pastel-d20 · 3 years
I'm a Plant Witch... Kinda
Since quarantine I’ve been looking for new things to get excited about. After settling into my new apartment, I was given an aloe plant… and then another one, then I got a spider plant as a housewarming gift, then for my birthday I got a peperomia plant, I inherited a golden Pothos, and over the last year I’ve bought about 10 other plants that are super low maintenance and beginner friendly! Before all of this my adventures in taking care of plants involved me killing a succulent - the last one stretching so tall it snapped at the base and fell to its death. So, with all these plants in my house I was utterly terrified of killing them all within a week. But, its been a few months and nothing has died yet! So what’s my secret? I have no idea. Do I have any tips? Nope! So why write about not killing plants? Because I want to and I’m excited to share the start of my plant journey. So here’s how I killed a few plants and how I’m trying not to kill any now.
I’ve never been a plant person per se. I’ve liked them and I had beautiful gardens around me growing up but no one ever told me how to take care of them. I liked looking at them and they brought in really great smells but that was the extent of my knowledge. When I hit University I thought I needed a plant to liven up the place. I called him Malin and kept him a live a surprisingly long time but I had no idea it needed direct sun or that it doesn’t need to be watered every week. I loved that plant, maybe a little too much. He died a quiet death a few months later when I left him in the windowsill during the winter time forgetting he’s a tropical plant that hates the cold. 
Later when I moved out of my parents house I got a new plant! He looked exactly like Malin but smaller and I never named him cause I was sure he was going to die quickly. I didn’t over water him this time and I talked to him sometimes. My SO’s mother told me more information on how to take care of him and I took pride in how much better I did. But, I noticed he started to stretch. I didn’t think anything of it at first and when I got busy with work I forgot that was even an issue I was going to look into if it got worse. Oh, it got worse. I think by his last breath he was like a foot tall? But by then I didn’t know how to save him and one night he just snapped. I found him that morning behind the tv unit laying helplessly on the ground. 
That was a year ago and I swore I was cursed with killing plants. Everyone around me told me I just needed to do more research but lets be honest, if I killed an almost unkillable succulent it’s not the research I needed to do. 
So, I’m a brown thumb. I am not meant to keep things alive - or at least thats what I thought. I’ve had most of my plants since the end of March and they all still look happy and semi healthy. I’ll admit, I still over love them with water and the amount of attention I give them. Every time I think one looks sad I think more water will help. It doesn’t and I need to stop. Truthfully, there were two factors that changed the way I keep plants alive. One - it really was the research and taking the advice of my SO’s mother and sister. The amount of youtube videos I watch on individual plants is astounding. I didn’t even know there was a thing called a peperomia and now I know what exact genus I have and where to put it in my house to give it the best light. Two - and this was a big one… a schedule! Before I got a steady job outside of retail I my schedule was all over the place. It wasn’t conducive to me thriving as a person nor to my plants. I would forget them then love them too much and then forget them again. But being on a steady schedule and at home meant I can dedicate 10 minutes of my day to seeing how they’re doing and water them if needed. This was until recently when I added a new factor in my plant game that has turned out disastrously.. the balcony.
I thought the balcony looked sad and in need of plants. Maybe since the indoor plants were doing so well, outdoor plants will be a breeze. I was dead wrong. The brown thumb is alive and well within me. I forgot that I got a cute little hydrangea and an Ivy and ended up leaving them in the direct sun without water. The hydrangea is on its very last legs and the Ivy’s status is very unknown. If anyone has any tips on how to keep outdoor plants on a balcony that has zero temperature regulation… please let me know. 
I still have a long way to go. I still have issues with watering, the amount of light a plant gets, and how to make sure they don’t fall out of their pots and die a violent death. I may not be a full plant witch, but I certainly don’t have that brown of a thumb anymore. 
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pastel-d20 · 3 years
I'm a Plant Witch... Kinda
Since quarantine I’ve been looking for new things to get excited about. After settling into my new apartment, I was given an aloe plant… and then another one, then I got a spider plant as a housewarming gift, then for my birthday I got a peperomia plant, I inherited a golden Pothos, and over the last year I’ve bought about 10 other plants that are super low maintenance and beginner friendly! Before all of this my adventures in taking care of plants involved me killing a succulent - the last one stretching so tall it snapped at the base and fell to its death. So, with all these plants in my house I was utterly terrified of killing them all within a week. But, its been a few months and nothing has died yet! So what’s my secret? I have no idea. Do I have any tips? Nope! So why write about not killing plants? Because I want to and I’m excited to share the start of my plant journey. So here’s how I killed a few plants and how I’m trying not to kill any now.
I’ve never been a plant person per se. I’ve liked them and I had beautiful gardens around me growing up but no one ever told me how to take care of them. I liked looking at them and they brought in really great smells but that was the extent of my knowledge. When I hit University I thought I needed a plant to liven up the place. I called him Malin and kept him a live a surprisingly long time but I had no idea it needed direct sun or that it doesn’t need to be watered every week. I loved that plant, maybe a little too much. He died a quiet death a few months later when I left him in the windowsill during the winter time forgetting he’s a tropical plant that hates the cold. 
Later when I moved out of my parents house I got a new plant! He looked exactly like Malin but smaller and I never named him cause I was sure he was going to die quickly. I didn’t over water him this time and I talked to him sometimes. My SO’s mother told me more information on how to take care of him and I took pride in how much better I did. But, I noticed he started to stretch. I didn’t think anything of it at first and when I got busy with work I forgot that was even an issue I was going to look into if it got worse. Oh, it got worse. I think by his last breath he was like a foot tall? But by then I didn’t know how to save him and one night he just snapped. I found him that morning behind the tv unit laying helplessly on the ground. 
That was a year ago and I swore I was cursed with killing plants. Everyone around me told me I just needed to do more research but lets be honest, if I killed an almost unkillable succulent it’s not the research I needed to do. 
So, I’m a brown thumb. I am not meant to keep things alive - or at least thats what I thought. I’ve had most of my plants since the end of March and they all still look happy and semi healthy. I’ll admit, I still over love them with water and the amount of attention I give them. Every time I think one looks sad I think more water will help. It doesn’t and I need to stop. Truthfully, there were two factors that changed the way I keep plants alive. One - it really was the research and taking the advice of my SO’s mother and sister. The amount of youtube videos I watch on individual plants is astounding. I didn’t even know there was a thing called a peperomia and now I know what exact genus I have and where to put it in my house to give it the best light. Two - and this was a big one… a schedule! Before I got a steady job outside of retail I my schedule was all over the place. It wasn’t conducive to me thriving as a person nor to my plants. I would forget them then love them too much and then forget them again. But being on a steady schedule and at home meant I can dedicate 10 minutes of my day to seeing how they’re doing and water them if needed. This was until recently when I added a new factor in my plant game that has turned out disastrously.. the balcony.
I thought the balcony looked sad and in need of plants. Maybe since the indoor plants were doing so well, outdoor plants will be a breeze. I was dead wrong. The brown thumb is alive and well within me. I forgot that I got a cute little hydrangea and an Ivy and ended up leaving them in the direct sun without water. The hydrangea is on its very last legs and the Ivy’s status is very unknown. If anyone has any tips on how to keep outdoor plants on a balcony that has zero temperature regulation… please let me know. 
I still have a long way to go. I still have issues with watering, the amount of light a plant gets, and how to make sure they don’t fall out of their pots and die a violent death. I may not be a full plant witch, but I certainly don’t have that brown of a thumb anymore. 
0 notes
pastel-d20 · 3 years
Why I Don't Play Cozy Games (for Internet Views)
Back in September, I wrote that I was having an identity crisis when it came to my online presence. Well, I still am. But I have narrowed down why I feel the way I do and one of the biggest reasons for the identity crisis is I was playing relaxing games the way I wanted to play them and not what I felt the algorithm wanted from me. 
To preface, I love The Sims and Animal Crossing communities; they are my home as a consumer. Creating content for these communities has become a beacon of stress for me that has debilitated my creativity in so many aspects of my life that I had to leave. I was never producing enough or the algorithm hated what I was putting out there. I slaved away at making beautiful content that was never enough for the algorithm Gods and it took a toll on me. I always wondered why I could never gain a following or get to where I wanted to be. 
I have a full-time job, an apartment, and a dog that all take their mental tolls on me; games and content creation were my outlets for de-stressing but after a 40 hour work week and all the housekeeping, I only have 4 hours a day to produce content. I’m going against content creators who churn out content so quickly and with such high quality, I could feel myself sinking. I no longer wanted to play The Sims or Animal Crossing because everything I did was through the lens of content creation. Nothing was for me. I still can’t see those games as anything but a content machine weighing heavily on my mind. 
In the age of side hustles and turning your hobbies into moneymakers, we have collectively decided that nothing is for ourselves. We have to monetize our joys or let them be consumed by others for the sake of profit or, at the very least, the chance for a profit. I know not everyone feels this way about their hobbies, but this is how I do. Don’t get me wrong, I fantasize about succeeding at being an influencer too but in the hustle to get a perceived idea of “making it” as a content creator I lost the only sense of self I had cultivated in my 30-ish years of living.
I stopped playing relaxing games for internet views because I can’t lose any more sense of self that I have left. After years of trauma and finding out who I am - those were the two things I knew was me and I was second-guessing that too. Those games are not relaxing for me as a content creator; those games have twisted into a push for daily visibility on an app that could care less about me. 
It took me six months to work myself into turning on The Sims and I still couldn’t play it for myself. Content creating is a dangerous game; I was not prepared to play. 
It’s not all sad though! I’m looking at other ways I can still create as is my natural state. I still love Dungeons and Dragons, I still care about the cozy gaming communities and I still want to participate in creating high-quality content for those things. I just need to find a good balance where everyone can find something they like in my content and I do not feel bad when I lose a lot of followers for posting “off-brand” material. 
Things are changing and it’s time my brand changes with it. 
0 notes
pastel-d20 · 3 years
Why I Don't Play Cozy Games (for Internet Views)
Back in September, I wrote that I was having an identity crisis when it came to my online presence. Well, I still am. But I have narrowed down why I feel the way I do and one of the biggest reasons for the identity crisis is I was playing relaxing games the way I wanted to play them and not what I felt the algorithm wanted from me. 
To preface, I love The Sims and Animal Crossing communities; they are my home as a consumer. Creating content for these communities has become a beacon of stress for me that has debilitated my creativity in so many aspects of my life that I had to leave. I was never producing enough or the algorithm hated what I was putting out there. I slaved away at making beautiful content that was never enough for the algorithm Gods and it took a toll on me. I always wondered why I could never gain a following or get to where I wanted to be. 
I have a full-time job, an apartment, and a dog that all take their mental tolls on me; games and content creation were my outlets for de-stressing but after a 40 hour work week and all the housekeeping, I only have 4 hours a day to produce content. I’m going against content creators who churn out content so quickly and with such high quality, I could feel myself sinking. I no longer wanted to play The Sims or Animal Crossing because everything I did was through the lens of content creation. Nothing was for me. I still can’t see those games as anything but a content machine weighing heavily on my mind. 
In the age of side hustles and turning your hobbies into moneymakers, we have collectively decided that nothing is for ourselves. We have to monetize our joys or let them be consumed by others for the sake of profit or, at the very least, the chance for a profit. I know not everyone feels this way about their hobbies, but this is how I do. Don’t get me wrong, I fantasize about succeeding at being an influencer too but in the hustle to get a perceived idea of “making it” as a content creator I lost the only sense of self I had cultivated in my 30-ish years of living.
I stopped playing relaxing games for internet views because I can’t lose any more sense of self that I have left. After years of trauma and finding out who I am - those were the two things I knew was me and I was second-guessing that too. Those games are not relaxing for me as a content creator; those games have twisted into a push for daily visibility on an app that could care less about me. 
It took me six months to work myself into turning on The Sims and I still couldn’t play it for myself. Content creating is a dangerous game; I was not prepared to play. 
It’s not all sad though! I’m looking at other ways I can still create as is my natural state. I still love Dungeons and Dragons, I still care about the cozy gaming communities and I still want to participate in creating high-quality content for those things. I just need to find a good balance where everyone can find something they like in my content and I do not feel bad when I lose a lot of followers for posting “off-brand” material. 
Things are changing and it’s time my brand changes with it. 
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pastel-d20 · 3 years
Why I Don't Play Cozy Games (for Internet Views)
Back in September, I wrote that I was having an identity crisis when it came to my online presence. Well, I still am. But I have narrowed down why I feel the way I do and one of the biggest reasons for the identity crisis is I was playing relaxing games the way I wanted to play them and not what I felt the algorithm wanted from me. 
To preface, I love The Sims and Animal Crossing communities; they are my home as a consumer. Creating content for these communities has become a beacon of stress for me that has debilitated my creativity in so many aspects of my life that I had to leave. I was never producing enough or the algorithm hated what I was putting out there. I slaved away at making beautiful content that was never enough for the algorithm Gods and it took a toll on me. I always wondered why I could never gain a following or get to where I wanted to be. 
I have a full-time job, an apartment, and a dog that all take their mental tolls on me; games and content creation were my outlets for de-stressing but after a 40 hour work week and all the housekeeping, I only have 4 hours a day to produce content. I’m going against content creators who churn out content so quickly and with such high quality, I could feel myself sinking. I no longer wanted to play The Sims or Animal Crossing because everything I did was through the lens of content creation. Nothing was for me. I still can’t see those games as anything but a content machine weighing heavily on my mind. 
In the age of side hustles and turning your hobbies into moneymakers, we have collectively decided that nothing is for ourselves. We have to monetize our joys or let them be consumed by others for the sake of profit or, at the very least, the chance for a profit. I know not everyone feels this way about their hobbies, but this is how I do. Don’t get me wrong, I fantasize about succeeding at being an influencer too but in the hustle to get a perceived idea of “making it” as a content creator I lost the only sense of self I had cultivated in my 30-ish years of living.
I stopped playing relaxing games for internet views because I can’t lose any more sense of self that I have left. After years of trauma and finding out who I am - those were the two things I knew was me and I was second-guessing that too. Those games are not relaxing for me as a content creator; those games have twisted into a push for daily visibility on an app that could care less about me. 
It took me six months to work myself into turning on The Sims and I still couldn’t play it for myself. Content creating is a dangerous game; I was not prepared to play. 
It’s not all sad though! I’m looking at other ways I can still create as is my natural state. I still love Dungeons and Dragons, I still care about the cozy gaming communities and I still want to participate in creating high-quality content for those things. I just need to find a good balance where everyone can find something they like in my content and I do not feel bad when I lose a lot of followers for posting “off-brand” material. 
Things are changing and it’s time my brand changes with it. 
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pastel-d20 · 3 years
The Sims 4 Kits: New but Necessary?
It didn’t take long for the Sims team to drop something new on us after the latest pack Sims Paranormal but this time it’s a whole new category! Kits: bite-sized content that adds just a little extra to your game. So far they have 3: Country Kitchen, Throwback Fit, and Bust the Dust. I’m going to talk about them from the perspective of a consumer looking at the idea of the kits overall and not reviewing them specifically (mostly because I can’t afford it right now). 
I have mixed feelings about them but I’m not writing them off completely. I understand the frustration of knowing they could have added these items as an update or in a larger pack. It’s annoying knowing how much EA values money over quality or making customers happy. However, these packs seem like a symbolic bridge between making EA happy and the Sims team trying to give us more content.  
These are also packs that are easier to buy. We’re in a time when money can be hard to come by and not everyone has the luxury of being able to buy packs no matter how low of a sale happens. Kits are more accessible to people. They can be tailored to people’s specific wants so you’re not wasting half a pack you bought because you’re not a CAS player or a builder. Kits are accessible and as long as they’re of high quality I’m here for them. For $6.99 CAD, that’s pretty reasonable for someone to splurge a little for themselves. 
I do question why these three packs specifically though. A country kitchen, throwback clothes, and cleaning. Throwback clothes are in right now, people are very nostalgic for the simple past, but cleaning and country kitchen doesn’t seem like high on the list of wants, but maybe that’s just me. 
These packs do make me want to buy them on certain levels. I’m a builder who likes new clothes in CAS so the country kitchen and throwback appeals to me the most, but I can’t see myself using them in the near future. I’m going to wait for a pack that screams my aesthetic or for these bad boys to go on sale. 
The quality still seems there and it’s substantial enough for the amount you pay. I’ve always been a critic of the direction The Sims is going, but I don’t think this is the worst decision that was made. 
What do you think about the new packs? Have you already got them? 
you can get kits on PC, Mac, and console for $6.99 CAD
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pastel-d20 · 4 years
My Ultimate Sims 4 Tier List UPDATED
I’ve seen videos around talking about their Sims 4 tier lists: What was a better pack, what was okay, and My First Pet’s Stuff. I’ve agreed with a lot of lists and I’ve also disagreed on some (AHEM The Sim supply). There is no right or wrong way to enjoy The Sims but some packs are better than others and these lists definitely help narrow down the packs and expansions that might be best for you.
My criteria for what goes where is as follows:
How much does the pack/expansion have in it that I use
What does it do gameplay-wise
If I lost everything and had to buy everything again would I get this pack/Expansion
Is the pack/expansion worth it overall
There are some packs that ended up higher than I thought they would on the list and others vastly lower despite ticking off a lot of boxes for me. In the end, I think I was a little too harsh on a lot of great packs while making my S rank near impossible to get into.
The top surprises for me were how low I ranked Get to Work, Toddler Stuff, and Laundry Day and how high I ranked Spa Day and Vampires.
Get to Work was the first expansion for the game and at the start I was excited. I won’t hold age to how this pack plays now as everything got better since then, but what I was disappointed in was how little we got in terms of useful stuff for the home. Most of the careers were ones from Sims 3 Base game that should have been in the Sims 4 and I don’t think I cared about Careers as much as other people might have. I like making homes and unless I’m making a dungeon in a basement (that we didn’t get until 2015) I didn’t really play with this pack. Going to work with your sims was cool, and I’m glad they have more careers like that but this wasn’t/isn’t my style.
Toddler Stuff added so much for the toddlers to do and worked so well with Parenthood but I think if you had Parenthood, you didn’t need Toddler Stuff. I do use a lot of the items in this pack and quite frankly it helps my useless toddlers feel like actual sims but I still don’t find this pack as necessary as Parenthood, and maybe could have just been incorporated into that pack instead of having a toddler one on its own. Is it necessary for people who play in Live mode a lot and have children, Probably if you care about Toddlers. With parenthood, I do play with the Toddlers more but I still just want to age them up fast and this pack didn’t save them from a forced birthday into childhood.
Laundry Day I can praise for days but I still ranked it low on the list for one reason: I don’t play with it very often. It has so many items in it that make the homes so much better. I’ve made laundromats and made interesting places to put washers and dryers but I still forget to add them into 90% of my builds. I like the aesthetic of the pack but I don’t find it a necessity. I’ve lived without it for so long, I learned to live completely without it. That being said, I think for both builders and Live mode players, this pack is necessary for gameplay and authenticity of builds. Laundry rooms are so cute when I remember to put them in and do I want to someday have my Sims use them and potentially die because I forgot to clean the filter! Putting Laundry Day in C Rank doesn’t make it a bad pack, I just haven’t found the need to use it a lot.
Spa Day was surprising for a few reasons. How often I use this pack and how necessary I think this pack is. A few people might disagree on the latter but I think having a place for your sims to relax and meditate is useful for getting your sims to do what you want them to. I don’t know why but I end up with stressed out sims constantly, so having the ability to fix that and change the mood to whatever I need to with yoga is brilliant. Have them super focused for the whole day and I can write novels or create so many videos. The stuff in build and Buy are so life-changing for modern home builders like myself. I use the shower, ottoman, clutter items, the tables, sink, I could go on! Also, we got counters which we lack so much that I will take anything at this point. Also, who doesn’t love the sauna! I’ve heard arguments that its not that useful of a pack and that they don’t use a lot of the stuff in it but I think the pack was put in so seamlessly in the game that you do even notice how much you use it!
When Vampires came out I was excited. I loved the Sims 3 Vampires and couldn’t wait to try these guys out! After playing for a little while I realized I wasn’t that much of a fan and it was more of a hindrance to other exciting things so I stopped playing with them faster than I would have liked to. I didn’t bother using a lot of the pack because it was very specific in aesthetics and I wasn’t used to building within it. It wasn’t until my boyfriend started playing that he showed me how it could be a lot of fun. I never thought about making a crypt in a basement to lure victims, how fun going to events at night could be if you just become an evil vampire, or how you could embrace the traits Vampires have. Before he started playing I would have ranked it a C or D. Now, it is much higher and has started to use the pack in almost all my builds! I still don’t think you should get the pack if you believe you won’t be playing the vampires or build in that style but there are a lot of great things in this pack that deserves to be in the game.
I don’t think I need to talk in-depth about why my S rank is the way it is. Seasons, City Living, Get Famous, and Parenthood are all necessary packs that you need for your game to be 1000% better. If you’re strapped for cash but can get one of these on sale, do it. It would be Seasons, City Living, Parenthood, Get Famous in that order of necessity. I have reviews on Seasons and Get Famous on the blog to check out as well!
If you want to check out more tier lists, the link to Tiermaker is here, which has a lot of simmers lists (some of them are jokes so be careful), links to The Sim Supply is here, and not a tier list but Deligracy’s Best Seller list is here. If you’re looking for a new pack or expansion to get, check out these guys for some ideas on what is right for you and Happy Simming!
UPDATE (2020)
It’s been over a year since I did my Sims Tier list and boy what a year it’s been. I had to look back at what I ranked to figure out how many new packs had come out since then. Altogether this year, we've seen six new packs of different sizes, a brand change, and a pandemic (only one of those things is unrelated), I think it’s time to update the list! 
I used the same rules as last time: 
How much content does the pack/expansion provide that is relevant to me
• What does it do gameplay-wise 
• If I lost everything and had to buy everything again would I get this pack/Expansion
• Is the pack/expansion worth it overall
Now overall the quality of most of the packs is getting better, but I wouldn’t say they’re at the standard we as the consumers want. We have found out they’re taking away stuff from packs to use in the base game and there are some reskins of things we already had, but overall the theme for packs has gotten better. 
We're starring way back in June 2019 with the release of Island Living. The announcement for Island Living at E3 2019 was pretty big news. Everyone wanted Paradise Island from Sims 3 and this looked close enough. We can finally swim in an ocean, build on the water, and have a great island paradise. My criticism came from the fact that we couldn’t get vacation lots on an island that was clearly built for them. We also couldn’t go underwater as we did in the Sims 3. While those were big musts for me, their absence didn’t detract from how fun or beautiful I found the island. They took a lot of care in how the environment looks and how your sims interacted with the world. And while the off the grid trait was broken from the start, I didn’t think it was completely unplayable and I had a lot of fun making off the grid lots! It's been a year since Island Living released, and I still use a lot of items and lots from this pack in my builds so the pack ranks very high on my list. While I do think it’s not as necessary as other packs if you have the money, the need to be in a tropical world, or just love the island aesthetic, this is a great buy. 
I have similar praise for Discover University and should probably place this pack higher than Island Living, but I can’t go higher than an S so here it is. University was a lot of fun in Sims 3; being able to go to university and participate in classes was actually enjoyable for me, which I couldn’t say about my real-life classes. I had a lot of fun trying to make my own university buildings and dorm rooms. Sims 4 didn’t exactly give me that... at all, but it still ranks highly based on the strong theme and classwork alone. The new world in this pack provides a lot of opportunities for apartment builds, which alone makes me rank this pack higher (I love me a good apartment build), but it's the new build/buy items that solidify my feelings for this pack. Almost everything provided in this pack has been used in my builds since I downloaded it. I think having a strong identity to the pack and the items in it made it a really easy buy for me. I’m obsessed with the clothes and with the addition of nose rings. I recently just started to try to play through the pack and it’s hard as hell to get good grades and my sim was always stressed out and struggling to survive, and honestly, I think this is the truest to life pack they have. I didn’t finish my playthrough since I was getting stressed out myself, but I had a lot of fun while I was playing. This is definitely a staple that should be in everyone’s game.
The two newest packs, Eco Living and Tiny Living fit into my second tier. While I think they’re fantastic packs I’m definitely apprehensive to put them at the very top. Let’s first talk about the fact that they’re aesthetically similar. While one is an expansion, the other is a game pack, and honestly, I have a difficult time distinguishing between the two. While Eco Living I think has a stronger sense of aesthetic, Tiny Living is similar enough they could secretly add it to the Eco Living pack and I wouldn’t notice. That being said, I consider both A-rank packs. I love the aesthetic of both and use them quite frequently in builds. When Eco Living came out in June, I went to make a big build with this pack as the main feature. I think the expansion came with a lot of great features that we desperately needed, like bigger picture windows and larger sliding doors. The aesthetic fits the eco rustic look that’s popular right now and I’m obsessed with the wallpapers. Tiny Living has the retro vibe I’ve been trying to get into my real-world life and I find I can plan things for my apartment with great ease using this pack. We’re also a community obsessed with making the tiniest of builds so it was only fitting we get a pack dedicated to it. While I think these packs are great alone (or together), I think the gameplay isn’t there for me. I’m still trying to figure out how to clean up the new world and get a lot of perks going. Maybe it’s simply due to a lack of understanding on my part, but I certainly didn’t make it far before I gave up on my journey to make the new world clean. If you’re a builder I would suggest getting Eco Living on sale and skip out on Tiny Living entirely if building tiny homes isn’t your thing. 
The remaining two packs we haven't mentioned yet, Realm of Magic and Moschino, I'm placing squarely in B-rank. I was the biggest hater of the Moschino pack for the longest time. I really hated the idea of being part of a culture I would never be able to survive in both economically-speaking and mentally. Fashion is beyond me and I’ve started to accept that fact. So having a pack collab from a brand that sells t-shirts for more money than I make in two weeks is a big turn-off. However, over the last little while, researching collabs and talking to people in the fashion community, I’ve come to realize these kinds of packs aren’t made for us in the gaming community, and that’s okay. I’m going to dive into that later on in a different post but having that mindset made the pack more enjoyable. I tend to use a lot of the stuff in my builds and it definitely adds a dynamic to my game that I couldn’t get from another pack, looking at Get Famous specifically. It’s real-world fashion culture in the sims and we all know townies need all the help they can get. While I do believe I may be giving the Moschino pack more credit than it deserves, I put it in the B rank because I do think it should be in the game. 
Realm of Magic was one that I was really excited for, and for a while, I was making only witch sims. The theme is strong and the build/buy items are really beautiful. One of my favourite builds I did was a Realm of Magic build. However, I can’t integrate the aesthetic easily into my other builds which is a problem. While I can make a conscious effort to add stuff from this pack into my builds, it’s not organic like the other packs. That doesn’t make this pack bad, but it does make me question if I would get this pack again. Additionally, the magic realm you gain access to, a key feature in this pack, can’t easily be changed, nor can you build in that realm and that's a real bummer. Boy did I want to get my hands on that school in build/buy mode, but I couldn’t and that made me lose a lot of interest in the game quickly. If you love supernatural sims and you don’t mind not being able to update or change the magic realm, this pack is decent enough that you could get it at full price and not feel like you've wasted money. 
Overall I think the new packs are doing well and the sims team is listening more to what the community wants. The increased number of surveys has definitely helped. We know the new knitting pack is going to drop soon, and I can’t wait to see what else the team comes up with after that! That’s it for this year's Sims 4 tier list update! Maybe I'll update this list again next year! 
My boyfriend had asked me what I was doing and wanted to do his own. As I’m a builder I think it’s a good idea to show off his list as he is a Live mode player. Ours has similarities but there are a bunch of differences which is fantastic!
His choices were based on packs he uses the most and gives him the most for his playthroughs. While he is going through a Vampire playthrough (he ranked it B) his favourite packs so far are Seasons and City Living. He said it was because they have so much in them that change the world so much. They are must-haves for any Live Mode player. While I’ve already gushed about how much I love Seasons, I haven’t said much about City Living. The aesthetic, the world, and the apartments in specific are stuff we both keep going back to. The Festivals that happen quite often are a lot of fun, even years after the expansion came out. I also have a lot of fun with apartments as they give a new dynamic to the world. You can rent your apartment instead of having to buy a house which lets you save more money or just perpetually live in it and upgrade your apartment!
He is also quite fond of Get Together and Cats and Dogs. Although he doesn’t play with clubs there is a lot to the pack build/buy wise that his Sims interact with which makes it worthwhile to him. For Cats and Dogs, he loves having a pet but having to take care of them can get a little too tedious at times.
On the lower end of the spectrum, you have Get to Work and some of the Game Packs like Strangerville. He doesn’t use them in his lets play and hasn’t seen the need to have a playthrough with them or their aesthetics aren’t what he’s looking for in packs. He likes the ideas of them but depending on the type of player you are, some of them aren’t very necessary. Strangerville, the newest of the Game Packs, can be considered specific to a certain player. If you aren’t a Live Mode player or have the time to go through a prewritten story then it isn’t that necessary for players to have. I haven’t gotten through a lot of the story and the hype died down enough that I don’t see the need to play through it but I do use a lot of the build/buy aspects that I do find it necessary for myself as a builder.
Overall, his list places more emphasis on Live Mode gameplay than what packs have the most build/buy. While there are similarities to our lists he took more consideration for what he wanted out of the packs vs. what items I would get out of the packs. Regardless, these lists definitely show a picture of how different each player sees The Sims and I think these lists are a great way to quickly see what others like out of the Sims and hopefully help narrow down what you want to get out of The Sims and what new pack you might get!
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pastel-d20 · 4 years
You Need to Download these Creators NOW
Just like shopping at a mall, there are always going to be the creators we go to for our cc needs. I usually have a very specific need in mind and while short of trying to make my own cc, I’ve found these creators have filled those needs greatly. prepare yourself to go shopping after this! Click their names for their artist pages and Tumblrs!
Ravasheen // The Sims Resource
I’ve raved about Ravasheen on my Instagram a few times and I will rave about them here. If you need a great maxis match, Ravasheen has your back. I love their kitchen sets and bedroom sets. They created working bunk beds. Ravasheen is a genius! Highly recommend for anyone starting their cc obsession and want to keep things consistent with the style of game. And follow them on Instagram for sneak peeks - they’re always asking for input and I appreciate this so much! I can’t say enough good things about them.  Download their bunk beds and kitchen set stat! 
Severinka_ // The Sims Resource
Their creations range from boho chic to homey. The Daisy bathroom and clutter are perfect for that mix of boho and homey. Right now I’m in love with their Ember set, especially their macrame decor. Honestly, their clutter is a must-have for any space that needs a little adorable sophistication. 
NynaeveDesigns // The Sims Resource 
One of my first creators I downloaded, NynaeveDesigns fills the modern lived-in home look so well. I use their potted plants in every single design I make because it’s so versatile. their bedroom sets and kitchens are perfection, especially if you need to add a little sleek but affordable design look to your home. I fully recommend the Avis kitchen for this clean design - almost Ikea-esque. 
SIMcredible! // The Sims Resource
Their sets usually tend towards toddler, children, and teen sets but there are a lot of assets that I love to incorporate into my mostly childless homes. Their Zara bedroom can be sophisticated enough that any sim could use these pieces and their Calligaris hallway set is a must-have for any home. If you’re a creator who loves family home builds this cc is for you with their wide range of styles for any age, I couldn’t see my cc folder without this creator!
Wondymoon // The Sims Resource
A staple for a lot of cc curators, Wondymoon’s simplistic designs can become statement pieces for any room. Magnesium Bathroom and clutter set go well with any boho-chic design. My personal go-to for bedrooms is the Gadolinium bedroom set for its blanket, pillows, and ottoman. The bed frame has been used in so many of my builds, partially because I want this bed in real life, but because of how easily it fits into any rustic or boho apartment build. 
Heurrs // Tumblr
If you ever needed Ikea furniture in your builds, this Tumblr is your perfect stop. I fell in love with the Nordkisa closet in real life but sadly couldn’t afford it. This is the next best thing! Any minimalistic build you can think of will require you to have at least a few pieces from Heurrs. Not only do you get downloads for their items but they link to other pieces from other creators that will complement their pieces perfectly! I keep coming back to this creator and just recently started following them on Instagram so I can find out when their new stuff is up!
Peacemaker-ic // Tumblr
I’ve often found peacemaker has my back on a lot of different builds. From sophisticated bougie vibe to comfortable lived-in, to more specifically 20s art deco modern vibe, their cc has gotten me through the most difficult of looks. I always come back to Moku Seating Suite, Vara Office, Mina Kitchen, and Kingston Dining constantly! Highly recommend all these sets for maximum style coverage. 
Winner9 // The Sims Resource
I think I’ve had more than one conversation about how amazing Winner9 is for minimalist designs. They add so much depth to any home that you want to have a little high-end class without going completely over the top. Their designs are simplistic with clean lines and punchy details. Asuna bathroom has been a life changer and made me fall in love with designing bathrooms again. Plus, all their paintings have added so much to my gallery walls in any space. 
Mutske // The Sims Resource
If you’re looking for build items Mutske is amazing at elevating your window game. Pilton is necessary for those perfect picture windows (especially in Sulani!) and if you’re in need of room dividers (even if you don’t think you are, you are), Wareham construction set is a necessity for every build. They are better and more versatile than the industrial windows from Moschino. 
UNG999 // The Sims Resource 
Another first cc creator I downloaded I went nuts for their Mira Bedroom set. I still heavily use it in my boho builds, especially the blanket and tie-dye paintings. I recently went back and downloaded their Lumina Hallway set and Jasper Bedroom. 
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pastel-d20 · 4 years
You Need to Download these Creators NOW
Just like shopping at a mall, there are always going to be the creators we go to for our cc needs. I usually have a very specific need in mind and while short of trying to make my own cc, I’ve found these creators have filled those needs greatly. prepare yourself to go shopping after this! Click their names for their artist pages and Tumblrs!
Ravasheen // The Sims Resource
I’ve raved about Ravasheen on my Instagram a few times and I will rave about them here. If you need a great maxis match, Ravasheen has your back. I love their kitchen sets and bedroom sets. They created working bunk beds. Ravasheen is a genius! Highly recommend for anyone starting their cc obsession and want to keep things consistent with the style of game. And follow them on Instagram for sneak peeks - they’re always asking for input and I appreciate this so much! I can’t say enough good things about them.  Download their bunk beds and kitchen set stat! 
Severinka_ // The Sims Resource
Their creations range from boho chic to homey. The Daisy bathroom and clutter are perfect for that mix of boho and homey. Right now I’m in love with their Ember set, especially their macrame decor. Honestly, their clutter is a must-have for any space that needs a little adorable sophistication. 
NynaeveDesigns // The Sims Resource 
One of my first creators I downloaded, NynaeveDesigns fills the modern lived-in home look so well. I use their potted plants in every single design I make because it’s so versatile. their bedroom sets and kitchens are perfection, especially if you need to add a little sleek but affordable design look to your home. I fully recommend the Avis kitchen for this clean design - almost Ikea-esque. 
SIMcredible! // The Sims Resource
Their sets usually tend towards toddler, children, and teen sets but there are a lot of assets that I love to incorporate into my mostly childless homes. Their Zara bedroom can be sophisticated enough that any sim could use these pieces and their Calligaris hallway set is a must-have for any home. If you’re a creator who loves family home builds this cc is for you with their wide range of styles for any age, I couldn’t see my cc folder without this creator!
Wondymoon // The Sims Resource
A staple for a lot of cc curators, Wondymoon’s simplistic designs can become statement pieces for any room. Magnesium Bathroom and clutter set go well with any boho-chic design. My personal go-to for bedrooms is the Gadolinium bedroom set for its blanket, pillows, and ottoman. The bed frame has been used in so many of my builds, partially because I want this bed in real life, but because of how easily it fits into any rustic or boho apartment build. 
Heurrs // Tumblr
If you ever needed Ikea furniture in your builds, this Tumblr is your perfect stop. I fell in love with the Nordkisa closet in real life but sadly couldn’t afford it. This is the next best thing! Any minimalistic build you can think of will require you to have at least a few pieces from Heurrs. Not only do you get downloads for their items but they link to other pieces from other creators that will complement their pieces perfectly! I keep coming back to this creator and just recently started following them on Instagram so I can find out when their new stuff is up!
Peacemaker-ic // Tumblr
I’ve often found peacemaker has my back on a lot of different builds. From sophisticated bougie vibe to comfortable lived-in, to more specifically 20s art deco modern vibe, their cc has gotten me through the most difficult of looks. I always come back to Moku Seating Suite, Vara Office, Mina Kitchen, and Kingston Dining constantly! Highly recommend all these sets for maximum style coverage. 
Winner9 // The Sims Resource
I think I’ve had more than one conversation about how amazing Winner9 is for minimalist designs. They add so much depth to any home that you want to have a little high-end class without going completely over the top. Their designs are simplistic with clean lines and punchy details. Asuna bathroom has been a life changer and made me fall in love with designing bathrooms again. Plus, all their paintings have added so much to my gallery walls in any space. 
Mutske // The Sims Resource
If you’re looking for build items Mutske is amazing at elevating your window game. Pilton is necessary for those perfect picture windows (especially in Sulani!) and if you’re in need of room dividers (even if you don’t think you are, you are), Wareham construction set is a necessity for every build. They are better and more versatile than the industrial windows from Moschino. 
UNG999 // The Sims Resource 
Another first cc creator I downloaded I went nuts for their Mira Bedroom set. I still heavily use it in my boho builds, especially the blanket and tie-dye paintings. I recently went back and downloaded their Lumina Hallway set and Jasper Bedroom. 
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pastel-d20 · 4 years
Everything You Need to Know about Eco-Living Trailer
It’s been 3ish months since we got Tiny Living so I think we’ve all been waiting for something new for a while (I definitely have)! Tiny living gave us tiny houses and tinier furniture with an emphasis on cleaner living which is going to go harmoniously with the Eco Lifestyle expansion pack coming June 5th! A new world, new interactions with the world, and LADDERS!
Eco living has been huge within the last few years and becoming more conscious of your footprint is never a bad idea. Your sims will start living in a world covered in pollution that is hurting not only the planet but your sims as well. In the trailer you see sims coughing and looking a little sick which is a great touch and adds some realism to the world. The more you live in the world the more options you have to change the conditions you live in. We don’t get any info on careers but I bet there will be something similar to the conservationist career from Island Living. The community seems more tight-knit than most worlds we’ve had, where the only way to change the landscape is by having help, again like Island Living.
There is a bunch of new build-buy options but most notably there are solar panels and ladders! We finally have an option for our tiny builds to have ladders which saves so much space! The solar panels look really cool and they come in different colours, and will probably keep the costs of your house down. They also teased windmills in the last few days so I bet another alternative for your sims will be available. Similar to bees in the Seasons expansion, in Eco Living we’re getting slugs. I’m not sure what the significance of the slugs is going to be but they look semi-cute so I’m okay with that! There is also an emphasis on future technology and science to help get rid of pollution! There was an air purifier machine a sim created in the trailer and it made the air more breathable! On top of that, it looks like there will be some DIY stuff to do. Candle making was shown in the trailer but Eco Living does go hand in hand with DIY stuff by up-cycling things so I’m sure they have more options and a lot more items to craft (Which will also go great with Knitting Stuff Pack that’s coming later this year).
The goal is to make the world more liveable and eco friendly. If you’re a fan of a story or have a goal for the world your sims live in then I think this pack will be for you. Alternatively, there is an argument to be made that you could keep the world as it is in all its dirty glory to make it an apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic setting. There are a lot of options for you to play within this world and that’s pretty rad! We will have to wait for the Sims team to do a livestream to see all the options so my thoughts are all speculation right now. I’m excited to see more from this pack soon!
So with all that said, I’m a little apprehensive about getting this pack. I get a similar vibe as I did with Strangerville which was a great idea but I never finished the story, nor did I really play in the world much after the first month. Will there be replayablitiy or a want/need to come back to the world? We won’t know till it comes out. I hope I fall in love with it but I’m worried I’ll be wasting money for a few weeks of entertainment. The world doesn’t speak to me like others like Sulani, Del Sol, or San Myshuno did. The build-buy options look fun and I’m excited I can make a more realistic container home (maybe the 8th time will be the charm), but other than that and the alternative energy sources I’m not sure I’ll care about anything else. I like the CAS items but nothing stood out to me as a necessity and for the most part, looked like a lot of stuff we already have. Maybe I’m looking for something completely different in a pack, but I still have hope that I’ll fall in love with at least one aspect to make the pack worth it for me!
How did you like the trailer reveal? Haven’t already watched, watch it below and let me know your thoughts!!
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pastel-d20 · 4 years
Animal Crossing New Horizons: The Game we all Need
Some of us waited over a year for this game, some of us half a decade. Whichever camp you end up in, we all finally get to enjoy the beloved Animal Crossing New  Horizons in all of its beautiful glory! There have been a lot of quality of life changes that I enjoy a lot and some (*ahem* time travel) that I wish I could have back. Nothing has detracted from my enjoyment however, other than feeling left behind while my friends grind away during social isolation. This is the game we need to help us through this time.
The quality of life changes are the biggest ones for me. The wheel to cycle through your necessary tools makes organizing a breeze. I can go from my vaulting pole to fishing in seconds. You do need to pay for it via nook miles, Nook’s currency for perks in game or around the island, but If you’re quickly getting miles through your daily life (think of them as achievement points), it’s a small fee of 800 miles (we all know Nook is sneaky like that). There is also the ability to hand in fish, fossils, and bugs with ease now that you can click on every one for donation. Instead of having to go through them one at a time, it’s one conversation now.
I find it a lot easier to get money in this game! Maybe it’s my perspective but I find fish and bugs to be more valuable in this game. I don’t feel the need to hoard until Nook’s Cranny is offering a deal (though I’ll still do that for gold nuggets). That also means my debts are getting repaid much faster than before. Where I was floundering trying to pay off my first loan in New Leaf, in the last day I had enough to pay for half of the house! And using the alternate Nook Miles to pay off the tent was a clever way to engage the player. The developers probably figured we don’t necessarily want to live in a tent for a long time (kind of referenced once more villagers want to move onto the island but in houses instead). I’ve also had the ability to unlock the museum in the first few days and as of day 4 (work kind of slowed me down) I got the full museum up and running! 5 creatures are needed to get Blathers interested and if you gather 15 of them by the time he plops down his tent, you can get the full museum within 2 or 3 days! You’ll probably also gain access to Nook’s Cranny within that time frame, which unlocks the hot deals for items you want to sell and the turnip market which makes bank so easily if you play it right (or time travel, I won’t judge). With all the little things just at the beginning of the game, it’s hard to go through it all. I’m glad there are a lot of changes to how the game is played, it seems new and fresh without moving away from what we love and what makes Animal Crossing. 
If you have online capabilities there a few ways that you can play with others. Online means you can play with others from the comfort of separate homes. Worth the investment if you haven’t gotten it already, and you get more games with the online pass in case, for whatever reason, you don’t want to play just Animal Crossing. You can visit other islands and work with friends to get things up and running. Or if you haven’t hung out with your friend in forever, take a stroll through the beach or sunbathe! The chat feature is fantastic and you can communicate easily with each other - if not slowly. I would probably Skype or discord your friend as well for face to face time if you want to chat outside of the game. Whatever keeps you connected! If you don’t have online or can’t get it but have multiple games at home, local play is also available. We do this with our roommate who doesn’t have online. Obviously, it’s not great for friends far away but again, there’s always Skype or discord to keep people connected! 
I also want to take a minute to express how much I love some of the diy projects. SUCCULENT PLANT IN A CAN! I love this! I made one cause I thought it was a cute idea and then I made like 5 for everyone I know. It’s easy to make (a recycled can and weeds) but boy does it make the room you’re in so much more adorable! And I really like that you can use trash you pick up from fishing in projects instead of having to throw it out... causing more trash. But now you can recycle it into pretty or function stuff! This is a nice touch which will teach younger players that there’s a better use for things than throwing stuff out. 
I have so much more to go with this game. Friends already have paths laid down and more stores available to them. Going at your own pace is the best way to enjoy this game. Sure my friends have more unlocked, but do you know how much fun it is hanging out with your villagers and going fishing? I play a few hours spread out during the day so I can take advantage of the different fish and bugs at different times. But that also means I won’t burn myself out on the game. I’ve seen a lot of posts about how much stuff people have unlocked and I’m happy for them but I’m also loving taking a break and going at my own pace. Life has been nothing but chaos for the last few weeks, why would I want to bring that into my game? Take your time, enjoy the ride, and don’t feel pressured to grind things out. If that’s how you want to enjoy the game, by all means, but don’t feel you have to because everyone else has so much more stuff. You might end up missing so much more by racing to the end.
I highly suggest picking up this game. You can play it by yourself, with friends near and far, or if you have children who might need something to tide them over, or if you’re just looking to play a game with them, this is a great single and co-op game that has so much for many kinds of players. It’s a great change of pace and a great escape from reality, and right now, we all need that. 
Animal Crossing is available for download or on Amazon for $79.99 now!
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pastel-d20 · 4 years
Socially Distant No More: Things to do when you’re Self Isolating
Well, this is something we never thought we would be dealing with. I don’t even think I need to mention why I’m writing this or even linger on what’s going on outside because when I look back at this website 40 years from now, I don’t want to think about how scared and worried I was. We all know what’s going on in the world right now and that’s all I have to say. In other news, if you’re stuck at home and looking for things to do, here are some ideas and ways to feel connected to people while you’re inside.
Dungeons & Dragons
This one is always going to be on top of the list. If you already have a group that meets in the real world, think about moving your group online! Discord and services like Roll20 and Fantasy Grounds are up and available for keeping your games alive. They have so many RPG options to try like Pathfinder, Call of Cthulu, or Kids on Bikes. We shouldn’t stop RPing and this will help keep you sane. The S.O and I just started testing out Roll20 so we can keep in touch with our friends. This will be useful not just now but in the future as well if we ever can’t reach each other but still want to game. I wasn’t interested in moving my games online and to be honest, I’m still not, but this is a great alternative to postponing our games.
That Game you put off Forever
We all have that shelf that has games that we haven’t touched because we were “waiting to finish another game” or for “a special occasion”. I know I definitely have games still sitting around in the original packaging *Ahem Red Dead Redemption 2*. Why not pull them out and give them a try. You’re not going anywhere and if you end up hating it, at least you wasted a few good hours of your day. This may also be a great time to really look at your collection and pick out the games you hated, cleaning up some space on your shelf for other things; it is spring, might as well get on the cleaning!
Get a new Game!
If the games on that shelf don’t seem appetizing, Animal Crossing is coming out (or is out depending on when you’re reading this). I think I joked once or twice that I was going to call in sick for a week and play Animal Crossing. For anyone who needs a good escape from reality, here it is. Making your own island and hanging out with furry friends is a Godsend right now. I’ve already got my preorder paid off and barring EB Games not closing, I’ll be getting the game on release day (before running back inside). If you already have it preordered and you’re in the states, I’ve heard rumblings that they will be able to change the physical copy of the game into a game code if you don’t feel comfortable going out to get it, but I would check with your local game store whether that’s true. If Animal Crossing’s not your thing (why wouldn’t it be though?) Doom is also coming out and that will be just as great of an escape. I will admit, I have no idea what Doom is like but I do know it’s a staple in most of my friends collections and they are not passing up the chance to play this game all day. And since money is tight right now, don’t forget sales! The sims have some 25-50% sales on packs right now or if you’re on Xbox, why not try out Game Pass for a month or so - you’ll never run out of games that way!
New Hobby Perhaps?
If you’ve been curious about getting into a new hobby, how about learning about it online? If you need supplies for your would-be new hobby, check it out online and get Amazon to bring it straight to you. Heading to a hobby shop during an off-hour might also be a good idea to get supplies. I started taking up cross-stitching after a very stressful end of 2019 and it has helped calm me down more than I expected. Something to take your mind off of everything is a really good idea, and if you’re doing something that doesn’t require too much attention, you can still binge your favourite tv show for the umpteenth time. Knitting, cross-stitching, and macrame are all great ideas for half paying attention while watching something. Others include mini painting for when we all meet again for our next game, drawing which does not take much if any supplies for the most part, and painting for when you just want to throw something at an object without much fuss from it. Plus, those skills will be great to have later on - gift-giving, cheaper art for your house, the possibilities are endless. There are groups online that would more than be happy to help you start out and you can even suggest a Skype hang out to do the hobby together.
Movie Night?
I’ve heard a while ago that people who are in long-distance relationships or who have distant friends like to start their Netflix shows at the same time and have conversations, either by Skype, discord, texting, or NetflixParty (an extension for Netflix that does this exact thing). It’s a great idea for anyone who needs to hang out with their friends but can’t get to each other's homes. In the age of fast unlimited internet, it should be easier to connect with people to do this and have something like a slumber party in the comfort of your own home. Universal Studios have announced that they are putting their new releases on On-Demand services like Amazon Prime, Apple, and the like for $19.99 so that people can watch new movies without worry.
Don’t forget to exercise!
I forget this all the time but you can exercise at your house! Light exercise helps you keep calm and keep healthy. Youtube has some great tutorials you can do for yoga, stretches, or any type of workout that fits your space needs. Seriously, it’s a great idea to get into it while you have the time. 20 minutes a day away from work or your thoughts will refresh you and your spirit. If it doesn’t, at least you’re getting active and that’s still a plus! If you need a work out buddy, may I suggest one of your sims?
Whether you’re stuck inside or out there working in retail (I praise you, and I’m right there with you), or bravely fighting this mess head-on (You guys are amazing and am thankful you’re doing your thing) you may need a distraction from life right now. It’s a mess and finding a little sanity in anything is important as hell right now. If I missed anything, what is it that’s keeping you calm or distracted?
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pastel-d20 · 4 years
Welcome to Your New Home: Animal Crossing Direct Impressions
Tom Nook is back with our final update on Animal Crossing New Horizons, and what we can expect of our new island oasis. The newest livestream was 27 minutes long, and took place in three parts, covering an expanded recap, newly announced features, and answers to frequently asked questions respectively. I won't be covering everything discussed in the livestream, but if you want see the whole thing for yourself the link is right here. For now, here is the breakdown and my first impressions on the new information we got today on New Horizons!
Every day Tom Nook will have island news for you. The news includes advice on how to better live on the island and other useful information, and honestly just seems like a great way to wake up! Granted, this might get annoying the longer you play, but that’ll come down to personal preference. I know I’m going to find this charming for all of 2 days, or at least until the advice starts repeating itself.
If you find yourself lost (or if you're just lazy like me) there's a rescue service on the island for when you can’t find your way home. This is a great feature for anyone who has run around the island all day and might have completely forgotten where they live. The first few days I’m in a place, I tend to end up forgetting where I settled. This is a cute little touch, especially in how you interact with the service. It’s all text based and ends in a simple warp to your home, but I like the operators attitude! It’s cute, if not a little flighty! 
Loans come back with the ability to build a home on the island. The same rules from the last games apply and Tom Nook is just as greedy as ever, but they’ve definitely updated the looks of the homes you can make. With the added benefit of mechanics we saw in Happy Home Designer, like how you move furniture in the home, as well as the outdoor customizations we saw in Pocket Camp, you can be more creative than ever your space, and I’m always a big fan of that. Your house can become quite large with the outward expansions for your main floor, but I don’t believe you get a basement or a second storey - but you do get an in-house storage, making basements somewhat pointless (at least to me). 
Mini vacations are also now a thing, allowing you to visit smaller islands that have a lot of trees and plants that you might not have at home. Go ahead and take them home so you can grow them and make more. You can also do collect more bugs and fish when visiting other islands, and you may even see a few new faces, some of whom might become your new best friends! 
There's a new multiplayer mode called party play. Players living on islands with more than 1 resident can invite the others to come hang out and the game instantly becomes a couch co-op! I personally love this feature - the SO and I were going to buy two copies of the game but now we don’t have to and can play on the same island whenever we want. You can choose a leader which lets the other players follow them and at any moment in time you can switch the leaders. Everyone can do what they want to do which is also a great feature for smaller children and siblings hopefully leading to minimal fighting! 
Nook link is a new service that we can download on our smartphones and tablets that let us talk to our friends while we’re on each other’s islands. Not only that but it has a built in QR reader so all your old clothing designs can be moved over! This is great - in a way it’s backward compatible which I appreciate. 
Like new leaf we want more residents in our town. If you’re like me you hated the fact that you couldn’t tell new neighbours where to park their homes. Now, you can have the ability to tell where animals can move by claiming spots in advance for them to go. This is definitely a quality of life mechanic I love! Now planning is easier and you won’t have to worry about Cherry moving in the middle of your beautiful park. 
Speaking of buildings! If anyone was worried that Nook's Cranny, the Able Sisters, or the museum wouldn’t be on your island - fear not!! We will have all our old creature comforts back! The resident services will also receive upgrades the more you play, with more services like updating your home and moving things around your island as you progress through the game! 
Free updates for seasonal events will be adding new visitors like Jack and Pavé, meaning all you time traveller's (myself included) won’t be able to enjoy Halloween in the middle of winter. I’m not personally a fan of this. I’m an impatient soul, but for people like my SO who considers it cheating to time travel, it won’t be such a hassle. 
The last, and I think best new feature of the new Animal Crossing game is the ability to terraform. You can now move dirt around to make more land, take away dirt for lakes and rivers, carve out cliffs for more space, and even make your own waterfalls! Everything can move and change and I think this is just fantastic! I’ve always wanted to be able to change the landscape of my towns but had to settle on whatever the towns looked like at the start. Now we all can have different looking islands for even more creativity! You can also buy ramps and stairs to help make everything more unique, and so you’re not stuck with a bridge in the worst spot on the island like you may have been in past entries. You can also make paths easier, and without having to make them yourself at the Able Sisters! Just use your nook phone and go to town!! Honestly, I’ll be terraforming the crap out of my island as soon as possible. I have big plans for my island and I can’t wait to start making it happen! 
This is going to be the best Animal Crossing Nintendo has ever created. They really listened to our input and included quality of life mechanics into this series that help us focus on making our islands as amazing as possible. We get to relax and hang out with our favourite animals without worry that there’s going to be a house in an unsightly place or that Isabelle won’t let us put a play area half an inch to the left like we wanted because of a dumb tree! Guys, I’m just so excited! Again, if you want to watch the whole thing, the link is here, and it’s worth a watch! I’ll also be updating everyone on my island progress over on my Instagram! I also want to see other islands so follow me on Instagram and send me them island pics! 
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pastel-d20 · 4 years
Tiny Living: The Pack we Didn't Know we Needed
So this is an unexpected happy drop! The Sims team has released the trailer for a new stuff pack, Tiny Living! I guess the little hint during the last Maxis Monthly had was about this pack. SimGuruNinja and SimGuruDuke teased that they would be playing the new pack during the holidays and we can assume this is the one they were talking about! Since the drop, I’ve seen nothing but excitement for this pack and I’m inclined to agree with the general consensus! As someone who loves doing tiny builds this is a pack we’ve desperately needed!
Let’s start with the building restrictions. What we see in the trailer, and even in the blog post is that there is a new lot trait of Tiny Home Residential which comes with a building restriction of 100 tiles. It doesn’t seem like there is a restriction height-wise (other than the 5 floors we usually get), so simmers will likely build some small, interestingly shaped homes! The trailer showed off homes that were skinny and tall and in separate units. Not that simmers have an issue being creative in their builds but this restriction is a nice little addition, reminding you how little you’re gonna have to work with, finding ways to get everything into your tiny home. 100 tiles are definitely not a lot of tiles!
On top of the restrictions, there are the bonuses; bill reductions being a big one! Those pesky bills can get really pricey as you add more to your house so if you like expensive things but don’t have enough money to afford the upkeep, this particular bonus goes a long way. There is also relationship gains from being in a tiny home. Nothing tests love like sticking two people in a tiny place. If your sims are going to downsize they may end up being closer not just in proximity but potentially in love. While your sims are comfy cozy in their new small home, they’re going to get comfy bonuses as well! Who doesn’t want comfy bonuses while at home?! During the winter months where the fireplace is on and you’re in your tiny home, nothing beats that and your sims are definitely going to feel that.
I think the biggest thing to come out of this tiny pack is the Murphy beds! Now we know why they weren’t in university (I think I called this in my reaction video for university). With Murphy beds, there’s also the potential for a new death! There was a hint in the trailer that you can potentially get crushed to death by the bed? That just sounds awful… but fun! The Murphy beds also come with couches in case you want to make a super tiny home but still need a place to hang out with friends. If you don’t want to torture your sims with the tiniest home in the world (ahem, James Turner), you have so many new items to try to cram into your space! Couches, sitting chairs, bean bag chair, bookcase, shelves, glass table, lights, paintings, and sinks! The furniture is space-conscious so you don’t have to worry too much about those Bulky couches taking up precious walking space.
And we can’t forget the CAS stuff. Get ready for chunky knit sweaters, jean jackets, and shirt ensemble, a new dress, and I think at least one or two new hairstyles! I’m a little disappointed that there weren’t any oversized sweaters, it would have fit in the cozy theme, but with a 1-minute trailer, there’s only so much you can put in the video. Maybe there will be some more outfits with an oversized sweater; we’ll have to buy the pack to see. During the last Maxis Monthly, they said we would be seeing packs we haven’t even thought about and they were right. I know I love building tiny homes and this pack just tugs at all the right threads to get me to buy this. Is it necessary? Absolutely not, and I think the way we do tiny homes now is perfectly fine. What it adds is an ease to building and some fun additional traits to these homes. I know I probably will get this pack day one but I think no one will be missing out if they wait for a sale. This is a very particular pack and if the building style isn’t yours or if you don’t tend to build in general I don’t see this pack being top priority. If you do do tiny homes and need a new challenge, I think this is a good pack to save for or splurge on!
Tiny Living is coming to PC and Mac on January 21 and Xbox and PS4 on February 4th.
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pastel-d20 · 4 years
Last Maxis Monthly: Recap & Thoughts
With the end of the year quickly approaching (and the end of the decade), the sims team wanted to end one of the biggest years they had in the franchise with hints to an even bigger year next year. They had 3 major announcements to share with us in their short Maxis Monthly, all of them were more exciting than the last. 
First, they announced some new things going on in the Mobile community. They are adding in a new world for more gameplay and building as well as their holiday update for your sims to enjoy the holidays with you. To be honest, I don’t have a firm grasp on the Mobile area of the community but a coworker who regularly plays the Freeplay sims is excited for the new world and getting new items. From the announcement last week where they showed off some of the items, I was kind of jealous at what they got! That one couch is a necessity in my builds. 
Next, they talked about the community vote where round 2 is happening on December 23. They were excited to announce that the voting for round 1 brought in 5 times the amount of votes from the last community vote they had with Laundry day. After the tally, Arts and Crafts Knitting was the winner! I voted for Cross Stitching but Knitting is close enough so I’m not mad. 
The Sims team wanted to show off some concept art for rooms that will determine the style the pack will be in. They teased three distinct styles and said that not only will there be these concept arts to see in the voting but CAS shots as well that will help aid you in figuring out what pack you want to win. 
The three rooms they teased were: Granny Chic, DIY Delight, and Cozy Crafts. 
Granny Chic had a lot of familiar elements you would see at a grandparent's home. An overstuffed lounger, knitting skeins aplenty, big wooden table, rustic colours and mixed matched patterns. There is a very cozy element to this tableau that will encourage elder play. I know the community has been wanting to do more with elders and this is definitely going to be the pack to do that in. I didn’t have an opinion either way about elders but after seeing this concept art, I’m all for this to be an elders pack!
Cozy Crafts has an industrial vibe to it. Sim Guru Ninja stated that it looks like a room his friends would be happy in. There are a lot of soft industrial elements to it which are as Ninja put it, “gender-neutral”. I like elements of this room, mainly that you can integrate this pack very nicely with city living if you don’t have or want many packs. If you have a certain aesthetic to your sims play then you would benefit from this style. I will say I am drawn more to this look of a pack but it does look like a lot of other things that we have seen in the past. 
DIY Delights has the same issue as Cozy Crafts in that it has a lot of the same elements that you see in other packs but I think it would be more versatile and integrates nicely with Parenthood, Seasons, and even University. There is a lot of colour and cute little accents that I would love to have in real life. Sim Guru Duke said that its very “CC workshop” inspired, which you can definitely see in the concept art. The corkboard and DIY board (the actual word escapes me) are things I have CC versions of in my game. This room would work for children or adults for sure but adults would be the primary target and for the most part, I believe children wouldn't be able to use most of the items in the pack.
Overall, I think the Granny Chic room has a different vibe going on than the other two ideas that will appeal to a lot of gameplay sims or sims that need a change-up in their house styles. I know I need more variety in my styles for build and buy and Granny Chic is it!
The last thing that the gurus talked about is that we’re finally getting to be connected with our console friends! The gallery will be opened up to console players in early 2020 where they can download PC builds and vice versa! This is exciting and I know a big frustration to many people who don’t feel connected to either community. This will finally connect us and give us that unification we desperately desire. CC items will not be able to carry over to console but they are working on it and hopefully have that up soon after the gallery is open to everyone. Sim Guru Duke stated that it is a hard and complex situation they’re trying to figure out. This is a fantastic step to unifying everyone and I for one can’t wait to see what console players have been making! I have a few houses I’ve had my eye on for a little while. 
The short Maxis Monthly was jam-packed full of interesting things to get excited over in the next few months. They also teased about playtesting a few new packs that will be out hopefully (aka speculation) in the first quarter of the new year. The two Gurus were confident the community will be surprised by the packs that are coming out. After this year of getting Island Living, Realm of Magic, and Discover University, I think all the packs that we wanted from older Sims have finally come to an end. I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen in 2020 and get my hands on all the new packs coming out! What are you excited about in the new year and what packs might be coming out in 2020?
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pastel-d20 · 5 years
Discover University Deep Dive (I Watched So You Don't Have To)
Just days away from the release of The Sims 4 Discover University, the Sims team did a deep dive into the new pack via twitch. They showed off all the new features to the game, the gameplay mechanics that you’ll be able to have fun with, and the CAS items that you’ll be able to outfit your sims with. In the 2 hour deep dive they went into a lot of aspects of the pack (maybe a little too deep) but with the stream going crazy with questions for the team it was definitely hard to keep things a secret. Before I continue, this post will be filled with spoilers! You have officially been warned!
To start off, University is for young adults, adults, and elders! This isn’t a surprise for the most part but I do like the fact that you can go back to school as an elder and get a degree. Maybe get the degree you couldn’t get when you were younger, or just trying to keep your mind sharp; either way, your elder sim can work towards getting that paper! There are two universities in the new world of Britechester, Britechester University and Foxbury University. There is also a small town in the middle of the world for your sims to frequent or live in if you so choose! The sims team stated that Britechester is based on London in their weather, so if you have Seasons on you better bundle your sims up and get them a rain jacket because there will be a lot of that!
If you are a teen sim looking for information on the two schools and have all the options in the world, you can go to the schools, drop in on some courses, talk to some sims, and see what school is right for you! This also may open up doors for your sim when they get into the school so they can have friends when they get into the school so they won’t be so lonely. Scholarships are also a thing your sim can apply for as they are applying to schools. This is a great way for your sims to save money so they don’t have to work during the school year (which is possible but watch out for scheduling issues!) Where you live, what skills you have, and if you’re an Esports person all give you the ability to apply for different scholarships.
There are 13 majors for your sims to get into: Art History, Culinary Arts, Drama, Fine Arts, History, Language and Literature, and Communications at Britechester, and Biology, Computer Science, Economics, Physics, Psychology, and Villainy at Foxbury. You can also internship for a few of these majors which will fast track your skills and help you get into the career you want. There are three new careers! Engineering, Law, and Teaching. Engineering has a mechanical and computer branches, Law career has the judge and private lawyer branches, and the teaching career has the professor or administrative branches. You can join the career right away instead of going through university but if you get a degree you can get boosts in the career.
Once you’re enrolled you can use the school manager to decide how many classes you’re going to, what electives you want to be in, your major, and even your dorm room! It’s all there for when you get onto class for your first day of the new term. You can even put up ads for a roommate so you don’t have to play roommate roulette in your dorm. You can ask sims to move in, or even kick them out if you don’t like their living style, whatever you need to have the best university experience! There can be 10 sims living in the penthouse lot (including your sims) which all vary in personalities. You won’t be able to do build or buy while living in the dorm but there are ways to personalize your room! You can buy items from the kiosk like posters, mini-fridges, rugs, dividers, plants, and chests and they can be placed in the room via live drag. If you want to fully redecorate the whole lot you will have to cheat your way through, in which case bb.enablefreebuild will work for you. If you don’t have any active sims living on the lot, you’re free to change the dorms however you see fit! If you want to have a pet or a child live with you during your university stay you will have to either turn the lot into a residential lot or move into one so you can accommodate their needs. Your sim can also get pregnant while in university, like in real life, but they will have to move out before the baby comes. I find this kind of a bummer but I do understand from not only a mechanical point but also a gameplay point. It does add a lot to the robust gameplay that the sims team has crafted in this pack though!
Going back to the kiosk for just a second: you can buy your books for your classes, buy your homework if you lost it (which they emphasized in the stream so I’m assuming that happens a lot), and get a fresh new bike to get yourself to classes. A lot happens with the kiosk, including getting information about the school, so it’s highly encouraged to get your sim to the kiosk as soon as possible!
There are a few food options around the new world including easy to make items like pizza rolls and instant noodles (providing a microwave is accessible) or you can go down to the cafeteria where there are premade menus for different times of the day. It is also only open during certain hours so make sure you’re aware of what time it is and get down there as soon as possible! There is also a pub in the town which a lot of sims frequent because of the cheap food and great atmosphere. You might want to watch out though, both schools frequent this bar so rivalries will commence if prompted!
Rivalries are common in this town. You can deface the other university's statue, play pranks, or face off against them in a juice pong tournament. Even though the schools are separate entities, you can always interact with them in some way. I really like this mechanic and I can’t wait to use this in a Romeo and Juliet type of way!
Your sims can go to class, skip class, sit in on lectures, or watch a guest lecturer speak! There are a ton of ways to interact with the classes except actually watching your sims in class. That is a rabbit hole and I am very thankful for that. In the sims 3, it was fairly boring watching your sim in class and now you can just wait for a few seconds instead! You can also discuss your grades with your professors or simply email them asking how you are doing in class and that will let you know if you need to work harder or can skip a class once or twice. Your homework also dictates how you are doing in your class so if you want that grade you might have to buckle down and work hard! There is a great library in town for a study atmosphere where a new lot trait is available for better study success! You will also find information on what your final is going to look like whether it is an exam, term paper, or presentation, it will be laid out in the career panel to let you know what your sim needs to prepare for. If you have a presentation you’re going to get a presentation board where you can work on it and practice your speech, but if you don’t go to the class to present it, you’ll fail! Terms are only 5 days so you better get your act together and buckle down, there is no room for error (or maybe there is, I’m not your parent, I can’t tell you how to ruin your sims lives!)
There are other ways to get your sims involved in university life! There are sports to play and watch, clubs to join, and even a secret society to watch out for! There was no information given on what or who the secret society is about so if your sim is looking for something nefarious to do, you might want to check out a certain spot in the world at a certain time of night... (intrigued yet?) In Foxbury there are Robotics clubs where you can make bots and put them into contests if you like, or just have them around the house to help you with whatever you need (Servos are back, y’all! But if you leave them near water or in the rain they will die! Be careful with your new best friend!) If your sim is not interested in anything like that there are always study groups to join or parties to go to to make friends or just get that social meter up!
In build and buy there are new items, obviously, but what is interesting is their new column mechanic in which you can make the column bigger or smaller to the height of your choosing. I’m sure this was about the glitch that happened at the end of the summer where the columns were clipping through and making themselves bigger than necessary when making porches. There are also bathroom and shower stalls. For the bathroom stalls, there are two versions one that is private and another that has a serious gap issue. The sims team said they found it hilarious that there were people who took issue with the American gaps in bathroom stalls so they over-exaggerated it. I also hate when there is a massive gap in bathroom stalls where I am staring at the other person on the other side so I like that they put this in. For the shower stalls, they are public and may make your sims embarrassed to use them. You may need a fearless sim to use these shower stalls or just watch as they become more mortified each time they use the public showers. Speaking of showers, there is a new woohoo spot! Shower stalls are a great place to woohoo but the new wall shower you won’t be able to woohoo in. So if you want that university experience with woohooing in showers (I don’t know if this is an actual experience that many people have) you will have to put some private showers in the dorms.
In the two hour stream, they covered a vast majority of the pack. There was so much to cover I don’t even think I got it all in this post. If you want to see the stream it is on the youtube channel now and you can see for yourself all the new features and gameplay mechanics you can try out! The Sims 4 Discover University expansion pack is coming out on November 15, 2019, for PC and Mac and December 17, 2019, for Xbox and PS4 (perfect time for the Holidays!)
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pastel-d20 · 5 years
The Matt Mercer Effect and Why we Should Change the Name
Whether you have had many DM’s, one DM, or have just watched DM’s chances are you, as a player/ viewer, have expectations for DM’s around you and if they aren’t met, naturally you’re disappointed. The unfortunately named The Matt Mercer Effect is exactly this, an expectation for a DM isn’t met because of one DM (or sometimes many) that have had a crucial impact on how you see the game being run. An ÜberDM, if you will. They have the voices, the dramatic impact on the players and their characters, they make fights fun and exciting, and dungeons dangerous and scary. For new players, this could mean holding their own DM to the standards of Matt Mercer, the amazing DM from Critical Role that has become an iconic milestone for Dungeons and Dragons. Some people will single out Matt Mercer specifically and saying: “Why can’t you be like Matt Mercer?”, “Matt Mercer did this better”, “But Matt Mercer does the voices”. While it is important to have some expectations as to what someone wants out of a DM, comparing DM’s is a dangerous practice and one that not only affects both DM’s but can inadvertently deteriorate a campaign or gaming group.
This effect isn’t new. Seth Skorkowsky made a video about this effect and his experience with it far before Critical Role had been around. In his video, he discusses how he started getting a complex because of a player who kept comparing his DM’s to each other. Once he finally met up with the other DM they both had the same complex. He found it hurtful and despite his efforts to become a better DM, he didn’t feel like he could ever be the best DM he could be. I personally haven’t been affected by this effect but there have been some instances in which our DM has been told he was a better DM than others that players have had. Although this conversation isn’t coming from a malicious place it does put the Dm in an unfortunate situation in which they have to take a compliment that may make them uncomfortable. I’ve talked to my DM and he has on a few instances felt that he did not deserve these kinds of praise. Complimenting one while putting down another may not sound wrong while it’s happening, it’s not fair to either DM to be put into that situation.
On a grander scale, it has also put Matt Mercer in an unfortunate situation in which he is associated with something bad. A job that he loves and wants to make people happy has now been put into a bad situation where he is considered the ÜberDM to put down other DM’s who want to make people just as happy. Mercer has even stated he’s disappointed that he is associated with this effect. In Summery he says that their style of play is theirs alone. Every other group has different styles and that there is nothing wrong with that. Discussing expectations first is important but it is up to everyone at the table, DM and player, to bring that expectation and add to the experience. He moves on to also state that they are a table of professional voice actors and this is an important distinction between Critical Role, Matt Mercer, and everyone else’s tables. Critical Role and Matt Mercer are all professionals. They have an expectation with each other to bring the voices and the emotions to the table. While there might be expectations for a new group or an old group to role play, there should be no expectation that the role-playing has to be at the depths at which Critical Role is.
I don’t think this effect should have Matt Mercer’s name attached to it. I understand that as a new player or someone who watches Critical Role, it is easy to tag on something familiar to an effect to make sense to people, but I think there should be a new name for this effect that not only affects DM’s old and new but that has been around for as long as DMing has been a thing. The Comparative DM Effect or even ÜberDm Effect is much better a name for this unfortunate situation than to bring a DM’s name into a situation that quite frankly has nothing to do with him specifically.
Whether you think this effect is an issue or not I think the naming of the effect is dangerous and saddening to see. I think comparing DM’s, although not in itself hurtful, can cause issues such as complexes like in Seth Skorkowsky’s experience which may lead to a downfall of a game or group. If all anyone is doing is comparing what one DM did wrong with a DM that sounds like they can do no wrong, that will harm the DM into potentially not wanting to run a game again. Expressing disappointment with an expectation is necessary and opening that communication up is what you should do to keep a game going and make everyone happy. Let’s stop comparing people with their experiences and higher than they should be expectations. Not everyone is a voice actor and not everyone is comfortable with an intense level of role play. If you can’t seem to enjoy a game, maybe your group is not right for you. Talking; expressing feelings and expectations; and never, ever comparing people, will keep your group happy, your DM happy, and yourself happy.
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