shamelesskittydestiny · 3 months
Numbers 6:24-26
May the lord bless you and protect you.
May the lord smile on you and be gracious to you.
May the lord snow you his favor and give you his peace
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shamelesskittydestiny · 3 months
You can't touch music
But music can touch you
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shamelesskittydestiny · 3 months
The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the strength of my salvation, and my stronghold. Psalm 18:2
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shamelesskittydestiny · 3 months
Snuggle in Jesus' arms. When you are hurting, when you are lonely, left out, let him cradle you, reassure you of his all suffering power and love
-Kay Arthur
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shamelesskittydestiny · 4 months
It's not the goodbye that hurts
But the flashbacks that follows
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shamelesskittydestiny · 9 months
Behind every
Young child
Who believes in
Himself is a
Parent who
Believed first
- Matthew Jacobson
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Tumblr media
It's my 2 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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How did you do?
How did I do it?
What did you eat?
How do I start?
You just fucking start
It's hard
It's fucking hard
It's a marathon
It's lifestyle change
But everything is hard
Feeling like shit is hard
Looking like shit is hard
So pick your hard
Understand it's never been perfect
There are going to be setback
There are going to be failures
And the only way to succeed
Is every time you fucking fall
You get back up and you grind again
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It's hurts is it?
Being lied to
Being told you're One thing
And learning it's all a fiction
Loki God of mischief
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Freedom is life's great lie
Once you accept that in your heart
You will know peace 🕊️
Loki God of mischief
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Tumblr media
25 posts!
Lots of Post that I have been posting
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Truly broken people would never break someone's heart
Because they know how much it aches
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Tumblr media
😊❤️ lots post that I liked
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What's even more heartbreaking
The person who used to be a part of that perfect dream
Now living that perfect dream figured out
Settled down with someone new in some wonderful place
But here you are still picking up broken piece
Amsyar_leee from TikTok
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Love is a dagger
It's a weapon to be welded far away or up close
You can see yourself in it
It's beautiful
Until it makes you bleed
But ultimately when you reach for it
Is isn't real
Loki God of mischief
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I wasn't born like this
Her, you fight for
Lovely Freya
The daughter you barely know
And there are the time when you know me
As your son
A time before all of the disappointments
The revolutions of betrayal
There were moments
When all you had to do was be my father
And even then you despised me didn't you
I want to know why
I don't know
I just did
Klaus Mikaelason/step-dad
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Goodnight teddy
No Lawrence
Good day
Got ya boy
Yeah, yeah you, you got me
Robin Williams/bill Stan
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