smutkuna · 3 years
Paralyzed in Lust | Sukuna x F-Reader
Part 3
“Are you Sukuna?”
No, you dumb bitch. That’s Clifford the big red dog. 
The four-armed demon just smirked and stared at you. He made his way down from his throne and stalked towards you, like a hunter looking at his prey. Your body shivered from the aura he gave, but you weren’t sure if you shook from fright or excitement. He stopped in front of you and gazed at your appearance. He was covered in a robe while you were just wearing a tank top, barely covering your drenched pussy. You blushed but felt conscious under his stare. 
“Keep pleasuring yourself. I never said you could stop,” he ordered.
“Where am I? Who are you?”
“Your master. Now strip and touch yourself. Don’t make me repeat myself and maybe I’ll reward you.”
You became more soaked from his commands. You’ve never felt this way before and you would never feel this pleased from any previous sexual encounters or even from porn. You hesitated but listened to him, not feeling the restraints on your arms and legs anymore.
You closed your eyes as you started with your nipples that were poking through your tank top. When the friction wasn’t enough, you took off your tank top and continued your actions. You were so lost in your feelings that you forgot you were in front of a demon.
You found your way to your clit and moaned, realizing how wet you were. You felt so warm and flustered, you opened your eyes to confirm your thoughts. This wasn’t a dream or fantasy. You were really in front of a hunk pleasuring yourself while he simply watched.
His eyes pierced into yours and you couldn’t help but be more turned on. Sukuna figured he had enough of just watching and pinned you on the floor, two of his limbs holding your arms down, one hand on your throat, and another on your inner thigh. 
“Spread your legs open, slut. That’s what you are, my whore. Look at you,” he smirked. “Pleasuring yourself to a fucking demon. What would your friends and family think about you opening your legs to me?”
You were so lost in lust, you couldn’t answer his question. Well-- it seemed like a rhetorical question anyway. You then felt his finger slide up your slit and you couldn’t help but throw your head back, into the liquid underneath you.
“Look at you, a moaning mess. You’re so fucking wet, y’know that? I don’t even need to prepare you for my cock.”
He suddenly inserted two fingers, shocking you. His hands were fucking huge, but he wasn’t moving them. You wiggled around, trying to get more pleasure but his arms pinned you down tightly. 
“Naughty girl, I’m in control.”
He joined the third finger inside you and curled them inside. You couldn’t help but buck at the sensation. You wanted to cover your moans but you were still unable to move. After what seemed like seconds but were minutes, he removed his fingers from your pussy and licked them. You whined at the emptiness but heard him snicker.
“You fucking needy whore. Who said I was done with you?”
You watched as he untangled his robe. Geez, you knew you were about to be ripped open. He had muscles everywhere. That video recording did no justice. You traced his intricate tattoos with your eyes until it reached his-- holy shit his dick is tattooed and fucking huge. He only had one, but it might as well have been two considering his girth and length.
There’s no way his three fingers helped and you didn’t even have lube with you. Although you might not even need more lube. You got even hornier seeing his body without even thinking you could ever get this fucking horny anyway. 
“You like what you see? Suck.”
No way in hell was that going to fit in your mouth, but you wanted a taste anyway. You crawled to him on your knees and barely fit his tip in your mouth. The most you could take him in was almost halfway. His cock was choking you, so you used your hand to pleasure the rest of him. 
“You’re a natural at sucking dick. Might-- *grunt* have to make you mine”
Suddenly, he gripped your jaw and removed himself from your mouth. One look at him and you could see that he was holding himself from releasing. You sat on your thighs, watching for his next command, but he suddenly carried you over his shoulder as he walked up the cow skulls and toward his throne.
He placed you on the throne and pried your legs open, placing each leg onto its respective armrest. This time, he had a full view of your pussy and he saw you clench in anticipation. Without giving you a warning, he stuffed you full of his cock and you couldn’t help but scream “FUCK” from the sudden stretch.
He felt amazing, though. He stretched you more open by lifting your legs over to his shoulders. He had two arms gripping your hips and the other two holding your legs in place. Without giving you time to adjust, he thrust hard and deep into you.
“Fuck-- Sukuna I’m so close.” you moaned.
Sukuna suddenly stopped his thrusts and glared at you. You whimpered at the loss of friction and wondered why he was mad. “What did I say for you to call me?”
“Oh, Master. Please.”
Satisfied, Sukuna continued but thrusting even harder to prove his point on whose pussy it belonged to. You threw your head back and felt the buildup. As you felt his cock twitch inside you, you felt waves of your orgasm roll through, but he didn’t stop.
He kept fucking you and grunting until every last drop of his cum was inside you. As you both came down from your high, he stilled, watching your eyes flutter open. You smiled dearly and this shocked him since he’s never had anyone look at him like that. An unknown emotion bubbled inside him and he wasn’t sure what to do. Covering his emotions from you, he pulled out.
“What, you want me to praise you? Tch.”
Satisfied with your thorough fucking, you asked him “Will I see you again?” 
“Desperate for more? Prepare yourself. I told you, didn’t I? You belong to me. If I catch you pleasuring yourself without me, you’ll be in trouble.”
As your heartbeat calmed down from your release, you blinked and suddenly were returned to your room. You looked down and saw that you were naked but spread open on your bed, more cum sprayed everywhere on your sheets. You wondered if that was real, but your throbbing, aching, filled pussy said otherwise.
That was real. How did that even happen? You gave yourself to a demon and you fucking enjoyed it. Thinking about him made you horny again, but looking at the clock on your nightstand made you groan in exhaustion.
The sun was already peeking over the horizon, light filtering through the window shutters and you knew that you’d be sore all day from Sukuna-- oops, Master Sukuna. Why would he choose you, though? What made him attracted to you to even want to do that, let alone on his throne? 
Shit, what were you going to tell your friends? 
Part 2: https://smutkuna.tumblr.com/post/655579886704017408/paralyzed-in-lust-sukuna-x-f-reader
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smutkuna · 3 years
Paralyzed in Lust | Sukuna x F-Reader
Part 2
Irritated and scared, you grabbed your phone and read the time. 3 AM. You bit your lip in nervousness, a habit you’ve grown accustomed to. There’s only one way to find out if what you felt was true.
You got up from your bed and went over to the bench, looking around for something to stabilize your phone. After grabbing your backpack and some textbooks, you managed to balance your phone into the lumps of your backpack and aimed it at your bed. 
You weren’t sure if you wanted to film yourself but you know what they say: curiosity killed the cat.
You ran back to your bed and hid under the covers, saying a quick prayer. You lost track of the time and eventually felt your body succumbing to sleep.
You woke up in a panic, hearing your phone alarm blare throughout your apartment. 
 Groaning due to lack of sleep, you did a zombie walk towards your phone on the bench. You remembered last night’s (or early this morning) event and gulped. Turning off your alarm, you scrolled over to your gallery app and hesitantly pressed on the recording of you sleeping.
 The first few hours of the film showed nothing until you saw a slight shadow.
 No fucking way.
 It wasn’t prominent but there was an outline of four arms. You immediately hit the pause button and stared blankly at your phone’s screen. Your eyes took in every detail of the figure’s back as it placed its four arms on each of your limbs.
 Whatever this was, there was no way you could fight it even if you tried. It had muscles for days. Back, arms, legs. You could only imagine how the front of it looked.
 You hit the play button and watched as it lowered its head next to yours like it was… sniffing your hair?? You felt uncomfortable knowing how close it was to you and how you were oh-so unsuspecting of it. Then, it released itself from you and stood on its knees, just watching you from the bed.
 This has got to be Sukuna, right? Four arms? I just need to see his face to see if he has four eyes, then I’ll know…
 He stayed like that for a while before one of his arms reached for your hair and played with it for a second before getting off your bed. He stood next to your bed at his full height and you just knew he was huge. His aura, even through the screen, just spoke authority and dominance. Like he will never take “no” for an answer.
 He then turned his head to face the camera and smirked. 
 Oh fuck.
 He moved until his face was directly in front of the camera, showing all the details of his face. What shocked you the most was his four teasing eyes. 
 Oh no, Sukuna’s hot. Those tattoos, oh fuck.
 You watched as he then slowly disappeared from your camera, the same way he came. You weren’t sure what to do with this information. Should you tell your friends? Should you call a priest?! But some deep, subconscious part of you wanted to keep him a secret, to see him again, but this time with your own eyes. 
 Catching a glimpse of the time, you realized you were going to be late for class and decided against telling your friends what happened. You knew it wasn’t a good decision but in the wise words of Ariana Grande, you’ve got a bad idea.
 You spent the rest of the day listening during lectures and finishing your shift at your school’s bookstore. When you met with Megumi and Nobara, all they talked about were theories on why Sukuna did not show up. You listened in silence, wondering why he showed himself to you. 
 You felt like you were nothing special. Maybe he’s picky, but what made you different from the other people who performed the ritual? You thought Megumi and Nobara were way more deserving considering they were so intrigued with rituals and urban legends. They always did these things so it would make sense that they would experience more paranormal things. 
 Maybe that was the case. Sukuna probably didn’t want the super eager people. 
 Crap, do I need to get exorcised? 
 “[y/n]? Are you okay?” Megumi broke you out of your racing thoughts.
 “Huh? Oh, yeah. I just haven’t been sleeping lately.” 
 “Did something happen?” Nobara wondered. 
 “Hmm I think I’m just stressed with work and I haven’t received anything from the internship I applied to yet.”
 “Don’t worry, you’re qualified! You’ll get it, you’re a hard worker,” she reassured you.
 You smiled and thought you had amazing friends. They always looked out for you and you felt guilty that you didn’t tell them about the other video recording. You just didn’t want to worry them and you assumed that it wouldn’t happen again. If something happens again, then you’ll tell them. 
 “Thank you, Nobara. Oh, by the way, did you both want to come with me to try the new tea shop down the road from our campus? They serve both hot and cold drinks”
 Megumi groaned. “More things I can’t digest? Are you both trying to kill me?”
 “Relax, you’ll just shit it out.” Nobara glared at him.
 Packing your things, you laughed at their antics and started heading toward the direction of the tea shop with your friends in tow.
 You spent the rest of the daylight with your friends, trying out the new drinks, making jokes, and just simply bonding. 
 As the sunset crept up on the three of you, you threw away your empty cup into the trash bin and waved your friends goodbye, walking in separate directions. 
 It was nice not having to think about school, work, or anything else for a while, but on the way home, your mind wandered over to Sukuna. You weren’t sure why he kept sneaking into your thoughts, but you didn’t know if you wanted him to stay or leave.
 Reaching your apartment complex and unlocking your entrance door, you dropped your things onto your bench and immediately headed for the shower. You just wanted to cleanse yourself off of today’s activities. 
After taking your sweet time in the shower and doing your daily night routine, you were lounging on your bed in your towel, scrolling through your social media. You felt too tired to do your homework-- or was it just procrastination? It was most likely the latter but you knew you had priorities so you cried and decided to finally put on a tank top and underwear.
 You grabbed your school items from the bench and walked over to the small kitchen countertop. You spent a few hours reviewing your lecture notes and completing your homework before realizing how late it was. You took a peep at your laptop’s clock and read 11:30 PM. 
 Crap, I forgot to eat. 
 Treading over to the cupboards and fridge, you grabbed a box of cereal, milk, a bowl, and a spoon. You poured yourself some cereal and milk and ate while you cleaned up your school items. 
 You felt full and washed the dishes before heading over to the bathroom to brush your teeth. You stared at yourself in the mirror and saw how exhausted you looked. You had dark eye circles from lack of sleep and stress. If only you could sleep in. You had no class tomorrow but had to work a full shift. At least it didn’t start in the morning so you could catch up on some sleep.
 Scowling, you brushed your teeth and after two minutes, you rinsed and trudged over to your bed. Plopping onto your mattress and scrambling under the covers, you groaned and realized you left the lights on. You decided to quickly stand up, turn off the lights, and went back to bed, angry that you used up all of your energy.
 You closed your eyes, but after yet another thirty minutes and the occasional sound of a car passing by, you couldn’t sleep. 
 Not again. 
 Opening your eyes, you concluded that there was only one way to make yourself sleep. You felt shy to do so, but you wanted to sleep. Plus, you had no roommates so at least you were free to make sounds.
 Glancing around your room, making sure that no one was there, you snuck over to your cabinet and grabbed your rabbit vibrator and lube. Then like bricks, your thoughts went from innocent to naughty, four arms pleasuring you in many positions.
 You’ve never felt so touch starved for so long, so after removing your panties, you added some lube to the rabbit vibrator and slid it inside you, the rabbit ears placed over your clit. Your lack of sleep grew to sexual frustration, and you just wanted that muscular demon to show up and dominate you. 
 You were itching to feel his touch, his breath, his possible two dicks. You just wanted to be putty in his hands, to feel his four hands spanking your ass while you were bent over his knee. So here you were, scrambling in your sheets, turning on the vibrator, and feeling tingles everywhere. 
 You threw your head back in desperation, thinking about all the things the demon could do to you. The cum from your pussy and the lube mingled together, squishing sounds echoing throughout your studio apartment. Thoughts of demon dick in your pussy and your ass kept you moaning and made you release onto your sheets. Wanting more, you increased the vibration and thrust the dildo inside you while the rabbit ears worked on your clit. 
 For some reason, an unknown deep voice spoke in your head.
 “Call for Sukuna...” 
 You were puzzled but ignored it as you tried to make yourself cum for a second time. Reaching euphoria, as if by force, your lips moved on their own, making you utter his name.
 You removed the vibrator from within you and before you could clean up, you blacked out.
 Your mind was alive but your vision showed you nothing but darkness. You thought you were asleep but it didn’t make sense if this was just your dark room either. The darkness then dissolves into a red atmosphere with a spine and rib bones plastered on the ceiling.
 You panic and turn your head erratically in every direction of the mysterious bone room. It made you feel as if you were inside a human’s torso. To the left and right, the bones still covered the walls but the floor was filled with ankle-deep crimson water.
 The room was also very vast, and your fight-or-flight response kicks in. You attempted to move your body, but you were paralyzed from the neck down. You felt as if your body was restrained with chains on your wrists and ankles, spreading your legs wide open.
 What and where the fuck am I? Wasn’t I just fucking myself a minute ago?
 “Pitiful human.” A voice says, echoing in front of you.
 You widen your eyes as you turn your head back forward. You couldn’t believe your eyes because before you was the four-armed demon, sitting at his throne on top of an endless pile of cow skulls. He smirked down, cheek resting on one of his hands, legs crossed at the sight of a hopeless, horny woman below him.
 You weren’t sure how to feel, if this was a blessing or a curse, or if this was how you met your end.
Part 1: https://smutkuna.tumblr.com/post/655579737243238400/paralyzed-in-lust-sukuna-x-f-reader
Part 3: https://smutkuna.tumblr.com/post/655580073320218625/paralyzed-in-lust-sukuna-x-f-reader
20 notes · View notes
smutkuna · 3 years
Paralyzed in Lust | Sukuna x F-Reader
Part 1
Urban legends always seemed to intrigue you, but that’s all they were. Just legends. You’ve seen enough horror movies to know that practicing those rituals never ended well. Your college friends seemed to have the opposite idea, however.
 They loved to go to abandoned areas and attempt some of the rituals posted online. Safely, of course, but how safe is it? They talked about salt circles, protection wards, sigils, and protection amulets or crystals but is that enough?
 They would mention that attempting to summon a demon is dangerous, but here they are in your studio apartment, talking about calling forth a demon from an urban legend that seemed to pop out of nowhere.
 The urban legend about Ryomen Sukuna, a four-armed demon that no one could seem to invite. You didn’t understand why anyone would want to summon a demon, but you guess curiosity killed that cat.
 You sat on your twin-sized bed lined up against the wall while your friends sat on a two-seater bench situated in front of your bed, underneath the long window. Your studio apartment held all the essentials for a financially struggling college student.
 Entering the apartment, you would be met with a small hallway. On your immediate left is the door to the bathroom, while on your immediate right is a small storage space. Farther in, you’re met with the small space for your bed on the left with a walk-in closet that shares the wall with the bathroom.
 Facing the entrance is the bench underneath a horizontal window with a view of the busy street, covered by some window shutters to give you some privacy. These shutters were currently open, letting in the remaining light from the sunset, but were slightly blocked by your friends.
 To the right of the hallway entrance behind the storage, is your kitchen. It had enough space to fit a bit of counter space, fridge, sink, and dishwasher. Adjacent to your kitchen, across your bed, and near the bench was an L-shaped divider hiding a portable washer and dryer.
 “[Y/n]!” your friend, Nobara, exclaimed. “Will you finally join us for this ritual? I know you’re not really into these things, but it’s safe, I swear. We even have our protection spells and everything.”
 You hummed in apprehension. “I’m not sure I’m ready to do those yet.”
 Megumi, your other friend, nodded his head. “Okay, but just let us know whenever you want to join us or if you end up doing it on your own...” he grabbed some of Nobara’s amulets and his salt bags. “Here, I’ll lend some to you in case you change your mind.”
 He placed the items in your bag.
 “Thank you. When are you both planning on doing the ritual?” you asked them.
 “Ah, maybe tonight? We have nothing else planned, and we’ve been itching to try this ritual out ever since we saw it on a forum.” Nobara replied. She pulled out her phone and scrolled for a while before handing it to you. “Everyone’s been talking about it, but no one’s been able to pull it off.”
 Megumi then spoke. “Yeah and no one’s sure about where this urban legend came from anyway so we don’t know if it’s real or not. That’s why we want to see for ourselves.”
 You took a peek at Nobara’s phone and read parts of the forum out loud.
 “Ryomen Sukuna... Four-armed demon… To begin the ritual, cut the pads of all your fingers until blood oozes out. Bro what?” You looked at your friends in confusion. They simply shrugged and told you to continue reading.
 “Soak your bloody fingers in a large bowl of water until the water is stained dark red. Remove your hands from the bowl and do this hand sign by connecting your thumb, middle, and ring finger pads while your index and pinky fingers are bent towards your palms. What in the summoning-jutsu is this?”
 You attempted the hand signs after you had placed her phone on your bed. Megumi lightly laughed and showed you how to do it properly.
 “Girl, you watch too much Naruto.” Nobara snickered.
 You rolled your eyes and smirked. “I’m not the only one simping over Kakashi and Itachi. You’re just as guilty.”
 “Here [y/n], continue reading the rules.’ Megumi said, handing you the phone.
 “Say ‘Domain Expansion: Malevolent Shrine’ after performing the hand sign and dunk your face into the bowl of water and blood. After this, Sukuna will appear. To properly end the ritual, thank him for his time and say ‘Cleave.’ This is critical. Failure to do so will leave you with cursed energy around you. **For extra protection, perform an exorcism.”
 You sighed after reading the rules of the forum. It seemed easy enough but you weren’t sure whether it was worth the risk to have cursed energy if it failed and did you need to perform an exorcism?? Wasn’t that a bit too much? Plus, you wanted all the luck you could get since you just applied for an internship for the fall quarter.
 “Well, if you both decide to do this, please be safe,” you told your friends.
 Nobara smiled and grabbed her small backpack. “Don’t worry, we’ll text you what happens. We were thinking of recording it anyway, so we’ll send that to you later tonight after we try it.”
 She hugged you and started walking to the door followed by Megumi.
 “You can keep the rest of the pizza. It’s not easy for me to digest,” he said, as he double-checked to make sure you had the amulets and salt bags. You smiled at him, eyes showing appreciation because you had very little food left in your fridge.
 “Thank you, Megumi. Good night, you two. I’ll see you both tomorrow after work.” you said, waving to them as they left your apartment complex. Once they were out of your sight, you closed and locked your entrance door.
 You grabbed your laptop and made your way toward the kitchen, putting it on top of the small counter space you had. You sighed as you put away the leftover pizza in the fridge. Being an avid horror fan, you enjoyed the paranormal, but partaking in anything of the sort in real life made you nervous.
 The urban legend of Sukuna intrigued you, even if the ritual was slightly strange. Wouldn’t you faint from losing so much blood? Plus, who the fuck is Sukuna anyway? What made him so special for people to want to do this sort of thing?
 Facepalming, you opened a web browser on your laptop and did a simple search. Who is Ryomen Sukuna?
 You scrolled through countless forums, talking about the ritual and how it didn’t work. No one seemed to be able to conjure Ryomen Sukuna. The problem was that no one knew who he was. Only that he was a strong demonic entity that holds a lot of cursed energy and has two faces and two sets of arms.
 Two sets, huh? What, does he have two dicks too? You laughed to yourself, but then rolled your eyes and groaned. You needed to get laid.
 Further throughout your research, you decided to take a break and looked over to the clock on the wall above your washer and dryer. It was 11:56 PM, indicating that your friends left three hours ago.
 You took a glance at your phone that was charging next to your laptop and noticed that Megumi and Nobara had sent an attachment to your group chat. Unplugging your phone from the charger, you unlocked it and strode over to the bathroom.
 Your group chat read:
 “Hey [y/n], we finished the ritual but nothing happened. Bummer, I was looking forward to summoning one of the most difficult demons to conjure up.” Nobara sent at midnight.
 “Oi, here’s the video,” Megumi replied, with a black screen video attached after his message.
 Oh wow, they actually recorded it. You thought, adding some toothpaste to your toothbrush. You pressed on the video and let it play while you brushed your teeth.
 You watched as both your friends performed the finger-bleeding step and you couldn’t help but gag a little. That’s a shit ton of blood. It took a while considering each of their fingers had a small cut, and the bowls were large. After a couple of minutes, Megumi and Nobara removed their hands from the bowl and performed the hand sign.
 “Domain Expansion: Malevolent Shrine.” You heard them chant once and then watched them dunk their head into the bloody water as you spit out your toothpaste and rinse your mouth.
Standing in front of the mirror and sink, you stared at the video, watching your friends and waiting for something to happen.
 In the video, you saw Nobara and Megumi look at each other and shrug. You fast-forwarded the video a bit, looking for any sign that the ritual worked but the video ended with them thanking Sukuna and saying “Cleave” before anything appeared.
 Exiting out of the video, you sent a response to the group chat.
 “I’m sorry nothing happened, guys. I know you were excited for something to happen.”
 “It’ll make us feel better if you tried it yourself hehe” Nobara replied with a smirk emoji.
 You stared at her message for a while, contemplating what you should do. Preparing for your night routine, you stripped and stepped into the shower, letting the hot water run down your back, massaging your aching muscles.
 You had a long day at work, and now you were stuck on whether you should do this ritual or not. Nothing has been happening to anyone anyway, so most likely nothing will happen to you. This ritual was probably a hoax, just a trend since people were bored. Right?
 Please conscience, what do I do? AH FUCK IT.
 After you had finished your shower, you hastily applied your lotions and pajamas which consisted of a tank top and lace underwear. You grabbed your phone from the bathroom and reread the forum on what to do, sending another reply to Nobara saying that you’ll do the ritual.
 You grabbed the essential items you needed: salt, amulet, a large basin of water, and a pocket knife. You released a large breath you seemed to be holding and read the text you just received from the group chat.
 “AYE, that’s my girl!!” Nobara sent with a grinning gif.
 “Be safe [y/n]. Text us if anything happens and don’t forget to use the salt and amulets.” Megumi responded.
 “I’ll record myself and send it to both of you once I finish” 
 You balanced your phone on the foot of your bed, pressed record, and placed the ritual items on the floor beside you, grabbing the amulet first and placing the tie around your neck. 
 Please protect me. You thought as you gripped the amulet and placed some salt in a circle, trapping yourself within it. 
 You steadied your breathing and positioned the bowl in front of you. 
 All right. Let’s get this over with.
 Slicing the pads of your fingertips with the pocket knife, you held your fingers over the large basin, watching the blood drip into the water. 
 God, I should’ve played some music in the background. The silence is killing me. I swear to God if that fucking Tip Toe Through the Meadow song from Insidious plays on a radio, I’m going to burn this building down.
 The water rippled as each blood drop collided with it. Your nerves were on high alert, but you were too scared to glance around your room. What if there was a shadow at your doorway or a ghost in the mirror? WHAT IF it was right behind you?!
 You cried internally and tried to rid your thoughts of anything horrific. After what seemed to be forever, waiting in agony, the bowl was painted crimson. You released another breath and tried to remember the next step of the ritual.
 Ah right, the jutsu sign.
 You formed the hand sign and said out loud, “DOMAIN EXPANSION: MALEVOLENT SHRINE.” 
 Cringing, you dipped your head into the bowl and stayed there until you needed a gulp of air. 
 This is disgusting, why am I doing this again?
 Your face was tinted with blood and you carefully looked around your room without the blood dripping onto your laminated floors. Your hearing was heightened due to the lack of light in the room, but you heard nothing. You felt nothing. 
 It probably didn’t work. Thank you, God. I can live to see another day.
 “Ryomen Sukuna, if you’re there, thank you for your time. Let’s not do this again, please and thank youuu.” you sang. “CLEAVE.”
 You grabbed your phone from the footrest of your bed, ended the recording, and texted the group chat.
 “I just finished. Nothing happened to me either. I guess it is just a hoax.”
 “Damn. What if we did something wrong? Let’s try it again.” Nobara said.
 “My face has my blood dripping from it, no thank you.” 
 “You said ‘Cleave,’ right [y/n]?” Megumi questioned.
 “Yup. I’m gonna go clean up and try to sleep. I’ll see you both tomorrow. Good night!” 
 Bidding each other good night, you swept the salt circle and drained the bloody water into the bathroom sink. You rinsed your face of any remnants of the ritual and reapplied your moisturizer. 
 Plopping onto your bed and hiding under the covers, you glanced once more at the clock. It read 2 AM. 
 Damn, I have class in 6 hours. Note to self: stop registering for 8 AM classes in case you decide to do rituals late into the night.
 You closed your eyes and attempted to sleep, but you couldn’t stop tossing and turning. Something didn’t feel right. You felt suffocated like something was watching you. You were too scared to open your eyes and hid further into your covers.
 Sure, [y/n]. They’ll never know I’m under here.
 You kept tossing and turning for thirty minutes because you just couldn’t find that comfortable spot. Suddenly, you felt a sensation on your limbs. 
 What the fuck?
 You froze. You felt like each of your limbs were grabbed by one… two… FOUR HANDS?! You didn’t want to believe it. You couldn’t believe it. No fucking way the ritual worked. Counting to three, you screamed and punched into the air. 
 Nothing was there. No one was there. You were alone.
Part 2: https://smutkuna.tumblr.com/post/655579886704017408/paralyzed-in-lust-sukuna-x-f-reader
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