opallyte-grovevein · 7 months
Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
If my mutuals can’t rb this then we can’t be mutuals
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opallyte-grovevein · 8 months
Currently suffering from art block 🥲, but I’m almost done with a character info page I’ve been working on.
In the meantime, here are some sketches I managed to get down of Vanta and Pitch
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opallyte-grovevein · 10 months
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Power Manifests into an ink-like substance (like Nightmare)
Becomes selectively mute as a result of aiding Legacy.
Has a special interest in rocks (specifically crystals, gems, Fossils, etc)
 Middle Brother
Scariest brother (appearance-wise), is actually a really sweet and observant
Enjoys watching Anime + Cartoons, playing DnD, 
He is the part of Sans’ collective consciousness that controls magic, specifically the strength and when to use it.
He teaches monster kids how to use & train with magic.
 Uses his power to bring out his cryptid form. He is the only brother with access to their true form.
Gains the ability to sense/see the lies/truths of others.
He's used his true form to drive hostile humans from the Underground.
Skeleton form is 5'11.
Like his brothers he needs to get rid of excess magic otherwise he could die.
Without him, his brothers would no longer have access to their true form and won’t be able to control the level of power in the magic they use.
When Legacy takes back excess magic, he speaks more often, specifically to tell jokes.
Human Form
Can only form body parts he can picture perfectly.
Legacy drew him his favorite form which is now all he uses.
Prefers long hair and dark skin. Also enjoys being tall.
Loves how his hair looks when his power activates.
Prefers to hide his muscles (believing that too many makes him look unattractive.) If he left his muscles unedited, he’d be huge
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opallyte-grovevein · 10 months
Legacy Tale (P2)
-Legacy wakes up in a lush bed (seemingly made of large flower petals and leaves)
-Though she’s never been here or seen anything around her before, she knows exactly where she is.
-She feels that something has changed within her, apart from the transformation she had when she arrived. She now recognizes the change is within her SOUL.
-She feels her souls is not alone anymore, like it’s mixed with something else.
-“You’re awake, thank Stars!” She recognizes that voice, though predictably it’s changed a bit since the last time she heard it.
-She turns to see her sister (who she knows as Ouija) and she looks different. Like a human in the middle of a monster transformation.
-“Never thought I’d see you again, I’m glad I was wrong..” They embrace and Ouija shows her sister around the underground.
-Ouija explains that when she arrived in the underground, it wasn’t as (for lack of a better word) Evolved.
-She had worked hard with the Monsters to build and farm and grow their civilization.
-Ouija established a temple there, where they worshipped “The Stars,” referring to what Legacy assumed to be God.
-Monsters referred to Ouija as “Opal,” which she then explained it to be her title in the church/temple. Since she knew more about The Stars, she was treated almost like a mortal god (which she didn’t seem happy about).
-Opal finally introduces Legacy to a group of big, living, black skeletons.
-“This is Sans.” She gestures to the group, referring to them by the single name.
-“Sh-She knows.” Opal looks between her sister and the skeletons, confused. They were right, Legacy knew them the moment she laid eyes on them. She felt them in her soul too.
-“You were the ones that saved me. It was you.” She pointed to the darkest skeleton.
-He remained silent. Opal, recognizing that isn’t normal for him, questions them.
-The skeletons share the same soul, simply split into three bodies.
-When Legacy died, her body filled with more magic than she could handle. The skeleton (his “brothers” call him Vanta) who saved her, linked her soul to theirs. All the magic her body can’t hold is split among him and his brothers.
-The more excess magic they absorb into their soul, the more problems they’ll experience physically.
-If they don’t use/get rid of the extra magic soon enough, their soul could overflow and they could die.
-“What happens if one of you doesn’t get rid of the magic in time?”
“The o-o-thers wi-ill still be- be alive.” The brother with hole in his skull (Pitch) struggled to continue, causing the brother with facial markings (Ebony) to continue for him.
“We simply won’t be the same. Each of us controls a part of our soul. If one of us is gone, we will have lost connection to that part of our soul.”
-As Legacy spends more time Underground, her body becomes more Monster. Whatever her sister turned into, she became a variant of.
(This is as far as I’ve got lore-wise. I have a general idea for where I want the story to go, but that still has gaps that need to be filled :))
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opallyte-grovevein · 10 months
Legacy Tale (P.1)
I’ll be summarizing the story as best as I can here.
-Human (not Frisk) has a big family and lives back and forth between the country and the city. Currently, I am referring to her as “Legacy.”
-at 15yo, one of Legacy’s siblings (also 15yo) goes missing, after an Easter Egg Hunt by Mt.Ebbot.
-1 year Later, Legacy’s birth mother dies, and she and the rest of her siblings are forced to live with her aunt, (who she refers to as “Mother”)
-2 years after that, Legacy travels up Mt.Ebbot, looking to find some kind of closure for herself regarding her sister’s disappearance.
-She is drawn to the opening into the underground, and after staring for a bit, her body moves to jump down. Her mind, however, hadn’t instructed her body to do such a thing.
-As she falls, she begins to come to a realization: A higher power brought her to the Mountain, and it was in its plan that she would jump off. As she realized the situation suddenly her mind had opened up.
-Once she started “realizing” she couldn’t stop. Her mind opened further and further, filling up with knowledge beyond all comprehension.
-She hit the ground, in doing so, every part of her body shattered. She couldn’t even scream in agony.
-She died. However, that didn’t last very long (about a split second to be exact.)
-Her body, mind, and soul filled with magic. Too much magic. Her body became engulfed in the dark tendrils of sorcery bringing her back to life and altering her body. Now she could scream.
-Parts of her body became pitch black, cracks forming and growing up her limbs.
-She sees a figure, completely black, with multiple eyes and a horrific smile, walking towards her.
-Immediately, she knows it can help her. So she reaches out and pleads for him to help.
-“Please..!! I-It hu-urts! Help me-!!” Before the pain gets so excruciating that she can’t even form words.
-It’s smile widens as the area around them becomes a void of black sludge and smoke.
-She blacks out.
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opallyte-grovevein · 10 months
How do I do this?
I think how I’ll do this is I’ll be posting characters one at a time. I’ll try to put a their profiles into the art but I also might be typing it out in case it doesn’t all fit or look neat. I also have an idea regarding another AU idea I’ve been working on.
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opallyte-grovevein · 11 months
I’m following a lot of skeleton artists (*cough @mothiepixie cough*) and I finally decided to make an Undertale AU of my own.
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These are ma bois :)
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