sera-studies · 2 years
i can't vibe with anyone who thinks icarus was an ignorant idiot for flying too close to the sun. "oh i'd never do that i would have remembered my father's warning and been fine". do you seriously think that after years of imprisonment, feeling the sun on your face and the open air beneath your wings, you would be able to focus on anything but the joy of being alive and free? do you actually think that if you were given the opportunity to go where nobody has never been before, you wouldn't want to push it to the limit? to dare to be the first to try what no one else has ever even thought possible? do you honestly think you're too good for your own human nature? look me in the eyes and tell me if i strapped a pair of wings to your back that could take you wherever you wanted to go whenever you pleased that you'd be careful and sensible about it. you are not better than icarus just because you have the benefit of his example.
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sera-studies · 2 years
Ever since I took a class on material culture and the significance of things and objects in our lives, I’ve started taking note of relevant readings I come across. For those interested, below is a partial list:
Objects of Despair: Inspired by Roland Barthes, Meghan O’Gieblyn’s monthly column examines contemporary artifacts and the mythologies we have built around them.
Fake Meat | Mirrors | Mars | Drones | The 10,000-Year Clock
Concrete: The Most Destructive Material on Earth (more on The Guardian’s “Concrete Week”)
The Unfortunate Fate of Childhood Dolls by Rainer Maria Rilke
AirPods Are a Tragedy
Thinging the Real: On Bill Brown’s “Other Things”
Sum Effects: “Personal or real, tangible or intangible, durable, hard, soft, consumable, or perishable: my grandmother owned none of it. Goldyne Alter died with no possessions.”
A janitor rescued migrants’ possessions from a border facility’s trash. Now they’re art.
Evocative Objects: Things We Think With, ed. by Sherry Turkle
Friendly Floatees
Great Pacific garbage patch
Plastic: an autobiography by Allison Cobb
Curating the Anthropocene: “Imagine a future archeologist on a dig in what was once downtown Los Angeles, excavating, exposing layers of history, like the paleontologists at the La Brea Tar Pits are doing today, finding bones of saber-toothed cats, mammoth, and dire wolves. What does the archeologist of the future find?”
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sera-studies · 2 years
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sera-studies · 2 years
halloween costume ideas
corpse bride
hex girls
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atlantis characters
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greek god/goddess
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tarot card images (ie lovers, high priestess, etc.)
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jennifer’s body
the crow
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sera-studies · 2 years
i like to think that our blogs are just our own little personal museums of all the things we like, and we can visit each other’s museums and leave nice notes at the reception.
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sera-studies · 2 years
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The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, written by V. E. Schwab.
“Addie has had so many hellos, but that was the first and only time she got to say good-bye. That kiss, like a piece of long-awaited punctuation. Not the em dash of an interrupted line, or the ellipsis of a quiet escape, but a period, a closed parenthesis, an end. An end.
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sera-studies · 2 years
Writing about a child rapist did not make Vladimir Nabokov a child rapist.
Writing about an authoritarian theocracy did not make Margaret Atwood an authoritarian theocrat.
Writing about adultery did not make Leo Tolstoy an adulterer.
Writing about a ghost did not make Toni Morrison a ghost.
Writing about a murderer did not make Fyodor Dostoevsky a murderer.
Writing about a teenage addict did not make Isabel Allende a teenage addict.
Writing about dragons and ice zombies did not make George R.R. Martin either of those things.
Writing about rich heiresses, socially awkward bachelors, and cougar widows did not make Jane Austen any of those things.
Writing about people who can control earthquakes did not make N.K. Jemisin able to control earthquakes.
Writing about your favorite characters and/or ships in situations that you choose does not make you a bad person.
It’s a shame that in this day and age these things need to be said.
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sera-studies · 2 years
dark academia book list
The Secret History by Donna Tart
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
The Lake of Dead Languages by Carol Goodman
A deadly Education by Naomi Novik
The Decay of Living by Oscar Wilde
The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
Dead Poets Society by Nancy H Kleinbaum
A Separate Peace by John Knowles
The Little Friend by Donan Tartt
Vicious by V. E. Schwab
Special Topics in Calamity Physics by Marissa Pessl
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Gentlemen and Players by Joan Harris
The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde
Maurice by E. M. Forster
A House of Pomegranates by Oscar Wilde
Vita Nostra by Marina and Serhiy Dyachenko
Poems by Oscar Wilde
The Vanishing Stair by Maureen Johnson
Ace of Spades by Fradiah Àbíke-Íyímídé
If We Were Villains by M. L. Rio
My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell
Magic for Liars by Sarah Gailey
The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova
An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde
The Lessons by Naomi Alderman
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
Wilder Girls by Rory Powers
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
The Maidens by Alex Michaelides
The Bellweather Revivals by Benjamin Wood
The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
The Truants by Kate Weinberg
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
In the Woods by Tana French
The Atlas Six by Olivia Blake
The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart
Persuasion by Jane Austen
The Lying Game by Ruth Ware
The Magicians by Lev Grossman
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
Love and Friendship by Jane Austen
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Catherine House by Elisabeth Thomas
Bunny by Mona Awad
These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong
A Lesson in Vengeance by Victoria Lee
How We Fall Apart by Katie Zhao
The Ivies by Alexa Donne
For Your Own Good by Samantha Downing
The Mary Shelley Club by Goldy Moldavsky
Emma by Jane Austen
The Watsons by Jane Austen
The Devil Makes Three by Tori Bovalino
The Emperor of Ocean Park by Stephen L. Carter
The Tenth Girl by Sara Faring
Confessions by Kanae Minato
Truth Exercise by Susan Choi
We Wish You Luck by Caroline Zancan
Plain Bad Heroines by Emily M. Danforth
The Basic Eight by Daniel Handle
Confessions by Kanae Minato
Lady Susan by Jane Austen
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sera-studies · 2 years
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Attention Management: How to Take Control and Live Intentionally
We live in an age of information, and it’s becoming even more difficult to be in control of our attention. Every second, it seems like there’s something new to be consumed, something new to pay attention to. Because of this, it’s important to take control of our attention and more intentional about how we spend our time, and we can do so by practicing attention management.
Keep reading below for a transcription + some other posts you might be interested in:
Energy Management
Flexible Time Blocking
The Mandatory Midday Break
A Small Guide to Journaling
Staying Focused while Studying
Hope this helps!
Keep reading
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sera-studies · 3 years
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To fall in love is to create a religion that has a fallible god.
Sappho | Leonardo Bistolfi | Safet Zec | Richard Siken | Brokeback Mountain (dir. Ang Lee) | Emery Allen | Ron Hicks | Jorge Luis Borges | Holly Warburton | Richard Siken | Joseph Lorusso
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sera-studies · 3 years
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my grandfather gave me this copy of shakespeare. it's from 1965. i absolutely love it.
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sera-studies · 3 years
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okay, so here in california precautionary measures against COVID-19 have become increasingly intense. most schools have closed and are preparing to make the transition to “distance learning” aka online classes. this is a big change for many of us – but don’t panic!
welcome to surviving online classes 101!
✐ self discipline
this is more of a warning than a tip. working from home means you will have to exercise a lot more self discipline. it can be a little bit boring or lonely at times. you cannot count on motivation from others (professors, classmates, friends, etc.), so you will have to learn some self discipline. 
✐ create your own classroom
a good way to make the transition is to try and mimic the classroom setting as closely as possible. something that might be helpful is to set up a space designated for work. try to avoid the temptation to work in your bed or on the couch. that trains your brain to be alert in those places and makes it harder to relax/fall asleep. at least during online lectures, try and eliminate distractions that wouldn’t be present in a regular classroom (like tv or netflix playing in the background, or having your phone out)
✐ dress for success!
dress in the way that makes you feel most productive. if you’re one of those people who usually rolls into class wearing sweats and still kills it, good for you! if you’re one of those people who needs to put on a full face of makeup to feel alive and ready for the day, do that! even at home!! i personally never wear makeup but if i try to be productive in pjs… disaster. i’ve also found that cute workout gear makes me feel badass while still being comfy.
✐ create a schedule
now more than ever you need to figure out how to manage your time. you can use a planner, bujo, google calendar, the forest app, whatever. just make sure you keep track of things like
due dates and TIMES
exam dates
lecture times
hours spent studying
meals (pls eat 3 if possible)
water intake
sleep schedule
✐ pack your bag like you usually would
i know this probably sounds so dumb, but when you’re done working clean up after yourself. pack everything up like you would at school, to sort of signal to your brain that academic time is over for now. and then unpack and set up when you’re ready to get to work again. this is just another way to trick your brain into that school mindset while you’re stuck at home.
✐ don’t overwork yourself
break up your studying into chunks. being cooped up all day can make us feel like we’re wasting time, but be sure to schedule breaks and reward yourself after a solid study session. i’m a big fan of the pomodoro method, and it can be customized really easily to allow for more or less study/rest time. 
✐ maintain a healthy sleep schedule
now is the time to develop that healthy sleep schedule we all dream about. staring at a computer all day is exhausting and hard on the eyes and brain, so make sure to give them enough rest and time to recover each night. also, consider investing in glasses that block blue light, even if you don’t usually use glasses. this will keep our eyes young lol. 
✐ communicate with your teachers and classmates
most of us are making this transition to online learning together. any time you have questions, email your professor. reach out to your classmates at the beginning and exchange emails/phone numbers/social media so you can build a support system. if something goes wrong, screenshot it immediately and reach out to your professor. technology isn’t perfect, and mistakes can happen, just communicate them.
✐ turn things in early
this is my biggest tip. when you are relying on online submissions for assignments and digital lectures, you always want to allow extra time to fix any errors you might encounter. your professor will also be much more willing to help you fix a problem two days before a deadline rather than two minutes before a deadline. eliminate that uncertainty by playing it safe with online submissions. 
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sera-studies · 3 years
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Energy Management
A human-based organization method
click on images for better resolution; images also available here (link to google drive)
Other posts that may be of interest:
Getting stuff done: How to deal with a lack of motivation
Flexible time-blocking: A more breathable way to get things done
The ABCDE Method
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sera-studies · 3 years
How does it feel to be an adult?
exhausting and everything is expensive
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sera-studies · 3 years
things that i find inherently romantic
braiding hair, the strands passing through your fingers like silk
reading poetry to each other, voices like honey in the sun
the intimacy of borrowing their t-shirt
writing things by hand, watching them glide the pen on the paper and taking in their handwriting, their calligraphy
looking at their naked back, connecting the small moles with your fingers as if they were constellations
creating together
listening to music together, sharing the album that speaks to you like no other
hearing their voice when they’ve just woken up, groggy and slightly confused but happy
sharing all your favourite things with them, the intimate art that plays with the strings of your soul: your favourite painting, book, quote, passage, place
feeling time pass by, together
their breath tickling your skin
-c. 23/05/21 
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sera-studies · 3 years
The discord is growing in such a lovely way! Already 300 members, a selection of good study chats & tips, study rooms (with desk cams, mics, and others without!) and some off topic general fun discussions. Would love to have you all in there! x
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sera-studies · 3 years
My new, secret favorite place: ReReads.
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