pricelessight · 7 years
Merry Merry Christmas!
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pricelessight · 7 years
Chaos was the law of nature; Order was the dream of man.
Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams (via psych-facts)
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pricelessight · 7 years
Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.
Edgar Allan Poe, Eleonora (via psych-facts)
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pricelessight · 8 years
Odds of Love.
How is the odd of two human being meet and fall in love with each other? What number would you give if being asked about the odd of two fresh-broken-hearted person meeting each other in such a situation and not only later end up felt in love with each other but also universe was ultimately conspired each things so they could be together? How is the odd? Rare. I remember, I was once read a quote with Buddha tagline in it, it was written like this “Love like you never been broken” Need versus will. Realism versus hope. Logic versus heart. I couldn’t disagree with love conquer all, because it indeed conquered everything. Cheesy is the least thing I would wannabe but how could I not saying that if the fact is, love indeed  unbelievably happened and caught you off guard. In the exact moment while you protect yourself the most from any possible risk or harm and feel not in the need of anyone but inner peace with yourself, maybe, I said maybe, that is the only moment you are ready for a brand new human being to be involved in your moments, some or any. Let me try to elaborate this. The scenario is, two flesh whom freshly broken hearted met each other in very unexpected time and else. The girl is an overthink-melancholic-traumatic-realist-logical-insecure yet also an essence of life seeker with her value “do good get good , be good all good”. We gonna get into her perspective while she met her click just after she got to ger herself in a piece after a horrible hurricane, she felt she wasn’t ready for any other heart drama which consumed too much ofher. First round. Need :  To be free of heart problems, take care of herself and be her own back bone not needing anyone’s or be anyone’s back bone. Will : Having someone to take care of her, accompany her get through everyday life which mostly nonsense, and share life together with her significant one. Contemplation level : 5/10. Be a human, no one is so stubborn to get ease facing this real world. Will win. She let her significant one take care of her, share her life bit by bit, and get into her significant’s life tiny bits.   Second round Realism : no one could guarantee this will work out, how if he is gonna disappointed in her in the mean time then leave her so hurtful behind.  How if he is the unknown prick as her past. She need to get herself time to get into her own grip first, take a rest. He got the better one in the past. You are no better. You gotta fight something that you can’t even compete. Hope : How if the opposite? How if he is the one that gonna make life turned around just like that? How if she will only face happiness that she been longing for? How if he is different? How if he is the one worth of all the sacrifice include any possibility of being disappointed again? Contemplation level : 8.5/10. Hope win.  This is the crucial point. This is when the direction start to be altered. Hope is the queen of everything, some said it is indeed more powerful from love, but from what I see, hope is the one that made love was able to be formed. Every needs, every will, every facts,and every realistic things been bothering our mind would start melting when hope is starting its fire. “The hope is rare, but it’s hard to kill” – When You Believe by Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston. Hope is like, damn, it’s swinging so carelessly between insecurities, attractively playing your heart and logic continuously until you reach into the third one. Third round Logic : Shouldn’t do this. So many options. Take time, let him show himself. Take time, keep the door open. Give him a reliable test, show him you are nothing near to be fool around. Don’t keep repeating your bloody-own-wrong-steps. Give yourself a rest. A damn rest. Be a solitude. Solitude is a bliss. Heart : He is so lovely in exact right amount, he knows what to say to get your attention, he plays it cool, he made the heart beat so fast, he made your hands uncontrollably texted things your brain never allowed you to, he made you unlogically think of him all the time. Comtemplation level : 10/10. Heart win. You got the will, you got the hope, so what you need is only the heart which also willing to participate make love to be happened not just flew away like that. The contemplation was so intense, consuming her to the core, but what she never imagined was, deep in the core of her insecurities was written “Why not?”   And love is happening. Beat the odds.   Give your love a shot, and always push away regret. No happiness arised without tears. No fun happened without sweats. Also, no love bloomed without hurts.
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pricelessight · 8 years
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pricelessight · 8 years
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Anna Karina in Le Petit Soldat (dir. by Jean-Luc Godard, 1963).
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pricelessight · 8 years
If you do not follow somebody you feel very lonely. Be lonely then. Why are you frightened of being alone? Because you are faced with yourself as you are and you find that you are empty, dull, stupid, ugly, guilty and anxious - a petty, shoddy, second-hand entity. Face the fact; look at it, do not run away from it. The moment you run away fear begins.
Jiddu Krishnamurti (via benlaksana)
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pricelessight · 8 years
Haru terlantur biru Lerung terasa murung Yang tercinta menutup mata Apa peran rasa baginya Detik berganti bulan, Hari berlipat dua Dimanakah buaian sang tercinta? Hey rasa, tahan sakitmu katanya Sang tercinta tak suka si pengemis dikala tak lengang. Sepucuk pakaian kesukaannya kukemas Sepercik wewangian kegemarannya turut serta Memori akan sang tercinta kubawa ke tanah peluh sepi ini menambah pilu hati ini, sang tercinta tak kunjung bosan dipelariannya Melonjakkah aku meminta sedikit bukti rasa mulia itu Kemanakah sang tercinta berpikir, bumi? Sang tercinta sungguh pantas berpora disana Tapi apakah kepiluanku sebegitu tak berartinya, Tak pantas mendapatkan salah satu telinganya saja Raga tak ingin terbaring, mata tak ingin tertidur, Mereka menunggu, barangkali sang tercinta cepat kembali Siapa pedulikan aku disini? Tak dinyana hanya racun-racun pelarian itu. Mohon jangan cibir aku perlu sang tercinta saat ini ketitik nadir, karena kelemahan terbesar dari si kuat dimanapun juga ialah, membutuhkan. Gemercik angin dan daun melirihkan pikiranku Dentuman titik air hujan di pelipis sontak menggenangi bola mata Kepada sang tercinta yang meluruhkanku, Panggillah aku saat kau pulang, Karena aku yang selalu disini disaat mereka hilir mudik terhadap kau Berikanlah sang tercinta waktu sedikit lagi, rasa. Mungkin, sang tercinta akan paham pilukusuatu saat nanti
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pricelessight · 8 years
Most fascinating thing in the world.
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The human brain in comparison with those of other animals. The diverse yet unified pattern of nature never fails to amaze me.
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pricelessight · 9 years
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As since we know each other, you grew and keep growing much. You got much better also turned out unexpectedly in different direction. It's overwhelming love. But you grew, and i hope you do fit in where you are now.
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pricelessight · 9 years
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pricelessight · 9 years
i dont know
we pushed apart suddenly. time goes by, our details are fading away little by little and baaam it's become a pack of rotten data only.
that's the most painful thing happened for now.
there was one time, i was worshiped all those things because that time, that was such a wonderous, sparkled, and magical moment.
it's killing me really all that details fading away even from the memory, really wish just could keep it locked down there so at least there's one human being left remember we were happy together once, once and i could smilie 
and there was time i was so much in love with you, and i think you too :)
people say the hardest part is try to moving on
nah, the cruelest part is trying to remember but you just cant, because it seems so far far away from recent.
and life, goes on.
so i wish, 
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thankyou for being one of the part of the journey
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pricelessight · 9 years
:))))) will be
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pricelessight · 9 years
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Same old song & same old trick. Roo roo, catched your bizzare yet messed up set ups. Clap belong to whose side? ;) What are you on?
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pricelessight · 10 years
Life taught me in the hard way.
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pricelessight · 10 years
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more quotes here
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pricelessight · 10 years
DAMN SHIT. This is the biggest thing 2014 taught me. 
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