somethoughtsinablog · 2 years
roe v wade & abortion rights
firstly, what in the 1950s patriarchal fuckary
my first post, is a bit on the current situation in the us regarding the loss of abortion rights. and consequently, the rights of anyone with a uterus.
healthcare, yes, abortion, is not a political matter. In 2016, the WHO and the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights stated that: The right to health is a fundamental part of our human rights and of our understanding of a life in dignity. Ironically, and quite importantly, in 1946 the WHO said in its constitution that “the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition.” This was also included in the Universal declaration of human rights, 1948 (article twenty-five) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural rights, 1966.
Now, it’s probably worth mentioning that America haven’t even signed the human rights constitution. So, it’s mostly expected that they won’t acknowledge it.
The pro choice/ pro life argument, is an argument wrongly placed; regardless of your opinion, it shouldn’t matter. Unless it’s your body, why should you have an opinion? if you disagree, just don’t do it? (the topic of religion regarding abortion rights also contradicts the WHO’s constitution, but considering their stance on the human basic rights, whose surprised?) Is it respectful, pushing your religion and beliefs onto other people? Or is that quite literally what i’m doing by writing this?
To summarise, i frankly don’t care whether your pro life or pro choice. But the freedom right to healthcare, should never be illegal. Whether it’s a procedure to save the pregnant person’s life, or a procedure because they don’t want to be pregnant, why should our opinions influence theirs? The choice, in its self can save lives. mental health and physical health.
Other people’s future and decisions regarding bodies are not, and never will be ours to dictate.
reference credits:
Universal Declaration of Human Rights https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights
& There Is A Human Right To Health, And This Is How It Works, by Katie Jukes for Each Other 
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