shaurya-isnt-funny · 30 days
Why aren't movies fun anymore?
Watching the new Road House on Prime left me confused, a film that whose original work was amazingly charming, cheesy, and altogether left me feeling happy and with a dopey smile on my face.
Road House, or any film like Road House, should give us amazing action, slick cinematography and dialogue, and the UFC angle, (when it was announced) intrigued me even further, however in the movie, it fell flat, making the UFC fight feel traumatic and scary instead of a badass backstory, and the movie didn't feel like a Road House remake, it felt more like a Western Spaghetti movie remake, but worse.
The disappointment of Road House has now led me to believe that so many modern Hollywood films are just falling flat, (I'm not even gonna mention Marvel) and apart from a few, the old formulas of superhero films, Oscar-bait films and many other boring films now just feel extremely repetitive.
I know certain movies tend to aim to be more realistic, as UFC would be, but do we watch movies for realism and realistic trauma portrayal or for escapism and wonder.
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