saint-or-sinner · 2 years
Tormented souls (Kylo Ren x reader)
Part 2
Warnings: this story will contain a lot of 18+ content. Lots of dark themes and triggers. Please read at your own risk.
First writing I’ve done lots of improvements to make and learning chapter by chapter. Hoping to make this into a series.
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“On your feet the supreme leader has requested your presence” the trooper shouted.
You hesitated backing into the corner wanting nothing more then to escape from this situation.
“Let’s not make this harder for anyone on your feet and MOVE” he screamed.
You shot up wearily in front of the trooper.
Walking along the endless dark corridors all you could think about was how you were going to die. Would it be slow and painful, or torture, you hoped for the first one. What did the supreme leader want with you. You thought back to what the trooper had said to you before you were knocked out. He said that the supreme leader would want you, what for?
As you walked past what you assumed was security for the supreme leader one of the guards questioned the trooper leading you in.
“Is this the new girl, my my what a pretty little one” the guard hummed at you. You showed pure disgust with his words and wandering eyes.
“The supreme leader has requested her to be brought to him”
“Phaaahha poor little thing won’t last a day with him. The last one only lasted a week” he smirked.
“I’ll have whatever is left after his done with you” he shouted as you walked away being lead to certain death. It suddenly dawned on you that sex might be required. You couldn’t do that, there’s no way you would open your legs for any of these men. Especially the supreme leader his done awful things and hurt so many people not to mention killing your mother. You wouldn’t do it. You couldn’t stop thinking about that guards eyes as he looked over your body you felt sick thinking about what he would do to you given the chance.
There were big black double doors to where you assumed the supreme leader would be. The trooper opened them and there he sat in all his glory. Clothed in a thick black cape, black pants and top. His gloves were covering clenched fists. The helmet he wore radiated dominance. He had no human features on show making him all the more terrifying. This also made him colder almost like no one was under that helmet.
“My lord this is the girl from EO you sensed”
“Sensed what does that mean” you piped up. Looking down not to annoy the supreme leader. You were now trembling.
“Leave us” Kylo lowly growled.
This was it the moment to ask what’s going on and if he killed you for it so be it.
“Why am I here what does it mean sensed me” you coldly asked.
“You are here because I need someone new and I’ve already seen inside your head your so pure” he smirked.
“Someone new for what” you bluntly questioned.
He sat still for a moment not saying anything looking like he was making careful decisions.
“From now on you will live in my chambers and do everything that is asked of you”
“What like a maid or something?” You asked.
“I guess you could say that, you will not make any noise that is not necessary and you will only speak when spoken to. If you try anything you will be punished in ways you cannot Imagine” he told you.
This scared you seeing how confident he spoke. Almost like his words alone would make you do anything he wanted. You felt slight ease at being made to do something you were already good at and familiar with. Maintaining somewhere was something your mother had taught you. To be caring and provide a perfect home for you and your family.
“Go with Adrianne now he will give you a tour and show you everything you need, you will start immediately” Kylo stated.
The trooper your guessing was Adrianne grabbed your arm taking you to the supreme leaders living quarters.
The quarters were huge, there was so many rooms and huge corridors with giant windows out to space making you feel small and worthless. This place was fit for a king. It was dark and seductive in a way. You noticed a few other girls working around the place ignoring you completely. You felt nervous that you wouldn’t be working alone.
Showing you to a small bedroom Adrianne gave you some more information “you will ensure all your jobs are completed daily, there is a checklist stuck up on the board in the cleaning cupboard that will tell you what to do. Don’t miss anything and only stick to your jobs don’t help anyone else either” he huffed
“Where will I stay?” You questioned.
“This is your bedroom” he gestured to the small room.
“This is the closest room to the supreme leaders bedroom so you will need to be available to work all hours of the day and night” he said.
“What will I be doing a night?” You coldly questioned.
“If the supreme leader requests your presence to his bedroom you will go unless you want to die, if you keep your head down and do everything that he asks of you, you might survive longer”
“How wonderful” you sarcastically commented.
“I’ll leave you to settle in and then you must start your list of jobs for the rest of the day, at some point you will meet the head maid Val and she will help with any questions” with that he left closing your bedroom door behind you.
Finally a moment to breathe and think about what has happened. You started crying looking around the foreign bedroom that certainly was not yours. It was dark, cold and knowing you were close to the supreme leader made your spine go cold. How would you live like this and how long could you avoid sleeping with him. It was all too much you had to snap out of this if you wanted to survive.
You had a small ensuite with toilet, sink and little shower. It was enough. With being in space the view from your tiny window was actually really amazing. It sucked all the light out of you looking out into the vast darkness. They must never have daylight up here.
You went to the bathroom and freshened up. You found some plain uniform in the chest of drawers. A black t-shirt and black skirt. You slipped on your black shoes and stepped out of your bedroom door. You made your way down to the cleaning cupboard which was actually more like a room. It was bigger then your bedroom. You found your name on a list of jobs and started straight away. It must of been pretty late in the day already so there wasn’t too much to be done but you were incredibly tired so getting it done quickly was a must.
You spent a couple of hours pottering around. All the other workers you saw earlier must have finished and gone back to there bedrooms because no one was around. You were grateful for being alone right now with your thoughts. Once you finished you put everything back where you found it and headed straight for bed. You undressed yourself and climbed under the duvet. How was this happening you thought to yourself tears starting to fall from your eyes. Your poor mother you missed her so much already and home. You missed home the way it smelt the fresh air, your friends. You would never see any of that again. Your heart was aching at the loss of your home and everyone you have ever known. You must of slipped off into a deep sleep because your mind finally went blank.
Part 2 complete - I’m kinda smashing through these chapters trying to map out a story then completing chapter by chapter. There will be smut soon I just need to build a back story first. I hope you can all give any feedback or something that would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks 😊
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saint-or-sinner · 2 years
Tormented souls (Kylo Ren x reader)
Part 1:
Warnings: this story will contain a lot of 18+ content. Lots of dark themes and triggers. Please read at your own risk.
First writing I’ve done lots of improvements to make and learning chapter by chapter. Hoping to make this into a series.
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It had been like every other beautiful day on EO. This is where you lived with your mother. Your mother had to run and seek refuge from the war on your birth planet when you were a baby. She truly chose the perfect place to live out your days and ensure you were safe. This planet was quite, peaceful and full of beauty. The vast mountains were surrounded by trees and rivers. Nature thrived here and beauty bloomed all year round. You had spent the day tending to your cabin, cooking, cleaning and catching up with your friends. Just another beautiful day. You had kissed your mother goodnight and found yourself dreaming of the flowing rivers and trees that lined them. Drifting off into a peaceful slumber.
Explosions echoed throughout the air. you fumbled out of bed and through the door desperately searching for your mother. Gun shots could be heard in the distance, the screaming and shouting was horrifying.
You found your mother peeking out of the window trembling. She looked to you “Y/N my darling they have found us we must go now”
“Who? Who’s found us what’s going on” you said with a worrying tone.
“We are under attack they will kill us if they find us it’s the first order” your mother looked so scared immediately flashing you back to the horror stories she used tell you about. They were infamous for causing pain and terror wherever they went. This new reality was causing you to fear for yours and your mothers lives.
Once you stepped out of the door horror awaited you. The once vast and beautiful forest was on fire. Everything around you was happening so quickly, the sound of the first order moving in and rounding other people up like cattle. Your mother ushered you out of the door and into the road. You could see the troopers getting closer and closer.
“Y/N we must run, run as fast as you can and do not turn back I will be right behind you”
With that you both started running for the dense woods. You were faster then your mother and when you turned around to check she was behind you.
You heard a gun shot the sound ringing in your ears as you watched your mother fall to her knees blood pouring from her stomach.
“Noooo mother” you sobbed through endless tears.
Your mother looked up at you through tired eyes. Troopers moving in on her.
“Please Y/N run it’s okay I love you” she pleaded with you. One of troopers shot her again leaving your mother breathless on the floor dying. You cried out wanting to reach her and be with her gripped by your sadness and guilt.
“After her” one of the guards roared to the other troopers.
How could this be happening.
With that you turned on your foot running as fast as you could through the never ending forest. You wanted to live not for anyone but your mother. Your heart beating out of your chest as you went further into the abyss. Your mother was dead. She was all you had. Now you would be alone running from the fearless first order.
You were being chased deeper and deeper into the forest that had once been an endless string of beautiful life. Everything looked dead and cold now and your once familiar surrounds now looked new. You were lost.
You must of taken a wrong turn and ended up trapped between the troopers. They had surrounded you.
All eyes on your next move as you fell to floor and wept. There was no way out this is the end. You would be with your mother soon.
“The supreme leader will want to see this one” the commanding officer states.
“No one is to touch or harm her” he shouted.
With that a small vile was injected into your arm. Everything started to blur and noise disappeared. They must have given you something to knock you out. The sleep you found was just a black void of nothing.
You suddenly awoke. Panicking at not knowing where you were and your last memories. Someone shot you with a serum you remembered rubbing your arm. The room was dark and seamless it looked at bit like a cell. You tried opening the door but nothing worked you were trapped. You sat back down and slowly let your mind wander to the first order. They were slowly taking over the galaxy ensuring order is kept everywhere they go. It’s leader Kylo Ren was known to be vile and hateful.
You had heard the stories of his tormented sole and the harm he inflicted upon others. Your mind flashed to your friend back home telling you about his violent temper and that once he beheaded his first in command for no more then a measly disagreement.
You started fearing for yourself, what did they want with you?
You felt like you spent hours sitting and thinking about your mother, your home, your whole life.
Suddenly the door to your cell opened and a trooper came in with a gun.
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saint-or-sinner · 2 years
Back on tumble after many years. I used to love running my own page back in my teenage years. I’m a sucker for a fantasy smut story anything Star Wars, marvel, vampire or the Witcher. Hoping to start writing my own at some point too. Exited to be back. 🤩
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