slamthepoemdown · 9 years
I love what I write. I don’t see how you could hate something you created. I realize that it may never be perfect but that’s your child, your baby…never could I get rid of a little bit of me
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slamthepoemdown · 9 years
The hopeless romantic, drawn to people who hurt him. The person who fuels himself on the mere concept that some day he will never call. Someone so sure of himself yet sways like the ocean tide, the boy with the messy hair and fidgeting hands . The persistent boy, with star dust in eyes .
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slamthepoemdown · 9 years
Depression is not always obvious. It’s not always the boy wearing black. Sometimes it’s the boy wearing a dress shirt and slacks, Because he’s a disappointment if he doesn’t. It’s not always the girl who looks like a mess. Sometimes it’s the girl who never fails to look perfect, Because she’s trying to hide the fact that she didn’t sleep again. It’s not always the boy sitting alone. Sometimes it’s the boy who surrounds himself with friends, To distract him from his loneliness. It’s not always the girl who never eats. Sometimes it’s the girl who eats plenty in public, To hide the fact that she starves herself at home. It’s not always the girl who hides herself. Sometimes it’s the girl who lives on the stage and strives for the spotlight, Because it’s the only time people see her. Depression is not always the warning signs. Depression is not always black and white. Depression is not always easy to see.
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slamthepoemdown · 9 years
Do you ever Contemplate your very existence? Is this real? Are you real?
Do your ever Feel your problems fade into an empty void When you realize your insignificance in the universe Is like the lone bacteroid Inflicted by the curse Of being eternally ignored by us mighty beings
Do you ever Wonder if we’re all the bacteroid Of a greater universe?
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slamthepoemdown · 9 years
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♡ #words #wordporn #wordart #wisewords #wordsofwisdom #wordsdoinspire #goodvibes #beautifulwords #qotd #instaquotes #quotestagram #rd #rp #poetry #hoplessromantic #poems #writing #love #magic by parker29 http://ift.tt/1CoSLTN
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slamthepoemdown · 9 years
Road Tripping SoulsThe day I find love,I hope that these maps I’ve drawnlead me somewhere safe.
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slamthepoemdown · 9 years
I wish she knew how much everyone cared for her, but sometimes denial speaks louder than logic.
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slamthepoemdown · 9 years
Hindsight is the best; You were the worst. I always had brooms, but everyone saw the mess. I won’t wear shoes when I walk around the shards of glass. My body will remember easiest this way I’m forced to learn repeatedly This is a mess.
"Do Not Bless This Mess" - Mira Both Ways
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slamthepoemdown · 9 years
I am the Sea The oceans of who I am have more important things to handle than you’re heart. I have storms and hurricanes to create, there are creatures who need my care. Tiny turtles need a home, sharks need something to eat. My winds must push sails and topple ships. My waves must crash against the shore, and other times they must grow into tsunamis and devour towns. My love for you is but a drop of my form; an important drop, a meaningful drop, but a drop. A drop is all I can give, but some storms are yours. Some hurricanes throw ships in your honor. When we are together we can watch sharks hunt and lightning strike a dolphin that’s leaping through the air. You can feel my winds and my waves, but not all my storms are yours. Not every tear is yours, nor every smile. There are hundreds of hurricanes I form, how can all of them be yours? You must not swim in all my seas, some of them contain private things. Do not drown yourself, you need land and air, not only sea. And if you try to become more than a drop, then you will drown. You will either wash up against the shore and be gone from me, or you will sink to my deepest depths and rot as a corpse in my heart. Not because I don’t love you, but because I am the sea. And no one can get that close. I am storm and tsunami and hurricane. I am dark depths that contain monstrosities, and fear. I am a giant squid crushing ships to splinters with my hugs. I am an adorable dolphin saving people, by swimming them to shore. I love every drop of me. And you are one of my favorite drops, but I am an ocean, not a pond. If you jump in then you will drown. Stay near the shore, where it’s safe. Don’t come to play with my sharks. You will get eaten. And again it’s not because I don’t love you, it’s because I am the ocean. And that’s just what I do.
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slamthepoemdown · 9 years
Dear Poet II
hold me with your words fill my darkling soul with light see my tears as flowing ink get me through this night
Azuki Lynn
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slamthepoemdown · 9 years
And I finally know what Dr Seuss meant  when he said that when you’re in love reality is finally better than your dreams because you make trips to the grocery store exciting  and long car rides don’t seem long enough when we’re laughing the whole way and every moment I’m with you already feels like a better dream  than my mind could come up with
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slamthepoemdown · 9 years
Jeanann Verlee performs "40 Love Letters"
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slamthepoemdown · 9 years
These words will destroy you. They will be ugly and raw and you will type without thinking and it will hurt because writing is the realest thing you have ever done, the only real thing you have ever done, and to write, THIS HURTS is frightening and honest and it makes everything true. These words will destroy you. You will read them tomorrow and cringe, because your brain knows good writing, but your heart does not. It only knows that it is fighting a war, and that the walls that once protected you are beginning to crack. It knows that you might be healthy and strong, but you are yearning to be loved and understood. It holds onto this hope; it keeps you alive. Your heart keeps beating and one day, when you are safe in your lover’s arms, it will beat in time to his. One day, it will find courage and you will have adventures of your own. One day it will give you all the right words. These words will destroy you. They will be made up of bad rhymes and nonsense sentences, because you will drink too much and write about your ex-boyfriend and love and loss and suicide and Neverland and and God and fear and sailing out to sea. These words will destroy you because you know that they have to be written. These words will destroy you, because you wish that you didn’t have to write them at all. But God, you hope that someone reads them. And if they need words, if it is the realest thing they have, you hope these words will say, YOU ARE LOVED AND UNDERSTOOD.
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slamthepoemdown · 9 years
we won’t last past the goodbyes of yesterday’s memories our sobs and cries like melodies we would wonder if we could  succumb to those rhythmic  movements like cataclysmic  sentiment, and yet our hesitant nature would only stop us until we have reached a point of starcrossed love and love would only defer true nature until  mutual destruction and  natural dysfunction but we’ll chalk it up to failure.
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slamthepoemdown · 9 years
I was running away, And you were too, So you took my hand, And got me though, You painted this smile, With the brush in your eyes, And made me believe, That not all love dies. When I thought I was running, Away from all I knew, I was only running, On towards you. For in between lines, Of broken poetry, These aren’t heart breaks, They’re our history. For before I met you, I first had to break To make room inside, For you to remake.
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slamthepoemdown · 9 years
"Five Years Later"
by Tony Gloeggler My brother was on his way to a dental appointment when the second plane hit four stories below the office where he worked. He’s never said anything about the guy who took football bets, how he liked to watch his secretary walk, the friends he ate lunch with, all the funerals. Maybe, shamed by his luck, he keeps quiet, afraid someone might guess how good he feels, breathing.
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slamthepoemdown · 9 years
Sarah Kay performs "Postcards"
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