riastraa · 1 day
"Wedding (Photographer) Crasher"
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Hex Haywire × Reader Wedding Photographer AU
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Rating: Explicit
Gender: Gender neutral until Smut hits, then it's Female (you can still read it but during smut reader has a vag sorry 🧍🏻‍♂️)
Warnings: OOC Hex, Swearing, implied mentions of stalking (but not really), drinking, unprotected seggs, biting mentions, other then that it's pretty vanilla, slow burn 🗣️, happy ending 🫰
Word count: 9,364 (JESUS)
Guide to read this: "chapter will be separated with a "-" and a gap. Smut will not be marked so please be warned.
A/N: Ladies, gentleman, theys, WE FUCKING DID IT. It's a long read but honestly, and I'm biased, a good read. Thank you to @mystaposts for giving me ideas and input and genuinely letting me keep track of my progress while I write. Love you mwah. I genuinely have never written something this long and it's been a journey. I've also never written and AU this obscure before. I started this on vacation and then finished it a month after I got back LMFAO. Anyway please enjoy!
You can also read this on AO3 if you prefer that format better here
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It's your friend's wedding, you're a photographer, she's having a destination wedding; how could you say no! You arrived in Mexico, struggled through customs with your broken Spanish and got to your hotel with nothing but coffee and sheer willpower alone. You text the wedding coordinator and she tells you you'll be meeting with her and the... other photographer ,which you are just NOW finding out about, at the venue to set up. You've shot weddings before; loads of times actually, it's actually one of your favorite events to photograph. You don't work for a company for a reason, you hate other people ruining your creative vision, plus once you're in the zone you hate being interrupted. Your friend left that detail out that you'd be working with.. another photographer.
You take a deep sigh, you really can't complain. It's her wedding day, you got free accommodations in exchange for taking some photos. You really can't complain. The hotel was gorgeous. It had a nice view of the city despite only being on the 3rd floor. You change and pack a bag full of all the equipment you don't wanna be taking to the venue the actual day of the ceremony and a few tripods and head off to go meet this mystery photographer you'll be working with for the weekend.
Lucky for you the venue was only a short stroll away from your accommodations. The venue vastly understated on how gorgeous it was, decked out in beautiful flowers and extravagant decor which went beautifully with the Spanish inspired build of the place, it had two staircases and a little inside balcony overlooking the venue (perfect place to shoot) which eventually led out to a huge outside balcony looking over the ocean. You pause to wonder how much this must've cost but quickly forget about it when another man walks in looking just as in awe as you probably did. He was tall, dressed in all black, messy steel colored hair, some black dispersed in different parts of his hair and the most gorgeous green eyes that peered out at you over a pair of glasses. He stares at you and before he can open his mouth the wedding coordinator runs in.
"I'm so sorry I'm late, there was a cake mishap, it's all handled now but let me tell you I'm-" she pauses and clears her throat. "Apologizes... I see you two have at least seen each other. Y/N, Hex Haywire. Hex, This is Y/N." You glance at Hex again as he glances back at you. "I thought I'd be working alone." You respond flatly. Hex scoffs. " Me too, I wasn't told I'd be working with a rookie." Your jaw must drop to the floor because Hex gives a sly smile. "I'm a friend of the bride thank you, and also own my own photography business." You grit your teeth. "Friend of the groom. Also own my own business." He shrugs and produces a business card from his pocket holding it to your face. You roll your eyes and before you quip back on a 'my dick is bigger than your dick' contest the coordinator jumps into the conversation.
"Ehm let's get back to discussing when I'll need you." She glares at you. "Both of you." She continues. "Tomorrow we need you here early to take photos of the finished venue. There are still a lot of little details we have to get done tonight and tomorrow morning but regardless it should be more flushed out tomorrow. After that the bride and groom will get ready and respectively you'll be taking photos of the getting ready process. Then the first look both the bride and groom specifically asked for to get photographed so please be on your A game for that. Then the ceremony takes place, you'll be taking photos there during the ceremony as well as the after party. The bride also requested before the ceremony so you can take photos of the family, all the bridesmaids and groomsmen. Do you understand what's being asked of you?" The both of you nod. " Great! Feel free to get familiar with the venue, discuss how you'll be conducting the process... Civilly… please… ." The coordinator sighs before setting off to continue her duties.
You sigh, setting some of your equipment in the corner. Grabbing your camera from your bag you glance around to figure out where you're going first. Hex follows suit and the two of you stare at each for a moment. What the fuck was the bride thinking. This guy is a total dick, sure you don't know him but the vibe he gives off.. you can't quite place it but you just wanna rub his face in the dirt. So you resort to something a bit more sinister. Lying. "Honestly I don't know what the bride was thinking about getting both of us, I can handle all of this by myself. I don't work with other photographers because it makes the editing process so much worse because you walk into my shot and I have to Photoshop you out-" " I won't, I'm not an idiot." He cuts in. " I don't like other people fucking with my business either." He folds his arms. "If anyone is getting in anyone's shit it's gonna be you for sure Rookie." He states flatly before turning heel to go scout the venue. You glare and consider lying and telling your friend your flight got canceled. But you're in too deep, and she bought your flight… you're not getting out of this one easily.
"Aren't you gonna survey the area?" Hex calls down from the inside balcony. "What is your problem? I went to school for photography and have a degree. I'm not a rookie, and I'd advise you to keep your remarks to yourself." You call up before grabbing your camera from your bag to take some test shots. “Whatever you say, Rookie." Hex scoffs and before you can retort you find a good spot to test shot. You can't let some dude get in the way of your work.
A few hours pass, and you think you've mapped out a pattern that'll work best. You also found spots where photographers definitely had their tripods so you had a location for those as well. Hex has also been working diligently. He may be a dick but he's a dick who knows what he's doing at least. You can give credit where it's due even if you aren't thrilled about it. He seems to have also made peace with where he is gonna shoot. The two of you both head back to the equipment you set out and The coordinator meets you both outside on your way out. "I'll see you both here tomorrow morning! Thank you for your cooperation." You smile and begin your trek back to the hotel... But Hex is following you.
You knew it he had to be a fucking weirdo or something. After a couple minutes where it's no longer deemed a coincidence you turn around. " Do you have a fucking problem? " You ask sharply. " He looks a little taken back. "Sorry?" He looks around. "Are you talking to me?" You sigh exasperated. "Yes you, you're following and have been for the last several minutes. I knew something was off about you stalker." He laughs, your frown deepens. " This isn't funny, I don't know you and the fact that you're tailing the competition is honestly a little fucked." " What hotel are you staying at? " He asks. " I'm not telling you that. Again I don't know if you're following me or no-" " You're an actual idiot you know that? The bride and groom probably put us in the same hotel. You got your room and flight paid for by them right? " He asks with a sly smile. You wanna crawl into a hole and die. " Yep. No, that makes sense. I'm sorry I... Competition makes me kinda nasty. That was a strong accusation I was making." You laugh uncomfortably. He walks past you. "Whatever rookie. See you tomorrow. Try not to wake up late and miss work." As he walks close to the hotel and turns into the lobby you grone to yourself. You really are an idiot.
You enter the hotel, but the growl of your stomach stops you before you can even make it to the elevator. Maybe getting dinner at the hotel's restaurant isn't such a bad idea, you didn't really have time to scope out restaurants before leaving so the hotel one seemed like the safest bet . You turn to enter the restaurant adjacent to the lobby. It's a Friday night... It's fucking slammed. All the tables full wait staff looked flustered and overwhelmed. Regardless, you walk up to the host stand. "Excuse me, how long is the wait for a table for one." The host looks through a computer system on the stand. "Probably about an hour, possibly more…. though if you'd like to sit at the bar I can seat you immediately!" She responds. You shrug, it's not like you're eating with someone anyway. "That's fine, I'll take the bar seat thank you." You smile and she leads you over to almost an empty bar.
The bartender serves a few drinks and finally makes it over to you and asks what you want. You shouldn't have to be up tomorrow. "I'll take a glass of Chardonnay and..." you look down at the appetizers. "Just a side salad if you can get me that." He smiles and goes off to retrieve your items. You sigh, putting your face into your hands. You can't believe you accidentally accused your temporary coworker of stalking you and implying he'd do something to sabotage you… You groan, though it's definitely muffled by your hands.
As you stue in your misery someone sits down next to you. "Tequila shots..." The man's deep voice pauses for a second. “Two please." Your head shoots up, you know that voice. Hex tosses a sideways smirk. "You'll take a shot with me won't you rookie?" Not wanting to be rude you nod. "I thought you went up." You said softly. "I was gonna get something to eat but I saw some sad person at the bar. Had to do a welfare check." He shrugs. You snort. "I'm not sad. Just tired today has been a journey." "You must be a rookie then, can't handle a of day surveying." You roll your eyes at his remark. "Maybe it's the person I was with that made it exhausting. Has anyone ever told you, you're kinda insufferable." He laughs. "Once or twice. The bartender comes back with your drinks and food. Hex holds up his shit to yours. “Cheers."
You and Hex talk for a long time and drink a little more than you should.... Or at least you do. You feel that familiar buzz in your body as you focus on what Hex is talking about. "Anyway long story short it's kind of the groom's fault I got into photography in the first place." He's a lot more chill when he isn't in a work environment, still pretentious but the way he holds himself in a conversation is almost attractive, in fact all of him is rather attractive. You won't deny you've been sneaking glances at him all night. "Life throws stuff at you fast and it's up to you how you choose to deal with it." He smiles at you and you instinctively look away. He chuckles slightly but doesn't comment on your sudden shyness thankfully.
"So do you just do wedding photography?" You shake your head. " Nah I got a degree remember, I do headshots, family portraits, pretty much everything.... Though my dream is to travel around the world and do photography. After the wedding I wanna spend a few days here traveling around taking photos of the scenery." You respond dreamily. "You've got some strong ambition. I admire that. I'm kind of in the same boat, but primarily I do weddings." His face softens a little. "I think there's something beautiful about capturing such a precious moment between two people so in love they devote their lives to each other." You nod in agreement. "There is something definitely magical about it all. Though I wouldn't take you for much of a romantic Hex.” He shakes his head chuckling. " What can I say, I'm a guy with layers. I'm allowed to be a hopeless romantic aren't I?” You shrug, you honestly can't blame him.
Another glass of wine is ordered and in your head alarm bells are going off. You've been talking with Hex all night, but now there's a lull in the conversation as you look out over the now near empty restaurant you realize how late it actually is.
"Have you ever been in love?" He asks suddenly, so suddenly you almost spit out your drink. "It's a little personal to ask your temporary coworker, don't you think?" You joke. He's silent. You chuckle awkwardly before nursing your final drink. You don't know if there is alcohol or something in the air but the words start tumbling out of your mouth. "I have, I think. But only once. I met him my junior year of highschool, we instantly clicked. Only problem is he lived across the country. Told me he didn't want anything serious when I eventually cracked and confessed in college. It crushed me for a while but eventually I got over it." You muse swirling your finger around the edge of your empty wine glass. " After that I've been kind of lukewarm about dating, I miss it though dating, having a crush, feeling your stomach erupt in butterflies. I'm not the kind of person people fall in love with I guess." A bitter feeling swells in your stomach and your eyes gloss over for a second.
Hex opens his mouth to say something but you shut him down before he can. "What about you, ever been in love?" You ask quickly. " If I answered honestly, you have to too." He sighs. "I have too. Many times actually, guess it's the hopeless romantic thing. Nothing's ever really worked out though." He looks over at you with a small sympathetic smile. "Love might not be for me either."
"It's a shame. All that handsomeness is going to waste." You blurt out nonchalantly before you can even process the words coming out of your mouth. Too many glasses of wine for sure. His eyebrows shoot up, you can feel the heat rise to your face. You must be drunk there, no way those words came out of your mouth. "You think I'm handsome huh?" He smirks. Annnnd the pretentiousness is back. "I need a lawyer present before I utter anything else." You mumble embarrassed. "I uh think it's time for bed. It's definitely way late. We both have to be up early anyway so uhh goodnight." You push yourself out of the bar chair and immediately the alcohol hits you hard and fast. You feel your body fall.
You expect to hit the ground, you squeeze your eyes closed and brace yourself. But you don't hit the ground. Instead Hex leaps up and catches you before you hit the ground. His chest is a lot more toned than you thought, his arms are strong around you and he's warm. You look up and he looks down at you. "You okay?" Your mouth opens and closes like a fish. You push him away and nod quickly. "Completely fine. Thank you. I'll uh see you tomorrow!” You retreat with your tail between your legs mentally slapping yourself for speaking too much and drinking too much.
Arriving back to your room you shower and change. You do your skin care routine and brush your teeth. You can't believe you'd be an absolute nightmare like that. All you can do is go to bed and replay the scene in your head over and over.
You awake the next morning with a killer headache and for a brief moment before taking an ibuprofen, you forgot about the events of last night. It wasn't until halfway through said shower, when you were finally awake and no longer operating on autopilot, that all the events of last night came rushing back to you. You grumble to yourself how stupid that was no longer needing to apply blush As you put on your makeup. As you prepare your heavier equipment and get ready you soon remember that you're in fact actually shooting with the man you drunkenly fell all over last night…. Fuck… You shake off your nerves and head down stairs.
You almost pass Hex in the lobby, you can't tell if you were subconscious trying to block him out or you were just nervous about the job but he grabs your arm and yanks you back with a smile. "Morning Rookie." You groan. "Morning…" Hex releases your arm and hands you a coffee. “You had a rough night, I figured I'd extend an olive branch with this.” You stare at it for a moment, a mere delayed reaction, before taking it. "Thanks." You say take a sip cautiously. "I didn't poison you, if that's what you're worried about." He jokes. "That's exactly what someone who totally poisoned me would say." You laugh. He shakes his head with a chuckle. " Let's get moving, yeah? Big day today." He states playfully nudging your arm before adjusting his backpack holding the equipment. Your heart does a weird tug on your chest at the contact. You both exit the lobby and begin your walk to the venue.
As you approach the venue you exchange small talk with Hex. Neither of you bring up what happened last night. As much as it bothers you, it also spares you the embarrassment of having to relive those events. You hate to admit it but you actually think Hex is a decent guy. Of course you'd never admit that to him, especially on the way to a work event where you know things will get dicey. For now you just enjoy sneaking glances at him while the two of you chat.
You didn't think the venue could look any more beautiful than it did yesterday, but man were you wrong. Orange, yellow and pink flowers scattered around various parts of the venue. Fairy lights line the aisle with petals already pre-scattered on the ground. The look on your face must've given it away how breathtaking it was to you because you hear Hex snicker. "What!? It's gorgeous... You can't deny that either." You frown, folding your arms. "It is. Your face just lit up like a Christmas tree, I dunno it was just… endearing I guess." He clears his throat. "Anyway, we have a job to do. I have my spots picked out and I would hope you do too." You nod. "Perfect. We'll check in with the coordinator after we're done." You nod again as he turns to leave. "Yeah yeah. See you in a bit.... Hexy." You smirk. He whips back around and raises an eyebrow. "Hexy?" "What, the tall booding eboy never got a cute nickname before? Besides you call me 'rookie', I think it's fair we're even on playing fields." You flip your hair before grabbing your equipment and heading to your first shooting location.
While taking your final photos at the flower arch, the bride and groom arrive with their respective groups to get ready. You hear your friend audibly gasp as she enters the venue, you could pick her voice out in a police lineup for sure. You take a few more photos and meet up with her. "Hey girl! Thank you again for doing this. I hope this hasn't been too um… annoying you." She flashes you a sympathetic smile. "Eh I've managed but we definitely are having a serious talk about keeping surprises from me when you get home from your honeymoon." She erupts in laughter. " Fine fine. My fiance insisted on Hex and I insisted on you so we came to a compromise." She sighs. "I hope the two of you are getting along at least. I've met Hex a handful of times and he seems like a nice guy." She nudges you. "He is. A bit pretentious but in an insufferably charming way... I guess." She smirks. " Charming huh? He is pretty cute." You roll your eyes. "Girl you're about to get married you can't be saying stuff like that." She laughs again as you jokingly smack her hand chastising her.
"Did I hear married? If so, not yet still a couple hours to go." The groom jokes as he approaches the two of you. Hex and the coordinator in tow right behind him. "There you are, I was just about to come find you." Your friend kisses her fiance. "It's nice to see you again Hex, I'm sure you've already been thanked but I'll do it again; thank you for doing this as well." Hex hums. "Not a problem. I'm just happy to capture the magic for the two of you." "Hex has already shown me some of the shots he's taken of the venue unedited and they're gorgeous. I'm excited for you to see them once they're all edited." The corridentor chimes in. "Now then, your makeup artist has arrived as well as your dress, so why don't you and Y/N head off to go get ready." You nod. "I'll see you in a bit, honey." Her fiance calls out as the two of you walk off to the dressing rooms.
The two of you talk as her and her bridesmaids get ready, you snap candied moments, which is after all what you're here to do. Somehow you get roped into the conversation that happened last night. "I don't know, I'm not saying I wouldn't be opposed...to be caught in his arms again. If only he wasn't such a prick you know?" You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. Your friend laughs. "You always enjoyed a little bit of challenge though. Remember that asshole you dated right out of college?" "Ugh don't remind me. He was a real piece of work, we fought all the time but.... The sex was amazing and I think the only thing that kept us together for so long." You shake your head. "I guess I do have a type then. Men who get on my nerves." " Hon you definitely do, I'm glad I'm able to play therapist on my wedding day." She laughs.
The makeup artist steps back and you finally get the shot of your friend seeing herself for the first time. Tears well in her eyes. Click. You snap a photo. Just before the makeup artist chastises her. " Cry once you're down the aisle at least!" Your friend sniffles and smiles. Click. She turns around and all the bridesmaids and her mother ooo and awe at her. Her mom gives her a big hug. Click. She smiles at you. Click. You can't help but wonder in the back of your head how euphoric she must be feeling right now.
Once everyone had their fill of taking in the bride and all her glory, as she deserves, it was time for the first look.You meet back up with Hex, buzzing g with excitement. First looks are optional, not all couples do them, since it's considered bad luck to see the bride before the actual ceremony but recently it has been a trend to do first looks. "How was prep for the groom?" You ask. He smiles. "You mean letting the man get dressed and taking a few candids and then shooting the shit? It went great." You shove him and he laughs. "Bride's really pretty. I'm really happy for her. Her fiance isn't gonna know what hit him." You grin. " Are you getting soft on the job rookie?" Hex raises an eyebrow and you swat him again. " She's my friend, just this once I'm allowed to let business and work mesh this one time okay!" He shoves you this time and you both laugh. The corridentor clears her throat. The both of you immediately straighten out. " Happy to see the two of you getting along but as you've already gathered it's time to prepare for the first look." She turns to Hex. "Where's the best place for you to shoot in this area?" He points to a clearing in the hall and she nods. " Please go prepare yourself." The smile on your face wavers as Hex leaves. “As for you,” the coordinator continues. “I want you on bridesmaids and groomsmens photos. That way we aren't dragging people away from the after party to take individual pictures." " But-" "Please, Hex has this under control and will join you after the first look photos are finished." You want to protest. This is unfair. You had a really cute idea but I guess a photography degree means nothing these days. A selfish part of you, the hopeless romantic part, also wanted to see the first look. The special moments between the two before they're officially married. That selfish part of you wanting to see your long time friend and her soon to be husband light up at the sight of each other. I guess for now… You have your job to do.
You begrudgingly head off all of the flowers and fairy lights to take photos. You have to shake off your wants for a second. You're here to do a job. But why the fuck did the coordinator pick Hex- you're just as capable.
You're angry the more you think about Hex so you lock in. You get back into the zone instructing poses and filing different people in and out of shots. You're so in the zone you nearly jump 50 feet in the air as a tap on your shoulder startles you. "Woah you good?" Hex's stupid deep voice seeps into your brain. "Fine." You respond shortly before getting back to work. "Do you need any help?" "No Hex I don't. I've got this okay. I'm almost done anyway." He nods slowly. "Do you at least wanna take a short break? I can show you some raw shots of the first look. They turned out really cute I think." Your jealousy rears its ugly head again and you glare at him "No I don't care about your stupid photos okay. Please just go get set up for the ceremony." "Jesus Christ rookie, you don't have to bite my head off. Alright I'll see you later when you decide to play nice again." You admit you definitely lashed out at him a bit. Were you a bit jealous, absolutely, but taking it out on him after you guys finally became civil definitely wasn't the answer. You watch him walk away, you open your mouth to call out to him but the group of eyes waiting for their pictures to be taken stop you. You'll have to apologize later.
Guests start arriving shortly after you're done with your photos and you set up your location to shoot during the ceremony. Across the room Hex is setting up a tripod on one of the balconies to take automatic photos so he can be on the ground when the ceremony actually starts. You can't help but keep glances up at him. You feel awful about what happened. You go to set up your last tripod on the balcony to do the same thing he was planning to do. As you climb the stairs, he descends, you open your mouth again no words come out, he walks right past you. Don't even glance in your direction. Did you strike a cord? You were rude, sure, but you did mention you can be an ass. It still doesn't make it right but. Argh this is so stupid none of this would've happened if you had gotten to take those first look photos. You contemplate going after him explaining why you're upset and fixing this, but the pull of the job grapples you to continue.
You glance down over everyone chatting and finding their seats as you set your own camera on the tripod to automatic. There's something about a wedding that always makes you feel melancholy in the most gut wrenching way. Maybe it's the fact you've been single for so long now that a wedding seems unattainable. It's selfish but you can't help it. That familiar ach twists in your stomach. This one isn't jealous or butterflies, this one is just pure hurt.
You descend down the steps. You retrieve your bag to grab the camera you'll be using for the ceremony. Just as you're about to head to your shooting location you spy Hex. He's there chatting with a few of the other guests. One girl in particular catches your eye. You've seen her before somewhere on your friend's Instagram… She hugs Hex and is oddly touchy with him. He ruffled her hair affectionately before walking away. Your gut lurches again at the interaction but you ignore it. It's almost show time anyway pretty soon you won't have to worry about Hex Haywire, and this will be just a bittersweet memory.
The ceremony starts and you and Hex spring into action. The bridesmaids and groomsmen make the way down the aisle. Click. The groom makes his entrance. Click click. The flower girls toss beautiful petals down the aisle joining the ones already scattered. Click. The bride enters and is walked down the aisle. Click click. The groom almost cried. Click. The exchange vows. Click. Finally they kiss, everyone erupts in fanfare. Click click click.
The after party starts not long after. Your friend freshly married and looking the happiest you've ever seen her brings you a glass of champagne. “Thank you again for today. I owe both you and Hex my life." She hugs you. “I'm just happy I could help!” You smile. Before she can leave you catch her arm, pointing subtly at the girl Hex was talking to earlier. " Who's friend is that? Your's or your husband's?” She giggles. " I'm still not used to people referring to him as my husband.” She looks at the girl and immediately laughs. " That's my husband's younger sister! In turn that's also Hex's honorary younger sibling." You must make a face of relief because she swats you. “Was someone a little jealous?He does dote on her quite a bit since he doesn't have any younger siblings." You frown. “No! A little… I don't know, okay." You sigh and take a drink of your champagne. “Talk to him. You both are extremely stubborn but extremely passionate. Plus…. Hex definitely keeps glancing at you when you aren't looking.” She says in a sing-song voice as she heads back out to join the party. You glance over and lock eyes with Hex, both of you left alone in the back part of the hall where the after party was being held.
He approaches after an uncomfortable amount of prolonged eye contact. "Hey.” He tosses you a lopsided smile. "Good work today.” He says patting your head softly. You want to relish in the praise but you have your own amendment to make. "I'm sorry… about being an ass earlier. I was jealous over something childish and got mad. " You sigh, hanging your head. Hex sighs. “I could tell.” “I'm really sorry. It's just first looks have always been special to me and the fact you got picked to do over me ignited something in me and I don't know. Then I saw you with the bride's sisters and I got even more up and-" Hex cuts off your sprailing. “Hey! Seriously, I forgive you. Don't worry about it. Okay?" He lifts your head with his hand, holding your chin in-between his fingers. “Besides….It's kinda cute. When you get all competitive and mad." He murmurs. You scrunch up your nose. "It's not cute. It's supposed it's irritating for me and supposed to intimidate you.” He pulls you in a little closer with his other hand making contact with your lower back. " You're gonna have to work on that darling.” He quips. You stare into his eyes, almost get lost in them for a second. You then notice how close your faces are together, he smells good. You both lean in a little closer, eyes still locked. Hex glances at your lips and back at your eyes. You lean in even closer. You feel his breath tangle with yours. Your eyes flutter shut in anticipation- "Sorry to interrupt. I wanted to thank you both for your work today.” The coordinator's voice rings out and the two of you immediately put distance between each other.
“I wanted to let you know you're both released from duty. You can enjoy some well earned champagne if you'd like. But perhaps you'd like some time to yourselfs?" She raises a knowing eyebrow that causes you to laugh awkwardly. “I think we're both gonna turn in for the night. It's been a long day." Hex smiles at the coordinator and goes to pack up his stuff leaving you alone with her. “I should um probably do that too…” you sputter out. The corridentor smiles, shaking her head as you shuffle off to go pack your things as well.
You and Hex both do your own version of an Irish goodbye and get separated in the process. Things were awkward now in your mind at least, you almost kissed him! Worst of all he almost kissed you back!? The tension was undeniably now. You muse to yourself as you stroll along with your backback of equipment on your back and both hands carrying a tripod case.
You swear Hex must've been a ninja in his past life. The way he somehow got behind you again without you being none the wiser. “You know..” you nearly jump ten feet in the air. " It's really not safe to be unaware of your surroundings regardless of you being in a public space.” He ruffles your hair and as you set down one of your tripod cases down to fix your now ruffled hair he picks it for you wordlessly. "You really don't have to do that.” You reach out to grab it but pivot his body so you can't. " Please let me.” he says quietly. " Fine…" you mumble back softly.
You're almost at your hotel. The two of you chatted about all the editing to be done and the note you'll have to compare. “Does this mean we have a temporary truce between us again?" He asks, lifting a questioning eyebrow. “I suppose it does." you smirk, nudging him. That little bit of contact sparks something in you. You felt it, the bolt of electricity, the undeniably feeling you've been having, it all culminated in a very clear thought at last. Desire… You wanted Hex to kiss you, you wanted him to dote on you, you wanted to get more praise from him. He coughs awkwardly as you stare blankly. “So are you turning in for the night? It has been a long day." You shrug. "Maybe… I'm not super tired yet so I'll probably end up editing for a few hours.” You admit. "I know you prefer to have your creative space to yourself, but would you want someone to edit with…? I mean I'll probably do the same on my own anyway to be honest so… yeah…” He smiles softly, the pitch seems innocent in nature but deep down you feel those butterflies in your stomach. "Yeah? How about you give me my tripod back, I'll go up to my room and shower and change all the junk and I can stop by your room?” He smiles and hands you the tripod sealing in your ‘editing date’.
As you round the corner of the street then through the entrance of the hotel you both pile into the elevator with your equipment. “I'll see you in like thirty minutes?" Hex asks before the doors open on your floor. “Yeah sounds good! What room number?" You ask. “512! See ya there!" He smirks as the doors close. You hum happily as you go back to your room. You stop. Holy shit. You have a non-conventional date with a guy you hated like a day ago. You throw your equipment down, shove your SD card in your laptop to upload files and sprint to the shower.
You shower fairly quickly despite needing to freshen everything… just in case… You throw on something cute but still comfortable and throw on some light makeup. You took a lot of shots today so your SD card only had a bit more to upload. In the meantime you maule over every scenario that could play out tonight. You maule over not going at all, protecting your peace not getting attached, because as much as you wanted this you know how this ends. However the butterflies in your stomach protested and once your photos were done you grabbed your laptop and you headed over to Hex's hotel room. Mind whirling…
Your heart thumps as you step back into the elevator. You press the number 5 on the wall and feel the elevator lurch to life following suit with your stomach. The elevator reaches the top and you follow the signs to 512. You knock on the door lightly. You hear some shuffling inside before he opens the door. He looked a lot more disshovled, hair still slightly wet from his own shower no doubt, black T-shirt on… gray sweatpants… “Perfect timing! My photos from my main camera just finished. Anyway, come in!" He ushers you inside. “I know this isn't my house technically… but can I get you anything to drink; water, tea, shitty hotel coffee?” You laugh. " A tea sounds great if you don't mind.” You sit on the couch and take out your laptop as you hear Hex shuffle about in the kitchen area preparing the tea.
You open up your laptop and scroll through the photos starting to delete the off shots and the ones that were obviously unsalvageable. Hex sets a cup of tea down on the coaster and sits on the couch with his own laptop and starts to do the same. “How many raw shots do you have currently?" He asks. You immediately sigh. “Around 1300…” He sighs, shaking his head. " I'm also in the thousands. I always forget about the aftermath." He groans. You glance over at his computer screen and see some of the photo previews in the folder. One of them looks suspiciously like you are locked in, focused on taking photos. You're about to point it out but Hex turns his laptop away.
"I guess we should get started." He sighs. “Yeah unfortunately. At least it won't be lonely editing these. I have you to bug me the whole time." You smirk and give a teasing squeezing his knee. You don't realize how intimate the action is until after it happens. His eyes lock on yours. You almost regret it for a moment because he hesites, his eyebrows not together. You blink. The next second Hex's lips crash into yours. Your eyes flutter shut as you practically melt into the kiss. Your lips mingle for a short while, then he pulls back slowly resting his forehead on yours. “You are the most insufferable person I've ever met. You're also gorgeous and smart and witty… and I've wanted to kiss you from the moment I saw you.”
You're speechless for a second. Physically stunned. “Sorry I just-" Hex starts, but you kiss him again, just a quick peck to shut him up. “You're an enigma. I hope you know that. You're also insufferable but in a way that keeps me coming back for more… I dunno.” Hex smiles and tucks a stand of hair behind your ear. "Is this all because you thought I was handsome? Because I'm starting to get the feeling it might be.” He teases. You wack him lightly on the arm and he erupts in a fit of laughter. " You keep calling me out but you kissed me first, so dare I say you think I'm pretty-” "Of course I do, I thought I made it really obvious.” You pout. " You kept calling me rookie… is that what is obvious to you!? How was I supposed to know?" He laughs again. “Okay fine, what do you want me to call you.” You freeze. You have an opportunity to do several corny things here but you don't. "What do you want to call me?” You hurl back in his direction, you know where this is going but you need to know his boundaries now or die without knowing.
He sighs, setting his laptop on the table. “There's a lot of things I wanna call you." He starts. "Pretty, annoying, adorable, incredibly career driven… but most of all I think calling you darling would be really nice.” His hand snakes around your chin, anchoring towards him again. "What do you say… Darling?" He tests. “I… I really…" anyone could tell how flustered you are at this moment. But that sadistic part of Hex kind of liked watching you squirm and struggle to find your words. “I really like that. I think." You finally gasp out. A smirk takes over Hex's face as he grabs your laptop, setting it next to his on the table. He pats the couch beckoning you closer to him. “We'll edit in a bit." A lie, obviously, at this moment work is the last thing on your mind.
The second you scooch closer to him he scoops you up in his lap. You're a bit disoriented for a second but the second you realize the compromising position he put you in your brain fogs up. “Hi…” you whisper shyly. " Hi gorgeous.” He smiles before pulling you down to kiss him again. This kiss is different from the other two; it's deeper, needier. His tongue tangles with yours and you instinctively shift slightly in his lap, looping your arms around his neck. He continues to kiss you, eventually you feel his hands at your waist, toying with the fabric of your shirt. You part the kiss for a moment, glancing at him, giving him a nod. After all, consent is hot. A smirk plastered on his face he watches your expression as he runs his hands under the fabric of your shirt.You feel the heat rise from the tips of your toes all the way up to your face when his hands trail up your stomach to your chest. Your head falls on his shoulder to muffle the small noise that emanates from you as he softly cups your chest, squeezing gently as a test.
He tugs at your shirt and you take it off, top half exposed you feel a little self conscious and instinctively cover yourself. “Hey, it's okay. If you aren't comfortable we don't have too." Hex coos softly stroking your back. “Sorry it's…been awhile…” you mumble. He kisses your forehead. " Me too. We can go slow if that makes you more comfortable.” Why did he have to be so fucking understanding. "I can do slow.” You nod, almost as a gesture to assure yourself. You slowly unfurl your arms and bare yourself to him. Hex's hands land back on your chest slowly massaging your sensitive nipples. Your hands fists his shirt. “You're really responsive." He teases. " Shut up…” you flush. He places kisses along your neck slowly trailing down your clavicle, drifting towards your chest. Your grip on his shirt tightens as he slowly takes one of your nipples in his mouth, slowly toying with it. Your head falls back on his shoulder, you pepper soft kisses on his neck. Once he's satisfied with your nipples he releases them with a lewd pop.
He pulls back and takes off his own shirt. You can't help but stare for a second. He isn't ripped or anything, definitely has some well defined muscles. You cautiously move your hands feeling the soft skin of his lower abdomen. He lets out a low hum of approval. You shift again, you're still in his lap after all, you feel him hard underneath you. He looks at you. “Are you sure you wanna keep going?" He prods gently. “Please." You say, it comes out a lot more needier than you wanted it to. He chuckles darkly. “God I was hoping you still did."
With that he picks you up and carries you to the bed nearby, gently tossing you on it. “You definitely got a nicer bed than I did." You mumble. He leans in close to your ear. “Maybe you'll just have to sleep here tonight then." He playfully nips your ear, easing down your sweatpants. One your pants around your ankles, you do the rest and unceremoniously kick them off your legs. He goes for your panties next, kissing down your stomach. Your panties are tossed somewhere on the floor along with your sweatpants.
Hex takes a moment to stare down at you underneath him. You squirm under his gaze and a sly smile falls on his face. “You're so fuckin pretty." He whispers before parting your legs. “And really wet too apparently, all this is for me?" He teases. You open your mouth to reply something snarky but the words die in your throat and morph into a whine as he swipes his finger along your slit. With that firm confirmation you obviously (and embarrassingly) enjoyed that he continues to toy with your pussy. His fingers dances along your clit and you let out another guttural moan. “Need more." Your voice sounds foreign to you. He snickers, amused by your neediness. “Patients, what happened to slow?" “Fuck slow, your fingers feel really good." You pout. “Fine, you want more, I'll give you more." With that ominous statement he sticks two fingers in front of your mouth. " Suck.” He commands with a shit eating smirk plastered on his face. You obey obviously, slowly engulf his finger in your mouth sucking gently. You hear his voice hitch, this is doing something for him and as much as you want to tease him back your mouth is a little occupied.
Once he's satisfied with your work he removes your finger out of your mouth. Two fingers, now glistening with your spit, toy at your entrance. You squirm again, and Hex uses his other hand to hold your hips in place. Then gently he enters both of them into you at once, with your hips pinned all you can do is trash your head and pleasure. He slowly removed them and entered them again, setting a decent pace. He leans up to kiss you again. It's deep and sensual, you can practically taste the desire. His fingers hit that spot inside you and you mewel. “There, holy fuck right there." Hex takes the very obvious lead and continues to hit that spot. Your vision blurs and stars form behind your eyes, before you can get the words out you cum around his fingers.
Hex continues to help you ride out your orgasm; he slows his finger in and out of you, and once your eyes degloss he removes them, much to your disappointment. His eyes lock on to yours and he immediately inserts his cum covered fingers into his mouth. You shiver, not breaking eye contact he completely cleans his fingers. “Are you… still good to keep going darling?” He asks. You glance down at his pants, which now have an obvious tent from how hard he is. “Absolutely, I think it's your turn pretty boy." You tease and make grabby hands for his pants. He holds your wrist and pauses for a moment. “I don't think I can wait any longer…. If that's okay.” He admits sheepishly. "That's completely fine, but just know I have to get you back next time.” He begins to pull down his sweatpants with a raised eyebrow. " So there's a possibility of a next time huh?” You flush and turn your head. " Perhaps." He chuckles. “Hey I'll take it." You turn your head back towards him as he slides down his boxers. His cock springs free and… you saw the tent in his sweats, you registered it. But seeing his cock he's a lot bigger than you initially thought. Your mouth falls open and Hex laughs at you. “Do you like what you see? You can always take a picture if you want, since you are pretty good at that. " He teases. "If I weren't so turned on right now I'd slap you.” You joke and pull him down for another kiss, you feel his cock rub against your thigh and you feel the excitement swell in your stomach.
He pulls back and lines up with your entrance. " You ready, pretty girl?” You nod, biting your lip to brace yourself. He enters just the head of his dick in your entrance. He lets out a shaky breath continuing to slowly slide inside you. You grip the sheets, you knew he was gonna stretch you but you weren't expecting the sheering pain mixed with pleasure. Once he finally bottoms out inside you he moves his hands to your hips and rubs gently circles into the flesh there waiting for you to adjust. He leans down and peppers your faces with kisses cooing sweet nothings. After a bit of time you give an experimental buck of your hips, both of you moan in unison.
That ignites something in Hex, knowing you're adjusted he pulls almost all the way out of you and roughly snaps his hips back into you. You fist the best sheet underneath you to hang on to any shred of sanity you have left. He continues to rut in and out of you like a starved man. “Fuck you're so perfect, it's like your pussy was made for me." He whines, leaning his head on your shoulder and biting it. You are a mess, you don't know when tears started streaming down your face but they are and you can no longer form complete sentences, just broken ones with Hex's name thrown in. His pace quickens and that familiar feeling forms in your gut. “I'm close." You moan. “Me too, don't worry me too." He responded hastily. “Cum for me darling." He mumbles against your shoulder. After a particularly hard snap of his hips you do. The sheer euphoria that shoots through your body makes your head fuzzy. You tighten around Hex as you come, he thrusts become sloppy. “W.. where do you want it?" He frantically spits out. “Anywhere, I'm on the pill, don't worry." You respond on cloud nine. That was all it took and a moment later you feel his warm cum flood your pussy, he collapses on top of you.
The two of you stay like that for a moment basking in the afterglow of both of your orgasms. Eventually Hex boots back to life and slowly pulls out. You whine as he exits your very sensitive hole. “I'm gonna grab a wet washcloth and I'll be right back." He murmurs. You feel the warmth of his body on your leave as he goes to retrieve it. You don't move and continue to lay there, you hear Hex pad back over to the bed and then the warm washcloth hits you. He gently cleans you up and you thank him… you think, the words coming out of your mouth sound foreign to you. The bed dips and you hear the rustle of covers. You crack one eye open finally and you're met with Hex staring back at you. “Come here." He smiles, it's gooey and affectionate. You oblige using the rest of your strength to scoot back into his arms under the covers.
The two of you cuddle in silence for a while. It's peaceful. You're sleepy and the energy is zapped from you. “Thank you for letting me stay here tonight." You whisper. “You're warm, I'd be stupid to send you back to your own room." He jokes, placing a kiss on the top of your head. “We have to edit…” you groan, eyes shooting back open to the pair of laptops where this whole thing started. “You don't leave for another couple days, neither do I. It can wait, for now let's rest. I think we've earned it." So you do. You shut your eyes and snuggle into Hex's chest falling asleep almost instantly.
The next few days are great, Hex and you edit alternating from sleeping in his room and sleeping in your room, his bed is still better than yours. You learn more about him as a person. He's funny, smart, extremely witty, but still can be a pretentious jerk; though much less of one now. You also end up going to do some shooting around the area, just like you planned and Hex happily accompanies you taking some shots of his own.
The last night the two of you were together in Mexico, you finally asked the question. “So what happens when we go home?" You blurt out suddenly. Hex peers over at you from his laptop. “What do you mean?" You bit your lip anxiously. “I dunno… We've been spending a lot of time together and I like being around and… I guess this is me asking…what are we?” You want to crawl into a hole. You went into this knowing things would probably end here but after the last couple days, that feeling you had morphed into something far more dangerous, attachment. “What are we….” He repeats. " Well I guess that's something we both have to agree on.” He sets his laptop down and faces you. “What did you want us to be?" He asks. “At first when we met, I wanted nothing to do with you. Now that I know you and have spent some time with you…I guess I can say I've grown very fond of you.” You mumble. " I like you a lot, Hex.” He gets up walking over to you. " Listen, I echo that same sentiment. I thought you were some rookie who was just gonna get in my way. Now you're so much more than that and if you're open to it, I would love to continue exploring and expanding our relationship…. together.” He takes your hand and squeezes it gently. You enthusiastically nod. " I would like that a lot. Does that sorta make us a couple then?" You ask cautiously. “No idiot, I want nothing to do with you. Of course it makes us a couple." He rolls his eyes ruffling your hair.
You smile and he smiles back at you, with the sun sunsetting behind him. You can't help but think how lucky you are for hating to work with other people.
“3….2…..1….. you may turn and see each other now!” You turn around fist looks strange when you're the one doing them. Hex is dressed in a dark blue tux and looks as charming and strikingly handsome as he did the day you met him at your friend's wedding all those years ago. Tears well in his eyes as he gazes at you with such affection that makes your heart swell. “You're gorgeous, fuck you're so gorgeous." He runs over and hugs you, twirling you around. “Okay show off, I know you're doing this for the camera." You tease him.
Glancing at the poor wedding photographer who's had to put up with you and Hex micromanaging shots since your engagement photos. “I'm a lucky man, what can I say!" He shrugs. " I'm about to marry the love of my life in a few hours and the first man who got to see her in a wedding dress.” He boasts proudly. You laugh, because how couldn't you. Your soon to be husband is just as pretentious as the day you met him, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
»»————- ☾ ————-««
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riastraa · 1 month
Patessiere luxiem(+sonny and alban) x gn reader pls
The hanging out at the back while making sweets 🍮
Hello anon! Thank you for the extremely adorable request! I'm so sorry for taking so much time to do this, I hope you enjoy reading it♡.
WARNING: Please remember that I am writing about vtubers based on their characters online and not of the people behind their vtuber avatars, thank you!
Fandom: nijisanji luxiem, noctyx.
Pairing: luxiem + Sonny, Alban x Mc
Category: fluff, men being absolutely wholesome
Love sweeter than cake
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Luca Kanashiro
• Luca met Mc during their interview as he owned the shop, it was family business passed down from generation to generation.
• Luca took a liking to them since meeting them on their first day and hired them right away, he'll check up on Mc for the first couple of day to make sure everything is okay and no one is annoying them.
• Definitely loves sneaking in a few of Mc's pastries when no one is looking.
• Luca gets absolutely overjoyed when Mc notices, and brings some pastries to him after work with a cup of tea in the staff room so he can enjoy them.
• Won't allow them to be on work if they're sick or tired, or will have them on cashier duty if they insist on working.
• Gets the courage to ask them out with a small cupcake 'go out with me?' written on it in with yellow frosting.
• Dates with him consist of drinking milk tea while eating pastries at the park after work.
The sky was baby blue, as clear as ever, with small white fluffy clouds moving through it, it was truly a beautiful day, the best for for a picnic.
Mc was walking hand in hand with Luca towards the park, basket in hand as Luca swung their hands back and forth together, another basket in his hand, as he chuckling slightly at something Mc was telling him about their day.
"It's such a pog day! You pick out the best days" Luca hummed happily enjoying the sun that was warming up his face, Mc chuckled softly and kissed the back of Luca's hand at the compliment.
"Oh you know, it's nothing amazing really, the sun just was nice to us today, now that seems like a nice spot right?" Mc mumbles as they walk towards an empty spot in the park, the grass crunching under their shoes as they walk hand in hand.
"That looks like a good spot" the male aggred setting down the basket in his hand and stretching his arms over his head with a small yawn, Mc taking out the blanket from inside their basket and placing it on the ground, patting Luca's back gently as they sit down the male quickly sitting next to them and laying down to rest his head on their lap grinning widely up at them.
"Well, hi there little lion" Mc chuckled softly pressing a gentle peck to Luca's mouth moving to grab some of the food inside the basket.
"All this sun got me all sleepy now" Luca pouted softly yawning once more, opening his mouth once Mc held a small cookie towards his lips, humming gently at the taste.
"Well, you did sleep late last night" Mc took a bite out of loaf of bread filled with cheese, as Luca whined a bit and moved to lay on his side grabbing a sandwich and starting to eat.
"How can a sandwich taste so good" the male sighed happily munching on the sandwich, Mc patting his head gently, pushing his hair away from his face as they grab a croissant luca made and started eating it.
"Because it's full of love" Mc chuckled softly, Luca staring up at them with a wide grin, taking a big bite out of the sandwich and kicking his feet up in the air.
"Your love tastes very pog" Luca hummed once more, taking hold of Mc's hand and kissing their fingers gently.
The two love birds continued to eat their food together enjoying the nice weather, hearts full of love.
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Shu Yamino
• First time Shu met Mc was on his first day at work, he had just started working at the shop and they were the one showing him around and telling him about his shifts.
• Was absolutely amazed by how nice they were, and will preferably hang out with them on breaks.
• Loves sharing whatever he's eating with mc whether it's something he made, noddles, or simply just something he's drinking, bought Mc a penguin keychain that reminded him of them.
• Will definitely take over Mc's shifts whenever they're tired or sick, might excuse himself from work too to take them home or take care of them if needed.
• Insisted once on taking Mc to his favourite ramen restaurant, and paid for everything they ate, now he takes Mc there on a regular basis, on lunch break too sometimes.
• Asked Mc out after he walked them home from the ramen restaurant, while Mc was opening their door and saying goodbye, he suddenly took hold of their hand and asked them to go out with him in a mess of jumbled words, face extremely red and hands trembling slightly from nervousness.
• He takes Mc out to eat, or go to the arcade and try to beat each other while giggling like kids together.
Shu was walking next to Mc, pulling his beanie down to cover his head better, his breaths appearing in small puffs in the air, the sky snowing gently.
Mc pulled on Shu's elbow gently, lowering his hands to pull the beanie properly on his head, holding his cold cheeks gently and pinching them gently.
Shu gave Mc a big grin, kissing their palm gently before moving to hold their hand and starting to walk towards their favorite restaurant.
"I'm so hungry" the male whined slightly pushing his hand that was linked with Mc's into his pocket, feeling giddy all of a sudden.
"Me too, I'm definitely gonna order the big bowl of ramen" Mc hummed gently, already tasting the very delicious ramen, shu humming in agreement.
They entered the small restaurant after a few minutes of walking, sitting quickly at their usual table, relaxing immediately at the warm atmosphere of the place, as the chef passes a smile their way and takes their orders.
Shu starting eating immediately when his food arrived, almost burning his tongue with the hot ramen, Mc snickering at him and pinching his palm that was resting on the table the male pouting softly.
"Let's go to my house after this and bake cookies, it's too cold to stay home alone" the male pouted, Mc humming gently while eating their food, it was truly too cold to stay alone and making cookies did sound extremely fun.
"Sure babe, but you better not get my clothes dirty with flour, or so God help me because I will kill you" Mc huffed, Shu giggling and wiggling his eyebrows, making a thoughtful face, nodding his head with a chuckle when Mc raised their eyebrow at him.
"I'll have you know I'm an absolute gentlemen, since every single time I clean your clothes and let you borrow my amazing and more comfortable clothes" Shu tsked pinching Mc's cheek, and stealing half of their egg from their ramen bowl, laughing when Mc pouted at him, giving them his egg to make amends while chuckling.
Shu and Mc continued to eat their warm meals, their bodies warm and their hearts full, going to Shu's house after dinner and throwing flour at each other, cuddling together after, dirty clothes ordeal forgotten as they warmed each other up full of sweet cookies and love.
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Ike Eveland
• Mc and Ike were childhood best friends who lost touch when Ike moved to another city, they met again when Ike once passed by the shop Mc worked at to eat something sweet.
• Both were absolutely overjoyed to see each other again, he waited for Mc until they finished work to walk together and eat out while catching up.
• Since then he visits the shop all the time, working or writing in the great atmosphere of the shop, and walks Mc home after they finish work.
• Will stay home with Mc whenever their sick and take care of them, makes them some food and sweets to help them feel better.
• Takes Mc to their favourite park when they were kids to hang out, enjoy the weather and eat ice cream together while reminiscing about the good past.
• Exchanging books together with Mc was something they did since they were children, so once he slipped a note saying 'would me make me the happiest guy on earth and go out with me?' inside the book and exchanged books with Mc as usual, Mc reads the book and calls him upon finding the note and he simply answers with a soft chuckle and says 'so what do you say? Let me take you out to our favourite restaurant?'.
• Going on dates with Ike was so normal, as they always went out together, so their dates are at home where they watch a movie while eating sweets together or simply being in each other's presence.
The sound of the doorbell ringing grabbed Ike's attention, the male quickly placing his book down on the coffee table and getting up to open the door.
The sight of Mc mc standing outside brought a wide smile to his lips as he ushered them inside, the same smile on Mc's lips as they got inside a few books in hand as they took their shoes off.
Ike took the books from Mc, placing a gentle kiss to their forehead and walking towards the coffee table to place the books down, Mc walking after him and taking a seat on the couch Ike sitting next to them quickly.
The two started a simple conversation, talking about their day, Ike getting up halfway through to make them tea, Mc trailing behind him like a puppy, talking about their day at work, both of them cuddling after and drinking tea together.
"So, what do you think of the book älskling?" The male asked as he took the book from the coffee table handing it to Mc and curling into their side to watch as they open to the marked pages they liked.
"It was so nice! It's a nice change of pace from the romance one, this one focuses on family and siblings and I really like it, definitely made me cry, you can feel the emotions of the characters through their words and body language and that shows how good the writer is" Mc explained showing him their favorite pages, Ike's lips pursed slightly before turning into a wide grin as he took the book from Mc's hand showing them his favorite pages.
"What about you? Did you like the book I gave you?" Mc asks resting their head against his shoulder as he opens the book Mc gave him trailing his fingers across the cover gently.
"Definitely, I usually don't read horror books, but this one is definitely good, I love how it's a mix of horror and fantasy, it definitely gives a lot of fan service while also keeping you on your toes" Ike rambled opening a few marked pages to show mc, telling them of his favorite character as they discuss their books of the week.
"I wanna read something more exciting this time ikey, fantasy or thriller will definitely be great" Mc explains, when Ike passes them a book from the coffee table, Mc opening it and checking the first page humming in satisfaction before grabbing a book from the table and passing it to him.
"Thank you älskling, fairy tail huh? Looks rather exciting" the male hummed happily flipping through a few pages, kissing Mc's forehead gently taking the book in their hand and placing both books on the coffee table.
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"What movie shall we watch today? I'm feeling like watching something funny, what about you?" Ike asked, grabbing the remote from the arm of the couch and turning the TV on, flipping through the movie list to pick one, Mc hums gently against his shoulder, Ike deciding on a movie, grabbing a blanket from next to him on the couch and covering both him and Mc with it as they both watch the movie together, cuddling close.
Mysta Rias
• Mysta met Mc when they started working at the shop, he was a regular and noticed when a new employee was at the cashier taking his orders.
• Doesn't really react much at first, as it wasn't really any of his business who worked at the shop, but he'll start to enjoy Mc's presence slowly.
• He insists on only eating whatever Mc made after getting closer to them, as it 'doesn't even compare to anyone else's even if he did eat it before', he'll start to visit even more and now knows Mc's working hours and visits then to enjoy their baking.
• Will be slightly upset and worried when he goes to the shop and doesn't find mc at the cashier, will call them to check up on them after getting their number from another employee who was their friend, buys Mc some stuff and goes to visit them after getting premission from them and their address to spend some time with them.
• He doesn't go out to many places, so he prefers to hang out with Mc at the shop after they finish work.
• He gave Mc a note while he was paying for the pastries he bought, which had his confession, and left the shop in a hurry, Mc passes him the note the next day with a 'yes♡' written on it at the bottom under his confession.
• He takes Mc out to an ice cream place, and they just walk around town while eating ice cream and enjoying their time together.
Mc sighs in relief stretching their hand, their shoulders cracking as the walk out of the staff room already out of their work clothes, Mysta who was practically bored out of his mind, perked up at the sight of Mc.
The male got up to slump himself over Mc with a small whine, Mc patting his back gently and pressing a kiss to his temple.
"Ready to go baby?" Mc asked gently waving goodbye to their coworker as Mysta grabbed his bag from his table waving towards the worker at the cashier and linking his arm with Mc's with a small hum.
"So what does my sweet darling wanna do? Should we just go home or wanna go out somewhere?" Mc hums out, already thinking of a couple of places they can go, before deciding that home was a better idea when they noticed mysta's expression.
His lips were formed into a pout, eyes blinking slowly which definitely told Mc he was sleepy, his movement slightly sluggish as he was practically slumped forward.
"Home sounds like the better solution right now, as much as I love going out, you look absolutely exhausted baby" Mc mumbled gently patting Mysta's cheek gently the male leaning against their touch.
The male hummed gently in agreement, a small 'thank you' leaving his lips as he and Mc walk home, slowly with his sluggish pace.
Mysta draped himself over Mc's couch the moment they arrive home, eyes shut as he breaths deeply nuzzling against the soft pillows, Mc chuckling softly at him and covering him with a blanket that was on the couch already, kissing his head and moving towards the kitchen.
About two hours later, Mysta is woken up by Mc gently kissing his forehead to wake him up, plates of food in hand as they brush his hair away from his face gently.
"Get up honey, I made you some food, eat and then we sleep together yeah?" Mc hums gently Mysta getting up with a small yawn, hand shaky when he tries to take the spoon from Mc's hand, who shushs him gently and moves the spoon away from his hand and started to feed him slowly.
Mysta hummed gently after he finished his food, leaning against Mc's shoulder as they walk towards the bedroom to sleep, the male falling onto the bed and nuzzling up to the comfortable pillows shivering slightly at the cold sheets.
Mc joins him after changing clothes quickly, pulling the warm blanket over them as Mysta nuzzles into their warm embrace, mc and Mysta fall asleep in each other's arms happily, sharing their warmth that lulls them gently to sleep.
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Vox Akuma
• Vox met Mc for the first time when they came into the shop to buy some pastries, the male as usual a bit of a flirt made some flirtatious comments here and there, Mc giving him a small smile and leaving after taking their order.
• He's absolutely smitten, talks all about it to his coworker shu, who tries to support him somehow, 'Mc is just so UGH' he said slamming his forehead into the wall.
• Loves it whenever Mc visits and will be extremely attentive, even paying for whatever they want, will be so happy when they sit at one of the tables inside the shop and start working on something, he'll check on them every once in a while to make sure they don't need anything.
• Will be very worried when Mc doesn't come at their usual time and comes a few hours later with a red nose and watery eyes as they sneeze, will take Mc to the back and scold them gently giving them some of the medication he had in case he got a tummy ache or felt sick, and will wait until the end of his shift which was in a few minutes, then walks Mc home, will call them for the next couple of days to check up on them until they're fine and healthy.
• He takes Mc to his house to hang out while he bakes sweets, and makes Mc try them, makes a mess of the kitchen when Mc insisted on helping, they'll both be covered in flour by the end of it.
• confessed when Mc was at his house while making sweets together, asks Mc while busying himself in kneading the dough, thankfully he didn't get to see Mc's wide eyed expression as their face slowly turns scarlet red, or Mc would've never heard the end of it.
• He takes Mc out on night or early morning strolls, loves to take them to the park or just chill at his house anywhere is fine as long as they're there.
" 's too early to go out" Mc mumbles sleepily against vox's chest, said male helping them dress with a gentle coo as he smiles down gently on them, hair pulled back into a ponytail as he wraps his arms around Mc.
"I know baby, I promise you'll love it when you see the sunrise, you don't have to do anything the park is just down the street" the male promises pressing a gentle kiss to their forehead, as he grabs a bag he set on the bed and taking hold of Mc's hand gently pulling them towards the door, it was very early in the morning and Vox thought of how great it would be to watch the sunrise then and there.
Mc whines gently for a bit more before giving up and following vox, who ties their shoes for them with a grin, walking towards the park at the end of the street after.
Vox pulls out two blankets from the bag on his shoulder, placing one on the ground and covering Mc with the other when they sit down, sitting down next to them and pulling the blanket over his shoulders.
Mc nuzzles against Vox's shoulder with a small yawn watching as the dark sky started to turn blue, the sun starting to appear more and more with the passer of time.
Mc breathed deeply as half of the sun rose, the world basking in it's gentle eternal light, Vox's grin growing wider as he wrapped his arm around Mc's shoulder gently.
"It's so pretty isn't it?" Vox hummed gently Mc looking up to watch him looking at them with soft eyes and wide smile.
"Yeah, the sun looks absolutely breathtaking" Mc hummed back, Smile growing on their lips as Vox's grows wider, snickering for a sec before kissing Mc's head.
"As beautiful as the sun is, it'll never look prettier than you under it's glow" the male sighed gently, chuckling when Mc flushed nuzzling against his shoulder knowing how extremely cheesy he sounds.
Vox sighs happily resting his head on top of Mc's, watching the sun rise happily with his own sun by his side.
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Sonny brisko
• Sonny met Mc when he bumped into them while they were opening up the shop, the male in a hurry to get to work apologizing quickly and going on his way, he visits the shop again after his work, and apologizes to Mc once more while ordering some cupcakes with a sheepish smile.
• Feels kinda guilty for bumping into Mc in his hurry and tries to make it up to them with visiting the shop from time to time and buying pastries from the shop for himself and his coworkers sometimes.
• Definitely notices if Mc is the one who made the pastries or someone else, and will compliment it every single time, definitely teases Mc about how red they get.
• Will be slightly surprised when he enters the shop and didn't find Mc at the cashier, will call Mc on his way home after buying some stuff and check up on them, will insist on visiting them the day after and that he'll buy them anything they need.
• Sonny at first didn't really take Mc anywhere as he wasn't that close to them, but with time he started to wait for them and walk home with them, sending them pictures in work with his coworkers, or simply hanging out with them in the park.
• While he and Mc were walking home once, someone randomly ran into Mc making them fall on the ground, Sonny helped Mc and took care of the man who turned out to be a robber, after the incident he visited Mc to check if they were okay and confessed in his panic and worry for their well being, face turns extremely red after.
• Sonny likes to take Mc out to eat, or do domestic things together, go shopping, buy groceries, or go to the fair and play around.
Sonny yawned gently stretching his arms while getting up from bed, running his fingers through his messy hair with a huff.
The smell of cooking made Sonny hum gently as he walked towards the kitchen lazily, his lips lifting slightly at the form of Mc pulling out batch of fresh cupcakes out of the oven, a smaller pan sizzling with the cooking of an omelette on it.
Sonny hugged Mc from the back making them jump slightly, as he nuzzles into the shoulder mumbling a soft 'good morning', Mc melting against his embrace with a soft chuckle ruffling his hair.
"Morning sonny boy, how are you feeling" Mc kissed the man's forehead gently placing the omelette into a plate while waiting for the cupcakes to cool down.
"Good, hungry too" Sonny sighed gently and nuzzling more against Mc who ushered him gently towards the dining table to sit down, placing breakfast Infront of him with a gentle hum.
Sonny started eating as soon as Mc sat down on their chair next to him, taking a sip of the coffee Mc made for him.
"Where shall we go today? We both have the day off, we should use that chance and go out somewhere" Mc asked eating a strawberry from the plate full of fruits, Sonny hummed in thought eating a bite of his sandwich, he was feeling rather lazy today, and going to bed again after breakfast sounded like a very good plan.
"We should stay home, and nap I'm still really sleepy" Sonny hummed, stretching his hands over his head with another yawn, Mc ruffling his hair gently with a soft chuckle.
"Sleep does sound like a good plan" Mc aggred starting to gather the empty plates sonny taking them from Mc's hand and placing them in the sink, and starting to wash them, Mc drying the plates.
Sonny was in bed again after half an hour nuzzling against the pillows, Mc next to them as they watched animal videos chuckling every once in a while.
And to the soft sound of Mc's chuckles, Sonny falls into peaceful deep slumber, happy and content.
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Alban Knox
• Alban met Mc on their first day of work, they were a new employee on their first day of work, the male deciding to help them around as there weren't alot of people working on the shop.
• He thought Mc was extremely nice, and loved how shy they were around everyone, he also admired how diligent they were while working and how much of a fast learner they were.
• Makes Mc cookies all the time, and treats them to his special pastries when they come over and play rhythm games together, loves eating Mc's cooking especially it makes him feel extremely happy and warm.
• Noticed how was Mc was starting to show sickness from the day before, and excused them from work, will visit them after work and will makes soup for them and spend some time with them watching a movie hoping to make them feel better.
• Mostly hangs out with Mc at his house or shopping together, doesn't like eating out much since Mc makes lunch for them anyways, they also hang out in the staff room during break and eat snacks.
• Once they were watching a movie at Alban's house, the movie was extremely sad with the two main love interests dying, after the movie Alban turned to Mc with teary eyes and confessed and hugged Mc after they said yes.
• Likes to take mc out to extremely random places he saw online, doesn't have any sort of routine at all, just as long as Mc's with him he's fine with it.
Alban held Mc's hand gently leading them through a grassy field, the fabric covering their eyes doing nothing to less their worries.
It started when suddenly Alban popped up at the shop after their working hours, insisting that he made them a great surprise and that they need to come with him, after walking for some time he covered their eyes with a bandana he had in his pocket.
They have been walking for about 5 minutes, and Mc was begining to whine, wanting to know why their eyes were covered for so long, Alban chuckled and assured mc with a pat that they'd arrive in about two more minutes.
When they finally arrive at Alban takes the blindfold off Mc's face, they gasp suddenly at the sight infornt of them, eyes taking in the white blanket thrown over a few tree branches, two small beanbags pushed next to each other with pillows on them, a projector infornt of the beanbags, a small blanket with a bowl full of popcorn and a few other plates of food on it.
Alban throws his arm over Mc's shoulder with a happy grin, feeling extremely proud of himself, Mc pinching his cheeks with a pout.
"It's beautiful Alban, thank you but you didn't have to blindfold me for so long" Mc huffed moving to take a seat on the comfy beanbag, Alban trailing after them with a pout and big eyes rubbing his sore cheek.
"It wouldn't have been a surprise if I didn't" the male whined throwing himself against Mc's side who sighed and kissed his head ruffling his hair gently.
"Thank you for the surprise baby, what movie are we watching though?" Mc asked placing their head on top of Alban's who turned on the projector and showed them the movies on his laptop a grin growing on his face when he showed Mc their favorite movie.
"Your favourite!" Alban says excitedly turning on the movie with an excited hum placing his laptop next to him, and nuzzling into Mc's shoulder while watching the movie.
The two sat under the stars watching the movie together, feeling happier than ever, since they were together.
Thank you for reading all support is highly appreciated ♡︎.
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riastraa · 5 months
luxiem masterpost
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
💌 no reader insert
💜 can be read as platonic or romantic
🧡 platonic relationship
💕 romantic, pre-relationship
❤️ romantic, established relationship
💔 angst
💝 fluff
🖤 nsfw/sexual, features content not intended for minors
🌟 author's favorite
🎉 request from #100 followers for 4402 event
🎃 trick-or-treat drabble from #4402's halloween 2023 treats
[will add more if needed]
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
luxiem 。・:*˚:✧。
༻✧༺ luxiem and what you call them wc: 402 ❤️
༻✧༺ lost in time with luxiem wc: 6.7k ❤️ 💔
༻✧༺ lost in time with luxiem pt. 2 wc: 9.1k ❤️ 💝
༻✧༺ luxiem zombie au notes and commentary wc: 2k 🧡 💔
༻✧༺ playing with luxiem’s hair wc: 497 ❤️ 💝
༻✧༺ luxiem helping you fall asleep wc: 686 ❤️ 💝
༻✧༺ how i describe luxiem's eyes wc: 325 💝
༻✧༺ pride month headcanons wc: 436 💌 💝
༻✧༺ luxiem and noisy sex wc: 787 ❤️ 🖤
༻✧༺ rating luxiem and noctyx by how good they would be at taking care of bugs wc: 1.5k 💜 💝
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
🖋 ike eveland
༻✧༺ miku please don't take him just because you can wc: 2.4k❤️ 💝
༻✧༺ 🌟 slow dancing with ike wc: 1.1k ❤️ 💝
༻✧༺ zombie au with ike ft. luxiem | notes wc: 10.7k 🧡 💔
༻✧༺ carrying ike like a princess wc: 777 ❤️ 💝 🎉
༻✧༺ 🌟 stars above your skin (pliskinverse) | notes wc: 19.4k 💕 💔 💝
༻✧༺ ike realizing his feelings (pliskinverse) wc: 581 💕 💝
༻✧༺ first time with ike (pliskinverse) wc: 926❤️ 💝 🖤
༻✧༺ "how do you kiss hard?" - ike eveland 2023 wc: 1.3k ❤️ 💝
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
🦁 luca kaneshiro
༻✧༺ power couple wc: 689 ❤️
༻✧༺ surprise date, surprise hug, kissing in the rain and falling asleep while cuddling wc: 4.2k ❤️ 💝 🎉
༻✧༺ massaging and teasing wc: 2.5k ❤️ 🎉 🖤
༻✧༺ a trick on halloween night wc: 189 💜 💝 🎃
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
🦊 mysta rias
༻✧༺ twitching while dreaming wc: 668 ❤️ 💝
༻✧༺ surprise date, surprise hug, kissing in the rain and falling asleep while cuddling wc: 4.2k ❤️ 💝 🎉
༻✧༺ massaging and teasing wc: 2.5k ❤️ 🎉 🖤
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
👟 shu yamino
༻✧༺ 🌟 trading a heart | notes wc: 11.3k 💕 💔 💝
༻✧༺ playing with shu’s hair wc: 436 ❤️ 💝 🖤
༻✧༺ winter cuddles wc: 158 ❤️ 💝
༻✧༺ 🌟 thoughts on shu’s ponytail before 2.0 reveal wc: 417 💝
༻✧༺ being gorgeous wc: 3.6k ❤️ 💝 💔 🖤
༻✧༺ pining shu wc: 570 💕 💔 🎉
༻✧༺ secret relationship during an off-collab and sleepy kisses wearing his clothes wc: 2.9k ❤️ 💝 🎉
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
👹 vox akuma
༻✧༺ sitting with vox and the truth wc: 907 💜 💔
༻✧༺ christmas cookies wc: 686 ❤️ 💝
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
brainrot/miscellaneous list
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
✧. ┊ rules ✧. ┊ masterlist ✧. ┊ ko-fi
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riastraa · 6 months
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✦ Cat Hybrid!classmate x Reader
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riastraa · 6 months
—Hybrid cat classmate x Reader
Male OC x Gender-neutral Reader.
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•Headcanon & drabble•
• Cat Hybrid!classmate, the oh so called tsundere but always obeys your many requests even though his face is always frowning. (Only God knows that his heart was beating faster😒)
“I never signed up for this..” Chiko muttered in annoyance while throwing a sharp glare at you.
“Come on, Chiko, just this once! please please..!!” You begged him while squeezing your hand with your other hand.
Chiko who saw you thought for a moment and finally sighed feeling defeated.
“Fine... but just this once, ok? remember that!” Chiko exclaims, making you giggle knowing that even though Chiko says those, he will keep obeying your wishes.
• Cat Hybrid!classmate, who at first didn't care about your existence, but suddenly fell in love at first sight when he saw you defending him when he got bullied.
• Cat Hybrid!classmate, who seems to despise it when you consider him as a friend but smiles a little with a happy jumping heart. (If you catch him smiling please tease him, he will be very embarrassed and deny it.)
• Cat Hybrid!classmate, who always waiting you outside class when class ends with Dog Hybrid!classmate.
• Cat Hybrid!classmate, who always follows you everywhere like a lost duckling.
• Cat Hybrid!classmate, who gives you affection attacks but always hisses when you give affection to him.
• Cat Hybrid!classmate, who pretends to be brave when playing or watching horror games/movies but ends up you are the one who comforting him because he scared as hell.
• Cat Hybrid!classmate, who hides his tail and cat ears because he feels insecure and feels he can’t fit in with other humans.
• Cat Hybrid!classmate, who always wins the argument with you even it's just a small or silly problem.
“??? BRO THAT’S MY MAGNUM!!” you exclaimed feeling betrayed seeing Chiko devour your ice cream so guiltlessly.
“Yes, but I bought the ice cream with my money so it's mine too.” Chiko said while smirking at you and sticking out his tongue to mocking you.
“I’m gonna tell your mom😒”
“?? THE HECKY IS YOUR PROBLEM?!” Chiko yelling in disbelief.
• Cat Hybrid!classmate, who is not ready to confess his feelings toward you because of his insecurities.
• Yan Cat Hybrid!classmate, who will always be ready to defend you in any problem or argument even if its your own fault.
• Yan Cat Hybrid!classmate, who always follows you with the excuses of being afraid of being alone.
• Yan Cat Hybrid!classmate, who was actually a bully but didn't say anything because he is afraid of you.
• Yan Cat Hybrid!classmate, who will attack or even kill anyone who hurts you physically or mentally.
• Yan Cat Hybrid!classmate, who always stalks you and even put a hidden camera in your room when he spent the night at your house.
• Yan Cat Hybrid!classmate, who always threatens people who get in his way.
• Yan Cat Hybrid!classmate, who attacks his victims by biting and scratching them
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"I'm this close to hitting you with Rapunzel's pan."
Name : Chiko Chouko
Age : 18 y.o
Gender : Male
Race : Human half cat
Occupation : student
Height : 170 cm
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riastraa · 6 months
『 masterlist 』
˚₊·͟͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞͞➳❥ enjoy your stay  (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
『 art: ug0nba on twt | every piece written is written with a gender neutral reader in mind』
『 individual headers for the boys were made by me! please do credit if you plan on using them <;( ̄︶ ̄)> 』
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1k followers event masterlist
✧ slight possessive luxiem [hcs]
✧ calling them a pet name while they stream [hcs]
✧ with a s/o who is innocent in nature [hcs]
✧ protective luxiem [hcs]
✧ kiss them to shut them up [hcs]
✧ their s/o is sick [hcs]
✧ the boys turned into an animal [hcs]
✧ with a s/o who misplaces their glasses [hcs]
✧ with a s/o who knows about their past [hcs]
✧ pocky game [hcs]
✧ slapping their ass [hcs]
✧ a cry from the past, a call from the future [drabbles]
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✧ happy birthday, love [drabble]
✧ "wake up and come get breakfast, love." [drabble]
✧ "long movie nights where one is in charge of the blanket and pillow fort and one is in charge of the snacks." [drabble]
✧ running their love interest a bath after a long day [drabble]
✧ "babe, i can't understand a word you're saying right now, it's time for bed" & forehead kisses [drabble]
✧ wedding kisses [drabble]
✧ "Good night, love." [drabble]
✧ "kissing in the rain" & "you've been sleeping late, love, everything okay?" [drabble]
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✧ i'm not drunk, i promise! [drabble]
✧ safe [drabble]
✧ forehead kisses & "it's cold, let's cuddle" [drabble]
✧ stealing a kiss even if you risk getting caught & "shh, you're so loud" [drabble]
✧ "getting sleepy, arent we?" & "you're blurring your words together, time for bed" [drabble]
✧ accidental kisses [drabble]
✧ "babe, i don't understand a word you're saying right now" & neck kisses [drabble]
✧ "kissing as a distraction" & "you've been sleeping late, love, everything okay?" [drabble]
✧ hopcon, love? [hcs]
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✧ welcome home [drabble]
✧ "it's your turn to do the dishes" [drabble]
✧ "i'm... m'up i swear" & neck kisses [drabble]
✧ kissing as a distraction [drabble]
✧ being spun into a kiss [drabble]
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✧ "your mom is coming over today" [drabble]
✧ "i hate your guts, but i still want to make out with you" kisses [drabble]
✧ “It’s your turn to do the dishes.” [drabble]
✧ tasting his cooking [hcs]
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✧ make up kisses & "are you sleeping?" "hmmm? no." [drabble]
568 notes · View notes
riastraa · 6 months
Hello I luv your writing may I request a yandere Nanook (if you write for him) with a Aeon of wind reader who's like Venti
U don't have to write this if this makes you uncomfortable is it fine if it's fluff?
ofc! Also, i appreciate you putting what kind of theme you wanted, like fluff. Bc I sometimes I add angst to a fluff bc they didn't exactly tell me what kind of theme, so I just take it as a free for all...(I still feel guilty-)
Also, im not too familiar with the lore, aeon's, and stuff. Especially his personality, so I might get it wrong. So I'll just go with the typical yandere who goes softer with you? For the fluff and since you said reader who's like venti, I view him as free going, so there won't be too many dark things about him being a yandere (and since it's mostly fluff)
Why every time I read my own writing, I think of the wattpad 😨😱😭
Warning: Murder mention
×Beauty of destruction×
Xx×—' and life ♥︎ '—×xX
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× He wasn't interested in you at first, only focusing on destroying things. He sees the creation of the universe as a mistake and sought to destroy everything. As he was busy with his own plans, he felt a gust of wind thrown at him. He turned around to see you playfully laugh.
× he scoffed in annoyance but didn't bother to kill you.... but your alluring chuckle caught his attention. Seeing you directly gift your blessing to the people who walked your path so easily... Smiling as if something new and wonderful has been newly created and brought upon the world. Why were you so...happy?
× his dead "heart" started thumping against his chest as he watched you... he never felt so intrigued with something or someone. Did you do something to him? Why is his heart beating so hard against his chest? It hurts....but it hurts so good
× he was bothered by this new feeling...it felt confusing. He wanted to hear your voice, touch you, embrace you... but the most cunfusing part for him is that he wants you to be his, his only, but he wants to be yours too... it's simple, really, but why..? Why does he want that? He wanted to know more
× He read books in his own time of how to approach you, and he tried many times, but he just... he couldn't. Like something was stopping him. Hesitance, perhaps? He wonders why. There wasn't any bad relationship between him and you, so why was he hesitating? He's been observing and made every preparation of trying to make a conversation with you for days, so why?
× While he was in the middle of his thoughts, he flinched and quickly turned around, then saw your startled face. He stood still, mind racing of what to say. His heart thumped against his chest painfully. He felt like he was suffocating. He wanted to clutch his chest and make it stop. Why did he feel this way?
× The feeling was soon replaced immediately the moment you touched his shoulder, asking if he was alright. He felt... free, felt as if all the burden on his shoulders were lifted off. He lifts his head up to see you, your gentle eyes gazing into his,,
× he was stiff while having a conversation with you; only replying with dry responses. (Dryer than the Atacama desert) He wasn't much of a talker, so he listened to your stories, your daily life, your complaints, anything honestly. He simply laid their with his head resting on his palm as he watched you talk.
♥︎ oh, how he was soooo new to these kinds of feelings. But don't worry! You're here with him for a reason :) You're gonna help him, right? You guided him through these complicated meanings of it, so of course you will! You're the one responsible for it so you should take the responsibility!
♥︎ He takes mental notes about you, even the smallest details like he always notice that whenever your presence is near, a slight wind blows around the area you are in. So, he is able to quickly notice your presence. (You didn't even notice it yourself until he told you-)
♥︎ He always accompanies you everywhere. Every. Single. Place. (Maybe even the place you rest at..) And if you ask him why, he always says that it's was quite a coincidence, purely luck for him to cross path with you. Or that he thought that you needed protection (sir...[name] is an Aeon, how does- nvm, hes just delulu) and etc...
♥︎ and if you say no? He'll try to convince you. If that doesn't work? He'll be sadden, frowning(pouting), and looks with you with teary eyes. (those be fake asf-) ah....what a wonderful way to guilt trap you because it definitely works.
♥︎ Oh, the first time he smiled at you? You were memorized. (But if someone else, they would think he was planning to finally destroy the world now...) you happily and giddily told the other Aeons about this, and they looked at you H.O.R.R.I.F.I.E.D. Like, what do you mean the most mass of destruction is smiling innocently? They decided to secretly watch you from afar.
♥︎ He brings you small little gifts like flowers that are shaped as a crown (Your his emperor/empress) or a ring (He wants to marry you since he thinks that marriage is a powerful contract of loyalty and love...and maybe wants to prove to you that he is worthy of that-)
♥︎ He softens whenever you're around. He feels like he's wrapped around a warm blanket whenever you praise him or comfort him in any way, so he always seeks for your approval (and attention). You are his world, his everything, his only reason to not already destroy this universe.
♥︎ Oh, how he's sooooo obsessed with you! It's like seeing a teenager obsessing over their crush! Whatever you give him, even if it's the most basic thing ever, he takes care of it and makes sure it's in its top shape and condition! And if anything or anyone dares to damage it or even touch it, he'll make sure they'll regret it... (Of course, if it's you, he doesn't mind! He can just simply try to put it back in shape, and if it doesn't work, he'll ask you for another one! He's even saying, please....)
♥︎ He even has a cute little (huge) shrine of you! He used something called a "camera" and took pictures every time you looked in high spirits like when you smiled, fascinated, grinned, etc. And of course, he took it with your consent....he doesn't want his love to be upset now, would he?
—Xx×《 ~♥︎~ 》×xX—
He was enjoying the feeling of resting his head on your lap, intertwining his hand with yours. He listened to your voice as you sing songs, stories, or even just humming. He really wants to hear your heartbeat, so he pokes your arm to catch your attention. As you looked down, you could see something no one could or ever believe.
His smile. He tapped lightly on the spot where your heart was. He savored the sound of your chuckle as you gently lift his head off your lap and made yourself comfortable before letting him lean closer and put his head on your chest. He closed his eyes as he nuzzled against you. He was like a little cat, how adorable.
He was always so jealous that when you shared your smile with others, he wanted to be the only one to see that. He wanted to keep you from others. He didn't like that your attention was ripped off from him when one of your followers prayed for you. He covered your eyes with his hand and snuggled against you. He huffed and frowned when you tried to get him off.
He glared when he heard the other Aeon trying to call you. Before you could even respond, he pushed you down and hugged you tightly. "Do you really have to go to.....that aeon right now? Can't you stay just this once? Please [name]?" He asks. He would've begged if you didn't respond quickly with a agreement. He smiles and bathes in your warmth once again.
(He's gets jealous quite easily)
He made a ring out of the flowers he found. He tried to secretly slide it onto your finger, which made you smile. You pretended not to know what he was doing and just played with his hair. Once he was done, you finally pretended to just notice it now. "Oh, did someone put this pretty ring on my finger? Oh, how I wonder who the handsome/beautiful person put this ring on me?"
You chuckled as he perked up. He snuggles against your hand that had the ring on it. "Mustn't I put a ring on yours too?" You played along as he blushed lightly. He could see you using the wind to gather up some flowers into your palm, making a ring for him too! His eyes light up as you put a ring on his finger.
He smiles once again. He's glad that he killed all of your suitors before they could even meet you....He should be the only one who you call "yours," and you should only be with him, you don't need anyone else...
He really loves and adores you. He will do anything to keep you with him
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riastraa · 7 months
• Nijisanji x Reader writer•
- @/thecontumacious masterlist
- @/yumeleta masterlist
- @/clovcherry masterlist
- @/lxm-memories Masterlist
- @brisquad-unut-4402 masterlist
• Yandere oc x Reader writer •
- @/yxami masterlist
- @/mellowwillowy masterlist
- @/suiana masterlist
-@/shooting-love-arrows masterlist
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riastraa · 7 months
The brothers are back for an appearance
Kanae x Male Reader
M/n woke up with a gasp, he was alone. His eyes gazed over to his phone, it was raining and he reached over to look at it before seeing many missed calls from his best friend, Kanae. He just had a dream about him and now he had to listen to the other.
"Maybe I had too much wine." He uttered as he answered the phone. "M/n!" His name was shouted, he was streaming. It was a bunch of words vomit until his chat reminded him what time it was. "Eh. M/n-san. Did I wake you up?" A soft groan escaped the sleepy male's lips before the call went silent.
"Ah. Eh?"
Kanae looked visibly confused before he began to laugh at the snores on the call. "It looks like I called at a bad time," he laughed a bit before putting a png of M/n that the two commissioned. Every time he snored it was shown, then Kanae decided to put a counter of the snores... Then he'd put some assets of a sleepy cap on the png.
"Hehe," his small laughter echoed before returning to play the game. The chat helped keep track of the snores before something came out. "M/n!" A shout voice shouts in the call making the streamer jump in shock. "Oh, you're asleep?" U-san shouted as he crawled over and into the bed. "Yo, let's cuddle!" His giggled echoed through the phone.
Kanae couldn't hide his displeasure. "Ah," he spoke sweetly. "U-san," the chat went wild hearing the younger brother. Of course, Kanae didn't know this. "Don't touch him." The door slammed open again. "M/n! Hah?! You got here first?!" Yugo screamed throwing a pillow at the younger who clung to M/n more who continued to sleep. Kanae tried getting their attention but didn't succeed.
"M/n!" He shouted. M/n jolted away and tiredly grabbed his phone. "Kanae. What's wrong?" He began to scold him for having two guys over, he sounded like a jealous lover before Yugo and U snatched the phone. "Oi! Don't yell at Onii!" U shouted pissed. "Senpai! Don't be so rude! How could you!" Yugo spoke a bit disappointed and angered.
"Eh, Onii?"
"Hm? Oh yeah, my little brothers. I thought I told you this?"
Kanae covered his face and ended the stream and call.
"I got jealous."
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riastraa · 7 months
✿ 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ✿
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Slavic wedding tradition where instead of the bride cuts off her hair, it is the 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐜! 𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 that does so. 
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐜! 𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 reacts to…a hunter! reader.
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 who according to the sacred tradition of his peaople kiddnaps his bride.
It was a beginning of a new day for 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝟏𝟗𝟓𝟎’𝐬! 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 and he'd make damn sure it was just as perfect as every other one.
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riastraa · 7 months
✎ welcome to hell's library . . .
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✎ about the librarian . . .
― soup, she/her, 17, likes cute things <3
✎ about the blog . . .
― this is a yandere oc/headcanon based blog, usually sfw but can drift to nsfw at times, all characters are above or at least 18, no specific post schedule, requests open, commissions open, anon list, IMPORTANT
✎ warning . . .
― anyone above the age of 15 is free to access my blog but do keep in mind that my blog contains nsfw, dark themes and elements, i do not condone or approve of anything that i write, if you notice anyone with similar behaviours do report them, none of the things i write are meant to be romanticised or desired
✎ masterlist . . .
― yandere childhood friend headcanons
yandere hacker headcanons part 2
yandere artist headcanons part 2
yandere nerd headcanons part 2 part 3 part 4
yandere idol headcanons
yandere senior headcanons
yandere spirit headcanons
yandere student council president headcanons part 2
yandere junior headcanons
yandere demon headcanons
yandere goth headcanons part 2 part 3
yandere roommate headcanons
yandere soulmate headcanons
yandere assassin headcanons part 2
yandere bully headcanons
yandere senior and junior crossover headcanons
yandere stalker headcanons part 2
yandere naga headcanons
yandere prodigy headcanons
yandere fan headcanons
yandere killer headcanons
yandere delinquent headcanons part 2
yandere prince headcanons
yandere villain headcanons part 2
yandere poet headcanons part 2
yandere chef headcanons
yandere mutual headcanons
yandere househusband headcanons
yandere government official headcanons
yandere ex headcanons
yandere coworker headcanons
yandere researcher headcanons
yandere pro dancer headcanons
yandere stalker oneshot
yandere popular girl headcanons
yandere playboy headcanons
yandere demon and doctor oneshot
yandere cult leader headcanons
yandere villain with civilian s/o headcanons
yandere pervert headcanons
yandere doctor headcanons
yandere psycho headcanons
yandere ballerina headcanons
yandere musician headcanons
yandere reader headcanons
yandere male lead headcanons
yandere villain nsfw oneshot
yandere male lead oneshot
yandere cowboy headcanons
yandere submissive puppyboy headcanons
yandere student council vice president headcanons
yandere villain angst oneshot
yandere government official nsfw oneshot
yandere urban legend headcanons
yandere angel headcanons
yandere archangel headcanons
yandere emperor masterlist
yandere time traveller headcanons
yandere servant headcanons
yandere alien headcanons
yandere shadow monster headcanons
yandere other boyfriend headcanons
yandere butler headcanons
yandere writer headcanons
yandere CEO headcanons part 2
yandere jock headcanons
yandere boyfriend headcanons
yandere gepard headcanons (hsr)
yandere cupid headcanons
yandere classmate headcanons
yandere sampo headcanons (hsr)
yandere school headcanons
yandere priest masterlist
yandere pretty boy headcanons
yandere gamer headcanons
yandere criminal headcanons
yandere dilf headcanons
yandere loser headcanons
yandere painter headcanons
yandere reincarnator headcanons
yandere knight masterlist
masterlist part 2
✎ rules . . .
― do NOT request when requests are closed, do NOT hate on my readers or me, if you don't like what I write please leave, DO NOT STEAL OR PLAGARISE MY WORK I DO NOT GIVE ANYONE PERMISSION TO USE MY WORK
❝ hell's library is always open for sinners of all kinds. we hope you enjoy your stay. ❞
― your librarian, suiana
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riastraa · 7 months
Nun Reader x Yan! Vampire Pathos
Cendrillion Reader x Yan! Prince
Doll Reader × Yan! Judge
Gamer reader x Yan! Masochist Gamer (+Blind yan)
Gamer Reader x Masochist Yan 2
The Pleasure of Horror (GN! Reader, NSFW)
Yan! Tricksters + Mastermind (NSFW, GN!)
Yan! God x Yan! God Reader (Gruesome)
Yan! Nemesis × Doll! Reader
Yan! Mastermind × Suicidal? Reader
What happened when you accidentally touched Yan's Cocks
Yan! Scientist x GN Doll Reader
Yan! Emperor x GN Empress! Reader
Yan! Emperor, Nameless General, and Shimei
Yan! Philanderer God × GN Reader (XL)
Yan x Yan Reader
Puppy Yans × Genderless Doll Reader
Yan! Priests x GN! Reader
Yan! Priests × GN Reader × Yan! Sponsor (NSFW)
Yan! Prince x GN Lady in Waiting Reader
Yan! Lawyer x GN Spouse! Reader
GN Doll Reader x Yan Judge + Nemesis 2
Yan! Hacker x GN Streamer NSFW
Yan! Sponsor + Yan! Dealer x GN Dom NSFW
Yan! Mafia Ringleader / Antagonist
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riastraa · 7 months
Luxiem Masterlist 📚 (inactive)
a/n: all fics without a specified gender is by default gender neutral!
All boys:
As your boyfriend
With Artist!Reader
Simping/crushing over you
As yanderes
On stormy nights
Giving you their personal gun bears (cheering you on)
As househusbands (domestic fic)
With a high reader
With Adeptus!Reader
Genshin AU (bio)
Genshin AU: Their Specialty Dishes
Platonic: Minor!V-tuber!Reader
With a winged reader
With Bunny!Reader
Multiplaying with you
Karaoke streams with you
Dancing at 3 am
To be fawned over (fem!model!reader)
With a burnout reader
Wait, how much?!
"He's gone, come over!"
The Lord, Our Dragon Goddess, the Queen (+fantasy au!) ((fem!dragon!reader))
As yanderes with a yandere reader
College AU
As yanderes with a runaway reader
Barista AU
‘Among the Thousands’ series:
Mysta Rias
Luca Kaneshiro
Vox Akuma 👹🌹
Cheeky Little Things (Vox x Streamer!GN!Reader Part 1)
Nothing More Romantic (Vox x Streamer!GN!Reader Part 2)
Prayers (Royalty AU Yandere!Vox x GN!Reader)
Mysta Rias 🦊🔶
Infuriating (Mysta x Streamer!GN!Reader)
Luca Kaneshiro 🦮🔆
About Self-Care (Luca x Streamer!GN!Reader)
Ike Eveland 🖋💙
Of Songs and Bravery (Ike x Artist!GN!Reader)
The Sweetest Thing Alive (Ike x GN!Reader)
Shu Yamino 🔮✨
Sincerely (Shu x GN!Reader)
(Not) Alone (Shu x Streamer!GN!Reader Part 1)
(Not) Alone ((Shu x Streamer!GN!Reader Part 2)
Request conditions (please check regularly because i will continue to update it!)
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riastraa · 7 months
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i. luxiem
ii. noctyx
iii. writing rules wip
iv. about me
v. important posts
vi. all my works
vii. random posts
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riastraa · 7 months
clovers masterlist!!
pls read t/w before reading my fics!
just to clarify, every fanfiction written about the luxiem boys are purely based on the characters they play NOT the person behind them.
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nsfw: ❤
shu + luca seeing you stuck ❤
taking care of shu when he's sick
lonely (shu) ❤
shu comforts you!!
offline collab with shu
high-school sweethearts au with shu pt.1
high-school sweethearts au with shu pt.2
awkward sex moments with luxiem ❤
you're all mine (shu) ❤️
camgirl reader x luxiem boys?! ❤️
roommate shu!! ❤️
series: (NEW!)
shu for the stars!!! (shu yamino x f!reader)
-strangers to lovers au
chap 1
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riastraa · 7 months
Hello I saw that your box was open and would like to request a either noctyx or luxiem accidental relationship reveal.
Where reader or the members accidentally reveal their relationship on stream. I like the cute reactions of the boys getting flustered or shocked.
Hope you like it
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THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING <33 , and thank you guys for the support on my last post!! I CANT BELIEVE THERE WAS OVER A HUNDRED LIKES! THANK YOUUUUU!
gn!reader, fluff
. it just slipped out
. while alban tries his absolute best to keep your relationship hidden, he would eventually let the cat out of the bag
. happens when y’all were doing a collab
. probably when playing minecraft
. it was nighttime and you two were still out doing whatever
. you came into contact with a zombie and because you had just respawned, you did not have any of your loot and could not defend yourself
. yeah, you died
. and alban just revealed your relationship
. double fucked
. chat goes wild and the mods are panicking behind screen
. “alban you idiot.”
. “eh? what?”
. after a bit of processing, alban goes “OH SHIT.”
. he panics and gets all red-faced
. cue you hitting alban with your fists
. but it all turned out alright
. now alban can call you babe whenever he wants
. that’s a win i guess
. the moment y’all got together, he would have already dropped hints about your relationship
. acts like you two are a married couple 24/7
. chat asks a lot if you two are together but fulgur always gives an ambiguous answer
. but one fateful day, the truth is revealed
. you were over at fulgur’s house just to chill
. he had a stream scheduled
. while he was streaming, you were in the background on your phone
. suddenly, you had to get up to go get something
. as you were walking, you accidentally tripped and fell with a thud
. obviously, this alerted your boyfriend and he instinctively turned to find you on the ground, groaning in pain
. without hesitation, he goes, “oh god baby are you alright?”
. to which you replied, “yeah yeah i’m fine.”
. right after you said that, you realised what you’ve just done
. chat heard your voice and within seconds, the entire chat is flooded with comments
. “oh fuck, you’re streaming fulgur.”
. “shoot.”
. tries to change the topic but fails miserably because he’s so flustered
. the suspicions were confirmed
. [name] x fulgur is real
. “hehe, sorry [name] but now everyone knows you’re mine.”
. oh fulgur, they knew LONG ago
. now, chat doesn’t suspect that you two are “together together”
. but they do suspect that there is some hidden feelings going on behind that screen
. i think how sonny would reveal your relationship would be by pure accident
. sonny was about to begin a stream
. however, he left his mic unmuted
. a very common mistake made by many streamers
. you just so happened to be at his house
. and you were also unaware of the fact that sonny had left his mic unmuted
. you were bringing food and water to sonny before his stream started
. “handsome taichou, here’s your food.”
. “ah, thank you love.”
. chat instantly recognises your voice
. chat overload
. at this point, you guys were still oblivious to everything happening
. “[name], can you give me a quick kiss before i officially start the stream?”
. obviously you give him the kiss
. when sonny started the stream, he was puzzled as to why the chat was so active
. after reading through the comments, he mentally facepalmed
. “[n-name], i left my mic unmuted. chat heard everything.”
. well, now you don’t have anything to hide
. good job sonny
. definitely reveals it when y’all stream
. okay so, most, if not all, of the nijisanji en members (professor included hehe) would have already known about your relationship
. you were doing another among us mega-collab and you were the imposter along with elira and reimu
. the only imposter left was you and you had already killed someone else, meaning you only had to eliminate one other person in order for you to win
. you had been following uki around for quite some time, waiting for the cooldown
. when it finally cooldowned, you went straight for the kill
. the game ends and all of you come together again
. uki is malding
. everyone goes dead silent
. “oh wait shit. nononononono.”
. “uki…”
. suddenly, everyone bursts out laughing, leaving a stunned you and an embarrassed uki
. after a few seconds, both you and uki regain your composure
. “okay [name], now that EVERYONE knows, can we fu-“
. “uki.”
. of course we can uki
. his would be a very unique case
. at least i think it’s unique
. yugo was busy composing yet another song that was inspired by you
. now, he was writing the lyrics based off what he felt
. he was streaming this as well and didn’t notice that the lyrics he wrote was basically telling the tales about your relationship
. the lyrics were very genuine
. no names were mentioned until something unexpected happened
. “ah thank you for the superchat! ‘i really like the lyrics to this song! was there any inspirations?’ [name] of course! this was all about them!”
. yugo was so excited to talk about you he didn’t process what he said
. he continued to talk before finally realising that he had just revealed your relationship
. his eyes widened and he immediately went, “WAIT THAT’S NOT WHAT I MEANT!”
. too late yugo, chat already knows
. you were already in chat and took in a deep sigh
. you joined the call and hear a sniffling yugo
. “it’s okay yugo, now we don’t have anything to hide.”
. yeah it’s alright yugo
. now chat knows how much you love [name]
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riastraa · 7 months
unless you beg [ vox akuma x streamer!reader ]
— you catch vox gushing over ike once again. he gets down on his knees for you to spare the thought of splitting your minecraft beds.
notes i have no notes. jk, crack, reader is gender neutral, post relationship, this was supposed to be just brainrot but this works as a drabble i guess
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“ike is gone for a bit, let’s gossip, chat. he’s so cute, isn’t he?” vox gushes, letting out chuckles as soon as the silence from the other end of the call confirms ike being temporarily away from his keyboard.
you, his significant other, just so happened to drop by the voice demon’s stream at that very moment. your eyes narrowed and your eyebrows raised when you start to hear vox asking for the novelist’s hand in marriage for about the fiftieth time.
you were aware that it was a running joke in luxiem, and you didn’t mind as long as vox was just fooling around as always.
but it does take two to play the game, doesn’t it?
you decided to play around with your boyfriend. typing in one word in the live chat, you giggle once you press send.
y/n l/n [NIJISANJI EN] 🔧: wow.
the audience quickly spots your message, letting out a bunch of ‘oooh’s and ‘divorce arc??’s once they realize you have caught vox simping, yet again.
“y/n?! wait, i’m sorry! i love you!” vox whines, his model rapidly looking around. you held in a cackle once you start to get a reaction out of your beloved demon.
y/n l/n [NIJISANJI EN] 🔧 : no no it’s fine, i’ll just separate our beds in minecraft it’s no big deal. unless you beg hard enough?
“please come back, i love you, i-i’m desperate my dear, i beg you y/n please don’t separate our minecraft beds-” he lets out a whimper which made you think that you were hearing things in your head.
you laugh in satisfaction after making the ever so ‘dominant’ demon down on his knees beg for you, even as a joke.
y/n l/n [NIJISANJI EN] 🔧 : you’re welcome clippers
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