true. You’re fucking my brother.” Ivar said putting his head in his hands. 
“I picked the wrong brother all those years ago. I thought you had a heart and weren’t cold like everyone thought you were but I was wrong. You have no heart Ivar and think only of yourself. You never cared about me or anyone but yourself and now you are all alone.” Ivar glanced up to see his brothers watching his reaction. 
“I don’t need any of you.” He spat before making his way out of the club. 
“Do you feel better?” Hvitserk asked kissing Liv’s cheek.  
“Yes, I needed to say that. It felt good.”  
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spaz8550 · 4 years
Love some needy Steve Rogers!
Title:  Greedy
Author:  Mimi @captain-rogers-beard
Summary:  Steve’s need for you is overwhelming, desperate, and downright greedy.
Characters:  Steve Rogers x female reader
Square Filled:  Beard Burn
Word Count:  686
Warnings:  SMUT, oral sex (female receiving), desperate, needy Steve
Author’s Notes:  This was written for @ne-gans​ Seven Deadly Sins Challenge. My sin was Greed (an intense and selfish desire for something) with Steve. I had to write smut and keep it below 1,000 words. Also written for @star-spangled-bingo​ and the square beard burn. 
***My work is not to be posted on any other sites (AO3, Wattpad, etc.) without my express written permission. Reblogs are fine.***
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Keep reading
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spaz8550 · 4 years
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spaz8550 · 4 years
So sad to hear
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Rest In Peace, king💔
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spaz8550 · 4 years
Finally getting the next chapter of Love Me Harder written, I legit feel like Quinn and Happy here!
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spaz8550 · 4 years
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(via GIPHY)
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spaz8550 · 4 years
Colm Keegan formerly of Celtic Thunder and his wife Laura Durrant performing Galway Girl, Johnny Cash style in Boston in 2014. Celebrating with some live Irish music on St. Patricks Day. 
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spaz8550 · 4 years
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spaz8550 · 4 years
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23 years ago one of my all time favorite shows premiered, Buffy The Vampire Slayer! Sarah Michele Geller inspired me to stand up for myself. These two vampires helped lead me down a long path of vampire obsession. Thanks Spike and Angel!
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spaz8550 · 4 years
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