queen-of-gay-violence · 9 months
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queen-of-gay-violence · 9 months
Btw if I say things like “by god” or “good lord” in posts please be aware I don’t mean it in a catholic way I mean it in a 1950s scientist reacting in horror after they create an evil creature in the lab set in the distant future year of 2005
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queen-of-gay-violence · 9 months
i fucking love cats dude
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queen-of-gay-violence · 9 months
I Think Warlocks Are Cool (5e)
I've not played much DND overall, but I can solidly say that warlocks are the most fun class for me by far.
Mechanically, their high cantrip damage compared to other classes allows the user to much more comfortably skip on casting a levelled spell that turn, which warlocks will of course want to do due to their limited spell slots. The flexibility of eldritch blast applying many secondary effects too gives you a lot of positional control over the battlefield, creating an avenue for a very tactical playstyle. Warlocks also can access a high power level very frequently due to short rest spell slot recovery, though these spikes in power might be short lived if not managed cleverly.
This is not revelatory analysis, but I feel like I don't hear enough love for warlock's in terms of mechanics, because I think they're one of the deepest classes in the game to build. Flavour though? You already know they're on point. Warlocks are spellcasters who borrow magical power from otherworldly beings yada-yada, we all know the basics. The fact that there's just immediately an intrinsic link to a powerful character in the game worlds setting by virtue of the class's premise is SO good, on so many levels. The patron can provide direction for a player, whether explicitly or by inciting the warlocks rebellion against them.
The pact between a mortal and an extremely powerful being also forms an avenue for a cool character dynamic. Maybe the fiend pact warlock made a deal with the devil for the power to escape the headsman's axe, maybe the fathomless warlock formed their pact to save themselves after their ship went astray in a storm, and hell, maybe the genie just employs their warlock to create a little trouble in the material realm! Whatever the reasons, these character dynamics are rife with potential for cool, fun stories.
I'll stop myself from going on and on, but I just felt the urge to scream about warlocks for a bit. They're such a cool class.
Reblog to cast eldritch blast and deal 2d10+8 force damage at level 5 :)
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no this is flora, just trying to scare you :)
hi peri, its me how the fuck does friction work again
*squints at username trying to tell if it's someone I know*
Are... are you one of my students? XD
Anyway, (force from friction) = (friction coefficient) * (normal force) acting in the direction opposite to motion, hope this helps~
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I am going to bed now
If you're reading this, imagine a small fuzzy moth lands directly on your hand and its cool and cute but still extremely uncomfortable and you have to resist the urge to smack it away. If you're reading this part of the post, congratulations, you made it! Good night :)
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In other news, I like cats. Send me cats, thanks.
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I often think to myself that people don't stand up for themselves enough. Like yes, I understand that making a scene can often escalate problems, but suffering through the tension and extended pressure of someone continually treating you like shit, and doing nothing about it is just so obviously worse to me. This is not a judgement of anyone in particular, just an observation that perhaps people could do with letting their feelings out more, even if that release of emotions can be damaging in the short term.
Scream at that asshole doctor who's refusing to get their shit together in time to get your prescription sorted on time! Yell at a co-worker who constantly belittles you and let them know you're sick of their shit!
I'm fed up of everyone treating each other like shit, but somehow being seen as polite, and calling it out is considered the problem. I just want people to be more honest.
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reblog to bonk the person you reblogged it from with a hollow cardboard tube
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"i would like to state as a brief aside that for your character creation, it would help to think about what sorts of things could incite them to commit acts of world shaking terrorism, as this campaign will inevitably end with an act of god. please radicalise your PC's appropriately."
being DM is fun :)
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Hello there I'm new here and screaming into the void and have no idea what in the fresh hell this site is other than gay and funny. Whoever's reading this, I hope you have a good day!
(Also how do tags work I don't know the culture)
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