osprey-witches · 1 year
fun fact apollo is fucking great
fun fact of the day lord Apollon is fucking great and theres a statue of him from ALL The way from ancient greece in wich he is wearing a dress specificly worn by women so i re-drew it in my chibi style and in modern dress
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osprey-witches · 1 year
Thinking about self indulgence as a form of worship, since I really do believe that the divine can be found within ourselves
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osprey-witches · 1 year
Sometimes I forget I'm not a beginner witch anymore. Like over the years I've accumulated a lot of knowledge and sometimes I don't even consider that because of how little I have the opportunity to do big rituals or fancy incantations. It's kinda a funny feeling to realize you're more skilled in something than you feel you are.
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osprey-witches · 1 year
Witchcraft has no gender
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osprey-witches · 1 year
I have heard and lived so many of these stories. Being wrong itself isn't a moral failure - it's all about what you do once you realize you were wrong.
Hey folks, as you're exploring your various paths of spirituality and magic, it's important that you're mentally prepared to find out that you're really, really wrong about something somewhere down the the line. You might discover that a practice you take for granted is appropriative and misrepresented from its original form and intent. You might find out that something you thought was real history was actually made up by somebody fairly recently. You might find out you've been subscribing to an idea that has its origins in a hate movement.
It's not a matter of if this kind of thing will happen, but when. Even if you're doing your very best to research reliable sources as exhaustively as you possibly can, you can be certain that somewhere along the way, you'll absorb something like this. No one is immune. This won't make you a bad person. It's not like you misinformed yourself on purpose, much less went out there with the intention of harming someone or misrepresenting their practices. It's not like the people giving you bad information told you "hey, guess what, I'm a hateful shithead and I'm lying to you." You just didn't know, that's all. Nobody can know everything, not even the most well-read scholars. While being wrong isn't good, it's also not a moral failing. What's important is that you acknowledge that you were wrong, and accept this as an opportunity to learn and grow. It's the most anyone can do, and if someone tries to make you feel bad about being wrong in the first place, don't listen to them. (Being right doesn't inherently make someone morally superior!)
Ultimately, what's really going to speak to your moral character is your ability to admit that you've fucked up and your willingness to do better. You will fuck up one day, so have a healthy plan in mind for dealing with that.
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osprey-witches · 1 year
Lady Hestia,
Goddess of comfort and warmth. To whom I am devoted. 
Bless this tea with energy that heals my heart and soul, my body and mind. 
May it’s warmth be your warmth. May it soothe me as you soothe the world. May it bring me the comfort of home. May it heal my sickness like the tender touch of a parent. May this tea connect me to you and your awe inspiring ways. 
Lady Hestia,
Goddess of hearth and home,
Thank you. I trust you. I honor you. I revere you. 
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osprey-witches · 1 year
☆☆ Reblog! ☆☆
I've seen a few posts on here from a variety of different blogs now that seem to kinda lament the fact that tumblr is not as rewarding to intermediary/advanced practitioner blogs, and I think that's kinda sad because that's what I want so see. So reblog if you're one of the following-
- An intermediate/ advanced witch, wizard, sorcerer or any other practitioner who doesn't necessarily post for beginners.
- A pagan/polytheist who posts about their thoughts and lived experiences in connection to their gods/faith.
- A mystic who wants to get into the nitty-gritty of scripture, theology, and personal approaches.
- A practicioner who posts mostly UPG, theories, and/or experimental magic.
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osprey-witches · 1 year
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I made an altar for Aphrodite! Super happy with it. I haven’t had an alter specifically for her since I first accepted that she was my Matron years ago. I know there’s some Apollo / Ares imagery, and that’s intentional, but this is completely Aphrodite’s and I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out.
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osprey-witches · 2 years
I'm getting back into genealogy and I'm super excited about this!
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osprey-witches · 2 years
Just had a talk with my Papa who is fairly open-minded for his age but not nearly as openminded as like Gen Z. I never would have expected this, but turns out he's actually really interested in learning about Jewish witchcraft! Our family is Jewish for context. I was definitely taken by surprise but I can't wait to find him some resources!
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osprey-witches · 2 years
Last night I found out I have some Pennsylvania German ancestry, even though most of my German ancestors went to New Jersey! I absolutely can't wait to look more into this! I am so excited to learn about the culture, the folk practice (Braucherei), the food, the everything!!!
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osprey-witches · 2 years
The universe's greatest mistake was letting me discover how fucking gorgeous I feel in a chiton. Admittedly this isn't a full on proper one as I don't have the pins I would need or the right fabric but DAMN I feel unstoppable.
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osprey-witches · 2 years
How to revive someone's dashboard:
Like or reblog if your blog is about at least one of the following:
Witchcraft (tips, spells, ingredients, divination, astrology...)
Paganism, Wicca
Dark academia
Dark art, photography or aesthetic
Nature, especially forests/plants
We are slowly coming back but it's still difficult to find each other, let's revive the community 🔮✨🍄🧿🌙
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osprey-witches · 2 years
Gonna sit with a nice cup of tea that I associate with Hekate and watch some videos by the incredible chaoticwitchaunt, feels like a good way to dip my toes back into learning.
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osprey-witches · 2 years
Let's try this *again*
Hey y'all. Name's Osprey. I made a post a while back about how I was gonna come back to this account and well... that clearly didn't happen lol. So let's do this again. I want to re-introduce myself in this post and also explain some stuff about where I want to go with my spirituality and this page. I'll use the same kind of template as my re-introduction from a couple years back.
I am Osprey. My username here used to be apollo-and-aphrodite. I'm now 20, almost 21. I use they/them pronouns. I have multiple physical and mental disabilities. I have always been hesitant to share this on this page, and this will be the first time I'm mentioning this here, but the primary disability that has been affecting my life recently has been Dissociative Identity Disorder. I am a system. I doubt this will come up too much in my content, but it has informed my spirituality so it will probably come up a bit.
This will be written from the perspective of the host alter, though others with different practices and backgrounds may also end up posting to this tumblr. To be quite honest I definitely stepped away from my practice for a while. However, before I did, my practice mainly consisted of prayer / devotion, representational magick, tarot, sigils, and herbalism. I am a devotee of Aphrodite and Apollo (they are my matron and patron respectively), and also work under Artemis, Hekate, Hestia, and Hermes most closely. I was raised Jewish, and definitely still also incorporate aspects of Judaism into my faith and practice. Edit: I'd also like to add I would love to start looking into German folk practices as my family is largely from Germany! As I do more research into my family tree, I will possibly add more folk practices to look into if I feel it's appropriate.
This hasn't changed so I'll kinda just copy paste. I’ve been practicing in one way or another since I was 9 years old, doing really simple things that never ended up working. When I was around 12, I discovered Paganism, specifically Wicca. I dove far into Wicca before realizing at around age 15-16 that my beliefs fit more closely with Hellenic Polytheism. I don’t do much “big” magick, but have been successful in things like bindings and protection workings. My first patron was Artemis, and then Apollo took over that role. Aphrodite took over as my matron in around 2016 or so.
I'm gonna be 100% honest I don't expect to be the most active page. I absolutely never plan on deleting it because it means far too much to me with how much it helped me over the years, but I can also recognize that my relationship with my faith is definitely hard to keep steady for many reasons. I'll post when I'm up to it and when I have something to share, and that's all I can really promise.
Thanks for reading <3
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osprey-witches · 4 years
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I’m growing rosemary in my back yard. Just got some (ofc I asked and gave offerings right back) and am drying them now. I use rosemary as offerings for Hestia and am looking to learn to use them for cleansing.
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osprey-witches · 4 years
A Re-Introduction
Hey everyone! I used to go by the username apollo-and-aphrodite. So I’ve been away for... quite a while. And naturally, I’ve changed quite a bit in that time. So I wanted to take the time to re-introduce myself, and say I’m pretty much back. I’m gonna be talking about who I am and what I want this tumblr to be, so y’all can make the decision of following or not.
I’m 18, and I use they/them pronouns. I have multiple mental and physical health disorders. I’m a beginner cosplayer and I’m a writer, currently in the process of writing a book. I am a semi-professional musician. And most importantly, I love learning new things.
I am just getting back into my practice but here we go. I worship the Ancient Greek Gods, and am an eclectic witch. I mainly work with Aphrodite, Ares, Apollo, and Hekate but also work with Hermes, Dionysus, Hades, Persephone, Artemis. Of course to some degree I work with / respect / honor / etc all of them, that’s just who I mainly work with. I enjoy representational / protective magick and generally don’t do ceremonial magick. Sigils have recently become something I’m very interested in. I enjoy Tarot a lot and have been getting a bit of experience with a pendulum as of the last couple days.
I’ve been practicing in one way or another since I was 9 years old, doing really simple things that never ended up working. When I was around 12, I discovered Paganism, specifically Wicca. I dove far into Wicca before realizing at around age 15-16 that my beliefs fit more closely with Hellenic Polytheism. I don’t do much “big” magick, but have been successful in things like bindings and protection workings.
On this tumblr, I want to share about various spiritual and magical experiences I have. This includes sharing some of my spells / rituals so you can learn, but some of them will, of course, be kept private. I will be sharing about lots of different parts of my craft mainly so this blog can be a resource for y’all and so I can look back at my growth.
Thank you for reading! See you around.
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