softiee-babyy ¡ 3 years
Shawn Mendes is like the only western celebrity who has raised awareness about what’s happening in India. The amount of respect I’ve for him has increased so much.// Jay Shetty started the initiative so. . . . .🙄
Yeah ik that and I utterly respect him for that. But I'm telling about how a celeb like Shawn who has a huge platform raised awareness for us unlike others.
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softiee-babyy ¡ 3 years
Shawn Mendes is like the only western celebrity who has raised awareness about what's happening in India. The amount of respect I've for him has increased so much.
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softiee-babyy ¡ 3 years
Hey nice fic!
Hey! Omg TYSM! This means alot!❤️😭
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softiee-babyy ¡ 3 years
hey guys so i posted this fic! check it out ig??
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Summary: The one where Y/N cheats on Shawn. And he gets really devastated and heartbroken. Shawn starts drinking a lot and starts sleeping with any random model every night to ease/ ignore his pain.
1.2k words.
P.S. This is my first time writing a fic on here. So pardon any mistakes. ❤
Keep reading
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softiee-babyy ¡ 3 years
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Summary: The one where Y/N cheats on Shawn. And he gets really devastated and heartbroken. Shawn starts drinking a lot and starts sleeping with any random model every night to ease/ ignore his pain.
1.2k words.
P.S. This is my first time writing a fic on here. So pardon any mistakes. ❤
Finally, a sense of relief rushed through me as my world tour was finally over. I felt really relaxed cause at last now I’ll be getting more time to spend with my beautiful girlfriend y/n. As I was on my way to our shared apartment I started missing her more and more by every minute that passed. I wanted to see her, feel her, touch her, tease her, caress her and please her. Alas! The car stopped in front the huge multi story building in whose apartment me and y/n live. To say I was excited would be an understatement, I was feeling like kid whose parent bought him to a huge toy store and gave him the permission to buy anything. I exchanged pleasantries with the receptionist at the front of the lobby and patiently waited for an elevator. As I stepped in the elevator and it’s doors started closing a feeling a nervousness and excitement rushed through me, it’s been six months since I’ve seen my baby y/n . This is gonna be a surprise foe her, as I didn’t told her that I’m coming back today, I’m eagerly waiting to see her reaction to this surprise. Finally, the elevator stopped at the 27th floor and steeped out of it and started making my way to our apartment through the hallway.  I slowly inserted the key into the keyhole of our doorknob. I smoothly opened the door, and yelled “ I’M BACK HOME Y/N”
I expected her to run towards me as soon as she would’ve have heard this, but I didn’t saw her coming towards me at all. Instead I heard some noises, not normal sounds, those were of someone moaning, and those moans aren’t of someone else, they’re of y/n- I know this cause I could recognize her voice even from miles away- “Don’t worry shawn nothing’s wrong, she might just be pleasuring herself” my subconscious mind is telling me this . I don’t  know what to do, maybe she’s just enjoying herself, but what if she’s doing what a part of my mind is telling me that she’s doing. I finally mustered up some courage and made my way to our bedroom. I slowly turned the doorknob and braced myself for whatever’s gonna happen next. The door slowly opened to reveal me a sight which was more than heartbreaking for me. At first, I thought this is just an illusion and none of this is true but, There she was, my pretty y/n fucking another man on our bed, on which we used to make so much love and memories. She clearly hadn’t noticed me till now, cause if she would’ve, she’d clearly be jumping off that man and explaining to me the reasons of why she did, what she did.
Finally, her filthy little eyes-whom once were the most prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen- met mine. She did exactly what I thought she’d do, she jumped off of him, grabbed her clothes and started walking towards me with her head hanged low. She looked up at me with her teary eyes but she didn’t say anything instead she started crying, I almost got tempted to forgive her and wrap my arms around her tiny body, cause I can’t see her in pain. But I kept telling myself  that “it’s her fault”, “you did nothing wrong”, “she should be sorry” to keep me from losing my composure. Finally she spoke something, more like she whispered something, “Shawn I-“ , I quickly cut her off by saying ,”Save it”. She starts sobbing more harder and to be honest it kinda hurt me to see her like this, but it’s her fault, she bought this upon herself. “Shawn atleast please listen to me once”, she spoke in her tiny voice, “No I won’t, cause you’re the one who broke my trust, you cheated on me, and expect me to listen to you huh?” , “Shawn I had reasons”, “What reasons? Wasn’t I enough for you?” I firmly asked this question to her, but she didn’t answer, she just kept whimpering her sobbing. “Do not ever show me your dirty face ever again, we’re over, everything we had between us is over, I trusted and loved you with all my heart, but I never expected you to do something like this to me. I hope you enjoyed playing with my feelings. Have a great life ahead, but don’t expect me to be in it. Goodbye Y/N!” It took every ounce of strength that I had in me to say those words and to leave her fragile body sobbing on the doorway with that stranger still lying on our bed and walk out the room and apartment without ever looking back.
I walked out the building in pure rage, I was raged not because of y/n but because I started thinking myself as a lower person to that mediocre man whom y/n was cheating on me with. Thousands of questions were running through my mind and my blood was boiling. I don’t know what I was doing my body was not in control of my mind, I started running on the road ,to god knows where, I didn’t cared about any vehicles hitting me, cause the only thought that was going through my mind were about y/n. I almost got hit by a car but I didn’t cared, I kept on running, and screaming y/n’s name. Some fans noticed me and started running behind me, I somehow dodged them. But then suddenly I saw camera lights flashing at me, and there I saw dozens of paps surrounding me and taking pictures of me, asking me non-sense questions, I was not ready to answer any of them, so I pushed them all away. I don’t care what the headlines tomorrow are gonna be tomorrow, I just want to escape the terrible thing that I witnessed right now, I just wanna run away from this pain.
My mind was not working, my body was not in my control, and my heart was gone numb. I’m now at my house, I don’t know what to do, I’m just laying on my couch being all surrounded by alcoholic bottles, and thinking about how the love of my life betrayed me.
It’s been 3 weeks since y/n cheated on me, everyday felt the same, everything was blurry, y/n had called & texted me countless amount of time but I didn’t answered it, cause I didn’t had the strength to. All that my days were consisted of was drinking and hooking up with random models, it didn’t ease the pain but it most definitely made me ignore it. It still felt like a bad nightmare, but I had to accept the harsh reality. I still remember the day when I first met y/n. She accidently spilled her coffee on me and bought me a shirt in spite of me telling her no multiple times. Her cheekiness & down to earth nature attracted me towards her the most. And I was certain that it was love at first sight at least for me.
All thoughts about y/n were clouding my mind when the sound of my mobile phone’s ringtone interrupted my thought process. And It was who I expected it to be. MISS Y/N Y/L/N. I was confused on whether to pick up the call or decline it. After a few seconds of thinking, I finally decided to pick up the call.
Y/N: Hello, shawn…
 Hey! Thank you so much for reading this. I hope u liked it. Pardon my mistakes. Also sorry for the cliffhanger, but the rest of the story will be revealed in the next part 😊
p.s. send me some fic ideas/requests...
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softiee-babyy ¡ 3 years
C'mon y'all send some requests. I'm bored and really wanna write something!!!
hey guys! so i was thinking about writing some fics….. so please send me some blurb ideas/suggestions???
p.s. it’d be better if it’s of shawn, 1d or justin.
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softiee-babyy ¡ 3 years
hey guys! so i was thinking about writing some fics..... so please send me some blurb ideas/suggestions???
p.s. it’d be better if it’s of shawn, 1d or justin.
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softiee-babyy ¡ 3 years
Reblog if you're gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, transgender or a supporter.
This should be reblogged by everyone. Even if you’re straight, you should be a supporter.
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softiee-babyy ¡ 3 years
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👏🏾Education 👏🏾is 👏🏾a 👏🏾right,👏🏾 not👏🏾 a👏🏾 service 👏🏾
Pass along and use the shit out of them
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softiee-babyy ¡ 3 years
Whats your age?
I'm 16 lol
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softiee-babyy ¡ 3 years
What does babu mean? I'm brown and idk . Is it like "oh my babu, your so cute!" Or something? Does it mean the same as baby/bubba? I'm sorry I'm so clueless lol.
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softiee-babyy ¡ 3 years
Let’s be intersectional, shall we?
- if you cannot handle and accept having a child who will reject your religious beliefs, do not have a child.
- if you cannot handle and accept having a gay child, do not have a child.
- if you cannot handle and accept having a transgender child, do not have a child.
- if you cannot handle and accept having a child with physical or intellectual disabilities, do not have a child.
- if you cannot handle and accept having a child who is fat, do not have a child.
- if you cannot handle and accept having a child who is neuroatypical, do not have a child.
- if you cannot handle and accept having a child whose appearance is not what you expected (recessive genes and parental secrets are real), do not have a child.
Altogether too many people seem to be laboring under the staggeringly false belief that children are not autonomous human beings of complete intrinsic value regardless of whether they match parental life fantasies. Nothing is promised to you. Nothing is owed to you. If you can’t commit yourself to understanding and accepting that before you even begin to think about children, don’t have children. Get a pet. Collect dolls. Find a hobby. You aren’t prepared for the extreme challenge and extraordinary blessing of parenting.
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softiee-babyy ¡ 3 years
Writing Websites
1. a website with a list of superpowers and what they are
2. a website that generates random au ideas
3. a website that generates names, basic info and futures in a bunch of languages
4. a website that checks your grammar
5. website that lists types of execution in the states
6. a website with info on death certificates
7. a website with info on the four manners of death
8. a website with info on the black plague
9. website with information on depression
10. a website with info on the four types of suicide
11. website that lists famous quotes
12. website with different kinds of quotes
13. a website with info on food in every country
14. a website with a list of different colors
15. website with a list of medieval jobs
16. website with a list of fabrics
17. website with a list of flowers and pictures
18. website with a list of flowers and no pictures
19. website with a list of poisonous plants
20. website with a list of poisonous and non-poisonous plants
21. website with a list of things not to feed your animals
22. website with a list of poisons that can be used to kill people
23. website with info on the international date line
24. website with a list of food allergies
25. website with a list of climates
26. website with info on allergic reactions
27. website with info on fahrenheit and celsius 
28. website with info on color blindness
29. website with a list of medical equipment
30. website with a list of bugs
31. website with an alphabetic list of bugs and their scientific name
32. website with a list of eye colors
33. website (wikipedia sorry) with list of drinks
34. website with a list of religions
35. website with a list of different types of doctors and what they do
36. website (wikipedia again sorry) with a list of hair colors
37. website that generates fantasy names
38. website with a list of body language
39. website with a list of disabilities
40. website with an alphabetic list of disabilities
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softiee-babyy ¡ 3 years
I still don't understand why ppl look up to him. He's a pure asshole. Schools should fuckin stop glorifying him.
What's wrong with Gandhi?
Where do I begin?
- Criticized the Jews for defending themselves against the Holocaust because he insisted that they should have committed public mass suicide in order to “shame” the Germans instead of fighting back. His exact words were, “But the Jews should have offered themselves to the butcher’s knife. They should have thrown themselves into the sea from the cliffs. As it is, they succumbed anyway in their millions.”
- Wrote an open letter to the British people in 1940 telling them to surrender to the Axis even if it mean accepting genocide.
- Was very anti-black. I hope you can stomach reading how he treated black people in South Africa. It’s fucking disgusting.
- Refused his wife life-saving medication (for religious reasons), but those religious reasons all of a sudden no longer applied to him when he was in a similar position.
- Refused to have sex with his wife for the last 38 years of their marriage. He felt that in order to test his commitment to celibacy, he would have beautiful young women (including his own great niece) lie next to him naked through the night. His wife, whom he described as looking like a “meek cow” was no longer desirable enough to be a solid test.
- Believed that Indian women who were raped lost their value as a human.
- During his time as a dissident in South Africa, he discovered that a young male was harassing two of his female followers. He responded by cutting the girls’ hair off to ensure the “sinner’s eye” was “sterilized.” He later boasted about the incident in his writings, pushing the message to all Indians that women should carry responsibility for sexual attacks upon them.
- Argued that fathers could be justified in killing daughters who had been sexually assaulted for the sake of family and community honor.
- Believed that menstruation was a manifestation of the distortion of a woman’s soul by her sexuality.
- Waged a war against contraceptives, labeling Indian women who used them as whores.
- Held the attitude that women were simply creatures that could bring either pride or shame to the men who own them.
Websites:  Women Suffer From Gandhi’s Legacy,  People who most likely chose Gandhi as a historical figure to do a report on and immediately regretted it, On Mahatma Gandhi, his pathetic racism and advancement of segregation of black people by Sentletse Diakanyo, Not All Peaceful: 13 Racist Quotes Gandhi Said About Black People by Nick  Chiles
Books: Sex and Power by Rita Banerji, On Pacifism by Derrick Jensen,  The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi
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softiee-babyy ¡ 3 years
Hey y'all i made this. Hope y'all like it
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softiee-babyy ¡ 3 years
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@ Shawn, remember when you were part of THAT group of 8th grade boys who thought they were ripped and the shit without a shirt Magcon
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softiee-babyy ¡ 3 years
Oh wow!! Waiting for them fics
Anon i really wanna thank u for still waiting for it. Ilysm🥺❤
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