shiratori-zawa · 6 years
Hello, umm, i was wondering.. about the id of donpishamatch, the game says that i am 000000000 but don't let me use it.. can you tell me what can i do? The game don't let me play and im trying to get in since january
Hello!Hmm, 00000000 isn't a real ID number, it's more like an error number. Have you ever gotten into the game before?If you've never actually gotten into the game before, try going to your phone's settings and clearing the data for the app, then go to the app and try to enter it again. There should be a popup which is the terms and conditions, and you'll want to select "同意する" to agree and enter the game.The game has updated several times since January, so if you haven't updated it and the clear data thing doesn't work, you could try reinstalling it?I'm afraid that's the best I can do to help >
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shiratori-zawa · 6 years
Hello I was wondering do you know how to level up attack power?
Hello! By attack power, do you mean spiking? Or in general?For spiking, you pick the spike card and level it up using other cards (feeding your lower level cards to it) or you can use the blue experience bottles. There are 5 tiers of experience bottles, and they give different amounts of experience depending on which one you use.If you're talking about attack power in general of the whole team, you have to get each member's power levels high enough. This is by a combination of levelling up their skill cards, and by the training.
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shiratori-zawa · 7 years
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Ushijima: My opponent is Bokuto. I will enjoy this thoroughly. Bokuto: Hey hey hey! I'm the strongest, and I won't lose!
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shiratori-zawa · 7 years
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Semi: Make sure you receive my serve, Hayato! Yamagata: Bring it on, Eita! Don't miss!
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shiratori-zawa · 7 years
Bond relationships
I’m almost certain everyone knows what this is, but here’s a tutorial in case.
Ever see this appear during your matches?
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Ever wondered what it was? (I know I did, for the longest time.)
This is the bond skill, and can be accessed on your character’s memory card set page, on the second (yellow-brown) tab.
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See that in blue? That’s the bond skill level that Oikawa has with Semi. I know it’s different from this screenshot, 
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where the skill level is 1, but that’s because it’s an old screenshot. You can see the differences between the level 1 skill and the level 2 skill by the amount of extra bonus it gives. The bond skill gave a 1% bonus when it was level 1 and 2% bonus when it’s level 2.
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Circled in blue here is the bond level Oikawa has with Semi. (It is accessed on the 3rd tab of the same page, the red tab.) It’s level 11, so the bond skill is only at level 2. I suspect that for every 5 bond levels, the bond skill goes up 1 level.
Therefore, the higher the bond level, the higher the bond skill, and the better bonuses you get during a match! This doesn’t just apply to players on your team, but also for the support players.
Support players
Have you ever sped through the bond skill flashing during the excite mode of a match? Especially when you see that it’s the bond between your court player and the support player?
You should try it, if you haven’t already, but watch that particular player’s stamina gauge.
The support players increase the stamina of your court players, so whenever the bond skill appears and you speed through it, you can see the stamina go up. 
(And this is why you should have a strong bond between your court players and your support players.)
Training the bond/bond skill
This is done through the practice trainings/practice events. 
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shiratori-zawa · 7 years
Training types
Here’s a brief tutorial on the different training types.
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This tab on the left is the normal practice. You can get both normal trainings and practice matches here.
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So in red are normal practices. In descending order: - Serve and receive practice - Toss and spike practice  - Spike and block practice - Coordinated practice (serve-receive-toss-spike-block-receive practice aka all in one practice)
And the one in purple is the practice match.
To train the players’ level + the bond level between them, pick any of the practices in the red circled box. To see how your players will do in a match, pick the one in purple.
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shiratori-zawa · 7 years
Hi! Thanks so much for the wonderful translations! Could you explain what's going on with the nishinoya and the combined attack thing going on in the game now? I'm not sure how to activate it
Hi there! I’m so sorry this took me so long to answer, RL’s trying to kill me!
Kay for a pretty in-depth explanation, a friend of mine already did a Reddit post for it, but here’s a brief explanation by me!
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You can find info about the team skill under the Help > Team > Team Skill. Here’s a rough translation of what it says:
- When a specific action/skill is put in the character’s memory set, the team skill will be activated during the excite mode during the practice match- When the team skill is activated, bonus ball power will be given when the skill animation is played- The team skill will be activated when the specific characters involved in that skill have a high enough bond levelHappy searching for the all the hidden team skills!!
Alright, so based on what this, and what the dpm LINE group I’m in has figured out, these are the things you need to activate the team skill:
1. The team on the court MUST be all Karasuno members. Specifically Nishinoya, Hinata, Sawamura, Sugawara, Tanaka and Azumane.
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Because Nishinoya only switches in sometimes, your sixth player on the court can be anyone else, but put that player in the back row so that when he switches in and an Excite Mode happens, you’ll have all the correct players on the court!
2. Nishinoya MUST have the 5 star toss in his skill set. It was given free to all players, so just add that in!
3. ALL players on the Karasuno team other than Nishinoya MUST have a spike skill. So the players in the photo up there? Everyone must have a spike skill.
4. “The higher the bond level between Karasuno players, the more likely you’ll be to get the team skill activated.” ^This is what I was told, but based on personal experience (bc I don’t use Karasuno AT ALL), I believe that your bond level between each team member must be at least Level 5 (when you can get the animation during a match) for the skill to be activated.
I’m still trying to level up the bond between my Karasuno players, so I can’t confirm on point 4, but everything else is confirmed by other players!
I hope that helped! And again, I’m so sorry I took so long to reply!
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shiratori-zawa · 7 years
For the donpisha game thing, could you verse ushijima off with Bokuto (if it's possible)? I really want to see ushijimas reactions to different people. Thank you!
Hey there! Alright, I’ll try to do that! :) Hopefully I can get more of Ushijima’s reactions, and I’ll try to get that as soon as possible!
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shiratori-zawa · 7 years
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shiratori-zawa · 7 years
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Tendou: Really now, shall today be the day I break Eita-kun’s spirit~? Semi: Haah? Don’t underestimate me! For that speech, whatever you throw at me, I’ll return 100 times!
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shiratori-zawa · 7 years
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shiratori-zawa · 7 years
Data Transfer tutorial
I thought this would be important, since I know people who have lost their data before.
This is based off what my friend taught me, because I was too lazy to translate the actual instructions.
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Click on the Menu button in the top right hand corner, and then select the option in red above.
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That should take you to this page, where you select the second button, highlighted in red. The first button is the instructions on how to save your data - which I should probably translate but I’m so lazy. Maybe eventually.
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Click OK.
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This box will pop up, containing your player ID (red box with numbers) and the special code (blacked out) you need to transfer all your data to another device.
The green box is to copy this information directly, the red box next to it is to send this information to your email.
I’ll translate the instructions some other time - unless someone really needs it. In which case, drop me a message or an ask and I’ll start working on it haha.
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shiratori-zawa · 7 years
hello! i saw your donpisha tutorial, thanks for that! if it's not a bother i wanna ask about the bonus shoes/jerseys we get, i wanted to use them to upgrade the memory level but i couldn't, can you give me advice on that? thanks! 😄
Hello!! :D
I’m glad you enjoyed the tutorial! I hope it helped! :D (It’s not a bother at all, don’t worry :D)
On to your question!
The clothes can only be used when your card hits the maximum level of XP. So for a level 30 card, after you’ve finished combining cards/using XP bottles until it’s maxed out at level 30, you can use the clothes!
The clothes will increase your max card level by 30 levels, so a max level 30 card will become max level 60 after the clothes are used. I’m not sure how many times you can increase the level, because I’ve only increased some of mine to 60, but I’ve seen someone max theirs to 90.
When I can max out my next card, I’ll do a tutorial on it! I’m pretty close, so maybe in a week or a few days if I’m lucky :D
I hope that helped! Good luck with your game!
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shiratori-zawa · 7 years
Changing name colour
This had been bothering me since forever, so when I finally found out how to change your name’s colour, I thought it had to be shared.
Original post I got the info from is here
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You’re allowed 12 characters for your name, so once you’ve done this, you need to shrink your name, if it’s longer than 4 characters.
Basically you do this: [6-letter-colour-code]NAME
The square bracket and the code will take up 8 characters, which is why you’ll only have 4 left. (This didn’t occur to me, which is why I’m putting this here.)
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You can do it for your team too!! (Red box in picture)
I don’t know if there’s a character limit for teams, so go ahead and test it out! I’m too lazy to change my team’s name haha.
Hope that helps you guys!
[P.S. When you choose the colour, it will appear differently on the main page. The original colour of your name will be visible to other players but it will be slightly different on your home page etc. My original name colour is aqua and it appears as green on my main screen.]
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shiratori-zawa · 7 years
League bonus
So a friend asked how to get the bonus 1.2x on the league matches. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, it’s this red box:
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I can’t take credit for finding out about this, because while I did notice it, I didn’t know how to get it all the time.
I think I read how to get it on a Reddit page or something, but I can’t find the original post now :(
Okay on to the actual tutorial.
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When you click in to the match to pick your opponent, this is what you’ll see. Players are ranked from lowest score at the top of the page, to highest score at the bottom.
The white box contains your own league points, and the green boxes are your opponents’ league points. What’s important here is that you pick someone with higher league points than you as an opponent.
If you pick anyone with league points lower than you, then you’ll get a 0.8x bonus.
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Scrolling down, you’ll see that these green-boxed opponents have points all around your point range, but a little higher. If you play against these, you might get a 1x bonus. I haven’t fully tested this out, since the points differ in each list of opponents. My guess is that if you play against anyone with <100 point difference, you’ll get the 1x bonus. I always go for 100-200 points difference, just to be safe.
Edit: Someone told me that a 200-300 point difference would get you the 1.2x bonus.
The red box there is someone with a lot more points than you, and it’s completely safe to play against them and definitely get the 1.2x bonus. (But that’s a really powerful team and I’m not sure you want to go in to lose.)
So that’s all there is to getting the bonus :D Just pick a team with higher points than you as an opponent! It might be really tempting to pick one of the lower points teams because their team strength is lower, but we’re all aiming for that 1.2x bonus, I’m sure :)
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shiratori-zawa · 7 years
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I shall begin with Oikawa!
Semi: So, Oikawa. Accept (it) that today shall be our win as well. Oikawa: Up until this point (you mean). Any time now, the win will be ours.
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shiratori-zawa · 7 years
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K this is my last Shiratori screenshot so far... Until I get Shirabu and until I meet Yamagata in battle Semi: Don't underestimate me. Semi: I won't lose in serving.
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