scalmropia · 7 months
Since first seeing light as the brainchild of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes has been a defining character in defining the Crime genre. But what would happen if great Holmes were in the State Universe? Worse, what if the criminal behind the veil was already behind bars, yet freer than a paper boat set a-sail in the sea? Join a different universe where 221B Baker Street is in a much larger British Empire, and the criminal has a secret not even the entirety of Scotland Yard can hold in, a one Holmes would never imagine, even in his wildest dreams. Stay tuned...
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scalmropia · 10 months
Government Entity Structure
Following is a listed structure of the Scalmropian Government at its present stage. Any changes will be momentarily modified here.
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The Monarch
Prince / Princess Admiral
Department of Crown Affairs Department of Crown Maintenance (defunct)
High Authority [headed by the Monarch and PA]
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High Commissioner
Vice High Commissioner
Ministry of Metaphysical Arts
Department of Sentience and Mind Department of Chronology Department of Categorization Department of Nature and Genetics (shared with MoEn) Department of Forces Department of Death Department of Appropriations
Ministry of Education
Department of Early Education Department of Publications Department of Higher Education Department of Appropriations Department of Examinations Department of Sports
Ministry of Defence
Department of Appropriations Military Court
Ministry of Science and Research
Department of Physics Department of Biology Department of Chemistry Department of Human Studies Department of Space Science Department of Research Department of Nuclear Energy Government Mission of Ksudria (shared with MoH) Government Mission of Rahsia Government Mission of Aanuka
Ministry of Justice
Department of Appropriations Department of Records Department of Rehabilitation
Ministry of Civil Affairs
Department of Children's and Women's Rights Department of Minority Rights Department of Public Facilities Department of Family Department of Aid (shared with MoF) Department of Consumer Protection
Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Department of Agriculture Department of Exports and Imports Department of Nutrition
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Department of War Department of Foreign Relations Department of Diplomatic Missions Department of Relations with the Americas Department of Foreign Treaties Department of Foreign Aid Emergency Foreign Aid and Accommodation Agency (previously Emergency Aid Projects for the Americas)
Ministry of Finance
Department of Currency Department of Stock Market Department of Finance Ethics Department of Financial Conduct Department of Banking and Micro-Financing Department of Businesses Department of Taxation Department of Aid (shared with MoCA)
Ministry of Public Records
Department of Demographics Department of Government Acts Department of Banned Publications National Library of Scalmropia
Ministry of Communication
Department of Telecommunications Department of Postal Services Department of Radio Communication Department of News Department of Government Messages
Ministry of Cultural Affairs
Department of Organised Religion Department of Scalmese Language Department of Metaphysical Philosophy Department of Official Languages Department of Holidays Department of Cultural Events
Ministry of Health
Department of Medicine and Medical Testing Department of Metaphysical Medicine Department of Psychology Department of Public Control Department of Pathogens Government Mission to Ksudria (shared with MoSR)
Ministry of Transportation
Department of Public Transport Department of Air Travel Department of Motor Vehicles Department of Licensing and Registration Department of Road Development Department of Railroads and Ports
Ministry of Environment
Department of Mayrath and Maynel Department of Nature and Genetics (shared with MoMA) Department of Environment Conservation Department of Introduction of Species Department of Control of Species
Provincial Governments
Government of Rajyanar Government of Uthnar Government of Chromia Government of Samnar Government of Totsnar Government of Loknar Government of Maynar Government of Shaknar Military Government of Minor Islands
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Supreme Court
Court of Appeal
High Court | Cyber Court
Provincial Court
District Court
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Armed Forces
Scalmropian Police
Scalmropian Army
Scalmropian Military Mission to Inca
Scalmropian Navy
Scalmropian Air Force
Scalmropian State Police
Scalmropian Special Corps
Scalmropian Chrono Corps
Scalmropian External Force for Extraordinary Events
Scalmropian Space Force
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State Owned Institutes and Services
Scalmropian Railway Service
Scalmropian Bus and Tram Network
Scalmropian Airlines
Scalmropian National Network (TV and FM)
Scalmropian National Newspaper
State Bank of Scalmropia
State University of Maynar
State University of Shaknar
State University of Rajyanar
State Radio Infrared and Visual Observatory
State Atomic Collider
State Neutrinos and Subatomic Detection Agency
Scalmropian Aeronautics Astronautics and Space Research Organisation
Scalmropian State Hospitals
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scalmropia · 10 months
Judicial System of Scalmropia
The Judicial System of Scalmropia acts as the Judiciary and hence, the defendant of the Supreme Law and subsequent other laws. The jurisdiction of the court system applies throughout Scalmropian territory (including Scalmropian Inca).
Being one of the oldest organised legal systems, this is also the oldest existing Judicial System in the world. This is too disputed due to lack of credible evidence outside the country.
The Judicial Hierarchy is as follows:
Supreme Court
Court of Appeal
High Court | Cyber Court
Provincial Court
District Court
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The Supreme Court is the highest court of the territory and holds governance power at a similar level to the Monarch, within reasonable bounds. The Supreme Court's decision cannot be appealed. The Supreme Court is presided by the Governer of Law and sometimes represented by designated Supreme Court Judges. The court only concerns with appeals of Court of Appeal verdicts as well as constitutional crimes.
The Court of Appeal is the second highest court of the territory and holds power to sustain, dismiss or reverse verdicts of courts below it in hierarchy. The Court of Appeals is presided by Governer of Appeals and by Court of Appeal Judges.
The High Court is an entry level court of appeal for verdicts given by courts below it in hierarchy. However, the High Court is also the entry level court for cases involving deaths as well as monetary claims or losses of over 200,000 Kahzi.
The Cyber Court has similar hierarchical significance as a High Court. This court has special provisions giving it special jurisdiction over internet and intranet matters, hence the name. It only has jurisdiction over cyber space matters and acts as an entry level court for criminal cases as well has an entry level court of appeal for civil case.
The Provincial Court only has jurisdiction over its assigned province and mainly deals with criminal cases as well as civil case appeals. The court is under the governance of the locally assigned High Court Judge and local government laws may at some cases apply here.
The District Court has jurisdiction over up to 5 districts in a single instance and only deals with civil cases. The court is presided by the local Justice of Civility as well as their deputies.
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scalmropia · 10 months
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Artwork of His Majesty the King and Her Majesty Princess Admiral, at the National Day Celebrations from June 21st.
Courtesy of the Department of Crown Affairs
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scalmropia · 10 months
Welcome! Rakshawe!
May the Golden State Protect and Nourish Us! Ran raj apa rakshath poshath karawa!
The Republican Monarchy of Scalmropia, or more colloquially referred as Scalmropia, The State or The Golden State, is by reality, the oldest existing government. The land area amasses 125623 km² with four islands: Mainland, Aanuka/ Acia, Ksudria/ Viron and Rahsia. It is located in South America and consists of nine provinces, thirty-six districts and one dependency of Scalmropian Inca (100km²) in South America. It has a land and maritime border with British Inca. The state capital is Rajyanar.
This is side-blog dedicated for all things Scalmropian and might feature official and unofficial posts. Please refer to the correct tags to ensure you see what you want.
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WIPs within the State Multiverse
The Star Child
Experiment 615
World War 0
World War 3
Publications within the State Multiverse
None so far :(
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National Identity
National Flag & Coat of Arms:
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National Anthem
In the order of the sun By the Mayrath's grace Strong and together we shall stand Long live the golden state To our ancestors this breath we owe For our children this air be saved By the strength of the golden arms May our lives be held by love The thousand year raj of gold Will never vanquish be Under the siege of thousand arms Brave and strong our souls will be To the royal words we heed In no suffrage we will live May not the sunset last too long May not the Mayrath leave our lands May the Ran Raj protect us May the Ran Raj nourish us And in turn for our divine land We shall repay With love With care And duty
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The country is a constitutional monarchy. The executive of the country is the Monarch, appointed by inheritance and the High Authority, appointed by Parliament vote. The legislature is the Parliament, unicameral in structure and appointed by public vote. Head of State is the Monarch, seconded by Prince or Princess Admiral and the Head of Government is High Commissioner, seconded by Vice High Commissioner. This is a unitary state.
However, historically, Scalmropia was an absolute monarchy and restructured itself as part of the major restructure and transition period during the years 555 BC to 550 BC.
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How the name Scalmropia came to be is unknown, however, it is believed to be the name of one of the lost Lower Kingdoms. (See History) Demonym for its population is Scalmaropian and the language is Scalmese. The colloquial term 'The State' derives from it being one of the oldest states and the term 'The Golden State' derives from the fact that the country is rich with gold deposits, covering 32% of the entire land area.
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*Satellite view of Scalmropia
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The country doesn't recognise a state religion; however, a majority recognises the patron entities of the metaphysical arts as divinity, despite not being organised as a religion. The Metaphysical Philosophy is the closest thing the country has to a local religion. However, there is a minority of Roman Catholics, owing to the strong ties with the Holy See.
The state language is Scalmese. The language has recognised roots in Indo-Aryan languages. In its present form, the language uses a wide range of English loanwords.
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The nine provinces have local governments: Provincial Councils, headed by Governors. The districts are only segregated for ease of administration and allocation of resources.
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*Plain map of Scalmropia in 1:10785 (in original document) scale with provincial boundaries and minor island names
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The country is 98.7% ethnically Scalmropians due to the isolationist policy. Of the remaining 1.3%, 0.8% is of Incan ethnicity and 0.5% is of British and American ethnicity.
As for religion, 87% follows Metaphysical Philosophy, a form of magic worship and 13% follow Roman Catholicism.
There is an almost perfect 50.1% male and 49.9% female biological population. A slow-fluctuating list of gender identity is updated within the Ministry of Public Records.
Despite religious orientation, only 63% of the population has verified magical capabilities.
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The country amasses an area of 125, 623 km². The country has four islands, Mainland, Aanuka/Acia, Ksudria/Viron and Rahsia. The mainland is comprised of four distinct topographical zones: Coastal, Intermediate, Mountainous and Semi-Arid. There is no distinct natural topography in the minor islands as they all have been repurposed.
Biodiversity is very low with only two endemic florae: Chrysanthemum mayrathia (this is the national flower and is present in the crest and the flag, see National Identity) and Chrysanthemum maynelia. All other flora and fauna are imported. Some species have naturally evolved to have local characteristics and some have been genetically engineered.
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Foreign Relations
Initially, Scalmropia followed an open policy; however, following the global war (see History), the country restricted itself from international politics and followed a majorly isolationist policy. International relations have therefore soured between the major powers that has since formed such as the United Kingdom of America, British Empire, and the Confederates of Japan, for a majority of the Scalmropian history.
Notable exceptions are, however, ties with the Greek Civilisation until the beginning of Hellenistic Greece, as well as the fluctuating ties with the Holy See which exists even today. The diplomatic mission of the Holy See acts for Scalmropian Interests Protection in all states and territories, while the Incan Dependency hosts a diplomatic mission which would be used to communicate with the major powers of the Americas.
The country still follows a non-alignment and isolationist policy and Scalmropia is an observer state at the United Nations.
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*This map only shows mainly relevant political entities in the state universe
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Civilisation began here when a group of 2000 ships of mass migrants fled South Asia during the ethnic cleansing and assimilation as part of King Shyam of the Upper Kingdom's conquest of the Lower Kingdoms. Initially set to land in the islands of Java and Sumatra, due to lack of proper maps, these ships missed the South Asian Islands completely and sailed all the way to the island which is now Scalmropian mainland.
Owing to King Shyam's conquest in 10th century B.C., the extensive knowledge and existence of civilisation in the region was wiped out. This included the magical and technological advancements the Lower Kingdoms possessed. Scalmropia was home to the last remnants of this knowledge. King Shyam's own kingdom collapsed and was wiped out by the successive civilisations beginning with the Indus Valley Civilisation.
Following the colonisation of the Scalmropian mainland, a monarchy was introduced and the existing knowledge was developed under King Devraj I. Being the oldest civilisation of the region, Scalmropia has seen the rise of Mesoamerican and Incan civilisations.
The Great War of 562 BC to 557 BC, the first global war—unknown in the present historical records and disputed due to lack of credibility, saw the defeat of Egyptian and Mayan civilisations as well as the complete destruction of the Atlantis civilisation. This is seen as one of the darkest parts of Scalmropian history and efforts have been taken to erase all proof of the war and so far, attempts have been successful.
There has only been one other conflict in Scalmropian history when there was a colonisation effort by the British Americas, which was successfully repelled.
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