quadlingwitch · 10 years
"And you haven't achieved such a replica after such a long time?" Galinda inquired, surprised. "Was it very complex or something similar, perhaps? And certainly, let's go ahead and order," the woman responded, srtaightening herself up and smiling at a waitress.
[Blind Date] Hats and Bubbles || Jefferson & Galinda
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quadlingwitch · 10 years
"That's even more unusual," Galinda observed when Jefferson stopped explaining his money situation. "Well, I've never actually heard a human being say that they don't want more money. Many are satisfied with what they have, but they'd probably never turn down the idea to earn more than they need."
"I'm glad you agree with me, though," she continued, changing the subject with a smile. "On the past, I mean, and it's importance. I'm curious, though. How did you end up making so many hats? Something related to your childhood, perhaps?"
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[Blind Date] Hats and Bubbles || Jefferson & Galinda
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quadlingwitch · 10 years
"It's not that bad," Galinda replied with a shrug. "In fact, I think I'd have to pick that second option. I love the past more than I do my job. I don't know why, but it's always been one of my passions," she explained. "I've always felt like our history is simply filled with many different stories to learn from, as opposed to being a list of dates."
As she took a quiet sip from her drink, the woman nodded as Jefferson spoke. "You've actually been rather entertaining so far," she replied, shaking her head. "And making hats, hm? Don't you sell them? Why don't you consider that a job?"
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[Blind Date] Hats and Bubbles || Jefferson & Galinda
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quadlingwitch · 10 years
"I suppose it's because it's sort of hard to believe," Galinda replied after thinking about it for a while. "To become a teacher you have to study a lot, and even then, most people who work the field feel as if their rewards aren't as big as the work they're doing. We all do," she began to explain.
"Then we get to thinking. If we got here with so much work, how'd people who didn't study end up? But truth is, they end up just as well; college is just one of many roads you can take."
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College Bound || Ariel & Galinda
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"You know you are the only teacher i’ve ever heard tell a student its alright not to go to college." Ariel explained still in utter shock that a teacher who probably went through years and years of school tell someone it was alright not to have to keep going and stop after graduation.  "Its kind of amazing."
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quadlingwitch · 10 years
Galinda shook her head. "Of course not," she replied. "Or are people that didn't go to college worth less than others?" Crossing her arms, the woman grinned at Ariel. "Besides, did you know most people that go to college end up working in things completely unrelated to it?
"Truth is, a lot of people enter it only because of their parents, and end up doing what they actually want to do, whether it has to do with their education or not! I know it's extremely clichéd, but you should just follow your heart!"
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College Bound || Ariel & Galinda
Ariel listened to the blonde speak, she did have many valid points but Ariel didn’t exactly know how to tell her family that maybe she shouldn’t go to college.  All her sisters were in or had been through it.  She knew there father would expect just the same or more so from his little Ariel.  She shuddered at the thought of getting his disapproving look.
"You really don’t think i need to go to college to make something of myself?" Ariel asked the teacher curiously, if a teacher thought so maybe she could just keep living her life in town and run her little antique shop.  It wouldn’t be that bad of a life, or maybe she could pursue a music career. Neither of those options required a diploma.
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quadlingwitch · 10 years
"Of course I don't," the woman replied with a shrug, before smiling. "But I don't need to know them, in any case. Nobody truly needs to go to college if they don't want to be there. Family may not accept it, but then again, family will not always be accepting."
Galinda straightened her coat with her hands during a pause, before nodding back at her. "I don't think it's worth it to be so stressed out just because of such pressure, now is it?" Clearly, the blonde didn't care much about stepping over any limits, but that was because she felt like she had to help.
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College Bound || Ariel & Galinda
Ariel looked up at a familiar teacher.  Her face still semi buried in her hands, and her mind was racing about every college that she could possibly go too.  ”You don’t know my father…” Ariel sighed, “Or my sisters…. I really do need to go to college, i just don’t think i am cut out for it.” Ariel sighed running her hands down her face before she moved to pick up the college pamphlets and letters.
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quadlingwitch · 10 years
A woman had been passing by, and couldn't help but overhear a young girl frustrated over college acceptance. How many times had she seen that? Way too many, if you asked her!
The tall history teacehr approached the young girl, and smiled politely at her. "You know? People say you have to go to college nowadays, but it's not something you should do if you're not inspired to do so," Galinda said, hoping it'd serve as support of some sort.
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College Bound || Ariel & Galinda
Ariel flipped through college brochure after college brochure with a loud sigh.  She had made two separate piles, colleges she had no hope of getting into and colleges she wished she had a hope of getting into.  ”I’m not smart enough for any of these places.” Ariel muttered her face sinking into her hand.  ”Maybe i shouldn’t go to college, I could just keep running my store….” Ariel continued to grumble as she got to the college request letters, of course due to her family status she’d get these letters. Ariel looked at them all in one moment of anger and pushed them all off the table.  
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quadlingwitch · 10 years
The woman nodded at the waitress as she left, and grinned back at the unexpectedly charming man. "I'm a teacher at the local college," she replied with a shrug. "History," she then added. Galinda was quite proud of her job, and it showed. "How about you? What do you do, Jefferson?"
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[Blind Date] Hats and Bubbles || Jefferson & Galinda
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quadlingwitch · 10 years
"You have a very unusual name, Jefferson!" the woman commented, while looking through the drink menu. She smiled back at him, though, to make it clear that she didn't believe him knowing her name was all that weird. "It's fine, I assumed that was it. I was just making sure we hadn't met before, or anything like that," Galinda explained. "Margarita sounds good, thank you!"
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[Blind Date] Hats and Bubbles || Jefferson & Galinda
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quadlingwitch · 10 years
Galinda was genuinely surprised at the sudden approach she got from the man. Of course, what was most unexpected was that he already knew her name, for some reason, and that she was his date. It was pleasing, though, that he behaved like such a gentleman! The blonde couldn't help but smile and fluster slightly, before looking the man in the eyes and politely smiling.
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you too, mister," she began to say, but then recalled she didn't know the man's name. She remained that way hoping he'd say it. "You look very handsome tonight, too. And you're just in time!"
The woman took a seat and waited for him to do so, before smiling. "I don't think I've seen you before. How did you know my name?" she inquired, since curiosity filled her a tad too much.
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[Blind Date] Hats and Bubbles || Jefferson & Galinda
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quadlingwitch · 10 years
"I suppose they really liked that girl then," Galidna responded, wondering why everyone in town would find out about it in the first place. Was she a famous kid of some sorts, or did he do it in the middle or town square or something? "Who said you were? Even if someone did, I bet they're only judging on that single event. Therefore, they're not being very objective and should be disregarded."
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On My Own II Pitch & Galinda
Pitch looked down and then away. Gritting his teeth he turned to Galinda. “I was inappropriately rude to a young girl, apparently. It seems that it has turned the town against me.” He didn’t mind the cold, it felt natural. “Who said I’m not evil.” He said bluntly.
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quadlingwitch · 10 years
[Blind Date] Hats and Bubbles || Jefferson & Galinda
After what felt like years, Galinda decided to go out and about and do something different. In fact, she had signed up to some sort of blind dating service earlier in the month without thinking twice about it, and was now waiting for whomever may be on their way to their meeting place: A pretty restaurant she had never even visited before.
The tall blonde was wearing a red cocktail dress with motifs in gold and white, with matching heels. She had only picked out a pair of black bracelets and earrings in the same color. Her hair had been carefully taken care of, and it sat on her shoulders with very subtle curls. If there was something this woman was proud of, it was her way of really making herself stand out physically, and she hadn't had the chance of doing such a thing in a very long time. It was pretty exciting, to say the least!
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quadlingwitch · 10 years
Galinda just nodded repeatedly as Dory spoke. She seemed to enjoy talking a lot, and Galinda particularly didn't mind. She used to be very chatty too, though she learned that listening was very important as she grew up.
"Well, I'm flattered that you think suh a thing!" she exclaimed, smiling politely. "I'm actually a teacher already, though, so you're not too far off!"
When the talkative stranger talked about the chocolates as if they were something new, Galinda got slightly confused, until she cleaered out her memory loss issue. "Oh! I see. There's no need to worry. I'm Galinda, Dory, it's very nice to meet you too!"
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"That’s true! Wish I was that philosophical. I’ve got an idea! You should be a teacher.  Yep, you heard that right! Kids could learn a thing or two from someone as smart as you. Don’t you just feel special?" Her words could have been taken sarcastically, but she didn’t quite mean it in that manner. She was actually complimenting the lovely blonde. The comment was genuine, and so were her thoughts. It was nice to see someone who was just as optimistic.
"Oh, hey! I got a box of chocolates!” she spazzed, grinning from ear to ear.  Where did such deliciousness come from? She looked at her other hand and noticed the receipt. She squinted her eyes, read the thin paper, and mentally face-palmed herself. She had forgotten, again.
"Sorry," she apologized quickly, "I suffer from short-term memory loss. It creeps up on me every now and then. Name’s Dory. It’s nice to meet you, uh … uhm … did you already give me your name? I don’t remember."
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quadlingwitch · 10 years
"Well, don't you think the dark chocolates make the sweeter ones look nicer in the box?" a blonde woman inquired, looking down at the rambling female. Galinda didn't know her, but her talk about the classic chocolate metaphor was at the very east engaging.
"By taking a look at them, or tasting them once in a while, you get to see how delicious the other ones are, right?"
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"I don’t always eat a box of chocolates," she said, sitting at a bench, a la Forrest Gump. "But when I do I usually know what I’m going to get. Like this here Ferrero Rocher because, let’s face it, who ever picks the dark ones? Nobody ever likes the dark ones. Now, I know somebody once said ‘life is like a box of chocolates’. I don’t remember who, but I’m still hoping the choices don’t involve dark chocolate.”
She realized she was being rude and offered the stranger a little something from her box of, well, chocolates. “Want one?”
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quadlingwitch · 10 years
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quadlingwitch · 10 years
Galinda grinned once more and waved at the man, nodding. She headed for the door and turned around. "Thanks! I'll see you soon then!" she replied, nodding yet again before making her way out.
Book Shopping || Galinda & Francis
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quadlingwitch · 10 years
"Why lately?" she asked, tilting her head in curiosity. Pitch's mention of how cold it was made her cross her arms and rub them with each other's hand, but she remained in place otherwise. "Doesn't the cold bother you, too? Being out in it makes you look even more mysterious and potentially evil," the woman suggested, chuckling.
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On My Own II Pitch & Galinda
Pitch looked away feeling slightly annoyed. She was sort of right. “People still tend to notice me. And glare. Especially lately.” He dropped the cigarette and smudged it with his foot. “Out here it’s cold and people don’t tend to linger.” Except for her, a voice in his mind said.
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