So the last thing I reblogged really made me think about how much of a time waster this site has been for me...........so I’m going to take a break for awhile (because I’m afraid to completely deactivated).
I switched the urls of this blog and my art blog, and I’ll probably still be posting some stuff there. 
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I hate this website so much shoutout to ppl who deleted
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tag yourself
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me: *types a personal post* me @ myself: okay but who cares me: okay… damn…… *deletes it*
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The Silver Shroud
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Sometimes your artistic improvement is not only what your hands can do but also what your eye and mind can understand.
Few years ago I was looking at some works of my favourite artists and couldnt even comprehend how they are made. Colors, lightning, workflow - everything seemed so advance my mind was shutting off, just admiring the view but not understanding it.
Now - even if I’m not able to reach their skill or it would take me days - I can analyze and deconstruct all those “impossible” works. I can understand how they use light or color to achieve certain effects and file it for later use. 
Remember that your eyes and brain develop as well as your hand, sometimes at different speed. Looking and thinking about art has the same value as actually doing it. Have an artblock? Take some time to browse through your favourite works and instead of thinking how much you can’t do the same, try to understand how it’s done!
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good artist tips
there’s always gonna be someone better than you. try to work less on comparing yourself to their work and instead learning from them and turning envy into a personal challenge for your own stuff. i know its hard, trust me.
the best way to get better at art is to practice. there is no special trick to improving, no secret method. practice makes perfect is a tired old saying that im sure you dont want to hear but unfortunately, its true.
draw as much as you are able to. i wont say draw every day!!! because i know that there are folks that dont have this sort of luxury, whether it be because of physical or mental restrictions, or simply because they dont have time. draw whenever you can and have the strength to. try not to be too upset if you miss a day or a week or even months. shit happens, do the best you are able to.
if you get bored or stuck, try another way. change mediums if you can, flip the canvas, do something weird that you wouldnt normally do. sometimes this is the best way to un-stick yourself from art block.
dont be afraid to ask for help. this is so important! its ok to ask for assistance from other artists you admire (given that they have time to give pointers.) even if asking for help is straight up asking for a redline of your work, its ok to ask for it. improvement doesnt come without outside assistance, more often than not.
references are 100% a legitimate resource. i’m not really sure where the idea came from that real artists dont use references, but its not true. every renaissance painter used references in the form of in-house models. disney artists use references of animals and people to correctly model and then correctly exaggerate their designs. you cant learn to draw the world around you without actually studying it. use references, even if its just google searching.
your art is not an island. you will pick up styles from other people like tape picks up pet hair. its inevitable, and its not something that should be seen as a negative. artists inspire other artists. use your discretion, and study what you like about another artist’s work. every artist’s style is a mashup of a hundred other artists. its ok, experiment.
youre not going to make masterpieces all the time. youre gonna suck more often than not. but youre putting effort into something you enjoy and in the process you are getting better, slowly but surely. you arent going to see your stuff improve overnight, be patient.
please be kind to yourself. you are making a unique form of artistic expression, regardless whether you see it that way or not. youre doing fine, please keep going and pat yourself on the back for getting this far.
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♥ Happy Valentine’s Day from The Commonwealth~! ♥
I know a lot of people have done similar arts, but I wanted to do my own take and draw some fav boys: MacCready is for me, Nick is of course for my girl @lady-of-rohan and I drew a Hancock for the lovely @debbiecolon ! ♥ Please enjoy!
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Three wise monkeys
Done in a moleskine daily planner, coloured digitally (amazon.com | amazon.ca)
dA | Instagram | Facebook
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On Asian Stereotypes
Someone once told me, “You’re lucky, you’re Asian. Your stereotypes are all positive, like all Asians are smart, or all Asians are good at math.”
Do you know the problem with Asian stereotypes? 
The problem is that when I get an A on a test, people say, “Oh, she’s Asian, of course she got an A”. 
The problem is that when our badminton team won state, people said, “Oh, they’re Asian, of course they’re good at badminton”. 
The problem is that when my sister got into MIT, I heard people saying, “Well, she’s Asian, so of course she got into MIT”. 
When my friend wins a piano competition, people said he won because “all Asians are good at piano.”
But that’s not right.
I got an A on that test because I did my homework every day and studied for hours.
Our badminton team won state because we train 9 hours a week, all year round.
My sister got into MIT because she spent hours agonizing over her essays, because she stayed up ridiculously late doing homework and studying for tests.
Yes, I agree, a lot of the Asians I know are very smart, and many Asians excel in music and extracurriculars. Do you know why? It’s because of their parents, who yell at them when their grades drop, when they don’t practice enough. It’s the hours spent crying, the times you consider cheating because you don’t have time to study. It’s your bleeding fingers and aching shoulders, but you haven’t practiced enough. 
Because when we don’t succeed, all we hear is countless people telling us, “You’re Asian, aren’t Asians supposed to be smart?” “Aren’t Asians supposed to be good at piano?” “Aren’t Asians supposed to succeed at everything without trying?”
Do not invalidate our hard work by saying our achievements are a result of our ethnicity.
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“do you even understand how anatomy works”
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“I’d give you a Valentine, but I’m already yours.”
Happy early Valentine’s Day! :>
prints available here!
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I will be very sad if I don’t get a cute quarian male to smooch
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no matter what kinks you enjoy in fiction, as long as you have a good sense of fiction =/= reality than you’re not a bad person and you don’t have to spill your life story to enjoy something.
you don’t have to be coping to like a scenario or pairing.
it’s a new tumblr mentality and it’s shit. humans are weird and like fucked up stuff and it doesn’t need reason
stop wanting people to spill personal details online so they can like fictional things.
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i havent had a crush on anyone irl in such a long time i cant tell if it’s a blessing and im at #peace or im just dead inside
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