raijinswaifu · 2 years
Maman Brigitte, Loa of Passion
Class: Assassin Pantheon: Voodoo Preferred Roles: Jungle/Support
@raijinhasverybigpecs cause I know he used to like these lol
Design intent- While assassin supports have been around for some time now, I wanted my design of Maman Brigitte to lean into that. However instead of effectively being both assassin and support at once, I wanted her design to make players choose between one or the other. Maman Brigitte has moderate base damage with high scaling to prevent her supportive builds being too powerful and her supportive effects also come with health based scaling to prevent her control being too strong as well while being an assassin.
Passive- Black Rooster Rum: Maman Brigitte carries a special bottle of rum with her wherever she goes with is infused with powerful spices. Depending on what items she builds determines which spices she adds to her rum. If Maman Brigitte’s items are more health focused she infuses her rum with green peppers which increases her mitigations by 10%. If Maman Brigitte’s items are more power oriented her rum becomes infused with red peppers instead which grant her 10% additional power. The different rums each add bonus effects to Maman Brigitte’s abilities.
Ability 1- Steps of Embers: Maman Brigitte ignites her basic attacks as she dances with fire bursting from every movement. For a duration, Maman Brigitte’s basic attacks deal bonus damage and bonus attack speed. If Maman Brigitte is benefiting from her green pepper rum these basic attacks heal her as well, if the rum is the red pepper rum instead her basic attacks deal splash damage instead.
Bonus Damage: 30/40/50/60/70 (+15% Physical Power) Attack Speed Bonus: 15% Splash Damage: 30/35/40/45/50% Basic Attack Damage Heal: 15/25/35/45/55 (+3% Max Health) Duration: 3.5 seconds Cooldown: 12 seconds
Ability 2- Igniting Whispers: Maman Brigitte blows a kiss which ignites a powerful passion within the first enemy god it hits. The kiss deals damage and charms the enemy god causing them to harmlessly walk towards Maman Brigitte. If she is benefiting from her green pepper rum, the enemy god is slowed after the charm is broken. If she is benefiting from her red pepper rum instead the enemy god is burned by the embers and takes additional damage after the charm ends.
Initial Damage: 70/115/160/215/260 (+80% Physical Power) Charm Duration: 1.5 seconds Slow: 5% (+1% Max Health) Burn Damage: 20/25/30/35/40 (+10% Physical Power) every .5 seconds for 1 second. Cooldown: 18/17.5/17/16.5/16 seconds
Ability 3- Spirit Dance: Maman Brigitte dances with various spirits as she dashes to her target location. This ability deals damage from the dash and the landing area, enemy gods can only be hit once by this ability. Upon arriving at the location, souls form around it granting various effects. If Maman Brigitte is benefiting from her green pepper rum the arriving area provides a healing effect. If the rum is instead red pepper the arriving area ignites into flames and deals burn damage.
Dash Damage: 80/120/160/200/240 (+75% Physical Power) Heal: 25/35/45/55 (+2% Max Health) every .5 seconds Burn Damage: 30/45/60/75/90 (+10% Physical Power) every .5 seconds Area Duration: 3 seconds Cooldown: 14 seconds
Ultimate: Let The Festivities Begin! Maman Brigitte creates a cage around her which is encased with souls which traps those caught within. While within the cage, Maman Brigitte cannot be reduced below 1 hitpoint. All damage is accumulated over time and at the end of the cage’s lifetime activates a bonus effect.
If Maman Brigitte has her green pepper rum she and her allies gain 20% damage mitigation while within the cage. At the end of the cage’s lifetime a portion of all damage accumulated is used to heal Maman Brigitte and her allies.
With her red pepper rum she and her allies gain 20% damage and the cage instead deals damage equal to a portion of all damage accumulated within the cafe.
Heal percentage: 30/35/40/45/50% of all damage accumulated Damage percentage: 30/40/50/60/70% of all damage accumulated Cooldown: 100 seconds
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raijinswaifu · 3 years
Me after ranking the girls over their braindead bro gods on reddit:
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raijinswaifu · 3 years
Finally Cliodhna is what I want when it comes to a goddess finally being unhinged. Do I believe she has some grand motive? no. But damn is she about to rip some bitches apart.
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raijinswaifu · 3 years
Hear me out:
Pokemon Unite most likely has Sylveon releasing in October and SMITE has Clidohna in the same month.
Banshees are referred to as fairy like creatures and Sylveon is a fairy type. Sylveon is also confirmed to have Hyper Voice a screaming style move and Cliodhna will have some kind of scream mechanic.
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raijinswaifu · 3 years
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Izanami gets to join Aphrodite as my only goddesses with penta kills! I got to make up for yesterday where I got a quadra with Izanami but Thanatos killed me cause my Aphro didn’t wanna heal me...
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raijinswaifu · 3 years
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After so many years I have finally achieved my first ever penta kill! With Aphrodite in Joust of all things! So proud of this moment.
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raijinswaifu · 3 years
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I’d liked to present my tier list of how I think the new gods would perform in the old hercules/loki pve gamemodes. I believe I have gotten all of the post loki adventure gods which would have been late 2017.
Tier Explanations:
Not Included placements due to the tier maker- A Tier for Morgan and Gilgamesh. Both have high damage and aoe but not that little advantage that the S tier has.
Charybdis, S tier. Obow procs with her one and autos plus messing with the immunity frames means she has the aoe and the advantage needed to be S tier.
Might be banned?: This tier is for the gods with map height interactions primarily in their ults. Due to the complicated nature of them and how they might interact with the map, I believe these gods might be banned from the gamemode because of it.
S Tier: These gods all bring something that can deal massive damage to a large group of enemies at a time like often seen in the minions in these gamemodes. For Hera it’s Argus, for many of the others it’s the large number of abilities. Olorun is S tier due to his ultimate, if it doesn’t work on minions which I can only theorise about it’d be B tier.
A Tier: These gods can also deal a lot to minion spawns like S tier but usually have something against them. Baba’s house may often be a hazard as much as the map, Set’s ult only heals from gods. Chernobog can’t teleport to enemy gods cause there are none (tho thinking about it he might be bannable too...). Pele however does have the makings of an S Tier but I feel as if in this gamemode she’ll need soul eater more than ever and she won’t have that as a guarantee.
B Tier: B tier and below usually have multiple things going against them or just their ultimate. While Arthur can’t use the upgraded ult he still has the other version and like 6 other abilities. These gods would be A or even S tier but due to how they need enemy gods for some of their abilities which they just don’t have access too.
C Tier:  B and C tier are pretty well aligned but I feel as if they’d deal less damage across the board than the B tier. Heimdallr has it the worst since two of his abilities would have little to no use but I believe his autos would help with that even a little.
D Tier: Exclusive to Tsukuyomi, his ult relies on enemy gods which he doesn’t have. He also has less access to the burst needed to take down multiple minions at once like the higher tiers.
F Tier: The only ability of Baron that doesn’t suffer from the lack of enemy gods is his one. 2 can’t heal, 3 can’t root and his ult isn’t going to pull. Even if healers are amazing in these gamemodes, Baron just suffers too much. Yemoja’s placement here depends on one thing. How does her omi work with the potions in the gamemodes? Will they restore her omi or will she have to wait? If she’ll have to wait it’ll probably be better to have a Ra or Hel over her.
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raijinswaifu · 3 years
Too many of smite’s evil goddesses are manipulators or cunning or behind the scene pulling the string archetypes. Give me more unhinged goddesses willing to snap  a bitch’s back in half with her bare hands.
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raijinswaifu · 3 years
In mythology Circe is the one depicted to transform Scylla into her monstrous form. Circe is also attributed to be the daughter of Hecate. Depending on the depiction so is Scylla.
Those family dinners must be awkward.
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raijinswaifu · 3 years
sorry smite but pokemon unite is now my MOBA and I’m a wigglytuff main til the end.
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raijinswaifu · 3 years
Benzaiten, Goddess of Eloquence:
Lore: Everything in existence flows, even the most stubborn of mountains, headstrong of immortals. They may claim to never change to never flow with the tide but all shall follow the flow. To this flow, Benzaiten plays her biwa. Whether it be the flow of words, of knowledge, of fortune or maybe even the flow of love. Each time the flow changes, so does the tune of her biwa’s melody never once staying the same for long.
With the battlefield of the gods, Benzaiten plays her melody. She does not play for the aid or the destruction of the gods. Benzaiten merely plays her melody letting the flow of life continue as it always has done. 
Pantheon: Japanese Class: Guardian Preferred Roles: Support
Passive- The Biwa’s Flowing Melody: Every time Benzaiten casts an ability she plays a tune on her Biwa granting a temporary buff to her and nearby allied gods. The respective buff changes and flows depending on the ability casted. Additionally Benzaiten does not benefit from the effects of cooldown reduction. Whenever she builds cooldown reduction it is transferred into additional protections instead. Benzaiten still benefits from any item passive effect that would reduce her cooldowns.
Buff Duration: 5 seconds Cooldown Transfer Rate: 2 protections per 1% cooldown reduction.
Ability 1- Of Music, Of Knowledge, Of Love: Benzaiten strums a single tune on her biwa that causes a sonic wave to flow out of her biwa in front of her damaging all enemies in the line area. This ability rotates through three tunes each granting various buffs from Benzaiten’s passive. This ability holds up 3 charges.
Damage: 40/60/80/100/120 (+20% Magical Power) per Tune Of Music Buff: 10% Movement Speed Of Knowledge Buff: 5/7.5/10/12.5/15 Penetration Of Love Buff: 5/10/15/20/25% Additional Healing Cooldown: 6/5.5/5/4.5/4 seconds
Ability 2- Water’s Caress: As Benzaiten plays her tune, water surrounds her feet healing her and nearby allied gods a small amount. This ability is channelled granting Benzaiten knock up and knock back up immunity as well as bonus movement speed. Benzaiten is not affected by side strafing or back pedalling while she channels this ability. If this ability is cancelled early or interrupted the waters become agitated and burst into small geysers damaging and knocking up enemies in the area.
Heal: 30/45/60/75/90 (+20% Magical Power) per every second for 3 seconds Geyser Damage: 80/120/160/200/240 (+65% Magical Power) Bonus Movement Speed: 20% Water’s Caress Buff: 5/10/15/20/25 Protections Cooldown: 8 seconds
Ability 3- Three Strings of Fortune: Benzaiten plays her biwa causing a golden sonic wave to come from her and then return before leaving her for one last strike. Each strike deals damage and enemy gods hit by all three waves are stunned for a duration. 
Damage: 30/50/70/90/110 (+25% Magical Power) per hit Stun: 1.5 seconds Three Strings of Fortune Buff: 5/7.5/10/12.5/15% Power Cooldown: 10 seconds
Ultimate- The Ancient Dance: Benzaiten starts an ancient dance that lures in all nearby gods to join her in the dance. Benzaiten becomes crowd control immune and  all enemy gods within the radius begin to dance. Dancing enemy gods harmlessly walk towards Benzaiten. During the channel of this ability, Benzaiten is unable to cast any of her other abilities but due to the ancient dance all of the buffs from her passive are paused until the end of the channel.
Benzaiten gains gold from enemy god deaths while they dance as if she landed the killing blow.
Duration: 3/3.5/4/4.5/5 seconds The Ancient Dance Buff: 5/10/15/20/25% Damage Mitigation Cooldown: 70 seconds
Achievements: Perfect Melody: Have all buffs from The Biwa’s Flowing Melody active at once.
Danse Macabre: Have 3 enemy gods die while dancing from The Ancient Dance
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raijinswaifu · 3 years
There should be a cooldown version of silverbranch bow
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raijinswaifu · 3 years
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this chinese god sounds like the type of man that @raijinhasverybigpecs​ would like especially if he was himobfied.
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raijinswaifu · 3 years
smite youtubers hate aphro and have no personality
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raijinswaifu · 3 years
SMITE goddesses should be more unhinged, a bit more feral if you will.
I don’t want to look at her design and think she’s sexy I wanna look at her and want to run away like she’s gonna hunt me down.
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raijinswaifu · 3 years
Diana, The Wild Goddess
Lore: Few understand the plight of mortals. Fewer still know the shackles that are forced upon them by the divine. There is one goddess who watches over these shackled mortals, guiding their path to break their bindings. To begin with she was a simple goddess who watched over a grove, however as more mortals began to escape their imprisonment more and more began to revere her and thus grant their goddess power.
Eventually she was compared to the Greek Artemis. A powerful hunter who could tame the wilds and civilisation alike. Diana never forgot where she once came from, vowing to never abandon the mortals that put her where she arose to.
Yet with the war of the gods, mortals and becoming chained by the will of the gods once more. As the breaker of chains, Diana will not idly sit by. She cares not for power, to conquer or to rule. Snapping her crescent crown, Diana will descend from her heavenly throne to where she once began. As one who freed the enslaved and it is that role, that very duty she will return to.
Pantheon: Roman Class: Assassin Preferred Roles: Jungle
Passive- Unfettered Steps: Diana’s movement is unable to be freely restricted or bound by her enemies. Diana is immune to all movement speed slows. Additionally when hit by an ability that would root or cripple Diana, she becomes immune to these effects for 3 seconds. After the 3 seconds have ended she cannot benefit from this effect for 20 seconds.
Ability 1- Broken Shackles: Diana’s basic attacks are ranged shackles that pass through all enemies that she hits dealing 70% of her basic attack damage. Upon activating this ability Diana launches her shackles forward damage and crippling the first enemy god hit. 
While the enemy god is crippled, a shackle is visible between Diana and the enemy god. The shackle goes through walls and if the enemy god gets further than 70 units from Diana the shackles immediately break. Diana may reactivate this ability while the chain is visible and pull herself to the enemy god dealing additional damage upon landing and stunning the enemy god for a short duration.
Initial damage: 80/120/160/200/240 (+55% Physical Power) Additional Damage: 20/40/60/80/100 (+25% Physical Power) Cripple Duration: 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 seconds Stun Duration: 0.8 seconds Cooldown: 16 seconds
Ability 2- Madness of The Grove: Diana surrounds herself with the mysterious moonlight of her sacred grove becoming stealthed for a duration. This stealth ends early if Diana takes damage, uses an ability or a basic attack. When the stealth ends the moonlight surrounding Diana bursts dealing damage and inflicting madness to all enemies around her. If only one enemy god is hit by this ability they instead become feared.
Damage: 70/110/150/190/210 (+65% Physical Power) Madness: 10/20/30/40/50 (+10% Physical Power) per hit for 1 second duration Fear: 1 second Stealth Duration: 1.5/2/2.5/3/3.5 seconds Cooldown: 18 seconds
Ability 3- Dance of The Wilds: Diana performs a short dash which damages all enemies in her path. Diana can store up to three charges of this ability. This ability deals 100% bonus damage to all jungle monsters and bosses.
Dash Damage: 50/75/100/125/150 (+25% Physical Power) per dash Cooldown: 13 seconds
Ultimate- Chain Breaker: Diana grants cleanses herself and allied god within the radius of all crowd control. Additionally for a short duration, Diana becomes immune to all crowd control. While Diana is immune in this manner all crowd control except that would be inflicted on her is instead inflicted on the enemy god who attempted to crowd control her. Damage portions of the crowd control is not reflected. This ability can be activated while Diana is under the effects of crowd control except knock ups and banishes.
Duration: 1.5/2/2.5/3/3.5 seconds Cooldown: 100 seconds
Achievements: Revenge of the Chains: Kill an Enemy God with the secondary hit of Broken Shackles.
Dance with the Beasts: Steal a jungle boss with the damage from Dance of The Wilds.
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raijinswaifu · 3 years
SMITE wants to nerf healing and sustain but the last god release without healing or sustain of any kind in their kit was Heimdallr. Interesting that hmm?
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