powerfulredheads · 4 months
I was reading 'At The End There Was You' by Wendy Heiss and there was a conversation between FMC and MMC that reminded me how the IC treated Nesta.
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powerfulredheads · 1 year
it's 2023 and the ship wars still continues. consider me impressed
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powerfulredheads · 2 years
wait.. now hold on... yes. absolutely yes 😭😍
for an emerie (crack)ship i’m really vibing with cresseida x emerie
just the idea of emerie lounging under the sun, tanning her wings in the summer court with cresseida is 🤌🤌🤌
plus emerie marrying into royalty and being a princess by marriage would be so fun
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powerfulredheads · 2 years
elucien being the lord of foxes and the seer? love my two little furries 😩🤞
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powerfulredheads · 2 years
love them
The Valkyries❤
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artist: aclarartt [instagram]
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powerfulredheads · 2 years
I've been binge reading rivusa fics ever since ftws s2 trailer came out
i am (not) sorry for the person I’ll become when rivusa comes on my screen, you’ve been warned
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powerfulredheads · 2 years
Why does the Night Court need a torturer to extract secrets? I mean both the High Lord and High Lady are daemati. So if someone doesn't have mental shields, why do they need Azriel as a torturer? I can understand if they have but most of the Fae don't work on them. Even Lucien hadn't. So, what's the point?
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powerfulredheads · 2 years
Nesta Archeron hated Tamlin. She hated him for what he did to her sister. Rhysand's inner circle and herself are wary of Tamlin's new circle. However, a particular female caught her attention in the ballroom of the dawn court. Maybe it was the way she held herself. Maybe it was the way there was a hint of night court in her yet somehow is part of the spring court's circle. Maybe it was the way she wore a black suit. Whatever it was, Nesta Archeron did not expect to have a conversation with none other than the Spring Court's spymaster, Althea.
Nesta was even more surprised that she managed to hold a civil conversation with her, an entertaining one at that. Althea asked questions about her life as a human. Nesta was shit talking about Tamlin and to Nesta's surprise Althea laughed at what she had to say. They talked about books. Althea even recommended her a book, something about dark femininity. They even shared a dance, with her mate casting Althea hateful glares, and Nesta must admit Althea was a great dance partner. A friend from another court,Nesta thought, like how Mor was friends with Viviane.
For once, Nesta did not bother looking for her family and actually didn't mind talking continuously with Althea. However, that was short lived.
"Ah, I'm sorry to cut this conversation short, Nesta but it seems that my dear friend, Lucien, may need some help" Althea grimaced at the sight of a drunk Lucien drunkenly walking through the crowd to- oh by the mother- his eldest brother.
Nesta followed Althea's gaze to the sight and her eyes widened in shock. "What's with him?",she questioned as Althea made to stand up.
Althea sighed sadly, "He must have come across his mate and they might have gotten into an argument". Nesta just furrowed her eyebrows in concern, maybe for her sister or Lucien maybe both.
"It was a pleasure making your acquaintance, Nesta Archeron. Until next time" Althea smiled and Nesta found herself doing the same.
Althea made her way through the crowd towards Lucien and picked up her pace when she heard Lucien's rather loud voice.
"My dearest brother. Oh, how much I'd love to punch your awfully beautiful face" Lucien exclaimed, clapping Eris Vanserra on his shoulder. Eris stiffened, looked around to see if any of his brothers or father was watching then tilted his head to look at his brother.
Eris rose one brow, "You're drunk" he deadpanned.
Lucien gaped at him, "W-what? No! I'm Lucien, your youngest brother"
Eris rolled his eyes and opened his mouth ready to tell him off when Althea got in between them.
"Sorry to cut off this lovely, heartwarming brotherly reunion-" Althea took Lucien's left arm and place it around her shoulders to stop him from collapsing "but I'm going to put you to bed before you do something rash"
"Are you trying to bed me, Althea?" Lucien gaped at his friend, who he now considered his little sister, in shock.
"The fuck-"Althea said in confusion but was cut off by Lucien's dramatics.
"ABsoLUTEly not! I am-" Lucien hiccuped, "a mated male. How. Dare. You." Lucien somehow managed to garner enough strength to push Althea away.
Althea would have fallen if it was not for Eris who caught her at her waist. At the touch, Althea straightened her body and tried to stop the blush from forming on her cheeks. Pissed at how minimal contact managed to get a reaction from her, Althea stepped away from Eris' arms and glared at him. The bastard only raised his eyebrows in amusement and sent her a devishly handsome smirk.
This only pissed Althea off even more. She diverted her attention once again to Lucien any smack him up his head. Eris snorted. Lucien rubbed the back of his head, looking like a child being reprimanded by their mother.
"Lucien fucking Vanserra. Firstly, I have no interest in bedding you. Secondly, you push me like that again and I'll chop your arms off. You get me?" Althea threatened, pointing a finger to his face.
Lucien only mimicked Althea liked a child and grumbled something along the lines of 'yes mother'. Althea rolled her eyes but slung his arm over her shoulder again.
"Fare thee well, Prince Eris" Althea mocked and was about to take a step away from him and leave for Lucien's temporary room when Eris slung Lucien's other arm across his shoulder and they both quickly made their way out the ballroom without Eris' family looking.
"I can take care of him, you know. You risk being caught by your father or brothers" Althea grunted, shifting Lucien's arm at a more comfortable angle.
Eris said nothing. Only set his jaw tight and continued walking. It was silent for a while until Lucien heaved a dramatic sigh.
"What have I done wrong? I gave her space. I never forced her to do anything she didnt want to do. Am I not enough? Urgh, I'm only doing the bare minimum-" Eris cut Lucien off with a 'shush'
Althea's eyes softened at Lucien's words, "You are enough, Luc. She'll come around eventually"
Eris snorted, "Eventually? It's been two bloody years."
"Shut the fuck up" Althea huffed "She lived like what twenty years as a human? She's only been a fae for 2 plus years. Cut her some slack. Besides, adjusting to the fae world is one thing. Accepting a cauldron damned sacred almighty mating bond after being ripped from her human fiance she was content with is another." She continued.
Lucien just hummed sadly at that.
"Never stop fighting for love, Lucien" Althea said firmly, opening the door to his assigned room.
"You, place him on his bed. I'm getting him water" Althea instructed Eris.
That bastard, however, just threw Lucien on the bed.
"What the fuck Eris?" Althea seethed, turning around.
The idiot only smirked at her, "Such a lewd mouth"
"Get fucked" Althea cursed before she continued her task in filling the cup with water, distracting herself with her task or she might just strangle him.
Lucien gasped dramatically, "I'm falling- oh cauldron boil and fry me- is this how I die?"
Eris took a pillow and hit him with it.
"What was that for" Lucien exclaimed.
"Because I felt like it" Eris said in all honesty.
"Oh piss off" Lucien muttered.
Eris' face turned serious and glared at his youngest brother, "You should be more careful when being reckless. Beron or your brothers could have seen you. Attack you. You got away this time. I might not be there a second time. I might not save you at all" Eris said whilst taking out his waistcoat,untying his hair and putting a blanket over him.
Althea could feel that Eris didn't mean the last line at all. She came up beside Eris to pass Lucien the glass of water, "Drink" Althea ordered.
Lucien gulped all of it down and placed the glass on the night stand. He faced Eris once more, "Love you too, dog" before he passed out.
"Idiot. A lovesick idiot" Eris muttered with distaste.
"You still care about him" Althea turned to face him.
"I only helped you to get him out because the faster you leave, there's a higher chance that Beron or his brothers wouldn't see him with me" Eris countered.
Althea could have mentioned that she could make her and Lucien turn invincible and no one would see them but she didn't want just anyone knowing about her powers.
Althea just shook her head and chuckled, "Males. Is this how you say 'I love you' ?"
Eris snarled, opening his mouth to argue but Althea shut it with her hand like he was a mere dog.
"You care. You care so deeply. But you grew up learning to suppress such emotions. 'Love makes you weak' and all that egoistic male bullshit that is engraved in your brain" Althea said.
"You don't know me" Eris said, taking a step towards her. "Don't act like you do"
"No. No I don't know you" Althea looked up at him and turned to leave the room with him in tow, "But I understand why you do what you do. I see and I understand."
Eris stopped in his tracks. Something in him cracked. Under all the masks and armours he built over the centuries, something cracked. From under, something ignited and glowed so quietly but Eris just built up his walls again and followed behind her.
Just as Althea opened the door, Eris smelled something familiar. His brother, Asher.
"My brother's coming" Eris whispered. Althea eyed Lucien's door. Shit. He couldn't know or see that Lucien was in the room.
Without thinking Althea messed up Eris' hair. She took out her hair that was in bun and messed it up a little.
"Follow my lead" Althea whispered back, taking his arm and placing it around her waist. Eris tensed beside her.
Asher came to view, "Where. were. you" He bit out, "Father's been looking for you" He glared at Eris until his gaze landed on Althea. Eris glowered at his brother and took a step foward to shield her from him. Eris didn't know why but he did.
Asher ignored him and sneered at Althea, "What were you doing to my brother".
Althea feigned nonchalance and lifted a shoulder, "Ask him. He was doing me". Eris choked on his saliva, he tilted his head to look behind him and saw a smirking Althea. She was having fun with this. Eris supposed he could too.
Meanwhile, Asher's jaw dropped to the floor. Clearly Eris doesn't take up mistresses and even if he did, he hid it well.
"Watch how you speak to my lovely woman, brother" Eris drawled. He smirked at Althea when he saw pink covering her cheeks. She looked like a beautiful mess. For him.
Althea straightened her body and ran her fingers down Eris back. She smirked back at him when she felt him tense beneath her touch. She was enjoying this. The effect she somehow had over him.
This was all fun, Althea thought but her sisters by choice were probably looking for her and she did not want to be on the receiving end of Zaria's mother hen-ing.
Althea looked up at Eris through her lashes. "I'll see you again, Eris Vanserra" she winked and walked away. The last thing she saw was the flame sizzling in his eye. Mother bless her soul, Eris Vanserra was beautiful.
Eris watched as she left his arms. His heart was tugging towards her. His name on her lips should not be making him feel things or having rather indecent thoughts but it did. He watched her again as she turned a corner. He'll see her again, Eris thought as he and his brothers made their way to Beron. Not a farewell, no. A promise. One Eris intends to keep up.
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powerfulredheads · 2 years
i am writing my first ever fic and it's Eris Vanserra×Female OC.
here's a breakdown of well how this fic came about. so like any other readers, you tend to switch up of how the stories goes because like you can. it's reading, it's your own imagination. you add different universe plot to another universe plot. Therefore, it started when i was thinking about tamlin finally getting his shit together when 3 mysterious girls fell into his life. like literally fell and landed in the spring court and tamlin happened to witness it.
NOW HERE COMES THE PLOT FROM ANOTHER FICTIONAL UNIVERSE. i was thinking like MCU black widows escaping the red room. so these 3 girls are faeries who were somehow kidnapped by (tbh i was thinking humans but uk being kidnapped by a kingdom in the continent sounds more uhm realistic? whatever i was in social studies and it just came about) some crazy dude who wanted well assassins they can control and stuff.
these 3 girls are:
- she's a (NOW HERE COMES THE MADE UP IMAGINATION PART) shifter. (giving very much lysandra from TOG)
- she's from the spring court
- hazel brown hair, green(left) blue(right) eyes
- her powers are animal shape shifting
- she's from the summer court
- periwinkle blue box braids hair, amber eyes and her left leg is metal (giving very much bucky barnes but legs edition)
- her mother's from the dawn court and her father's from the night court
- black hair, dark brown eyes and she got scars at her back.
- now i wanted to make her interesting and because I can AHAHAHAHA i gave her the powers of some of the MCU eternals namely sersi, thena, ajak, druig, kingo (BYE- I WANTED SOMEONE TO RIVAL FEYRE AND RHYSAND)
- also because like eternals powers are like what cosmic energy? and i saw a tumblr post that said eris was a dreamer but there were no stars in his world. SO LIKE SHE CAN BE HIS STAR OR WHATEVAAAA.
: and because i can they all 3 can winnow LMAOOOO
so these 3 girls were running away after burning down the red room. althea and zaria were heavily injured so that left Ivy to winnow them and the first place she thought of was the spring court. okay also they jumped out of the building so that's why when ivy winnowed they fell from the sky.
after reading all this, i must say my imagination runs wild and i should really start focusing in school and thinking about career stuff LOL.
anyways Ivy wanted to rebuild the spring court because she's bloody loyal and believes for the greater good and like #imaproudfaeofspringcourt kinda person AHAHAHAHAH.
now obv tamlin would do some interrogation on them and stuff and their all suspicious with one another. also zaria and althea have nowhere to go since their family and homes were killed when they were taken.
so these 3 girls and tamlin developed a weird kind of friendship. they started healing the spring court and also healing together #bffs. 6 MONTHS LATER CAME LUCIEN VANSERRA.
now here comes the sad part because I wasn't thinking about development of elucien. so basically he came to the spring court after a terrible fight with elain and she basically told him stuff that cut DEEP. so lucien had enough because he was getting hurt for 1yr plus of pining. he didn't break the bond. he also quit being the night court emissary. he told feyre that "he need some time". so he came to the spring court to check up with tamlin.
Lucien helps out with rebuilding the spring court along with them and ALL OF 5 OF THEM BECOME SOME FOUND FAMILY.
and and they became the people tamlin trusts so their like inner circle 2.0 walmart edition (im really degrading my own story).
Tamlin- High Lord (obv)
Lucien- Second in command
Ivy- Third in command
Zaria- General of the spring court armies
Alrhea- Spymaster
then times later theres a high lord meeting... (btw by then they know spring court has been getting better) and tamlin pulls up with 3 badass looking women and sexy firefox lucien.
and FINALLY how the fic came about is when theres like a ball with high lords and like other important people held at the dawn court. Althea was talking with Nesta Archeron when she sees Lucien drunk (from getting in another fight w elain) (IM SO SORRY ELUCIENS) and making his way to none other than his brother.
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powerfulredheads · 2 years
Gwyn threw Azriel a withering stare as she strode past him. “See you tomorrow, Shadowsinger,” she tossed over a shoulder.
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Art by _ink.eyes on ig and comm by me.
Reposts are not allowed anywhere.
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powerfulredheads · 2 years
sorry I saw this beautiful fanart and needed to write something for this dynamic so here’s this silly little piece
Eris had never been particularly fond of children.
They were loud. Smelly. Annoying. Pretty rude sometimes, too. Being the oldest with six younger brothers hadn’t helped at all.
The other boys had caught on quick enough: Eris was the oldest. You followed father’s rules, but when he wasn’t around, Eris was the one to fear.
He was perfectly alright with that setup.
Until his mother went off and bore another high lord’s child.
Lucien. The kid was awful. The most annoying of the bunch by far, and absolutely, irrevocably, in love with Eris.
Avoiding Lucien had become a new hobby of his.
He wasn’t very good at it.
Eris had been enjoying the crisp afternoon, one of his rare days left to his own devices, planning to spend it with his hounds, far away from the manor and all his brothers—
But little Lucien followed.
He tried to sneak. Eris walked through the forests, casually gazing up at the redwoods and oaks, pretending not to hear the little giggles as Lucien followed close behind, darting from tree to tree. If not the giggles, crunching footsteps, and loud sniffs from the remnants of Lucien’s most recent cold every few minutes, then it was the shushing that gave him away.
Eris’s hounds were far more interested in Lucien, jumping and barking happily around him, and Lucien loudly shushed them every time.
The sprawling forest thinned in the slightest, opening to a trickling creek through the tree. A thick branch had fallen along it, and Eris slung a leg over it, sitting heavily with a loud sigh.
The footsteps shuffled to a stop behind him.
“Well,” Eris said loudly, pulling one of his daggers from his belt, “I certainly hope there are no monsters in this forest. I’d hate to have to slay a beast on my day off.”
A giggle came from the trees.
Eris couldn’t help how his lips tugged upwards. He whistled through his teeth, picking up a stone and sliding it down the blade.
The dog bounded over to him, his first, most loyal of the pack.
“Reveal,” Eris ordered, scratching Aspen behind the ears. The hound barked, tail a blur behind her, and shot into the trees.
All was quiet in the forest for a moment, save the rustle of wind through dry leaves and the sliiink of the stone against his blade—then a yelp, a bark, and a shrieked, “NO NO NO NO NO NO!!”
Aspen dragged a dirt-covered little redhead out by the pant leg and dropped him at Eris’ feet.
Two big, twinkling russet eyes blinked up at him.
“Gotchu,” Lucien giggled.
Sliiink. Sliiink.
Eris raised an eyebrow as Lucien’s smile faltered and he pulled himself to his feet, trying to brush the leaves off his shirt.
“You had lessons today,” Eris said, focus on the blade in his hand. “And yet you’re out here with me.”
“They’re so boring,” Lucien moaned, and flopped to the ground with a sigh to lean against the branch beside Eris’ legs. “This is way funner. Whatcha doing out here, anyways?”
Eris couldn’t fault him that. He’d hated his fair share of etiquette and history lessons, too.
Aspen trotted right up to Lucien and licked up his little round cheek.
He burst into giggles and grabbed the ghost hound around the neck, pulling her into a hug. “I like your dogs, Eris.”
“Same here,” he muttered.
He didn’t know how to talk to this kid.
This half-brother.
There was the age difference, for one thing; Eris was a fully grown adult by the time Lucien was born. Brother, yes, but little Lucien...he was barely six years old, and treated Eris as if he were a god.
And then there was the truth.
The dirty little secret, the sword hanging by a hair above Lucien’s head.
That was the problem with being a grown, conscious fae while his mother was still having children.
He figured out very quickly why Lucien didn’t quite fit in to the Vanserra clan—and he’d barely been able to stomach looking the kid in the eye since then.
“Whatcha doing?” Lucien asked again once Aspen calmed, curled up by his side. He scooted backwards, up onto the branch, until he made it to right next to Eris. He peered over Eris’s arm at the dagger.
“Sharpening my dagger,” Eris said simply, and continued to do so. Smooth, long strokes right along the edge.
Lucien stared, and they sat in silence for a moment. Lucien’s little leg started to bounce.
“I-I have a sword, too,” he announced, jumping to his feet and pulling a small wooden sword from his belt, waving it proudly at Eris. “Father gave it to me so I could fight Ronan. I’m gonna beat him next time he tries to fight me. I’m gettin’ real good.”
Eris grimaced, not lifting his gaze. “I bet you are.”
Lucien cocked his head, bright orange hair falling limp over his forehead. “Are you sad?”
That got him to look up. The kid was gazing so intently at him, his little eyebrows furrowed as he clutched his little wooden sword. Eris’s heart clenched—those were his mother’s eyes. Well, her eyes centuries ago, before Beron made sure they never twinkled again.
“I’m always a little sad,” Eris replied, giving him a small smile. “But we live with it, don’t we?”
A grin lit up Lucien’s chubby face. “I’ve never been sad. I’m always happy, I’m good at it.”
A lump caught in Eris’s throat. That...wouldn’t last long in this place. Hell, the kid still thought Ronan and Hagan and Vulcan were playing pirates, when they’d come at him altogether with swords drawn and he’d run off shrieking to the safety of their mother. Reality would sink in within a couple years.
Lucien reached out and gently tapped Eris on the head with his wooden sword. “Can I help you be happy?”
Eris hummed, flipping the blade to sharpen the other side. “I’m fine, kid. Thank you.”
“Good.” Lucien nodded, still fidgeting with the hilt of his sword. He gave it an experimental swing, big eyes narrowing into a fierce little scowl that made Eris want to laugh.
“You swing with too much elbow.”
Lucien huffed, swinging the sword again, this time right towards Eris, pursing his lips and letting out a quiet “swooooosh” as the wooden sword swung. He tapped it against Eris’s arm—and a grin broke out over his face again.
“Got your arm. Drop your sword, I cut off your arm!”
“Hm.” Eris kept sharpening his blade, a small smile plying at his lips. “You would have gotten my arm, but your sword is too dull.”
“Nuh-uh.” Lucien ran a little finger along the rounded edge of the sword. “I sharpened it last night!”
“Not very well,” Eris chuckled.
“Hey.” Lucien huffed again. “Don’t be mean to me.”
“I’ll be however I’d like to be.”
Lucien only giggled at the threat, then shoved his wooden sword towards Eris.
“Can you sharpen it for me, Eris?”
So much for a day to himself.
Eris sighed, grabbing the wooden sword and setting down his own. “Only if you promise to shut up for the rest of this walk.”
Lucien clapped his hands over his mouth and nodded. “You got it. I’m quiet.”
Eris frowned at the sword—this was ridiculous. One couldn’t just sharpen a wooden sword—much less with a stone.
Oblivious and obnoxious as ever, Lucien bounced on the balls of his feet and tried to smother his grin behind his hands.
Annoying little prick was being pretty cute. As far as kids went, that is.
Eris heaved a defeated sigh, and lowered the stone to the wooden sword.
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powerfulredheads · 2 years
Lucien: To everyone who has treated me poorly: I am sexier than you.
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powerfulredheads · 2 years
oh how i want this to happen if they are ever related
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powerfulredheads · 2 years
Gwyn is such an inspiration 😇
After all the heartbreak, trauma, suffering, and assault, she remains brave and fierce. She has so much spunk, sass and spirit. She remains optimistic and enthusiastic. A true friend, a hard worker, and such a beacon of hope and light. She literally stepped out of her comfort zone! She has experienced some of the ugliest parts of life, and it is not easy to remain kind and hopeful after that. But SHE HAS and good things have come to her life for it. I’m pretty sure that was the moral you were supposed to get from her story so far but instead some people have twisted it around like snakes in a bind! (too aggressive?)
All these damn ship wars have overshadowed just how f**kin admirable she is beyond the romance! It’s bad form, you guys. I thought we were all about female empowerment now 🥺 So, stop that. Or, for everyone’s goddamn sanity, just walk away. 🤍 ✌🏼
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powerfulredheads · 2 years
ranking the high lords
1) Tarquin
2) Thesan
3) Helion
4) Kallias
5) Rhysand
6) Tamlin
7) Beron
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powerfulredheads · 2 years
i want Emerie to be the one that dominates morrigan.
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powerfulredheads · 2 years
The thing with the ACOTAR books is that i LOVE the world building. Most of the characters however just really fucking pisses me off and that's okay. The things with reading is that you have the freedom to think whatever you want. It just depends on how you present those ideas if ever you decide to talk about it. So fuck the ship wars. These people, they are fictional. Ship whoever u want to ship. Stan whoever u want to stan. Period.
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