queenofwandstarot · 1 year
Tarot Reading Prince Harry
Question: What is happening with Harry and Meghan? Will They attend the Coronation? Will they stay married? Answer: Their marriage is a wrap. Harry will likely attend the coronation alone.
February 23 Reading The Hierophant Magician (R) 6 Cups (R) 2 Pentacles (R) 2 Wands 8 Cups (R) 5 Cups (R) Ace Swords Judgement (R)
THE HIEROPHANT Taurus (April 20 – May 20)  (QEII) The card of traditional values and Institutions (BRF).   It is associated with preserving establishments and rules/codes of conduct that promotes security and traditions.  They are very set in their ways.
The Hierophant can indicate that Harry will take part in some sort of traditional ceremony or that he wants to create some new traditions or rituals of his own. Now is not the time to rock the boat - it is the time to conform to convention or tradition. 
THE MAGICIAN 1 (R) Virgo (August 21 - September 20)   (Harry) The bubble has burst on Harry and Meghan's relationship. Harry has discovered that Meghan is definitely not the one. There is no magic in the relationship and its going nowhere.  Harry is not interested in pursuing the marriage any further. 
Harry has always over-idealized women, and is deluded in his search for the right one -  nobody will ever make the grade.   Harry is a know-it-all who has an opinion on anything and everything. With his narcissist personality, it is always a very much one-sided conversation - himself.   He has nothing of interest to say, making his company boring or tedious.  He can only talk about one subject and beat it to death. 
Harry misuses/abuses knowledge and power to control others. He assumes that his power comes from him and not through him.  He will use any means to get his own way.  He has no time for anyone who attempts to block his path or has different opinions to his. He becomes a dangerous and sometimes sinister figure who can become ungrounded and mentally/emotionally unstable. He is a controlling and often violent bully. He lacks willpower and self-discipline and will use cunning and underhanded ways to get what he wants. He can convincingly lie and cheat, and due to his lack of conscience and morals, will stop at nothing to get what he wants, as he believes the end justifies the means. He shows no remorse and offers no mercy to those he finds disposable. He will look you in the face as he carries out the most heinous of crimes. He is a compulsive liar, and a very convincing one at that.
Life is not going as planned.  Harry is under prepared for any set-backs in his plans, thinking everything will miraculously fall into place. He does not have the right tools or a workable plan to make things a success. He finds it hard to finish anything he starts, because he really doesn't know what he is doing. Due to his lack of knowledge and intelligence, strings have to be pulled to get to where/what he wants. It it obvious to everyone around him that he is out of his depth.  Promoting causes or his new product to try and break into the overseas market will not be well received - His sales pitch isn't working and he is all talk but no action, resulting in nobody taking him seriously.
6 CUPS (R) Scorpio (November 2 - November 12)  (Charles) Harry has a rose-tinted view of the past that he is stuck in. When the  bubble bursts, Harry will be hit with a dose of reality, as nostalgic desires fail to meet expectations. 
Harry feels that he has painted himself into a corner and will lose everything. He feels trapped and restricted in the marriage and wants nothing more than to escape and run away, especially after discovering a truth or a story that has been deliberately withheld from him. Harry also feels that if he does leave, he has nowhere else to go.
All his investments (children/property/assets) are tied up in the marriage, making it difficult to just leave, but He will walk away from everything, because he no longer wants what he thought he did.
Nothing has turned out the way he expected, and all the effort put into creating the perfect life now seems like a waste of time and effort. He regrets his marriage, wondering how he could have been so naive, as he begins to see Meghan in a new light. His marriage was not given the family blessing/approval, and the once close relationship he had with them has caused major trauma and disbelief.
The marriage is toxic - carefully contrived to give the appearance of contentment and happiness to the world, but its a very different story behind closed doors. 
2 PENTACLES (R) Capricorn (December 22 - December 30) Harry's marriage was for money, status and prestige - it was never for love. This was a business arrangement, which now sees financial over-stretching and partners being secretive about their money. Constant financial juggling and being overwhelmed with financial obligations is stressful and is causing arguments and resentment on both sides. Lack of financial balance, poor financial decisions and over extending themselves will see unmet deadlines, financial losses and no contingency plan to fall back on.  ​
2 WANDS Aries (March 21 – March 30) Harry knows that decisions need to be made about the marriage. He is at a crossroads, weighing the pros and cons of leaving. Harry thinks the grass is always greener on the other side, and he will suddenly leave the marriage, heading back  overseas. He is sick of feeling trapped and restricted in his relationship with Meghan. 
8 CUPS (R) Pisces (February 19 - February 28) Harry will return home and after some time, will be embraced and accepted by his family, once he faces up to his emotional dilemmas - his fear of abandonment, his emotional immaturity, lack of self-awareness and aimless drifting through life. 
Harry's biggest problem is that he doesn't know what love is, and everyone eventually leaves him. Because of this, he has drifted from one relationship to another, giving no thought to suitability or compatibility. His relationships are dramatic scenes and emotional outbursts followed by passionate reunions.  Harry carries emotional baggage from one relationship to another.
He often fails to take any personal responsibility, and his fear of abandonment causes trouble and paranoia. He will often take the cowards way out by sneaking off and leaving problems for someone else to sort out.
Separation and eventually divorce will be ruthless, with Harry pointing the blame to everyone except himself. He is unable to take any kind of personal responsibility.  Harry will most likely drown his sorrows or drink more than he already does during the separation/divorce process.
5 CUPS (R) Scorpio (October 23 - November 1) (Charles) Unfortunately Harry cannot or will not move on from a broken relationship or the death of a loved one.  There is a reluctance to heal while He nurtures his hurt and pain.  He wears his trauma and loss like a badge of honor and can think or talk of nothing else.   Trauma dominates his every waking thought.
With time, Harry will return to his old self/life. He has a network of friends/family who support him  and want to see him happy.  They know that because he was so caught up in anger and despair, that he would not accept their previous offered help.   Harry must remember though, that those who were dragged into his drama have moved on,  and will not want reminders of the past.  Harry will have to forgive himself for his words and actions to those around him.   He has to learn that carrying hatred and negativity will not allow him to move forward.  He has to let go of past grief, accept the outcome of his actions, forgive and move forward in order to heal. 
ACE SWORDS   Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)  Gemini (May 21 to June 21)  Libra (September 22 to October 23) Harry will finally get to the truth of relationship matters,  and he will breakthrough the fog that has been clouding his ability to see situations clearly. He can now look at relationships objectively, and be able to make the correct decision with regards to resolving any present issues, with inevitable and irrevocable changes being made. New ideas and plans will be victorious, especially after realizing the truth about certain matters that have been hidden from him.
JUDGEMENT 20 (R) Scorpio (October 21 – November 20) (Charles)  Harry is operating on negative vibrations. He can't be trusted and is unable to trust himself. He is a poor judge of character, who believes liars and distrusts those that are honest. He will continually repeat the same patterns in his life, regardless of his actions hurting himself or others.
Harry takes the focus off his own shortcomings by being overly critical of others and engaging in malicious gossip and false accusations. Harry's lack of self-awareness and self loathing makes him hide from the truth and shirk responsibility.  He constantly feels people are critical of him, trying to blame him for things he truly believes are not his fault.  Harry will continue to be haunted by living in the past - he just cant let it go. Unfortunately, there is no escape from past mistakes leaving little hope for a better future.   
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queenofwandstarot · 1 year
Tarot Reading Meghan Markle
Question: What is happening with her marriage to Harry? Will she attend the Coronation?
Answer: The marriage is over, and She won't be attending the Coronation. Karma is knocking on Meghan's door.
Reading February 20, 2023.
7 Pentacles (R) 5 Cups (R) 6 Swords 5 Swords (R) Wheel of Fortune (R) 6 Pentacles 10 Cups (R) Fool Hierophant + Ace Cups (R)
7 PENTACLES (R) Taurus (May 11 to May 20) Meghan is reaping what she has sown. Her consistent work is without results, and she is making bad business and financial decisions, resulting in cash flow problems and financial setbacks.
Her marriage is strained and She is considering if all the effort is worth it, while thinking about bailing because things have gotten so tough.   
Unfortunately, Meghan continually repeats the same mistakes in relationships, by not learning from past failures, and running from one relationship to another. She is afraid to be on her own and lacks the ability to commit to just one person. Meghan is always looking for quantity and not quality.
5 CUPS (R) Scorpio (October 23 to November 1) Meghan is full of hatred and negativity. Meghan has a reluctance to heal, as Her hurt and pain is carefully nurtured. Apportioning blame on others is paramount, while taking no personal  responsibility for her involvement. She wears her trauma like a badge of honor and thinks or talks of nothing else.   
The ship has sailed where family re-unions are concerned, and no amount of wishful thinking on Meghan's part will change this. Her exile from the family, or being shunned by friends due to her words and deeds, will see her continue to play the victim, not realizing that negativity attracts more negativity. Most of those who have been involved in her drama have moved on, and do not want the past dredged up again. Meghan is the Mother of Sorrows, and a deep depression is manifesting. 
Meghan has concerns regarding inheritances because there may be little left to inherit, or others who lay claim to it. After the death of a loved one, surprises or family scandals will come to light.
Its time for Meghan to forgive and let go - at this stage, nobody but her gives a damn anymore - she needs to stop wasting time and energy on things that aren't working for her.   
6 SWORDS Aquarius (January 30 to February 8) Meghan has put a lot of effort into making her marriage work all to no avail. She is feeling deflated, and will run away from responsibilities, possibly by leaving without notice, as she has done in past relationships.
Psychological issues need to be dealt with and can't be ignored. Meghan needs to stop carrying past hurt and negative attitudes into future relationships. 
5 SWORDS (R) Aquarius (January 20 to January 29) Meghan has decided that Harry is not the right one, and is leaving him. Paranoia and suspicion sees Meghan triggering rows and causing discord wherever she goes - this is caused by psychological conditions which need to be constantly monitored and medicated.
Her marriage is very abusive. One partner may be a dangerous bully who uses psychological or physical abuse to control and get their way.  It is an extremely dominant/submissive arrangement.  However, those close enough to the couple will have seen the obvious signs, and sensed the tension and control in the air. If either partner has been unfaithful, or underhanded in the marriage, they will be publicly exposed.
A ceasefire will be called to allow for communications and solutions to become a reality, but only where those involved in hostilities are prepared to listen to the views of others.  It has taken a lot of effort to bring things to this stage of negotiation, and it would be wise for Meghan to take this brief window of opportunity to sort the situation out as peacefully as possible before it goes beyond the point of no return.  She will have to make some personal sacrifices in order to retain her integrity, and allow her to put this sorry mess behind her and move on.  
Complete reconciliation will be very difficult and nobody will win, even if one party does seem to get more than their fair share, or feel they have emerged as the Victor. 
In the workplace, Senior Management are aware of the conflict and hostility. Warnings have already occurred, and there will be future multiple cold and callous job losses with little notice.  
If resolution and peace talks have not taken place or have failed, then all out war will be declared with Meghan being too entrenched in the situation to escape. Hostilities will be fought to the bitter end, and Meghan will pay a very high price, because pride would not let her walk away, and she did not listen to the advice of others who told her to get out when she could.
There is no escaping the damage that has been done. The fallout comes home to roost and Meghan may be shocked into realizing that she is directly responsible for the disaster and misery that surrounds her due to the consequences of her actions.  
WHEEL OF FORTUNE 10 (R) Sagittarius  (November 21-December 20) Meghan faces negative and unwelcome change. It will be a challenging time, and may be difficult for her to adjust to.  She thought things were going well, but they have suddenly and unexpectedly fallen apart. Meghan has no control - what goes up, must come down, and Karma is knocking on her door. 
Things are not going as planned because of the decisions and choices Meghan has made. She is trapped in her own shortcomings, and will use resentment and guilt to justify her situation.                       
6 PENTACLES Taurus (May 1 to May 10) Finances are tight, and both Meghan and Harry are relying on help from a generous friend, benefactor, investor or employer to make ends meet. 
Meghan thought she married into money, but instead of changing her life for the better, it has made her feel miserable and inferior. She also finds it difficult to fit into her new social circle.
10 CUPS (R) Pisces (March 11 to March 20) The honeymoon is over, and Meghan's dream has turned into a nightmare. Meghan and Harry appeared to have it all, but its not the life she wanted. The marriage is falling apart at the seams and Her unrealistic expectations of Harry is the stuff made of fairytales.
Meghan is always chasing dreams and, even after she receives everything she ever wished for, nothing will ever be enough. She will be offered something of great worth, but will turn it down in the hope of something bigger and better. She needs to be careful, as refusing this offer will see her get nothing. 
Meghan and Harry have secrets they want nobody to discover. They pretend nothing is wrong to keep up appearances, but are barely holding it together.  Hostilities are fueled by resentment, anger and jealousy.  It is a broken home with a dysfunctional family situation.
Family Events or re-unions may be cancelled or postponed.  Old family arguments and bickering may surface causing disturbances and uneasy feelings. Meghan has been turned out of the family due to scandals and arguments. There may also be the loss of a family home which is sold or repossessed. Meghan feels alienated and alone. Her children may have never met their relatives or grandparents.
THE FOOL 0 Aquarius (January 21-February 20) Meghan is childish. She has difficulty in committing and not knowing what She has until its too late.  She will lose interest in things after the initial excitement has worn off, because she is impulsive, and at times irresponsible. 
Meghan can betray her partner and start a whole new life with someone else as soon as their back is turned. Meghan does not have Her own personality, doesn't know what she wants, and is influenced by those around her.  She knows how to say all the right things, but rarely does the right thing. She often believes She deserves more or better than what She has, and will run from one relationship to another, rarely being single.  Meghan has an over-active imagination and day dreams of flights of fancy. Meghan often runs a fine line between spontaneous and clueless.
THE HIEROPHANT  5 Taurus (April 20 – May 20)     The card of traditional values and Institutions (BRF).   It is associated with preserving establishments and rules/codes of conduct that promotes security and tradition.   The Hierophant can signify that now is a time for Meghan to conform to convention or tradition. It’s not a time to rock the boat. 
ACE CUPS (R)  /  Clarifying card. The card of emotional loss, heartache, divorce, fertility and conception issues. Although ties bind both Meghan and Harry together, Meghan feels totally disillusioned that a once promising relationship has failed, and she was wrong about Harry being "the one". News, gossip and rumors will cause more problems in an already volatile relationship. There will be bad or upsetting news, cancelled social events and celebrations. Meghan's constant emotional over-reacting to incidents sees people around her behaving in a negative way.
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