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“I’m not sure what you mean by that but you will tell me how it is that you know my name and why it is that you are here.” 
So far, he had received no answers from this miniature sized beast. His desk was in disarray and due to the mess, his office was now in need of organization. A contemptuous expression overtook his features for the time being. In so little time and without much concern from this creature, Hitsugaya’s entire routine had been jilted. And though he held the one responsible secured within his grasp, there was a mild strain of frustration seeping in.
“This is my office and I am the taichou here, do you understand. I demand answers or you will be disposed of.” 
𝔴𝔥𝔢𝔫 𝔤𝔬𝔡𝔰 𝔪𝔢𝔢𝔱 !
@prodigycaptainhitsugaya [x]
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All the entity could do while captured and unable to wriggle his way out of such a tight hold, was try his best to keep calm and cooperate. Truthfully, the Hōgyoku hadn’t anticipated being caught so easily. It seemed that the boy was a true prodigy after all; the rumors about his potential and current prowess weren’t over-exaggerated, it seemed. 
“It seems that you weren’t a waste of time after all, Hitsugaya Tōshirō.”
A soft sigh left narrow nostrils, crimson eyes shifting so narrowed dragon-like pupils could explore the office from his current position. If he was going to be stuck, he was going to try to make the most of it. A long tail twitched idly, then eventually moved to wrap about one of the young captain’s wrists just as leisurely.
“You still won’t let go of me, hm? That may be wise.”
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          It spoke, he glared down at what was evidently some type of animal, yet there within those eyes lie something else entirely. And what was there to make of it’s usage of the human language. There was no indication this was a creature materialized of a hollow basis but if not hollow then what.
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“I will do no such thing.” 
          In keeping the ferret-like miscreant squirming between both hands he wondered exactly how well it could carry a conversation, perhaps interrogation was possible.
“Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”
In hindsight this entire ordeal was feeling absurd. 
Ferret-dragon, running through neat stacks of paperwork, swift little demon.
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          Sharply, teal eyes dart after the culprit. He isn’t certain what it is but this will not stand. As soon as the target is locked onto he’s on his feet, attempting to capture the creature. Any further havoc will be prevented. 
“Whatever it is you are, know this, you will be stopped.”
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Ferret-dragon, running through neat stacks of paperwork, swift little demon.
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          Sharply, teal eyes dart after the culprit. He isn’t certain what it is but this will not stand. As soon as the target is locked onto he’s on his feet, attempting to capture the creature. Any further havoc will be prevented. 
“Whatever it is you are, know this, you will be stopped.”
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@ukitxke continued from [x]
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          The sensed presence of another, one the young taichou had expected would soon be fleeting-- he had hoped would soon be fleeting. Despite that it lingered, notable as the jūsanbantai-taichou, Ukitake Jūshirō. A man never faltering in extending himself to others even when that extension of sympathy wasn’t wanted nor sought for. 
Only a partially acknowledging gaze is given, over the shoulder of the solitary figure, a young man coping on his own in the wake of trauma he has no explanations for. 
“Certainly, I don’t know what you mean to concern yourself over.” 
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By the way, for those of you who are unaware. this blog is run by Einar/Prak. Some of you may be familiar with my other muses within the Bleach fandom. Hitsugaya was my very first Bleach muse, hopefully most of you mutuals don’t mind writing with duplicates. I would like to revive this muse and get some more writing practice in for him again so please let me know if you would like a thread. I have a few mutuals still active and I would appreciate the interaction again, thanks. 
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Intense staring.
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*Returned ten-fold*
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Blog PSA
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It’s going to be a long process but my intention is to bring this blog back up to at least minimal activity. It may take months. This will mean an entire overhaul and update for the blog, icons as well as rules.
Strict guidelines will soon be in place. There is a lot within the roleplay community which I simply will not tolerate anymore. So please unfollow if this is unsettling news for you, it would be understandable. 
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"Captain~~" She whined as she looked at him from her spot on the couch. "Why must I be given so much paperwork? I thought you loved these things." The last bit was done in a teasing matter as blonde hair was hanging off the edge a smirk on her face as let her head hang off the couch.
Somehow he knew the peace and quiet couldn’t possibly last, as though on cue her voice rang through, splitting his concentration enough to prompt him to look up for a moment. 
“Matsumoto— keep in mind that just because I do my work without complaint in order to finish it, that doesn’t mean I should have to do your share as well. It’s not as though I don’t take it all on alone often enough as it is.”
It’s delivered in a very nonchalant and disregarding manner along with a few papers he holds up as though to gesture for her to come retrieve them.
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“Speaking of which— This is the rest of what you’re required to finish for today’s quota.”
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ryusxnka replied to your post
U'r the smarter twin , tho. I’ll fight you on this .
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For every ✔ in my askbox, I’ll randomly pick a blog I’m following and tell you what I like about them || Positivity meme! Forever Accepting :3
23 || prodigycaptainhitsugaya​
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              ❝Where do I even begin with you – a Hitsugaya!                  I must be secretly building an army with all those Hitsugaya                  blogs I’m following to overtake the entire vicinity of                  Iceland. Smol, angry, whitehaired Captain that needs                  to C H I L L.                  The way I actually stumbled across your blog was through                 a very random ‘You know what? I feel like following more                 RP blogs 'cause my dash is E M P T Y.’ And follow I did!                  Thing I really like about your blog, you ask? The thread                 I enjoy scrolling through the most would be their R E I G A I                 one! I don’t know, just feels nice to read. Their personification                 of Hitsugaya is also a treat, which is something amazing when                 it comes to roleplaying; not everyone’s got the same interpretation,                 so when it's nice to see how this person would differ from this                 other person, and their interpretation – boy does it W O R K. ❞ 
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“Be that as it may, These idiots are all I’m given to work with. Does your observation yield anything useful?. Aside from obvious unchanging facts” 
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◤火❇◥     ❝ Careful observation as an objective outsider. ❞
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“And you know this as a fact, how?”
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◤火❇◥      ❝ Amongst the Gotei 13?      Brace yourself for disappointment shinigami captain. ❞
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“Is there anyone here who is not a complete and utter moron? Honestly, it would be useful if there were at least one.”
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☺We’re On Each Other’s Team☺️
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A distempered, unrelenting gaze sharpened, he was left only to seek answers from the nearly matching, azure pair of eyes staring directly back into him. He would pierce directly through that reflection if it were at all possible. His forehead leaned to press with added force against the other, their breathing heavier with each passing second, a resentful ferocity always present and now building in such close contact. 
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  An extremity, swift in motion, was halted upon the other’s nape. With a push, one in which will not harm, forward, he’d conduct  his original’s scowling visage near his own. Prosecuting the un - charateristic gesture with foreheads leaisurely placed agaisnt one another.– Words were not emited for they were not needed.
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Rushes to forcefully tie it back on. 
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              Oh, there goes the sash that was tied around his waist.
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“ARE YOU absurd! Cease these actions at once!” 
-Folds his arms and emits a scoff-
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             Slowly, would he commence in removing his clothing.
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