shuadaisy · 2 years
Omg thanks for adding candy hearts 🥺 i'm new to this and it's my first time posting my works so tysm!!! 💞💞
enha fics & smaus!! I colected these all over few months and finally decided to make this..
Reactions/headcanons (all)
when another member interrupts // @blu-joons
when they are jealous // @chiyuv
when u pull out a kiss // @lovienikitty
when you give a stolen hoodie back // @atrirose
when theres no seats left // @sseastar
when they feel clingy around other members // @enblvsh
when they get teased for being whipped for you // @blu-joons
Reactions/headcanons (hyung line)
when u sit on their lap while they r by the computer // @wonscafe
suprising them at a fansign // @ethereal-engene
taking care of their sick S/O // @ningningsplushie
pda infront of other members // @ningningsplushie
Reactions/headcanons (maknae line)
suprising them at a fansign // @ethereal-engene
pda infront of other members // @ningningsplushie
as boyfriends // @ningningsplushie
baefy for a week // @wonzone
mc-enemiez // @246sn
deal // @gothsunoo
boyfriend application // @maiwon
get it together, jungwon // @choibinn3
luvbot // @enhabot
chipped glass // @cersworld
if we’re both single // @winwonies
loving you // @oddeonu
feelings asside // @jungwoniics
dimple boy // @hooniesdreams
on the other side // @yangism
a project and a guitar // @giyyuzz
all clear! // @amakumos
dear class president // @wonwoosh
catnapper // @meijiamikas (wont let me tag??)
the language of flowers // @soobnny
mystery player // @odxrilove
idol crush // @enhas-bestie
lost cause // @yeongwonie
with love, jungwon // @enloveclub
she looks just like a dream // @koakyuu
new beginnings // @koakyuu
morning kisses // @kisswon
interruptions // @goldenhypen
sweet tooth // @sunoona
you, me and the moon // @linoragi
dimension:dilemma // @chiyuv 
sugar daddy // @jayflrt
catch us, dispatch // @jalnandanz
hate that // @heesplanet
whats your number // @jalnandanz
epiphany // @yoongimooni
heart eyes // @t5u
candy hearts // @shuadaisy
always you // @tyunsie
i will make pt 2 and prob 3 because i have the max amount of @ …. so OTHER MEMBERS IN OTHER PARTS!!!
200 notes · View notes
shuadaisy · 2 years
cupids’s bow ; park sunghoon / chapter 7
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• enhypen sunghoon x oc
• college au
• genre: romance, fluff, drama
• Characters: Park Sunghoon, Choi Mirae (OC), Enhypen
• synopsis:
Cupid offers to shoot an arrow into the person you love. What would you do?And what if it the arrow didn't work like you expected it to?
A story about how Mirae tries to win the heart of her crush.
This story is entirely fictional.
also read on: wattpad
Chapter 7
There was a muffled beeping sound somewhere, annoying Mirae as it didn't seem to stop. Her head was throbbing. She turned around in her bed and found the source of the shrill sound - her phone. It was her alarm that she forgot to turn off, and now she was forced awake at an inhumane 8AM on a Sunday. She stopped the alarm and tossed her phone to the side, closing her eyes again to get some more sleep. A buzzing sound made her eyes twitch again but she decided to ignore it for now.
About two hours later, Mirae was shaken from her dream by a buzzing sound again. She groaned and searched for her phone to check the time, and to see if the sound was coming from there. And it was indeed, she got messages from two people.
Jake groaned in frustration as he turned around in his bed. In his hand was his phone, the chat opened with Mirae's conversation. He tapped on his screen, forming sentences but erasing them right after. What was wrong with him? He had no problem texting Mirae at all. Why was he so conscious about what to write now?
Memories of the night before came rushing back, where Mirae suddenly hugged him out of nowhere. Not only once, but twice.
Sunghoon, Heeseung and Jake accompanied Mirae back to her home since she was drunk and they wanted to make sure that she got home safely. If only Heeseung wasn't as drunk as Mirae, bringing her home would have been easier than the other two guys thought. Heeseung and Mirae kept wanting to fight with each other and the other two had to keep them from doing something seriously bad. Heeseung practically clung onto Sunghoon, so he had to take care of him, even though he wanted to look after Mirae. Instead, Jake had to be the one to make sure that she was okay on the way. It was a relief that her home was near campus, it was definitely a hassle for the other two. Any longer and Sunghoon would have probably snapped at the oldest one for being so annoying.
As they finally reached the apartment complex where Mirae lived, they wanted to bid goodbye. But before the guys could turn around and leave, Mirae launched forward and wrapped her arms around one of the guys. Sunghoon stilled. Jake's eyes widened.
At that moment, Sunghoon unconsciously clenched his jaw. If he could, he would've thrown Heeseung to the side to remove Jake from Mirae's grip. He didn't know why but the sight of the two of them hugging like this irked him. Unfortunately for him, Heeseung was clinging onto him like a koala, smiling from ear to ear as if nothing could ever bother him.
Just like before, Jake freezed on the spot as he felt Mirae wrapping her arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug yet again. She was smiling and whispering in his ear. "Thank you for today~ You should come over again!"
That's when he realized that she probably thought he was Sunghoon. He felt a sting in his chest for reasons he couldn't comprehend, but he brushed it off to focus on getting Mirae off him, even if he liked her embrace. "Mirae, you should go in," Jake let out a nervous laugh and removed her hands from his shoulders. He surely felt Sunghoon staring holes in his back and he didn't want him to misunderstand at all. After a little more drunken bickering between Heeseung and Mirae she finally went inside.
Jake's fingers hovered over his screen, contemplating on sending her a message or not.
Hey Mirae, how are you now?
Yo, you still drunk?
Jake sighed. Nothing seemed to sound good. He tossed his phone on his bed and covered his face with his hands. Why did he feel so conflicted? Mirae likes Sunghoon, and Jake just wanted the two of them to get together. She was the first person Sunghoon invited to their lunch so he thought he must've liked her too. Or at least consider her as a friend. All he wanted to do was play cupid, so why did his heart start beating faster at the thought of Mirae hugging him?
With tired eyes, Mirae swiped the screen of her phone to check the messages. Her heart hammered against her chest as she read the name of the sender. One message was from Sunghoon.
Hey Mirae, hope you're doing okay. You had quite a lot to drink. Let me know when you're awake.
She started to smile as soon as she read his text. It was so sweet and caring. But then it hit her. The reason why she had one hell of a headache right now was because she may or may not have gone over her limits yesterday. Damn, I hope I didn't do anything embarrassing!
She tried to recall the events during dinner yesterday, but it was slightly blurry. She quickly replied to him and told him that she was okay. Going back to her messenger app, she was surprised to see the sender of the other message.
Mirae I'm so sorry the others told me we both kinda drank a lot and I wanted to fight you or something. Hope you're fine, again sorry I don't want to fight you at all!!
Mirae let out a chuckle. She tried to remember how she got Heeseung's number but it must've been when they already had some drinks. He was saved as Heeshuidng, so she figured that they already had a good amount of alcohol by then. She wanted to fight him? Hopefully, she didn't do anything too weird in front of Sunghoon if she wanted to fight with Heeseung. Mirae figured that it would be best to ask Jake to tell her what exactly happened, she can't just go straight to Sunghoon and ask, it was embarrassing enough that he had to see her drunk self. But she definitely made a mental note to keep her limits in check.
After taking a shower and getting breakfast, Mirae decided to call Jake to ask him to meet up. He sounded quite hesitant on the phone but maybe it was also her imagination.
"Please, if you have time let's meet up and grab lunch or something. I wanted to ask you about yesterday." Mirae pleaded with him over the phone. She heard Jake sigh.
"Okay fine. Let's meet at Sinchon station at 1."
"Okay, perfect!" She replied and hung up shortly after.
When Mirae was walking towards the restaurant Jake texted her, he was already standing in front of it. "Sorry, did you wait long?" She huffed, walking towards him with hurried steps. "No, I just got here." He said, smiling at her.
They went inside and ordered Jjimdak to share. This restaurant is apparently famous for its good braised chicken menu.
"Now, Jake please tell me if I did anything embarrassing yesterday?" Mirae spoke after handing Jake some chopsticks and tissues. He unconsciously avoided eye contact with her. "Well, you didn't really. Except if you count fighting with Heeseung as if you were in a Tekken video game as embarrassing." Jake took a piece of pickled radish and ate it. "I really didn't know you had those kinds of moves," he laughed. Mirae groaned in frustration. "Ugh, I already know about that. Heeseung kinda told me."
Jake raised a brow in surprise. "Heeseung texted you?" Mirae nodded and also took a piece of radish with her chopsticks. "Yeah, he texted me this morning to apologize." She chuckled. "I see. Well, other than that you're fine I think?" Jake replied.
"Jjimdak for two~" The two of them were interrupted by the waitress who set their food on the table. "Enjoy!" She said with a bright smile and left them alone again.
"Okay if you say so." Mirae commented on Jake's sentence from before they got interrupted. She took a bite of the braised chicken and swore it was the best she ever had before. "Oh, this is so good! Please give me all the good food spots you know!"
Jake chuckled lightly at that. "So that you can ask Sunghoon to go with you?" He actually didn't intend to say it but it slipped out. Was he jealous? Jealous of what? He was supposed to help them get together but why did he keep having these feelings? It was as if someone kept pricking a needle in his heart whenever he thought of Mirae and Sunghoon together. Jake was shaken out of his thoughts from Mirae's laughter. "You got me there!"
He gave her a small smile. Whatever this feeling that built inside of him was, he wanted to ignore it.
"Maybe next time you should make sure it's the right person when you hug someone..." Jake commented as he scooped himself another serving. Mirae almost choked on her rice. "What do you mean?" She asked after clearing her throat. "You probably wanted to hug Sunghoon when we said goodbye." Mirae's eyes went big as she listened to Jake. She looked at him, expectant, waiting for him to continue. She didn't want to pull the info out of his nose.
He sighed as she looked at him with those hazel eyes. "You hugged me instead of Sunghoon. Don't want him to misunderstand now, do you?"
For a moment, it was silent and just the chatter of other customers along with music could be heard. Then Mirae broke the silence with her laughter again, laughter that sounded like a beautiful melody in Jake's ears. "Oh if it's you, it's alright."
Jake might have expected this answer, but there it was again, that sting in his chest.
"If I think about it now, it's better that it was you. I think it would've been even more embarrassing to face Sunghoon after I hugged him while being drunk."
Jake tried to force a laugh. "We're never drinking with you again. It was such a hassle to bring you home!" He said, trying to change the topic. Mirae crossed her arms and pouted. "I'm sorry, okay, but Heeseung is not better either."
He couldn't help but smile at her cute expression. "I really thought you'd rip his hair out at one point," he laughed.
As the two of them continued eating and joking around, Mirae didn't notice the text she received.
Good to hear you're fine now. Have you eaten lunch yet? Wanna grab something?
- Sunghoon
Word count: 1741
A/N: Jealous hoon and jake both in one chapter whoops- 
Hope you liked it! Thanks for reading ^^
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shuadaisy · 2 years
hi there!! your cupids bow series are so fun!! thank you for your effort!! 💗💗💗
Ahh thank you so much!! 🥺💞 i'm glad you enjoy it!!
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shuadaisy · 2 years
in case anyone sees, thank you for following me 😭 thanks for liking my stories/posts i hope you enjoy <3
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shuadaisy · 2 years
cupid’s bow ; park sunghoon / chapter 6
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• enhypen sunghoon x oc • college au • genre: romance, fluff, drama • Characters: Park Sunghoon, Choi Mirae (OC), Enhypen • synopsis: Cupid offers to shoot an arrow into the person you love. What would you do?And what if it the arrow didn't work like you expected it to?
A story about how Mirae tries to win the heart of her crush.
This story is entirely fictional.
also read on: wattpad
Chapter 6
A part of Mirae didn't want this day to come, another part was excited. It was Saturday, the day Sunghoon would come over so that they could work on their group project. Thinking about it now, she really didn't know where that courage came from to invite him over. Of course, they would mostly work on their project but she never invited a guy over to her house before.
She got up earlier than expected, she couldn't even get a wink of sleep. Mirae checked for the ninth time if her apartment was tidy and presentable. Calm down, why are you acting like you want to sell this place? She shook her head in frustration. Since they agreed to meet at noon, Mirae still had plenty of time.
She lived in a one room apartment, which meant that the living room was also kind of her bedroom. Her flat also had a small kitchen and a bathroom, that's it. It was small but affordable and more than enough, considering she lived alone and near campus. Since Mirae didn't really have a living room, she set up a foldable table in the middle of the room, so that Sunghoon and her could sit on the carpet on the floor later. She thought about getting some snacks and drinks for later and decided to go to the convenience store around the corner.
It was around 3 in the afternoon when Mirae's phone vibrated on her bed. She dried her hands on the towel after washing some dishes and quickly took a look at the screen. It was Sunghoon, he texted her that he had arrived and shortly after she read his message she could hear him ringing the doorbell. Upon hearing the sound, it felt like her heart would explode out of nervousness.
As Mirae opened the door, she was greeted with a smiling Sunghoon holding out a plastic bag which seemed to be filled with snacks. When she locked eyes with him, she automatically smiled back.
"I brought some snacks." Sunghoon shook Mirae out of her trance. She mentally reminded herself to not stare too much at him. "Oh thanks! Come on in," she said and moved to the side, so that he could come in.
"I actually bought snacks beforehand, too. But I guess the more the better." Mirae giggled while showing him her bag with snacks. "Snacks are good for brainstorming." Sunghoon commented.
It was a light atmosphere between the two, a lot less awkward than Mirae had actually imagined. The two of them sat down on the floor and started working on their project, searching for some sources and also books in the online library. It seemed that they worked together pretty well, but Mirae had to really concentrate to not stare too much at Sunghoon whenever he was talking.
We have to get this done, don't be so obvious! Mirae mentally scolded herself.
At one point, Mirae suggested getting some books she found at the uni's library next time. As she talked about them, she had her eyes fixed on her laptop. "What do you think? They sound helpful, right?" She said and turned to the side to look at Sunghoon. What she didn't expect, though, was to find his face a little bit too close to her. He leaned closer towards her to look at her screen, she realized, but having his face near her made her heart beat like crazy.
Sunghoon nodded. "Yeah they're good," he said while turning to face Mirae now. He freezed as well, realizing that their faces were inches apart. It felt like time stopped for a moment. Slightly flustered, he coughed, making Mirae snap out of it. She quickly turned away, her cheeks a crimson colour by now. To avoid any further embarrassment, Mirae took her glass to take a sip of water, while Sunghoon proceeded to hastily shove some snacks into his mouth. His face was just as red as Mirae's.
Before anyone could say something, they were interrupted by the sound of Sunhoon's phone. He quickly excused himself and took the call, turning away from Mirae.
Mirae let out a sigh of relief, as she could calm down a bit. She didn't even pay attention to what Sunghoon was saying on the phone, not that she wanted to eavesdrop but she was still curious who called him.
It looked like Sunghoon finished his call, as he looked over to Mirae. "Do you have to go?" Mirae asked, a bit disappointed because she wanted to spend some more time with Sunghoon actually, but she did realize that they already worked and talked for more than two and a half hours. "I agreed to eat dinner with the others, Jake and Heeseung..." He replied, he looked like he was in thought. "Oh, I see. I don't want to hold you up!" Mirae closed her laptop. "We can always continue another time."
Sunghoon agreed and started putting his things in his bag. He looked over to Mirae again, a bit hesitant to speak, but he did nonetheless. "Do you have any plans for dinner? Would you like to join us?"
Mirae was in the middle of putting the trash from their snacks in the plastic bag but halted when she heard him. Getting dinner with Sunghoon for the first time! In her mind, her heart must've been doing acrobatics. At least it felt like that. She was excited and the presence of Jake and Heeseung would probably make it less awkward in case something like before would happen. It wasn't that she didn't like being alone with Sunghoon, but since Mirae is an introvert, she didn't know how to act in front of him sometimes. It was not helping that she'd be flustered by every little thing he does.
"Would that be okay?" She asked, a bit hesitant. Hopefully, he did not just ask out of courtesy and hoped for her to decline. "Of course! Jake even told me to invite you..." Sunghoon let out a small laugh. "Also, you know them already, so they're no strangers to you, right?" "Right. I'd love to join." Mirae smiled at him, to which he almost melted.
The two met up with Jake and Heeseung at the BBQ place they wanted to eat dinner at. Since it was a popular place near campus, it didn't take Sunghoon and Mirae long to get there. Jake and Heeseung were already waiting inside, grilling the meat and talking about their games and other random things. Heeseung insisted on securing a table because this place was always bustling with people, especially on weekends.
When Mirae and Sunghoon entered the restaurant, the smell of freshly grilled meat met their noses, sizzling sounds of meat being grilled on the stone platters and a lot of chattering sounds were dancing around their ears. Sure, the two of them ate a lot of snacks while working on their project, but upon entering, Mirae realized how hungry she actually was now.
Slightly confused, Mirae and Sunghoon looked around in search of the table where Heeseung and Jake were sitting.
"Ah!" Mirae pointed towards a table in the right corner, spotting the strawberry red hair and blond, it almost looked like a scoop of vanilla and strawberry ice cream. Heeseung noticed the two of them and waved them towards the table while he was stuffing his mouth with a piece of meat wrapped in salad.
"Sunghoon! Mirae! Hurry up, sit down." Heeseung said as they arrived at the table. "Don't talk while you have food in your mouth, geez." He was immediately nagged by Sunghoon.
"Mirae, it's good to see you! Did you guys get a lot done?" Jake beamed at Mirae, happy that she actually followed her plans on inviting Sunghoon over. Mirae nodded, also happy to see Jake again. He was like an emotional support to her when it came to Sunghoon. "We actually did! Thanks that I can join you guys for dinner." "It's no big deal. Feel free to join whenever you want to." Jake assured her.
Mirae was glad that she joined them for dinner, it felt like she was friends with them for a long time already and not only a few weeks. Their conversations were fun and lighthearted. She wasn't sure if it was because of the alcohol or because the guys were just so friendly that it was comfortable, but she enjoyed it.
Drinking alcohol was nothing new, Mirae already did plenty of times. But something she sucked at was definitely not exceeding her tolerance level. While the four of them talked and ate, it didn't even seem like many Soju shots, but Mirae unconsciously started slurring every word. Heeseung seemed to have quite an intake already, as well.
"Listen. I'm sayinnnng," Mirae started pointing towards Heeseung, who sat opposite of her. The one in question looked at her with sleepy eyes. "You should dye your hair blueeeeeee!" She started grabbing a fistful of his hair and pulling it towards herself, almost knocking over some glasses on the table. Heeseung let out a small scream which made Jake and Sunghoon sit up in surprise.
"Hey, hey. Let go." Sunghoon tried to loosen Mirae's grip on Heeseung's hair, which thankfully, she did. But to his surprise, she unexpectedly turned towards him and stared at him. Her eyes wandered towards his soft lips, which he noticed and gulped. His heart hammered so hard against his chest he thought it would explode any minute the longer Mirae would look at him. To his surprise, she abruptly stood up and turned away.
"I gotta go to the bathrooooom."
Sunghoon widened his eyes a bit, worried if Mirae could safely find the way because the shop's bathroom wasn't in the restaurant itself but you had to go outside and enter the building next to it. He proceeded to stand up but right then, Heeseung made a weird noise, which made his attention turn to him instead. Sunghoon tried to take away the opened Soju bottle from Heeseung's hands. That drunk boy wanted to fill his shot glass once again, even though his condition clearly showed that he had enough.
Seeing that Sunghoon was busy taking care of Heeseung, Jake stood up to follow Mirae instead. She did have a little too much to drink so he wanted to make sure she'd be okay.
Outside, he turned to the right to wait in front of the main door of the building but was surprised to see Mirae actually standing in front of it. He walked towards her and softly grabbed her by the arm.
"Yo Mirae, are you alright?" Jake's voice was filled with concern.
Mirae turned towards him upon hearing his voice and smiled. "Yes! I feel greaaaaat!" She leaped forwards and her arms encircled his body, pulling him in a warm hug. "Thanks to you, I was able to meet up with Sunghooooon!"
Jake freezed. He didn't expect Mirae to hug him at all. For a moment, he didn't know what to say nor do and stood there like a statue. He quickly snapped out of it and tried to move back, ignoring the heat that slowly emerged on his face.
"I- I didn't do much, you invited him yourself." Jake carefully stepped back and removed her arms from his torso. "Dang Mirae, I didn't know your tolerance is so low," Jake muttered while trying to keep her up.
Mirae gave him a light punch on the shoulder. "My tolerance is NOT low!" Right then she staggered a bit again, but Jake kept her in place. "Sure, it's not." Jake rolled his eyes. "Let's go back in," he said and moved her towards the restaurant's door.
As they sat back down, Sunghoon immediately turned towards Mirae, clearly concerned. "Are you alright, Mirae?" She gave him a thumbs up in response. "I'm feeling GREAT!" She almost half-screamed the last part. "I think it's time to leave," Sunghoon said with a chuckle. "Yeah, I'm gonna get the bill." Jake commented and called the nearest waiter.
"Did anything happen outside?" Sunghoon questioned his friend. Not expecting him to ask something like that, Jake shook his head hard, slightly taken aback. "No, nothing at all." He glanced over to Mirae who had a dazed look, probably zoning out. What Jake didn't notice, though, were the sharp eyes watching his every move as his eyes lingered a bit longer on Mirae than necessary.
Word count: 2080 a/n: Had a little writer’s block kinda :( Hope it’s not too boring  Thank you so much for reading <3
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shuadaisy · 2 years
book of chances
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❥ one shot
❥ 699 words
❥ jake x reader
❥ fluff, romance; no warnings (cursing once!)
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book of chances 
You were enraged. It was now the fifteenth time that you went to the library to borrow that one book you needed but it was still not there. It was supposed to be turned back to the library months ago, long overdue, but the stupid person who had the book still didn’t give it back. How can it be that the person still had the book? They surely have to pay a high fee by now.
You turned around to leave when you bumped into someone. Books shattered to the floor. "I'm so sorry!" You apologized, bowing hurriedly and crouched down to pick up the books from the person you bumped into. "It's okay." The guy muttered. "Thanks for helping me pick up the books." You were about to grab the last book when you halted. You read the title of the book and your mouth dropped. It couldn't be. This was the asshole who had the book all this time?! You glared at him. When you were standing up, you shoved the other books in his hand and held up the book you wanted. "You were the one who kept this book for months?!" Your voice was full of rage, ready to slap him with the book any minute. The guy simply blinked. "Wha-" he was cut off by your nagging.
The guy panicked, holding his hands up, trying to make you stop screaming in the library. People already turned their heads toward the commotion you caused with your screaming. But you didn't care. Every time you went to the library, you cursed the guy who still had this book. Jake Sim. The name that was last signed for it. So that was the person in question. If he wasn't the reason you had to wait so long, he'd be actually kind of cute but you were too angry to think. Jake bowed to you. "I'm sorry. I don't have an excuse, I just completely forgot about it." You still stood there, glaring at him.
"Let me make it up to you? A coffee? Dinner on me?"
You were perplexed. Now that you thought about it, you may have reacted too fast, too harshly. You looked around to see a lot of eyes on you two. Only then did you realise that you were still in a library and that you were really loud just then.
"Oh my gosh, I didn't mean to scream," you whispered, hiding your face with the book. Jake smiled, making his eyes disappear. "If you give me back the book I can return it. Then you can finally borrow it. Again, I'm sorry. My friends always say that I'm clumsy, I guess they're right." You looked at the book and handed it over to Jake. "Are you keeping your word? Buy me dinner as compensation," you demanded. He chuckled, taking the book from you. "Alright."
After you were finally able to borrow the book you saw Jake standing at the library entrance, leaning against the wall, waiting for you. "Dinner is on me. I always keep my word." He held open the door. You were still unsure why you actually agreed to have dinner with him, but you felt the need to be compensated for the long wait for the book. "May I ask your name? I guess you know my name by looking at the book tab but I don't know yours," Jake spoke suddenly. "My name is y/n."
He smiled at you. "Let's start off new, alright? I'm Jake." He held out his hands towards you, waiting for you to shake it. You looked at his face and then at his extended hand and decided to shake it. "It's nice to meet you, I guess." You chuckled. The rage you felt before melted away with the sight of his smile. It surely was an infectious one. Now that you calmed down and were able to take a good look at his features, he didn't seem so bad. Actually, quite handsome. Clumsy but quite an attractive guy.
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shuadaisy · 2 years
candy hearts
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❥ one shot ❥ 821 words ❥ heeseung x reader ❥ college au ❥ fluff, romance; no warnings
You were sitting at a desk in the library,  eating candy hearts you received from one of your friends from class. Sugar helped you brainstorm, so you happily munched on the candies when you noticed something. It wasn’t something unusual, because those candy hearts always had those little notes on them but you started to realize that the notes are trying to give you a message. It fit way too well to be only a coincidence. You pushed your textbook to the side to make some space on the table. You poured the rest of the uneaten candy hearts on the table to see if you were right. 
Love  On Sweetie Date Crush Heart Me With Go You
You go on date with me? The Love,Sweetie, Heart and Crush didn’t really make sense in that sentence. But it could have happened that you already ate the missing pieces. You thought about who gave you the candy before. It was Jay!
You hurriedly packed your things to go to the classroom you saw him at earlier. He told you that he would study for the finals. Crossing your fingers in your head, you hoped to meet him there to question him about the candy. As you ran towards the classroom, you stopped in front of it to catch your breath for a bit. Slowly, you poked your head through the door to check if someone was inside. You saw your friend sitting in the corner and your face lit up. Opening the door, you barged in. 
“Jay!” He looked up from his book. “y/n, what’s up?” You hushed towards his place and let the bag with the candy hearts dangle around your finger. Jay raised one eyebrow, waiting for you to speak. “You gave me these, right?” He nodded. “Why?” Taken aback by this sudden question, he scratched his head. “Why not?” You turned a chair around and sat down in front of him. “Are you doing this on purpose?” 
Now, you were unsure if your suspicions were right or wrong. What if the text on the candy were purely a coincidence? You didn’t want to embarrass yourself, either. Jay sighed. “Okay well I guess you got me. Actually, I gave these to you because my friend asked me to give them to you.” You widened your eyes, alarmed. “Who is that friend of yours?” Jay shook his head. “I can’t tell you yet. He gave me clear instructions,” he said while chuckling. You furrowed your brows. Is this going to turn to some kind of detective play?! “I can tell you one thing, though. If you’re curious about that message you seem to have found out, you should go to the cafe near campus at 3pm.” You looked at your watch. “Wait, that’s in like 5 minutes!” Jay shrugged, “You did take your time realising that there was a hidden message.” You grabbed the bag of candy and stormed out of the classroom. “Thank you!!” Jay was able to hear you say in the distance.
In front of the cafe, you looked around to see if anyone was standing there, already waiting. But it was empty. They couldn’t have been waiting inside now, would they? You looked at the bag of candy again. It was an interesting idea to do it like this, you definitely wanted to meet this person who was behind all this. Letting your shoulders hang down in defeat, you were about to go, when someone tapped you on the shoulder. Surprised, you turned around and almost hit the person in their face with the small bag with candies. 
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to!”  Seeing the person who tapped you on the shoulder, your mouth dropped slightly. He smiled at you wholeheartedly. “Glad to see you found your way here.” You blinked, “Wait...Did you- Were the candy hearts from you?” He nodded. You couldn’t believe your eyes. In front of you stood the one and only, your crush, Lee Heeseung. And he was the one who was behind the candy hearts message! 
“I actually wanted to ask you that earlier, but I honestly didn’t have the courage, so I thought maybe I could do it like this. And if it was meant to be, then you could’ve found my hidden message.” You chuckled. “It was definitely an interesting method. But even making your friend give me the candies? You’re really something.” Heeseung laughed in embarrassment, looking at the ground. You took his hand, to which he lifted up his head in surprise. “But I’ll gladly go on a date with you,” you smiled. Happy that you agreed to go on a date with him, he hugged your waist and lifted you up, spinning you around. “Thank you!” He showed you the brightest smile you ever saw. Screw uni work, you would rather spend the rest of the day with Heeseung.
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shuadaisy · 2 years
cupid’s bow ; park sunghoon / chapter 5
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• enhypen sunghoon x oc • college au • genre: romance, fluff, drama • Characters: Park Sunghoon, Choi Mirae (OC), Enhypen • synopsis: Cupid offers to shoot an arrow into the person you love. What would you do?And what if it the arrow didn't work like you expected it to?
A story about how Mirae tries to win the heart of her crush.
This story is entirely fictional.
also read on: wattpad
Chapter 5
Whenever Mirae was able to, she tried sitting next to Sunghoon in their lectures. She tried a lot more to talk to him and she surely felt like they were getting along fine. At least she considered them as friends already, something more than mere acquaintances. Hopefully, Sunghoon thought so as well.
It was Thursday, after classes Mirae decided to head home, when she suddenly felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Checking the message, it was Jake asking her if she wanted to meet up at the cafe where Sunghoon worked. She pondered for a while before replying 'sure'. She could do the assignments in the cafe anyway, and plus, she got to see Sunghoon again, even if he would have to work.
Mirae met Jake in front of the coffee shop and greeted him warmly. "What's up?" She held out her hand, waiting for him to high five her and he did just that. "Quick, head inside to greet your barista boy instead," Jake said with a smirk, to which he only received a light punch in the shoulder. The two of them went inside and Jake said that he'd get a table for them.
"Hey, you're making me pay for your drink twice?" Mirae said while crossing her arms.
"Not my problem, I never asked for a drink the first time." Jake simply shrugged. Seeing Mirae scoff, he let out a laugh and handed her some cash. "I'm just kidding," he said, turned around and walked over to a table near the windows.
"Oh! Hey Mirae!" She was warmly greeted by a smiling Sunghoon. She couldn't help but smile back, her facial muscles seemed to move on its own whenever she saw him.
"I'd like two Vanilla Lattes, please." "Gotcha." After handing her back the change he swiftly looked behind her towards the window. "Are you here with Jake?" His voice was full of curiosity. Mirae nodded. "Yeah. Probably just gonna study."
"I see." There was a weird feeling inside of Sunghoon, but he couldn't make out what it was. He tried to shrug it off as fatigue, since he had uni all day and even had to work the closing shift for today.
He directed his gaze back to Mirae and gave her a warm smile. "Again, I'll bring the drinks to you as soon as they're ready, so just sit down." "Thank you!" Mirae beamed back at him and turned around, hiding her flushed cheeks.
As she walked up to the table where Jake sat, she was greeted by a mischievous grin. "It looks like you ran a whole marathon, your face is so red," Jake laughed at her. "Shut up!" Mirae whisper-yelled, trying not to be too loud in case Sunghoon hears anything. All she could hear were mumbles of 'Sorry' while Jake was laughing, which made it even worse. Pouting, she pulled out her textbook and proceeded to silently work on her assignments instead. "Oh come on, I'm just joking." Jake whined but still trying to suppress his laughter seeing Mirae pouting. He grabbed her sleeve and pulled on it, also giving her a pout. She took a quick glance at Jake as he kept pulling her arm and burst into laughter when she saw his cute expression. A big smile formed on his face as well.
"Your drinks are ready."
The two of them were pulled back into sense when they heard Sunghoon arriving with their drinks. "I didn't know you'd ever drink something other than an Americano," Sunghoon said while putting the drink down next to Jake. "I didn't know either," Jake laughed in response. "But it's good after trying." "It's because I made it, duh." Sunghoon gave them a small laugh. "Enjoy," he said and went back to work.
Jake and Mirae ended up doing less of their uni assignments and more talking about random stuff. He told her some things about Sunghoon, how he is usually an introvert but among friends, he can become quite loud and questionable, but in a good way. It made Mirae even more curious about him. Would he show these kinds of sides to her as well if they'd get closer? Sure, he opened up to her again, but not on that level yet.
Jake on the other hand is such an extrovert. Mirae is shy as well, similar to Sunghoon, but Jake had something in him that made everything so comfortable. She chatted with Jake the whole afternoon, until it was almost closing time for the cafe without them even noticing. They only noticed when they saw Sunghoon approaching their table again.
"Hey, you two. We're closing soon so unfortunately I have to kick you out." Sunghoon said while gathering the cups on their table. "Dang, I didn't even notice the time." Jake peeked at the clock on his phone. "We'll wait outside for you!" Jake gave Mirae an encouraging look. "Ye- yeah we'll wait," Mirae said with a confused expression. Why did it feel like Jake was planning something? Her attention went back to Sunghoon when he spoke again. "Oh okay. I'll try to hurry." And with that, he turned around to clean up.
Mirae and Jake waited outside of the coffee shop. "Okay listen," Jake started. "I'll make him bring you home." His eyes were full of determination and he put both his hands on Mirae's shoulder. "Look, you're working together on a project or something, right? You should definitely invite him to your home or something!" It sounded a lot like he was the one who was the most excited for this, and this was quite adorable. Mirae chuckled a little. "I guess I'll try to?" Jake gave her a thumbs up.
Not too long after, they heard the chimes from the door, signaling the door being opened. Sunghoon finished cleaning up and proceeded to lock the door.
"Sorry you had to wait." Sunghoon looked at the two with an apologetic smile. Mirae shook her head in response. "No it's fine!" Jake looked at his phone and then back at Sunghoon and Mirae. "It's dark so Mirae shouldn't go home alone, don't you think, Sunghoon?" He shot a look at the other boy with a smirk. Slightly confused, Sunghoon nodded slowly. "Uh...yeah."
Mentally cursing, Jake turned to Mirae and put his hands on her shoulder like before. "I'd love to take you home, Mirae. But I have something to do so I can't. Good thing that Sunghoon is here," Jake looked at him again, raising a brow. He let go of Mirae's shoulders and walked backwards. "So, see you guys around," Jake said while waving at the two standing behind.
Mirae mentally facepalmed herself. This is not how she imagined Jake would help her, she felt beyond awkward next to Sunghoon. She didn't dare to face him, scared how he might react. Awkwardly, she fidgeted with her hands around the strap of her shoulder bag. Sunghoon's voice brought her back to her senses. "Do you live far from here? I'll bring you home." He awkwardly smiled, scratching the back of his neck out of nervousness. Sunghoon also didn't look at Mirae but the direction of the bus stop instead. "Oh, no not at all. My house is just 5 stops from here." She looked up at Sunghoon and noticed that his ears were slightly red. Was it from the cold?
"You don't need to bring me home," she added. Finally, he turned to face her. "It's okay, it's kinda dark out so it could be dangerous." He gave her a small smile. Mirae hoped that her cheeks weren't as red as she felt they were. "Okay, thank you."
The beginning of the bus ride was quiet. Neither of them knew what to say and Mirae made a mental note to tell Jake to never do this again. Arriving at Mirae's stop, the two of them headed out.
The silence was interrupted by Sunghoon as he finally began to speak. "You live quite near campus. That's great." "Oh yeah, I was really lucky to find this place." Mirae laughed a bit.
Usually, the walk from the bus stop to Mirae's apartment was a 10 minute walk, she would even be home faster if she walked alone simply because she is a fast walker. But right now, it seemed like both of them walked very slowly. The awkwardness she felt before, flew away completely.
Mirae also asked if Sunghoon lived near campus and learned that he actually lived together with Jake and Heeseung. He told her how Heeseung and Jake played a lot of games together and always ate ramen as midnight snacks, making it difficult for him to decline when the smell of tasty ramen was all over their dorm. Sunghoon and Mirae laughed a lot while he was telling some fun stories about his dorm life with them.
No matter how slow you walk, you will always get to your destination. It was no different for the two of them, who were now standing in front of the apartment complex where Mirae lived. She wanted to talk a bit more with Sunghoon, as it seemed that he was opening up a bit more towards her. She bit her lip, trying to gather her courage.
Mirae held onto Sunghoon's jacket. "Sunghoon, uhm..."
He looked at her with a raised brow, waiting for her to say something. "For the project! Do you have time this weekend? I thought we could further work on it and collect some sources." She looked up at him and as she met his eyes, her heart started beating faster. Mirae tried her best not to get lost in them.
Sunghoon replied with a smile and nodded. "Of course. I was about to ask you, too." "Great! Is Saturday okay?" Mirae instantly smiled back at him. "Yes, that's fine." He replied.
"Perfect, you can come over to my house!" Mirae let go of Sunghoon's jacket, realizing she kept holding on to him, and showed him a thumbs up. "Thanks for bringing me home, see you on Saturday, then!" She walked a few steps backwards and waved him goodbye until she turned around.
Sunghoon stayed in his spot until he saw Mirae entering the building. When she did, his eyes wandered to the end of his Jacket where she held on to. He chuckled lightly. "Cute."
Word count: 1685 words
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shuadaisy · 2 years
cupid’s bow ; park sunghoon / MASTERLIST
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• enhypen sunghoon x oc  • college au • genre: romance, fluff, drama • Characters: Park Sunghoon, Choi Mirae (OC), Enhypen • synopsis:  Cupid offers to shoot an arrow into the person you love. What would you do?And what if it the arrow didn't work like you expected it to?
A story about how Mirae tries to win the heart of her crush. 
This story is entirely fictional.
Hello! Thank you if you decide to read my story 💕 I’d appreciate every comment, reblog, like...anything! I never published any stories so I’d be interested in some feedback ^^ 
also read on: wattpad
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 /
27 notes · View notes
shuadaisy · 2 years
cupid’s bow ; park sunghoon / chapter 4
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• enhypen sunghoon x oc (not a self insert story) • college au • genre: romance, fluff, drama • Characters: Park Sunghoon, Choi Mirae (OC), Enhypen, others • synopsis:  Cupid offers to shoot an arrow into the person you love. What would you do?And what if it the arrow didn't work like you expected it to?
A story about how Mirae tries to win the heart of her crush. 
This story is entirely fictional.
Hello! Thank you if you decide to read my story 💕 I’d appreciate every comment, reblog, like...anything! I never published any stories so I’d be interested in some feedback ^^ You can also read this on wattpad!
also read on: wattpad
Chapter 4
The weekend went by with the blink of an eye. Way too fast for Mirae's liking. She was on her way to the lecture room.
Mondays were dull. She had no class with Sunghoon again. Actually, she wanted to return Sunghoon's umbrella, but she wasn't even sure if she was able to meet him. She brought it along nonetheless, just in case.
Mirae didn't really pay attention to her first lecture. It was boring. She saw no point in visiting this lecture, especially if the professor just proceeded to read almost everything that he put on his slides. If there wasn't the attendance requirement, she could've been sleeping in at least. But that wasn't the case, so she scribbled random notes in her notebook.
Usually, Mirae would meet up with Yumin for lunch time, but for the first time, she got ditched. She couldn't really be mad at her friend though, she was quite happy. It seemed like her project partner and her got along so well, he wanted to have lunch with her and talk about the project. Kang Taehyun was his name, if Mirae recalled correctly. She just hoped Yumin would introduce him to her sometime. As her best friend she just had to check up on him and make sure he's not some kind of sketchy guy.
So, all alone this time, Mirae went to get lunch at the university's cafeteria. For today's menu, she chose the Kimchi Soup and looked around for an empty seat. It was noisy as it was lunch time. After scanning the area quickly, something caught her eye. A smile formed on her face and she went towards the table near the big windows. There sat a boy who she would recognize even from a thousand meters apart, and she didn't want to miss the chance to eat lunch together with him. Especially on a day she didn't expect to meet him at all.
"Hey, can I join you for lunch?" She asked, looking down at Sunghoon with a smile. The other looked up, first slightly confused, but when he realized that it was Mirae, he nodded. "Sure, but I hope you won't mind that my other friends will be joining." Other friends? That's going to be awkward, she thought but sat down anyway.
Mirae wasn't the type of person to be super extroverted, especially among strangers. But for now, she didn't care. She got to sit right in front of her crush, which made her feel like she was on cloud nine. The two of them talked a little about their day until some guys came bustling in, bringing a cheerful atmosphere along.
"Eh heeey, Sunghoon! You never told us you got a girlfriend?" One of them exclaimed while sitting down next to him. Sunghoon's ears started to turn red and he gave the other a slight punch on the shoulder.
"She's not. This is-" "You!" Sunghoon was interrupted by his other friend pointing at Mirae with a surprised expression on his face.
Mirae wanted to become one with the chair. Or disappear. Anything but being here in this awkward situation. Who in the world could have thought that this Jake guy from the cafe was friends with Sunghoon? Jake sat down beside Mirae and leaned closer to her.
"So you got from staring from afar to actually eating lunch with him, huh? Congrats," he whispered. Mirae's face turned red and she just wanted to hide.
"Do you guys know each other?" Sunghoon raised a brow in confusion. Mirae shook her head while saying no, but Jake did the exact opposite. She mentally facepalmed herself and hoped that Jake wouldn't tell Sunghoon about the incident. The last thing she wished for, was for Sunghoon to remember her as a creep.
Jake laughed. "Not really, I saw her at the cafe where you work. Talked just a bit," he said while shrugging. "Then I'm sure you go by a name other than 'you'," the third guy with strawberry redish hair commented. He sat down next to Jake. Jake widened his eyes and gasped dramatically. "Right, I never asked your name!" Mirae couldn't help but laugh. If those were Sunghoon's friends, they were truly entertaining to be with.
"My name is Mirae. I know you're Jake, what about you two?" "This is Jay," Sunghoon said while pointing next to him. "And that's Heeseung." He nodded at the guy next to Jake.
Mirae learned that Sunghoon's friends were all in different majors. Heeseung, together with Jake, was a performing arts major while Jay was in fashion design. At first, Jay didn't seem like someone who would major in fashion design but looking at his outfit, it did fit very well. He was very stylish.
The four of them knew each other even before university, during high school they just all decided to go to the same uni. It was interesting to see a different side of Sunghoon. With his friends, he was obviously a little more talkative, or maybe it just seemed that way because Jay and Jake did a lot of talking and pulled him out of his quietness.
When their lunch break was over and they had to move on to their next classes, Jake walked up to Mirae before they all went their own ways. He tapped lightly on her shoulder.
"You like Sunghoon, don't you?" Mirae was caught off guard by his direct question. She looked ahead to make sure that no one else heard what he said. Was she that obvious? "Why- why do you ask?" Her voice was slightly shaken. Jake seemed to always catch her in her most embarrassing moments. "Let me help you win him over!" He said with a wink.
Mirae was perplexed. Why would he do that? But she didn't question him further, as time was running out and she had to head to her next lecture. Jake asked her to give him her phone for a bit and casually put in his number.
It was four in the afternoon and Mirae just finished her final class for today. She remembered that she still had the umbrella with her but it was very unlikely that she would meet Sunghoon again. She didn't even know his schedule. Or could he be working part time again? She took out her phone from her jacket and hovered over the chatroom with Sunghoon.
Mirae really wanted to text him and just ask if he was still on campus, but the coward in her was still too scared to send him texts out of the blue like that. But Sunghoon didn't ask for his umbrella either, so he surely didn't need it back as soon as possible, right? She pondered for a while but decided to put her phone back into the pocket when she suddenly heard a deep voice next to her ear.
"Thinking of texting Sunghoon?"
Mirae almost dropped her phone out of surprise. Her heart was beating so fast from the rush of adrenaline and she turned around to see Jake standing next to her. She gave him a reproachful look. The boy just continued laughing at her. "Can you stop creeping up on me?!" More laughter was echoing through Mirae's ears. Jake was clearly entertained by her reactions. Annoyed, she gave him a playful punch on his arm so he would stop.
"Sorry, sorry." He put his hands together, as if he wanted to ask for forgiveness. "It's just funny to see how the sole mention of Sunghoon can make you so on edge." Mirae glared at him. But then she thought about what Jake offered to her after lunch. "Now, what did you mean when you said you wanted to help me earlier?" "Ah, interested?" He replied with a smirk. Again, he gave her this heartfelt laugh. "It's just what I said. I'll help you get together with Sunghoon! That guy's too oblivious to these kinds of things so without any help, I'm afraid you'd have to chase him for 5 years."
"5 years?!" Mirae was surprised but couldn't help but laugh. "Then, you can start helping by telling me if Sunghoon is still on campus." She looked up to Jake, crossing her arms expectantly. "Oh, he should be working at the cafe right now," he said while scratching his head. "Wanna head over?" And with that, the two of them started walking towards the direction of the coffee shop.
Out of curiosity, Jake asked Mirae what she wanted or what she would do when she met Sunghoon and she told him about his umbrella that she still kept. "Oh wow, Sunghoon being a romantic, I never knew," Jake commented. Mirae giggled. "You're surely good friends if you can keep clowning him like that." Jake told her a bit more about the seemingly anti-romantic Sunghoon he came across, when in reality, it was probably just because he was shy. At least that's what Jake thought.
Arriving in front of the cafe, Jake decided to wait outside for Mirae. It wasn't too full inside, Mirae saw Sunghoon returning behind the counter after bringing an order away. She approached him nervously. "Hey, Sunghoon." He was cleaning the counter and looked up after hearing his name. "Mirae? What can I get for you?" He asked, surprised to see her.
"Oh, uh I just wanted to return your umbrella to you. I wanted to do that during lunch but I forgot." She searched through her bag and held the folded umbrella towards Sunghoon. "Oh, thank you," he let out a small chuckle. "You didn't have to come all the way here for that. You could've just kept it."
"No, no, no! As if I can just keep it." Mirae shook her head a little bit too much and laughed nervously. "Uhm, can I get a vanilla latte to go, though?" "Of course," Sunghoon said and proceeded to put it into the register. She looked around restlessly, not knowing if she should start another conversation with him. "Wait, make it two please," Mirae added.
After Sunghoon finished making the coffee, he handed them to Mirae with a smile. "See you tomorrow in the lecture." She returned the smile. "See you tomorrow!" It was funny how a few words from him could make her feel all giddy inside.
Outside, Mirae saw Jake still standing there, scrolling on his phone. "You're still here." It was supposed to be a question, but it came out more like a statement. She knew he was still there as she was able to see him through the windows. Before Jake could reply, Mirae held out her hand with the cup of coffee. "For you. I hope you like vanilla latte. And if not, then just force yourself to drink it."
"For me?" Jake asked, clearly surprised. His eyes went big and he exaggeratedly pointed at himself with his finger. He was so open with his emotions, it was refreshing to see. "No, I'm going back in to give it to Sunghoon. Of course it's for you, see this as a thanks." She started shaking the cup a little, growing impatient. Jake took this as a sign to grab it. "Thanks," he said with a smile. "I do like vanilla."
The two of them walked towards the bus stop near the cafe. Jake assured Mirae that he'd definitely try to help her out and offered that she could join them for lunch whenever she wanted to. He even said he'd make Jay and Heeseung ditch Sunghoon for lunch so that she could eat with him alone. Mirae liked that idea and thanked him for trying to play the wingman. Weirdly, it gave her a new boost of confidence. It made her wonder why she didn't try to make an effort before.
Word count: 1903
A/N: New characters joined, yay! I'm sorry if the pace seems quite slow but it's still the beginning so... It'll pick up pace soon :) Thanks for the likes <3
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shuadaisy · 2 years
cupid’s bow ; park sunghoon / chapter 3
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• enhypen sunghoon x oc (not a self insert story)
• college au
• genre: romance, fluff, drama
• Characters: Park Sunghoon, Choi Mirae (OC), Enhypen, others
• synopsis: 
Cupid offers to shoot an arrow into the person you love. What would you do?And what if it the arrow didn't work like you expected it to?
A story about how Mirae tries to win the heart of her crush. 
This story is entirely fictional.
Hello! Thank you if you decide to read my story 💕 I’d appreciate every comment, reblog, like...anything! I never published any stories so I’d be interested in some feedback ^^ You can also read this on wattpad!
also read on: wattpad
Chapter 3
It was finally Friday and Mirae dreaded for the weekend to come. Her mind had a lot to process ever since the encounter with the mysterious book and cupid. She sat in her last class for the day, near the window. Raindrops gently tapped against the window while the professor rambled a little bit too much about some encounter he had the other day, completely trailing off the topic.
As he dismissed the class Mirae sighed while packing up her things. She did not see Sunghoon today at all, neither was she able to meet Yumin or other friends. Their schedules for Friday were just way too different.
Yesterday evening, Mirae was all confident about getting Sunghoon to like her, but in reality, she felt helpless. How was she going to do that? She can't just walk up to him and confess her feelings to him out of nowhere. Especially after he apparently almost forgot about her existence.
Mirae took her phone out of her pocket and dialed Yumin's number. Shortly after, she could hear a rushed "Hello?" and some rustling in the other line.
"Yumin? Are you busy?"
"Kinda. Sorry Mirae, I'm on my way to meet my partner for that project presentation. I'll catch you later, okay?"
"Okay sure. Good luck!" Mirae said and hung up.
By the mention of the project, she realized that Sunghoon and her didn't discuss anything yet. Damn, we need to start making an outline. She pondered if she should text him first. Would he contact her?
Screw it, I'm gonna start working on an outline first and just discuss it with him later. Mirae decided to look for a cafe where she could start drafting the project in advance. There was this small coffee shop near campus that seemed to be well visited, not too many people but also not too little. It was perfect for studying.
It wasn't too full in the afternoon so the atmosphere was quite calming. The music they play here is not too loud either, it's the perfect music to focus on assignments and such. Mirae took out her laptop and her notes to start brainstorming for the project. She tried to scribble some notes but her mind kept wandering towards the counter. Or more like, the person that was behind the counter.
Mirae's entrance to the coffee shop was announced with a soft cling from the door hitting the chimes and she was warmly greeted by the staff.
"Hello," Mirae said while coming to a halt in front of the counter. She was busy looking at the menu board at the wall, deciding what to get.
"Hey, uh...Mirae."
She looked up, confused, only to stare into the hazel eyes that she so adored.
"Sunghoon?!" She exclaimed a little too loud, she realized, and covered her mouth with her hand. "What are you doing here? I didn't know you work part time here," she began, a little bit quieter than before.
"Yeah I do," he said with a slight smile. "What can I get for you?"
Mirae tapped on her chin while looking at the menu behind Sunghoon. "I'll have a Vanilla Latte, please."
"Sure. That'll be 5,600 won."
Mirae nodded and gave the money. As he handed her the change, he hesitated. "Uhm, I'm sorry about yesterday," he said shyly. Mirae raised a brow in confusion. "About what?"
Sunghoon placed her change in her hand and avoided eye contact. "For forgetting that we already exchanged numbers. I'm usually not like that, I don't know why, I seemed to forget." His ears turned a bright scarlet color and he looked everywhere but Mirae's eyes. She couldn't help but smile at his cuteness. "Don't worry about it," she said while shaking her head, "It's okay."
Sunghoon smiled back at her. "Then please find a seat, I'll bring your order to you as soon as it's ready." She thanked him and found herself a table near the window.
Sunghoon was busy making her order and she couldn't take her eyes off him. She didn't want to be a creep and tried focusing on her notebook again, but her eyes automatically followed the tall figure behind the counter. The image of Sunghoon as a barista was so attractive and mesmerizing, his brown hair slightly leaning in his face while preparing the coffee, the dark brown apron that was hugged around his waist, he was just so perfect.
Mirae unconsciously let out a small content sigh.
Mirae looked down to realize that he meant the logo on her hoodie. It clearly showed the university's logo so he knew she was a student there. Every department has their own sweaters and jackets you can buy, showing each department's name. She shot a look at Jake who was leaving, and saw that he was wearing the jacket, too. Squinting her eyes to try to read the embroidery on the back of his jacket it said Performing arts.
"Staring quite a bit, eh?"
Her eyes almost popped out of her eye sockets as she heard the voice near her. She turned to the person standing opposite of her, looking at her with a smirk on his face. She was so flustered to be caught in the act, her cheeks turned a crimson color.
"Who are...?" Mirae stammered out of embarrassment.
The boy in front of her looked at her, smiling. He had blond hair and such a cute smile. His bag hung around his shoulder and his jacket only covered half if his shoulder, as if he was about to leave the cafe. "I'm Jake," he said while giving her a wink.
Mirae's cheeks didn't seem to stop turning red.
"Sorry, it was just cute how intensely you stared. See you around campus, maybe." Jake made a finger gun and pointed at her hoodie. And with that, he turned around to leave the cafe.
I probably won't ever see him again.
The Business department and performing arts department are in two different buildings, it was very unlikely to see that guy again, unless it's a weird coincidence.
"Here you go." Mirae was shaken out of her trance when she heard Sunghoon putting her coffee on her table.
"Thank you," she replied and gave him a smile.
To her surprise, Sunghoon didn't leave yet but stayed. She looked at him with questioning eyes.
"Sorry, I couldn't contact you about the project yet," he said while scanning her notebook and laptop, showing notes of their lecture. "Let's discuss it soon. When are you free?"
Mirae's heart started pounding. Did Park Sunghoon just ask her when she's free? Okay, he probably did that just for the project but she felt happy nonetheless.
"Until when do you work today?"
"I get off at 5 pm. Are you able to wait?"
It was 3 pm now. Sure, Mirae thought, she could just work on assignments until he's off. She gave him a nod. "That's okay!"
"Perfect," he said while giving her a smile in return. He turned around to get back behind the counter and Mirae tried to focus on her work instead of getting distracted by Sunghoon. She didn't want to get called out yet again.
Cling. The sound of the chimes hitting the bell was heard yet again. It repeated several times, signaling customers going into and leaving the coffee shop. The rain still tapped against the windows, but the weather forecast did say it would rain the whole day. Did Mirae bring an umbrella? She wasn't sure. Soft scribbles on paper could be heard. What was that? It was unusually loud, as if someone was writing right next to her.
Only then did Mirae realize that her eyes were actually closed, and she dozed off in the cafe. She was leaning on the table, her head resting on her arm while they covered her notes. In an instant, she shot up and met eyes with Sunghoon sitting opposite her.
"Did you get a good rest?" he asked, his tone was playful. Mirae blushed, avoiding eye contact out of embarrassment. For how long was Sunghoon sitting there? Did she look stupid? Hopefully, drool wasn't coming out of her mouth! Was he already finished with work? The last time she looked at the clock there was still one hour left until he got off. She took a look at her phone to see that it was 5:46 pm.
Wide-eyed, she shot Sunghoon with a look of surprise.
"You sat here for almost an hour?! No wait, I was sleeping for almost two hours?!" She buried her face in her hands and mumbled a few sorry's.
The two of them spent another hour at the cafe discussing their project until Sunghoon suggested to leave it at that for the day. They still had plenty of time so they decided to continue next time.
She got distracted by a light chuckle. Sunghoon showed her such a warm smile that made his eyes look like a crescent moon. His teeth were showing and it was the first time she noticed his little fangs, looking almost like a vampire. Cute, she thought while smiling back. There was something contagious about his smile that made her automatically laugh as well.
"Don't worry about it," he said, waving his hand. "I saw that you already took notes by yourself so I did the same."
Mirae scanned the filled notebook pages in front of him.
"Now that you're awake, we can discuss them and decide on our topic, if you like."
Whenever he looked at her with his warm eyes, Mirae felt like sparks were flying. She had to force herself to act natural in front of him.
"Of course," she said and gave him a thumbs up. "But why didn't you wake me up sooner?"
Sunghoon scratched the side of his head and shrugged. "I don't know, you seemed tired."
"I see," Mirae replied, embarrassed.
Sunghoon is an introvert, so Mirae wasn't sure how he felt towards her. Was today okay? Was he comfortable around her? This feeling was familiar to her, it was the same when she first got to know him at the semester party. He was shy but still made efforts to talk to her. It really did feel like she had to start from zero but she felt encouraged. His responses today seemed less cold than yesterday so she felt relieved. At least it didn't start with him hating her.
The two of them left the coffee shop and stayed at the door for a moment. It was still raining, so Sunghoon took out his umbrella and unfolded it. He looked over to Mirae to see her looking towards the sky with a worried expression. He held his umbrella towards her.
"Did you forget your umbrella?"
Surprised, Mirae looked at the umbrella he held out to her.
"Yes, but I shouldn't take yours." She put both her hands up in front of her, not wanting to accept the umbrella he offered. No way could she let Sunghoon get wet from the rain because of her, she would feel bad.
Sunghoon shook his head while taking one of her hands in his and making her hold it. Mirae was surprised by the action and uncontrollably blushed as his hands touched hers.
"It's okay, don't worry about it. My bus stop is right around the corner."
And before Mirae was able to protest, he turned around and ran away in the rain.
She looked at the umbrella and smiled. "Thanks, Sunghoon."
Word count: 1863
A/N: I hope this story is not too boring? Or progressing too slow. Thanks for all the likes on the first two chapters <3
Stream blessed-cursed and polaroid love ^^
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shuadaisy · 2 years
cupid’s bow ; park sunghoon / chapter 2
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• enhypen sunghoon x oc (not a self insert story)
• college au
• genre: romance, fluff, drama
• Characters: Park Sunghoon, Choi Mirae (OC), Enhypen, others
• synopsis: 
Cupid offers to shoot an arrow into the person you love. What would you do?And what if it the arrow didn't work like you expected it to?
A story about how Mirae tries to win the heart of her crush. 
This story is entirely fictional.
Hello! Thank you if you decide to read my story 💕 I’d appreciate every comment, reblog, like...anything! I never published any stories so I’d be interested in some feedback ^^ You can also read this on wattpad!
also read on: wattpad
Chapter 2  
Mirae woke up to her alarm ringing in her ears. Tired, she grabbed her phone from the night stand and pressed on snooze. But when her fourth alarm for the morning rang, she finally stood up and got ready for classes.
I had a really strange dream yesterday...
She recalled the cupid and this deal he offered her, about shooting the arrow of love into someone she likes so they would return her feelings. She scoffed at that thought. There's no way it was real, right?
Mirae walked back to her bedroom to change her clothes and noticed the golden colored, vintage book on the floor next to her bed. She stilled. It was the book cupid got out of and a sign that it was indeed not a dream. Her mind wandered to Sunghoon, whom she wanted the recipient of the arrow to be and nervously bit her lip. Is he going to like me back now? Her heart started beating faster at the thought. She felt a weird boost of confidence.
"Alright Choi Mirae! You're gonna strike up a conversation with Sunghoon today no matter what!" She exclaimed to herself, raising her hands in the air, determined.
She knew they had two classes together today so she was excited to see him. Even though they were on friendly terms, Sunghoon was still a difficult person to read. She never knew what he was actually thinking. He's nice to Mirae, but that doesn't mean that there would be any more meaning behind that. Sunghoon is nice to a lot of people. But on the other hand, he was often found sitting alone in the lectures or classes she had with him. She always wondered why. Did he not have any friends? Why would anyone not want to be his friend? It was weird to her but she didn't bother about it since she was just happy to see him in the same classes.
As Mirae arrived at university, there were already a few students in the room. Yumin didn't have this class so she quickly scanned the room to find Sunghoon sitting - yet again - alone next to the window in the back. A smile formed on her lips and made her way towards him, holding onto the strap of her bag a little bit stronger to try to fight back her nervousness. If cupid shot the arrow at him, it means he'll have feelings for me now right?
Usually, whenever Mirae talked to Sunghoon there was this friendly atmosphere, he was never cold to her. Did he have a bad day? Maybe it wasn't anything against her, but he still seemed very different...and more distant than before. Sunghoon usually had this warm smile whenever they greeted each other. He seemed like a whole different person just now.
"Hey Sunghoon," Mirae called, coming to a halt in front of the empty seat next to him. "This seat is free, right?" She tried to sound as nonchalant as possible.
Sunghoon looked up at her and removed one earphone, he seemed to be listening to music before. "Sure," he replied in a cold tone and put his earphone back in.
Mirae's eyes narrowed as she sat down beside him. What was that?
Mirae didn't think much of it. Maybe he got into a fight with someone or he just wasn't in the mood. Everybody has those days sometimes. Instead, she tried to focus on class.
How am I gonna find Cupid again to ask him about this? Mirae sighed.
At lunch, Mirae made her way towards the cafeteria and chose a seat near one of the windows, waiting for Yumin to arrive. She saw her walking in from the distance and hurriedly taking the food tray.
"Hey Mirae! How was class?" Yumin said while settling down in front of her. Mirae sighed. "The usual..." Her friend raised a brow. "You alright?" Mirae just shook her head at that. "I'm good. Just tired I guess."
The two of them ate their meal while talking a little about their day when Yumin mentioned the presentation they had to prepare for the lecture.
"Not sure if you saw it yet, but sadly we're not group partners," Yumin pouted at Mirae.
"Oh, good that you mentioned it. I totally forgot to check the document!" Mirae said, but as she was about to reach for her phone to check, Yumin chuckled.
"I already checked your partner," she said while winking at her friend. "Congrats girl, maybe you can finally make some progress with your loverboy."
Choi Mirae & Park Sunghoon
Mirae was speechless for a second. No, don't tell me... She didn't want to believe it. She had to check with her own eyes. As she pulled out her phone and opened the platform for her university, she downloaded the file her professor talked about.
And indeed, Yumin's name was not together with hers. She scrolled down to finally see her name
She felt a thump in her chest. This can't be real. Mirae thought while staring at the screen, wide-eyed.
"Do you finally believe me now?" Yumin scoffed at her. "Now that you checked it yourself, take this as a chance to get closer! I thought you two got along quite well!" She gave her friend a smile and a thumbs up.
"Yeah, I guess so," Mirae said while giving her a weak smile in response. "But why does it feel like I have to start from zero..." She muttered, barely audible for the other to hear.
After the final lecture for the day, Mirae strolled along the hallways, ready to go home. As she walked across the campus towards the bus stop, she saw a familiar figure walking there as well. With a slap on her cheeks with both her hands, she once again gathered some confidence and hurried towards the tall figure to catch up.
"Sunghoon, hey!" She said waving at him as she came to a stop next to him. The boy gave her a half-hearted smile. "Hi uh...Mirae, was it, right?"
She blinked at him in disbelief. Did he just almost forget her name? Mirae knew that they weren't super close friends but this never happened before. He always used to greet her, saying her name. Perplexed, she continued to walk next to him, trying to initiate a conversation.
"You're also attending Mr. Lee's lecture, right? About the group project, I saw that we're partners." She shyly looked at him, observing his reaction.
Sunghoon simply nodded at her. "I see. Give me your number so that we can discuss it better," he said while holding out his phone in front of her face.
Mirae was more than confused, if that could even describe how she felt at that moment. Sunghoon seemed like a whole new person, so foreign. From one day to the other, he was suddenly so cold towards her and she couldn't understand why. Wasn't the arrow supposed to make him like her?
Fighting back the tears that dwelled up in her eyes for some reason, she tried to stay calm. "You...you already have my number. We exchanged them some time ago."
Sunghoon put his phone back in his pocket with a surprised look on his face. "Oh really? Must've forgotten it, sorry." He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.
"It's alright," Mirae gave him a sad smile. "Then I'll see you around." She started running towards the bus stop and thank god, right at that time, her bus arrived.
Thud! Mirae's bag harshly met the floor in her room. She dragged her feet to her bed and fell face first on the soft blankets that she folded so neatly in the morning. She was confused and frustrated. Was this all some sort of weird dream? But why in the world would Sunghoon suddenly act like he never knew her? She pulled at her hair in frustration. "Stupid cupid, did you prank me?" She groaned, irritated.
As if on cue, sparkles started forming in the air. A bright light erupted, just like the one from the book yesterday. Mirae squinted her eyes and hovered her hand in front of her face to block the brightness.
"Cupid! You have some explaining to do!" Mirae's tone clearly showed anger as she threw one of her plushies in his direction. Cupid dodged it wide-eyed. "Is this how you greet your guests?!" He scoffed.
"What guest...I never invited you here," she replied, proceeding to pick up her plushie from the floor. She sat back down on her bed, hugging it while pouting. "Did you even shoot the arrow like you said you would? Was this some kind of prank?" Mirae said, feeling disappointed. "What do you take me for? Cupid always keeps promises!" He said while crossing his arms.
"Then why did Sunghoon act so differently today? It's like I never existed to him!" Mirae groaned in frustration.
"If the person in question already has pre-existing affection towards you, the feelings will disappear as soon as the arrow strikes them."
Cupid cleared his throat. "Ahem...well...I did warn you about the condition." He looked away from her while whistling.
Mirae was speechless. "The...condition...?" Her eyes widened in shock as she recalled what cupid had told her about the deal.
Mirae got up halfway. "You're telling me that Sunghoon actually liked me back? All this time?!" She shouted in frustration. "Why did I agree to this?" She buried her face in her pillow again and let out another cry.
Mirae's hand covered her mouth in disbelief. Affection? Towards me? Sunghoon?!
Again, she let herself fall on her bed, her face hitting the pillow. "Hey, uh...Mirae? You alri-" Cupid was cut off by a muffled screaming and punching on the bed.
Cupid simply rolled his eyes at her. "Come on now," he said while trying to pull her up again by her arm. "Just try to make him like you again?"
Mirae scoffed. "How the heck am I supposed to do that? I'm a nervous wreck whenever I'm around him," she said as she fiddled with her blanket. Cupid lifted her face up with his tiny hands. "Where did all the confidence go? You were so determined! Or do you want to live your life like this forever?"
Mirae couldn't believe that she actually got lectured from not even her parents, but a magical being that she never thought existed. She sighed. "Of course not..."
"Well, I can't help you out either way. All I did was keep my promise, it's up to you what you're going to do." And with that, a whirl of sparkles and glitter appeared again, signaling that cupid disappeared into thin air, just like the day before.
Mirae stared at the ceiling in silence. She still couldn't believe that Sunghoon liked her too. She felt dumb and pathetic for not trying to get closer to him.
No. I should change my mindset. Cupid is right... "Park Sunghoon, you're gonna like me again." Mirae said, determination once again written on her face.
Sunghoon made his way towards the lecture hall, still exhausted because he wasn't able to sleep much last night. Who the hell takes lectures at 8 AM? I'm so dumb for this... it's my own fault. He thought while mentally facepalming himself.
When he reached the lecture hall, he scanned the empty seats, deciding where to sit when his eyes landed on a person resting their head on their arms on the table. He walked closer to make sure it's the person he thought it would be. He silently placed his bag on the floor on the empty seat and smiled to himself.
It was as if the tiredness washed away when Sunghoon saw Mirae. Her dark brown hair was embracing her silhouette, showing her small figure. She must be tired as well. Cute. Sunghoon thought while observing her, still wearing a smile since he recognized her. He tried not to wake her up even though he wished he could talk to her. So he took out his earphones and turned on some music before the lecture started.
After her friend Yumin sat down next to Mirae, Sunghoon could see that she finally got up. His heart started beating faster. Will she greet him? Will she talk to him?
He could see from the corner of his eye that Mirae scanned the lecture room while taking out her notes. As her face turned towards him, he felt a sudden rush of heat slowly emerging on his face. He tried to stay as cool as possible and kept looking at his phone, tapping random stuff. Mirae turned away and Sunghoon let out a small breath he didn't know he held.
God damn it, why are you such a coward, Sunghoon?
A/n: Thanks for reading! I hope you like it and find this interesting and not too boring 😅 it's a plot that takes time haha
Word count: 2143
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shuadaisy · 2 years
cupid’s bow ; park sunghoon / chapter 1
Tumblr media
• enhypen sunghoon x oc (not a self insert story)
• college au
• genre: romance, fluff, drama
• Characters: Park Sunghoon, Choi Mirae (OC), Enhypen, others
• synopsis: 
Cupid offers to shoot an arrow into the person you love. What would you do?And what if it the arrow didn't work like you expected it to?
A story about how Mirae tries to win the heart of her crush. 
This story is entirely fictional.
Hello! Thank you if you decide to read my story 💕 I’d appreciate every comment, reblog, like...anything! I never published any stories so I’d be interested in some feedback ^^ You can also read this on wattpad!
also read on: wattpad
Chapter 1  
Youth. A time that is supposedly the best time of your life. Adults always say that you should enjoy your youth while you can, becoming an adult would only be stressful.
"I actually liked you ever since you sat next to me in the lecture," she said while looking down to the floor. He put his finger under her chin and lifted her face up to look at her eyes. "I like you too." Slowly, both of them moved inches closer and-
Mirae was not sure if she would consider her youth the most beautiful moment in life. More than anything, she always wanted to escape from her school life. She couldn't wait until she finally graduated high school and started university. For her, her teenage years were mediocre at best and she always imagined how great her college life would be.
Parties, doing a major she likes, and most important of all, a love life.
"My god this is so cringe," Mirae said, rolling around on her bed. She covered her face with the opened book she just held in her hands and started kicking her feet out of second-hand embarrassment. Even though she found the story quite cringy, she couldn't help but smile. Mirae might not seem like it but she actually really enjoyed romance novels and movies, it was her guilty pleasure. Even the ones her friends would define as cringe and embarrassing, she still enjoyed them.
She could spend hours reading or watching anything of the romance genre until late at night, even though she has classes the next day.
Her eyelids already felt heavy so she took a look at the clock. 02:34. Shit! I have classes at 8 tomorrow...
She quickly put the book on her bed table and turned off the light.
The next morning, Mirae could barely make it out of bed.
Mental note to myself: never take 8 am classes ever again. She thought while taking her jacket and leaving her small apartment. She was thankful to the universe that she was able to find a small apartment near her university, so she didn't have to commute for too long.
Arriving at the lecture hall, Mirae sat down in the back in hopes to take short naps if she was too tired.
She put her arms on the table and rested her head on them while waiting for the lecture to begin. If I still have 15 minutes I might as well...
Three months ago...
It only felt like she closed her eyes for 3 seconds, yet she already heard the professor walking in and talking. How was that already 15 minutes?? She thought but still stayed in that position.
A loud thump from her right and a slightly panicked "Hey!! Hey Mirae!" made Mirae shift her attention, though.
She looked up to see her best friend Yumin looking at her with panicked eyes.
"Yumin, morning. What's up?" Mirae said, still with a sleepy tone in her voice.
Her friend sat down and inched closer to her. She started whispering so that only Mirae could hear, "Did you not look at your surroundings? How can you sleep like that on the table while he is sitting next to you?"
Mirae's eyes widened. He?
Trying to act as normal as possible, Mirae leaned back in her chair and put her bag on her lap, taking out her notes and a pen for the lecture. While doing so, she tried to glance around the lecture room until she turned to her left.
He sat next to her, eyes concentrated on his phone, fingers tapping on the screen. His dark brown hair slightly covered his eye as he looked down. He looked so pretty, like always. He didn't notice her at all, but she was okay with it. She was used to it after all.
Mirae tried not to stare too much and turned her head towards the professor who just started the lecture.
But her mind wandered to the guy sitting next to her, the one she started to develop a crush for since the semester orientation party. Park Sunghoon.
It was loud and bustling, people wherever you went. Mirae had one plastic cup in one hand and her other hand reached out for her friend Yumin who was eager to go around and make new friends at the start of the semester. They were at the orientation party for people starting university and Yumin asked Mirae to come along. Mirae was more of an introvert, not really the kind to party a lot, but she thought it could not hurt trying to make more friends at university before it would be too late. She didn't want to end up being a loner afterall.
It was nonetheless difficult for her to open up and strike up a conversation with strangers which was the reason why she tried to stick to Yumin the best she could.
Yumin and her were friends since high school and decided to go to the same university. They both chose to major in business while some of their other high school friends were in different majors at the same university.
The two girls tried to search for their other friends to catch up and exchange their experiences about their orientation of their majors. Making their way through the crowd, Mirae bumped into someone and lost her hold on Yumin, who didn't seem to notice. She apologized to the person and looked around to find her friend. She can't be far. I just lost her for a second. She thought and looked around, but sighed in defeat when all she saw around herself were unknown faces. Tired of all the searching she made her way towards the seating area with vacant couches to take a breather. She sat down and nipped a little on her drink, looking around, observing all the people gathered at the grand student's hall. It hasn't even been long but she already longed to go back home, reading her webtoons or watching her dramas instead. Mirae took out her phone to send her friends a short text, telling them her location in case they're trying to find her.
Mirae's thoughts of going home got interrupted when she heard a voice next to her.
"Hey, may I sit here?" a deep voice called her out of her trance. Mirae looked up and saw a guy stand in front of her, offering her a small smile. She nodded and moved a bit to the side. "Sure, feel free." She smiled back.
There weren't others in the seating area, only the two of them. Mirae tried not to pay too much attention to the guy, as she found it awkward to initiate a conversation. Which is the reason why she was thankful that he suddenly started to speak.
"Hey, what major are you?" He leaned a little closer to her so he didn't have to shout too much against the music. She was slightly surprised by the action but tried to stay cool.
"I'm a business major, how about you?" She asked, looking at his face, taking in his features. His eyes were mesmerizing.
"Oh, me too! Maybe we'll have some courses together!" He beamed, showing her a thumbs up. His smile was so contagious, she couldn't stop smiling back.
The two of them started talking more casually about various topics that night. It was very chill and Mirae almost forgot about searching for her friends. Bzzt bzzt. Her phone buzzed on her lap.
Mirae, we're outside for some air. Where are you? We can't find you. Let's meet outside.
Oh crap. She thought. Mirae looked up at the boy and had an apologetic look on her face.
"Hey, sorry. My friends are looking for me, see you in class maybe!" She proceeded to stand up but she was held back by a force pulling her jacket. Mirae looked back in surprise and saw the boy holding onto her jacket.
"Wait, may I know your name?" He asked.
"It's Mirae. What about yours?"
"I'm Sunghoon," he said while letting go of her jacket. "See you around."
"Alright, don't forget the project presentation I talked about, which decides your final grades. I uploaded the pdf-file with your partners on the platform online. If there are no questions, class is dismissed."
Mirae was interrupted in her train of thoughts when it started clattering and people started talking around her. Right, the stupid project. She thought. Mirae turned to Yumin, "I hope we'll be partners for it..." Yumin simply laughed. "That'd be great! Let's check later, I gotta go to my other class!"
After classes, Mirae stopped by a bookshop to get some new stories to read. As she entered the familiar bookshop, the scent of paper welcomed her. She did not hesitate and hushed over to the aisle with the romance novels and stood there for a while, studying the book covers. That is until a certain book in the corner caught her eye. She picked it up and studied the cover. It was a pretty, vintage style book with a lot of golden embellishments, almost looking like a book from some sort of royalty. The title that was decorated on the cover read Cupid's bow. Interested, Mirae packed it under her arm and went to the cash register to pay for it.
Finally arriving at home, Mirae took a shower and ate dinner before she could finally make herself comfortable in her bed, with her newly bought book in her hands. She opened the book but instead of reading the first page, a bright light greeted her harshly, making her squint her eyes and nearly throw the book away out of shock. "What the-"
As the light subsided, a small figure was levitating above the book. It had small white feathers and curly hair, dressed in white attire. Mirae was horrified and freezed on the spot.
Did I not get enough sleep last night? She shook her head and slapped herself with her hands, hoping that she would wake up from this bizarre dream.
"My my, no need to hit yourself!" The small creature said to her in a mocking tone.
Mirae's eyes widened even more. She didn't remember taking any drugs ever, so what the heck was she seeing in her room?
"No  need to be so surprised, lady," the creature started, "Let me introduce myself. I'm the one and only, famous, cupid!" He said proudly, stretching out his chest.
"Cupid...? Those things actually exist?" Mirae was finally able to speak after the shock. "Am I really not dreaming?" She asked, reaching forward to pinch the so-called 'cupid'.
"Hey hey! A little more respect here," Cupid said, inching away a bit. "You're certainly not dreaming, you summoned me from that book." He pointed towards the book that Mirae held in her hands just a moment ago, now lying upside down on the floor next to her bed after she threw it away in surprise.
"What? I have no idea how I did that." She scratched her head in confusion.
"Whatever. Since I was finally able to escape this stupid curse a witch put me under, I can finally go back to my job." Cupid dusted off imaginary dust from his arms and legs, implying that he was inside the book for decades. He gave Mirae a short look and proceeded to look around the room. "Hm... Since you were the one getting me out, I should offer you something as my gratitude."
Mirae raised her brow in confusion. "It's okay, I don't need that..."
Still floating in the air, Cupid crossed his legs and tapped his finger against his chin, thinking for a short while.
"How about this? Since I'm Cupid, I'll shoot an arrow into the person you love! Doesn't that sound fantastic?" He laughed, his tone of voice sounded happy and ecstatic to which Mirae could only scoff. This truly started to sound like a weird dream.
"How does that sound? This is an exclusive offer only for you! Usually, I'm not allowed to let people interfere in their love lives with magic." Cupid crossed his arms and shook his head while pouting. "Strict rules. But I can make only one exception for you."
"I still feel like this is some kind of hidden camera prank," Mirae said while looking around, checking to see if any cameras were there.
Cupid laughed and flew towards her, circling around her. "Oh come on. Will you believe me now?" He let a bow and an arrow appear out of nowhere. The arrow's tip resembled that of a heart.
"Now, tell me do you want to accept this offer? Spice up your love life a little, you know," he said while winking at her. Mirae was perplexed but at the same time, very curious how it would turn out. Maybe she could get Sunghoon to like her, too? Since the encounter at the party, they made almost no progress at all. They did talk when they saw each other and were comfortable, but Mirae was too scared to be any more bolder than that. It already took her the biggest courage to ask for his number. Of course, she only asked for his number with the excuse to ask him about lecture related stuff so he wouldn't be suspicious. Even if she consumed a variety of romance related media, she had no real life experience regarding love, at all.
"Actually, it doesn't sound too bad Cupid," she said while smiling. "I accept your offer!"
"There's a condition though." Cupid said while waving the arrow like a warning.
"What is it?"
"If the person in question already has pre-existing affection towards you, the feelings will disappear as soon as the arrow strikes them," he crossed his arms, sounding very serious.
Mirae blinked. "That's it?" She giggled. "Since that's out of the question anyway, yes I still accept." She stood up and put her hands on her hips in a triumphant pose.
"You're fearless," Cupid smirked. "Then, I warned you about the conditions so there's no turning back. Now tell me, who do you want to be the recipient of the cupid's love shot?" He made an exaggerated dance with the arrow, turning upside down in the air. Mirae giggled at the sight, wiping away a fake tear. "Well, even if I'm still unsure if this is the right decision, there's this guy who's the same major like me in uni. Park Sunghoon has been my crush since months ago..." She started to blush while thinking of him.
Cupid got her attention back by speaking again. "Why are you unsure if this is the right decision?"
Mirae stayed silent for a few seconds until she started again, "Well, feelings shouldn't be forced right? If he falls for me just because of magic...it wouldn't feel real, not genuine. And thinking that his feelings might be fake after being hit with the arrow...kind of makes me sad." Mirae stared at the floor, a rush of sadness suddenly overcoming her.
"Hey hey, don't worry too much about that. The person won't be enchanted forever, you know. But this is a different story. You don't even know how it will turn out so cheer up!" Cupid gave her a thumbs up. Mirae smiled at that and laughed. "So does that mean Sunghoon might like me back when I face him tomorrow?" She beamed.
"We'll see! It was nice meeting you." And with that, Cupid disappeared in a wave of sparkles.
Mirae fell with her back on the bed, facing the ceiling. Will I finally have the chance with Sunghoon? She took her pillow and hugged it in her arms, a smile forming in her face from ear to ear.
Sunghoon felt a tingling sensation on his chest, moving his hand towards his heart. He narrowed his brows. "Weird..." He mumbled and proceeded back to what he was doing before.
Cupid floated in front of a window of an apartment, cautiously eyeing the person inside. He sighed. "Oh well, I did warn her about the condition..."
He took his bow and arrow and got into position. One eye closed for better aiming and...
Shoot! The arrow flew through the window and landed right on Sunghoon's heart. Cupid stayed a while to observe if anything happened to him.
Cupid turned away and flew higher into the sky. "Good luck for this one, Mirae."
Word count: 2711 words
I’d really appreciate feedback if you read my story! Thank you ^^
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shuadaisy · 7 years
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