queenjorie-blog · 7 years
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God says, “My child, you are..”
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queenjorie-blog · 7 years
Don’t love the ones who left, don’t lay awake thinking of the one who wounded you. Rise up, move on, you are more than the nightmares of yesterday. One day, when you have dried your tears and learned to have a heart that no longer aches, you will find another who will choose to stay. They will love you in all the places you so longed to be loved in, you will be seen and known. One day, when you have fought to stand on your own, you will find someone next to you who will whisper “Will you walk with me?” And you’ll take their hand and find a place more beautiful than you ever could have known.
T.B. LaBerge // You’ll Grow Again (via tblaberge)
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queenjorie-blog · 7 years
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Yes, you can!
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queenjorie-blog · 7 years
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Praying that whoever reads this that God will deliver them from any bondage they’re facing.
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queenjorie-blog · 7 years
Yeah, our past  is not a big deal to Jesus, our savior.
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Although your past does not define your “today”, there is beauty in your history. So silence the lies of shame, guilt, and condemnation. Say, I choose to let go of all brokenness and I choose to embrace the glorious future with my savior. Amen :)
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queenjorie-blog · 7 years
Top 5 Obstacles in Reaching your Dreams
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I was asked by speaker in a youth event, “What is your goal in life?”
Actually my long term goal is that I really want to go in Australia, particularly in Brisbane,
I want to study there, look for scholarship, work and be a missionary.
In our journey to reach our dreams, there are top 5 obstacles that can block our way.
Top #5 Excuses
Stephen Holley Jr, says, a man who wants something will find a way and a man who don’t will find an excuse. In every situation we encounter, we need to act in a positive way especially if we want to achieve something.)
Remind ourselves that WE CAN as if nothing can hold us back in reaching our goals. Our job is to eliminate those excuses.
Top #4 Pressure
If we don’t want to have burden in life, physically and mentally, don’t pressure ourselves too much. If it’s inevitable, again I say pray sure and don’t think any pressures.
Top #3 Fear
This is the best friend of shyness. I remember the time when I was in high school, graduating, and planning to take up mass communication, someone said about me, “Marj is too shy for her to take up a mass comm!”
You know what? I didn’t listen to them, I’ve overcome my fear and now I am already a graduate of mass communication.
Top #2 Sin
This is one of the most dangerous things here on earth. Having this would lead you to guilt. It can block our way because it can result to unforgiving attitude, broken relationships and walls, causing us to become aloof in others. We can avoid this by taking care of our moral and social responsibility. If we have sinned, let’s give it to God, forgive ourselves and move forward.
Top #1 Our Past
Past is not good to visit. Yes, in a sense, we are product of our past, but let’s learn from it. We can’t reach our dreams if we’re still prisoners of our past failures.
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queenjorie-blog · 7 years
5 Ways to Reduce Stress
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According to Dr. Ethel R. Nelson, author of Eight Secrets of Health, stress is an unavoidable part of today’s world.
She also said that stress is the drive for recognition, the product why others accumulate more wealth and for the majority the struggle is simply survival.
Some people are now finding ways on how to reduce their stress. Let me share to you my habits when my stress strikes.
1.      Go to bed on time. First, take away all the things in your bedroom that are cluttered because it adds to your stress. Going to bed on time means respecting your own body and not abusing it. Reducing your stress by not being workaholic and if possible obey the 8 hour rule in sleeping.
2.      Get up on time so that you can start the in an unhurried pace.  To those people who are using alarm clock, make sure you’re not hitting the snooze button when your alarm goes off your time in sleeping. If it’s time to wake up, then wake up! Rise and shine, feel good by doing some aerobic and stretching exercises and smile.
3.      Say no to projects that won’t fit your schedule. If you can do it, then do it. If not, it’s not a problem. Learn to be courageous by saying no to tasks that you won’t handle.
4.      Delegate tasks to capable others. If someone you know who is well-equipped to a task entrusted to you, then ask that person to help you. Remember the old saying, “No man is an island”. Our load would become easier to handle when we have a partner. Our stress would be reduced when we delegate tasks to people whom we can trust.
5.      Pause and pray. This is what I am doing whenever there are stressors in my life. As I start my day means praying first before I do anything I entrust all of my plans for the day to God, believing that no matter what happens, He is always in control of everything. Try this! It is one of the best antidotes for stress.  
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queenjorie-blog · 7 years
#Divine GPS
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#Divine GPS
 Nehemiah 9:12
You led our ancestors by pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire at night so that they could find their way.
On November 14, 2016, it was night time, people around the world gathered outside their houses to witness special phenomenon called “super moon”. They were so amazed that the moon reflected its light that was never seen before.
Wow! It’s a sign that our God who created the earth and the universe is the same God who created the super moon. Praise HIM for HIS wonders!
Reading the Bible is my way of life and I’m enjoying it every time as if there are new discoveries the Lord is giving me. Here are some of my sightings about facts in the Bible that there’s already Divine GPS before:
ü  The Egyptians were guided by God through pillar of cloud. Exodus 13:17-22
ü  Non-ending bumpy road that gave them the assurance. Exodus 13:18
ü  Technologies now cannot out powered God’s amazing works. Exodus 13:21
ü  The cloud and fire became the evidence of God’s presence.
ü  God was physically present with His people. Numbers 14:14
ü  The pillars were also the assuring demonstration of God’s protection. Exodus 14:19-25
ü  God promised that He will fight for us.
ü  God provided clarity of direction and certainty of destination. Numbers 9:15
           Dear Lord, when we feel that it seems we are alone.
           We will gaze at the stars and the moon;
           The light of your creations
           Remind us of your devotion.
             When there are bumpy roads of life,
           And unending zigzags of sight;
           You’ve said, keep calm and take heart.
           “I will fight for you day and night”.
             Thank You for these promises.
           Reminds us of your Divine GPS;
           Whatever it takes,
           Being with you doesn’t have breaks.
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queenjorie-blog · 7 years
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Sometimes we are not physically sick but spiritually. We need to ask Jesus to heal our unbelief, help us with our doubts and to believe that anything is possible especially if we trust God.
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queenjorie-blog · 7 years
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photo courtesy: Google Images
In a woman’s life, girls are dreaming and longing for someone’s affirmation. If you enjoy having relationship with someone but there’s no emotional attachment, then you will fall in the NBSB club or also known as No Boyfriend since Birth squad goals.
Netizens came up with a new definition about NBSB. “No Boyfriend Sobrang Busy”, “No Suitor since Birth”, “No Boyfriend since Brokenhearted”, “No Boyfriend since last Break-up” or  “Never Broken Super Blessed”.
Three reasons why some women still choose to be NBSB:
·         It’s a matter of priority. Having boyfriend is not yet in their mindset. Probably that woman is a bread winner, she’s more focus in her work or maybe she’s still a student and there’s a need to finish her studies.
 ·         It’s a decision and personal conviction. Some women were happy despite of their singlehood. They are just enjoying every moment and wait for God’s will.
 ·         Still waiting for God’s perfect time. There are women who patiently wait. They are trusting in God’s timing and believes that God will work in amazing ways.
 To become NBSB, you are vulnerable in experiencing social pressures. Negative comments to work, family and even friends. Perhaps, some will ask themselves, “What do others owned that I do not have”? The coping mechanisms of being NBSB are reading, travel and eating.
 Being NBSB is a blessing. The fact that God makes everything beautiful in His time, you will have no worries of becoming single. Enjoy your present stage. Don’t be in a hurry. Be still and know that there is a reward in waiting. Always stay in the community whom you share the same belief. Be with people who will encourage you and inspire you. Pursue your dreams. Singlehood is the moment of knowing who you really are. Be ready to experience pain but don’t fall in the trap of wet paint syndrome, it means don’t take risk if you know it’s not right.
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queenjorie-blog · 7 years
Selfless Bucket List
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A passage in the Bible says, be kindly, affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another.
What’s the inside our bucket list? Is it more to others than ourselves?
Our new bucket list:
ü  Use or discover our gifts to inspire people.
ü  Let brotherly and sincerely love continue to flow.
ü  Don’t be complacent in serving God and people.
ü  Joyful, patient, and faithful, three words to clothed our attitude, not just for our own benefits, but for the benefit of mankind.
ü  Find time in helping God’s people and be hospitable.
ü  Practice right emotion to the right person. Observe self-control.
ü  The backbone in living with God and for everyone is having humility.
ü  Do what is right and resist evil. Respect the law of mankind.
ü  Add more friends, subtract enemy.
ü  Do not take revenge.
ü  To make your foe turns into a friend is to love him or her. Forgiveness is the key.
 How many times did we do well for the benefit of others? When was the last time we remember more of others than ourselves?
 Be a source of encouragement to someone. Do acts of random kindness even no one can see. Spread the love.      
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queenjorie-blog · 7 years
Remaining True
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courtesy of photo: Google Images
Text: Jeremiah 15:19
Read: You must influence them; do not let them influence you.
Application: Believer in Christ has a will and power to influence others, through deeds, speaking and belief. Today, let me give you some nuggets of wisdom through meditating this devotional. If you are reading a Bible, read it on 1 Corinthians 15:33. It warns you that you must always be careful who you hang out with.
Let me give you some insights about the person or thing influencing us:
  Who are your peer?
The old saying goes, “Tell me who your friends are and I tell you who you are.” Having Christian friends is giving you advantages because you will be richly blessed with them. They will lead you to Christ not in temptation and sinning.
  Media (TV, films, radio, books)
Today’s generation, media will be considered as one of the powerful outlets in sending or bringing information. It also tends to attract people or move and influence them to do something.
As for me, I’m investing on every good books that can give productive digesting. I will always remind myself that all I see in media is not good. You don’t have to absorbed everything, as
Pastor Ronald Molmisa says, one of my favorite authors said, “Garbage in, Garbage out!”
We can influence others by living a life of integrity. INTEGRITY, big word isn’t? Absolutely it’s non-negotiable thing we must live in our lives.
We can influence others by leading them to Christ. A simple gesture of friendly smile or warm hug that can lighten up someone’s day. We can influence others by listening to them as much as necessary. Be their source of encouragement, be a blessing and pray for them.
We can influence others in our own simple way. Sometimes we’re not aware that we are already influencing others. Watch your tongue, guard your heart and monitor every areas of your life!
Prayer: Dear Lord, help us to be a good influence to others. We pray that people may be blessed every time they hang out with us. Thank you for sending us true friends for they are instrument to have a life considered as meaningful and colorful. You’re the reason why we love to be remained truthful. Amen.
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queenjorie-blog · 7 years
Not far from us
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courtesy of photo: Google Images
Text: Jeremiah 10:12
Read: God made the earth by His power, and He preserves it by wisdom. With His own understanding he stretched out the heavens.
Application: Scientists were now discovering new inventions, according to them it is now possible that a human being can live in other planets like Mars, but we can’t deny the fact that scientists were also made by God who created the heavens and the earth. Some scientists would also believe that there’s God who sets everything in their proper places.
Isn’t it amazing that the Only One superior God wants us to be closer with Him? That’s why we’re always experiencing His protection, abundant blessings and unmerited favor. We can always say the Lord is not far from us. He chose to be with us, He never slumber nor sleep, and we are the apple of His eyes.
Ponder: Let’s be reminded of His love, whenever we are feeling down, just look up to God and thank Him for he is the same God today, yesterday and forever.
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