sloaneisalone · 5 years
I love them
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sloaneisalone · 5 years
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Keira Knightley 20 January 2018
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sloaneisalone · 5 years
The Barrista Boy(4/?)
I went to one more class that day, before I decided to call it quits and take a day off. I payed burr a twenty to make a copy of his notes for all of our important classes, he may be pretty annoying; but hey, he takes some pretty fucking great notes. When I got back to my dorm I had some coffee, which gave me enough energy to both start and finish this semester’s group project, for everyone in the group. I made sure to add a slightly different grammar style for each person’s part-which is one of my best talents. But now there’s nothing to do. Fucking hell.
I stand up from my very comfortable place on the couch and walk to my room. I was shocked by the perfectly made bed and neat...everything. John had left a note on the desk, thank you again for letting me take the bed, you really are too kind Alex. Can I call you Alex by the way? Or should I stick with Alexander? Whoops...I’m rambling a bit now. Anyway, by the time you get back I’ll probably be at work, if you want to stop by I’ll get you your usual medium black coffee. Hope you’re having a great day!
I like you,
P.s. have you seen my sweatshirt? It’s green with Laurens on the back.
I noticed something crossed out, but I couldn’t make it out. I was still wearing the sweatshirt, I mean I wasn’t gonna take it off. I was...cold, and it smelled nice. I can’t decide if that justifies wearing it. I hesitantly slip off the sweatshirt and fold it neatly on the bed.
Shit, the boredom’s back. It’s about 4:30 pm, I guess another coffee wouldn’t hurt. I wish I had a fucking car. Dammit Liza, she always drove me places, afterall her dad was loaded. I’ll walk, I could stand to lose a few pounds anyway. I lock the door to the dorm behind me and start my walk, 10 blocks to starbucks. I pass by Samuel Seabury on the street, being a straight up idiot, reading something George III payed him to say. I gave him a five dollar bill out of pity and told him politely to ‘shut the fuck up,’ and continued on my merry way.
-----------------------------lil’ mini time skip soley cuz I don’t really know how to explain someone walking and also it’s fucking boring so yeah, oh and this is brought you by Jasmine Cephas Jones cuz she’s fucking gorgeous. You’re welcome.
Boom, Starbucks, the home of white girls and overpriced drinks. There he stand apron and all taking some chic’s order. I smile to myself and hop in line. I few more people order adn then it’s my turn. He smiles widely when he sees me.
“Just a medium black coffee, sir?”
“Yup, freckles” he blushed lighly from the nickname.
“O-Okay, that’ll be 3.62. I get off in a few minutes, do you mind waiting? I feel like I have to pay you back for letting me stay at your place.”
“I’d love to wait.” With that I walked to the counter to pick up my coffee. On it was alexander in nice handwriting with a heart next to it. I could feel my face heating up and I looked down, after noticing John’s gaze was still on me. I sat down in one of the dirty old leather chairs that they have sitting out and waited, twiddling my thumbs thinking about how soft John’s lips must be-
“You ready to go alex?” I looked up and there he was.
“Yeah.” I said. We walked out and just wandered aimlessly for a few minutes, before John spoke,
“Do you wanna go back to your place and chill with Herc and Laf? Maybe invite Peggy?”
“Uhhh...sure I guess.” I say hesitantly. In the least creepy way possible, I just enjoyed being alone with him.
“I’ll buy drinks.” he added awkwardly. Then I was fucking sold. Getting drunk with my friends was always fun. Given it didn’t really take a lot to get me drunk. Being 5’5” I don’t really hold alcohol the best.
John and I stopped at the liquor store and we split the cost of the beer. I offered to carry the bag back to the dorm; but after John saw the fact that I could barely lift the fucking thing, he offered. I tried to argue, but he just shot me a don’t try to be all manly look. The actual walk back was genuinely really nice. We talked about highschool. I learned he had gone to school in South Carolina until his Junior year when he moved to New York. My next question was one he’d probably heard before,
“What happened to your accent then?” He looked down,
“Oh, I suppose I got made fun of for it my first year of college, so I just learned to hide it pretty well…it still comes out sometimes when I stop thinking, or I get crazy exhausted...or when I get super drunk.” He scratched the back of his head.
“Oh. Well I’d love to hear it sometime.” I mumbled the last bit, but I think he still heard it. We talked about a lot, but I did fail to mention a few things. For example, my past relationship with Thomas.
When we got back John called Peggy, and I gathered Laf and Herc from their adjoining dorm. The door burst open after a few minutes.
“I heard there was booze. Pass me some of that shit” I grabbed a beer and tossed to her. I took one myself and popped the top off, taking a few sips and tossed one to John.
------------------------time skippppppppp to where everyone’s happy and completely shitfaced, cuz that’s always fun.
“Why does no one talk about how hot Sebastian the crab is,” I slurred. We were watching the little mermaid and it’d never been this funny before. I’d only had 2 or 3 beers, but I was definitey drunk as hell.
“Why does no one talk about how hot Alex is?” John giggled, he was on his eighth beer damn that boy could really hold his liquor. Lafayette looked at Herc as he made a little heart with his hands and pointed at us. Peggy started snorting after she chugged another beer.
“OOoh what should John and Alex’s ship name beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?” Peggy slurred streaching out the “be.”
“Hmmmmmmm” Herc looked like he was deep in thought.
“Haurens?” Laf asked Peggy looked horrified,
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying? You think that Alex would top? Bitch he is like the bottomiest person I fucking know-” that’s all she could say before breaking into hysterical laughter. Laf pondered her words before replying in his typical french accent,
“You are right. Lams?” Peggy’s eyes lit up.
“Yesssss! It’s perfect,” I could see her little fangirl heart sing, “now all we need is a nice Lams moment.” Even in my drunk state I realized what was happening.
“Kiss, kiss, kiss!” Laf and Peggy chanted. John looked at me, as if to ask for permission. I shrugged awkwardly trying to play it off as no big deal. I don’t think I convinced anyone. We were all sitting on the floor in front of the tv, the movie still playing. He was sitting directly across from me. The others sat waiting around us as he scooted forward till he was only inches from me. He placed his hand on my face and leaned in. The kiss was perfect. It wasn’t really lustful, but it wasn’t completely innocent either, it was a perfect mixture of everything. After a few moments we broke apart and I just looked in his green eyes.
“Damn,” I could hear the southern accent.
A/n: I’m not a fan of how this turned out, it feels as if a 9 y/o wrote it lmao
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sloaneisalone · 5 years
I wish I could make a comic
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the suffering never ends
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sloaneisalone · 5 years
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sloaneisalone · 5 years
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all of these apply💖
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sloaneisalone · 5 years
Forgotten By History
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Female firefighters at Pearl Harbor (1941).
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Donna Tobias - the first woman to graduate from the US Navy’s Deep Sea Diving School in 1975.
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Brave women of the Red Cross hitting the beach at Normandy.
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Dottie Kamenshek was called the best player in women’s baseball and was once recruited to play for a men’s professional team.
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Kate Warne - Private Detective. Born in New York City, almost nothing is known of her prior to 1856 when, as a young widow, she answered an employment advertisement placed by Alan Pinkerton. She was one of four new agents the Pinkerton Detective Agency hired that year and proved to be a natural, taking to undercover work easily. She had taken part in embezzlement and railroad security cases when in 1861 the Pinkertons developed the first lead about an anti-Lincoln conspiracy.
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Catherine Leroy, female photographer in Vietnam.
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The three women pictured in this incredible photograph from 1885 – Anandibai Joshi of India, Keiko Okami of Japan, and Sabat Islambouli of Syria – each became the first licensed female doctors in their respective countries. The three were students at the Women’s Medical College of Pennsylvania; one of the only places in the world at the time where women could study medicine.
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Female Samurai Warrior - Onno-Bugeisha - Female warrior belonging to the Japanese upper class. Many women engaged in battle, commonly alongside samurai men. They were members of the bushi (samurai) class in feudal Japan and were trained in the use of weapons to protect their household, family, and honour in times of war.
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One of the most feared of all London street gangs from the late 1880’s was a group of female toughs known as the Clockwork Oranges. They woulde later inspire Anthony burgess’ most notorious novel. Their main Rivals were the All-female “the Forty Elephants” gang.
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Maureen Dunlop de Popp, Pioneering female pilot who flew Spitfires during Second World War. She joined the Air Transport Auxiliary (ATA) in 1942 and became one of a small group of female pilots who were trained to fly 38 types of aircraft.
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In 1967, Kathrine Switzer was the first woman to run the Boston marathon. After realizing that a woman was running, race organizer Jock Semple went after Switzer shouting, “Get the hell out of my race and give me those numbers.” However, Switzer’s boyfriend and other male runners provided a protective shield during the entire marathon. The photographs taken of the incident made world headlines, and Kathrine later won the NYC marathon with a time of 3:07:29.
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sloaneisalone · 5 years
tag yourself: the solar system
mercury: the leader, athletic, friendly, summer vibes, always making plans for the group, organized, impatient, wine lover, reads in their free time
venus: the pretty friend, instagram famous, watches cartoons, very kind, loves skirts and dresses, smart, horrible at money management
earth: the young friend, wears flower crowns, fashionable, probably short as heck, clumsy, lovable, kind of sad inside, idolizes their friends
mars: the mysterious friend, reads comic books, prefers summer over winter, messy hair, lipstick stains on every cup, gardens
jupiter: the mom/dad friend, protective, always drinking but never hungover, loves the outdoors, very patient, has a bad temper if you cross them, collects something
saturn: the powerful friend, will be president someday probably, you want to raid their wardrobe, always has good advice, bad at cooking, loves movies
uranus: the quiet friend, kind of introverted, always laughing, tags you in memes all the time, lurks in the group chat but never responds, dog lover
neptune: the aesthetic friend, doesn’t care what people think, loves art, owns 395754 pairs of jeans, reckless driver, always want to go somewhere
pluto: the smol friend, always busy, loves their friends (will fight for their friends), boy/girl crazy, bottles up their feelings, can never make up their mind, huge smile
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sloaneisalone · 5 years
Guess I’m marrying myself then.
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59K notes · View notes
sloaneisalone · 5 years
I’m so conflicted as to whether or not I like the mean girls musical, one one hand: the lyrics kinda suck, but on the other: barrett’s voice is fucking perfect and that makes it all that cringe worth it.
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sloaneisalone · 5 years
I use references!
Ok, so there is a pretty nasty post going around of an OP who’s trying to call out an artist for as they called it “tracing”. I refuse to reblog it because they’re clearly not an artist and have no f*cking idea what they’re talking about.
Did this artist use references? Yes!
Is using references bad? No! And again for emphasis; using references is NOT bad, or taboo in the art world or whatever you want to call it.
Artists use references! Period!
Do ALL artists use references? No, I’m sure we don’t all use references for everything. I don’t use references for everything, but for posing, etc you bet your ass I use references.
Every single drawing class I have taken, and it’s a lot of classes, has had a draw from reference aspect to it in one way shape or form. In fact it is encouraged!
People need to stop shaming artists for using references. If you don’t like that an artist uses references, then don’t commission or follow them. It’s that simple! You can carry on looking for your long lost ‘unicorn’ of an artist who doesn’t use references at all or ever (they’re out there and give me major art goals for myself), but don’t bring down other artists because they don’t meet your personal guidelines of how art works.
I use references and I am not ashamed to admit it. If you don’t like it, or have issues with me using them, please go ahead and unfollow me now.
Rant over, carry on.
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sloaneisalone · 5 years
No gay has all 5:
- A job
- Good relationship with father
- Neurotypical brain
- Ability to top
- Driver’s license
369K notes · View notes
sloaneisalone · 5 years
Snow White twist where Snow White is played by a dark-skinned woman with snow white hair
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sloaneisalone · 5 years
If this isn’t one of the most common thoughts when you’re still in the closet what is
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24K notes · View notes
sloaneisalone · 5 years
Replace “she” with “he”.
John song. ☝🏻
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sloaneisalone · 5 years
I feel ya pegs
Peggy: Why be mean to other people when you can just be mean to yourself.
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sloaneisalone · 5 years
I still don’t understand how the fuck people do this
Me, in tears, halfway through writing a 300 word essay: I can’t do this anymore
Person on A03 who’s writing for fun:
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