sgesge · 2 years
In honor of the trailer thought I’d flashback to the best era of sge. The promo team should unironically hire the people that made these
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sgesge · 2 years
Trying to pick a new Sophie pfp be like:
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sgesge · 2 years
October 21st! I'm not mad about it, I think at this point I wouldn't care if they announced that it was November or December, I just wanted a DATE, I can actually start a countdown now.
Also this poster is gorgeous, I was bracing myself for the classic ugly people pyramid, but this reminds me of a busier version of the cover of sge. I'm happy they decided to go with the other poster for the book cover because I think this would be too much
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sgesge · 2 years
The only thing keeping me from temporarily leaving the fandom rn is that the trailer is (hopefully) coming out within 12 days, and either way there’s 2 months before the movie comes out, but I’m holding myself here by a thread
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sgesge · 2 years
Aight, I wasn’t gonna complain about sge merch because at least we GET merch but….
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A Pink side and a brown leather side 😃, plus it’s 14.99 American and only 208 pages, meanwhile the movie tie in edition is 8.99 for 560 pages, which used to be the price of the original paperback.
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I know this is probably aimed towards the 8+ age category but c’mon. I’m still going to buy it because I was always planning on buying pretty much all of the merch, I’ve basically been saving up for this since I heard about it being made into a movie by universal, but I definitely feel a little robbed rn
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sgesge · 2 years
Am I a little salty that we didn’t see our favorite weasel boy and he didn’t even acknowledge anything on Instagram? Yes, am I still super happy and barely containing everything going through my head rn? Also yes
Side note did anyone read the new synopsis on the Netflix website? I thought they might be changing something with Rafal/The School master given that they cast Lawrence as the school master and Kit as Rafal but yeah. My only theory is that Rafal pretends to be a student or something and then goes back to his tower every night and becomes old? Idk my brain isn’t functioning enough to come up with good theories
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sgesge · 2 years
I haven’t posted in forever but NINE DAYS UNTIL ROTSGE! I’m so ready for the unhinged masterpiece that it probably is, and we have 2 days worth of countdown videos already, I knew that Aladdin was in this so the lamp is no surprise, and I’m guessing that ball trap is ball like the party not a ball like in sports, Soman loves to throw us off. The Ariel shirt is highly suspect though, maybe Ariel is throwing a ball to trap people? She's already kind of the villain in Beasts and Beauty.
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sgesge · 2 years
Only 45 days till ROTSGE! The countdown is prob gonna start in like a month so we have that to look forward to and maybe Soman will even give us some actual movie news??
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sgesge · 2 years
Just so everyone knows my blog for other books is @sgesges-current-reads it’s mostly just me spamming about random books
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sgesge · 2 years
Anyone else picturing adult onesies rn? Absolutely no shade to adult onesies or Earl Cave or the casting crew but I just think it will be kinda funny to see an adult wearing pajamas just stuck in the middle of the movie, ig this kind of highlights the issues with casting significantly older actors although I really can’t see any way around it
I was thinking of how the frog pajamas can make an appearance since paul confirmed them, since there's no mogrificafion (kinda glad bc it saves some awkwardness lol) it means Sophie wouldn't have to steal them, for that reason anyways. So when she moves into Hort's room he's just standing there with his bright green pajamas and a tiny frog plushie. Icon
Yeah it'll probably be that, and that way they're not destroyed either hh. Good way of keeping em.
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sgesge · 2 years
Hort: hey Agatha, i read this quote in a book recently and I think it really applies to Tedros
Agatha: really? you should read it to me
Hort: you have as much charisma as—
*screams are heard from off in the distance*
Agatha: that sounds nice, you should read it to Tedros, but I have to go see what’s going on with Sophie
Hort: okay, I’m not sure about this, and you haven’t heard the rest of the quote but whatever
*Hort walks up to Tedros*
Hort: Tedros, I know you can’t read so I’m going to read a quote that Agatha said describes you out loud to you okay?
Tedros: I can READ!
*Hort holds up a banner that reads “Aaron Warner Supremacy”*
Hort: what does this say?
Tedros: …I….don’t know….
Hort: anyway, the quote “you have as much charisma as the rotting innards of unidentified roadkill”
Tedros: Agatha agreed with that?? 😢
Hort: well not EXACT—
*Tedros punches Hort and they have an epic brawl*
Sophie: what are they fighting over this time?
Agatha: a book? I think?
Sophie: makes sense, what with Tedros not being able to read and all
Agatha: he can READ
Sophie: sure, sure
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sgesge · 2 years
Sophie: anyway Agatha so that’s what I want to do with the flower ar—
Agatha: are you seeing what I’m seeing?!
Sophie: is that, Hort and Tedros sitting in a room together without Hort getting into a deeply personal battle with Tedros without Tedros even realizing it?!
Agatha: it can’t be
Sophie: it really can’t
*Sophie and Agatha continue to stare at them from the distance*
*Hort is glaring at Tedros*
Tedros: Nicholas guess what I did today!
Nicholas: what!
Tedros: instead of doing a hundred pushups I did a hundred and TWO
Nicholas: WOW
*Hort gets up and starts doing push-ups right in front of them*
Tedros in a hushed voice: what is he DOING
Nicholas: I think he’s finally lost it
Tedros: no I mean his form is kinda off
Nicholas: oh yeah you’re right, what IS he doing?!
Agatha: spoke too soon
Sophie: *sigh* yeah
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sgesge · 2 years
Sophie, Agatha, Hort and Tedros sit in a room
Hort: hey soph, I read that 1 in 4 people make terrible plans that put everyone in danger, don’t listen to their completely logical girlfriend, are failures in all areas of life, and are just annoying and incompetent in general
Sophie: well it’s not me, it’s not you, and it’s certainly not Agatha
Tedros: see Agatha! I told you this was a terrible idea! 😢
Agatha: I SUGGESTED you give them another chance, I didn’t say they DESERVED another chance! And besides like Hort said you usually don’t listen to me so I didn’t think you would take my advice
Hort: See! Maybe I’m not so bad after all Sophie?
Sophie: Hort, my humble servant/boyfriend, go back to being a human shopping cart. Please.
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sgesge · 2 years
Sophie: Tedros guess what!
Tedros: *internally thinks this can’t be anything good*
Tedros: what
Sophie: I’m wearing super high platform heels so I’m TALLER then you
Tedros: okay Sophie
Tedros: *internally thinks fml*
Agatha: *stares at them from off in the distance*
Agatha: I’m so happy that they are finally bonding
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sgesge · 2 years
Agatha: would you like to par—
Sophie: YESS, where is this party and what is the dress code?
Agatha: I was going to ask if you want to participate in a fund raiser to fix the drawbridge
Agatha: you can decorate if you want
Sophie: well it IS pretty hard to use the rope ladder with heels
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sgesge · 2 years
Apparently the movie is coming out in September? Paul basically confirmed it in a recent podcast and I saw @pumpkinpaperweight talk ab this, I can’t be the only person that thought it as going to come out in November the minute they said the second half of the year, cuz like nov 11 = kidnapping day? I feel like that would have been such a good opportunity to tie into the book more
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sgesge · 2 years
Mk, I know there’s obviously a lot of interesting things in this shot, but can we talk about the wolf guards?!
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Ahhhhh I’m so happy the CGI or whatever doesn’t look completely fake but at the same time it doesn’t look like an overly creepy monster from a horror movie
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