primadouche · 9 years
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primadouche · 9 years
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primadouche · 9 years
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primadouche · 9 years
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primadouche · 10 years
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primadouche · 10 years
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primadouche · 10 years
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primadouche · 10 years
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primadouche · 10 years
why not just let people be instead of judging them
You see a girl walking down with her pants pulled up high, almost getting a camel toe. You ask her why she's doing her pants so high and warning her of her actions. Though she claims she likes the pants high and pulls it down when it gets too much. You then see a "nerd" walking around with a fox tail and colored contacts alone. He has his hair dyed and a book on wolves. He may regret that phase next year unless stopped now. Idk  maybe its me but i know that some of these kids jumping into phases need to realise its not a hobby
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primadouche · 10 years
you can google the source
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primadouche · 10 years
When I was ten I acted like a dog for six months because I thought I connected with my pet on another level. The next year I wanted to be a cat. I doubt any of you would keep this Plantkin spiritual stuff for more than five years. You people hear what it's like and check off two boxes of what you like. Then decide that's what you are. Like self diagnosing. Seeing a symptom of a cold doesn't mean you have the flu.
You are a human, you breathe air, some of you eat meat, some of you don’t. You aren’t a fucking plant. I don’t know which hipster idiot thought it would cool to take “Be one with nature.” to the next level but this shit has to stop. Also why is everyone hating on straight people now? “Just think…
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primadouche · 10 years
I'm referring to people who treat it as such. I've seen many ignorant people use it as dress up to be different or in the new fad. I understand the thought of your soul being drawn to a certain thing And believing in it very much. "Fictionkin" is where I draw the line. You can relate to a character but not be one. Roleplay, sure. Neither can you be an actress or a non existent thing. I mean seriously if you were a plant in another life do you expect no one to eat salads or name their child flower names? Is that so much disrespect?
You are a human, you breathe air, some of you eat meat, some of you don’t. You aren’t a fucking plant. I don’t know which hipster idiot thought it would cool to take “Be one with nature.” to the next level but this shit has to stop. Also why is everyone hating on straight people now? “Just think…
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primadouche · 10 years
I eat dogs and their very tasty
Are you mexican
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primadouche · 10 years
i'm sorry to tell you this but most of the stuff you just said in that post you tagged as otherkin is information that came from a troll blog, and most definitely not stuff otherkin genuinely believe. if you'd like to learn more about otherkin, there's plenty of reliable resources online that don't contain this kind of misinformation! thanks for understanding
OH THANKS sorry i saw a lot of annoying people just trashing the word. My apoglisies
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primadouche · 10 years
IM STALKING YOUR BLOG SORRY also i dropped my phone and accidentally hit unfollow so if your notifications are annoying sorry •____•
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primadouche · 10 years
Plantkin, otherkin, etc
You are a human, you breathe air, some of you eat meat, some of you don't. You aren't a fucking plant. I don't know which hipster idiot thought it would cool to take "Be one with nature." to the next level but this shit has to stop. Also why is everyone hating on straight people now? "Just think what they did to us!!11 They t00k our rights as people omg!!1"  Please realize that your hate for a thousand group of people is stupid. They do not oppress you. People you do not know do not oppress you. You cannot judge someone from being different from what you're used to or what you are now into. Though being plantkin is pretty fucking stupid, I can see how some people like to enjoy nature on another level. Naming your children flower names doesnt fucking stab and oppress other humans.Nor does having a nice salad. Also everyone needs to stop self diagnosing, When I was 12 I THOUGHT I had multiple personality  disorder because I related to it. It turns out I was bi-polar. Just guughghuhgh please stop
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primadouche · 10 years
Just wondering, if you consider yourself one the growing group of ‘Otherkins’ on this website, what can you actually eat? I mean seriously, you can’t walk on grass, so how could you eat a piece of broccoli without murdering the brethren of a ‘broccoli-kin’?? Also, if people claim to be, for...
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