pearl-and-earl-id · 8 years
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#Repost @camelliatreats with @repostapp ・・・ Hi guys! Kabar baik buat kalian semua! Sekarang kita upgrade packaging dengan VAKUM yg menjaga kue spiku ttp FRESH sampai tujuan. So, buat kalian yg di luar Jawa Timur atau bahkan di luar pulau bisa ikut menikmati Spiku kami😘 . Open Order Spiku for Chinese New Year 2017 with exclusive CNY designed box. Book yours now! . Wa/Line: +6281-252-773-773 Bbm:5EC22D72 . #spiku #lapsur #lapissurabaya #spikoe #spikuresepkuno #spikukuno #spikucoklatkismis #layercake #jualspiku #juallapissurabaya #juallapsur #cnycake #cnycookies #surabayafoodies #malangfoodies #lumajangfoodies #lumajanghits
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pearl-and-earl-id · 8 years
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Dr dulu ga pernah suka yg namanya pouncake atau fruit cake atau buttercake yg textur nya dense gt, tp aneh bs doyan sm yg satu ini. Cake Tape Keju meskipun dense tp lembut cake nya rasanya mirip english poundcake buttery gt cuman empuuukk dan agak berasa alkohol dr tape nya ditambah gurih2 keju enakkkk👍 bahan2nya pun simple. Dpt dr resep cake tape ce @chenniezhang aku tambahin keju lbh yum😄 CAKE TAPE KEJU 225 butter 225 gula halus (aku 200gr) 5 kuning telur 250gr tape singkong yg dihaluskan 175gr terigu 1/2sdt vanili Keju cheddar 1/2 blok 5 putih telur 1. Panaskan oven 180'C 2. Kocok butter dan gula smpe putih pucat, tambahkan kuning telur satu per satu. Kocok kembali smpe ngembang dan tambahkan tape. Aduk rata. 3. Masukkan terigu dan vanila, aduk. Tambahkan keju parut aduk rata kembali. 4. Kocok putel smpe soft peak. Tambahkan pada adonan tape scr bertahap, aduk lipat. 5. Masukkan pada loyang yg sudah dilapis dg mentega dan terigu, oven kurleb 40 menit smpe matang. #caketapekeju #fermentedcassavacheesecake #caketape #doyanbaking #berbagiresep #shareresep #bisabikin #bolutapekeju #cakejadul #myfunfoodiary #resepchenniezhang
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pearl-and-earl-id · 8 years
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Cake plg haujek. Most delish cake. Sinful cake 😈 taste like heaven 😇 #lapissurabaya #spiku #spikoe #cakegram #nomnom #yummy #foodie #heavenonearth #bakingmama #delicious
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pearl-and-earl-id · 8 years
Sorry ya tangannya ga cantik lentik2 macam kakak2 ketje. BUT yg penting souffle pancake nya haujek 😋 Best pancake ever! I changed the recipe just a lil, i wrote both the original and my version in bahasa down below. Note: no butter so buat yg pd diet dan ga boleh diary product aman yah asal jgn pk susu bubuk, ngikutin resep aslinya aja. No Oven Souffle Pancake recipe source: Sweet The Mi Bahan A: 5 kuning telur 50gr gula pasir A 1sdt vanila extract Bahan B 1/4 Salt 60gr tepung (saya: tepung 50gr susu bubuk 10gr) 2gr baking powder Bahan C: 4 putih telur 30gr gula pasir B *Filling (optional) ga ada di resep asli: Cream cheese potong kotak2 kecil 1. Whisk kuning telur dan gula sampe kuning muda kental, tambahkan vanila extract, kocok rata. 2. Ayak ke dalamnya bahan B, aduk lipat. 3. Kocok putel smpe berbusa tambahkan gula pasir, kocok smpe stiff peak. 4. Tambahkan sedikit meringue ke adonan kuningtelur, aduk rata. 5. Masukkan adonan kuning telur td ke adonan meringue, aduk lipat. 6. Masak di atas teflon yg sdh diberi sedikit minyak yg diratakan pk tisu or pk non stick spray jg lbh top. Masak dg api kecil, beri tutup. Tunggu kurleb 5 mnit, beri cream cheese tambahkan sedikit adonan, balik adonan tunggu 5 menit lg smpe sisi baliknya matang. 7. Sajikan dg SKM atau nutella sesuai selera #noovensoufflepancake #souffle #pancake #yum #nomnom #breakfast #snack #cemalcemil #doyanbaking #berbagiresep #shareresep #bisabikin
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pearl-and-earl-id · 8 years
The Best and the Softest and the fluffiest pancake ever! I am not the pancake lover but i love it! Super highly reccomended utk dicoba🖒🖒🖒 The recipe is from Sweet the Mi and actually i didnt make it exactly like she did. I changed the recipe just a little, i wrote it all in bahasa below. No regret just happy with the result🖒 Ps: sorry buat slide show nya yg super amatir dan ga cantik yg penting jelas lah ya. NO OVEN Souffle Pancake Bahan A: 5 kuning telur 50gr gula pasir A 1sdt vanila extract Bahan B 1/4 Salt 60gr tepung (saya: tepung 50gr susu bubuk 10gr) 2gr baking powder Bahan C: 4 putih telur 30gr gula pasir B *Filling (optional) ga ada di resep asli: Cream cheese potong kotak2 kecil 1. Whisk kuning telur dan gula sampe kuning muda kental, tambahkan vanila extract, kocok rata. 2. Ayak ke dalamnya bahan B, aduk lipat. 3. Kocok putel smpe berbusa tambahkan gula pasir, kocok smpe stiff peak. 4. Tambahkan sedikit meringue ke adonan kuningtelur, aduk rata. 5. Masukkan adonan kuning telur td ke adonan meringue, aduk lipat. 6. Masak di atas teflon dg api kecil, tutup. Tunggu kurleb 5 mnit, beri cream cheese tambahkan sedikit adonan, balik adonan tunggu 5 menit lg smpe sisi baliknya matang. 7. Sajikan dg SKM atau nutella topping sesuai selera #sweetthemi #noovensoufflepancake #souffle #pancake #soufflepancake #doyanbaking #berbagiresep #shareresep #bisabikin #yum #nomnom #breakfast #snack #stepbystep #yummy
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pearl-and-earl-id · 8 years
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My first Bolu Hongkong Keju Almond. Wangi, gurih, g tll manis, soft and moist.Thankyou ce @tintinrayner buat resepnya. Free emulsifier, dan bahan2 kimia lainnya, all natural ingredients jd aman dikonsumsi🖒Ini namanya bolu lg foto studio ya difoto berbagai pose dan angle 😅😅😅 Bahan A: 4kuning telor 30gr gula pasir 1sdt SP (sy skip) 1sdm susu 1sdt vanila extract Bahan B: 4putih telor 1/4sdt garam 1/4 tar2 (bs dignti 1sdt lemonjuice) 50 gr gula pasir Bahan C: 60gr kunci biru 10gr maizena 1/2 sdt bakpowder Bahan D: 50gr butter, lelehkan Topping: 30 gr cheddar parut 30gr cheddar parut (utk taburan) Almond 1. Kocok bahan A smpe putih dan kental, tambahkan susu dan vanila aduk rata. 2. Kocok bahan B smpe berbusa masukkan gula bertahap smpe stiff peak. 3. Aduk lipat bahan A dan B. 4. Tambahkan bahan C, aduk lipat 5. Tambahkan bahan D, aduk lipat 6. Beri topping, panggang 170'C 20 menit smpe matang #doyanbaking #homebaking #homemade #bolualmondkejuhongkong #bakingmama
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pearl-and-earl-id · 8 years
#doyanbaking #cottoncandy #cottoncake #cakegram
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pearl-and-earl-id · 8 years
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Cake nya dekil banyak crumb nya soalnya ini sambil moto smbil makan 😋 fotonya pake hp maklum yah. Btw ini Cake nya soft dan moist. Kaya awan gt, enteng ga bikin eneg dan juga rendah kolesterol 😇 Cotton Candy Cotton Cake Bahan: A: 60ml susu cair 80ml vegetable oil (saya canola) B (Ayak) : 100gr trigu p.rendah 10gr maizena 1/2sdt bak.powder 1 butir telur (kocok lepas) 4kuning telur (kocok lepas) C: 4putih telur 1/4sdt garam 1/4 cream of tar tar 70gr gula pasir 1. Panaskan susu+minyak begitu mendidih lsg matikan api. 2. Campur bahan A ke campuran tepung, aduk rata. Tambahkan telur yg dikocok lepas. Aduk rata. 3. Mixer bahan C sampai berbusa dg kecepatan sedang, tambahkan gula dalam 3 tahap. Kocok hingga soft peak. 4. Tambahkan 1/3 meringue pada adonan tepung aduk lipat, setelah adonan tercampur rata, tuang ke sisa campuran meringue. Aduk rata. 5. Bagi adonan jadi 3 bagian. Beri masing extract atau perasa blueberry, strawberry dan greentea. Masukkan ke plastik segitiga, semprot ke loyang yg sudah dialas kertas roti. Oven 170-180'C smpai matang. 6. Stlh matang dinginkan dan beri isian selai strawberry. #doyanbaking #cottoncandy #cottoncake #inthekitch_en #bakingmama #cakegram #s7edge
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pearl-and-earl-id · 8 years
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Bosen makanan yg manis jd skali2 baking yg savoury aja ya. Ini ceritanya lg pengen makan pizza tuna melt nya Pizza Hut, dan krna rumah saya di kampung, alhasil jd bikin sendiri deh. Resep dough dpt dr marthastuart.com dan kl toppingnya saya ngarang sendiri makanya ga ada gram gram an soalnya sy kl masak lbh suka pk feeling. Btw rasanya mirip loh! TUNA MELT PIZZA Dough: 1cup / 250 gr trigu cakra kembar 1.5 cups / 175 ml air hangat2 kuku 0.25 ounce / 7gr ragi 1sdm gula 1.125 cup / 30 ml olive oil /minyak sayur (siapkan jg utk olesan) Garam secukupnya *kl males pake adonan jadian😄 Topping: 1 Tuna kaleng Mayonaise Garam, gula, merica Jagung manis Jamur segar Seledri cincang Mozarella Oregano 1. Dalam wadah besar, campur air hangat+ragi diamkan 5menit sampai berbusa. 2. Aduk rata olive oil, garam, gula dan masukkan ke campuran ragi. Tambahkan tepung scr bertahap, uleni smpe kalis. 3. Pindahkan adonan pd mangkok yg dioles minyak, tutup rapat, diamkan di tempat hangat 1jam smpe doubled size. 4. Tinju utk keluarkan udara d dlmnya, pipihkan, bentuk sesuai selera, letakkan di loyang yg sdh dioles minyak dan ditaburi tepung( jgn berlebihan ). Tusuk2 adonan dg garpu. 5. Aduk rata: tuna+mayo+garam+gula+merica, tmbahkan ke adonan. Di atasnya tambahkan jagung manis, jamur, parutan mozarella. Beri seledri dan oregano. Oven 180-200'C smpai matang. #tunameltpizza #doyanbaking #doyancooking #inthekitch_en
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pearl-and-earl-id · 8 years
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Bosen makanan yg manis jd skali2 baking yg savoury aja ya. Ini ceritanya lg pengen makan pizza tuna melt nya Pizza Hut, dan krna rumah saya di kampung, alhasil jd bikin sendiri deh. Resep dough dpt dr marthastuart.com dan kl toppingnya saya ngarang sendiri makanya ga ada gram gram an soalnya sy kl masak lbh suka pk feeling. Btw rasanya mirip loh! TUNA MELT PIZZA Dough: 1cup / 250 gr trigu cakra kembar 1.5 cups / 175 ml air hangat2 kuku 0.25 ounce / 7gr ragi 1sdm gula 1.125 cup / 30 ml olive oil /minyak sayur (siapkan jg utk olesan) Garam secukupnya *kl males pake adonan jadian😄 Topping: 1 Tuna kaleng Mayonaise Garam, gula, merica Jagung manis Jamur segar Seledri cincang Mozarella Oregano 1. Dalam wadah besar, campur air hangat+ragi diamkan 5menit sampai berbusa. 2. Aduk rata olive oil, garam, gula dan masukkan ke campuran ragi. Tambahkan tepung scr bertahap, uleni smpe kalis. 3. Pindahkan adonan pd mangkok yg dioles minyak, tutup rapat, diamkan di tempat hangat 1jam smpe doubled size. 4. Tinju utk keluarkan udara d dlmnya, pipihkan, bentuk sesuai selera, letakkan di loyang yg sdh dioles minyak dan ditaburi tepung( jgn berlebihan ). Tusuk2 adonan dg garpu. 5. Aduk rata: tuna+mayo+garam+gula+merica, tmbahkan ke adonan. Di atasnya tambahkan jagung manis, jamur, parutan mozarella. Beri seledri dan oregano. Oven 180-200'C smpai matang. #tunameltpizza #doyanbaking #doyancooking #inthekitch_en
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pearl-and-earl-id · 9 years
Green tea / matcha cupcake recipe to try!
Green tea or “Matcha” Soft Cupcakes
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Feel boring about the classic one? Here comes the matcha cupcakes to the rescue. In fact matcha has a lots of benefit. Check this out!
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See??? So what are you waiting for? Grab your apron and bake some matcha cupcakes!!!! 
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Yield: 32 cups
Time: 60 minutes
60 gr unsalted butter or shortening, malted
60 gr low protein flour
1 ½ tsp green tea powder
50 gr lukewarm milk
120 gr egg yolks
180 gr egg whites
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp cream of tartar
75 gr granulated sugar
150 gr butter cream
75 gr white cooking chocolate, melted
½ tsp green tea powder or as you prefer
tea leaf shaped fondant topper
Melt the unsalted butter in low heat, turn it off as it completely melted. Put in the flour and green tea powder into the butter and stir. Put aside.
Pour the lukewarm milk into the egg yolks little by little and keep stirring until they blend.
Pour the egg yolks mixture into the flour batter and fold. put aside.
Beat the egg whites, salt and cream of tartar until soft peaks and add the sugar gradually until stiff peaks form.
Mix the four batter with the egg whites and fold.
Put the batter into the paper cup and bake them in 160 degree Celsius for 30 minutes until baked.
For the frosting, cream the butter cream  until soft and smooth. Mix in melted white cooking chocolate and green tea powder. Beat well.
Here comes the fun part, Happy Frosting!!! 
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pearl-and-earl-id · 9 years
Japanese Cotton Cheese Cake
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Just a while ago some friends shared a japanese cotton cheesecake video on facebook. I found out that it was interesting to try and i straightly baked and VOILA! I managed to make it in my first time. So, we all can say that this is my first-time-ever cheese cake, ups! cotton cheesecake i mean.
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So this recipe is originally from the Youtube subscriber, Tabiteats. This recipe is so awesome that an amateur like me was actually made it in one try. So what are you waiting for? Let’s Bake!
250 grams / 8 oz cream cheese
50 grams / 2 oz unsalted butter
100 ml milk
60 grams / 2 oz cake flour
20 grams / 1 oz cornstarch
1/4 tsp salt
6 egg yolks
1 tbsp lemon juice
1/4 tsp cream of tar tar
6 egg whites
140 grams / 5 oz granulated sugar
1. Preheat oven to 160 C/320 F.
2. Combine cream cheese, milk and butter. Heat over double boiler and whisk until smooth. Set aside.
3. Separate eggs. Sift flour, cornstarch and salt into cheese mixture. Mix well. Add egg yolks and lemon juice. Mix until combined, set aside.
4. Whisk egg whites and cream of tar tar until half rise and then start adding sugar little by little, whisk until stiff peak form.
5. Add 1/3 of meringue into cheese mixture and fold in. Continue until all the meringue all combine with the batter.
6. Pour into cake pan ( I use round cake pan with 20 cm diameters). Bake for 1 hour 10 minutes with a water bath.
7. Chill overnight and serve.
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So if you love creamy, soft and fluffy texture cake this is the right cake for you. As light as a cloud, as fluffy as a cotton, it is a COTTON CHEESE CAKE! Definitely will bake this very SOON <3 
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pearl-and-earl-id · 9 years
Green tea or “Matcha” Soft Cupcakes
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Feel boring about the classic one? Here comes the matcha cupcakes to the rescue. In fact matcha has a lots of benefit. Check this out!
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See??? So what are you waiting for? Grab your apron and bake some matcha cupcakes!!!! 
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Yield: 32 cups
Time: 60 minutes
60 gr unsalted butter or shortening, malted
60 gr low protein flour
1 1/2 tsp green tea powder
50 gr lukewarm milk
120 gr egg yolks
180 gr egg whites
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
75 gr granulated sugar
150 gr butter cream
75 gr white cooking chocolate, melted
1/2 tsp green tea powder or as you prefer
tea leaf shaped fondant topper
Melt the unsalted butter in low heat, turn it off as it completely melted. Put in the flour and green tea powder into the butter and stir. Put aside.
Pour the lukewarm milk into the egg yolks little by little and keep stirring until they blend.
Pour the egg yolks mixture into the flour batter and fold. put aside.
Beat the egg whites, salt and cream of tartar until soft peaks and add the sugar gradually until stiff peaks form.
Mix the four batter with the egg whites and fold.
Put the batter into the paper cup and bake them in 160 degree Celsius for 30 minutes until baked.
For the frosting, cream the butter cream  until soft and smooth. Mix in melted white cooking chocolate and green tea powder. Beat well.
Here comes the fun part, Happy Frosting!!! 
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pearl-and-earl-id · 9 years
Classic Vanilla Cupcakes
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This cake is super easy to make! Just adding the ingredients one by one using electric mixer and Voila! The cake is served! 
250 gr butter
250 gr castor sugar
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract or essence
4 eggs
300 gr all purpose flour
10 gr baking powder
Whipping cream
Edible sugar sprinkles
Prepare the cupcake mold along with the cupcake paper.
Preheat the oven in 180 degree Celsius.
Beat butter, castor sugar and vanilla  until smooth. Mix in the eggs one by one while beating it. Add flour and baking powder. Keep mixing until blend well.
Put the batter into the cupcakes paper until 1/2 filled. Bake them for 20-25 minutes. Once baked, cool in the cooling rack.
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pearl-and-earl-id · 9 years
Chocolate Chiffon Cupcake with Two Tone Frosting
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Cake Batter:
100 gr all purpose flour ( I prefer to use low-protein flour )
15 gr chocolate powder
1/2 tsp baking powder
25 gr granulated sugar
75 ml milk
50 gr dark cooking chocolate, minced
60 gr vegetable oil
1/2 tsp chocolate paste
5 egg yolks
7 egg whites
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
140 gr granulated sugar
150 gr whip cream powder
300 ml cold water
1/8 tsp chocolate paste
*Note: You can substitute the chocolate paste by adding the amount of cooking chocolate
Sift flour, chocolate powder, and baking powder. Add granulated sugar and stir well.
Heat milk. Mix in the dark cooking chocolate and stir until they melt and blend. Add the vegetable oil along with the chocolate paste. Stir.
Add the chocolate mixture into the flour mixture gradually while stirring. Add the egg yolks. Mix and put aside.
With electric mixer beat the egg whites, salt, and cream of tartar until half rise. Put in the granulated sugar gradually and beat until stiff peaks.
Mix in the egg whites into the batter while folding them.
Pour in into the cupcakes mold that has thick paper cup.
Bake in the 170 degree Celsius temperature for about 35 minutes until baked. Once baked, move into the cooling rack.
Whisk the whip cream powder along with the cold water until stiff peak form. Divide into 2, the first one add the chocolate paste while the other one leave white.
Decorate the cupcake.
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pearl-and-earl-id · 9 years
Melon Almond Soft Cupcakes
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8 egg yolks
20 gr granulated sugar
2 tbsps melon syrup
6 drops of green food coloring (optional)
1/8 tsp melon essence
6 white eggs
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
75 gr granulated sugar
100 gr all purpose flour, sifted
10 gr corn starch, sifted
1/2 tsp baking powder,sifted
75 gr unsalted butter, melted (substitute with vegetable or canola oil for healthier choice)
1/8 tsp melon essence
25 gr almond slice for topper
With an electric mixer, mix egg yolks and granulated sugar until thick and rise.
Add melon syrup, green food coloring, and melon essence. Mix well. Put aside.
Whisk the egg whites, salt, and cream of tartar until blend well and put on the sugar gradually.
Mix in the egg yolks batter and fold them until blend. (don’t take too long or the batter might be deflated)
Add all purpose flour, corn starch, and baking powder and fold.
Add unsalted butter and melon essence. Stir. Pour into cupcakes paper. Top the cupcakes batter with sliced almond as you prefer.
Bake in 170 degree Celcius within 25 minutes until baked.
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