scarletsapphic · 5 hours
percy "the world was collapsing and the only thing that really mattered to me was that she was alive" jackson x annabeth "an asteroid could have hit the planet and wiped out all life, and annabeth wouldn't have cared" chase
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scarletsapphic · 12 hours
i just fell like five seconds ago I tripped on nothingness
I’m asexual, which means I ace everything I do 😎
(I trip over absolutely everything)
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scarletsapphic · 16 hours
happy pride month yalls
i didn't know it was june yet
sorry my brain is stuck in 2019 and also march this year <3
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scarletsapphic · 7 days
And I love him in spite of it <3
luke castellan is the typa guy to text you non stop and ignore u irl
luke castellan is the typa guy to be a super senior
luke castellan is the typa guy to say “Where my hug at!” when he sees you in the hall
luke castellan is the typa guy to take your phone and hold it above his head
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scarletsapphic · 8 days
idk man this photo did something to me
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scarletsapphic · 16 days
I want these narrated in Ryan Reynolds' voice.
so im annotating chalice of the gods and i didn’t realize until now just how UNHINGED and PERFECT this book is
whatever rick was on when he wrote this i need it
maybe it was those snakie bakies
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scarletsapphic · 16 days
Reblog if you're black tumblr.
You don’t have to be black, it just means you support us, you stand by us and your for us.
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scarletsapphic · 16 days
If you're telling me Percy would not be "Rocky Randhawa this side" for Annabeth's "tu kya hai yaar" you are DELULU
Desi pjo fans assemble
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scarletsapphic · 16 days
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I was listening to it and looking at pictures of Luke and I DIDNT EVEN PROCESS FOR A WHOLE ASS MINUTE BUT COME ONNNNN
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scarletsapphic · 16 days
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I was listening to it and looking at pictures of Luke and I DIDNT EVEN PROCESS FOR A WHOLE ASS MINUTE BUT COME ONNNNN
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scarletsapphic · 17 days
Desi Siren Aesthetic
based on personal opinions
Rest of the series
Tw- slight mentions of death, blood and drowning
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Heavy and perfect kajal, the definition of "siren eyes" in desi font.
Simple but layered silver and iron jewelry that makes the most hauntingly beautiful sound as they move.
Dark clothes with a faint shimmer that's enough to catch your eye, but not enough for them to be all too visible.
Dark purple and red lips that are mostly covered by a dupatta, for their eyes to pierce you.
Venomous and sweet scents of roses and spices,
Nails to match the thorns of the rose.
Blood red alta and dark brown mehendi.
Their voices echo in abandoned temples and caves by the shore as they "practice" their raags.
The most delicate touches, most gentle grips, till they're not.
Their nails digging into your skin as they drag you to your death, their eyes locked on yours with the most sweet smile on their perfectly cracked lips.
Their ghagras would be heavy enough for the weight to help them pull you to the depths of the water.
The sounds of their feet running on the slippery stones by the river would echo in your heart forever.
watch the instagram reel here!!! <3
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scarletsapphic · 17 days
Tired of “oh Percy would be a marine biologist” “oh Percy would be a teacher” that man is a stay at home dad. And I mean that.
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scarletsapphic · 21 days
Okay Luke Castellan SUCKS alr but I would be lying out of my ass to say I'm not SO excited to see Charlie Bushnell portray Luke as he slowly gets more and more off his rocker. Like?? I have so much faith in his ability to ace crazy bastard Luke and I want to see it so bad
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scarletsapphic · 21 days
I also think Rachel would wear those colorful food and flower earrings with googly eyes and shit and she would snap at anyone who commented on them.
like the ones you get at claires
PJO piercing hcs
Based on personal opinions pls don't come at me
Tell me your opinions!!!!
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Percy has one ear piercing each, he wears one slightly dangly earring and one stud.
Annabeth has one, and gets one more after each war.
Nico has 2 in one ear, 3 in the other. Most of them are infected because he did them himself and didn't bother to take care of them. Will has yelled at him about this everyday and he doesn't attempt it anymore. He got his nose pierced (safely) with Will.
Will has one piercing in each ear and a nose piercing.
Piper has 4 or 5 piercings in each ear and wears random mismatched earrings, probably changes them almost everyday. She also has a nose pirecing and she wears a small diamond stud in it. And she has a belly button ring.
Jason had no piercings except when he got impaled. Rip bestie.
Hazel had no piercings but after the war she got some. 2 in each ear and i think she would consider a belly button ring, only to back out last minute. She wears precious stones in each ear piercing.
Frank has no piercings I think he wouldn't want them and would also be a little scared.
Grover would also be scared, and not interested.
Leo had one in each ear as a child, but they closed up eventually. He would get them re-pierced after the war with Gaia (or try to do it himself), and I think one more after Jason dies, and he would go with Piper to get it done. He wears a tiny hoop in the top one and a stud in the bottom one. He would look hot with a nose piercing but idk if he would get one.
Thalia has a bajillion + 2 piercings. Like 5 in one ear 6 in the other, a septum ring, a nose ring, an eyebrow piercing, and I'm pretty sure she would get nipple piercings impulsively after she realizes she likes them on other people.
Reyna has two piercing in each ear and permanent small hoops in them, I think one would be gold and one silver for Aurum and Argentum.
Rachel also has a bunch of mismatched piercings and I think she would keep misplacing her earrings. But she has 3-4 in each ear.
Luke Castellan (canon traitor version) wouldn't have any piercings because when and how.
BUT hc version (aka my delulu version) would get one on each ear eventually either with Annabeth and Percy or with his partner whoever that ends up being (I volunteer as tribute Luke hmu).
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scarletsapphic · 21 days
oh my fucking holy fucks the number of times I gasped I almost cried wtfwtfwtf jason no wtf
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*ੈ✎ fall with grace.
╰┈▸ a glimpse into jason's last moments.
╰┈▸ warnings: gore
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jason didn't want to die. he realized this too soon, for the decision still dangled before him, life and death on the same side of the same coin. and too late, for the decision was already made for him, the life he could have lived displayed cruelly every time he blinked, in flashes of another, better universe. one where all his friends were really his friends, one where his father had a heart and his mother loved him, one where he wasn't always second best, one where he remembered.
and for a moment, the yearning he felt deep in his heart was enough to spur him forward, his body jerking upright to chase the dream he craved. but dreams were just dreams, jason of all people should have known.
his adrenaline-high came crashing down, tugging him along with it. his knees came crashing down onto the rubble, bruised and bleeding, yet they still managed to hold him up, as if reminding him there were still some things worth fighting for.
jason's hands shook, but his fingers refused to unravel from their tight grip on his sword. his friends, he had to protect his-
the piercing of metal against his skin broke him out of loyalty-induced rush. he looked down at the bloodied tip, heard the screaming of apollo and piper in the background. it was fatal. the decision has been executed.
he felt his lips move, heard his voice say, "go, remember." do what i couldn't do.
and still, he couldn't swallow the pang of sadness as he watched his friends leave him to die. but it was what he wanted, right? casualties, sacrifices, were normal in the battlefield. he was just another one of them leading up to the greater good.
his arms shook as he pulled himself against the rubble, driving the spear deeper into himself. he bit his cheek to suppress the sound of pain he was sure to make, not wanting to show a hint of weakness even as he was stripped bare of his strength for no one to see.
he laid there, chest heaving as he gasped for air, only to be met with blood spurting back up his throat. pain seared through him, like bugs crawling the lining of his intestines, razor-sharp mandibles breaking through and pouring out in a pool of red. deep shudders of breath racked his body, lungs spasming of their own volition, as if his body yearned to live despite his mind's rationality. every shiver he took only enhanced the feel of the wood splintered through his stomach, only worsened the itching of his insides. and yet he lived, through the agonizing, bare minimum he was always content with, never in his life asking for more. (but just this once, he begged for a god, any god, to just take away his suffering, please?)
he was met with silence, not the blissful sweetness of darkness clouding his vision, but the loud silence of his ragged breathing, the squelch of his gut churning. the gods were cruel beings, after all. yet another reminder that jason was never made to fall with grace.
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librarian's annotations: its 1 am and i wrote and this in one sitting and bag of bones is playing and yeah (this is a distraction for the fact that i havent posted a fic in ages) @jgracie @pinkdiorluvr i think u guys like jason angst??
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scarletsapphic · 27 days
that's just homosexuality
I love how Nico’s like…what? 13? 14? in Heroes of Olympus and he’s telling Jason that like “yeah I loved Percy Jackson so deeply that it shattered me from the inside but I’m like. Over him.” Dude. You are thirteen 😭???? Stop speaking about your 5th grade crush like he was a horrible, vengeful husband that cheated on you making you take a vow to never love again or something 💀
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scarletsapphic · 28 days
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