raspnarrrypie · 10 years
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raspnarrrypie · 10 years
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raspnarrrypie · 10 years
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Detox Water for Craving Control & Beautiful Skin
- 1 to 2 L of water - 1 lemon - 5 strawberries sliced - 1 apple sliced - handful of fresh mint leaves - 1 tsp of cinnamon - handful of ice
Because this drink tastes so good, I’m drinking tons of water and am feeling great! Wonderful for detoxing from yesterday’s meal which was so sodium laden that I felt all shriveled up inside. Here are the benefits of this concoction. Make it for yourself and tell me what you think! You can let it sit overnight to maximize the flavor profile.
Cinnamon: improves circulation, thins blood, and manages blood sugar levels. Results in fewer sugar cravings so you eat less and can control calorie intake.
Apple: vitamin c also known as absorbic acid synthesizes collagen which can help your skin look better. It also helps repair and maintain bones and teeth and helps heal wounds swiftly.
Strawberries: help fight carcinogens and contains anti aging properties such as biotin and antioxidant ellagic acid which helps prevent sagging skin.
Mint: helps to improve digestion and gets rid of stomach cramps.
Lemon: stimulates the digestive track and helps with constipation.
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raspnarrrypie · 10 years
A girl on twitter met Luke tonight and asked him if it was hi or hey and he replied “neither. It’s hello beautiful.” I’m crying.
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raspnarrrypie · 10 years
beauty rec!
i’ve tried to include drugstore/budget products as well bc i know not everyone wants to spend a fortune on beauty products. 
this includes: 
face washes
shampoos and conditioners
all with links :) 
Read More
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raspnarrrypie · 10 years
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raspnarrrypie · 10 years
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621K notes · View notes
raspnarrrypie · 10 years
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fucking ellen
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raspnarrrypie · 10 years
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Calum + The Sweater
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raspnarrrypie · 10 years
The best part about macaroni and cheese is that you don’t even need to chew it. You can just swallow it. If it gets stuck in your throat, you’ll be fine because you can breathe through the noodle tubes.
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raspnarrrypie · 10 years
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raspnarrrypie · 10 years
worldwide free shippin games
worldwide free shippin clothes
worldwide free shippin books
worldwide free shippin cds and dvds
worldwide free shipping cosmetics
worldwide free shipping toys (you can find cool stuff here trust me)
worldwide free shipping sex toys
free shipping everything (like, literally everything)
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raspnarrrypie · 10 years
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so heres a list compiling what i have in my likes, my bookmarks and my reference tag
it took me four hours so you guys better reblog it
hair tutorials:
messy bun tutorial
different ways to braid
elsa-ish braid
how to fishtail
romantic curls
waterfall braid
three-braid updo
another elsa-ish braid
braided bun
braided headband
hecka cute messy bun
ways to wear scarves/bandanas
lovely bun with braids
dutch braid crown
pin curls!
braided ponytail
braid + bun updo
how to do pastel hair
8 ways to wear a bow
4-strand braid
double wrap braid
makeup tips:
how to apply eyeliner
how to apply blush
6 makeup tips
winged eyeliner tutorial
how to do your makeup with a spoon
how to apply eyeshadow
natural beauty remedies
a guide to eyeliner
ombre eyeliner
sparkly party makeup
silver eye makeup tutorial
what makeup complements my complexion?
what makeup suits you?
lipstick tricks
writing tips:
character development sheet
body language
the 12 archetypes 
name generator 1
dialogue tips
how to write female characters
characterization tips
info about the 50s/60s/70s
fictional languages
get past writers block
surname master post
name generator 2
234 synonyms for ‘said’
writing tips masterpost
make blueprints for houses
names for fictional worlds
seven steps to the perfect story
helpful descriptive words
how to write smut
fantastic clothes and where to find them:
rad leggins
hecka adorable tights
old fashioned clothes
sherlock-inspired outfits
more badass tights
more rad tights
knit fairy tale hoods
leather fairy tale footwear
guide to shoes
find clothes that your favorite characters have worn
green day-inspired outfits (1)(2)(3)
beatles-themed outfits
probably the most fancy punk rock dress ever
hella rad ear cuffs
motherfucking medieval circlet crown things
hella sexy 50s halter dress
"persephone" dress
panda onesie
pop art dress
hella sexy corset
beatle girls fashion
fashion inspiration
exceptionally punk rock leather vest
fandom things:
geek engagement rings
star trek engagement rings
avengers-inspired outfits
homestuck makeup
loki-inspired eye makeup
make pokeball cookies
teen castiel boots
themed key neclaces
night vale bingo
beatles movie masterpost
lord of the rings-themed nails
how to make butterbeer
do your hair like the ladies in game of thrones
disney villains makeup
various fandom dresses
captain america leather jacket
dean winchester leather jacket
shelf life of food
lavender lemonade
motherfucking pie
how to make nutella fudge
ultimate guide to chocolate chip cookies
easy snacks
muffin in a mug
cheeseburger cupcakes
how to make huge food
starbucks secret menu
oreo cookie butter
panera mac n’ cheese
starbucks holiday drinks
nutella hot chocolate
pastry folding 101
mini lemon and blueberry cheesecakes
david bowie-inspired cocktails
french bread pizza
15 pound homemade snickers bar
make candy crystal meth
reeses peanut butter cheesecake
extra fancy garlic bread
smoothie recipes for everything
chocolate chip cookie dough brownie pie
4 different smoothies
bread crusts with herbs
cookies n’ cream cupcakes
mini tortilla crust pizzas
mini mac n’ cheese pies
deep dish cookie for one
roasted tomato pasta
best grilled cheese
best chocolate cake
potato rissole 
french toast rollups
peanut butter crownies
pumpkin spice smoothie
s’mores stuffed pizza cookie
the best cookie recipes
chocolate chip cookie dough brownie bombs
how to make chocolate lasagna
mini apple pies
art tutorials/tips:
hundreds of pose references wowie
how to draw profiles 
a guide to figure drawing (this helped me a hecka lot)
drawing eyes
lip tutorial
how to draw jeans
amaze color blender
hands hands hands
more hands
torso reference
painting blood
how to draw shoes/feet
psychology of color
simple expression guide
sitting poses
more color psychology
drawing hair and fur
hecka lot of clothing refs
pose reference blog
another hand tutorial
how to draw arms
expression tutorial
skin color palatte
how to draw booties
drawing ears
hands at sides tutorial
drawing heads
guide to foreshortening
drawing cats
how to be healthy:
meditation tips
how to take the perfect nap
how much exercise do you need? 
site that will help you focus/get work done
10 hours of calming heavy rainfall
dozens of healthy recipes for every occasion
when you’re feeling suicidal
create your own safe haven
healthy, soothing, calming drinks 
how to burn stomach fat
how to love yourself
recovery resources
health tips for students
happy jar
how to make your tea perfect
amazing smoothies
bunnies telling you how good you are
how to make a glitter jar
night vale monopoly
learn how to survive a zombie apocalypse
how to play ‘sherlock’
supernatural workout
learn a new language!
learn london slang
take personality tests
watch this video
make gifs
see what its like to live on minimum wage
watch great vines
give people free rice by answering trivia!
make a flower crown
turn your handwriting into a font
take a dialect test
learn how to write elvish
take this amazingly accurate color quiz
live kitty cam
118K notes · View notes
raspnarrrypie · 10 years
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So these are just a bunch of useful websites and things for school and life basically. I hope they help you and that they make your 2014 a little bit easier. If something isn’t working or if you have any doubts, message me here or here. i spent five hours in this you better reblog it.
Remember the Word
Alternatives to Said A little side note: 'said' is NOT dead. Use these alternatives carefully. If you use them too much they distract the reader from what the character is actually saying. Be wise alright, don't clutter your story.
Names: 1, 2, 3
How to write an essay
Fake an essay on a theme of your choice
Great Inspiration
Getting Inspired
Free Microsoft Word alternative
Writing fantasy
Revealing a character
Dealing with writer’s block
Character traits: 1,2
Words that could come in handy when describing skin tones
Body language
Writing prompts
Death scenes
Who do I write like?
Things almost every author needs to research
Useful words
Lay vs. lie
When to change paragraphs
Music for writing
Biggest writing masterpost ever
Great blog with tons of writing tips
Free books & textbooks: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Read/Post fanfics
Read/Post fanfics, stories, whatever
Get homework help
Maths problem solver: 1, 2
Learning how to study
Written? Kitten!
How to pull and all-nighter and do well
When should I go to sleep/wake up?
Finals survival guide
Alternative to Wikipedia
Book Suggestions
VERY useful websites (khan academy, tedtalks, etc)
Study app (helps you manage time)
Study tips video
Learning a new language? (you can use this for any language)
Workouts at home: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Drink water!
Fitness tips
Clean up your diet
Lots of recipes
Cookie in a mug!!!!
Brownie in a mug!!!!
Many many snacks
25 hot chocolate recipes
Icing colors
French bread pizza
Anatomy references (nsfw)
Drawing hair
Drawing hands
Drawing braids
How to color 
Drawing folds
Painting tutorial
Tutorial masterpost
Drawing faces
Drawing heads
How to draw literally anything
How to draw ponies!!
Drawing eyes
Find themes: 1, 2, 3
Make gifs: 1, 2 (from youtube video), 3
XKit extension
Missing e
Check a website’s safety
Backgrounds: 1, 2
How to make tumblr themes
Postlimit checker 
All audio posts you’ve reblogged
Html help: 1, 2, 3, 4
This masterpost has tons of games
Find a new hobby!!
Movies/tv shows masterpost
Watch TV shows
This masterpost is great too
Convert Youtube videos to mp3: 1, 2
Download 8tracks playlists
Download videos
Coffee shop sounds
Nature sounds
Easy makeup tips
15 style tips from Michael Kors
Fashion basics
How to tuck non-skinny jeans into boots
How to roll sleeves
Quick and easy hairstyles
Makeup masterpost
Many many hairstyles
Zoella videos
Fashion vocabulary
How to be ok with yourself
25 Resolutions
Self confidence
Self defense tips PLEASE READ THIS
Calming cat
Cute engagement
Cute kitten
Santino Fontana auditioning for Frozen role Hans
Best figure skating I’ve seen in my life
Benedict Cumberbatch singing
63K notes · View notes
raspnarrrypie · 10 years
some tips for you all
make up tips (more) (more) (more) (more) (more) (more)
life tips
life tips for lazy people
life tips for college
DIY household ideas
prevent hangovers
how to look busy at work/school
tricks to sleeping more
how to improve your self-esteem
survival tips
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raspnarrrypie · 10 years
becoming an adult cheat sheet!!!
learn how to coupon
how to get free therapy
clean bathroom tips
what to do when you can’t pay your bills
learn time management skillz
recipes that take 30 minutes or less
see if you’re paying too much for your cell phone bill
create a resume
how to make a doctor’s appointment
organize your closet
find the right career
a list of stress relievers
how to pick a major
how to take care of yourself when you’re sick
things to bring to a doctor’s appointment
what the hell is a mortgage?
buying a used car
how to pick a health insurance plan
read the news
leave your childhood traumas behind
how to quit smoking
a list of hotlines in a crisis
what to expect from your first gynecologist appointment
what to do if you get pulled over by a cop
things to keep in your car in case of an emergency
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raspnarrrypie · 10 years
Gonna go on a huge "for future reference" spree so excuse me for a min.
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