salixalba8 · 1 hour
Not Inktober, but…
Серия рисунков с моими фанперсонажами по SWTOR (ну и с каноничными персонажами тоже, куда ж без них) по темам прошлогоднего инктобера.
[A series of drawings with my SWTOR-based fancharacters (аnd with canonical characters too, of cource) on the last year's Inktober prompts.]
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(Let me know if translation for phrases on some pictures is needed, I'll try to do something with it… A separate post maybe, as this one big enough as it is.)
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salixalba8 · 3 days
Star Wars species study: kaminoan
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(Моё: увлекается Звёздными Войнами дольше, чем себя помнит. Тоже моё: только заполнив примерно половину альбома на 80 листов спохватилось, что вообще-то второй эпизод и мультсериал называются по-разному и здесь надо было написать "Attack of the Clones"…)
[(Me: has been into Star Wars for longer than can remember. Also me: only after filling out about half of the 80-sheet album did suddenly realize that titles of the second episode and the animated series are different and here it should be "Attack of the Clones"…)]
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salixalba8 · 8 days
Aprilcolors 2024
Решило нарисовать несколько картинок по наиболее интересным для меня темам. Ну и всякие разные материалы по случаю пощупать. [Decided to draw a few pictures on the most interesting (to me) prompts. And to try all sorts of different art materials on occasion.]
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favorite color (1) + gradient (11)
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planet (2) + randomly generated palette (9)
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color palette from a bird ("dusky lory" Pseudeos fuscata) (5) + burn (10)
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floral (7) + least favorite color (13)
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seaweed (14)+ verdant (17) + randomly generated palette 2 (19)
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self (15) + neutrals (27)
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trinket (16) + an animal you've never drawn (18) + a colorful version of a black & white animal (28) (animal: magpie)
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cracks (20) + layers (22) + color palette from a drink (tea) (24)
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weather (21) + water (26) + rainbow (30).
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salixalba8 · 1 month
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Своеобразное переосмысление облика дроида HK-55 из игры "Star Wars: The Old Republic" (у дроидов этой серии странные головы, которые чаще всего выглядят довольно нелепо по меркам гуманоидов - но если представить, что за основу было взято нечто более хищное, это имеет смысл =)). [Fancy (re)design for HK-55 from "Star Wars: The Old Republic" (HK droids have strange heads, which most often look quite grotesquely by humanoid standards - but if you imagine it tooks inspiration from something more predatory, it makes sense =)).]
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salixalba8 · 2 months
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По традиции рисую на 8 марта выдающихся женских персонажей. На сей раз это Доктор Майк (Микаэла Куин), главгероиня сериала "Доктор Куин, женщина-врач". [I draw remarkable female characters for 8 March as kind of personal tradition. This time it's Dr. Mike (Michaela Quinn), the main character of "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman" series.]
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salixalba8 · 2 months
Star Wars species study: tusken raider
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Ещё ходячих балахонов с Татуина завезли. [Walking robes from Tatooine again.]
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salixalba8 · 2 months
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ACEO на обмен с https://vk.com/akiartclub
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salixalba8 · 2 months
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ACEO на обмен с https://vk.com/isidorambassador
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salixalba8 · 2 months
I'm just came to Tumblr last year because it not inclose itself from people that not have accounts here and I can share links to my content to anyone (unlike with that Instagram and Twitter became), and here we go again… Just hope it not going further than this new option. (And yes, I'm also AI-friendly. Guess I now again need to search for another platform for my art, though it's still not good enough to contribute in AI learning.)
Hi, Tumblr. It’s Tumblr. We’re working on some things that we want to share with you. 
AI companies are acquiring content across the internet for a variety of purposes in all sorts of ways. There are currently very few regulations giving individuals control over how their content is used by AI platforms. Proposed regulations around the world, like the European Union’s AI Act, would give individuals more control over whether and how their content is utilized by this emerging technology. We support this right regardless of geographic location, so we’re releasing a toggle to opt out of sharing content from your public blogs with third parties, including AI platforms that use this content for model training. We’re also working with partners to ensure you have as much control as possible regarding what content is used.
Here are the important details:
We already discourage AI crawlers from gathering content from Tumblr and will continue to do so, save for those with which we partner. 
We want to represent all of you on Tumblr and ensure that protections are in place for how your content is used. We are committed to making sure our partners respect those decisions.
To opt out of sharing your public blogs’ content with third parties, visit each of your public blogs’ blog settings via the web interface and toggle on the “Prevent third-party sharing” option. 
For instructions on how to opt out using the latest version of the app, please visit this Help Center doc. 
Please note: If you’ve already chosen to discourage search crawling of your blog in your settings, we’ve automatically enabled the “Prevent third-party sharing” option.
If you have concerns, please read through the Help Center doc linked above and contact us via Support if you still have questions.
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salixalba8 · 3 months
Star Wars species study: gorax
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Продолжаем продолжать. [Let's keep going.]
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salixalba8 · 4 months
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Продолжаем эксплуатировать тему драконов. [Let's continue to utilize the dragon theme.]
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salixalba8 · 4 months
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ACEO с люминофорными элементами на обмен с https://www.furaffinity.net/user/mrrrn/
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salixalba8 · 4 months
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Сделало себе новогоднюю блестяшку в кои-то веки. Видео того, как блестит - на ЯндексДиске: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/Sla150idqUIv4A [Made myself a New Year glittery thing for once. There is video of how it shines: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/Sla150idqUIv4A]
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salixalba8 · 4 months
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Под конец года ещ�� немного Веснота в модельках из Hero Forge - вождь племени дрейков и пиратский капитан, герои аддона "Flight to Freedom". [At the end of the year, a little more Wesnoth in Hero Forge models - the leader of drake tribe and the pirate captain from the addon "Flight to Freedom".]
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salixalba8 · 5 months
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Урадредия, командир северных эльфов из кампании "Legend of Wesmere". [Uradredia, Northern Elves leader from the campaign "Legend of Wesmere"].
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salixalba8 · 5 months
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Не планирую включать воссов в серию рисунков с ЗВшными видами, потому что "тех же людей, только другого цвета" там и без них хватает, а вот просто кое-каких цветных карандашей на них потестировать - почему бы и нет? [Not plan to include voss in my "Star Wars species study" series (there are enough "humans, but another color" already), but they are well suited for some coloured pencils testing.]
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salixalba8 · 5 months
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Просто зарисовка для теста пастели "Мастер-Класс" с бумагой для пастели и гуаши "Малевичъ Graf' Art". [Just a little drawing for testing some pastels and paper.]
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