pin3-vin3 · 6 days
hello!!! (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠) I'm new to omegaverse, as in, I didn't know it was a thing 45 minutes ago new. i like angsty stuff, so when I searched for sad omegaverse fanfics, I found lots of stuff about 'Omega Rehabilitation Facilities'. The problem is, I can't figure out what that is (⁠T⁠T⁠)
would you maybe be able to explain what that is, please? it would be greatly appreciated :D (⁠^⁠^⁠)
omega rehabilitation facilities are places that omegas can go after experiencing trauma such as sexual abuse, homelessness, etc... Imagine a cross between a shelter and a community center that offers a slew of different resources.
peanut gallery, what other interpretations have you seen? help our asker out!
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pin3-vin3 · 6 days
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Does anybody else do this
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pin3-vin3 · 9 days
I need to start being fun and post fun things instead of omegaverse trauma
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pin3-vin3 · 10 days
Another post about unpleasant omegaverse scenarios in my au because I'm a downer I guess. Today's episode is on abuse in families and partnerships so cw for that.
Growling (effects and implications)
I think growling and snarling are pretty big taboos in most (western) places and it's usually completely socially unacceptable. Depending on the scenario it's seen as juvenile at best or dangerous at worst.
The sound of growling can cause a range of responses depending on age, sex, and dynamic. Pups and children are most affected by it and it can cause them to respond with intense fear or anxiety. As people get older it becomes more likely for them to respond with aggression. It's most frequently seen in alphas, but all dynamics can react this way. When coming from someone stronger or a caretaker like a parent or an older pack member, people might also respond with placating or submissive behaviors like making themself look smaller, whining, or even putting off a calming scent. All these effects are part of what makes it such a controversial behavior.
Parents growling at their children is looked down upon and is seen as tactless while children growling at their parents is worse than cursing at them, and the older you get the worse It looks. When pups and kids do it it's seen as an impulse to be corrected (like biting) but the older you are the more immature it is.
Some parents with less stringent rules who are more informal with their kids growl at their kids and their kids growl back at them in a more casual context, but this behavior is almost equally looked down upon by most. In some cultures, it's normalized and sometimes encouraged to growl at children to keep them in line and so they "know their place".
In relationships between family members, pack members, and mated pairs, growling can be used as a manipulative weapon. It's unfortunately not uncommon to find instances of people using it to make people fear them or do what they want.
Pups have weaker growls that get progressively more developed with age, and pups growling at each other isn't that big of a deal. It's seen as normal pup behavior for the most part, but some parents punish their pups severely for it, seeing it as disrespectful. Overall it's seen as more normal in alphas; growling beta pups and especially omega pups are seen as abnormal and can even be cause for a doctor's visit to some. Though excessive growling and aggression can be signs of certain illnesses or traumas, all dynamics are equally capable of the behavior.
It's healthy to give pups outlets to use and grow into these... subvocalizations? Growling. Purring also. Because if they're constantly subdued and stifled it can result in them growing into people with less control over these sounds who growl at every agitation or presumed danger.
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pin3-vin3 · 14 days
Traditional Omegaverse
After getting caught up with Bridgerton the wheels started turning...here is the courtship process in my au at the moment.
The Promenade - A debutant ball style event where families walk and present their child who has newly come of age around the village center and to the town hall to register as an official pack member. The promenade also signifies that the child is ready to find a mate/bond partner to all of the other pack members. Promenades normally occur the first summer after the child's 21st year, but could be delayed all the way to age 24. There is often a high level of pagentry involved, and specific promenade customs vary by region and culture.
Setting Intent - Asking someone out in a traditional marriage isn't the same as just simply saying the words. The pursuer (of any dynamic or gender) will write to letters; one to the person they are interested in, which is very heartfelt and private. It normally containings information about why the pursuer is interested in the pursuee, things that have caught their eye, why they might be a good match, and other sweet nothings. The second letter is to the pursuee's parents/family (or pack if they are not a part of the same one) detailing how the pursuer sees themself fitting into their community, the skills they possess, any wealth/connections they have, and other information that shows the family they would be a valuable addition. Parties would exchanges letters back and forth until a decision had been reached, specific information exchanged by a pursuee and pursuer is kept private, but the pursuee's family must inform the pursuee about their correspondance with their potential bondmate.
Courtship Period - once the pursuer and the object of their affection agree to enter into courtship it begins. If they do not live close together, the pursuer will move to wherever the pursuee is. Courtship may last anywhere from 4-18 months. This period of the process is conducted 100% publicly/semi-publicly. Partners are not allowed to convene privately and may be escorted by 2+ (for witness accountability) chaperones. Courtships may be broken off at any time, but no matter how serious a couple is, they may not move to the next step for 118 days (4 lunar cycles/approximately 4 months).
The Sitting - a ritual that comes between courting and bonding. Lasts one full harvest season/one heat cycle. A couple sequesters away together (normally in designated housing) to get to know each other deeply and experience living together without distractions. Neither partner works, meals are provided by community members. In most cultures, the couple is either expected to abstain from intimacy throughout the duration of the sitting including during any heat/rut period. It is split into two sections - an closed period in which the couple may not be seen in public or be around other people, and an open period where they are free to move about freely. The closed period is extremely difficult but it forces the couple to examine the viability of the coupling beyond the lust/infatuation period. Couples may bond one another after the heat or rut has broken, or the harvest is complete or they may choose to separate.
Bond Ceremonies - A high ranking pack or ministerial official will guide the partners through a vow ceremony which will be performed in front of their community, the community or pack normally then arranges a dinner/meal to celebrate with dancing, and then the couple will retire to perform bonding privately. To ensure the bonding has been completed, within two weeks of the ceremony both partners must show their bond marks to the person who conducted their vow ceremony and as well as one witness picked at random. All four parties will then sign an official document, signifying the bond is now legally binding.
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pin3-vin3 · 22 days
"Incredibly common white people space" is so true
Like no shade to white people fr but as someone who is poc, I'm always like- "man.. where's the bipoc 😭"
It doesn't make feel lonely but I'd definitely feel less? Alienated if there was more melanin in the both the misces and alterhu communities
Yes absolutely !! I'm still so afraid of talking about any serious experiences I've had as a black person on here, I just don't wanna be alienated anymore than I already am both IRL and online 😭🤚🏾 it's just the little things that make you feel estranged, like if I use a lot of AAVE in a post it never gets as much interaction as it would if I just talked "properly".
Like I'm already stepping so far out of my comfort zone just making my blackness known, and like.. kinda a central part of my blog !! I just really hope other POC/BIPOC take a little comfort in it maybe U⁠^⁠ェ⁠^⁠U
Besides, I'm having a lot of fun here !! Even tho I have a couple miscecanis friends irl, they've never been really interested in the world building side of things so I'm glad I get to share it with people who DO care about that lol
Thanks for the ask anon, I love you I love you I love you U。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。U
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pin3-vin3 · 1 month
Some family members came over to my house for dinner last night and I never went down to see them (everyone was loud, multiple rowdy kids were there, I was busy, overstimulation waiting to happen) but while I was moving about upstairs I could smell there were new people in the house—like I wasn't even really different clothes or perfumes or anything it was just different people smell. So obviously my first sane thought was "this is just like omegaverse"
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pin3-vin3 · 1 month
Young betas being told "Hey no you can't perch on that it'll break."
Omg this immediately made me think about parks and jungle gyms, bwahahaha. I'm imagining like, monkey bars, but wolf-based. I dunno, I need more ingredients to cook for that one. But like,
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That one beta kid who feels this really strong need to survey or hunt is at the top of one of those metal trees and all the parents are Freaking TF Out lmaooooo. But you know what I mean right????? That kid who made it their life's mission to sit on the play structure roof and observe the playground like some miniature god??????
Also while I'm on this thought.. what book series are the children of omegaverse roleplaying? What would be the equivalent of the Warrior Cats kids???? Instinct-less/human play????????? Because playing house would be playing pack; that inherently would be like Warrior Cat clan shit. Did anyone else have families feuding during playtime or was that an experience unique to me???? Anyways, I can even imagine that even being like cops and robbers with territory stuff, bwahahaha. Oh god, if I thought playground space was territorial before... they'd have to keep daycare staff/teachers stationed on so many corners to break up fights, bwahahaha
I think this post ran away from me, bwahaha. Point is YES, absolutely, you're so real for that
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pin3-vin3 · 1 month
Me thinking abt how black culture and racism would've changed in omegaverse
If scent's genetic, do you think there would be "dirty scents" (Like scents people say are unclean despite them being like- Prairie grass or smth) and shit?
Oh yes absolutely, If we're talking scents I don't think it'd be the nature-ish ones, I think it'd be the ones to do with spices and warmth, maybe even a few smokier ones. Like cinnamon, saffron, cardamom, ginger, woodsmoke, maybe things like mahogany, or coffee.
I think the "good" smells for non-poc/black omegas would be sweet smells like, apple, peach, just about any sort of flowery scent, cake, vanilla, cotton, candy, honey, anything like this.
For alphas it's sea salt, eucalyptus, lemon, ocean, pine, sandalwood, ect ect. ofc, I think that the scents alphas prefer on other alphas is different, but I don't really know much about that ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
I also think that there's a difference between nature-ish scents and earthy scents, and I think the nature ones would tend to be the preferred (ex. Lavender or grass vs nutmeg or amber) I just think that smelling too warm or dark or heavy would be how a lot of black people would smell, and for some reason (it's racism) those would be classified as "too strong" or they "inherently smell bad".
And if a black person does have one of the more light and airy scents they're either classified as, "one of the good ones", unworthy of having their scent, or lucky, even though that's just how they smell...? Lol.
Some people even get products to cover their scent with an entirely different one, which brings an entirely different type of micro aggression where nonblack people start asking whether that's "your actual scent" and "what do you use to smell like that" and other low-key racist things. Like idk maybe that's just, once again, how they smell.
I'm sure black omegas are considered inherently less omega just because of their blackness. Like imagine an omega with a cinnamon and ginger scent being told their nest smells like an alpha, or even being accused of cheating because of how they smell.
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pin3-vin3 · 1 month
Thinking about African American culture and omegaverse and-
Pack leaders taking pride in their bbq The Eldest Omega's leading the house and kicking young alphas out of the kitchen Big Pack gardens that EVERYONE has to participate in (Betas absolutely RUN the place)
I hear you!!!! I think this is a super cool concept; in general, a lot of omegaverse stuff neglects other cultural things, or it’s very white, and that makes me sad
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pin3-vin3 · 1 month
I've been called on! !
I write a few poly packs myself actually but none of them fit this exact configuration but now you've got me thinking... (Also these are chock full of my dynamic headcanons 🤭)
A big king size bed not being enough for them, so they turn their living room space or den space into one big nesting space they can all comfortably sprawl and nest in together
At first the beta tries to take more of a back seat in the relationship—playing more of a supporting role than a supported one— because that's just the societal expectation for their role in axbxo relationships. They make most of the preparations for their outings and assure to the other that they'd be fine if they ever want to go off and do something fun without them. If the beta character wouldn't act on these thoughts maybe they'd just keep them in mind, frequently feeling uneasy or uncomfortable that they're taking up too much attention or time.
It's not long before the other 3 pick up on this though, and they're quick to reassure the beta of their solid place in the relationship.
The beta having a collection of recipes under their belt they've learned over the years, turning them into head chef at meal time. The beta and one or both of the alphas crowded into the kitchen while the beta instructs on their best strategies. All four of them slowly sharing their favorite meals and recipes they had growing up, creating a melting pot of tasty meals everyone enjoys in good time.
Group scenting is a dearly cherished weekly activity, a good winding down from daily responsibilities. Everyone piling together and scenting each other so they'll all smell connected in the coming days.
Every time someone leaves the house, anyone else who's around sees them off and lightly scents their and clothes. Affectionate calming gestures that also tell possible onlookers they're very much taken.
I hc that betas have more sensitive noses, so they're all more light when scenting them and their clothes.
The two alphas constantly competing but in harmless ways. Who can bring home a snack everyone likes first. Who's quickest to tackle the house chores. Who sets up a better nest. The "loser" has to smother the winner in affection. It started out as an unspoken game they tried keeping subtle, but it didn't take long for the other two to figure them out. It's hopelessly endearing to them and soon everyone's in on it and it's like an official game. The beta and omega even sometimes step in as very subjective judges.
As far as mating cycles are concerned, when one of the alphas or the omega are experiencing them they'd rarely all spend it together taking different supportive roles, but for the most part only one or two of the others will step in while whoever's left takes care of other responsibilities. Bills gotta get paid!!
Teehee these were fun I hope they shall suffice until further notice 🫶🏾
Any hc’s about an polyamorous pack? (2 alphas 1 beta 1 omega)
I'll tag some of my favs to answer this instead. I don't wanna keep you waiting because I know I'm not good with poly headcanons. Lol
@pack-the-pack @beta-adjacent @midnight-omega
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pin3-vin3 · 1 month
newborn rituals
it should be clear by this point that much of my omegaverse anthropology and sociology is concerned with the rituals and practices surrounding packs and families. i have a particular interest in parenting in the omegaverse. while most familial rituals take place in packs, childbirth and newborn rituals tend to exist between pairs first, before expanding to include the pack.
in this post, i will discuss rituals surrounding the birth of a new pup. this post will concern itself primarily with a-o and b-o pairs, and i will note any observations on o-o and a-b pairs where relevant. to use neutral language, i will use the word ‘dam’ to refer to the childbearing omega or beta, and ‘sire’ to refer to the pup’s other parent regardless of dynamic. of course, each birth is unique, but this post will describe the ideal scenario.
end of pregnancy
pregnant people tend to scent mark pack members and soak (the practice of covering oneself in items heavily marked in packmates’ scents) frequently. just before birth, behavior tends to be similar to pre-heat, with strong drives for physical contact, emotional disregulation, and fatigue reported by nearly 87% of dams.
historically, packs would bathe less frequently in the weeks before birth in order to thoroughly mark their dens with pack scent. packs affiliated with return-to-nature movements have resurrected the tradition in the past decade, but most packs tend use unscented hygiene products to keep their scents unadulterated.
a pregnant omega’s partner, regardless of dynamic, becomes more protective through the pregnancy’s duration, and this protective instinct grows exponentially in the weeks and days prior to birth. the drive for physical contact tends to strengthen. bonded pairs tend to spend more time in their nest with the pup’s bedding included as nesting material.
in labor
the pair takes birthing classes provided by local health departments, birthing centers, and community groups. religious communities may also have birth rituals for which classes are necessary; but religious birth classes may not cover the medical aspect as thoroughly.
during early labor, the dam may feel restless and lethargic in waves. the sire and/or pack encourages rest and light, gentle activity to encourage labor progress.
during active labor, the sire focuses on the dam’s comfort. everyone is different, but almost 90% of omegas tend to want the sire present in the room. betas tend to feel less strongly, with a little more than 21% of betas stating that they would want to deliver the pup with support from someone other than the pup’s sire. among those who prefer to have the pup’s sire present, there is an almost even split between those who prefer to have the sire by their side comforting them (52%) and those who prefer to have the sire assisting with the birth and receiving the pup (48%).
immediately after the pup is delivered, they are placed directly on their dam’s chest or abdomen. with multiple births, the pups are arranged to have as much contact with their dam’s skin as possible.
this time is primarily for the dam and pup to connect. eventually, medical staff will need to retrieve the pup to clean them and look them over, and it is not uncommon to see sires—especially alphas—following closely behind the medical staff and performing self-soothing behaviors like growling softly, shifting from foot to foot, and clenching/unclenching their fists. these displays are an effort to vent the instinctive aggression/drive to return the pup to their dam.
some cultural traditions require the sire to carry the pup back to the dam after they have been bathed, and some dictate that for the sire to touch the newborn at this stage is bad luck. others place no importance on the sire handling the newborn at this state and leave it up to personal preference. usually, hospitals will have a record of which the parents prefer.
finally, the pair is given privacy with their pups. in larger hospitals, this usually means moving to a shared recovery room with a number of other new parents and pups. it is not advised for more than three groups to occupy one room, as too large a space tends to make new sires feel unsafe/aggressive, and too small a space leads to territorial aggression.
wealthier individuals and those who opt for birthing centers will be led to a private room or suite, and those who opt for home births will retreat to their nest.
presenting the pup
at this stage, the pup is presented to the sire. at this point, most cultural restrictions on handling the newborn are lifted.
in beta dams, this practice is adopted as a cultural norm rather than instinctive drive, and may simply constitute displaying the pup and having the sire scent mark them to ‘claim’ them.
in omegas, presentation of the pup is an instinctive drive. omegas tend to have less access to verbal language in the hours after birth, and rely on calls and behaviors like huffing, whining, nuzzling, and purring to express their emotional state. when displaying their pup to their mate, omegas tend to exaggeratedly scent mark the pup in request, nosing and nuzzling at the pup’s hair and cheeks until the pup’s sire claims them. this is a display of acceptance.
when the sire does not accept the pup, whether because they do not want the pup or because they are not present to claim them, the dam can experience significant distress. they may present the pup several times in hopes of the sire finally claiming the pup, and may experience depression or anxiety as a result. in cases where the sire is absent, it is recommended that the dam bring another friend, family member, or packmate to claim the pup instead. there are no negative health outcomes associated with a pup being claimed by a packmate rather than their absent biological sire.
in historical cases of adoption, the so-called subservient partner would claim the child first, then present them to the so-called dominant partner (e.g. the omega claims the child, then presents them to the alpha). some individuals and cultures maintain that practice, but typically when a child is adopted, the agency or biological dam presents them to both parents rather than one to another.
at this stage, omegas and their partners tend to nest and rest, and the pup has their first meal.
after dam, sire, and pup have recovered some, the pup is presented to their pack for the first time, and the pack scent marks the pup to welcome them into the family.
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pin3-vin3 · 1 month
yknow what every1 always talks about omegas being the ones to cook but hear me out, alphas in the kitchen
-> they plan meticulously to make sure all the meals are providing all essential nutrients
-> they feel pride knowing their pack is well nourished because of them
-> planning months in advance for holiday meals ("we'll need two turkeys, fourteen potatoes, three salads and a baked alaska." "that seems like a lot" "i'm worried it won't be enough")
-> big strong alpha muscles kneading bread/pita/naan/tortilla dough. you agree.
-> omega's hungry because of the early stages of heat? alpha's already baked three batches of cookies and a pizza
-> territorial grill-off's. arguing over the proper technique for kebabs.
-> cub/packmate has a big test, sports meet or an interview that day? alpha's up at dawn making a continental breakfast loaded with protein
-> the pack eats together. always.
just.... alphas in the kitchen y'all
(brought to you by an alpha who loves cooking for people)
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pin3-vin3 · 2 months
Friendly reminder :]
Mating bites are supposed to be around one's neck, not on one!
Human neck possesses the most vulnerable veins on neck area including Carotid Artery and Jugular Vein.
Fun fact : It takes you 5-15 seconds to die from cutting either of these two :)
So biting your partner on your no-no vein place is very dangerous
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The mating bite should be located on your shoulder near neck, where there is lessened possibility of your ultimate demise .
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pin3-vin3 · 2 months
Nesting, scenting, purring, scruffing... A lot of animalistic behaviours have been attributed to omegaverse characters. But there's one I've never seen used, and that's a shame. Have any of you heard about... Kneading?
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Also known as making biscuits.
It's something kittens do with their mums, but older cats often do that with their favourite humans or soft toys and blankets!
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It's associated with nest-making and scenting. Famous omegaverse things!
(as well as with heats in queens, but I'm trying to keep the post sfw, so shhhh)
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Pups could do that with their parents! Omegas (and other nest-makers) could do that with their nests! And everyone could give friendly little massages to their friends!
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(or make them a pizza, but like, as an Omegaverse Instinct™ thing)
So consider: kneading.
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pin3-vin3 · 2 months
my Pinterest showed me a Pic of tattoos in the neck-shoulder area and I was thinking that would be probably taboo in an omegaverse setting, specially if it covers the whole area, bc that's where the claiming bite is supposed to be. (older generations claiming biting there will taste like ink and will make the mark not stick 😰)
Alternatively maybe there are tattoos done in that area made specifically to bring attention to the mark? that would be cool
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this types of tattoos is what I'm talking abt^
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pin3-vin3 · 2 months
I need a fic to read I need a fic to read I need a fic to read I need a fic to reead I nred a fic to trad ifjenesksdajtkx
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