pavnades · 3 years
A fragile old man stands on the sidewalk. His skin baked from the heat of the sun. The screeching and smoking of beings tells that the city has awakened. He was trying to sell a single cigarrette or a piece of candy. No one has bought his wares, nor paid any attention to him at all. After a time he gave up and sat on a log as wrinkled and rugged as he was. He stopped talking, and just stared at the multitude of people passing by his stall, looking at them with weary eyes. Just watching. The old man was tired.
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pavnades · 3 years
Falling Back
For seven years I wandered wilderness
tasting different lips and souls but every night
I longed for signs, longed for love, to meet that
True Love.
Then you crossed paths with me, out of blue,
out of my miserable life.
I looked at you like I just realized what love is,
my soul, my spirits, everything went beyond
my control when I saw galaxies in your eyes.
You changed every grief of mine to gold,
You held my hand in silence.
You were the ocean, when I was outside of you,
life was torment, I dived to deep that I lost form.
You; I, there is nothing left anymore.
Now you are gone and I became a ghost with body
living for someone else, I don’t know how much
longer do I have to carry this body of grief.
Such wounds of my heart will probably never heal
and I owe my heart too many apologies but
we must carry on with this burden. As,
I loved you in all the ways I could never love myself.
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pavnades · 3 years
She gets lost beyond the visions of the sea as fading light, from the setting sun, draws her in shadowy silhouettes across the sand. Her evening surrounded with bare hopes and unapologetic circumstances she smiles as she focuses her attention on her passions and her needs.
In this perfect world where she exists, she turns to me and I'm complete.
-H. Murcia 7/22/2021 9:18 AM
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pavnades · 3 years
Did I pour
too much
too quickly
Can I let this
well run dry
is my future
no longer dependent
on how
much ink
flows out my
to paint
foreign skies
Perry M. // Written, It Was
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pavnades · 3 years
I so miss your arms and the strength they infused me with when I was held in their embrace. I miss your smile and the warmth it gave my heart. I miss the sound of your laughter and the light in your eyes where I always found refuge from strife.
e.v.e. ( I miss you)
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pavnades · 3 years
Tumblr media
Artwork by Roshan Lunar on Wordpress
Silence sounds louder in empty rooms
echoing off blank walls
slightly off pitch
just a bit sharp
enough to notice, at least
that something is
Memories linger
like shadows in a hotel
where I once stayed
and forgot to return the key
My ears ring
in the presence
of their absence
tangibly hollow
like a stifled scream
into an empty jar
Perception as sensation
the unknown eludes my grasp
I can’t touch emptiness
because it isn’t there.
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pavnades · 3 years
no appetite
in late afternoon’s light
does cover shift and
bones creak, muscles
stretch, eyes blink, blink.
a brief search, a reclamation,
perhaps a discovery or two,
an affirmation, a resignation,
a decision that is written in
pencil on a piece of paper
i forget to take with me.
mood swings like a teenager,
not ready, not now, no, please,
but it comes and swallows,
sometimes spitting, spilling,
and i clean up the mess like
i always do.
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pavnades · 5 years
The sky is heavy
The rain never pours
Before I jump
I will take a breath once more
As i dive down the deep black sea
Let me see the man I've been
Selfish, cruel, and dark inside
But for all I've done, I felt alive
Now it all ends, painful and slow
I wonder what I could've known
To be kind, selfless, and true
In my next life, maybe I can too
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