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many such cases
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The way this house is built reminds me of the Bat Cave. How cool to drive up, press the remote and drive into your little lair. This house has peeling paint on the exterior, but the interior is almost perfect. It was built in 1981 in North Granby, CT. Has 3bds, 3ba, and only $299K.
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See? The paint is peeling. Did they use the wrong kind? Note the cute little balconies above the door. Come and take a look inside.
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Look at how nice this is. Open concept. Skylights, round windows, stone fireplace, sliders to a patio, and a mezzanine.
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The nice large patio.
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I love this house. The interior is pristine. Look at how dramatic it is.
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It looks like there's a bar next to the fireplace.
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Kitchen behind the fireplace. I hope they fixed whatever made the stains on the ceiling. I think that there are ovens in the stone wall. Just one lousy photograph of the kitchen.
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Like that the spiral stairs are wide. Why the white carpet, though?
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Nice guest powder room. Love the black fixtures.
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Cedar closet at the top of the stairs and double arched doors to the primary bedroom.
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I like the arches. A fireplace in the wall. And, look at the loft above. That must be the ladder for the loft, in the corner.
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Built-in storage by the windows overlooking the main floor.
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Very nice. Oh, shoot, are the windows leaking?
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Large en-suite with a walk-in closet. Love the gray fixtures.
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I think that this may be another room with stairs to another loft. It's hard to tell.
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Cute room with a vaulted ceiling. Look at the lettering that says "Magic Door" in gold. Sweet.
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These stairs lead up to another level.
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Very cool little bonus space up here. What a cool house.
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Convenient door if you want to go in thru the garage.
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The driveway looks like a private road to the house.
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Little path thru the garden.
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This will be gorgeous after cleaning out the murky pool. There's a lot of property for the money, it's 2.04 acres.
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senshi is real actually. he’s the 76 year old retired forester with no degree who the university hired to teach my dendrology class because he simply knows more about trees than anyone else in the whole world
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Effeminate dentist: You need to brush more on your gums-- hold on why am I "effeminate?" What? I'm literally just a normal dentist. A masculine one, even.
Me: (struggling to speak through the dentist's fingers) youw weren't shupposhed to shee that
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Me, on the welcome desk in the library: Good morning, how are you today?
Customer: I have welcomed Jesus into my heart and so I am well today and every day.
Me, a little unnerved: Okay then! Is there something I can help you with?
Customer, digging around in his bag and pulling out an iPhone in a box: Unfortunately, Jesus can't help me with this fucking phone, so I came to the library.
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Reading the Silmarillion, the elves seem so active and full of life.They’re always doing things. When you get to the Lord of the Rings, they just seem so tired. Elrond holds a meeting and then he’s out. Galadriel has some guests stay with her. They’re so done. They just wanna leave.
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This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
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dni unless you have a thorough knowledge of music, singing, drawing, dancing, all the modern languages, all while possessing a certain something in your air and manner of walking, the tone of your voice, your address and expressions-
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I think we as a website are sleeping on the potential of Microsoft teams default memes
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Wake up, babe, new religion just dropped
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Oil painting by Ivana Živić ( b. in 1979 in Sarajevo, BIH)
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Archetypal mad scientist who is an Ecologist and her evil plan is always something like put Baikal seals in the Great Lakes
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Albarran Cabrera   —–   Instagram
The Mouth of Krishna
2019, #60221 Pigments, gampi paper and gold leaf.
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Can you stand up off the ground without using your hands?
While this ability seems very simple for some - there are many who can't do it!
Or at least, can't do it without some cracking and pain.
If this is you - here are some simple ways you can build up whenever you're standing up any way!
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the problem with vegan meat substitutes is the vegans
why is Impossible Foods ground beef still the only product with heme? It's not just patent protection, because Motif Food Works has their own heme product. I talked to a yoga teacher and when I told her that Impossible burger had heme, the same substance that makes blood red, but made from genetically modified yeast, she told me she was never eating it again. We could have passable vegan bologna like immediately if Tofurkey added heme to their already good deli slices. But I suspect companies have to weigh the benefits against the cost of appearing unnatural or artificial. Yeah, I just checked, Tofurkey advertises themselves as non-GMO, so Tofurkey heme bologna is ruled out
On the Impossible Foods website they're advertising "13g total fat (compared to 23g)" and "6g saturated fat (compared to 9g)". Flavor, texture, and similarity to beef are being compromised for an appearance of being healthy. Saturated fat isn't even bad for you. If the customers weren't looking for a "healthier" alternative to beef, judged according to outdated nutrition science, then Impossible's product could be much more similar to ground beef. Like this is a deviation from ground beef on a fundamental culinary level and they advertise it like it's something to be proud of
How come Impossible burgers and Beyond burgers are all legume protein? Soy and pea, respectively. Everybody knows, and this actually turns out to be true, that if you combine legume protein and grain protein you get a complete protein. Legumes are lower in the sulfur-containing amino acids, whereas grain proteins are lower in branched-chain amino acids, and together they make up for each other's deficits. Like in Tofurkey, which is a combination of soy protein and wheat gluten. This also I'm told makes it easier to get a firmer texture. Tofurkey is an older product, predating the gluten-free trend, which is my guess about why the newer generations don't have gluten. So they're compromising on texture and protein quality, which is good for the small fraction of people with real gluten sensitivities, but I think it's really for the larger number of people who have been memed into avoiding gluten for no reason.
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