solace-star · 15 hours
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He looks mad
I wonder who he is arguing with? 🤔
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solace-star · 7 days
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I made it into a comic.
It's more brutal in my head but I did my best on the blood and on everything
I asked how Zhiyou met MK, but what about Nezha? How did they become close?
Nezha: It's best if I answer this. We don't talk about it but I found him by chance. If I didn't...he would have died from where Wukong left him. As for when we got close...it just happened.
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solace-star · 8 days
Will there be any more info about Scarlet? I was really hooked by your lil comic.
I have been getting to find a reason to draw him lately. I've been neglecting him for a while.
But I did have a storyline for him which is WIP at the moment.
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solace-star · 8 days
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"I like a lot of things." - Zhiyou
"I like you." -MK
MK would unknowingly confess out of nowhere and be embarrassed about it and Zhiyou didn't know what to say about that (considering he was just questioning his feelings for MK since the fight with Azure)
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solace-star · 9 days
I asked how Zhiyou met MK, but what about Nezha? How did they become close?
Nezha: It's best if I answer this. We don't talk about it but I found him by chance. If I didn't...he would have died from where Wukong left him. As for when we got close...it just happened.
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solace-star · 11 days
"You're going to be okay...." -Nezha
With the help of Rai, Zhiyou didn't suffer anymore than he should have. Any longer he would've died because of the pain.
And Nezha thinks that's enough. As long as Zhiyou breathes, as long as Nezha could see him alive and smiling, it was enough for him.
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solace-star · 13 days
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I realized I haven't posted about Zhiyou's powers yet only in TikTok so here it is for now.
I'll make a new one soon.
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solace-star · 13 days
We know that MK is afraid of spiders. Are you afraid them too, Zhiyou? And if you are not, then what are you afraid of?
Zhiyou thinks Spiders are cute so he wasn't afraid of them. Also he gets along with them because he can make webs with his puppet strings.
As for what he's afraid of...well.
Let's just say Zhiyou's afraid of someone in particular.
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solace-star · 13 days
Have you ever eaten ice cream? What's your favorite favor? Is there ice cream in Celestial Realm?
There is no ice cream in the celestial realm, unfortunately. But Zhiyou always brings things from the human realm for Nezha to experienced and yes, that includes ice cream.
Zhiyou's favourite ice cream is Chocolate and Strawberry.
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solace-star · 14 days
Nezha would look good in it too.
I will add that to the list of things to draw for later....
Hiii, Zhiyou! You and Nezha seem to be close friends. Have you ever visited his temple? How is it? Is it clean there? (I'm curious if the Nezha cleans everything there to shine-) What's the aura like there? Are there many lotuses? Lots of pink? 😏 /j
Of course, Zhiyou had been in Nezha's Temple! He practically lived there with him!
And Of course it's clean, Nezha is very strict with that.
If the title of Nezha's have didn't give you the hint enough, Zhiyou is calling the temple the lotus palace for how much pink it is.
Though, there are a few white spring starflowers that were begining to grow there but Nezha didn't really pay much attention to it.
He did like it. It reminds him of a certain someone.
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solace-star · 14 days
They're really are! They small too!
Hiii, Zhiyou! You and Nezha seem to be close friends. Have you ever visited his temple? How is it? Is it clean there? (I'm curious if the Nezha cleans everything there to shine-) What's the aura like there? Are there many lotuses? Lots of pink? 😏 /j
Of course, Zhiyou had been in Nezha's Temple! He practically lived there with him!
And Of course it's clean, Nezha is very strict with that.
If the title of Nezha's have didn't give you the hint enough, Zhiyou is calling the temple the lotus palace for how much pink it is.
Though, there are a few white spring starflowers that were begining to grow there but Nezha didn't really pay much attention to it.
He did like it. It reminds him of a certain someone.
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solace-star · 14 days
Previously, I tried to keep my hyperfixation under control, but now I really wonder what the relationship was between Zhiyou and Lady Bone Demon- At what age did she adopted him? How did she treat him? How did the Zhiyou's brothers feel about Lady being the mentor??? 😵‍💫😲
I'll give you the context without much detail into Zhiyou's past.
He was found as a baby(like about a few months old) by General (Mayor).
LBD treats him as her apprentice or son but she was too focused on her destiny and goal to actually treat him like one.
And about Wukong and Macaque?
They didn't know.
Until Macaque was brought back from the dead.
And who was it that imprisoned LBD in the first place?
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solace-star · 14 days
Hiii, Zhiyou! You and Nezha seem to be close friends. Have you ever visited his temple? How is it? Is it clean there? (I'm curious if the Nezha cleans everything there to shine-) What's the aura like there? Are there many lotuses? Lots of pink? 😏 /j
Of course, Zhiyou had been in Nezha's Temple! He practically lived there with him!
And Of course it's clean, Nezha is very strict with that.
If the title of Nezha's have didn't give you the hint enough, Zhiyou is calling the temple the lotus palace for how much pink it is.
Though, there are a few white spring starflowers that were begining to grow there but Nezha didn't really pay much attention to it.
He did like it. It reminds him of a certain someone.
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solace-star · 15 days
It's a Very Tiring Day
Have a nap!
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After the meeting and hatching the 'plan', Zhiyou decided to have Nezha to take a nap. He is injured and needed more rest to preserved energy in this battle. But what he didn't know is that Zhiyou is equally tired as well, emotionally, mentally tired because of being trapped in the scroll.
Before they knew it, they fell asleep just beside each other.
The StarFlower duo everyone!!
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solace-star · 22 days
Also here's me drawing my oc into that scene :P
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solace-star · 25 days
It seems Zhiyou and MK are very close...
Zhiyou, what was your first meeting with MK? What did you think about him(?) when you saw MK for the very first time?
Childish, is my first impression of MK.
We met, quite oddly enough, in the streets in the morning. He was delivering orders, as I went to get breakfast. I suddenly had a small panic attack at the smell of peaches and honey. And MK noticed and helped me calm down.
It was a coincidence that we met, I wasn't planning on talking to him, just observing from the distance to see what type of a human ended up to be Wukong's student. It escalated from there. I still do it, just in close proximity.
And even now, I still think of him as Childish. He's too similar to Wukong...
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solace-star · 25 days
Zhiyou, If you don't mind me asking, what is this scar on your cheek? Is it healed or fresh? Does it still hurt when you touch it? Why don't you wear a patch? (Aren't you afraid of getting blood infection?)
The scar. Hmn.
How should I explain... The first question, it's not fresh. It's decades old, it's mostly like a burn type of a scar. It went all the way to my ears (one ear is already half because of this injury).
As for touching it, I don't feel it since it's already healed. But I do feel phantom pain whenever I am reminded of it. I think the trigger was what you humans call, PTSD.
I disguised it for a few hundred years after I got it with a mirage. I hid it whenever I went to the human world but time passed and I learned to accept that scar and let it show up.
Though, I am comfortable showing it, I'm not comfortable talking about how I got it yet.
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