spanish-burn · 11 years
What a lovely hot mess :3
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spanish-burn · 11 years
Reporter Pranked with Fake Pilot Names
We’re all going to hell for laughing at this.
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spanish-burn · 11 years
My hero!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
I had a dream last night where me and my boyfriend went to supercon, and he was dressed as Riku and I was dressed as Sora(cause he’s pale and tall and I’m tan and shorter… also I’m muscular but he’s a guy so he has more than I do.)
and we held hands and actually acted out the parts as Sora and...
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spanish-burn · 11 years
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spanish-burn · 11 years
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spanish-burn · 11 years
Why can't I live in the world of my video games?
I mean, sure I'd be dead in a week, but I'd be so much happier.
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spanish-burn · 11 years
Okay, this one isn't as bad actually. I'm actually really intrigued by this genre actually. I FOUND MARCHING BAND FANFICTION!!!! Squeee~♥ I'm like, in love with marching band, it's freaking amazing, and there's a lot of tension between the bands, so unfortunately, every single one is a Romeo & Juliet tale-of-the-star-crossed-lovers deal. Dang.
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spanish-burn · 11 years
So I'm a member on a fanfiction website and I was looking for a certain kind of genre so I used the alphabetical list and you know what I found? PONG. FANFICTION. Pong. The first video game ever. and not only pong fanfiction, MATURE RATED PONG FANFICTION.
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spanish-burn · 11 years
You know what?!
I'm so blarg right now. I mean, honestly I have next to no one following me so screw it, I'm gonna rant.
I'm with this guy now. He's totally amazing and I love him, but he's well, he's been hurt before and he's scared of "love". He really does like me and he cares about me and everything, but we only see each other once a week. I'm dying to see him and he wants to see me, but we never had the time. He went camping today and well, he won't be back for 4 days. While he's gone on those 4 days, he won't be there on the only day I get to see him. I know this sounds completely and utterly desperate and stupid, but I really really really want to see him again. I haven't seen him for a week now and now I probably won't see him for another one. Agh, just screw it.
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spanish-burn · 11 years
So a few days ago...
I had a sleepover. It was pretty fun, I usually only have them on special occasions so this was nice. I don't know if I want to have one every week because all the talk of drama is draining =_=
Anyways, one of my friends was sleeping over and well, she fell asleep while we were watching a movie, but it was a good movie, so I continued to watch it. When the movie was over, I turned off the lights and tv, and started to go to sleep. Suddenly my friend sits up and makes the loudest whale sound at 2 in the morning known to man. I was so confused and before I could ask anything she laid back down and continued sleeping.
hahahahaha. I love my friends.
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spanish-burn · 11 years
So guess what?
Here's summer and theres a buttload of drama, because y'know, whats summer without drama? Hmm, idk, PEACEFUL?! Agh, screw this shit.
Anyways, square enix and disney have put out an announcement saying that Kingdom Hearts III is officially in the making and ohmigod,may I just say that mature Sora looks a whole lot like Cloud and nyaaaaah, he's looking fiiiiine! ♥ I don't even know what Riku looks like yet! :3
I only saw the announcement trailer and it looks like flowmotion but, it's not. So I'm  just guessing Sora got some ninja skills and such. Haley Joel Osment's voice got deeper too. Nyaaaaah, I can't get over how good Sora looks!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
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spanish-burn · 11 years
Nyrgahurg!!! Nyaaaaaah!
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My Sun and Stars in the Desolation of Smaug trailer
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spanish-burn · 11 years
Excuse me while I go fangirl for awhile....
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WhoLock AU: Sherlock is consulted on a case concerning a missing persons.
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spanish-burn · 11 years
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requested by riveralwaysknew
DOCTOR WHO AU/DOCTOR WHO AS A ROMCOM TRAILER └ Rose Tyler and River Song hang out.
inspired by x
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spanish-burn · 11 years
Holy shit, is that David Tennant?
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OMG this is so awesome
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spanish-burn · 11 years
One of those days where you wake up and think “just fuck my life.” And then you progress through the day and even at the tiniest mistake you lash out on yourself. One of those days where you want to ignore your own existence because when you think about all you mistakes you made, you want to scream and kick and punch shouting at the top of your lungs “JUST FUCK MY FUCKING PATHETIC EXCUSE OF AN EXISTENCE!”
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spanish-burn · 11 years
Yeah, no idea what this is...
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