shadowheads-shitshow · 3 months
Imagine playing with tiny chonk Zhongli, and he accidentally scratches you.
You're up to your usual shenanigans with your tiny dragon husband, holding his paws, making him dance around for your amusement, keeping him perched on your shoulder while you pretend you're on a quest to earn gym badges and become a champion, the like.
Except while he's on you, he loses his foothold and slides down - his clawed little paw nicking your arm in the process.
"Oh!" It's not a big deal, really; you rub the insignificant scratch mark that's not even bleeding and make to pick Chonkli back up, but the look on his furry little face suggests he'd just murdered you.
Then, he lets out a squeaky little scream.
Chonky Zhongli whines and rolls around in repentance, his fluffy little body knocking into all the furniture in the process - but he doesn't seem to notice.
"Zhong, I'm fine, seriously-" You scoop him up, but he only wiggles erratically, evoking the image of a fat little brown noodle. He licks your arm and paws at it sorrowfully, tail drooping.
Your lover stays latched onto your arm all morning, his body wrapped around it like a soft sleeve. At some point he even falls asleep like that.
He doesn't seem to let this incident go later on, either: in the afternoon when you lay down to take a nap, he comes and sits on your chest - "Oof," you mutter - so that he can guard you while you rest. His way of apologizing, but all he does honestly is smoosh your respiratory system. Cutely. He also reaches over and licks your arm where he's scratched you, but the mark is long gone so who knows what he's trying to achieve.
...later on in human form, Zhongli continues to treat you like a delicate little flower. He trims his already-short nails, yet ultimately settles for using his gloves while touching you. (Even his touches have all the precision and gentleness of a surgeon...)
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Ready to Run
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Angstember Prompt -  "I need you to run. Run away and never come back."
Notes - so ooc but I love vaderkin
There were plenty of moments over the last few years where you had figured you should stop searching, that whatever you thought you knew was wrong. You’d hit more dead ends than you could count, every time you came close to something it seemed to be snatched from you. It was always one disappointment after the other but despite everything you carried on.
Obi-Wan had told you what had happened on Mustafar all those years ago. He had told you that Anakin had died, that he had left him there to die but you didn’t believe it. You couldn’t believe it. Not when you still felt something through the Force, something dark and twisted and barely recognisable but no matter how far it strayed from the Light you would always recognise it.
Anakin wasn’t dead.
He couldn’t be.
You refused to believe he could be. For the first year, after Padmé’s funeral, after Obi-Wan had left with the child and the other had been given to Senator Organa, you did nothing. You sat and you mourned for your Master, for the man who had taken you on when you were only a child, barely coming up to his thigh as you accosted him in the training room and forced him to spar with you.
You still remembered those times, you had known Anakin before he was Knighted and yet you knew he was yours. You had never particularly gotten along with your crèche mates and always felt so left out, especially as more and more of them got picked by the older Jedi. You had all been left in the training room, plenty of other Jedi working on the forms but you were only focused on Anakin. 
Your eyes had found him easily in the room and you watched him in wonder as he trained with his Master, moving like he was completely at one with the Force. Of course you were distracted enough that your crèche mates noticed and laughed at you, even back then Anakin was well known throughout the Temple and one of the boys in your group had called you stupid and foolish for even daring to look at Anakin, laughing as he declared you unworthy of any Jedi’s time yet alone Anakin Skywalkers.
You weren’t one to back down though, to let the boy think he had won with his harsh words. Instead you squared your shoulders back and jutted your chin out before turning away from them and walking the length of the room, avoiding the other Jedi as you went, before you stopped in front of Anakin and Master Kenobi.
“Is everything alright, young one?” Master Kenobi asked softly, pausing as he spotted you first and Anakin turned around to face you a second later, raising an eyebrow down at you.
Now that you had actually made your way over here you felt a little nauseous and it felt like the air had been sucked from the room but when you glanced over your shoulder you saw your crèche mates staring at you wide eyed and the boys mouth hung open so you nodded to yourself before turning back to Anakin and Master Kenobi.
“I was wondering, if it’s not a bother,” You started, voice slightly shaky but you forced yourself to continue. “Might I spar with Padawan Skywalker please?” 
Anakin’s eyebrow seemed to raise even higher, surprised at your request as he turned to Obi-Wan who was doing a better job at hiding his own surprise but he could feel his curiosity through their bond. 
‘Well?’ Obi-Wan seemed to ask him wordlessly, cocking his head to the side and Anakin shrugged, sure it wouldn’t be a challenge but their time in the training room wasn’t meant to be, not today, they were only in here to burn off Anakin's excess energy. 
“Of course, young one, my old bones could use a rest anyway.” Master Kenobi told you, his tone light and joking and he smiled at the small giggle you let out.
“What’s your name?” Anakin asked you as he gestured for you to come closer, easily looking over you and seeing a group your age staring over in shocked amazement. 
“Y/N.” You told him softly and Anakin smiled as he crouched down to be at eye level with you, holding a hand out for you to shake, both Obi-Wan and Anakin noticing how you shook slightly as you took his hand.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Anakin.” He told you, still smiling as you, his smile widening as you finally returned the gesture. “Let’s see just what you’ve learnt then.”
From that day on you seemed to attach yourself to Anakin and at first he may have grumbled about it, rolling his eyes at Obi-Wan amused looks, but he had to admit it was nice. He knew the stories that went around about him, most of them were grossly over exaggerated but people believed what they wanted and it had left him isolated from many of his peers, though the fact he hadn’t grown up surrounded by the Jedi didn’t help.
It was nice having you around.
He already knew he was taking you as his Padawan, even when he was Obi-Wan’s Padawan, he trained you. The two of you met two or three nights a week in the training room and you showed Anakin what you had learnt that week and what you struggled with and Anakin was always quick to help and it wasn’t long before your instructors took note of your improvements.
When you weren’t in the training rooms you could be found in Anakin and Obi-Wan quarters, sitting at the table with Anakin by your side as he helped you through homework questions you struggled with. Some areas of learning were so dreadfully dull but Anakin was always able to brighten them up and you found yourself actually remembering his teachings. 
Once Anakin was Knighted he was surprised that it was Master Yoda of all people to be the one to suggest you as his new Padawan, not that Anakin was complaining of course. He immediately jumped at the chance, perhaps a bit too eagerly if the amusement coming from Obi-Wan told him anything.
Not much changed after that though. Anakin had already been planning on meeting you in the training rooms that evening but he cut your training short to lead you back to his chambers where the two of you celebrated and Anakin sat you down close to him as he went about braiding your Padawan braid. 
It wasn’t all that long into being his Padawan that the Clone Wars started and you, as Anakin’s Padawan, seemed to be thrust into the midst of it. Anakin always kept you close to him, warning you not to stray from his side unless it was life or death, always hating the war much more when you were in the danger zone. Sometimes you couldn’t be with him constantly on the battlefield and those times you were instructed to stay close to Rex or Obi-Wan, both of whom protected you as fiercely as Anakin did.
Your training grew every day, of course it had no choice but to when you were up against the droid army or, on several terrifying occasions, General Grievous himself. Some days when the war became too overwhelming your thoughts wandered back to when you had first met Anakin, when you had inserted yourself into his life. Even now as the war went on and Anakin became the poster boy, getting sent out on the most dangerous missions and bringing you along, you didn’t regret it, if you could do it all over again you would always choose Anakin. 
But times like this, times when you reached out into the Force, times when you woke up in pain, feeling too much anger and too much hatred flowing through your veins you couldn’t help but doubt that decision.
You shook your head, panting into wakefulness and began breathing through the anger you knew wasn’t yours. Somehow, even after whatever had happened to Anakin, the bond between you was still very much alive. In the first year it was quiet, leaving you alone in your head for the first time since Anakin had braided your hair gently but then whatever wall that had been built up seemed to fall down and you were overwhelmed with so many Dark feelings.
It took longer than it should to realise they weren’t yours, to realise that you hadn’t survived everything just to turn to the Dark Side now. 
Once you realised it was Anakin you had to brace yourself against the wall to keep yourself upright because Obi-Wan had told you Anakin was gone. Had he lied? Did he not know? You debated telling Obi-Wan, you were sure you could find a way to comm him or just go to Tatooine yourself but you decided against it.
Obi-Wan had been devastated by the loss of Anakin. It had truly taken a toll on him, a toll you hadn’t even seen during the war. You weren’t sure you wanted to tell Obi-Wan that you could still feel Anakin, not when it was so dark and twisted.
No, you had thought to yourself, better to wait until I find Anakin.
But you had been looking for years, years spent hiding your true nature, years spent desperately trying to follow the pull of the Force, begging it to lead you to Anakin and though it never had you didn’t give up hope even though some days you came close to it.
You would find Anakin Skywalker.
And then one day, completely by chance, you stumbled across a ship. It didn’t feel like Anakin but it did feel like the anger you felt deep in your veins, it felt like the bone deep pain that had tears filling your eyes and you wondering just how Anakin dealt with it. 
The door was closing and you had a split second to make a decision. With a little help from the Force you easily slipped in before the door slammed shut, trapping you on the ship. 
It wasn’t until you glanced around for a hiding spot that you paused.
Stormtroopers. This was the Empire.
Oh Anakin, you thought to yourself, feeling a wave of sadness run through you but it didn’t last long before it was replaced with…was that annoyance? Seconds later the bond seemed to fill with confusion and you struggled to figure out if it was yours or Anakin’s.
In the entire time you had felt Anakin you had never felt anything but anger, frustration, pain, loneliness...never anything else. Maybe he was on this ship, maybe they were keeping him prisoner and that’s why he was in so much pain all the time. The closeness had always allowed Anakin and you to share feelings through your bond much easier than when you were at a distance, it made sense that the bond still followed that rule no matter how corrupt one side of it was.
There was another part of your mind, one that you tried to cut off before it could whisper its thoughts into your head that told you another reason as to what Anakin could be doing on an Imperial ship. You couldn’t- you refused to believe it. Anakin wouldn’t do that, at least not the Anakin you had known but that was before he fell. 
Shut up, you whispered to yourself as you made your way further into the ship. Anakin’s confusion was growing stronger, as was his annoyance and you couldn’t help but grin. It was nice to feel something else through the bond, it made Anakin feel like Anakin again. You resisted the urge to send your own feelings flowing through the bond, not yet sure if he knew it was you he was feeling.
You were so focused on the bond that you only realised a second too late that a stormtrooper was rounding a corner, slamming straight into you and sending you falling to the floor. The trooper immediately raised his gun and called for backup and you were surrounded before your hand could touch your lightsaber.
Two of the stormtroopers forced you onto your feet and you struggled against them to no avail. 
“Take her to the cells, I’ll alert Lord Vader to the intruder.” One of the troopers said and the two holding you nodded and began to drag you along as fear filled you. 
You’d heard the stories and seen the aftermath of Vader’s work. It was terrible and cruel and always left you feeling cold whenever you ended up on a planet Vader had left in ruins. 
You had also heard of what he did to prisoners and desperately tried to break the troopers hold of you long enough for you to grab your lightsaber. There wouldn’t be much you could do if you did get free, by now the ship was already moving through hyperspace, but you could hide and take down as many stormtroopers as possible until the ship landed.
Unfortunately that plan would have to be scrapped as you were thrown into the small holding cell, the door slamming shut behind you and you cursed silently at your poor decision making. Now you were at Vader’s mercy and you weren’t holding out much hope of Vader coming to your aid.
You don’t know how long you sat there, crossed legged on the floor with your eyes closed as you focused on your bond with Anakin. From his side you could feel anger again but the annoyance was still there as was a small bit of curiosity that you really had to focus on to feel. 
You let the feel of Anakin wash over you even if he was darker than you remembered him being. Beneath the corruption and the tar like darkness that seemed to cling to him was Anakin Skywalker. It was faint but he was there and you knew you could help him, help him as he had helped you thousands of times over. You just had to get out of this kriffing cell to find him.
For the second time in as many minutes you were so focused on your bond with Anakin that you missed the movement in front of you. This time instead of a stormtrooper it was the door of your cell opening. It only took you a second longer to open your eyes, your mouth going dry as there before you stood Darth Vader.
He towered over you, even more so since you were sitting on the floor. The black cape hung around him and made him look more intimidating. Then there was the breathing filling the silence, the mechanical, steady breathing that sent a shiver down your spine.
He didn’t speak, not even when the door shut behind him. You wished you could see his expression, wished the helmet was gone so you had half a clue as to what to expect but instead you were left staring at the expressionless helmet, giving nothing away.
Even with your fear and anxiety you still felt Anakin through the bond, perhaps more strongly than you had ever before. There were a wide range of emotions running wild within him, all pushing their way through the bond and making you feel them. He was confused, he was hurting, he was worried, he was angry, he was sad, he was terrified.
You hadn’t felt Anakin be fearful since the bond opened itself up again and now that you had it sent a cold feeling to your stomach, gone was any concern for your current situation and in its place was worry for Anakin.
So much worry in fact that you had momentarily forgotten about Vader until he spoke, the single word causing you to jump.
“Y/N?” He asked, his voice completely devoid of emotion thanks to the modulator.
How in Sith’s hell did Vader know your name?
Then suddenly the wave of fear and terror rolling from Anakin’s side of the bond seemed to grow and you couldn’t decide what to focus on. Probably best to focus on Vader first, Anakin could wait a while longer.
“What are you doing here?” Vader hissed at you, or it was as well as somebody with a robotic modulator could hiss. His words had you staring up at him, fear slowly slipping away and replaced by confusion. “Answer me!”
Suddenly, almost as if somebody had flipped a switch, you put the pieces together. You almost slapped yourself for not figuring it out sooner but then again you didn’t want it to be true, you couldn’t believe it but the proof was here.
Anakin was here.
“Anakin?” You asked, voice barely a whisper, the sound seemingly pulled from your throat as your voice broke on the word.
“Do not call me that.” He said and a choked sob slipped out of you, tears filled your eyes as you pushed yourself onto your feet, all fear gone now as you took a step closer to him.
“Tell me it’s not true.” You whispered, hoping you’d open your eyes and it would just be another nightmare that plagued you. From Anakin’s side of the bond you felt sadness and let out another sob. “Kriff Anakin, I’ve been searching for you for years and all along you were…”
“You shouldn’t be here.” His voice seemed quieter, like behind the helmet he was talking softly and you wished more than anything that the helmet would go, you wanted to see him.
“I was looking for you.” You told him again, swallowing around the lump in your throat and Anakin lifted his hand. You should have been scared, how many times had he raised his hand to Force choke innocents? But you weren’t scared and you had no reason to be, not when he brought his hand to your cheek and brushed away a tear that fell from your eye.
“You shouldn’t have come.” He told you and you hated the robotic, emotionless tone of his voice, you wanted to hear Anakin, your Anakin. “I can’t risk him knowing you’re here, Y/N. What he does to Jedi- I won’t let that happen to you.”
“Anakin-” You began but he cut you off.
“I’m not Anakin, not anymore.” He said and you shook your head, lips twitching as Anakin’s thumb brushed your cheekbone. “The ship is ready to land, when I say run I need you to run. Run away and never come back, Y/N.”
“Anakin, I can’t leave you here.” You cried, bringing your hand to wrap around his gloved one but he shushed you before you could protest more.
“This is who I am now. You can’t save me this time, Y/N/N, but you can let me save you. Let me do one thing right.” He begged and you could feel his pain as strongly as your own.
“Anakin, please.” You whispered and Anakin brought his head down, the helmet gently knocking against your forehead and you let out another sob.
“I’ll always be with you, our connection is strong.” Anakin told you, his voice as soft as it could be through the modulator and you let out another sob before you forced yourself to take a deep breath and nodded against him.
Anakin held you against him for a few seconds longer before he pulled away and you felt the ship land. You had no idea where you were but you would do as Anakin instructed, one last moment with your Master, one last chance to follow his instructions before he disappeared from your life again.
“Ready to run?” He asked quietly, the door to your cell opened and he led you out, watching as you took another breath and nodded. “Good, don’t stop running. We're on Irilla, you shouldn’t have any trouble hiding.”  
“Thank you Anakin.” You whispered after you passed a group of stormtroopers.
Anakin didn’t say anything else, he couldn’t risk being overheard, not when any of his small indiscretions always seem to make their way up to Sidious. If Sidious knew about you, knew that you had the ability to bring the small bit of Light inside him forward, he knew Sidious would see to it that you were killed and that was the best outcome, Sidious wouldn’t be so quick about it.
Anakin knew he had no choice, he would gladly take on whatever punishment Sidious chose to inflict upon him for letting a Jedi go. Thankfully the stormtroopers didn’t know you to recognise just who you were to Anakin so Sidious would only believe it had been a random Jedi. 
He could work with that.
The ship doors opened and he led you off it, the planet was cold and dark but it was filled with seedy characters conducting even seedier business and Anakin knew you’d be able to hide amongst them for a few days before finding yourself a way off this planet. 
He ordered the troopers to start unloading the ship and discreetly gestured for you to follow him, dismissing the two troopers who tried to follow him. He led you into the forest, knowing there was a city not too far away, you would be safe there.
“You have to go now.” Anakin told you, knowing you could feel his pain through the bond as he watched your nose crinkle as you tried to push away tears.
“Come with me.” You pleaded and he smiled behind the helmet, wishing he could but he had made his decision. One day, maybe, he would come and find you if you kept the bond open. One day he would make his move against Sidious and be free of the man but for now he had a role to play and you couldn’t be anywhere near as he played it.
“We’ll see each other again, my dear Padawan.” He told you, bringing his hand to your cheek and resting his helmet against your forehead again. “One day this will all be over and we will find each other but you have to stay away for now, stay far away and stay safe.”
“I promise.” You whispered, forcing down a sob. “Stay safe, Anakin, may the Force be with you.” 
Anakin held you against him for a moment longer and you nodded at him before turning to run towards the city. Anakin felt cold but he also felt something he hadn’t felt in a very long time.
He felt hope.
“May the Force be with you, my Padawan.” He murmured to himself, knowing that he would see his plan to the end if only so he could find you again.
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Unconditionally // ch 1
Modern!Anakin x F!Reader
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(A/N: this is the product of one of the prompts i came up with a few nights ago… basically dilf anakin :/// I actually have a lot planned for this fic, i have some major plot points ready and just letting you know… this one will be continued for awhile:)
Broke and down on your luck, you apply for a nanny position.
warnings: cursing, antisocial behavior
You were sitting in the middle of your campus library scrolling through job listings. 
Fast food, sales, more sales, retail….
The same jobs just circulated as you scrolled. You sipped on an overpriced coffee as you sighed to yourself. That coffee was probably the last one for a good while, your were flat broke. And you knew it. As you scrolled further down you saw an open babysitter/nanny position. 
You clicked on the listing, 
“hiring a part time nanny/babysitter for two 7 year olds. A girl and a boy, both are low maintenance. 
Requirements: know how to cook, housekeeping, experience with children, have a car, be available on short notice”
Not bad, you enjoyed entertaining children, you grew up with younger siblings so you were used to caring for kids. You fulfilled all of the requirements, but the short notice thing could become a problem with school and such, but hey, it was your last year, most of your classes were pretty mellow this semester too. You continued to examine the ad, 
“paying $65 an hour”
Are you shitting me?! you thought as you saw the pay. 
How is this position still even open? The kids must be insane or something. Against your better judgment you sent in your application… you really needed the money. And the employer was willing to pay. 
After closing the job search, you turned to your bulky anatomy textbook, pages full of long words and detailed diagrams. Your notebook was already filling up quickly, but you needed to know this stuff for what you wanted to do. 
Since high school you showed an interest in the sciences and medicine specifically. You wanted to become a nurse, physical therapist, or something similar. Helping people was really important to you, as well as making meaningful connections with your patients. Since you declared your major so early on you had been able to enroll in specified courses early on. You already had your EMT certification and you were working on an assisted living license as well. You wanted to collect every certification you could. 
You picked up your worn down yellow highlighter and began to highlight some vocabulary when your computer dinged, rather loudly. Blushing, embarrassed you turned off your ringer and offered apologies to the peers around you. You opened the email to see a response from the babysitting job. Wow, that was fast. 
“Hello Y/N,
Thank you for showing interest in the nanny/babysitter position. If you are still interested, would you be able to meet to discuss further matters concerning the job? My schedule is open Tomorrow at 1:30 pm-3:30 pm or Next Monday 8:00 am-10:00 am. Please respond as soon as possible. My address is in the pdf linked below.
Thank you, 
Anakin Skywalker”
Ok, you did not expect to get an answer so soon. Maybe the kids were little terrors, maybe he was desperate for a nanny….
You ignored the tiny voice in your head and replied, 
“Hello Mr. Skywalker,
Tomorrow at 1:30 pm should be just fine! See you then!
Thank you, 
F/N L/N”
Your classes got out at 12 so you would have enough time to drive over to the address he provided. You looked up the place on maps and were astonished at what you found. The house was located in one of the richest parts of the city, it looked like a mansion. You soon grew nervous, what if the kids were entitled brats that pushed around the help? What had you gotten yourself into?__________________________________________The lecture hall was pretty chilly today, but it might have just been what you were wearing. You decided to dress business casual based upon the type of person you were expecting to meet. You chose a fitting black pencil skirt and a white blouse, simple but chic. You tapped your feet as you watched the minute hand slowly inch towards twelve. You had been stressed all morning. What if you were turned down? You had this weird fear of not being enough, so being turned down by a person of such status would most definitely crush your self esteem. 
Finally the clock struck and the professor dismissed you. You hurried through the crowd of students, down the long halls , and finally reached your car. It wasn’t much, but it worked. 
You tossed your bookbag in the back and fixed your hair before driving off campus. As you neared the high class neighborhood the scenery became increasingly extravagant. Marble statues of old Greek gods, topiaries shaped in magnificent forms, even little water fountains. Was this even the same city your college was in?
The GPS announced robotically that you “reached your destination” once you reached a large house at the end of the road. It was a flattering alabaster color with a beautiful stone path leading to the house. You parked near, but not too close, to some cars that most definitely cost more than your whole four year tuition. Before exiting the car you looked in the rearview mirror and assured yourself you could do this. You spritzed some perfume and stepped out of the vehicle.
Nervously, you approached the large door and took a deep breath. You reluctantly pressed the high tech doorbell, you hoped it wasn’t one of those ones that made you look like a funhouse mirror reflection. After waiting a moment the door opened to reveal a tall man.
He was rather handsome, but seemed to be a bit caught off guard. His hair was a pretty auburish tint, it was slightly longer in the back and began to curl further down. The second thing you noticed were his stunning cerulean blue, they are absolutely beautiful. You almost forgot to introduce why you were at his door.
“Hello, I’m F/-”
“You’re early” he said coldly as he finished buttoning his dress shirt.
A bit taken aback you glanced at your phone, it was 1:27, you were only three minutes early, but apparently that made a big difference.
“My apologies sir, I-”
“Just come in” he seemed to huff. You gingerly followed the man as he led you into an expansive kitchen. Marble countertops, stainless steel appliances, a very advanced espresso machine, where were you? He motioned for you to sit before he disappeared into another room. You waited patiently, just taking in the beautiful interior of the house, the kids definitely had to be the problem, because you could stay in this house all day.
Soon the man returned with a tie, suit coat, and some papers. He slid the papers in front of you as he began to tie the tie around his neck. 
“Those are some rules and requirements for the position, if you decide they are not acceptable then you can leave” he said, almost angrily. 
“However if you decide to stay, sign the contract at the back and leave your phone number, the rest of the papers you can keep.” He was now slipping the coat on and fixing his hair, he was very handsome, but his attitude was off putting. You nodded and began to examine the handout.
He left the room once more. What was his problem? You were going over the epaper when you heard two giggles from behind you. You looked around and saw two heads pop back behind the corner followed by more giggles. You smiled and shook your head, placing your focus once more on the paper in front of you. Soon you felt a small tug at the hem of your skirt. You looked down to see a set of blue eyes looking back at you. This must be one of the man’s kids because he had the exact same eyes that you had previously stared into. The little boy had a head of shiny blonde hair and a cute smile. You looked up at you and grinned.
“Hi, buddy, what’s your name?” you asked kindly.
“Hi! I’m Luke and  that’s my sister, Leia “ he said quickly pointing to the corner he came from. The small girl peeked her head around and scowled at her brother. 
“Luke! Why did you point at me?!” she demanded, angrily stomping towards the two of you.
“Cause you were too shy to come on over here!” he protested.
“I was not scared, I thought we were playing spies!” she protested.
The small girl rolled her eyes before stepping in front of her brother and offering her hand. You took the small palm in yours and she began to speak, replacing her scowl with a lovely smile. 
“Hello, I’m Leia. I enjoy school, animals, and I’m older than my brother” she stated proudly, to which the boy sloped up.
“Only by a couple minutes!” he scowled. She stuck her tongue out at him before turning to you once more, “Don’t mind him, you deserve to talk to someone civilized, like me!”.
You laughed at her spunkiness which earned a wide smile from the girl. “Well thank you so much sweetheart! By the way I’m really loving your hair-do” you said, complimenting the double braided buns she sported. 
“Thank you! Do you know how to do hair and make up? Ooh! And do you like the news?”
Goodness, this was a very curious girl indeed. And the news? Start them young I guess? You thought.
“I watch the news every morning and yes I do like make-up and doing hair. If you want I could do some styling on your hair!” You offered innocently. 
She smiled and nodded furiously before asking, “Are you gonna be our new nanny?” .
“That’s what we were going to discuss, Princess. Why don’t you and your brother go back to the playroom?” the man , now fully dressed, said as he turned the corner into the kitchen. He spoke with such a fondness that was absent before.
Leia smiled and dragged Luke back upstairs. But not before whispering to you “I hope you get the job”.
You smiled at her encouragement before looking back at their father. He still wore a small smile as he waved his kids off, but once it was only you and him, his smile dropped. He became increasingly intimidating, the way he watched you across the kitchen island, the way he rested his hands on the smoothe marble counter, the way he stood so much taller than you. And his eyes, his piercing eyes just grabbed your attention.
“I see you have met my children”he said blankly.
“Yes, sir. They are lovely” you offered, hoping to at least break some of the tension in the room. No luck.
“Since you’re still in my kitchen after reading the agreement, I take it you are going to fill the position?” he said, scraping at something on the counter. 
“Yes sir, I signed here” you slid the papers to him. 
He picked them up and reviewed them as he nodded his head. “Ok, I have to leave for a business meeting at 4, today can be your trial. Seeing that you’re already here I’ll head out soon so I can get some extra work done.” he said gathering his things.
That happened so quickly, “Oh, Ok. Yes sir”
“Stop that,” he said.
“Sir?” you aske, not knowing why he was upset.
“That. You are an adult, are you not?” he questioned sternly. 
You wore a puzzled look as you confirmed.
“Then don’t call me sir, We’re both adults here, don’t be a child” he scoffed as he grabbed his keys. He stepped in front of the large staircase and called his children down. 
His demeanor shifted once more as they came into view. He bent down to kiss each child on the head and took a moment to explain that you would be watching them tonight. Before turning on his heel and promptly walking out the elegant door. 
Once you heard his expensive engine revving and finally driving off you turned your attention to the kids once more.
“Heey! So, guess I’m going to be watching you guys tonight!” you smiled, still a little confused as to what just happened. 
Leia smiled and ran up to you, “I’m so glad! Daddy has been turning down nannies left and right all week”.
“No, they just keep quitting” Luke chimed in.
“Noo… Daddy has been rude to the nice nannies and then they quit ” Leia said matter of factly. She turned back to you and smiled once more, “But you’re still here!”.
Was that supposed to be reassuring?
She grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the playroom. The room was a rather large space, it was almost double the size of your dorm. There was a play kitchen set up in one of the corners, as well as a huge pile of stuffed animals. On either side there were bins of legos and other mechanical toys. There was also a table in the middle of the room with a globe and puzzles spread out. That’s where Leia was heading towards. 
“Look! This is my globe! It has all the continents and the countries! We learned about Japan in class yesterday” she said, spinning the circular model. 
Luke interrupted by bringing over an rc car, “That’s nothin’, look at this!”. He drove the small car in circles and then even made it flip.
“Wow! Luke, that’s pretty cool!” you offered, honestly surprised at the flip.
“Yeah, Dad helped me make it flip! But I used the screwdriver all by myself” he stated proudly, to which you giggled. 
These kids really weren’t bad, you wondered why no one had taken the position. I mean they did mention their father’s rudeness, but it wasn’t too bad.
“Do you guys play house?” you asked, pointing to the kitchen set.
“Yeah!” Luke shouted enthusiastically.
“Wait, let’s play right now! I’ll be the daddy and you can be the mommy! And Leia can be the weird neighbor”, Luke proposed.
“Eww, no!” Leia protested standing up from the floor.
“Luke, you know you’re always the dog and I’m the independent woman who has to go to work to pay for your doggy food, “ she said, her little hands placed on her hips. 
To your surprise he actually complied. “Only if F/N can be the cool neighbor who likes dogs,” he said. Leia agreed, begrudgingly and the three of you began to play.
You fed the kids and you were all on the couch watching some Disney movie about dogs they picked out. You excused yourself to put the popcorn bowl away. Once you were in the kitchen you felt a buzz in your pocket. You opened your phone to see a short text.
“Be back around 9:30, you can put them to bed at 8”
You checked the clock, 7:25, the movie should be over intime to get them ready for bed at 8. 
Once the movie was over you could see the sleepiness in their eyes. You brought them to the bathroom and ran a bath for them. While they bathed you ran out to your car to grab your textbooks, might as well do some homework while they go to sleep. 
You helped them dry off and get into bed. Leia’s side of the room was very tidy and had a bunch of small ceramic animal figurines. While Luke’s side was messier and filled with little robotic parts and legos. You tucked Luke in first, because he insisted.
Once you got Leia in she motioned you to come closer, so you did.
She cupped a small hand up to your ear, “I hope you get to come back to be our nanny”. 
To that you smiled and patted her head, “me too”.
You smiled once more before turning off their lights and closing the door.
You made your way to the kitchen island, put your earbuds in, and began to do your work.
You were working on a particularly tricky problem when you felt someone staring at you. You turned your head, only to be startled by the tall man leaning against the doorframe. 
You jumped, you didn’t think he’d be back so soon.
He looked more casual than before, his suit jacket was in his arm and his tie was loosened. His hair was not as neat as it was before and his sleeves were rolled up to reveal his muscular forearms. 
“Did I startle you?” he asked casually. 
“I’m sorry! I didn’t think you’d be back so soon” you said, pausing your music. 
He glanced at the clock before flatly saying, “I’m pretty sure I’m on time”, accompanied by a small huff.
Damn it was 9:30, you must have really gotten into your work. 
He walked further into the kitchen, examining the room. 
“Smells like popcorn. Let me guess, 101 Dalmatians?” he offered coldly.
“Yeah, how did you know?” you asked.
“They always want to watch that one.”
“Oh, they said they don’t get to watch it often”
“It was their mother’s favorite Disney movie too.” he said solemnly, looking away from you.
‘I’m sorry-” you began, not knowing what else to say.
“Don’t. It’s just some kids movie, it’s not a big deal” he cut you off.
Obviously it was a tender topic if he got so defensive. You decided you’d better switch the topic and fast.
“How was your meeting? It got out pretty late”.
He paused for a moment, almost as if he was surprised you remembered. “It was.. Decent. We grabbed dinner afterwards, hence the text” he motioned to your phone. 
“That’s nice” you offered, gathering your books.
“I see you’ve made yourself at home” he scoffed as you quickly placed your things in your bookbag.
“Oh! My apologies I was just-”
“I dont care.”
He looked at the clock and then to you once more, “I will text you this week’s schedule tonight or tomorrow morning. I’ll also text you if I need you to come over on short notice.” 
Apparently it was time for you to leave. 
You approached you as you put on your backpack. Once you looked up he was standing right infront of you. You could smell his cologne, it was strong but calming. It was nice.
He reached into his wallet and handed you six one hundred dollar bills. 
$600? That was more than the rate he presented, “Sir this is more t-”.
“Do you want it or not?” he said blankly.
You didn’t really know what to say so you instead just stood there.
“And I told you not to call me that”.
You nodded and apologized, “Ok, I’ll be going now, thank you…Anakin.” you said as you left the alabaster mansion.
The drive back to your dorm was surreal… that was the easiest money you had ever made. But your employer was quite intimidation, hopefully he would soften, you didn;’t want to end up like one of the other nannies Leia spoke about. 
Either way, today was a good day. You got to spend time with some wonderful kids, you did your homework, you made $600, and your employer turned out to be easy on the eyes. 
You could do this. 
(A lot of this chapter was just introducting the characters and personalities, dw it picks up soon! Also I tagged ppl who showed intrest in the prompt, if you want to be removed just let me know!1 as always thank you for reading!!)
Taglist: @katsukiswrld , @wtf-andys , @angeelcoree , @jetiikote, @khaleesihavilliard, @sxoulchvn
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y’a know i really need to sort out the mess that is my likes. i always like a post saying “oh i’ll like it so i remember to come back to it later!” and guess what. it’s an absolute mess that i need to fix. so guess who is gonna start sorting out their blog and reblogging and tagging way too much all at once? me. that’s who. so expect the most activity this poor blog has gotten in YEARS yee haw…. once i get back home from class bleh college my despised…
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