smutasticphan-blog · 9 years
Dan quickly glanced out his door. He didn't want to disturb Phil so late at night, but a now aching hard between his thighs demanded attention. Dan has had sexual dreams before, but this one was like no other. It had seemed so real, having sex with his roomate. Instead, he was left with a throbbing cock, at 3 in the morning. It's not like Dan hadn't dreamt about Phil before, because that certainly was not the case. Whenever he touched himself, all of his thoughts were on Phil. His body, his hair, his eyes. Just Phil. Dan prepared to once again jerk himself off, biting his lip to keep from moaning. As he settled back down onto the bed, slipping a hand under his boxers, he heard Phil get up, and walk to his door.
"Fuck," Dan muttered under his breath, pulling the duvet over himself, attempting to hide the erection he desperately needed to deal with. Phil slowly opened Dan's door. "Dan?"
"Yeah?" Dan replied in a somewhat convincing I'm-asleep voice. "I- Can I sleep with you tonight?"
Shit. "Okay," Dan answered, not wanting to turn down the boy, who only asked if he was having trouble sleeping. It was going to be difficult, making sure Phil didn't discover his cock, which made Dan even more frustrated. The boy that caused the hard was now going to be in the same bed as him, leaving no chance of Dan being able to touch himself. Phil climbed in beside Dan, not too close, thankfully for Dan, and laid down facing away from him. This lasted a few minutes, Dan's cock threatening to touch Phil, Phil beside Dan, unaware of what sexual frustration was happening. Phil shifted himself, and got closer. Dan's bulge now poked slightly into Phil's back.
Phil turned to Dan, wide-eyed. "Dan?"
"Do you-"
"Were you-"
"I was."
Phil sat up, looking down at Dan. "I'm- I'm sorry. I can leave, or at least until you sort yourself out." Dan shook his head. "No," Dan immediately regretted his decision, "Because you are the reason I have this issue at the moment." Phil gulped. "I am?" Dan nodded. "Yes, Phil, you are."
That's when Phil moved, clambering atop Dan. The shocked brunette underneath him was silent. "Want me to help you then?" Dan nodded. "If you want to."
Phil smirked, leaning down to press his lips against Dan's. He slowly began to grind against Dan, becoming more and more aroused by Dan's moans of pleasure.
"Keep moaning Dan, you're turning me on." Phil purred, pushing himself even further down onto Dan, releasing a loud moan from the boy. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck! Phil! Please keep going!" Dan cried out. He had waited so long for this, and even though he was becoming desperate for Phil to be inside him, this felt really good. But, if Phil didn't hurry up, this would be over far too long before both of them would like.
Phil kissed Dan again, allowing his lips to drift down to Dan's neck, sucking and biting while Dan bucked his hips into Phil's, whining out, desperate for more. Phil shifted himself, as to where Dan could wrap his legs around his waist, giving Dan the angle he needed to grind back against Phil, creating more friction. Dan began to feel how hard Phil had become, making him moan and gasp in lust and pleasure. The eldest reached into Dan's bedside drawer, pulling out a bottle of lube. Phil pushed a hand into Dan's boxers, massaging the head of his cock, and using another hand to pull down the boxers.
"Fuck! Phil, that feels so good!" Dan moaned, releasing yet another whine as he bucked his hips upwards, needing even more contact. "P- Please Phil, hurry up and fuck me!" He whimpered in desperation. "Begging now, are we?" Phil asked breathlessly. "Ju- Just please hurry up!" Dan begged in between moans.
Dan moved his hands down from Phil's neck, pulling down the fabric that kept him from Phil's erection. When underwear was removed, Phil began to grind into Dan even faster, making both himself and the youngest cry out in pleasure. Phil slowed down and stopped, taking the bottle from its position beside them, pouring some of its contents onto his fingers. Phil slowly pushed a finger into Dan's entrance, up to the knuckle. Dan gasped as Phil pushed it in, moaning ad Phil added another finger and began to curl them, hitting his prostate. Dan moved his hand down to stroke his own member, but Phil slapped it away.
"I want to make you cum without jerking you off." Phil said, pushing in another finger while speaking. Dan mewled, and nodded. "Okay. But pl- please hurry." Dan bucked his hips as Phil began to pump at just the right angle, making Dan cry out.
"P- Phil! Oh my God, Phil hurry up and get inside me!" Dan moaned, and much to his pleasure, Phil pulled his fingers out and quickly rubbed some lube onto his cock, thrusting in before Dan had time to think. Before really going, Phil leaned in and kissed Dan.
"Please." Dan whined, and at that, Phil began to thrust, Dan clenched his thighs around Phil's waist tightly, repeatedly moaning out Phil's name, begging him to go deeper. Phil complied, getting the right angle, and hitting Dan's prostate, making him scream in pleasure.
"Oh my- Oh my God Phil! PHIL!" Dan moaned out loudly. "I'm really close, Phil!" "I am too." Phil agreed, moaning out as Dan bucked his hips in just the right way, pushing Phil even closer to his orgasm. Almost there, almost there! Dan thought. He'd never been so close for so long before. Dan soon became the most desperate he'd ever felt, pushing his cock up against Phil's stomach, his eyes begging Phil to stroke him.
"Ph- Phil, please!" Dan begged. "You're so close, Dan. Cum for me." Phil requested gently. Dan closed his eyes for a second, feeling another intense wave of pleasure as Phil thrusted again.
"Phil!" Dan whimpered, moaning as his stomach clenched, and his muscles tightened. He shuddered and moaned out Phil's name, coming onto his chest. Phil, seeing Dan's pleasure, reached his high, resting his head on Dans shoulder as he moaned and gasped.
"D-D- Dan! Oh, my God! Dan!" Phil groaned. Dan ran his fingers through Phil's hair, and they finished their orgasms together. Phil slumped down onto Dan's chest, breathless. Phil stayed inside Dan for a moment longer, waiting to catch his breath.
Phil kissed Dan softly, pulling out and rolling to lie beside him. Dan took a deep breath.
"That was amazing." Phil chuckled softly. "Yeah. We should've done that sooner." Dan smiled, leaning over to kiss Phil. "Phil?" Dan inquired, "Yeah?" Phil replied, kissing Dan again before he continued. "Ar- Are you going to clean my cum off of your chest?" Dan asked softly
Phil giggled, taking a few tissues from the box on Dan's nightstand, and handed them to him. Dan took them, and wiped the substance away, and threw the tissues into a nearby trash can.
"Come here," Phil murmured. Dan snuggled into Phil's neck, pressing his body against Phil's.
The two boys fell asleep, but before Dan drifted off, murmured an "I love you" to Phil, thinking he was asleep. When Phil nodded slightly in reply, Dan was taken aback, but he soon drifted off, thinking about his new lover.
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smutasticphan-blog · 9 years
The Hot Tub
Phil took Dan's hand, leading him outside. The year was 2009. Today was the second day of Dan's time at Phil's. They had expressed their feeling for each other, and had kissed, but no further. Phil had a small hot tub outside, and though it was cold, the warm water would keep them from freezing. Phil had brought a curious little bag outside with them, and Dan didn't ask about it. He didn't care. He was just excited to be half-naked, in warm water with Phil. Phil kissed Dan gently, taking the hem of the brunette's shirt and pulling it off slowly, revealing his chest and slightly pudgy tummy. Dan smiled as Phil pulled his shirt off. "You look good." Dan muttered. "Thanks. But, you look hot." Phil giggled. The two locked lips again, wrapping their arms around one another. During the kiss, Phil had an idea. "Hey, Dan?" Phil asked, pulling away from the kiss. "Yeah?" Dan answered softly, looking at Phil with his large, chocolate eyes. Phil smirked. "Do- Do you wanna skinny dip?" Dan hesitated, but nodded after a moment. Phil carefully pulled down the boy's swimshorts, leaving him totally naked. Dan stepped out of the pants, leaving them behind on the cement. Dan pulled down Phil's trunks timidly, blushing as his crotch was revealed. Phil took Dan's hand, leading him into the hot tub, lowering himself into the water. Phil slung his arm around Dan's shoulders, pulling the younger closer. Dan turned his head to face Phil, shyly kissing his cheek. Phil turned, and kissed Dan properly, putting his hand under Dan's jaw, drawing him closer. The kiss broke apart, the two boys breathing in deeply for lack of air. Dan rested his head on Phil's shoulder, relaxing under the embrace of the boy he had fallen in love with. Phil smiled as Dan did this, closing his eyes, resting his own head atop Dan's. After awhile, Dan sat up, and moved onto Phil's lap, facing him. Phil ignored the fact that he was being straddled in the best way possible, and looked up at Dan. Dan turned away, embarrassed. Phil slowly ran his hands up Dan's body, leaving one hand at the small of his back, the other in his soft hair. Dan faced Phil and gulped. "Wha- What's in the bag over there?" Dan asked quietly. Phil smirked, and reached for the bag. He pulled out two items; A condom, and lube. Dan's eyes widened in shock, his mouth falling into an 'o' shape. Phil put the items back into the bag, turning to a curious Dan. "Do- Do you want to?" Dan whispered. "Only if you want to." Dan nodded, and Phil pushed his lips onto Dan's. Dan opened his mouth slightly, allowing Phil's tongue entrace inside. Phil pulled away. "This position isn't gonna work." He muttered, taking Dan off his lap, setting Dan next to himself. Dan put his hands on Phil's shoulders as Phil sat in his lap, pressing his lips onto Dan's again. Dan moaned into the kiss. "I like that." Phil murmured, pulling only centimeters away to do so. Dan gave a small smile. "You'll probably be hearing lots of them." Dan muttered back. Phil smirked. "I'll love every one of them." He replied, re-locking his lips onto Dan's. Phil began to grind into Dan, not breaking the kiss. Dan pulled away. "This position won't work either, if you're going to fuck me." Dan moaned, for Phil had not stopped thrusting his hips onto Dan's. "You're right. Turn around." Phil whispered, pulling away to let Dan do so. Dan obeyed, Turning around, gripping the edge of the hot tub. Phil quickly rolled the condom on, rubbing a sufficient amount of lube onto his hard member. Phil pushed in, making Dan moan loudly. Phil gripped the edge tightly, grinding into Dan, moaning softly. Dan moaned out Phil's name. After about ten minutes, Phil finished, and pulled out. Phil took off the condom, tossing out onto the cement without a care. Phil sat back, exhausted. Dan sat beside him, wincing ever so slightly at the miniscule pain in his rear. Phil exhaled, looking over at Dan. "That was the best sex I've ever had." Dan nodded. "It was."
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