premiumfitness · 3 years
How To Trade Forex Successfully #short
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premiumfitness · 3 years
How To Sign Up For IM Mastery Academy(IMARKETSLIVE) And Get A Free Vaca...
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premiumfitness · 3 years
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premiumfitness · 4 years
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premiumfitness · 7 years
Home builders in Albuquerque New Mexico | Albuquerque New Mexico custom home construction builder
Are you are looking for custom home builders in Albuquerque, Nm?  There are several quality custom site build home contractors to choose from in the Albuquerque area.  Gorgeous gourmet kitchens, beautiful living spaces and luxurious master suites with private baths.  Make these homes where your family can grow. 
Enjoy serene mountain views from an optional covered back patio.  Choose a floor plan with a loft up to four bedrooms and a three-car tandem garage. Every home is new mexico customizable with an impressive list of included energy-efficient features.  Like a tankless hot water heater, high-efficiency heating and cooling, and a customizable exterior construction.
The style of homes is just as diverse as the size.  Whether you are looking for a ranch, colonial, santa fe or a modern home construction builder.  We have the best custom home builders inAlbuquerque New Mexico.
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premiumfitness · 7 years
It Works Ultimate Thermofit
[UltraVid id=5 ]
  The ultimate thermal fit is a unique formulation that was designed to help you get to and maintain ideal weight naturally. The key here is naturally. We don't use any stimulants. In this product which is very unique in the industry.
How can we do it? We use capsim X. Which is a patented pepper blend that increases thermogenesis in your body. What does that mean that means the rate at which you burn calories. You can become a calorie burning machine by increasing that metabolism. Capsule max does that.
It synergizes with raspberry ketones with acai berry. Which causes your body to become a calorie burning machine. The ultimate therma-fit can help you to attain and maintain ideal weight without the use of stimulants people are using. The ultimate applicator usually is the next step if they want to start losing weight and also they're tightening and their toning. They're firmer now they're starting to want to actually see on the scale that the weights going down and we've been looking for a companion product supplement to help people lose weight.
When the thermal fit came through just the ingredients alone. How we put that together it's really been amazing. For the months that that's been out the following it has already brought results. The fat fighter is always a good one because you can start right away with whatever your diet is. You can be taking your fat fighters but the thermal fits a good one then to actually start that movement towards losing weight.
This is fast becoming one of my favorite products and the reason for this is you know we like to eat in my family and we're always having home-cooked meals. So we're taking a thermo fit to help boost our metabolism to help us feel good throughout the day.
It's got a healthy antioxidants acai berry. I have a really funny story about this you know my daughter Kay she's come home from college and she's out she's meeting all her friends and she starts taking a thermo fit. Right around the end of Christmas the first of the year and she came over one night she was getting ready to go out on a date and her pants were starting to fall off.
So what we did we didn't have a belt small enough for her. So we took a cord we wrapped it through her belt loops. Then we tied that cord around and we thought it was so funny that she was going out on this hot date and we had to wrap her pants up with a cord
 Yes,  I want to get results fast too
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premiumfitness · 7 years
It Works Ultimate Thermofit
[UltraVid id=5 ]The ultimate thermal fit is a unique formulation that was designed to help you get to and maintain ideal weight naturally. The key here is naturally. We don't use any stimulants. In this product which is very unique in the industry. How can we do it? We use capsim X. Which is a patented pepper blend that increases thermogenesis in your body. What does that mean that means the rate at which you burn calories. You can become a calorie burning machine by increasing that metabolism. Capsule max does that. It synergizes with raspberry ketones with acai berry. Which causes your body to become a calorie burning machine. The ultimate therma-fit can help you to attain and maintain ideal weight without the use of stimulants people are using. The ultimate applicator usually is the next step if they want to start losing weight and also they're tightening and their toning. They're firmer now they're starting to want to actually see on the scale that the weights going down and we've been looking for a companion product supplement to help people lose weight. When the thermal fit came through just the ingredients alone. How we put that together it's really been amazing. For the months that that's been out the following it has already brought results. The fat fighter is always a good one because you can start right away with whatever your diet is. You can be taking your fat fighters but the thermal fits a good one then to actually start that movement towards losing weight. This is fast becoming one of my favorite products and the reason for this is you know we like to eat in my family and we're always having home-cooked meals. So we're taking a thermo fit to help boost our metabolism to help us feel good throughout the day. It's got a healthy antioxidants acai berry. I have a really funny story about this you know my daughter Kay she's come home from college and she's out she's meeting all her friends and she starts taking a thermo fit. Right around the end of Christmas the first of the year and she came over one night she was getting ready to go out on a date and her pants were starting to fall off. So what we did we didn't have a belt small enough for her. So we took a cord we wrapped it through her belt loops. Then we tied that cord around and we thought it was so funny that she was going out on this hot date and we had to wrap her pants up with a cord
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premiumfitness · 7 years
Mentoring For Free
[UltraVid id=9 ]
  Click Banner Below Now not Tomorrow!
    hi I'm Michael Dlouhy. .The founder of mentoring for free and mentor for free is about teaching you the skills you need to be successful in network marketing. Along with the skills you need the truth of how to be successful in network marketing.
I'm here today to expose the number one biggest scam perpetrated on the network marketing industry and that is buying leads. Ladies and gentlemen ninety-six percent of your group when you build your group are going to be part time people. Ninety-six percent, so ninety-six percent of the people doesn't work to buy leads. Four percent of your team two people are going to be full-time professional network marketers. Yeah they can buy leads but for the large portion they can’t.
I built to the number one presidential distributor in my network marketing company today. Never bought leads. I never made a list of friends and family. I can teach you how to generate traffic on the internet. How to find people. Have them come to you pre sold on the internet and the telephone.
What I'd like to do is share a few testimonials that I've had emailed to me about this exact scam I'm talking about.
“Michael I have spent thousands of dollars buying leads. Being a blue personality I didn't keep track of exactly how much but my guess is around ten thousand dollars. I spent anywhere from one dollar to fifteen dollars per lead and bought from several different brokers. I learned the script made the calls and sponsored a few people. But it wasn't i wasn't able to sponsor anyone who would duplicate what i was doing. Therefore i have no income today for my efforts of purchasing and working leads. I also bought autoresponder leads and purchased them monthly to put in a so-called system that sent out emails to these leads. I spent 250 dollars a month for six months. That's another fifteen hundred dollars and sponsored no one using that technique.” Judy Sheehan Ontario Canada
Hello Micheal, “I would love to help you with this lead buying scam when involved with my company I was instructed to purchase leads. I spent forty five hundred dollars in six months out of that i sponsored four people who dropped out after the second month. One purchase fourteen hundred dollars worth That other second one purchased 600 in the same month. I purchased three thousand dollars worth of product my total bonus for the month was $73. I managed to retail most of my product when I discovered mentoring for free I started to investigate the company and found out that three of the lead companies had owned and when they were owned and operated by that big hitters in my company. My sponsor was a stay-at-home mom and after a few months she had to take a part-time job just to pay for her leads.
Thank you for doing this awesome tips ladies and gentlemen. You know network marketing is an amazing business. That can create amazing income and this comes from your largest portion of your team and that's going to be part-time people. What I would say to you if somebody's telling you to buy leads. What I would say to you is did you come in as a purchase lead. Put me on the phone with six people right in a row that came in as a purchase lead and they're using a system and creating residual income.
Ladies and gentlemen it is your money. This is your life. This is your success. So click the Mentoring For Free banner below this video and it will allow you to get some more information. There's a phone number that you can get a hold of the person that thought enough to send you this video. I would highly recommend you to get my book success in 10 steps. Success in 10 steps is a book that you can read in a couple of hours and it will give you a simple step-by-step action plan and why I can prove to you your lack of success is not your fault. Your lack of success ladies and gentlemen is not your fault. Let me prove that to you we've also got two skills trainings. One is the business model drives the behavior in the field. The other one is the five pillars. So please get back with the person that sent you this video and let us see what we can do to help you change your life thank you.
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premiumfitness · 7 years
How To Build Instant Rapport (In Just 2 Sentences) With Tom Schreiter
[UltraVid id=8 ]
 Click Banner Below for FREE Mentoring and Coaching
     the first automatic program in the back of our minds is are you more like me than not like you see the world the same way I do do you have the same viewpoints and if you do then I can trust you that's the first one hello sales
 nation I will Be  the host of the Salesman podcast on today's episode we have Tom Schrader and we're talking about rapport how we can build it the importance of building it before we leverage trust or anything else that we need to
 close deals and yeah I think it's an important topic and I'm gonna do a few more episodes and next few weeks to go into it in more detail you can find out more about Tom over at fortune now calm he is a pretty prolific author and is
 also a keynote speaker and with that all set let's dive in today's episode hey Tom welcome to the salesman podcast thank you you're more than welcome sir okay so today I want to talk about trust belief influence all these things
 rapport that we band around and I want to get your insights on how we can build them faster and and how we can get deeper with these rather than the usual what happens in b2b sales of hey nice to meet you handshake and then
 most people just blurt out with a pitch and it's awkward it's it's it's horrible to watch and it's not a nice experience to be on the other side of it so let's get started with this in and hopefully you agree with this I'd be interesting if you
  don't but do you believe that rapport is always the first step in all of this to build trust and to build influence with people you've just met I think rapport is just about almost everything if you don't have rapport they're not going to
 believe anything you say people don't buy from people they don't trust and they don't engage with people they don't don't believe so if you don't have rapport or you don't even have a ticket into the ballpark so it's gonna be difficult
 and and just to go back on that do people buy from people the perhaps trust but don't like or do they have to like you as well I think they have to be pretty desperate to buy from somebody they don't like you have to be really desperate I
 think you can really up your chances by having a poor and that's that happens so quickly though I always did a little demonstration when I'm in the UK there I say to the group trust me I'm an American and that always brings a laugh
 and I said well how quick did we make a decision to trust somebody or not and they said well that was really quick or I could say trust me I'm from the tax authorities and I'm here to help you we got a decision already but we don't
 realize as sales people is that people are constantly making decisions about us and the first decision they're going to make is can I trust you and believe you and that's over so quick having a handshake and how's the weather is
 probably we waste our chance to get rapport so that's pretty ugly you're right let's go as best as we can step by step through this process where does this start does this start from and I'm talking like the main chunk of rapport rather
 than everything stop see you could go into super detail with this but does this all start with that first contact whether it be an email or phone call or an introduction or a people's decisions still quite open at that point so they're not set
 in their ways does it start really when you meet face-to-face perhaps usually the decision is almost instant in humans for instance if I say the word chocolate chances are people have already made a decision as to four major food groups
 or if I were to say Lester City football people already made a decision how they feel about that so if the decision is instant we have to ask ourselves why is it so quick what's it formed upon and usually the primary program our minds
 are saying this or saying do you have the same viewpoint I do if you have the same viewpoint I do well then there's a pretty good chance that you're going to see the same facts and make the same decision I do so the first automatic
 program people are not aware of it but the first automatic program in the back of our minds is are you more like me
 than not like you see the world the same way I do do you have the same viewpoints and if you do then I can trust you that's the first one well let's go a bit deeper than that as well because all you you keep using the word make a decision
are we actually making a decision or is the decision be made for words based on kind of as you alluded to then programs or references of important place in the past a good way of looking at it is people store programs in the back
 of their mind they store decisions because we can't figure everything out if you walk down the aisle at Sainsbury grocery store and you see a thousand item you can't really reason do I want this or not on a thousand items store
 decisions would go down there no no no no no no no candy bar yes no no no no no we've stored the station so in the back of their mind I would say a lot of people have a store decision about a Salesman so if you come across as a sales
 when they might have a store decision saying salesman to be skeptical they're going to take my money too good to be true what's the catch being negative competent objections appear not interested so we have to be careful of triggering
 these programs on the human mind is mostly a collection of stored decisions based upon our experiences in the past but how do we then predict some of this because the salesmen the salesmen want is an obvious one being people
 throughout the years and I've never even though always worked in sales I've never been called a sales person I've been an account manager and I can't think of the some of the weird titles I've been given when I worked in medical
 device sales and that consultant and I guess that is precisely that if you were the sales consultant or something yeah someone's then expecting you to be pitching out them in and trying to suck value in and take their money are there
 any other things before we meet the prospect that we should be thinking of along those lines well it depends on the business but if you're all your pre approached material looks like a TV commercial chances are they're going to have
 their salesmen program triggered and you're right that's why people call themselves consultants technicians all kind of different words just so people don't set up a precondition response I got to be careful I can't believe you it's over
 yes the stations are stored the best way of putting it that way would be let's say we're one years old learning to walk we have our left leg locked hanging on to the crib we look down there's only one leg left that's the right leg we swing
 it around and after a while after a month or two we form a decision in our mind a program that's always left foot than the right foot left foot the right foot it's always that way we don't even think about it and so now when we meet
 people we do certain things we don't even think about it but it triggers a program in their mind that they've accumulated over the past based upon past experiences that's either good or bad so I tell people if you're going to try
 to trigger a program what trigger a positive one something that's better than tricking a negative one which almost kills you from from the start this is really your he won't step ahead of me of every question here I'm finding this
 fascinating interview so far so triggering these positive side of things flipping everything we talked about on its head what can we trigger and I guess there's some laws of influence or things that we can look at and but what should we
 be triggering a nun attempting and consciously going out to touch and prod in the prospects mind to build trust perhaps rapport and also this influence as well what do we need to how do we turn ourselves well here's the easiest
 one a major program in people's brains is are you more likely than not like me I can trust people who are like me and
 that's why people tend to trust and believe people the same religion the same political party the same city the same sports team same activities you know same brand of beer we tend to trust people who are more like us than dislike us
 an example I like to give is you go to yearn England so you go to mmm let's say China billion Chinese people around you and you meet somebody from England now you're way up in north and Leeds and you say so where are you from
 and that person says I'm from South Hampton and you say I'm from Leeds and you both hug each other we're neighbors and it's distant report because that person is more like you than the billion Chinese people around you so
 the first thing they're looking for is are you more like me than not like me which brings the obvious question how do you trigger that in somebody's mind and the easiest way is to start off with one fact in the known universe that they
 believe in you believe so if you start off with one fact that they believe in you blue if they say hey you know what you're more likely than not like me you see the world from the same viewpoint and since you talk business-to-
 business if I was talking to a business about advertising I might start off by saying advertising it's just so expensive and they might be saying oh man you read my mind and then I say and we'd rather have extra money for advertising
 by reducing our current expenses they might say yeah you're right about that and we might say but the best part is if we get our customers bring people and it won't even cost us anything and they're saying you're a genius Vulcan
 mind-meld blood brother blood sister and by just talking to them from their viewpoint by saying facts that they believe that makes it pretty easy for certain that's the easiest way to for most people build rapport almost right away
 and I've got loads of examples of this one strikes me that happened really recently in that I've got a Mazda rx-8 love rotary cars talked about on the show before some guy in garage ones filling up the of day cables our nice cars I you
 know thank you because it doesn't happen very often and it's it's always a rotary enthusiast who says nice car because you know it's not a Ferrari or a Lamborghini or push enter and appreciate that so of course it chatting to him erodes
erodes and Erik Satie races them is really big into it and instantly we were best friends and that just came to mind that little anecdote is you it selling out then and does this scale with if you if you share a fact that is super narrow
 focused is that does that build more rapport than perhaps a more general fact about hey we're both in advertising versa is hey we both drive rotary sports cars that's where I research comes in if we do our pre approach as
 salespeople we should know a lot about our prospect and the deeper and or more narrows you say that would be like beyond awesome so if we need our salespeople to actually focus on the research finding out more about that person
 and really dig down deep they can have instant rapport probably one or two sentences and it's not all it takes is an what will and go with this now is that once you've perhaps built that initial bit of rapport is it then the game not to
 lose it or do you continually need to build upon it well I would like to look at sales from this viewpoint that most the people we talk to let's say we have a really great product which we all do and the people we talk to desperately need it
 which makes sense so if most of people we talk to is pre-sold absolutely pre solely desperately need what we have to offer and we have to offer and they tell us no that would probably tell us that we lost rapport so if we have this great
 product we built rapport all we really have to do is just show them what the product is and they're pre-sold it wouldn't take any type of sales manipulation or anything it's just putting our message inside their brain by passing
 all these salesman filters and skepticism that we build up by not having rapport so that's the real essence is obviously
 getting our message inside their head where they believe it and if it's going to serve them they can figure that out like instantly and it's not the skill and in the art of sales rather than the science then of you doing building the rapport
 ticking all these check boxes and then leaving it to the prospect to make a decision because some people wouldn't agree with that and some sales experts Avedon would say that no it's your responsibility if you believe in your
 products to get it in their hands should we be letting them make the end decision it seems like a stupid question to ask but I think it's a valuable one to to take into consideration well they're always going to make the indecision if we
 turn it late pretty tough road I think the easier road is to say they need this we have it how do we communicate that in the easiest ways just to remove the barrier of rapport and once inside their head they can figure out if it's going to
 stir them today or not you know maybe it's like a server day because they have budgetary problems or maybe the committee won't meet till next month but it's inside their head and when the time is right they can choose but to
 force it ahead of time but that I'm not sure that might even be a disservice to the customer especially of financing problems or other issues and let's get into the message in itself then are there any way because and I'll prerequisite
 this in that we've had loads people to come show to talk about body language and mirroring and things like that I'm always a bit even though there might be some evidence for it most bit sceptical and generally my thoughts on it are
 that and then clearly my thoughts on the the be-all and end-all but my thoughts on it are that you're probably better just focusing on them being present in the moment asking good questions rather than trying to juggle plates and do
 different things at once but the messaging and the wording of things I think that can be important are there any ways to rephrase our conversation to plan beforehand how we're going to say things to get deeper at ingrain ourselves in
 the subconscious of the prospectin and to I guess bypass some of these things that we're talking about can you do that through language alone I think language helps a lot a body language I give you an example first on body
 language babies from the age six weeks can do this or laying on the back they can't even roll over yet they can't talk but they can look up at an adult and how do they know which adult to trust the adult smiles and from six weeks the
 baby can respond by smiling back so one of the easiest ways to increase rapport or even to build rapport with a simple smile and I tell people if you smile so seems like some sort of stupid program in it from birth it says if
 somebody smiles they can't be trusted I think who made up that program in her mind but if you smile your odds go way up versus just being a serious frown so I tell people oh hey you want increase your odds learn to smile if you're
 kind of a grumpy person y'all accounting is a good career too you know let's do it going over to your right in about words though right let me give a couple example words if I start off by saying to be perfectly honest with you that
 kind of tells people I wasn't honest with them before but on the inverse of that if you were to say these simple four words well you know how those four words tell them in the back of mind well I know how then it must be true
 because what I know is true no further proof needed and apparently when we say well you know how people will not even ask for proof as long as whatever we say is reasonable so if you have a fact by putting well you know how in
 front of it it just increases the believability Factory and I think it has something to do with my habits of people if you stand by the coffee machine at work when people want you to believe what they're saying else the conversation would
 be like well you know how it only rains on weekends and well you know how the traffic is terrible on the m62 and well you know how they don't pay us enough and well you know how we fight traffic to get here and then they expect
 just work on top of that you know people just naturally put well you know how in front of stuff and when they do people just want to believe it more so that's an example of the words brilliant a knock that I use similar to that is that
 rather than saying hey my product door has this feature this benefit I owe or I always go down the route of hey this customer which I can introduce you to said this this and this and it's a similar kind of process of your taking away the
 fact that the salesperson is telling you something and now it's all that why would this customer say this if it wasn't true and again as you look to them they just accept it Ivan no I've had it done to me probably not even purposefully
 not in a manipulation standpoint but just from a anecdotal standpoint and I've always resonated with that and moving forward I always use that when I speak to customers and I find it always works better than my opinion on
 things which they always take with a grain of salt and they should do if you're trying to sell them something I guess now people are rushed and they're making constant decisions when we talk so if we say everybody knows the back of
 their mind says well if everybody knows that it must be true as long as whatever you stay next is reasonable we can just get on with it we don't have to look through a whole bunch of testimonials or research reports because everybody
 knows whatever you told them that makes it nice something I wasn't going to talk about but you've you've demonstrated it in the conversation so far humor how does humor play into all this because yeah I'm enjoying our
 conversation and you've caught over a couple of jokes that maybe like laughs laugh out loud on the show so far is is humor something that you can develop is it something that people just have because clearly if you're a funny person
 you're a person that people want to be around and so it's going to be easier to have business and just conversations in general humor is a great way of building rapport as all I can say some people tend to have better tendencies of doing
 it than others I've seen people that the chances of developing humor are pretty pretty slim it's just not in their skill set and they have different skill set so I tell people laughter gonna develop humor I guess you could probably go on
 watch stand-up comedy on YouTube for a while but it's just something that people have like some people just have this charismatic personality and I don't so you just use your best benefits that you have or your best gifts that you
 have naturally but humor is yeah it gives you an advantage sure good stuff well Tom I've got a couple of questions ask everyone that comes on the show first one is who do you think is the world's greatest salesperson I think probably
 politicians do a pretty good job they say give me money for your votes and I'm not allowed to give you anything in return that that's a big sales job okay next one what and go deeper on this rather than there making customers happy
 or making other people happy that kind of thing what motivates you to close deals what motivates you to work day to day you just have to enjoy it I tell people if you wake up Saturday morning this weekend and you're thinking about
 work that means you didn't work all week you just have fun doing it so if you enjoy the profession you're in it's not work at all it's what you do on we can retire when you're on holidays you just enjoy it so if you can find a career that
 you enjoy then you never have to work a day in your life and for salespeople some kind of drudgery and a job and others find it the most fun thing they do and they do it 24 hours a day seven days a week nice that's a different angle
 than what about on the show when I've asked that question before and I think there is a weird split between and I don't know what the percentages are but there's people who just love sales and there's a lot of people and that we
 people listen to the show that fell into sales forever reason I clearly make great money from it you perhaps don't need massive koala facials to get started you just need the the will and the drive to hustle and to succeed in it and so I
 think there is a lot of miserable salespeople and I've talked about this before in that I think a lot of people not necessarily sin to this but because you'd have to person to seek out a sales podcast it wants to get better at it and so
 they're probably dedicated to the career but there's a lot of other salespeople that they probably shouldn't be doing it and they'd be much happier as you alluded to then doing something else even if they made less money that would
 offset the the global happiness that are going to experience but massively yeah a lot of people are desperately accountants or engineers and ad sales people absolutely good stuff well Tom I've got one final question for you it's a
 man ask everyone that comes on the show if you could go back in time and speak to your younger self what be the one piece of advice you'd give him to help him become better at sales probably to read more books in the beginning
 we don't get a very broad sense of this business but I think you read more books you find more in different voices you're going to find which voices you and if you can find your own voice in sales then it's fun but if you're trying to do
 stiff sales presentations from other people's voices that's not not fun at all so when you can become natural with your own voice by reading some books or listening to podcasts like this hey you're going to find maybe a way that's perfect
 for you so that's in my and let's type that very briefly in that when you say find your own voice you are using the use of them at being authentic and being you or are you saying reading of books and so you almost find a mentor in one
 of them and that someone has the same voice as you and that you you understand the resonate with them and then you can learn from replicating what they've done well some people their voices with humor other people their voices
 all facts and presentations other people it's about wine and dining and a long long piece of entertainment I think people are going to find their voice their particular way of doing the business that's within their comfort zone that
 they say hey this is me this is the way I like to do business and once you do that well you're going to be comfortable with how you do it whether the prospect is finite they might have to adjust but if we can find a way that's really good
 for us hey that's awesome yeah that goes back to the previous point Salman will wrap up with this in the loads of different opportunities within sales it's the whole beauty of it if you had and as you eluded this event if your example
 it says people who were very good at this if your thing is wining and dining talk to people on the Golf Course perhaps you should be selling big complex corporate c-suite sales if your talents and skills lie in the analytical side of things
 then maybe you should be selling edge new products or whatever is again it's it's worth if you're in sales having the having the the nuts to just go and experiment and to take that leap into a different industry and that's really
 important and that's how you're going to get the best fit and with that Tom always sells and the audience a little bit more about where we can find out about you your books anything that you're doing as well well the book you alluded
 to earlier when we're visiting how to create the trust reports probably the book that they enjoy the most out of all my books and that just has little micro phrases that people can use to get people to believe them and trust them quicker
 and my philosophy is if you don't have rapport it's pretty hard to recover the sale if you have rapport at least you can go forward so hand rapport is probably the first step that we cepa's salespeople because we're going to the deal or
the offer to quick so that would be the book I'd recommend Tom will link certain show notes over at salesman read and with that genuinely thank you for your time today mate and thanks for joining us on the salesman podcast
thanks for inviting me and there we have it thank you Tom for coming on the show I appreciate your insight sir thank you sales nation as always for tuning in and massively appreciate your time if you are not subscribed and you
listen to this on iTunes or you're watching this on YouTube make sure you hit those subscribe buttons so we get delivered to you daily and you don't have to even think about it it just pops up in your inbox on your phone or on
YouTube and with all that set up overdue speak your again tomorrow you
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premiumfitness · 7 years
Earn $4 Over And Over Again - Yoonla Review
  [UltraVid id=1 ] Hey everyone. I hope you're doing well today and in this video I'm going to show you exactly how you can make four dollars over and over again. While four dollars may not seem like a lot right off hand. If you get a lot of signups with this opportunity. That can really add up to a nice income on a monthly basis and you can use that money for whatever you want. You can use it for your business expenses. You can use it for some living expenses or just for you know whatever you enjoy doing. So this will definitely help you get a nice amount of extra income monthly if you just stick with it and share this opportunity with as many people as possible. Now Yoonla is the name of the CPA opportunity and if you don't know what CPA is. It is called cost per action and cost per action is when you get money just for signing some people up. Some people think that CPA is easier than affiliate marketing because affiliate marketing you have to make sales of other people's products and that is kind of difficult. If they don't even know you. But if you can sign people up to a free opportunity to get them going and see what it's about. Then that'll make it a lot easier to add up that $4. So not only do you get to see that the $4 really does add up but when people purchase the necessary tools within that system you get commissions for that as well. So it's really really cool and after struggling months online I've finally made some income with this opportunity and so I highly recommend giving it a shot.                               Checking it out and I'm going to log into the members area right here and show you more what's on the inside. So I'm logged in now within the back end of the members area and this right here it has a really great training system so you just have to go through the steps now once you are in this account you are not going to be accepted as an affiliate right away you have to go through these steps right here and you have to take action on them and they just want to see that you do take action and then they'll approve you so go through these necessary steps it's about no kind of setting up your foundations and website and it's really not that difficult to do just go through this here and if you have any questions email them because they also have really great technical support as well and this option may be here for you or it may not be need help getting set up but if it isn't then unfortunately you will have to go through these steps but just pace yourself go through them pace yourself but it will be worth it when you can get this set up and going because the nice residual income monthly will definitely help you a lot so yeah this is basically what this is about and even goes over some traffic strategies and yeah just get going and go through this training because it's really high quality training and you'll also learn how to get your autoresponder set up and everything like that and yeah so it's really great technical training and it's very step-by-step so it will it won't be you won't have a difficult time following along with it but if for some reason you do get stuck just send them an email because they do have really good email support and that's always a really good sign with a good company if they have responsive email support and I've sent several messages to them back and forth and they've been very responsive and helpful so now I want to show you my income earning proof and hopefully this will get you to take action on it so this is the amount of money that I made so sixty-five dollars approved and twenty dollars pending so this has been a successful program for me so far and I'm making this video to help share it with more people so you can definitely do the same thing to get to get more traffic with it so overall it says right here that I made eighty five dollars and look at this just from sharing this with people so four two four four two now sixteen dollars right there and then another four dollars I got recently and they took action and they they bought one of the tools in the program and I got fifteen dollars from that and a couple other members I signed up took action too and I've gotten I've gotten about fifty dollars just from this so it really is an amazing opportunity and you can see how these commissions add up so it's just not the four dollars you get Commission's when they buy the necessary tools to take action and start implementing this yourself so if this is something that you want to give a shot I highly recommend it and I highly recommend it anyways because you know I've I've been through so many different programs and most of them are complete and utter crap this one is one of the best that I have found so if you're looking for a legitimate way to make some extra money all you have to do is click on the annotation in my video it will take you to a squeeze page that I created and you click apply after you apply you'll get an email from me and you'll click on the link in the email and you'll create your account so you have to create your account in order to get inside this members area and I'm going to send that to you and in email and if it doesn't arrive within the first twenty to thirty seconds it may take a minute or two minutes for it to come into your mailbox but just be patient don't go away and come back and forget about it because this opportunity could really be an amazing income stream for you if you're really put in the work and the effort all you have to do is you know spend some time all you have to do is spend some time going through the training videos and just applying the techniques and you'll start to see a results like this and it'll build up over time so I hope this has been helpful for you and I really hope you give it a shot and the powerful thing is is that when you sign up and create your account I'm either going to get two or two dollars or four dollars from that and you can be doing the exact same thing so if that doesn't motivate you I don't know what will so just you know create your account go through the training and start taking action and the next day I'm actually going to be sending you a deeper look inside I'm going to be answering some of the common questions that I've had with this so that you can get going quickly so the day after that you sign up I'll send you another email with the YouTube video that's going to help you get going pretty quickly and answer some of the tech questions that I had so you either not stuck with the same questions but again email them if you have support and watch out for that video because it will be helpful for you so I hope you've enjoyed this and I hope you take action and start making some money with it thanks a lot
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premiumfitness · 7 years
Cold Market Prospecting Tips From Cesar Rodriguez - How To Start Conversations And Turn Them Into Bu
[UltraVid id=6 ]are you a little shy when it comes to approaching cold market prospects maybe you're a little uncomfortable with what to say to get the conversation started or maybe you're really good at starting the conversation but you have a really difficult time transitioning that conversation into business well in this video we're going to be sharing with you how to approach cold market prospects get them excited to engage in conversation with you and also get them excited to book an appointment with you to check out your product your service or your business so stay tuned this is my new intro for the video my name is Hany elijah it may help entrepreneurs and network marketers create success faster while most importantly designing a lifestyle that you love so if you're new here consider subscribing because I put out a brand new training video and resource for your business each and every week now if you have noticed there is this handsome gentleman standing right beside me and in my opinion now this is my only my opinion my bias opinion you are Cesar Rodriguez the world's best cold market prospector there we go did I nail it now if for those you guys that know Cesar is also my husband so he really must be the world's best cold market prospector what do you think and closer and explosively and closer right so here's here's the deal I wanted to interview Cesar for this topic and I get asked this all the time from my subscribers my followers and they're always asking me how do I get better at cold market prospecting and in my opinion whether you are talking to people on social media online or offline you have to get really really good at starting conversations transitioning those conversations and closing and that would be essentially kind of the realm of cold market pricing that's what we call cold market prospecting and in my opinion there is nobody better to have on this interview and have on this episode here to teach you cold market prospecting and even before I met Cesar he was very very successful in network marketing and he had created you know what did you have your first created your first million dollar business million-dollar million at age of 29 right correct so you mean you're older than 29 right now how do you stay so young living go to the beach a lot live a fun life very well keep recruit up right so I had I have a lot of people that say how do you start the conversation and I know there's a lot of people out there like notifying people finding people is not hard right people you just step outside your house you know there's the individual but I think there's so many people and be included like we don't know how and so our confidence is lacking so we're shy to go out there and talk to people and some of the best people for your business and your products and services are just one o'clock like you're next top earner your next best customer is literally one handshake away it could be one conversation away so you have to learn how to get really good at starting conversations and then you have to get really good at not only starting those conversations because I also know a lot of people that are really good at starting conversations but transitioning those conversations with a purpose into business and when I met Cesar and when we were very first dating we would go out and I would come visit him in Wilmington and I would be up in Canada we I would come to Wilmington and you would take me out we would go to the mall or we would do whatever we would be out in the local area right and I would watch you like talk to people and just strike up conversations with pure strangers and I was amazed like I was so amazed with how easy you made it right and you said to me you said Tonya it's easy if there's a formula he's like after so many years of talking to so many people and guys if you see Caesars like bags and stacks of Tupperware containers those business cards that he has lying around the house you'll know that he has prospected well over how many people in the cool market would you say well I stopped keeping track after I pulled over twenty thousand numbers from people's but who knows only ask prospected but it's probably closer to thirty thousand numbers of that prospect pulled from people after twenty thousand I stopped keeping track I was like and you can still do it to date like we'll go out today and I'm like we just go to the grocery store and like buy groceries we have to come back with five business cards and he's like no like I genuinely love it it's something he's helping people love but you didn't always let it so so people would say well of course these are you can prospect all these people and you're just so good-looking and charismatic of course I can't do it there's gonna be a lot of people event like that right I said that that was me when I first started I saw my mentor he was uh he was 55 years old at the time yet he was a big defuse Madame larger-than-life personality ending he had you know gray hair he had a white Lexus gold watches and here I was 21 years old and I was absolutely you know not looking successful you know and I saw this guy and and the first thing the first time I saw a prospect I was just like oh god I could never do that I mean I don't look successful I mean look at me I would I know I'm too young I don't have the look I don't have any gold jewelry I don't have a luxury car you know so I totally relate I was terrified and you know very very much reserved and introverted in that in that area of my life cool so today I want to find out and I want I want you to help my subscribers my viewers with how to start those conversations and mainly how to transition maybe I'll get you to share a tiny bit about the formula that you created and that you taught me but here's what I will say now in every episode of can yell Liza TV I like to equip you with a free resource that can help your business that you can go through sometimes I do PDF downloads and checklists and worksheets and guides and this episode I know Caesar just launched out a brand new training that he actually reveals his entire cool market prospecting formula and how to use it in your business to become way better at cold market prospecting not only for yourself but for also your team and so if you go to Tana olen PSICOM forward slash 60 download the number 60 download and we'll leave a link in the description box if you're on my youtube channel or above or below this video click that link you'll go to my blog and then right underneath this video on the blog there'll be a big yellow button and you can click the button and it will take you to the page where you can register for Cesar's free training on the cold market prospecting formula that he's trademarked and he used out in the cold market and currently uses out in the cold market today and we're going to talk a little bit about this in this video but I want you to get the full training and I think it's literally one of the best trainings I've ever seen on cold market prospecting that's out there so many people rave about it the testimonials and success stories that come from it are really heartwarming like they really are like people who are shy who have never gone up to a stranger before and they're like I did it and my confidence is up and I know what to say and I think that's the biggest thing is most people just don't know what to say so I asked a question on my Facebook page and I said hey guys if there was something that you would want to know on how to cold market prospect and become better at cold market prospecting what would it be so I got a couple of people that responded back and I want to answer those questions because I think that they will help a lot of people alright so the first question comes in from Vida and she shares with me what questions do you ask prospects that help them to open up and trust you and want to do business with you so this was a great question so how would you answer me this question so there is a lot that goes into building rapport you know with prospects but a lot of times it's we think that we have to say certain things to build a rapport with folks like we need to be impressive one of the things that I always talk about and I share actually in that training as I said seek to be the impressed not the impress er a lot of times we try to overwhelm people with like you know stories about ourself and we try to sit like hey if I'm real charismatic I'm real interesting this person will really like me and then they'll start to open up and that's not necessarily the case although there's nothing about being interesting and being charismatic it's not necessarily necessary you know - building rapport it's more important to be interested in that other person so if you're really looking to build rapport and get people to open up the best way to get someone to open up is to be a good listener you know so if you ask questions about themselves and say oh tell me more about that if they say oh yeah I do this for a living and they're like oh wow you know what tell me more about that like what do you do exactly or how long have you been doing that and they'll say oh I've been doing it for so long but man you must really love it they'll usually tell you why they hate it so he like will know it's a job you know and at that point they're starting to open up and starting to reveal little weaknesses about you know maybe there's satisfaction at their job or you know different things that nature so ask questions you know and just dive deeper and they'll just do the regular surface level stuff so what do you do or do you label a lot ya don't have five questions in a row right yeah like you're interrogating you know the first month don't know where you live and that it enough you know so you ask a question and if it's something that you want to go deeper on you know you just ask you all tell me more about that or wow it sounds like you're really passionate about that or whatever and then the more that they talk the more rapport you're actually an addict because you can get a chance to flex your listening skills so if you want to learn really great nuggets and information that you can use to help you with the transition into talking that person about your opportunity make sure that you're listening well and the few opportunities that you get cool and I noticed something that Caesar does a lot of the time is he's really aware so much more aware than me when we are out and we meet somebody he's like he does a scan of their entire body and nobody's like checking somebody out or what everybody's trying to find something to genuinely compliment and so Caesar if he sees like somebody wearing a nice watch or certain hat with a logo on it or like a university or College logo that you can start he's like aware to look for things that can become conversation starter and so this is cool if you're offline you can do that just by a physical look of somebody that you can maybe start you know conversation by sometimes you'll have that opportunity sometimes to build sometimes you won't if you're online checkout you know like they're about section on their Facebook profile and try to find something that you have something in common with or that you can genuinely compliment them with and that's one of your formulas you have what is it ccq TPC were puffy thank you TTC girls that is Caesar's cold market prospecting formula so when he taught me this I would like all that genius because people can remember it like I just remembered it - Thank You TTC ccq TTC so I have to remember to hit every acronym in that formula if I want to know that I nailed that prospecting approach and so in that training that you guys can go watch Caesar will reveal the entire ccq TTC formula you guys and like show you how to use that to your benefit but see is the first thing in that formula see CQC is complement right in that so I love that because I learned that from Caesar like how do you and just think about when you get a compliment right how good you feel and like how much more in tune are you with that other person in that conversation your guard is now completely down so you lower the resistance in the entire conversation so to start the conversation I would say data to answer your question like what questions do you ask before going into questions I would say compliment and then go into questions and to think of form right like you know you know I talk about this you talk about that in the training I love it go watch the training guys amazing so what's the training so Katie asked how do you start the conversation when online prospecting and I think that answers that question as well okay so right I am coming to compliment you mentioned it you say I'm gonna look at their About section on their page if you can learn anything about them you know from their page like maybe where they work where they live whatever that's a great place to start remodeling and you know I like to just keep it simple most people you know they ramble too much in the first in July hey how's it going follow our nose here from Kalamazoo Michigan aggress you know I just asked a simple hello miss you miss Michigan is that a real site yes totally okay I'm learning so much like I'm Canadian learning all the geographical location certificate Lake City this smells funny but it's not my place so anyways the thing that I was saying is you know ask this quick simple question like a hey are you still in Kalamazoo or hey bull are you still doing this for a living you know so that's a quick way to just ask a question and then it's going to get them to reply and they're going to wonder why and you can start to make that transition Cole and so I want to transition this video into talking about the transitions that you can use into going into business talk because I don't think people have really a problem with starting conversations yeah we're brought up as babies to start conversations right so I want to talk about transitioning out into business okay so this talked about basically transitioning to business and so you have the conversation going you've complimented you a few questions and then you know you're working on the other parts of your your formula your patented formula but then you get to a point where you're like okay how do I take this conversation now to talk about business or my products so what do you recommend for people to do what's that transition look like for you okay so you know it's it's fairly difficult to be honest you know it's kind of difficult to explain like what the exact transition line is because every element in that formula it is is important you know is important to getting that transition the point of complementing and having a conversation that's very strategic in nature and asking certain questions and probing and doing all this it's all to gather the information that you learn from your prospect to make that transition and that's where a lot of people really blow it is you know someone's like hey so hey you got three kids well that's awesome and they're like what the heck did they have to do with my three is it a kid thing like what he's already you want me to sell my children like what is going on um so it's all about having the right information from them and then feeding that back you know so it could be saying hey you know obviously it sounds like you have a background in this and then you also told me earlier that and then I'll only also said this they found that you'll actually be working with the company that's doing a lot of experience area you know I can't promise you anything or every type of situations don't when it comes to you know making more money if it doesn't interfere to what you're already doing you know so it might that's like an example of a transition but it's all about getting that information and that's why one of the things on that training Tonya that I also do that people love is I'm getting case studies of like what I actually said to different people so hey here's a read the complan here's what I like that in the transition and then I also have live footage of me prospecting the streets if someone actually gets to see it all together so that's one of the unique things about you know the free training that I put together it's not just it's not just the webinar works just slide you know you're just looking at slides the whole time there is some footage of lots prospecting and then within it I'm getting to break down because what I've learned is I only got good by watching someone else in the field and that's why I really wanted to be able to benefit everyone so I said hey look if I'm really gonna train people the way that I got trained I need to show them live footage so that they said sweat I mean that's literally exactly that's how I got really really good and I'm always still getting better but that's how I got really great is when I moved into third up I could hear him on his phone calls I mean at the time we were working two separate companies and so you know your processes were a little bit different but I was listening to how you were doing it and I was taking my mental notes and I was like flew in action this is how do you do it when I would see you prospecting like the malls or wherever we went out or even talking to people on social media I would take notes and I was like this is better than any theory that's out there because I can actually see you doing the motions and how many of you guys like you know you are like that's me that's how I learn I want to see somebody actually doing it I don't want you to tell me how to do what I want you to show me how to do that and so some people have that opportunity with their upline than with their team like you can go out with your upline and you know go out on the town and a lot of you guys though don't have that opportunity and so this is a great way with Cesar's training that he's put together so that you can actually see him in the field hear what he's saying see his like motions and gestures and then you can be like okay I'm going to make that my own and do it like this and you know follow that flow I think it's genius what you put together if you're welcome and it's recorded I get all my husband a genius you can always replay this back and you'd be like I remember you call me a genius and I'll take a compliment any time I do but know regardless of you know if we were married or not I was doing this interview for my people you didn't tell me that before we were even dating yeah I brought Cesar out on a training that I did with my network marketing team even before we were dating and all and I said hey man it was yeah boy with my father I think that's all it was just like this you've been giving to people that weren't on your team for years and years and years and that was the first thing everybody well your yeah cool so that and so now here we are full circle five years later boom by minutes later my goodness no here's the deal guys I mean starting conversation nobody should have a problem with starting conversation but it is asking the right questions listening to what they say do not talk about your company and how awesome it is and 500 and next billion dollar million dollar company the next greatest thing I literally had a guy the other day send me a Facebook message and that's all it was about he was like hey we bought the best thing and this could really help you like you didn't even take one minute and ask me anything about me or even care about me all you are wanting to do is make a sale and that's not going to be a professional Cole market prospecting approach in Cole market prospecting you want to make genuine friends you want to care about people genuinely ask them questions about themselves and then think of yourself as a solution provider and if you follow you know Cesar's formula SEC Q TTC in whatever order that you do that and is training honestly it'll just remind you to do the process and run through the checklist and be like okay I get this this is cool I can make sense of it and then becoming that solution provider so you hear somebody say I've got this problem or you hear somebody say you know the job thing oh my gosh be like oh my gosh tell me more about that that was one thing I loved learning from your training as you taught me how to say well tell me more about that you know and then they you get them talking you say well hey you know I don't know if you keep your options open but if there was a way that I could help you with that thing that you told me that you didn't like or you weren't so happy about anymore I can help you with that would you be open to taking a look at what we're working on and you know maybe seeing if it's a fit for you I can't promise you anything famous line that Cesar's taught me that works really really well that he goes over in the training as well so guys I hope that helps you a little bit all it takes to is practice right because these are didn't wasn't born out of the womb like this master prospector and relationship builder and you know and postured young lad that you are he practiced and he made it an obsession to get really really good at prospecting because he sucked so bad at it he was just tired of being embarrassed in those situations and you really wanted your business to work really bad right you're just wrong why right yeah I mean at the end of the day there's more people that you don't know than you do know and prospecting aside even if you're like well I'm an online person you know I don't think that that's that cold market prospecting stuff you know I don't know if that's maybe like I'm just here to tell you like the things that you learn and the things that I teach it will help you in your life because at the end of the day all it is is teaching people how to make friends and how to lead conversations guide them and how to be able to do that and that's such an important thing like we live such an amazing life because we don't like we are able to make friends so easily any way that we go it's like we just get a chance to be those people in our community and that's the thing that I always wanted but not being native to here I thought you know hey how cool to sleep I can come into a town take it over with my business and make a whole bunch of friends in the process so you know there's something to it because there's nothing more frustrating I think Tana that it's seeing someone that you really want to offer your opportunity to you really want to see if they're open and you just don't have the words and you just botch it you know so I think it's one of the most important skills to have even if you don't make it the core of how you bring prospects into your business I think everyone should know that see tqt teaching formula totally and it doesn't matter that how you're bringing people into your business or not I mean ninety five percent of my business is built online through social media but I need to know how to still have conversations with those people otherwise they're not buying or joining from me if they don't feel like I can take them through the process and you need to be able to take your prospects through the process you need to have those transitional processes otherwise you can't close and if you can't close what's the point right so I love your training I hope you guys get on it and you get registered for it it is free awesome training great success stories head over to Tanya Eliza com forward slash sixty download will leave a link for you in the description box and go there you'll see on my blog and then look for the yellow button below the video click it get registered for it and and then let me know how that has helped you and let me know your success rate from learning the process that Cesar teaches I'm really excited to hear that and so you know go there now get registered share it with your team if you guys want your team to become better cold market prospectors as well which by the way you should yeah and and then let me know if how it helps you in your team I'd love to hear successor you probably love to hear it as well too right absolutely so did you get some value out of today's episode with Cesar Rodriguez I'll leave a link to his vlog in the resource section on my blog at kaneo live.com forward slash sixty downloads you can go and check out some Cesar stopped his story from of history training and stuff on his blog as well are you okay with that if I share that people will go over there I'm all by the waters for another come Allah you look at North Carolina now yes we do and what I'm referring out y'all and please drop us a comment and let me know what you loved most about today's episode share some love with Cesar I would love to know about what you liked most and what you got out of most in this episode and make sure that you get registered for the free training that Cesar is doing right now I don't know how long he'll be doing it for us if you have the opportunity to register for it get yourself registered for it at Pena laser comm or relax 60 download and we will see you on the next episode of Tania Aliza TV
0 notes
premiumfitness · 7 years
It Works Global: Is It A Pyramid Scam? The Truth
[UltraVid id=4 ] hey everyone it's Felicia J and I wanted to make this video to discuss it works global and pyramid schemes and I'm going to keep it all the way real I've read and seen many people splice discussing it works some positive some negative summons information but I want to offer you some valuable information and put some things into perspective for you to think about before you consider joining it works and I'm going to say the biggest concern for Less let's first discuss and define pyramid schemes and scams so a pyramid scheme is a business model where you are investing into a business and also recruiting members in hopes of a return on investment so you're buying into something that doesn't have a promise or tangible return on goods services or funds and pyramid schemes are illegal it works global is a multi-level or network marketing company that offers the opportunity to make residual income by direct sales or word-of-mouth marketing by offering their full line of over thirty six all natural beauty wellness health fitness and weight loss products and not just body reps so they have substituted a large advertising budget on sales in exchange for people like you and I to be able to use the products love the products and share the products with other people who may also want to try the products or sell the products so it works you can either be a customer and simply just use the products or you can be a distributor and have the opportunity to make money by also selling the products because goods and services are being offered this is just one reason why it works global does not fit as a pyramid scheme so people have been wondering why multi-level marketing sometimes referred to as pyramid model businesses not to be confused with pyramid schemes but why this industry is becoming so popular and why it's had a sudden boom well I'm going to tell you so the first reason is that people are realizing that they've already been working in a pyramid model if you work in a typical job you are familiar with starting in a particular position and fulfill specific job requirements or responsibilities to work your way up that ladder to promote to higher managerial in executive roles so typically there are more employees at the base of these organizations and positions become fewer as people work their way to the top does this model look familiar of course it does it's the basic concept of a pyramid model the second reason why multi-level marketing has become so popular is because whether you like it or not your employers are starting to shift towards a pay-for-performance system due to cost containment so your base pay your raises and your promotions will be based off of someone else evaluating your performance and telling you how much they think you deserve so if you already think that you're being overworked and underpaid just think of how you'll be getting paid in the future and some of you are already feeling the effects of this so if you feel like staying in a typical nine-to-five job is the safe way to go think again because safe is becoming the new risky now let's get into some concerns and misinformation that I often hear about it worst global sucking clarify some things first with any business you invest in you're naturally going to want to know how quickly you can receive your return on investment right now when it comes to it works I've heard people say they're concerned about not getting their investment back or some people even saying that they never did get their initial investment back so let me explain to you how you can make your initial investment back way it works global to join it works global as a distributor is only $99 plus tax of course and in exchange for your initial investment you're going to be receiving goods and services that are equal value to your investment which comes in the it works business kit your business kit is going to include some items like your marketing materials and also a box of the it works body wraps which have a retail value of 99 dollars that's why it works distributors technically do have the opportunity to immediately gain their investment back but that's completely up to you the distributor and you have one of three options so option one you have an opportunity to yourself sell each of those four body wraps that you get in your business kit for $25 each and immediately make $100 which gives you back your initial investment option too you can choose to simply use all of your body wraps get great results share those results and start getting customers who also want to try the products option 3 you can choose to do absolutely nothing you can choose not to sell the rest or not to try the wraps either which clearly is not the smartest option now with that being said the company cannot guarantee your actions so therefore if you choose not to do option 1 or 2 which means that you didn't sell your wraps or you didn't use your reps and then you complain about wasting your money and not getting your initial investment back that's nobody's fault but your own either way because you receive something of value for your initial investment and you have the opportunity to get that back immediately that's just another reason why it works global does not fit as a pyramid scheme compensation plan concerns now I always say there are two major components that will determine your success in any legitimate I level marketing company and most of that is going to be on you and how hard you decide to work which I'll get to that in a minute the other small component is the company's compensation plan and the only reason why I threw that in is because every company is very different when it comes to the compensation plan and some plans can be a little bit more complicated than others sometimes making it difficult for people to see the return on investment so anyone out there thinking about joining a multi-level marketing company even if it's not it works you'll want to have a general understanding of the company's compensation plan and what is expected of you to be successful many people invest their money not having a clue about the compensation plan or how they need to build their team to succeed or get customers then they join in they're clueless and confused about what they should be doing and what it's going to take to be successful as a disclaimer I'm going to say the reason why I don't put as much weight on the compensation plan when it comes to the outcome of your success is because everyone who decides to join a particular company receives the same compensation plan and resources there's no difference between the compensation plan that a new distributor receives vs. a top earn er which means there is a even playing field and it's up to the individual to determine how they want to work for the opportunity make sure you know what you're getting into and that you fully understand what is being asked and I personally have been approached by several multi-level marketing companies that have been from health and wellness competitors of it works global other beauty and makeup companies and even travel companies however from doing my research it works global has one of the simplest and attainable compensation plans that I've seen I personally was looking for a company that had a very simple duplicative compensation plan where I could easily you know know what I needed to do to be successful where I could grow my business and where I didn't have to jump through a bunch of Hoops to start seeing my return on investment now speaking of compensation plan I know that most people also have concerns about feeling like a dollar sign to their enroller you know the companies where distributors are able to make a quick bonus just by enrolling new people and then they leave those people at the door as soon as they get paid well what I found really interesting about it works is that it has a team-based structure where you can only make money or promote when you help your team promote so just because someone enrolls you that doesn't mean that they're getting a bonus they actually have to help you start getting customers before they can see any money also I love the fact that it works is structured to where your rank and title or your upline meaning the team members who came before you those components don't put a limit on what your rank has to be or how much you get paid if you come in and work hard enough you can easily pass the rank of your upline team members and also there are people at specific ranks making well beyond the average pay of what that rank typically makes so your rank and your upline team members do not determine your success monthly auto shipment so most multi-level marketing companies have a mandatory or optional monthly shipment or fee requirement in order for distributors to get paid or even stay active as a distributor and to clarify the auto shipment for it works global because I have seen some misinformation about this it works global auto shipment is optional not mandatory for distributors to get commissions on their customer sells they have the option to either one set up a personal monthly product shipment equivalent to about 80 to 100 dollars in products or to they can have at least 150 and volume and customer sales which is about one hundred and fifty dollars in sales now if you simply can't get your 150 and customer sales and maybe you can't even run your personal auto shipment you do have the option to turn your auto shipment off no you would not get paid any sales commissions but at least you're not losing any money either this is actually a point that confuses me when it comes to some people claiming that they've lost a significant amount of money where it works global it works is technically a no risk opportunity because if all else fails you can simply turn off that auto shipment so if you're gaining zero but you're also losing zero that doesn't equal a loss that equals you taking no risk so you can definitely dictate your outcome if you want because I work my business my customer sells easily cover my auto shipment every month so I don't even have to run my our shipment if I don't want to but guess what I still run my auto shipment every single month you better believe at the least my body wraps and my greens on-the-go very are going to be on my auto shipment every single month I'm personally a huge advocate of being a product of the products in any business so I always run my auto shipment because I love the products and I actually use the products faithfully and as a side note for anyone in any business if you don't believe in the product or service that you're selling you definitely should not be selling that product do that it works products work so I know there are some skeptics who don't believe in the product line and even people out there giving misinformation about the product and what they do as a health care professional I am here to tell you that you should understand that most of the it works products are supplements which means that they should be added to a healthy lifestyle in order to enhance whatever goes you're looking for whether that be skin care hair care health fitness whatever there may even be some people out there who who did not have the greatest results with one product now the fact is our products work for the majority of people who use them and being human means that we're all genetically made different so it's impossible for anybody to think that 100% of the products will work for 100% of people 100% of the time I mean most of my friends like seafood but I have a handful of friends who are allergic to seafood does that make you feel bad no I can Google right now reviews on the iPhone and I'm sure I'll find thousands of positive reviews and hundreds of negative reviews better believe that my next phone will be iPhone so don't let one review or one person's experience or hearsay from a product or the business deter you from trying to yourself before I actually join I had never heard of it works I had never tried a product I had never even heard of the body wraps but I just took a chance on the products and took a chance on the business so I know you're thinking that sounds good but police show what has been your personal experience with the it works products and I'm here to tell you that I personally love our product line I basically use the products every single day and I can talk about them all day but I feel like it's better if I actually show you my experience and results so I am actually going to post my personal results from some of the products at the end of this video so you can just for your stove I also have a great video review on the body wrap that you can check out on my youtube channel is will now the biggest concern that I said I wanted to say for last is people wondering why success rates and multi-level marketing companies are not higher if these companies are such a great opportunity to make residual income then why don't ever show that so many people don't succeed or end up losing money my counter questions and that is if the gym offers so many amazing tools and resources for you to get fit and healthy then why are more people not healthier or reaching their fitness goals just think about how many people start their new year's resolution or start a new regimen saying I'm going to go buy this gym membership and I'm going to go get fit and healthy they get the gym membership they go for a week or maybe even a month and then they stop going gym memberships are in the top list of money wasters because so many people sign up with the intentions of working out and getting fit and they end up not using it and most people who sign up quit within their first six months money wasted is that the gyms fault my point is to say you can claim that you want to change your circumstances and that you want to do better and reach your goals but if you don't put in the work and you quit too early I can guarantee that you'll find a spot in that statistics of people who do not succeed I myself initially was also skeptical about why these companies don't have higher success rates but now being on the other side it's clear to me that people simply don't want to put in the work now there are various reasons why people quit but most who signed up quit before they even give the business a chance I literally see people every single week sign up for the business then disappear I'm talking about in as little as their first week of joining or even in the first couple of months we try to reach out we try to see if they want to learn how to be successful and we don't hear from them why because they're not willing to put in work or they have very unrealistic expectations of becoming rich overnight and even a step further many of these people reach out to a handful of people they know about the business or the products you know thinking that everyone they ask what for sure when a join or at least try products and when those people say they're not interested the person feels rejected and takes it personal and they immediately say this business isn't for me I quit get over yourself do you know how many people um have said they were not interested in my business or they ignore me when I started on my business my own mom initially said she was not interested in my products but do you think that stopped me absolutely not because a real boss does not give up that easy if you do not understand business and you're not willing to work hard and be patient enough for your mature then you too will be the person to sign up and fail and I can guarantee that you'll struggle with any business that you take one you know most businesses in general can take years to be profitable and successful and being a quitter will not get you to the top from my own personal experience I had several friends start it works global with me of course we all had the same compensation plan we all have the same resources and I want all my friends who started with me I was the only person who actually worked my business did not give up and the only person who is still here all of my friends did not work their business and quit within their first two months and once they saw me continue and be successful they all set over Felicia you're just naturally good at this and I said let me explain something to you it's not that I'm any different from you it's not that I'm any good at this I'm not great at marketing and I'm definitely not a sales person it's that I chose to work my business and you did not and you gave up too early and I hate that my friends aren't going to be able to go to the top of this business with me unfortunately many people think they're too cute or too good to work for anything and then they still want the champagne lifestyle for a Budweiser work ethic many people have the mentality that they're going to come in and become millionaires overnight doing little to no work that is unrealistic you can't pick and choose if and when you show up to work and still expect a paycheck try showing up to your job tomorrow and not doing any work see if you still get paid let alone have a job success in any business does not come easy or quickly in most cases I hope at this video you gain more insight on it works global and how it fits into the world of multi-level marketing and how it in fact does not fit as a pyramid scheme now everyone is entitled to their own opinion so I know everyone is not going to agree with what I have to say there are going to continue to be those attention-seeking bloggers haters and skeptics who are going to continue to say negative things and please don't let me stop you from doing your job because the great thing is you're not stopping me from doing my job or affecting my paycheck nonetheless I hope that you serious we consider the opportunity with it works global if you are interested in joining the it works team or you would like more information please feel free to contact me via the information in the comments below either way I wish you so many blessings and success and I hope to see you on the other side if you're willing to work
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premiumfitness · 7 years
Potpiegirls Pinterest Success Strategies Review
[UltraVid id=2 ]                                                                                                                                                                                                                             hello hello it is Jennifer from Popeye girl calm and today I would like to talk to you about how you can get paid to pin on Pinterest yes this is for real it's not some bf thing where I get people to sign up and you get people to sign up and all that kind of junk it's not that this is about how to make money pinning on Pinterest in other words doing what you're already doing on Pinterest this is very real and I have to tell you it's pretty brilliant so yeah I'm trying to figure out the best way to explain it the best way to explain it is to step back just a minute and I just want to tell you everyday I am so amazed at just how well my personal Pinterest strategies really work I know that sounds weird I mean I teach it I've tested it I do a set but I'm still just overly impressed with the magnitude of traffic that you can get from Pinterest I mean here are some stats from a little niche site of mine and I didn't even mean for it to be a site I set it up more as a testing ground because I'm always testing conversion techniques and all kinds of things I'm testing and I also used it as a place for example blog posts for my members to go look at to see conversion techniques that work for me or what I'm testing and in the process I noticed that Pinterest was really starting to work for me and I went back in and analyzed what I was doing and made it better and better and I went from very few monthly views to getting gosh now I'm over 127 thousand page views a month and this is a very short time for a blog to have such improvement like that and now all that traffic is not just from Pinterest I know how to ranking vehicle too and but like I said the site was not set up to be a site but now it's become a very Buhler little website and I'm very very thrilled with it and something I wanted to test okay you know work from midnight you know grass recipe follow block but can it work for a local business website because as I said my little test site was only getting 12,000 13,000 pages a month and I went to over a hundred and twenty-seven thousand page views a month and that's a very very big deal so I tried on a client site and I made one blog post the way that I do in my Pinterest success strategies and then followed the way that I pin and you know the whole way I do things and I'm going to tell you it works that one post has had over fifty nine thousand page views since it was published that is just amazing I mean look at this all the traffic the site got in all of 2016 that is here this blue mark and this orange is the improvement in traffic from that one little blog post and the power of Pinterest and only in the first three months of this year it is outstanding and mesmerizing and like it it that's just the sheer power of Pinterest gen right so that brings me to how do you get paid to pin on Pinterest and the thing is I really enjoy my time on Pinterest I just don't see it as work I have you know a great image tool that makes him he can pin so very very easy and I have a scheduling tool which is anyone then I'm testing right now and it is a joy to work with I can attach multiple Pinterest accounts and Facebook page accounts and Twitter accounts and oh gosh all kinds of stuff and I can manage it all from one dashboard for example I can pin a pin to multiple Pinterest accounts in one scheduling action and very wonderful but I'm off topic here the thing is blog owners business site owners all of them they need improvement in traffic like this and they need to know how to get it from Pinterest and when you know how to do that and with them a little additional information you have all you need to learn how to pin on Pinterest because all those things are a recipe for a very successful business and I'm going to tell you Theo stay-at-home mom or if you're looking you're looking to do something online part-time that you can build up to full time the information I have in the rest of this post that you will find here on this page or if you're watching this on YouTube and a link below it will explain to you exactly how to get paid to pin on Pinterest or how to make money getting on Pinterest and it's just a genius idea there's lots of fdq down there how much you can make per hour all of it so I just hope you will enjoy the rest of this toast and thank you for stopping by
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premiumfitness · 7 years
how to build a website for dummies
[UltraVid id=3 ]
  how to build a website for dummies
    hi guys it's Nathaniel from one more cup of coffee and today I'm going to show you how to build a website for dummies Now I'm on the siterubix site right here you can also start this process from the web page where you're currently viewing this video or you can go to the site rubik site through one of my links Then all you need to do is type the name of the website that you want in here it's going to be the URL of your website So let's say I want to do home brewing so I'm going to do home brewing and you can see there it's available I actually like shorter domain names so i'm just going to go with homebrew oh well somebody already has it so home brewing it is Then we're going to go to build my free website and then it's going to bring you to this screen Now I already have an account here if you don't have an account it may or may not ask for for you to create a username if it does it you know it's totally FREE just put in your username and create a password and then you'll be brought to this screen here so I've got a URL here we're going to give our name to our website Here you can call this anything you can change it later the URL however you can't change later so go to how we're going to change it homebrewing.com is going to be the name of my site for now Oh then we want to choose a theme There is I think there's 12 themes that you get to choose from There are some other ones but they're there premium A couple different styles I'm going to choose This one right here and then all we need to do is this part right here This step 4 will always appear in your screen then you click I'm ready to build my website Now we're ready to go and there you go your website's done Now my advice here is to wait maybe you know 30 seconds to a minute before you click on either of these links if you click on it to faster there may or may not be an issue with your ISP or something It's complicated anyway just give it a bit of time to make sure that your site is actually finished building Then what we're going to do is so you can see the live version of your site Here see so that created the site no problem and then that's it You know this is the basics of your site obviously you need to add like text and pictures and you can move some of the stuff around and to do that all you need to do is click this link here it's going to take you to the login screen You can see your login form a login information down here I've got mine blurred out but I'm going to put that in and then now you are in the backend of your website and that's going to be how you customize your website now it's going to take a bit of tinkering around and there's plenty of forums and you can also you know when you sign up for site Rubix you're going to be given a 7-day trial of the live support and the various classroom support things that are available I'm not going to go into it here you know if you want to know more about it you can ask me about an email you can have someone about it on the site but for now you can just see that I you know I just created a website in about 30 seconds and now i have my own URL here if I want to tell people about my hobby or I want to share it on like Facebook or Twitter or Google+ or email it to one of my friends all i have to do is give them this link and then they can go and check out my site and this is a cool way to kind of you know advance your hobbies get a bit better at a share connect with people Anyway I really like it and if it's something that you think you might want to get into you know it's worth trying because it's free and I hope it helps you get started with your favorite hobby turning it into a website and maybe even making money with it down the road
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premiumfitness · 7 years
10K Social Media Recruiting Formula - My Bonuses
[UltraVid id=5 ]http://www.tanyaaliza.com/10kfacebook Go here for your exclusive offer on this training. If you guys don't know about Ms. Jessica Hidgon's 10K Social Media Recruiting Formula yet then you have to get out from under your rock! Even though this training just got released this month it's making waves in the Home Business Industry. HUGE WAVES The way I see it is if you're going to provide training to people, especially people on your Team, you want the training to be relevant and non-distracting. No weird Stuff. Just a Stress Free, Duplicatable way for you and your team to keep the funnel full of well qualified prospects to talk to about your business. This can be a challenge sometimes with a TON of stuff on the internet trying to pull you in a million different directions.....I call this 'Shiny Object Syndrome' LOL But as a Leader in my Network Marketing Business I'm always open to non-distracting ways for my team and I to learn new age prospecting......especially using Facebook because WELL.......there are over a BILLION people on Facebook!!! So out of ALL those people and ALL the noise on Facebook with Spammy crap, how do you do it? How do you professional recruit on Facebook? Jessica Higdon has FINALLY created something my team and I will use forever! The 10K Social Media Recruiting Formual Jessica breaks in down in such a simple......monkey proof way that I'm proud to represent. It's finally something I can share with my team where I'll know that they are in GOOD hands and won't get distracted. It will help them to recruit for their business and I won't have to dread the day where they tell me 'I've ran out of friends and family to talk to' The 10k Social Media Recruiting formula is so powerful that Eric Worre recommended it to his massive list of Home Business subscribers and if you know anything about Eric Worre.....he RARELY promotes other people's products. In short....That means the 10K Social Media Recruiting Formula is AWESOME! I'm honored to have the opportunity to share this with you because Jessica has gone in deep with this course, showing you exactly what's she done to create a $10/mo income in her Home Business ALL from Facebook. That's why she's called it the 10K Social Media Recruiting Formula. I'm not going to spoil it but she goes deep into showing you where to find the Perfect Prospect out of the billions of people on Facebook and she also give you scripts to get the conversation started and taken to 'Welcome to the Team'!! I use her exact scripts myself and I'm blown away with how accurate the responses I get back are! To the tee it works! I'm even more excited to share the 10K Social Media Recruiting Formula with my personal team in my company because I can now have a secondary prospecting solution for them that is proven to work. I was able to get Jessica on a webinar training that explains how her 10K Social Media Recruiting Formula works.....check out the recording if you haven't already seen it! http://www.tanyaaliza.com/10k-social-media-recruiting-formula I know she's keeping this open for a short bit of time so if you want to grab a copy of her 10k Social Media Recruiting Formula from me I'll also include My Bonus Audio Training - 'How to Set Up Your Home Business Like a Pro to Attract Leaders to You and Your Business' this is a $47 training that I normally sell.....but yours free with Jessica's Recruiting Formula. Click Here to Become a 10K Social Media Recruiting Rock Star http://www.tanyaaliza.com/10kfacebook http://youtu.be/TB76ZaLNk9M
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premiumfitness · 7 years
Sales Prospecting Tips - 5 Places To Find More Customers
[UltraVid id=7 ]     Today's episode is going to be really wacky because I've got my whiteboard out and we're going to be doing some whiteboard training. we're going to be talking about how I've used internet marketing to build my network marketing business. This is a massive topic that I get so many people ask me about. so I thought I would show you exactly how I use internet marketing to build my network marketing business. so if you'd like to learn that stay tuned okay. so a huge topic in my world is Tanya how have you used internet marketing to build your network marketing business? I see the results you have I see the success you have. how do you do it and is it even really viable to build a network marketing team and have duplication using internet marketing. and that's a really good question that I get asked all the time and I want to actually break it down in today's training episode on exactly how I've done it. I want to show you the pieces of the puzzle that you need. very simply not complicated at all to really build a big team in network marketing and recruit and team build and have duplication and basically make it a little bit easier for you to talk to people that are interested about your business and ways that you can really really rev up those results fast. it's something that we've been able to do in our business very successfully right now we're the number three recruiters in our network marketing company out of three hundred and sixteen thousand active reps globally so obviously we're doing something right. so I'm going to actually give you something that I normally do in all of my episodes I like to give a free be for you I like to give you a free resource that you can use and you can put into action in your business and in today's episode I have the internet marketing map for Network marketers so everything that I'm going to show you most of what I'm going to show you actually I'm going to put the guide for you and you can actually download it immediately. you can print it out and then you can use that guide when you put the pieces of the puzzle together for your network marketing business and team that you're building so every episode I'd like to have a freebie that you can get massive value out of it in today's episode I'm going to give you my internet marketing map for Network marketers, you can secure an absolutely free copy obviously it's a freebie over all my blog. cool things that I do that work very effectively in my business model so I'm going to break it down today let me grab my pen because I actually don't have my pen okay so got my pen what I want to do is I want to show you what I was doing before which wasn't really working and then I want to show you what I'm doing now. so right now most of you are probably posting stuff stuff on social media and this is actually a training it's a more higher level training that I have it's more or less what I do with my coaching programs but I thought it was really important to put together for you to understand how this all works especially in today's in today's age of the internet so you're probably already posting things on social media about your business. you're sharing your business on social media social media is becoming extremely popular Avenue for people to promote and market their stuff on right but you want to make sure that you're doing it properly otherwise you could mess up your brand people can look at you funny you could become you could come across as salesy or weird and you don't want to do that that's really important that you actually present yourself as a professional marketer or not a spamming / promotional marketer. right so what you're doing already a lot of us are already doing is you're posting on you know social media so we've got you know Facebook Twitter Instagram whatever right and you guys probably can't read but maybe you can maybe we'll zoom in a little bit on that maybe we'll look at pretty in the editing but we've got social media and you guys are already doing posts on social media now I got a lot of great training on my blog. I'll leave a link below on what you should be posting on social media to get the most interaction and we're not going to talk about it in this video I'm just going to show you how it works okay you can go to the other blog post I'll leave links and resources below on my blog. so you're posting on social media all these great posts that are getting interaction now what most people do is from social media what they'll do is they'll put a link to their business opportunity their products their service page their customer pages whatever right so they're sharing their link from social their social media posts and they're taking people to a customer replicated website. you do not want to do that and this is what I was doing before I was taking people to this generic website that we get with our network marketing company that is supposed to sell stuff for us or help us generate you know reps and teammates and customers. well it's not working right obviously is probably why you're watching this video and I was doing that before - I was sending people to the company and replicated website and that just wasn't generating a whole lot of business for me okay just laying it out on the table being truthful with you so what I do now. okay and this is this is the formula that I have used for years to build my network marketing business online is instead of doing social media posts and pointing to a generic company replicated website. what I actually do now is I do great value posts and then I actually direct everybody over to my blog okay and the blog will control the traffic/ okay so what I mean by control the traffic is I have way more control over on my blog then anywhere else that I send my people I have my about page that they're going to and they're learning about me and they are going to my products pages there they are seeing my value and they're seeing me as a person of authority and credibility. that they want to learn more about and do business with. now when I was sending people to my company replicated website that just was not happening. people would go there and they have seen it before they'll go and Google the name of the company and then we all know what happens when that happens right. so they have no control over the traffic this is this is controlling my traffic people are then exposed to my opt-in forms becoming leads and I'm following up with those people now. there's many different avenues or facets of why a blog is very important and I talk about those a lot and a lot of the training that I do I talk about blogging a lot but you this builds you up as a credible figure and an authority your blog builds you up as an authority figure even if you don't have success yet in your business. if you have a blog and you send people there. they immediately think of you as the expert the authority it gives them a different perceived value of you as the person that is selling your product service or opportunity. so I talked a lot about sending traffic to your blog and if you don't have a blog or if your blog isn't generating you business. I'll have that there for you and I actually have a little free video series that you can go through that'll show you the right way to set up your blog for business. so make sure instead of sending your traffic to a company replicated website that's generic and there's nothing special about it make sure you're sending your traffic to your blog make sure that you are building a blog on WordPress and I'll do another video here in the next couple of days on the right way to do a blog and the wrong way to do a blog. I do have a couple of links I'll leave in the resource section on if you want to build your own or have somebody build it you know you'll you'll have the resources but long story short make sure that you're sending them to a blog your blog alright and make sure it's your blog built on WordPress not through a system or anything like that you don't you don't want that you don't want a blog or blog or anything like that right but what you want to do from the blog and how it works in my world is people are exposed to my capture forms and my capture forms have you know obviously a spot where people can opt-in to get a piece of value that they want and it collects their name and email address and sometimes phone number. then what happens is once somebody fills out that opt-in form or capture form or lead magnet whatever you want to call it. then what they do is they I get an email notification that says hey you've got a new lead right that's interested in your stuff right. whatever it is that you're selling or promoting and then I have the ability now to follow up with them and when I get on the phone with people that have been generated through this type of a funnel. through my blog and they've been there and they've understood my story and they built a relationship with me they've already built trust and credibility with me when I get on the phone with them here to talk to them and see how I can help them and see if there's an opportunity for them to come into my business either environment products my services or join my team the conversation goes very differently versus buying a cold lead list where they don't know you right whenever I get on the phone with somebody generated through my blog or my social media avenues. they think I'm a celebrity and they're like oh my gosh Tanya I'm so excited you're calling me is that really you oh my gosh and all I need to say is hey do keep your options open as far as other ways to you know earn and income or do you keep your options open when it comes to my products or services that I'm offering. they go oh my gosh I can't believe you're asking me of course I do right and seven times out of ten the conversation will go exactly like that now there's a lot of different ways that we can monetize the people. that also say no to our primary business opportunity and there's some you know courses and things like that that'll offer to maybe help them if they don't see an opportunity over here with me. I can say okay great well how can I help you and then I can direct them to a spot where you know they can actually get more help and I really like I'll leave a system that I really like in the resources section of this blog. I really like Vince Reeds my internet traffic system it's a really great system if you don't have your own products or anything created you can actually use his system and it's got really great training in there to create that multiple stream of income for the people that say no to your business opportunity. but might just be looking for training that you can help them with so it's all about really capitalizing on the ability to help people and the only way to do that is to put yourself in front of them like this follow up with them and say how can I help you and then give them the opportunities and services that will help them with what they want and that's exactly how it works. you know I'm posting and if you guys follow me on you know social media you see that I do exactly this I've got people on my facebook right I'm a big Facebook love Facebook marketing I bring people over to my blog. I even advertise on Facebook but my advertisements go over to my blog. my blog will help build credibility and Trust and all that with my prospect who is cold now turning into a warm prospect. they're learning about me they're building trust and credibility with me and then they're going to trust me enough to fill out the opt-in form and once they fill out the opt-in form I can call them and I can say hey how can I help you and we can take the next step together and I can actually help them but also create a business from that and so. if you don't have these pieces in place like this yet then you definitely want to check out some of the resources that I have on my blog because I'm going to actually give you some resources that can help you set this all up. I've actually got a really cool video series that will help you set all of this up so you make sure that you have it in place properly for your business and it is converting very well for you and again you know we've done very well online since 2010 but it's all in how we've set ourselves up with that map and making sure that the pieces are in place at the right spot with the right language. for our target audience so make sure that you get the freebie in today's episode because it's really going to help you put some of those pieces in place and show you what those pieces are should be for your business. network marketing map with the resources that we talked about in today's training to sort of help you put you on that path to building your business online if that's something that you want to do as a network marketer the worlds have changed for us knowing this and when we talk to people about our businesses the conversations go a lot different we have more people in our world that are actually interested in what we have our products or services are opportunity and the more I can show other people how to do this and set it up and have them have results that's the beauty of lifting our industry up in network marketing to a higher standard and actually helping more people to do so. so I hope you found value in today's episode if you did I always love your comments and would like to hear some feedback so drop me a comment below and make sure to get your free be offered in today's video as well and we'll see you on the next episode oh if you have anybody that you think would like to build their business on the internet and you want to make sure that they do it properly feel free to share this episode with them as well be blessed as always and we will see you on the next episode Tanya Alyza TV.
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premiumfitness · 7 years
ACER Aspire E5-575-54SM 15.6
[UltraVid id=7 ]
   Today I'm back with another video and this is a budget notebook. We're looking at is the Acer Aspire II live. This notebook has some pretty impressive specs for the price. Let's take a look let's go and break down the specs. You're getting a skylight base Intel Core i5 6200 u 4 gigs of ram 15.6 inch HD display one terabyte drive and the retail price is 359. In terms of expandability is very easy to upgrade your notebooks. Simply remove these three screws and pop up here and boom you have access to your hard drive and your to sodium dim Salons.
The base one terabyte drive is slow however there's also an m2 slot. To increase your overall performance. The exterior looks pretty slick especially at this kind of price range. Yes it is made out of plastic but it has this kind of brushed metal finish to adds a really nice touch. The base is made out of aluminum and it looks really good looks almost like a high-end laptop.
The weight of this laptop comes in at 4.9 to pounds and it's thickest point is one point one nine inches. The bill called this Acer laptop is actually pretty good. There's very minimal flex towards the top and there is very minimal keyboard flex. This thing is loaded with ports unless you got your security lock slot exhaust port for your fan USB type-c rj45 Ethernet VGA port full size HDMI and two USB 3. On the right side you got your headset microphone jack combo USB 2 DVD Drive and your charging port and don't panic the SD card reader is located in the front. You also got your power status LED indicators.
Performance from this dual-core chip is top-notch. You're getting the skylight base Intel Core i5 6200 u which offers great performance. With the CPU you're also getting the Intel HD graphics 520 you can expect to play games like cargo on medium settings at 1366 by 768 and get an average around 40 to 55 frames per second.
The fan noise levels are very efficient during light to medium usage. I can hardly hear it running. In fact the one terabyte traditional hard drive is actually louder than the fan. The downsides to this laptop is the amount of bloatware installed. Take a look at this desktop as part of the reason the price is so low and attractive.
But the good news here is you can move them one by one or use a program like CCleaner or remove them automatically. This laptops rocking a 15.6 inch glossy TN panel with the resolution of 1366 by 768 The color accuracy is poor. Just like most budget laptops in this price range the srgb coverage came in at 57% in the Adobe RGB scored 42%. You get a full-size keyboard with a 10 key numeric keypad which will come in handy for those of you that crunch a lot of numbers. Travel is pretty good overall and the overall typing experience has been pleasant and best of all this laptop has a backlit keyboard which is very rare at this kind of price range.
Thanks a siRNAs pretty awesome next up is trackpad performance. This laptop features a large trackpad. Just like the ones found in the MacBook Pro. Tracking 2 finger scrolling and multi-touch has been very precise. With this laptop you're getting a four cell battery pack and I've been able to get around four to five hours of medium to light usage. That's like browsing the web, word processing and watching some Netflix and YouTube videos. The Acer Aspire 5 features a front-facing 720p HD webcam.
I've been pretty impressed with the speakers on this laptop. There are two front modern facing speakers and the sound quality is excellent. There's hardly any distortion and the only con I can think of is using this laptop on your lap just do not position the speaker's towards them. Alright guys this is my best full review on the Acer Aspire ePHI 4 Micro Center for $359 this laptop offers a tremendous amount of value for the price. You're getting a sleek and stylish machine. A very capable skylight core i5 chip and MDOT 2 slot 4 SSD upgrade in the future a backlit keyboard. Which is unheard of at this price point and it can be easily upgraded by removing three screws on the bottom. This is one of the best laptops for students I've ever tested for under $400. I highly recommend it students going back to school. Besure to hit the share button. Thanks
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