sephiasblogspot · 3 years
Hawaii and Maldives, which countries have the easiest requirements to visit during a pandemic?
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Hawaii and the Maldives are two of the most mesmerizing island nations known for an overwhelming number of beaches. In addition to the beaches, the beauty of the landscapes of these two destinations are wonderful. However, amid a pandemic now, of course, these two countries have established fairly strict protocols for tourists to visit their countries.
Screening on Arrival:
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Source: skift.com
In Hawaii, whether you are a returning resident or a visitor, the government wants to ensure that all travelers remain safe and healthy.
Steps for Hawaii safe traveler program:
1. Set up your save travel account
2. Add flight and lodging trip details to your account
3. Get a COVID-19 test within 72 hours of flying to Hawaii
4. Upload a copy of your negative test results to the trip you’ve created in your online profile. The test results must be in PDF format with the seal of Hawaii.
5. Complete the online health questionnaire in your travel profile within 24 hours before flying
6. Print a copy of the QR code you receive and a copy of your PDF test results
7. Be prepared to show your QR code at the airport before you fly, when you land, when renting a car, and when checking in to accommodations.
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Source: Pinterest
The Maldives reopened its borders on 15 July 2020. The visitors must present a negative PCR test for COVID-19 on arrival to the Maldives. The test and negative PCR certificate must be issued no more than 96 hours before departure. All travelers to the Maldives must fill in a Traveller Health Declaration form 24 hours before departure and return from the Maldives. All travelers need to self-isolate for 10 days and register on the Haalubelun portal. During the 10 day quarantine period, visitors must also get tested for Covid-19 after 5 days and again after 10 days.
Important Documents Requirements:
In Hawaii, you should make copies of your important travel documents and leave them with a person whom you trust. Passports, visas and other documents may be required of travelers who are not U.S. citizens. Documents include, but are not limited to:
Driver's license
Medical and automobile insurance cards
If entering Maldives as a tourist, you will be granted a 30 day visa upon arrival and your passport must be valid for a minimum of one month. However, if arriving by air, most airlines state that your passport should be valid for a minimum period of 6 months from the date of entry into the Maldives. Check with your transport provider or tour operator before travelling.
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Source: lonelyplanet.com
Lastly, there are similarities between the requirements for visiting both countries during the pandemic. But for me, Maldives has the easiest requirements rather than Hawaii. The Maldives provides a tourist visa for 30 days for free. That way, you do not have to bother taking care of a visa and be more easily schedule visits. Only with a passport, you can enjoy the beauty of the beach and other tourist locations in the Maldives for a month if you want.
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sephiasblogspot · 3 years
Who Played The Best Spider-Man in Film History?
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Source: Flickreel
Long before we knew Tom Holland as Spider-man in the MCU today, and recognized as one of the heroes in the MCU together with Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Hulk, and others; there were already several actors who played this character.
Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker/Spider-Man in the “Spider-Man” Trilogy
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While Tobey Maguire's take on Peter Parker was instrumental in ushering in the current golden age of superhero movies, he merely set the bar for the character, one which most of the actors who have followed him have managed to clear. Still, Maguire had the distinction of being the first to step into the role in a feature film.
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Tobey Maguire wasn't just an actor playing Peter Parker, he was Peter Parker. He was the first Spider-Man, and for a while, it seemed like even though there was someone else playing the part, he was always going to be the truest version of the character.
Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker/Spider-Man in 'The Amazing Spider-Man' Films
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Garfield's Peter capturing the character's nervous energy, balanced with his steadfast determination to do what is right. What's more, he managed to convey just how scary it is to be Spider-Man, and how Peter often feels like he's in over his head but keeps pressing on anyway. Despite taking his great power and great responsibility seriously, Garfield's Spidey never lost Peter's characteristic wit and charm, keeping the character lovable and fun even when his circumstance seemed pretty dire.
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Source: Screengeek
But, he moves on too fast from the guilt inherent in Spidey’s existence. Garfield’s Peter Parker almost appears to be too sure of his role as a superhero, and even his moments of doubt pass by a little too fast.
Tom Holland as Peter Parker/Spider-Man in Marvel Cinematic Universe
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Source: Pinterest
As Holland has continued in the MCU, he's only further cemented that he is the definitive cinematic version of Spider-Man. He's the first Peter Parker to ever really drive home the idea that all of this great power and responsibility rests on the shoulders of someone whose brain hasn't even finished developing yet. So when the Marvel Cinematic Universe acquired the rights to bring Spider-Man into their world, the only way they could go was to make Spidey radically different. That's why they cast Tom Holland in the role, and the rest is history.
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Source: Pinterest
Holland's take on Spidey is starkly different from both Maguire and Garfield. A main difference? He's younger. Holland's youth brings a level of innocence and irreverence to the portrayal that really makes his take on the character feel so fresh and new. The energy that Holland brings to the role is really special. Tobey's Spider-Man, an older and more mature take on the character, was similar to the Spider-Man animated series; Tom Holland's youth, quick wit, and constant one-liners are in line with the comics in a big way.
After all that, the question remains: Which of these actors did it best? There will still be differing opinions on which Spider-Man is the best one, though many are currently leaning towards Holland’s version of Peter. But let’s not be too quick to hand Tom the top honor just yet. After all, taking on such a well-loved role means that one holds great power, and with it comes.
Photo Credit:
1. Flickreel
2. Screengeek
3. Pinterest
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sephiasblogspot · 3 years
What Will Happen If You Are an INTJ Person?
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INTJ personality is one of the 16 personality types identified by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). This personality referred to as "The Architect" and they have highly analytical, creative, and logical.
So, what is the meaning of INTJ?
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(I) INTROVERSION: Introverts tend to draw energy from spending time alone.
(N) INTUITION: Intuitive types tend to love to explore new ideas and think in terms of the big picture.
(T) THINKING: Thinking types tend to follow their head and consider facts rather than their feeling when making decisions.
(J) JUDGING: Judging types tend to be very structured and organized.
What is the strength of INTJ personality?
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The INTJ personality is good at solving problems and focus on accomplishing goals. No other type may be more focused on strategic planning than the INTJ personality. I think this personality is capable of forecasting far out into the future with an astonishing level of accuracy.
INTJs, in general, make up just over 2% of the population, and female INTJs are even rarer. INTJs tend to be critical-minded and focused on getting results. They not a recipe for casual chitchat. As a result, many INTJs avoid social and focus on ideas, projects, or work. They tend to close relationships with a small number of trusted individuals, and those friends mean the world to them.
What is the weakness of INTJs personality?
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The INTJs may be arrogant as well as impatient with people who do not have to catch on as quickly as they would like. The analyst in the INTJ can often overthink and place too much attention on minor details. This can lead to increased stress and anxiety, as the INTJ finds it difficult to switch off their analytical mind. Beside that, INTJs can be some of the most stubborn personality types on MBTIs personality because they have a strong stand when they comes to making decisions.
The Signs that you are an INTJ:
If you have been identified as an INTJ personality, these signs are probably suit for you:
You make a decision based on logic, fact and data.
Your intuitive makes you an idea machine.
You are a perfectionist and make high standards for yourself and others.
You look to the future rather than the past.
You are single-minded.
You are extremely independent.
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The INTJ Popular Occupation:
The characteristics of the INTJ personality type complement the disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). They may be work at fields below:
Business consultant
Film director
Graphic designer
Web designer
So, that is what the INTJ personality looks like. They may be the most independent type in MBTIs personality because they have high analytical skills and prefer single-minded rather than discussing with other people. They also may have high-stress level because they are known as a thinker, so they think everything before doing anything.
Photo credit:
- JR Bee, Verywell
- 7HRang
- 16Personalities
- Tumblr
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sephiasblogspot · 3 years
Get to know about Self-Harm
Lebih dari sebuah usaha untuk menyalurkan rasa sakit dan menghilangkan beban. Tapi?
Mungkin banyak dari kalian yang belum tahu apa itu self-harm karena aku yakin tidak semua dari kalian mengalami masalah di kesehatan mental kalian. Dan sebagian besar masyarakat masih menutup telinga dan menganggap pembahasan seperti ini adalah suatu hal yang sangat tabu untuk dibicarakan. Dengan kondisi yang seperti itu, akan sulit bagi kita untuk mengedukasi masyarakat tentang pentingnya kesehatan mental dan perilaku yang menjadi dampak dari terganggunya kesehatan mental. Kali ini aku akan membahas sedikit banyak tentang self-harm. Self-harm atau perilaku menyakiti diri sendiri sering terjadi pada orang-orang yang menderita gangguan di kesehatan mental mereka seperti depresi, skizofrenia, anxiety disorder, dan lain sebagainya.
"How do you know about it? Kenapa seberani ini untuk speak up?"
Of course I know, because I suffer from major depression and do self harm too, hehe. Tapi aku mau ingetin kalian kalau self-harm bukan jalan keluar dan bukan hal yang baik untuk dilakukan, meskipun itu bisa mengurangi dan merepresentasikan seberapa dalam rasa sakit di hati kalian. Kenapa berani speak up? Karena masalah seperti ini sudah banyak menjalar di tengah masyarakat dan mereka tidak sadar akan hal itu. Dan disini aku ingin membuka sedikit pikiran dan pandangan kalian tentang orang-orang yang melakukan self-harm, agar tidak ada lagi stigma negatif yang membuat mereka makin terpuruk.
"Terus kamu ngapain aja kalau self-harm? Segitu beratnya kah masalahmu sampai kamu berani melukai diri sendiri?"
Self-Harm punya banyak bentuknya. Mulai dari yang ringan seperti menampar wajah, hingga tingkat yang ekstrem seperti menyayat anggota tubuh dengan benda tajam dan self poisoning dengan overdosis obat. Mereka yang melakukan self-harm paham betul bagaimana hal itu bisa mengurangi beban di dalam hidup mereka dan mencapai kepuasan karena bisa mengeluarkan emosi mereka dalam bentuk sakit fisik.
"Lalu apa self-harm bisa disamakan dengan percobaan bunuh diri?"
Tidak. Self-Harm masuk ke dalam kategori NSSI (non suicidal self-injury) meskipun percobaan bunuh diri juga membutuhkan usaha untuk melukai diri sendiri. Namun, bagi pelaku self-harm mereka tidak berniat untuk mengakhiri hidupnya dan hanya ingin mengurangi rasa sakit dan beban yang sedang dia rasakan.
"Tapi kenapa kamu lakuin self-harm kalau kamu tahu itu tidak baik? Apa kamu mau mencari atensi dari publik?"
Oke, kita bahas satu persatu. Tidak semua orang ketika mereka punya masalah, mereka bisa menceritakannya kepada siapapun bahkan ke orang tua mereka. Karena tidak semua orang bisa memahami apa yang sedang mereka rasakan. Self-harm memang tidak baik, tapi bagi orang yang mereka tidak bisa mencari "pelampiasan" terbaik untuk menyalurkan rasa sakit hati, mereka akan menyalurkannya dalam bentuk sakit fisik. Apakah mencari atensi? Kebanyakan tidak. Orang-orang yang melakukan self-harm terkadang malu dan menyembunyikan bekas luka sayatan mereka dari mata orang-orang. Bahkan setelah mereka melakukan self-harm, mereka merasa bersalah dengan apa yang sudah mereka lakukan.
"Bagaimana jika ada yang menguploadnya di sosial media? Apakah itu bukan bagian dari mencari atensi?"
Baik, hal ini kadang terjadi namun dengan persentase yang sedikit. Orang-orang yang mengunggah foto sayatan luka mereka di sosial media ingin menunjukkan keadaan mereka saat itu dengan harapan ada orang yang bersedia menjadi tempat mereka bercerita. Dan apakah itu bagian dari mencari atensi? Iya, tetapi dalam konteks yang berbeda. Mereka melakukan itu karena berpikir harus ada pelampiasan lain selain self-harm. Mereka tidak mendapat kepuasan atau kelegaan setelah melakukan self-harm dan merasa harus menceritakan masalahnya ke orang lain.
"Apa kamu tidak ingat Tuhan pada saat itu? Dan apa kamu tidak bersyukur dengan apa yang kamu miliki?
Sekali lagi, self-harm bukan berarti kita tidak percaya bahwa Tuhan tidak bisa membantu kita dalam menjalani ujian yang diberikan. Bukan berarti kita tidak punya iman, bahkan kita paham bahwa self-harm adalah sebuah dosa. Tapi kembali lagi kepada fakta bahwa manusia punya batas kesanggupannya masing-masing. Kita tidak bisa mengatur bagaimana manusia menjalani kehidupan dan menyelesaikan problematika kehidupan mereka. Yang bisa kita lakukan adalah membantu mereka untuk bisa keluar dari zona gelap tersebut. Bantu mereka, dukung mereka baik fisik maupun moril, karena sejatinya mereka hanya butuh didengar.
"Ada pesan untuk orang yang masih melakukan self-harm dan para pembaca pada khususnya?"
Jelas ada.
Untuk kalian teman-temanku yang masih melakukan self-harm, kalian amat sangat berharga. Setiap helai rambut, anggota tubuh kalian dari atas sampai bawah adalah titipan dari Tuhan. Kalian punya kewajiban untuk menjaganya. Ibarat kalian meminjam buku di perpustakaan, maka kalian harus mengembalikannya dengan utuh dan tanpa cacat sedikitpun. Selalu tanamkan di pikiran kalian bahwa menyakiti diri sendiri hanya akan memperburuk keadaan. Aku tahu memang tidak mudah meninggalkan kebiasaan yang menurut kalian "menguntungkan" karena bisa membuat lega, bahkan aku sendiri butuh waktu 2 tahun untuk benar-benar bisa berhenti melakukan self-harm. Namun, kalian juga harus sadar bahwa self-harm bukan satu-satunya jalan keluar. Jiwa kalian amat sangat berharga, dan tidak ada hak bagi kalian untuk merusak apa yang sudah diamanahkan Tuhan pada kalian.
Dan untuk kalian pembacaku, rangkul lah orang-orang yang melakukan self-harm. Gunakan sisi kemanusiaan kalian tanpa memandang hal itu sebagai hal yang negatif. Sebab kita tidak pernah tahu bagaimana beratnya masalah yang mereka alami. Jangan hancurkan hati mereka karena kalian punya stigma negatif dan pandangan buruk kepada mereka. Mari sama-sama mulai membuka hati nurani, pandangan, dan pikiran kita tentang kesehatan mental. Karena kita tidak pernah tahu, suatu saat kita juga bisa ada di posisi mereka.
Itu saja, teman-temanku. Just remember that you are worth more than anything!
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