shadowtheblackbunny · 3 years
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art spam lol 
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shadowtheblackbunny · 3 years
The Painting (Part 3)
The 7 figures slowly moved forward as Walter scrambled back to the hole he'd entered from. "What's the matter handsome? Don't you recognize me?" Violet asked, the sick smile slowly growing wider. "Y-yeah. Don't you recognize me?", the crazy yellow haired version of the queen asked, twitching as she spoke. Walter shook his head as his eyes slowly drifted from the red haired Violet, to Vance, and then back to Violet herself.
 "What ARE you?" Walter sputtered in fear and disbelief. Violet and her counterparts giggled with insanity in mind before their leader tore off her gloves and revealed the gnarled monster hand they had hidden. 
"We're what's left of what was destroyed a long time ago...and WE want someone to PLAY with!" Her other personalities, now to be known as Maddie (Wrath), Scarie(Gluttony), Crazie (Lust), Crybaby (Greed), Malia (Sloth), and Vance (Pride) surrounded the butterfly demon as Violet (Envy) threw her head forward in a horrifying attempt to hide her slowly twisting face. 
 "I don't know what true happiness feels like." she suddenly muttered quietly. "It isn't fair. Everybody else here gets that feeling...why don't I?" Her head snapped up with the messy clown makeup dotting her face. "WHY DON'T I?!" she screamed, charging towards him in a fit of jealousy and rage. 
 Walter scrambled through the porthole and down the corridor, sealing it as he returned to the portrait room in his fear. He slumped against the wall, panting as he remembered each personality one by one, realizing that each one represented a sin of some sort. 
 "What're you doing in here?" an annoyed Xenon asked. "I got lost." Walter spat back. Xenon raised his only eyebrow. "And I'm not an addict." he retorted, popping off a new bottle of vodka. "Go back to your room." Walter rolled his eyes. "Go choke on one." 
Xenon left Walter as he made the walk back to his own room. 
The butterfly demon sat alone for awhile,  until he realized his true purpose at the castle. 
Make Violet happy.
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shadowtheblackbunny · 3 years
The Painting (Part 2)
Day after day that followed Walter's stay at the castle, he found himself thinking about that room he'd found when he was looking for his room. The twisted grin on Violet's face never seemed to want to disappear from his mind, no matter how much he tried to force it out with happy thoughts of his daughter. 
 The blood caked painting of the queen refused to leave his mind. As he settled down for bed one night, he found himself staring at the ceiling with a blank stare, feeling no desire to fall asleep. 
Tying his tie back on and deserting the map in his room, he set off on a walk around the castle. Sleep would do him no good anyways with the drug craving also in the back of his mind. 
 After making his way through numerous corridors, which by now were familiar to the butterfly demon. Echoing of Violet's cello from one of the corridors told him to stay away from that area as he made his way to the portrait room without making any sound. 
 Closing the door behind him, Walter's eyes again moved from painting to painting. To the blank faces of Voltaire, Alicia, and Luciana, to the twisted, blood-caked grin of Violet.
 His eyes narrowed at the sight of the grin, only to notice the painting was slightly tipped over. Moving to put turn it back straight, he noticed that behind the painting was a secret corridor. Walter glanced back at the door, before he climbed into the tunnel and straightened the painting behind him, and began his journey down the corridor. 
 The corridor itself was extremely narrow, and smelled of mildew and molten metals, but Walter paid no mind to the odor. His curiosity continued to lead him down into another portrait room.
The room was double the size of the one he'd come from, and only contained paintings of beings that seemed like Violet. The entities featured on this wall were strange. They all had crazy hair, diamond cheeks, and evil stares, yet they were all a different color. 
 Walter walked up to the first painting, featuring a bright red haired demon with sharp crimson horns and glowing eyes, labeled "Maddie". One look at her face told him why she was called that. Walter had never seen anyone so pissed off in his entire life.
Shuddering to himself, he moved to the next painting, featuring an entity called "Scarie", which was a crazy orange haired demoness with nightmares coming out of the side of her face. 
 "How fun.." Walter muttered as he moved to the next painting, which depicted a demoness with zig zagging yellow hair and a grin similar to Lunatik's, named "Crazie". She wore a tattered steampunk outfit to match with the insanity she radiated. 
 Shaking his head, he moved to the next painting, which showed a little clown with a pastel dress on. Her collar was pastel green, but her hair and arms were very similar to Violet's, with the purple tendrils running down her veins. This demoness was called"Crybaby". 
 Walter stared at the crying clown, trying to remember where he had seen her before until his eyes met the eyes of a mime staring down at him with blue hair, and called "Malia".  Her hands were sticking out in front of her body like she was surrendering, but the bleak expression said she wasn't. As Walter moved to the 6th painting, Malia's painted gaze seemed to follow. 
 The 6th painting made him gasp. He'd definitely seen this demon before, from glowing eyes to charming smile. "Vance..." came the haunted whisper. "So that must mean..." 
 He turned to the 7th painting, to find Violet standing there with the most hollowed expression he'd ever seen. Her eyes suddenly glanced down and her mouth parted into that twisted grin.
 "Looking for something?"
Suddenly, all of the painted gazes of the room swiveled their eyes to be looking directly at him.
Walter’s breath left his body 
He was in deep shit now. 
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shadowtheblackbunny · 3 years
The Painting (Part 1)
"Take it." was all Walter heard as a map of the castle was thrust into his hands by Violet's advisor, Xenon. "Don't do anything stupid." "That's your job." Walter felt the retort on his tongue, but seeing how Queen Violet was silently asleep on her throne, he decided not to provoke Xenon any further. 
 Unfolding the map, he made his way in the direction of where the bedrooms would be. After stopping in a labyrinth-like hallway, he realized that finding his way to his bedroom would take a very long time. Walter went down one hallway, stopping every so often to kick away a dice (a 5 eyed two headed mouse that was very common in the Isles of Death). 
He spent about an hour getting lost in numerous different corridors until he came into a chamber that had the four symbols. 
 The Clover, the Spade, the Heart, and the Diamond. 
 Above each symbol was a painting of one of Violet's siblings, Walter noted. Her sisters Alicia and Luciana ruled the land of Hearts and Clovers, and her brother Voltaire took on the land of Spades. 
Each sibling wore a blank expression, as if they had seen things they didn't want to see. After staring at these paintings, Walter's eyes finally shifted over to Violet's portrait, and it made him jump back. 
 On Violet's face was the most twisted smile he had ever seen in his entire life, unfitting for someone as serious and withdrawn as her. While her siblings wore Royal outfits, she wore a torn up suit dress matted with blood as the world burned and suffered behind her. Clown makeup dotted her face, red diamonds glowing bright, as her index finger stuck straight up in front of her mouth in a shushing motion, as if she were trying to keep the carnage around her a secret.
 Walter stepped backwards and ran out of the room towards his destination, slamming and locking the door behind him. He'd seen carnage before, but never to the magnitude of that. Walter flopped backwards onto his bed, eyes wide open, scarred with the twisted painting he'd seen. 
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shadowtheblackbunny · 3 years
this makes me want to die 
anyways, expect it on my yt soon lol 
he’s saying    O h    S h a d o w 
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shadowtheblackbunny · 3 years
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a few mini comics I did before my tablet killed itself 
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shadowtheblackbunny · 3 years
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Animation gift for a friend
I know it’s not the best animation but it was the best animation I could do at the moment before the Artist blocked kicked in… 
and yes I tried to draw Queen violet too again not my best and this was in fact my first time animating the to kinda? How you’ll still find some enjoyment.
And as for some people whom see this post yes I know the animation may look like a fail but you know what I’ll keep trying on animating and get better. Also feel free to tell me some animation tricks or techniques thanks.
Also the song is suit and tie
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shadowtheblackbunny · 4 years
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My recent artworks 
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shadowtheblackbunny · 4 years
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some of my recent Hazbin art 
as you can see, i remembered how to draw 
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shadowtheblackbunny · 4 years
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so hi 
i decided to check here for once in my life 
how are y’all doing? 
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shadowtheblackbunny · 4 years
Hey so you should read this. (Seriously)
@miaherrington13 went through a transformation on her body from male to female, and her breasts recently came in. Her family does not support her, and they will not give her the bras/money she needs to buy bras.  If you are able to donate to her, please do. 
and spread the word, thanks. 
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shadowtheblackbunny · 4 years
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Hooman Angel Dust is so fucking cooooooooot
this was my first attempt at drawing him x3
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shadowtheblackbunny · 4 years
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hey so I’m not dead 
another clown baby appreciation post 
I love him 
fight me
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shadowtheblackbunny · 4 years
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shadowtheblackbunny · 4 years
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I love my butterfly/clown lad, fuck you >:) 
he mine 
my twitter is @ShadowIsOnCrack  
no he is not a Hazbin oc, for fuck’s sake. 
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shadowtheblackbunny · 4 years
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they’re addicted
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shadowtheblackbunny · 4 years
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One night after a horrible week of fighting with her crush, a worn out and emotionally exhausted Shadow found a pink note on her door. She yanked it off, the note almost catching on fire in her grasp. “Meet me in the ballroom @ 11 PM. Love, yours truly. 
Shadow thought...”What’ve I got to lose. He don’t like me..” She ran into her room, and started searching for her purple princess dress. Throwing it on, dabbing on some makeup and trying to make herself look as decent as she could. 
When she opened her door, Lunatik, her best friend, stood outside with a black rose and a big ol smile. “Luns! What’re you doing here?” Luna stepped forward with the rose in hand. “Yours truly wanted me to put this in your hair!” Shadow raised an eyebrow. “Why?” Luna shrugged. “They wanted me to.” Luna stood on her tip toes and stuck the flower in her best friend’s hair. “Have a good time Shads!” After giving her a quick hug, Luna skipped off humming happily to herself. 
Shadow watched her leave, and then shrugged, making her way to the ballroom quietly. The door creaked open, as she slowly pushed it open, finding it only lit by candle light. “Hello?” Shadow called. “Anybody here?” Footsteps echoing from the back of the room answered her question. Shadow stepped toward them, cautiously. The footsteps kept coming forward until her hand felt a shoulder, and a gloved hand holding onto hers. Another gloved hand held her hip. 
Shadow knew almost immediately who she was now dancing with, but she said nothing. The venom this demon had spat at her a few days before still made the burn marks on her heart vividly sting. She felt his other two hands grip her hands, pulling her toward him until her head rested on his chest. “...Shades?” 
Shadow’s face hardened. “What do you want from me?” His fingers gently stroked her hair. “Nothin. But I know ya want somethin from me.” Shadow rolled her eyes. “Sweet talking your way out of this ain’t gonna work. I don’t even think you know how much you hurt me.” 
She started to move away from him, trying to wipe a burning tear off of her cheek, but Angel removed it first, gently running a gloved finger to remove it. “If I didn’t know how much I hurt you, why did you come here?” Shadow buried her face into his shoulder. “I don’t even know...” Angel chuckled softly. “Ya came here for the same reason I did....to talk.” Shadow let out a choked sob, and Angel rubbed her back, calming her down with the gentle gesture. “Angel, what is there to talk about?! You told me to my face that you hated me and you’re sick of me. Why did you even bring me here?” 
Angel moved her hair out of her face. “To say I’m sorry...and to ask ya somethin..” Shadow sighed. “Go on.” Angel hugged her. “Babe, I’m sorry for I everythin I said ta ya. I lost control, and ya didn’t deserve any of what I said.” Shadow hugged him back. “I deserved some of it...you know that.” Angel shook his head. “I shouldn’ta said it...you probly’ fuckin hate me...”  
Shadow cracked a smile. “Angie, I could never hate you. You could blow my brains out right now and I’d still be madly in lo-.” She stopped herself, and looked away. Angel caught it, and shot her an evil grin. “You’d still be what now?” Shadow scowled. “I said nothin.” Angel lifted her chin up still grinning. “Nah, ya definitely said somethin babe, spill it.” 
Shadow rolled her eyes, finally muttering. “You could blow my brains out right now and I’d still be in love with you...happy now?” Angel grinned. “Ya finally admitted it..tell me, what do you think?” 
Shadow placed her hand back on his shoulder. “Just dance with me, ya fuckin fool.” Angel laughed. “Fair enough, toots.” He let go of her to stride on over to a record player, finding the song he wanted before walking right back to Shadow and grinning.  “Sound familiar?” Shadow rolled her eyes. “How could I forget? It’s our duet...” Angel grinned, offering her his hand. She took it, and they danced the night away. 
In the middle of a slow song, Shadow found herself falling asleep. Her eyes remained on Angel, who looked a bit drowsy himself. She began leaning forward, and Angel, his eyes drifting shut leaned forward as well until their lips connected. 
Shadow’s eyes flew open when she realized what was happening and pulled away, blushing wildly. “D-Did we j-just?!” Angel smirked. “Damn straight.” 
I ship them, fuck off. >:) 
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