Asylum - 1.10
Supernatural is still destroying me, one angst ridden episode at a time. Asylum promises more. My thoughts on Season 1, Episode 10:
“I forgot you don’t know the legend.” Welp, that’s my cue to dump some exposition on y’all
Yeeeees… go through the large heavy squeaky door. You’re dead.
Neither have died after doing stupendously stupid things in a horror movie context. I don’t even know who’s gonna die now. Oh, it’s both of you! Cool cool cool… Or the girlfriend?
Ok, it’s the couple. I think Supernatural has something against people in love. It reeeally likes killing people having sex or in relationships.
“He could be dead.” “Don’t say that.” Immediate message from the subject of the conversation. Is dad watching them?
I feel you, Sam. Dean, stop obeying your dad without question. Sam is sad. And bitch facing again. He is GOOD at that! But dude, bitch face sparingly so it has more impact.
Undercover journalist doesn’t work; people hate journalists.
Oh, it’s a game. I like the roleplaying. And it works. God, they’d be good at psychology.
Creepy door opens by itself? Let’s go in!
“Just strange vibes”. No, Sam. You’re a psychic. Enjoy!
“Who’s the hotter psychic?” Hahahahaha. And they’re all hot.
“It doesn’t matter what he wants” – damn right, Sam. Stop following orders, Dean. You’re 26, be your own man!
Sam going to a psychiatrist. Hope he helps! Go on, Sam, talk about yourself. I think you have some things to talk about. You’re lying through your teeth to a psychiatrist. Get some help, Sam! Yay, they’re gonna talk about Dean. This is gonna be good and angsty.
What?! Don’t cut away! What did you say about Dean?!
They made these kids older so we don’t feel as bad when they die. Or when one of them dies and the other is traumatised forever.
Don’t make promises in horror movies! She’s gonna die, now
NO ONE IS FREAKED BY THE AUTO CLOSING DOORS! Giant heavy doors do not close on their own.
Agh, creepy shadow! Agh, it’s not the girlfriend! Agh, creepy face!
Phew. Winchesters are here. Only one will die. They’ll be able to save the other one and they will live with persistent and recurring trauma for the rest of their lives.
Psycho killer! Qu’est que c’est?
Sam has just slotted right back into his hunting life. Remember when you wanted to be a lawyer? Yeah, me neither. They do make a good team though.
“I’m coming with you.” Girl… get the eff out of there!
Dean’s horror movie lecture. He sounds so done with stupid civilians.
Both potential victims are still alive?! That’s weird.
Sam also looks done with the civilian. “Son of a bitch”. The level of “done” in this episode is way higher than any other.
Ok, if the ghosts don’t want to hurt them, why are they so creepy? Stand in front of them, not behind. And why aren’t ghosts ever specific?
“I had a crappy guidance counsellor.” Dude, I sympathise, but you chose to get back into hunting. And judging by the existence of THIRTEEN seasons, you continually choose to get back into hunting in the future, too.
Don’t freak out the civilians, Sammy.
Ok, that girl cocking the gun is hot af. These “hot girl of the week” characters are gonna be the death of me. And Sam and Dean, lol.
And again, a door opens by itself, so you go into the room? Stahp!
Ah, the doctor is the evil one! I love it!!! I don’t know that the jump scare was entirely necessary, though.
Break up with your boyfriend AFTER you get out!
Sam is insane, isn’t he? I don’t like it! He’s possessed, isn’t he??? Don’t do it! Sam gonna try to kill Dean? Don’t do it, bruv! They’ve accessed his anger towards Dean? Don’t try to kill Dean, Sam. Don’t do it. Just, don’t. Please. Pleease!
And… you’re gonna do it. Damn it!
“Is that an order?” Sam… Please don’t.
I hate this. I hate every second of this. Sam, stop!
He shot him!
It IS Sam talking, Dean, it’s just the part he represses.
Giving Sam his gun. The feeeeeelings! Brotherly love gon’ save the day!
Dean begging for death may be a recurring theme. I appreciate it from a story-telling angle, but I don’t like it.
He pulled the trigger!!!!!!!!!! Faaaaaarck, Sammy. Dean’s more than a pretty face, though. He’s a damn good hunter.
Agh, ‘nother jump scare. Totes not necessary.
The brotherly feelings! I love it! Dean knows Sam meant the things he said when he was brainwashed. I’m so sad for both of them.
The phone’s ringing. Dad?! Dad!!!
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Home - 1.09
Home. A foreign concept to the Winchesters. This will be emotional. Let’s go. My thoughts on Supernatural, season 1, episode 9:
Oh shit, Sam is proper psychic! That will come in handy and then weirdly disappear in later seasons, or did I just miss it? Is Sammy just full psychic? I have to say, I did not see psychic-Sam coming. It’s such a weird thing to include in a serial TV show about hunting supernatural things.
“When I swore to myself I would never go back there” – did Dean just manifest honest-to-goodness proper feelings? About himself? Man, that was a bad move, Dean. You will now be an emotional wreck for 13 seasons.
Don’t argue guys, you’re just emotional because of bad memories
“And then I carried you out the front door.” “You did?” I. Am. Dead.
Dean’s memory blows me away. He remembers everything!
Missouri is awesome! I love her! I feel like everyone looks at Sam like Missouri does. Like “poor baby”.
I, too, wanna whack Dean with a spoon, but in a much sexier way…
The way Dean says “mum” makes him sound like a little kid.
[SN: Probably shouldn’t have put those last two thoughts back to back, but whatever.]
“Why now?” could be the tag line of this show
Your excuses for gaining access to places are getting weak, Sam and Dean, and we’re only a quarter into season 1.
Missouri calling out Dean’s social skills. Gold. She’s a good Auntie. She is basically my Auntie… Haha. Dean gets to pull out a bitch face, too. All’s fair…
“I don’t understand”. That’s because she’s being deliberately vague.
The second spirit is Mary. Duh.
Don’t you dare kill Missouri. The boys need their Auntie.
Stop hurting Sam!!! But, Yay! Dean to the rescue.
Can they just take Missouri along on hunts from now on? They’d all be resolved in minutes.
Oh wait, there’s still run time. Something will go wrong. You still have 10 minutes of run time, that means the evil is not vanquished!!!
Sam’s keeping his eye on the run time. He knows it’s not over. Good man.
“Take your brother outside as fast as you can” – parallels!!! I love it! Oops, I just got choked up.
Sammy! Save him, Mary’s spirit! Save your boy! Ok, save your boys!
Oh, the spirit IS Mary! Wait, what? Was she trying to kill them?
“Mum?” Break my heart into a tiny million pieces, why don’t you?
Sorry for what? SORRY FOR WHAT???
Yay, she’s saving them! And Sam gets his manly tears in as well.
Missouri is an angel.
“What’s happening to me?” I think we all want to know the answer to that, Sam. And by all, I mean me because everyone else knows because this came out 13 years ago.
Yeah, visit your Auntie. They’d better visit her ALL THE TIME! But they won’t, will they? :(
No one got with the hot girl of the week! :O
“JOHN?!” WHY YOU HIDING FROM YOUR SONS?????????!!!!!!!  “I could just slap you.” Me too, Missouri. Me too. “I can’t.” Bullshit excuse.
God! That episode! The feeeeeelings! Cried like a baby! I’m so hooked now it’s not funny! And now it just looks funny cos I used too many exclamation marks! Oh well!
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Bugs – 1.08
I was told to skip this one, but that is NOT how I roll. I will endure. But since everyone has told me this is hands down the worst episode, I am braced. Thought on Season 1, Episode 8:
Housing development uncovering spirits. Super run of the mill case.
“Perfect, except for the insects”. You mean “Perfect, except for the BUGS”. Missed the most perfect of perfect roll credits moment.
I can already see why people said to miss this one. Brings back flashbacks of scarab beetle horror from the Mummy.
Sam doesn’t want to go into the dingy beer hall. I can relate.
What would you do for an honest day job, Sam? You’re a college dropout. And Dean probably didn’t even finish high school.
Dean watches Oprah! That is the canon fire I need.
I can see Dean getting beaten up a lot while hustling pool. He’s kinda small and has the smuggest winning face ever. I’m not even a pool player and I’d want to crack a cue over his head if he won.
How did that heavy-handed ass psychology trick work on Sam? I guess having your older brother call you a coward would pack a punch…
Time to meet the locals. Cos that never goes badly.
I mean, if you’re hustling pool to make ends meet, then free food is probably actually a vital part of your lifestyle, Sam.
Hahaha. People’re gonna mistake them for a couple a lot, right? Having been mistaken for my girlfriend’s sister WAY too often, I like this turn around. Dean just goes with it. One time I got mistaken for sisters with my girlfriend and I went along with it cos I got mad that they didn’t even ask, just assumed. Then I kissed her in front of them.
Inquisitive is a good trait; don’t say it with that tone of voice. That’s your son you’re talking about. Oh, family oriented episode alert.
God, Sam. You do NOT pick up strange spiders.
Sam just met his mini-me. Even the hair.
This kid is clearly going to save the day.
Dean and Sam have completely different memories of their dad. Woah, that’s angsty.
Ok, so the kid is gonna save the day or be responsible. Lol. You never know with Supernatural. It could even be both.
Aw, the weird sales woman gon’ die. I’m not that upset about it.
Oh spiders. Nonononononononononono. Casually skipping over this whole scene. To land on… Dean in the shower. Cool. I guess they realised they needed that after the spiders.
How are their fingerprints not ALL over public record? How many crime scenes could they be linked to? And do they EVER wipe their fingerprints off?
Sammy’s really pulling out the bitch face this episode.
The kid’s smart. And cute. I wanna adopt him. Dean, don’t be an ass. Ooh, the kid knows shit’s happening. So, let’s go with saving the day.
Lol, Sam’s bitch face every time Dean mentions their dad. I wanna be supportive because issues with parents sucks, but it’s just such a funny face. If he was my brother, I would take a picture every time he did it just to piss him off.
DEAN! You KNOW your dad didn’t treat you guys well. Get your head out of your ass. This ep is really pulling out the family angst.
Dean just has issues cos Sam left HIM. This is not about family, Dean, this is about your abandonment issues.
Sam, everyone thinks their parents are disappointed in them. They rarely are.
Oh, serious talk time before the end of the episode. This must be serious. Yeah, Dean doesn’t remember John kicking Sam out, Dean remembers Sam LEAVING. Who is right?
Aw, John visited Stanford to check in on Sam. That’s adorable. The “two way street” thing sums up a lot of family issues. It takes two people to bridge a gap.
Ok, back to the case. Native American burial ground? Full on.
Lol. Calling out Dean for lying. More people need to do that. Like, EVERYONE needs to do that. But they could also call out Sam for lying to himself.
Massacre! That explains the haunting. Full on curse.
No, don’t kill the boy. He’s my favourite ‘ally of the week’ so far, even if he’s not a hot girl. He knows about insects, he’s unashamed about his passions, and he doesn’t start by thinking the Winchesters are crazy because he’s already noticed that something’s wrong.
Family is such a weak point in both Winchesters armour.
Don’t stand there, cover up the fireplace!!! You had at least 10 seconds warning.
Flamethrower. Best improvised weapon.
Wow, I really see why people don’t like this episode. That really was just a wait it out episode. No one really saved the day. Not in a spectacular fashion. Just, like, don’t be here ever again. Let the bugs have the land.
“My family is ok, so nothing else matter.” Good attitude, dude. That’s something Sam AND Dean can get on board with.
God that kid is cool. And a good actor.
GAVE MYSELF SPOILERS! I wanted to look up the kid to see if he went and did cool things and he rocks up in Supernatural again. As an Angel. Ah well, I wasn’t really intending to get to Season 8, anyway. I only bought Seasons 1-5.
Sam wants to bridge the gap. Hopefully John does as well. Dean knows what’s up. “Within 5 minutes you’ll be at each other’s throats.” Yep, that’s how family works.
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Hook Man - 1.07
This is one of the most well-known urban legends ever. I’m glad they’re doing it. But damn, if it isn’t terrifying. My thoughts on Season 1, Episode 7:
Haha, set at a sorority. Dean’s gonna have a field day.
Remember girls, if you like your body and/or sex, you get killed in horror movies. It is known.
Oh, they killed the boy promiscuous one, instead. Ok, remember kids, if you like sex… you die.
Dad doesn’t wanna be found. So why are you still looking? Oh right, Dean’s not. He just wants to hunt with his bro. I honestly don’t think he cares about finding dad at this point. He’s just stoked to have Sammy back.
How do they decide who distracts and who talks to the witness? Or do they take it in turns?
Overprotective father. What does he think happens in sororities? At least she won’t get pregnant. I mean, I don’t know what does happen at sororities. I thought she was there to party with her friend, but her friend is asleep? May as well have dinner with the family.
Dean admits he’s a genius with the salt bullets. Ah, that’s the good stuff…  Aaaand, someone’s gonna think the Winchesters are responsible again. How many times?
Sam’s turn for the hot girl of the week. It’s about time. Give Sam love!
Man, this one is so paint by numbers. Honestly, and we’ve got pretty good averages so far because the others have been riveting, this one is kinda boring.
Dean’s face when he doesn’t get to stay at the party. “I’m gonna see if I can find that unmarked grave” Dammit!
If the hook man is haunting an overprotective father, I don’t think you want get caught lurking outside staring at his daughter. I’d rather dig up a grave.
Guys, there’s still 15 minutes left of the episode. Clearly that salt and burn didn’t work.
Ah, no Sam! Don’t kiss the haunted girl.
Oh shit, it’s HER! Well, kiss away then, Sam. I mean, maybe later. Wouldn’t wanna seem insensitive to the dying dad or anything. But defs kiss later.
Sammy’s got innocent written all over that puppy face. THAT’S the real reason they’ve never been seriously in trouble with the police.
I love it when they talk in sync. I also love it when they figure out the problem by yelling stuff at each other until it all clicks together. That is the best problem solving technique. I love genius Winchesters.
They’re just gonna burn every silver thing in the house AND church. Have you ever been in a preacher’s house or a church? They have a thing for silver. They’re gonna be there all night. And probably the next night. Cos, you know, gotta be night time to get that sweet sweet silver burning going on.
Dean seems to prefer being the wingman to the guy who gets the girl. I bet he’d never admit THAT out loud.
God, Sam is so soft and gentle. I like it when he gets frustrated and snaps out, but this gentle side is so adorable.
Oh, she wants to punish herself! Hook man attack! Talk her down, Sammy-boy!
Sam just went flying across the room and then a bookshelf lands on him? No, he’s dead. Time to remember once again that these boys are HUMAN. They have no reason to survive deadly things, but they do. I mean, I’m glad they do, but give me some actual damage sustained!
Good thing the hook man is so slow to attack. Plenty of time for the silver to melt. Which takes a long time.
“Don’t worry, we’re leaving town.” Dean knows this routine. Like, yep, we’re heroes, but you’ll never know, instead you’ll kick us out. Don’t worry, I’m used to it. I think Dean would be super passive aggressive in his thoughts.
Sam gets attached to the hot girl of the week. Yeah, I’d get attached to the girl of the week, too, Sam.
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Skin – 1.06
Loving the music, even if it is overlaid over someone getting tortured. This whole scene is actually ridiculously mesmerising… The lights of the SWAT team, the muffled screams, the hypnotic music… BEST.OPENING.EVER.
So here are my thoughts on Season 1, Episode 6:
Oh, Dean is in trouble!!! It’s at this point that I remember they don’t have any actual supernatural ability and they’ve managed to avoid incarceration up to this point only by picking locks, lying about their identities and living out of a car. Seriously? How?!
One week earlier? Holy crap I can’t wait for this episode!
“You still keep in touch with your college buddies?” I need to pause and ask… how long have they been hunting together? I didn’t think it had been that long. Dean, just because you don’t have any friends, doesn’t mean Sam has to get rid of his. Yeah, Dean is super antisocial.
“Maybe you know [him] as well as he knows you.” Low blow, Dean-o…
Has Dean memorised a map of the entirety of America? He just instantly knows where everywhere is in relation to them. I’m starting to think Dean has a photographic memory. Or, you know, plot convenience is probably more likely.
Sam, what are you getting you guys into? I know you care about your friend, but you’re NOT cops.
Boo, Dean. Let your brother have friends. He does not need to be as messed up as you.
Basic police protocol; someone mans the site at all times for “continuity of evidence” and then they get a clean-up crew in. A still-bloodied crime scene is never just left alone. And now I seem suspicious. Just an ex-law student like Sammy, FBI Agents!
Oh, another monster that doesn’t like happy people. Monsters are just bitter and lonely. Maybe if we gave them hugs, they wouldn’t kill so many people.
Oh, a shapeshifter I guess that’s why “skin” is the title. And how Dean got caught torturing someone. That’s sort of disappointing. I kinda wanted like a possessed Dean or something.
Haha. Why do people think Sam is the smart one? He thinks himself in circles and Dean cuts through and comes up with the straight solution. Like, Sam is kind of TOO smart. He never thinks of the obvious.
See? Telling the truth always ends badly.
Stop trying to make Sam like you, Dean. He doesn’t need to take the weight of the world on his shoulders. Getting to shoot people is a perk? Seriously?
Good thing it gave them a second to notice it instead of killing them instantly. Monsters are so thoughtful.
Split up while there’s a SHAPESHIFTER on the loose. REALLY??? That is a recipe for miscommunication. 10 seconds later: told you so.
So the shapeshifter can access memories? That makes it three times more dangerous.
How did he know??? That thing is good at pretending to be Dean. And Dean would totally just fight through a sore shoulder.
Getting hit by something that looks like your brother would be really hard to stomach.
Like it when the monster digs up brotherly issues. Dean being a freak and Sam being Mr. Likeable. Dean has so many abandonment issues. Mum left (sort of), Sam left, Dad left, no friends. Sam leaving probably hurt the worst, so Sam having friends probably makes Dean think he’s just waiting to leave again. I get it, but I still don’t like it. Friends stop you being co-dependent.
Come on, monster; Dean would bang anyone given the chance. Becky ain’t special.
Oh, so the monster has the same issues as Dean. Cool cool. Wow, the monster really is just bitter and lonely. Hug time for the monster?
I hope she learns that’s not the real Dean cos that’s gonna seriously affect her friendship with Sam if she thinks his brother is a sexual predator.
I wonder if actors like it when they get to do something different. Like, he gets to be a torturer this week. That’d be kinda cool if you were an actor.
The music for the second run through of the opening scene is awesome, too. Sound editing gets all the awards from me!
Werewolf transition. Why would you ever change shapes if it was that painful? Just go with something innocuous and live a normal human life?
Like Dean’s gonna do what he’s told..
They really don’t rely on shocking the audience. I dig that. They let us in on who the monster is and we have to watch Sam and Dean work it out.
Oh, the shapeshifter likes Dean’s body as much as the fans do. That’s fair.
You were four years older than him, Dean, of course you always kicked his ass.
Well, that’s one way to stop them hunting Dean. Give them a dead Dean. So Dean’s officially dead. Like, on public record dead. That will make their lives easier I reckon.
Taking back his jewellery. It is at this point I realise how much I like Dean’s jewellery.
Sam has a friend who knows what he does! That’s so sweet! I bet that will definitely come up regularly as an addition to his support system, and as a back-up if things go badly, and… she’s never gonna be mentioned again, is she? I see you, serial programming.
Wait, Zach? You still can’t clear Zach’s name. Oh, haha. Dean’s responsible for ALL the murders. That’s cool.
Aw, they’re freaks together. But they’re still allowed to have friends, ok? OK?!
I feel like you don’t want to go to your own funeral since it’s the funeral of a convicted murderer. Not gonna make you look good.
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Bloody Mary - 1.05
Nope Nope Nope. I will be watching this one with my eyes half closed. My thoughts on Season 1 Episode 5:
Of course it’s always a joke. Don’t do scary stuff as a joke, guys. It always ends badly. That sinister music. Daddy’s gonna die. So it’s not the person who says it? That seems unfair. I guess some monsters really don’t wanna hurt kids. Textbook horror movie screaming.
Poor Sammy and his nightmares. I wanna give him a hug.
Dean wanting to initiate a heart to heart with his brother? Woah!
I’m with them. Dad didn’t say it. Why would it gouge his eyes out?
Lol, Sam doesn’t want to say it. Dean doesn’t want to say it, either.
How do they get away with telling the truth to people? I would just get tf out of there. Like, oh you’re investigating
The promiscuous one always dies. Although she said it, so maybe she won’t get it. Wait, it changes her reflection? Oh, it’s punishing people!
I have family, so I get it, but TALK ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS! They’re gonna have to talk about this at some point.
Winchester Bros. Ltd – telling people they’re not insane since ’05!
Oh, creeping into a teenager’s bedroom through a window. This won’t end badly…!
“It’s just a joke.” Don’t joke about scary stuff.
Dead girl killed a little kid! Does that mean the Dad also killed a kid? Oh no, his wife!
STOP SAYING “OH MY GOD!” I’m developing a tick every time she says it.
“Secrets where people died”. So not necessarily directly responsible. Oh noes. Sam is gonna be punished! He had a secret (hunting) and someone (Jess) died. Does hunting count as a secret?
WHY would you cut out someone’s eyes with a knife? Why is that EVER necessary? Even if you’re a professional surgeon, WHY cut out someone’s eyes when you just want them silenced?
Hot girl of the week is annoying the crap out of me. She says “Oh my God” too much
Don’t do it, bitch!!! You’re gonna get your friend killed.
This is so tense!
They take it in turns being the nice one/intense one. Actually, scratch that. Sam is always the intense one. Dude, back up with those eyes. They could drill through concrete.
Give the hot girl of the week the sympathetic ‘secret where someone died’. Honestly doesn’t make me like her anymore. They really should have had her say “oh my God” less times. That was what killed her.
Spirits are so good at sticking to the rules.
Sam knows he’s on the line up.
Hahaha. Dean has the absolute correct reaction here. “Brother. We are going to talk about this.”
Aw man, Dean being a big brother is my jam. Yelling = caring. Right??? That’s my approach to taking care of people, anyway. So remember people with siblings, yelling = caring.
Ah, so the hunting is not the secret. Sammy, what did you do?
Dean has that “absolutely not” voice that means it will totally happen.
Maybe take the mirror somewhere there’s not a shitload of other mirrors?
Stop looking at other mirrors, Sam. You want to see her in her mirror so you can smash it.
Oh, good, more excuses for them to have to avoid incarceration.
Oh, thanks, exposition mirror. So… Sam’s psychic? Whaaaaa…?
Dean saving his brother is also my jam.
No, it’s Sammy. Sorry Sammy, but that’s the way it’s gotta be, Sammy. You are Sammy now and forever.
Ah! She’s not dead!!! You just freed her. Very The Ring vibes.
Don’t kill Dean, he didn’t have a secret where someone died.
God, they’re so smart. Holding a mirror up to the murderer so she’d kill herself. Genius boys.
Soooo many broken mirrors. Haha, I don’t think they needed 600 years bad luck.
Aw, the emotions. Sam forgives the girl, and in doing so forgives himself.  And Dean’s nod of approval.
“I want you to tell me.” There’s no question in his voice. But he doesn’t tell him, anyway. So is Sam psychic?
“You’re my brother, and I’d die for you.” Phew. I wasn’t expecting that to come and hit me in the face.
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Phantom Traveller - 1.04
Haha. Fake out tropics. Damn, I wanted them to do a case in Hawaii. Maybe they get to go to Hawaii at the end of episode, if it’s all about planes. Fight the plane monster, wind up in Hawaii. Nice brief holiday?
Anyway, my thoughts on Season 1, Episode 4:
Man, the dialogue of everyone but the Winchesters is so cheesy. Never tell anyone the odds of dying doing the thing they’re scared of. Does not help. Eek, black cloud swarm thing.
He has black eyes??? Demon??? This is my first demon! But… why would he show them to the flight attendant?
Demon gon’ bring the plane down. Everyone who notices the demon gets to live? So they can tell the Winchesters about it later. Obvs…
How to for any serial horror show: just go through a list of everyday things and figure out how to make people afraid of them.
So, Sam not being worried about his own problems is indicating how broken he is now? Cos he was a responsible grown up in the first episode (I mean, for a 22 year old).
Dean pretending to be selfish to get Sam to take care of himself. Cute. And also exactly what I do to my brother. This whole conversation with Dean worrying about Sam gives me warm fuzzies. Honestly, if you have a brother and watch this show, how can their interactions just not make you ridiculously happy? They’re such a perfect representation of siblings.
Forgot about how the job gets to you, Sam? It’s only been two years (or something), Sammy. It should be so deeply ingrained from the 20 years before that that it affects his sleep as a civilian, too. And also, Sammy, how tf can you live a normal life when you know about demons and crap? And that is a wicked ass knife.
Naw, Sam gets to see the hero side of things. Ally of the week is perfect exposition on how much good they do. I have a feeling he needed that. What great coincidental timing.
Aw, John was proud of Sam. Modesty is nice, Sam, but you might want to give the client some confidence in your abilities.
Scary roar on the tape and everyone’s like, “yep, mechanical failure”, of course.
Seven got out alive. Lucky number?
Sam really hasn’t forgotten anything about hunting. That makes the sudden lack of sleep based on the job so implausible. He never REALLY got out.
Nice expositional conversation about planes, guys.
I like Sam when he’s gentle with the client. We have him back, guys. It’s all good. Still intense, but nice.
Hahahaha. Oh man, I love them dressed up. Yes, Sam, he does actually look like a seventh grader. Suits make Sam look older and Dean look younger which is hilarious. It’s hard enough to remember Sam’s the baby of the family at the best of times.
He made an EMF reader out of a Walkman?! That boy is a genius. And Sammy’s all prepared. I love smart boys.
Oh noes, the real Homeland Security is here!
Stop doing a bad job of reassuring people who are scared of flying! It attracts black swarms of nastiness.
Ooh, they are out of their depth. That’s cute.
Haha. The demon has a catchphrase. And a rigid adherence to timetables.
Hahaha, they’re totally super out of their depth. I mean, I wouldn’t want to fight demons, either. But how much worse are demons than monsters?
It’s quite a pedantic demon. Must crash 40 minutes in and must kill EVERYONE.
Demon needs to find someone scared. The flight attendant’s not scared of flying.
“Whatever will make it through security” – so not much then.
Oh, shit. Dean’s scared of flying. It’s gonna possess him!!! Convenient weakness is convenient. Scared Dean is cute.  Taking charge Sam is cute, too. Man, these boys are too cute.
Seriously, the reassuring thing seems to be what attracts the demon, so please stop reassuring Dean.
“I’ll get a read on her mental state” – Dean, you’re in no position to test someone’s mental state.
I love it when the monster has a convenient tell. Do they not think it might get Dean? Oh no, Sam is onto it. Real talk.
Haha, his Walkman EMF reader is at least a bit subtle, but waving it around is not subtle.
The pilot?! :O Did NOT see that coming. How are you gonna get to the pilot?
Lucky the flight attendant saw the black eyes of the demon, otherwise you’d all be dead.
Yeah, punch that demon. Really? That works? Aren’t demons like super strong?
Sam can calm anyone in, like, seconds. Pilot’s burning to death in front of her and like two sentences from Sam and she’s on board with the exorcism.
So a demon’s natural state is a black swarm? Checks out, I guess. Not really as sinister as black eyes on a human though.
Well, Dean’s never getting on a plane ever again.
So lightning strikes are what gets rid of the demon. Is it God?
I like at least some people knowing they’re heroes.
Dad’s disappearance was PLANNED? Oh, they’re gonna be so mad. Oh yeah, Sam is PISSED. I don’t blame you, man.
Oh, I just realised Dean didn’t get a hot girl this episode? Will wonders never cease.
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Dead in the Water - 1.03
Dead things in water are very scary after LOTR #2 and Harry Potter #6. But I will endure. This show is funny enough as a grown up that the scary bits don’t seem as scary. And blogging helps. So, my thoughts on Season 1, Episode 3:
White picket fence family. Guess they’re gonna die. Supernatural does not like happy people. Jaws vibes; will no one listen to the sinister music?
That grin to the waitress is the cutest Dean moment ever! (You know, in 3 episodes).
Bodies disappearing! That’s better than dead bodies in the water, tbh.
“Closure, or whatever.” Dean, don’t pretend you don’t have good emotional intelligence. You understand closure.
2 years? Is that how long Sam’s been gone at College? I somehow thought it was longer.
“The dam, of course.” Ah, of course, something with the lake is changing and then deaths started happening.
Of course there’s a hot girl. Of course there’s a spooky kid. Of course Dean is flirting with the hot girl.
“Never being able to find your way to a decent pick-up line.” Dean failing at womanising yet again.
“Watching one of your parents die isn’t something you just get over.” Aw… Dean remembers? And can relate to the kid. That’s actually super adorable.
Of course Dean used to play with toy soldiers.
Don’t re-traumatise the kid, Dean.
Oh no, he’s empathising. That’s cool. Carry on, son. Aw… he’s actually super good with this kid.
I totally thought Sam was gonna be the empathetic one, but he cuts to the chase a bit too fast. And is a bit too intense.
Aw, he drew Dean a picture. Dean did get through to him.
Oh noes, creepy lake water coming through the drain. Stahp. Way to make literally everything I do scary, Supernatural.
Oh man, how did they hunt not together. They get to the truth so fast when they bounce their ideas back and forth.
“It’s worse than dying.” Why do I get the feeling he’s gonna sacrifice himself at some point?
Oooh. The kid is psychic? That’s a cool twist.
Aw, Sam IS still super empathetic. And his giant puppy eyes makes everything ok, so he gets away with being intense.
Dean does not have puppy eyes, but my goodness does he try to turn them on.
Sam frowning at Dean talking about his mum. These boys have never talked about their mum, have they? Sam has no idea that Dean remembers her death.
It worked!!!
Using a kid’s drawings to solve the case… That’s brilliant!
Sam IS smart. But so is Dean. I get the feeling they wouldn’t have lasted long if they weren’t.
“We’re not gonna have to hug, or anything.” Ok, Dean is the reason they don’t talk. Dude, Sammy’s trying to be empathetic. Funny, though.
Little boy ghost! That’s terrifying.
“It’s worse than dying” parallel. Oh no. Oh no. The little boy is destroying the old men by taking their children. He wants you to suffer!
Kid ghost getting revenge? This is my kind of ghost story.
He’s not even sacrificing himself for a good reason. He just wants to die, now. Dude, at least sacrifice for the good of the case.
I kinda thought Sam was supposed to be the main character, but Dean keeps  being the lead on everything.
How often are people going to think the Winchesters are responsible for deaths? It’s a lot, isn’t it?
Ok, they’re gonna be kicked out of the town. Bad move, snarky police officer. Lucas still has secrets to divulge to Dean.
Yeah, they’re not gonna leave. Dean needs to save the kid. Sam wants to find Dad. Is it just me, or have they completely switched roles since episode 1?
Don’t get into the bath!!! That’s a terrible idea. Also, if Lucas’ dad died ages ago, how come it’s taken this long to get the rest of them?
I do not appreciate this bath scene. I usually appreciate hot girls in baths, but you ruined that for me, too, Supernatural. Good job.
Aw, Lucas is so scared. I wanna give that kid a hug. He does not need to listen to his mum die.
Dean gets the kid. Sam gets the hot naked girl on top of him. I mean... balance? :/
So from now on, Sam talks to the grown-ups, Dean talks to the children. Settled?
Naw, Sam and his intense puppy eyes. “Tell me everything.” Back up, turbo. That is WAY too intense.
“Come play with me.” Really?! Really?!
Hahaha. Yeah, that bike’s been buried for decades. It’s not coming up that easy.
Haha. Sam giving persuasion a chance. Dean doesn’t give a crap.
Lucas don’t. Don’t, Lucas. Lucas don’t.
“We were kids.” You were old enough to know better.
Lucas don’t. Don’t, Lucas. Lucas don’t.
Pleeeease don’t kill the kid.
Ew, creepy water ghost. There IS a dead thing in the water and I do NOT appreciate, ‘kay?
Sam stopping the mum jumping in. How did that work?! Nah, she defs woulda jumped in after her kid.
Oh, grand daddy doing the sacrificing. I dig.
Yes, take the grand daddy and give Lucas back.
Yes!!!!!! Lucas is ok!!! Thank goodness. I was so worried.
You saved the kid and the bully died. That’s a winning trade, Dean.
Haha. Dean tries so hard to get hot girls to like him and they like Sam better. That’s hilarious.
Hahaha. “Zeppelin rules”. Indeed.
Oh, what? He gets a kiss?! Is this gonna keep happening? Sam is WAY smoother. I guess Sam’s not interested. The whole recently deceased girlfriend, thing. But Dean is NOT smooth. But he did save her kid. I guess the kid saving thing won out.
Man, I actually loved this episode, even with the creepy dead thing in the water. We’re three episodes in, and I care so much what happens to everyone. Even the hot girl of the week and her adorable son.
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Wendigo - 1.02
Oh man, Wendigos are one of my favourite American legends! But I love camping, so this might be the one that scars me. Also, I’m watching this one a bit drunk, so this should be fun and maybe rambly! We’ll see. Here are my thoughts on Season 1, Episode 2:
Why are they playing computer games when they’ve got a beautiful fire outside? Marshmallows. Crickets. Horror stories. Someone going to pee and then getting ripped to shreds.
Ah well, at least you’ve got that last one. One out of… four… ain’t bad.
Yes, turn your lamp off. A monster that attacks in the dark definitely won’t have better night time vision than you. The light is to YOUR advantage, not the monster’s.
Sam visiting Jess’s grave is effing me up!
So I brought you… not … roses?
Oh, nightmares for Sammy. I mean, I guess you WOULD have nightmares if your girlfriend died in front of you. Dean is worried. Dean is gonna let Sam drive? :O He MUST be worried.
Oh, so they did stay in Stanford. I thought they were gonna leave instantly.
“There’s nothing there.” Um, woods are things.
Love it when people spoon-feed them aliases. “You’re friend with Hayley.” “Yes?” Of course Hayley is young and attractive.
Prepped with fake IDs for EVERYTHING.
Ooh, she appreciates the car. Dean’s a GONER! I mean, I’m a goner, too. She’s gorgeous.
Ooh, it’s Han Solo! Nice.
“I think I know how you feel.” We get it, Dean. You wanna find daddy.
Missing hikers. Screw this. I LOVE hiking! Don’t do it, supernatural.
“You wouldn’t believe me.” They’re actively asking him about it. Give them some credit, random survivor.
Moved too fast, hid too well. I’m guessing it doesn’t move too fast or hide too well when the Winchesters need to kill it.
It unlocked the door! Proper goosebumps.
Honestly, the whole Corporeal discussion. Hahahaha.
I mean, hiking clothes would probably make you hunt better. Just sayin’. But I wouldn’t give up Dean’s biker boots and jeans combo for anything. I can see shorts working for him, though.
Dean’s smug little smile. And hunter dude immediately calling him the fuck out. I don’t like random hunter dude but more people need to call out Dean. He’s too smug.
Hot girl called them out, too. I like that people do actually call them out on their bullshit.
“Probably the most honest I’ve ever been with a woman.” That’s not ok, Dean.
M&Ms are great provisions, hot girl.
Dean, you are a cocky bastard, and ILY.
Sam dishing the spooky half-truths. “Something might still be out there.” Creeping people out for no real reason. Either placate them or tell them the whole truth. But, ILY anyway, Sammy.
Dean has surprisingly good emotional intelligence for a cocky womaniser.
Wendigo pretending to be a victim to steal their equipment. Smart monsters are way scarier.
Don’t wander off! Rule #1
This is the moment I remember Sam is 22 and if I were that hunter guy I wouldn’t take him seriously either. He looks like a college boy. Dean’s not much better. If I were a 50 year old hunter, I would NOT listen to two 20-somethings who wore jeans to a hike.
“No you’re not fine. You’re like a powder keg.” Wow. Dean actually has really good emotional intelligence. How does someone with that much emotional intelligence end up so belligerent?
“Everything he knows about every evil thing.” That’s not a very big book to supposedly contain 22 years worth of hunting knowledge.
“The family business” – um, didn’t they just start after their mum died? That’s not been in the family all that long…
Sammy. Killing Jessica’s killer won’t bring her back. Go easy.
Dean cares so much about other people. And killing things.
Don’t chase the stupid hunter.
Eating human flesh gives abilities. Or just makes you crazy. Or it’s just meat. We really think humans are magical deep down, don’t we?
“How do we stop it?” This girl is cool.
Oh, fire is its weakness. Nice. Blow it up!
Hunter dude pissed off the Wendigo. I can relate, Wendigo. He was annoying.
Dean looks embarrassed to have been caught by the Wendigo. Like, it’s a perfect hunter. Give yourself a break.
Sam’s turn to be the protective brother. I dig.
Flare guns! All problems should be solvable with flare guns.
“What are you gonna do?” *wink*. Yep, that’s a good enough answer. God dammit, why is Dean so attractive?
Yeah. Strangely the Wendigo’s hunting ability is seriously diminished now that its chasing Sam and Dean. The Winchesters make monsters flaccid.
Protective Sam is my jam. Hey, that rhymes. I am a poet, and you did not know it.
Hi, I’m a perfect hunter that loves human flesh so I’m just gonna stand here and roar at you until your brother kills me with fire.
Hahaha. They’re going with the grizzly story. Smort.
Dean, you are a terrible ladies man.
Kiss for Dean, and only a half-hearted thanks for Sam? Favouritism. Not even a hug for Sam.
“I hate camping.” Yeah, me too, now. Thanks for that.
Haha. Sam driving. Dean looks reluctant but he loves his brother, so he lets him. They’re such sweethearts
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Pilot - 1.01
So this is my first proper watch of Supernatural. I know almost nothing about the first five seasons, so I’m excited!
Let’s go. My thoughts on Season 1, Episode 1:
Aw, sweet family. I bet this is all going to go well. But seriously, they should just get “white picket fence” tattooed on their foreheads. Is it to contrast the messed up stuff that comes later? Because I think they went overkill.
Aw, it’s all so sweet, I want something to go wrong at this point.
Aw, Sam is 22? That’s SO young! He’s so cute and soft. And he has a girlfriend. Because having a loving, supportive, wildly attractive, blonde girlfriend NEVER goes wrong in horror. Side note: she looks sort of like his mum. Go off, Freud.
“We’re not exactly the Bradys.” I did not realise this show started with them all estranged. That’s super sad. Why doesn’t Sam like his family?? Dean and Sam are supposed to be tight.
So Sam is eventually going to quit law school to pursue monster hunting? This show is way too relatable for a monster-hunting horror.
Creepy noises in the dark… We’re kicking this OFF! Oh, it’s just Dean.
“Whoa, easy tiger”! And, I’m in love with Dean. Well, it wasn’t going to take long…  That boy is attractive.
Dean, I know Jess is hot but dude, that’s your brother’s girlfriend!!! Just, no.
“You can say anything in front of her.” Like, Sam, did you just forget that your entire history with your brother involves hunting the supernatural and that’s probably what he wants to talk about? The fact that his news is about hunting should not be a surprise.
Sam knowing his supernatural stuff. He can’t leave it behind even though he wants to. That’s kind of tragic.
Hahaha. I love them bickering and acting like brothers, even though they’re estranged.
“Whoever picks her up”… and agrees to have sex with her. Sorry, but ghosts don’t like promiscuity. It is known.
“That’s healthy”… yeah, I’m with Dean. You’re gonna marry someone who doesn’t know most of your life story? Like, I get that you can’t explain the monster hunting, but still…
“Bitch.” “Jerk.” Ah, I love sibling bonding.
Dean, I know you’re adorable, but don’t sass law enforcement. They don’t like it.
He said no to the ghost. Does that mean he’s going to be fine? Apparently not. Wow, she is NOT sticking to her own rules. She’s gonna force him and then kill him for it? That’s just… stick to your mythology, ghost woman.
Dean loves his brother so freakin’ much and it’s making me tear up over here. And kinda makes me wonder why they were estranged for so long.
Aw, cookies. I thought he’d come home to her dead.
Nope, he has to watch her die. That monster has keen dramatic timing.
Dean pulling Sam out of the house is the kind of action I am looking for from this show. Does that mean Dean didn’t leave after all?
Ok, Sam closing that trunk like a boss! He’s ready to hunt!
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