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So many ideas, so little space. I can see why they just continued on the poor guy’s shirt.
Image: Monese
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So much action here, a full spectrum of emotions, post-it matching outfits. This is so overwhelming I forget where I took the screenshot.
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Stop mumbling, start posting. Great way to improve productivity in times of Covid. 
Image: Eco-Runner Delft
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Probably taken at the press conference directly after the brainstorm, the announce their long awaited user journey to the world.
Image: Given Agency
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If there’s more than 10 people, it’s a post-it party! Maybe not for the people writing, but the rest seems to have a great time. Drinks?
Image: The Young
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Frozen by the sheer madness or genius of a post-it. Image: Milkshake Research
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Careful guys and gals! What seemed like an orderly timeline is now about to be post-it madness. But hey, that’s what happens when excitement strikes and the clock is ticking (red tomato timer anyone?), you are just smashing these post-its on there like there’s no tomorrow. Image: Milkshake Research
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Bonus points for the added dice-like thing. Image: SODA Studio
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Waaaah, what you writing girl?
Image: Booreiland
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