poisonmeslowly · 11 years
Oh what the Hell... I get distracted by other RPs for a few months and suddenly there is no more Kingston?!
My infinite sadness!
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poisonmeslowly · 11 years
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poisonmeslowly · 11 years
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poisonmeslowly · 11 years
Where am I?
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poisonmeslowly · 11 years
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poisonmeslowly · 11 years
-ignores the fact that he's bleeding, and hurt all over and keeps shaking his head refusing to listen to her- I can't! Missy! You don't understand! It's my brother! My best friend! and the love of my life! I don't care about anything else except finding them. I need to find them, or something bad will happen! Tannor will tell some asshole to fuck off, and he'll shoot her. Trina will get dragged off by psycho who will torture her. Elliott will probably end up in the wrong place, and either die because he tripped over his own shoelace, or because some jerkoff wants to beat the shit of him. They need me! -feels like he's completely breaking, and falling apart- I can't waste any time. Come with me! We'll find who you're looking for too. -grabs her hand, pleading, and recklessly starts tugging her away-
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Luke, you need to calm the fuck down. -grabs his shoulders and stares at him- I know we aren’t friends, but now I’m looking out for you. You have no weapons, you’re stressed and you look pretty banged up. Come inside the room. We’ll find you a partner and you two can go out and look together. I know you want to find them, I want to find Micah… -bites her lips, holding back her tears- But you need to stay safe for them.
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poisonmeslowly · 11 years
-blinks, and stares at her blankly; looking completely lost- W-What? No. No. -shakes his head rapidly- I can't. I need to--- -inhales a shaky breath trying to gain control over himself again- I need to find them, Missy. You, go in there. -almost wants to make a zombie apocalypse joke, but can't find it in himself to do it- I don't care if any one of those bastards find me. I'm not going to leave Elliott, Tannor or Trina out here by themselves.
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If you keep screaming they are going to get you and then you’ll never find them. Come in here, me and Hannah set up shop in here. -tilts her head towards the door behind her-
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poisonmeslowly · 11 years
Where are they?! -frantically scrambling around the hallways searching- TANNOR! -screams desperately trying to - TRINA! -helplessly starts trying to pull open doors to search rooms- ELLIOT!
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poisonmeslowly · 11 years
There's a room where the light won't find you | [-el-Han-]SOLO
When the sound of an explosion echoed through Kingston, shaking its foundation down to its very marrow; Luke had been laying on his bed. His brows had been knotted, his mind full of unpleasant thoughts, as he toyed with a two rings in his left hand, and a silver charm bracelet in his right hand. They were gifts. Valentines Day gifts. One was something he received  and two were for him to give away.  It was stupid, and he knew that, and he had just decided to tuck gifts away at the bottom of his underwear drawer when it happened.
The surprising sound had caused Luke to jump out of bed. Well. Not really jump per se, more like tumble fall out, and land straight on his face while he ungracefully tried to pick himself up again without pissing his pants. "What the fuck was that?!" Who the Hell was he even talking to? The room was completely empty, and no one was there to answer his stupid question. 
Before he could question his mental stability logic kicked in whispering like a poisonous fear throughout his mind. He knew what it was. Not from personal experience, but he had seen enough action movies to recognize the sound of bomb. As soon as that realization dawned on him, Luke was leaping across the room; tugging on the knob forcefully.
Nothing. Not a damn thing happened. Not a single wiggle, or budge. It was as though it were superglued, or cemented shut. Anxiety, and bile rose from his guts as he could ear the screaming coming from just outside in the hall. Oh God! He was trapped inside his room. Which wasn't a bad thing, and probably the safest place to be, but that wasn't the problem. THEY were out there. THEY were in danger, and he needed to get the fuck out.
Violently he shook the door more. He kicked, shoved, and slammed against it until he thought his shoulder might break. "HELLO! CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?! SOMEONE! SOMEONE PLEASE LET ME OUT!" The screams from outside became louder proving that even if someone could hear him they wouldn't bother to stop to help Luke out.
Trina. Tannor. Elliott.
Where were they?! Were they safe? Were their screams among the collective terrified voices? No. No. No! This couldn't be happening! The worst kind of panic shot through his entire body, causing Luke's body to violent shake, his legs almost buckling under the pressure.
God no. Please. Please GOD! Please let them be okay. Please let them be safe.
It was almost laughable that both a cynic by nature, and an Atheist was silently screaming prayers hoping that something up there was listening to him. All he could think about were the people he loved being trapped out there hurt, or in danger. "GET YOURSELF FUCKING TOGETHER, PETRELLI!" He screamed at himself. "Come on! Breathe. Think. Calm down, and think. Find a way out. You can do this." Luke started pacing the room, trying to get his scrambled thoughts to focus long enough to be of any use.
A sudden chill in the air shook him out of his thoughts, and instantly his eyes were scanning for its source. Snapping his head toward the window, Luke could see the spiderweb cracks on the surface shinning in the night lights. There was a small piece missing on the corner that's what caused the draft. Without a second thought, he was picking up a dirty shirt from the floor; wrapping it around his hand.
It took two of the hardest punches he had ever throw, before it completely shattered. Clearing out the glass the best he could, Luke was pulling himself through the window. As soon as his torso was on the other side, and he caught sight of where he was; he started to rethink the whole escape plan. "Who the hell thought it was a good idea to put the rooms on the second fucking floor! Idiots!" Vertigo was swarming him as he pulled himself on to the ledge. It wasn't until this moment that Luke remembered how much he hated heights. He didn't even go to the roof anymore, because of it.
"It's okay. Be the fucking SpiderMan. SpiderMan this bitch building, and find them." It was pathetic that he was giving himself a pep talk, as he basically scaled a building. With his chest, palms, and face pressed against the side of Kingston's outer wall he slowly made his way across the ledge trying to not focus on the drop, or how slippery the ledge was. Stumbling a couple times, he wished his balance was better.
Don't fall. Don't fall. For the love of everything don't fucking fall.
Would the fall kill him? Probably not, but it would hurt like a bitch, and he didn't want that. Sliding along the ledge Luke finally found himself standing in front the window of the Rec Room. Digging his nails into the molding he held on for dear life, using his knee to break the glass, and climb inside. By now he was covered in slices from each broken window, but his feet were firmly on solid ground again. Finding the exit, he was out in the hallways, bodies slamming into him from every direction. They were like farm of ants that had been tossed around, and were scrambling to find safety.
It didn't matter how many times he got knocked down, or slammed against a wall. The bruises, and aches were the furthest from his mind. He needed to find them. All of them. He had to protect them. That was his only thought as he continued to run down the hall not noticing the men with the guns mingling in with the crowd causing the panic.
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poisonmeslowly · 11 years
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poisonmeslowly · 11 years
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poisonmeslowly · 11 years
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poisonmeslowly · 11 years
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poisonmeslowly · 11 years
Sounding like a regular cynic. So not cupcakes, and no chocolates for you?
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Why would you? That holiday is stupid.
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poisonmeslowly · 11 years
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Dear Luke,
I know. I know. Valentine's Day is such a horrible and mainstream holiday that is so commercial blah blah blah...
But I'm a sentimental, prissy, girly girl so I obviously got you something. 
I know we've had a long and rough year to say the least. We've have a shit load of downs, but never to far from the downs were the ups and even if they didn't last too long, they were something. There was, is, and never will be someone who I would enjoy those dangerous downs and those blissful ups with, regardless of what you want to feel or think or believe.
Sometimes I think back about the situations we were in and the choices we made. Sometimes I just want to stop myself and tell her what she should have done instead. I want to tell her to stop trying so hard and to stop worrying so much about keeping you around. She never understood that you aren't something that can be captured and caged up like a bird. You're...majestic. You need to be free. You need to roar. You need your space so you can see what you need. I understand that now. And I'm sorry for not understanding it before.
I'm probably rambling now, saying unless and pointless things. I should just get to the heart of the matter. (Haha. Get it? Heart of the matter...Valentine's Day? Ha.)
I love you Luke Petrelli. I love you more than words could even begin to explain. 
A while back, I bought you a ring...when we were going to get engaged. It sat on my dresser for the longest time. It was meant for you. I'd never be able to give it to anyone else, because it belongs to you. You're my Jedi. Always and forever. 
Happy Valentine's Day.
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poisonmeslowly · 11 years
And just for that I'm not going to give you anything for that stupid day.
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Ew you’re gross.
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poisonmeslowly · 11 years
That sappy couples holiday is coming up again.
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