polykindumbass · 2 months
Are your shifts strict or more natural? Example: strict shift- can only shift during certain weather or in certain environment(etc), natural shift- can be easily triggered/less hard to shift
Really just depends on the kintype, Cladofeline is more natural while my water dragon is more strict and I only get shifts in summer
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polykindumbass · 2 months
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polykindumbass · 2 months
Do you want to join the revolution to take over Fox news and actually make it about foxes? (My lawyer has told me I have to say this is /hj)
I've already recruited a friend and have a man on the inside. What info do you need?
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polykindumbass · 2 months
if you could live in any lemon demon song of your choice what would it be
Idk man I don't listen to enough songs 😭
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polykindumbass · 2 months
what’s a sunkin?? I’ve heard of the others, (me myself am wolfkin +others) but yeah, what’s a sunkin? Sounds neat. Is it just heavily relating to the sun/a god?
Okay so-
Suntherian is basically being constantly shifted, but with minor fluctuations between human and animal I've heard.
There's a lot of different definitions for it, I've found at least three, but this seems to be the most agreed one.
This is the full quote from the therianthropy fandom page: "a therian whose therioside (primary or sole therioside) is integrated into his[their] baseline personality. However, that integration does not prevent him/her[them] from having minor fluctuations of mood that feel slightly more animal, or slightly less animal. He/she[They] can feel them both at the same time, human and animal. He/she[They] can not mental shift into his/her[their] base theriotype (whether primary or sole)." 
I've never actually heard of sunkin before, but it's probably more on terms with otherkin.
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polykindumbass · 2 months
Anyone ask me anything I'm so bored
No 18+ quesions
This post lasts indefinitely until I edit saying it's closed
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polykindumbass · 2 months
Shout out to therians who don't or can't do quads for any reason.
Mine is oof ouch my bones
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polykindumbass · 2 months
Guess I'll give this a try WIP
About us
(Get ready for the worst format you've seen in your life)
I won't drop my name here, but y'all can call me Bazelii (Ba - zeal - ee). We have no system name.
Our vessel underage and we will update our blog when it turns 18.
We're from the states and oh god oh fu-
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My main kintypes are godkin and cladofeline. I won't post about godkin very much for personal reasons.
Dividers by: @/ cafekitsune
[☆ and Bazelii were co-fronting during this paragraph, and now I don't know how to fix it :')]
Our host is a polytherian (polyotherkin?) and has more kintypes than I can count as I identify with nearly everything, and from my spiritual belief as godkin.
Some of us a spiritual, some psychological, some both. Many of us are either suntherian or contherian.
We have a list of (almost?) all of our kintypes:
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We're disabled and neurodivergent. We don't post here much cause we used all our spoons and we're waiting for the next shipment to come in.
I'm (Bazelii) the host of a system, but we're not really gonna post about that because it's not a very big thing to us. We're undiagnosed, and not sure what kind of system we are. We're a traumagenic system.
We have no opinion on endos, tulpas, or non-trauma systems. We simply don't care. Please don't bring discourse here.
We have at least 26+ alters, but the main ones are:
Estel (demon? shapeshifter? They don't know either) they/them
☆ [not really aers name but a code for privacy] (Godkin) ae/aer/aers (auxiliary he/they)
Bazelii (human? Otherhearted bazelii from sonaria) nonpronominal
An unnamed werewolf/wolf/lycanthrope that will see this later and PLEASE ADD YOUR NAME.
Jaylin (demon shapeshifter and fictionkin) she/(they?) please update when you see this
Other fragmented alters that are so unorganized we can't even tell when they front.
We don't specify who's posting, I don't think we know, either.
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Our Dni - racist, ableist, homo/transphobic or exclusionist, religious blogs outside of alterhumanity, right wing and/or conservative, anti-alterhumanity, anti-agere/petre, pro cringe culture, terfs/swerfs/radfems, "superstraight"*, system discourse, dsmp discourse, zoophiles, nsfw blogs**, etc.
*prefering to not date trans people is okay, making an entire identity out of it is not. It's transphobic.
**this may come off dni when we age up.
We probably won't answer any messages. It's not a personal thing, we're just all really nervous. I have no idea how we all ended up with this trait. And I'm (Bazelii) really bad at texting so... yeah.
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polykindumbass · 2 months
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Zoo’s are using this flag to group zoophiles and therians together, DO NOT use this flag. Real therians WILL NEVER support zoophiles
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polykindumbass · 3 months
i seriously do not understand why some see quadrobics as a necessary aspect of being alterhuman. part of it being that i’m disabled — but even when i was abled and dabbled in it, it kind of just made me feel worse
even when my body moved in the ‘correct’ ways, i was hyperaware of how incorrect my muscular/bone structure felt — more so than when i was just idling or walking bipedally
i don’t know. i feel just as nonhuman walking, running, jumping, moving as a human… even sitting, resting, sleeping. it’s the nuances and intent that make me feel animal, not the posture.
i feel just as nonhuman sauntering out in public — because even though it isn’t the case, i feel four legs, my head feels the right shape, i can feel my tail behind me… i can just be without having to think so much about it. i think that brings me more joy than being able to run faster or jump higher or whatever.
i’m sure it can be fun and validating for some to do quadrobics, and i know people say over and over again that it’s okay to not do quadrobics — but remember WHY it’s okay. if you’re disabled or don’t have the resources, time, privacy, try and look for things in your day to day life that make you feel animal. reinforce the idea in your head that you’re a wonderful beast hidden among human people
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polykindumbass · 3 months
I've realized things about my Alterhumanity recently, specifically my Cladofeline identity.
Mostly a vent post.
I have to get rid of my cat, as the place we're moving into doesn't allow more than one pet, and my family is dead set on bringing our dog.
I'm pair bonded with my cat.
I've had her for around five years, and she's been the highlight of my day everyday. She's going with other family so I can still see her, but it's not the same.
We gave her to them before, but the environments not good for her. They have two hyperactive intrusive dogs, and a cat she's always fighting with. She barricades herself in the closet at the far end of the house. They tried to get rid of her before, so we took her back.
I really don't know what I'll do without her. She won't be happy there, and I can't get anyone else to take her. I can't stand the thought of her hiding in a closet again.
I'm excited to move as the area will have more opportunities for me, but I really don't know what I'll do without her.
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polykindumbass · 4 months
Gonna make a list of all my kintypes and such here because I can
I'll update this from time to time. You can ask me questions if you want, just don't be rude please.
Main -
Occasional -
Dinosaurs (usually theropods)
Land Crocs
Sharks? Idk yet
Seasonal -
Fox (typically arctic, could be any) winter/fall specific
Water dragon/Sea serpent (distinct from each other but very similar) summer specific
Phases on cladofeline (like, tiger in winter, housecat in summer, etc.) all seasons
Phases on Cladocanine (Wolves in fall/winter, maned wolf in summer, etc) all seasons
Other -
Cathearted to house cats
Traiboroshearted (Redesign specific)
A monster? Cryptid? Idk if its otherlink or a kintype yet??
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polykindumbass · 5 months
Does anyone else feel very cat in the winter time?
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polykindumbass · 10 months
I always used polykin as a catch-all term because I have a lot of kintypes. It only crossed my mind a few days ago that I AM a polymorph. Specifically.
Had the same realization with being vampirekin. Would always joke about being a vampire all my life, never even thought about it for a second.
Anyone have any similar stories?
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polykindumbass · 11 months
Everybody I know calls my room a "cave" because it's dark.
I am but just a little bat
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polykindumbass · 1 year
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First ever taxidermy tail! (Mask for scale)
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polykindumbass · 1 year
I've noticed a little phenomenon with my crushes. I'll start to like them thinking they're cis, and by four months in they'll come out. She/her to he/they. I'm mainly t4t so this is fucking hilarious everytime
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