nonothing-astro · 1 year
Saturn in Houses (10-12) 🪐
Saturn in Houses (1-3)
Saturn in Houses (4-6)
Saturn in Houses (7-9)
Writer’s note: (111) This is based on my understanding and belief of the placement.
Take what resonates and move along.
Sensitive content - Trigger warnings have be marked and cut (x).
This post may not be for you - Don’t get stuck on placements and meaning. If its meant for you it’s meant for you, take the postive and move along, since this is a karmic planet, I would rather have you not read it you tend to delve into things negatively and overthink, and potentially even if this can change some relationship perspective for you.
Read this taking Saturn’s placement from you moon and ascendant. Example- moon is in 8th and Saturn is in 7th in your lagna chart (birth chart), then read for Saturn in 7th and Saturn in 12th. ( For VEDIC ASTROLOGY ONLY)
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Saturn represents serious matters, fears, delays, dissassociation, restrictions, setbacks, karma, lessons, frustration, perseverance, responsibility, duties, grief, sorrows, unexpected success, discipline.Its house is where you would have issues/insecurities with and need to put the effort to get the fruits. The house where it seems others have it easy than you. It is exalted in Libra and debilitated in Aries. It rules over Capricorn both in western and sidereal and it co-rules Aquarius with Rahu in sidereal and Uranus in western. It represents feet, wind, hair, nervous system, teeth,etc. In vedic, it aspects 3rd, 7th and 10th house from its location.
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Saturn in 10th-
Practical, ambitious, usually money minded, kind of intimidating, strong headed and willed, independent. Others may look upto you often or you may be someone at higher position in your job, or in anycase you are diligent with your responsibilities and duties. You may though have to toughen yourself up in your childhood, could be due to lack of care from caretakers. Since it’s aspecting 4th house, you may not have lived in your birth place for a long time or moved much, or your parents were distant either physically or emotionally, either way you didn’t get the affection or love you would have hoped for, it’s possible you were made to grow up fast or were made to be responsible because you had someone at home to look after. You may look at your job and career as something you have a compulsion to do and not necessarily something you want to do, so you may rather look for lucrative careers than go after passion. Your colleagues may see you as aloof or distant. You may be rebellious against authority figures so it’s possible you can work independently. If afflicted you may face setbacks in getting a job, possible delays or you may start your career later than others your age, you may feel others have it easier than you when it comes to getting recognition and acknowledgement, you may have to put significant efforts if you are looking for fame, but whenever it comes it is going to be long Lasting and permanent. You may not feel this but you are putting a very good humble and wise impression on others. May be condescending.
In vedic- Like I said it’s position you may lack the care and love in your younger days, so this may have taken a toll on you and your self esteem, you may find it hard to accept yourself or have a hard time understanding yourself, you could lack self confidence if Saturn is in uncomfortable signs. Which is why like Saturn in 2nd you may look to material wealth to satisfy your ego and feel content and confident. You are looking for stability in the wrong places, may even look to some undeserving partners to compensate for the love you didn’t get. You may be afraid of failure, this could stem from low self worth and hence you may even be perfectionist. Makes you atheist or a non believer of spirituality, occult. It will give less travel or difficulty in travelling to oversees. Can give problems related to chest, lungs, back, knees, sexual organs, urinary problems, mental heath issues, stress, anxiety, headaches, migrains, injuries to thigh, hips. You may look down on other religions. Through its aspects it can give difficulty in sexual matters. You may or may not lack imagination and creativity but can be very logical, could give trouble sleeping or unpleasant dreams. You may have unpleasant experiences with hospitals. Can make you pessimistic due to your sufferings or due to you getting your dues delayed. You may however be to be most present parent likely due to the lack you had, you are a provider, and will put so much genuine efforts into making your family and close ones happy, However this involves being emotionally present as well. Your karmic debts may be paid through co workers or bosses or father or family members, or its possible you didn’t behave well with these members or had a disturbing relationship with family and at work in past life or if your bad karma is related to people of past life, your coworkers, family, bosses may be the reincarnated souls of those who will help you pay your dues, so be on good terms. Patience and understanding is key. You have to have patience at work place and at home, not lose hope in adversities life throws at you, fulfill your duties and be helpful and be guiding to others, not condescending. You could be actually be afraid of having power or its possible you abused it unethically past life that you are made to be detached from it or get it late this lifetime. You are likely to see success later in life with all efforts you will put in terms of a happy marriage, fame, stability, wealth, good career. Lessons are to not attach happiness and self worth to tangible things and letting go of control and perfectionism, and to enjoy little things and persevere for your goals, be ethical and dutiful.
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Saturn in 11th-
Saturn here makes you stand out from the crowd. You may have different interest,hobbies than others or your views may be different than most. You may give out an unapproachable impression to others. People may have to think a lot before they make a move to you, it could be that they find you unique or someone with high standards and possibly judgemental so often there is a fear that makes you most of the time feel less of a part of any community. You maybe are introverted, solitude seeking, independent, unique, unconventional. Your friends may be different than you are. You may have fear of social settings and being around many people. Your friends may be scared of you, not necessarily in bad context, or be keeping secrets from you, or look upto you. You may live away from your elder sibling if any. You tend to have a unique imagination and may portray that in your passions and hobbies. Teachers may see you as somewhat unique learner, so either they paid no heed to you or were compassionate with you. You may not follow conventional ways of learning. You may be someone who is quite for some time and bam you speak out, you may speak at unexpected moments. With affliction, it gives difficulty in learning and creating. You could be someone who says progressive views with conservative people and conservative views with highly rebellious people. You may not have much friends or generally people around in life. You may find it hard to fit in or feel outcaste, you may often feel misunderstood.
In vedic- With this placement there is often karma attached to communities you were part of past life and even friends. It’s possible you may have been too obsessed with them which is possibly why you were made to detach from them like this, you may have been a people person which evades responsibility which is probably why you were probably sent to fear being around people or were made to be less accepted. It possible you may have others felt secluded in your past life too. With this placement there is often the weird kid with its sketch book dynamic used, However it’s not always in bad context per se, many with this has a very strange intelligence that does wonders, they are people of great intelligence if they use it well. Your karmic task may involve it being fulfilled through friends, elder sibling, and people In general around you or these people may be reincarnated souls of people that were hurt and you need to make things better with them. This Saturn making one aloof often stemmed from lack of emotional care in younger days, either parent may have been distant emotionally or physically or you faced financial problems, in any case maybe didn’t just have a normal childhood which made it difficult for you to relate to others or for that matter others to you. This may have taken a toll on your self worth, you may be socially anxious and have stage fear. You may have to put some significant efforts to increase your self image. You may have injuries in legs, ankles, could fall sick often, headaches, migraines, trouble with spine, heart, back, in sexual organs. It’s possible you may face delays in getting fame, job opportunities if Saturn is afflicted heavily, it also creates problems with authority figures. You may though like learning and children or they listen well to you, However learning new things may take time for you too, but it may not seemed much a Problem as you are determined and like challenged here. Your efforts here are sure to prove fruitful although late but will surely has potential to transform you in a way only you can. With every odd trait, you have to own up your uniqueness if that makes sense for you and learn to treat everyone fairly and equally, not relate your self worth to Stability and tangible things. If learning seems a problem, which an afflicted Saturn here could possibly do and also delay higher education, you have to persevere and just face any fears you have with it. You have to learn to express yourself, because if not done it may make you isolated as you tend to develop intimacy issues. Karmic relationship with friends and Children. Could become a leader in your community but it’s again have to be dealt with ethically because it’s all connected to karma.
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Saturn in 12th-
You may lack discipline, structure, could be more imaginative or lack balance of logic and emotion. You may be aimless or lack direction in life which can affect your stability in the long run, there is often difficulty in sleeping or you may have sleeping disorders or nightmares often make an entrance, you may have difficulty accepting Spirituality, there could be difficulty in long term travel or you may just move to a different location all together for permanent settlement but travel less frequently especially if in a fixed sign or its dispositor is. TW: With affliction many give into substance abuse since Saturn often loses its control here, alcoholism is possible. You may find it difficult to sit in meditation. You could take to isolation later in life. You do not like being vulnerable or openly emotional with others, you may often feel others misunderstand your intention. You may have unpleasant experiences with hospitals, mental institutions, doctors, spirituality and foreign lands. You may have sudden change of location or get chancel fo travel. You may find it difficult to lie. Maybe someone wise and learnt from experiences. You tend to be less controlling and more detached. You could be an atheist of just have own set of beliefs you follow. You may feel talentless or often get feelings of hopelessness which is likely to affect your mental well being and finally your physical health. This makes people to get stuck in past and not let them move forward. They tend to develop pessimistic attitude towards Life, often making them angry, critical of others, and grumpy. Less fighting spirit. Believes in karma. Such people are often secretive with their goals and ambitions if any. They are mysterious and are secretly planning their next move. If Saturn is strong, they have amazing self control. They may not spend a lot, but if afflicted they may have financial debt. You may feel creative blocks often. May feel helpless or you may feel unsettled at the thought of not being able to help others, you may be overly generous, you just want to be there for everyone. You do want to be respected and looked up to by others. You will always go out your way to help others, you may be claustrophobic or dont like being tied down. You often try to be the leader even when you aren’t apt for it.
In vedic - This Saturn often indicates a permanent settlement in a foreign land, less travels though. You have great potential for searching after spritual practices, if afflicted it may be late to come. Again childhood may not be the best period, with added responsibility or lack of care, affection from caretakers, lack of emotional growth and development, finances may not have been stable, making you unsettled about wealth in life, this may have affected your self esteem especially due to its affect on your standing in your friends group or community. It may be hard for you to settle in with a community or feel like a part of one, there is always a sense of loneliness you feel and this for most, majorly a consequence of younger days underdevelopment. You may have few friends. You often retreat into your shell and seek solitude this can cause some extreme mental and physical stress for you, it’s important to be able to come out of your shell and letting go of the past. Your past life karma may involve your spritual practices/teachers/sexual partners/nurses/doctors/or patients or they can be re incarnated souls of people involved that you may have hurt past life or they are simply here to help you pay your debts now. It’s possible you may have kept someone in the unknown or in confined spaces or you were in a confined area which made you fear closed areas. You may be condescending or critical of religious/spiritual activities or in general be critical of other people’s beliefs, you must be able to let go self limiting beliefs and treat everyone fairly and also not attach your self worth to the love you didn’t get or the money you didn’t have. Donot look for stability and self worth in material wealth. It’s possible you may have constrained relationship with your siblings or just hard relationship, you may even have issues in Learning and early education especially In school with fiting in, making friends and developing skills. You may unpleasant relationship with your sibling due to your parent. If afflicted your sibling could have health issues. TW: You may be involved with substance abuse if it’s afflicted. You may get injuries related to feet, any problems in ear, throat, neck, lips, eyes, digestive system, hips, thighs. You may see a delay in higher education and job opportunities but it won’t be as distressing and you won’t mind it. With lack of patience in spiritual or calming activities you may have health issues, so the lesson that comes with this is to develop habits of unbiasedness towards others, patience and to undertake meditation or any sort of mind soothing practices that help you spiritually and physically. You need to learn to balance to help and not be overgiving, because if afflicted you may spend more than you get. Can’t be over generous. One of the ways to pay karma could be to help others.
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nonothing-astro · 1 year
Astro Observations XI
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🟫If you are Saturn Dominant / have Aquarius or Capricorn placements you may have the feeling that when people hurt you karma takes time to reach them but when you do something karma comes quickly. You should not worry, because even if you feel that karma is late, it is twice as strong. At the end of the day Saturn rules you and is on your side. Saturn shows you that good things come late but will eventually bring you lots of satisfaction.
🟫If you have Saturn in the 4th house, the karma that reaches those who have hurt you is merely emotional. They may feel little support from their family, community or friends or you may realize how people turn their backs upon discovering their true intentions or face.
🟫Juno-Saturn aspects suggest that the native's future spouse may be older than them both in age and maturity. It is likely that they marry late compared to people around them, but it also portends that their marriage can be more stable and lasting. Future Spouse is likely to be a very demanding person with themselves, highly ambitious, responsible and can give the impression of being somewhat serious or distant at first.
🟫Having Saturn in a water sign [Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces] in the 3rd, 7th or 11th house, indicates that the native may feel that they cannot open up easily with people, that they do not take the native's problems seriously or that are not really heard by the rest of the people. These natives may feel that it is difficult to find people with whom to have deep or serious conversations, or at least find people with whom they can have these kinds of conversations.
🟫When Saturn and Jupiter are close, it tells us about a native with excellent judgement, a calm and rational person who can see two sides of the same coin. If they are in the same house, it usually augurs much success in the issues that that house deals with, it may be at their mid/late 20's due to the presence of Jupiter. It augurs good fortune and a coherent and healthy opinion and opinion regarding the issues of that house.
🟫Those with aspects between Saturn-Ceres can be excellent parents or very tactful with children. They are protective of the younger ones, preserving their innocence and their happiness. These people do not usually have many children, as it is a task they take very seriously. These people may not be the most verbal in expressing their affection, but they will always show interest and care in practical ways, giving attention and spending time with those they love.
🟫Those with harmonious aspects between Saturn and Uranus are truly dual people, they love to have fun but they know when to behave too. They are people with whom you can have interesting and fun conversations, even sometimes without any sense, but they put a smile on your face. However, if the moment requires it, they can be very rational, prudent and correct when it comes to interacting with others. They have that ability to realize when it's the right time to joke and when they should take things seriously.
🟫Saturn in the 12th house shows a person who, due to tense experiences in the past, decided to isolate themselves from people or not to seek vent or refuge in people. They see loneliness as a way to be safe from getting hurt and may not be used to displays of affection or compliments. They fear failure and being seen as weak for showing or talking about their insecurities and feelings. However, they are capable of giving others a lot of stability without even realizing it, people trust them easily and see them as strong and admirable. 
🟫Saturn making tense aspects with the 4th house ruler/cusp means that the person has had to be responsible from an early age, that they have had to carry responsibilities from their parents or have given up their childhood to understand the world they had to face, because they thought no one would be there by their side to face it with them. They were able to grow up in an environment where they felt a lack of emotional support and care.
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🟫Many people with Venus-Saturn aspects often struggle with self-worth, feeling loved by others, or feeling accepted just the way they are, regardless of whether the aspect is tense or harmonious. Many of them have felt at least once that their self-esteem was not the best and that they had to prove their worth somehow.
🟫The aspects between Venus-Saturn make the natives feel attracted to balanced and emotionally responsible people. Beyond the beauty of their physique and their incredible fashion sense, there is beauty in the devotion they put into their relationships and the dedication they put in every day to make the relationship comfortable for both themselves and their partner. Something beautiful that I have noticed about them is that they take the time to understand their partner and above all to get to know them. Quality time is easily one of their ways of showing love, no matter how many earrings they have or how busy they are, they will take the time to be with the person they love and enjoy every minute by their side.
🟫Saturn in Cancer can easily give others a lot of comfort, they can even project themselves as a person with a lot of emotional intelligence and a facility to understand the emotional world of others no matter how complex it is. They prefer quality over quantity and take any kind of emotional bond with people very seriously.
🟫Those with Saturn in the 1st, 7th, 11th or 12th house could be introverted in their youth and find much comfort and peace in solitude. It is very likely that their parents or other people in their family advised them to go out more or make more friends, but the reality is that they learned to feel good in solitude and were able to see the benefits of being more on their own. If Saturn is retrograde or making tense aspects with Pluto or Moon, the native sees isolating himself as a way of not being hurt or betrayed by others.
🟫Saturn in the 8th house may have difficulty opening up to people, trusting others, and feeling genuinely close to someone. They have a lot of intelligence and this allows them to observe and take a good look at the people around them before opening the possibility of being friends/couples. They are people who deep down want closeness but at the same time they want a balance, because their autonomy is very important to them.
🟫Saturn aspecting Mercury gives a person a wonderful and very capable mind, many people describe them as rational, intelligent and very logical, but they hardly see themselves that way. They may think that they are not smart enough even if the opposite is true. There is a possibility that they had difficulties for their early ages at school, but the reality is that these people can learn better on their own.
🟫Having Saturn aspecting Chiron is an underrated indicator of having the ability to help and heal other people. It may take the native longer to heal his wounds, but in return he gains an ability to listen to others, understand them and support them in their healing process. These people have a highly developed vocation to help others and could seek to have a job that allows them to be supportive of others. They can be good psychologists, teachers or they can do very well working in the human resources area.
🟫Saturn in Pisces takes their beliefs seriously, but they don't leave everything up to having faith and hoping that everything conspires in their favor. They can be somewhat skeptical and will always prefer to make decisions based on their emotions and doable things. They detect lies easily and have an easy time reading people and their true intentions.
🟫Saturn in air signs or houses shows par excellence of a great communicator, someone who knows how to hold the attention of the public, who uses the right words to convey his message perfectly. Many of them could benefit from pursuing something to do with media, social media, creative writing, or any career that allows them to communicate with lots of different people. They are very intelligent and educated people, they can have a vast and very complete vocabulary. These people have a powerful mind and are very capable of learning and understanding ideas, however complex they may be.
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nonothing-astro · 1 year
Your 2nd House…What Can You Monetize? 🤑
How can you make money based on the sign you have as your 2nd house?
Aries 2H
Monetizing independent endeavors (your own business, idea, brand)
Your athletic ability (dancing, sports, etc)
Real estate, vehicles
Taurus 2H
Monetizing your voice
Speaking ability, singing ability
Monetizing investments
Cooking abilities
Eating (asmr, mukbang videos etc)
Gemini 2H
Monetizing social media
Media endeavors: blogging, writing, podcasting etc
Monetizing information you have + your words
Comedy, songwriting, verbal entertainment
Trademarking words or phrases
Cancer 2H
Moneizting creative abilities
Musical abilities, talents
Spiritual abilities
Monetizing motherhood, childcare, family
Being a wife
Feminine advice/knowledge
Monetizing home, real estate
Leo 2H
Monetizing fame
Your name, identity
Branding yourself
Trademarking words
Monetizing your hobbies and creative talents
Monetizing family (YouTube family, family business, family brand etc)
Virgo 2H
Monetizing health & routine endeavors
Monetizing the information you have about health (health blog, fitness blogger etc)
Service/advice you can give
Health tips, health products etc
Animals, pets
Libra 2H
Monetizing marriage
Partnership, collaboration (social media couple, hosting a podcast with a friend etc)
Monetizing aesthetics (stylist, designer, fashion influencer etc)
Scorpio 2H
Monetizing occult knowledge
Psychic abilities
Monetizing marriage, divorce, spouse’s income
Monetizing negative experiences, profiting off negativity , alchemy
Sagittarius 2H
Monetizing advice
Knowledge & wisdom you have
Teaching ability
Travel related endeavors (travel blogger, testing restaurants, driver etc)
Monetizing languages (being bilingual, language tutor etc)
Capricorn 2H
Monetizing your own business
Manager positions (boss, ceo)
Monetizing your wisdom/information
Monetizing your work ethic/discipline
Aquarius 2H
Monetizing social media
Monetizing community, and audience you can generate, your fan base
Service that help humanity, social activisms
Unique inventions or ideas you come up with
Pisces 2H
Monetizing spirituality
Spiritual advice, wisdom or knowledge
Pharmaceuticals, alcohol, spirits
Psychic abilities
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Similar post about your 11th house & your gains in life
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nonothing-astro · 1 year
MERCURY IN THE 8th HOUSE; Observations
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Did someone say intrusive thoughts? The mind of a Mercury eighth houser is a mysterious place. It is hard to figure out these reserved types, they aren’t the most forthcoming with their thoughts. Their mind runs deep, and they spend most of their time thinking about the unknown. They make for fantastic researchers and investigators. These types are capable of maintaining a deep focus for hours at a time. They aren’t aligned with the superficial and would rather peel back the layers and uncover what's hidden. Small talk won’t get anywhere with a Mercury eighth houser. They take communication pretty seriously and hate discussing mundane or boring topics. However, when talking about a topic of interest, these types could go on for hours. They’re incredibly hypersensitive and can become overstimulated easily, retreating into isolation to calm their mind happens often. Having stress is an overwhelming experience for them. Anxiety overtakes their entire body and leaves them drowning within their own thoughts. These people have an innate understanding of human nature but with that comes a sense of mistrust. They know how people move and are always on the lookout. Those with this placement are always trying to figure out the motivations and intentions of others. They pick up on body language easily and can tell when something is wrong. Lies never go unnoticed. Mercury eighth housers are great at communicating their emotions. They know how to tell people exactly what they’re feeling, it just depends upon whether or not they feel like sharing. Privacy is important to these individuals and they guard their own secrets closely. They’re prone to gossip and may spread a rumor that holds no truth simply because they love to speculate. It is very important for them to not share information given to them in private, consequences from this hit these placements harder than others. 
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nonothing-astro · 1 year
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nonothing-astro · 1 year
Mecury signs as writers
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I'm sure people have done posts like these before but this is just my take on it, enjoy I hope it resonates !!
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Aries mecury 》 wants to pioneer in a new style and wants to be the best at their style of writing. Similar to Aquarius mecury in this way because Aries wants to go by their own rules. They are adventurous writers, Aries mecuiries will use writing to explore their own ideas and creativity. I feel like this placement enjoys anything that motivates them and riles them up. They may feel competitive with other writers and strive to always imporve
Taurus mecury 》 the taurus mecury has a distinct voice in their writing that doesn't change over time. You could always tell who it was through their writing. they write to relax and unwind. They may get stuck on technicalities or struggle to express intangible ideas.
Aquarius mecury 》 this is the writer who knows the rules and how to break them. They write to inspire, provoke or even offend. Their style of writing is always changing and evolving. Aquarius mecuries will write and express ideas in unheard of ways, they may have a very mature way of communicating just about anything. Their style challenges ideas surrounding what makes a person a good writer.
Libra mecury 》 this placement can make someone an amazing writer. Libras balance and harmonize so they will likely have a sense for perfect sentence variety, language, grammar, etc. Libra mecuries know when a sentence is too long, when there's too many repetitive phrases, when there's not enough adjectives or verbs. This is a writer who also becomes a perfectionist as they want a sense of harmony in their writing. Libra mecuries write to influence people as they have a chronic awareness of their audience. They are also AMAZING editors.
Capricorn mecury 》 this is a writer who writes to make things tangible for themselves. They create lists, outlines, plots. I also feel like Capricorn mecuries would also be unnecessarily good at erotica fiction. They know how to make nonfiction engaging to read as well. Capricorn may get a reputation of being stoic and while their writing serve a professional and pratical importance
Virgo mecury 》 I feel like this writer is a mix of libra and Capricorn. But of course, having a sign in its home planet is bound to make you a great writer. They are very cirical of their own writing, always editing and going back to revise something. They write to organize, understand, and differentiate between ideas. They are also amazing editors, but their perfectionist approach makes it hard to even finalize a project. Their technical and creative skills are refined but they'd never know it because of how high their standards are. They are also great at analytical writing, such as analyzing the creative value of a piece of media or a person.
Scorpio mecury 》 don't even get me started. This sign is detailed, thorough and meticulous in their writing. If they want to write a scene they would make sure every aspect of this scene was understood, from the dialouge, setting, mood etc. Their essays are long, well researched and beautifully written. They like to focus on ideas that are underground or not well known. They write to integrate and transform the parts of themselves they don't even understand.
Cancer mecury 》 their style of writing is very personable, they know how to tap into emotions and manipulate them in order to fully engage a reader. They write well from a feminine perspective and they may be talented at Journaling. Their style of writing is also very intuitive. They go with the flow and let whatever comes out to touch pen to paper. Cancer mecuires may also have a great humor in their writing as well
Gemini mecury 》 this style of writer can adapt to whatever is required of them at the moment. They can be technical writers, creative, straightforward, influential etc. They love to express opinions and ideas, they engage all sides of a situation like a libra can, but unlike libra they allow contradicting ideas to co exist without feeling pressure to choose between them. They can mimic the voice of anyone as well, gemini writers may struggle to find their own voice for this reason. This type of writer has a dynamic approach, always adapting and using their senses to understand the world around them.
Pisces mecury》 this is the poets, imaginative and visionaries. So many poets and song writers have pieces placements. This writer doesn't adhere to rules right away, they have an awareness of what's going on subconsciously and have an ability to make that subconcious energy surface in their writing. Their style is not always easy understood. you would have to approach their writing from the heart. Their style is intuitive and unique to them.
Leo mecuries》 these placements could create some of the most entertaining and popular pieces of all time. Their writing is meant to to be read aloud, or even made into a screenplay. Their voice can be dominant, dramatic and powerful. They have a dramatic way of expressing mundane things. They have a style of writing where you can't put it down or look away, you're fully engaged and feel inclined to share it with others.
Sagittarius mecury 》 Sagittarius mecruies have a way of crossing boundaries, their style appeals to people of many cultures and spiritual backgrounds. They write to free their own ideas and develop them to educate others. Their writing has great depth and meaning, like Scorpio mecuries they bring layers and complexity to ideas. They have a purpose in their writing and they want that to be accessible to everyone.
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nonothing-astro · 1 year
9th house and your experience through university
In this post will talk about the 9th house through the signs and your experiences, or possible experiences, through university and the all the careers that you could choose since one of the meanings of that house relates to our higher education. As always, I apologize for any mistake and don't copy or share this post without giving proper credit to the owner.
Note: please take this with a grain of salt. There are other things to consider such as planets in the house, aspects, and aspects to the ruler to define with most certainty about your time at university and the possibles career that you will choose to follow. The same can be said about the very general list of careers that I've put in each sign.
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Aries: throughout your university years you will face, or faced (depending on the situation), a lot of competition. Maybe you had to study very hard in order to enter to the university of your dreams. Most probably than not, you wanted to enter a career or university that has too many applications each year and that's why you had or have to study really hard in order to get accepted. In a way, you remind me of the indian movie "3 idiots" (I highly recommend you to see it) in which various engineering students have to basically compete to reach the highest score and those who doesn't reach or pass the mark each semester are expelled. On the other hand, maybe you will face a lot of movement, activities or competitions throughout your learning. A few careers or professions that I can think of are engineering, physics, athletism (you could try to compete in a specific sport), gimnastic teacher, firefighter and policeman.
Taurus: your journey through university could be a slow but steady one. Maybe throughout those years you will have to save or earn money, or maybe your family will do it, in order to access the career or university of your choice. Overall, those will take a lot of effort from your part. A lot of study and a lot of work but, unless there are malefic planets in the ninth house or hard aspects to the ruler, I can totally see that those years can be or could have been pretty much a smothly process for you in which you will probably create some stable but caring connections with the those whom you'll consider your friend. A few careers or professions for those who have this sign in that house can be of a sales man/woman, an artist, designer, an economist, a cook or a business person.
Gemini: for those who have this mutable sign as the ruler of your ninth house, let me start telling you that I can totally see you studying more than one subject. Those who have these signs are more prone to earn more than one degree due to the natural curiosity of the sign of different topics (is rulled by Mercury). Usually, since this sign rules communication, the natives will pursue a career that involves these topic. For example, periodism, literature, linguistics or maybe will try to work as a writer, on an editorial or transcripting texts and audios. Your journey through university will be filled with curiosity and you will like to spend time with people who have an inner curiosity of things like you. Maybe you will like meeting new people there because that will be a perfect oportunity to learn about other people too.
Cancer: for those who have this sign, your experience through university will be a very emotional one. You will remember every experience, every joy at recieving good notes or connecting with your friends, every sadness at not passing a test, every anger, every fright, every cry. No matter if you are conscious of it or not, the university period will be very much attached to your emotions, that´s why you will remember almost every second of that period in your life even if times passes. I can totally see someone looking at his/her diploma and crying with emotion while the memories run through his/her mind. In a way, you will like to study/work on anything that makes you emotionally satisfied or something that relates to emotions or children such as psychotherapy, nursery teacher, nurse, cooking, a teacher in general, etc.
Leo: if there are other planets and aspects that support this, your years through university could have been the best years of your life. Maybe those years gave you or will give you the time and space to shine, to show your abilities, knowledge and talents. You could have been very popular at that time or maybe those years will give you a boost in terms of self confidence, chances of meeting new people and forming romantic relationships. On the other hand, maybe you were able to study in one of the most prestigious universities of your country or you will be able to study in those in the future. One of the posibles careers or profession for those who have this sign are acting, politics, fashion, modeling, director, business, maybe you will like to be an entrepreneur or start your own business, etc.
Virgo: those who have this sign mutable sign as the ruler of this house, just like gemini, could have more than one degree or will want to earn more than one. But this sign is slightly different from Gemini even though they are both ruled by Mercury. And that difference reside in the fact that this sign is, most of the time, a perfectionist. It's a very detail oriented sign so that's why those who have this sign wants to learn more. To increase their knowledge in the area they choose to study. To improve demselves. In generall, they will try to study something that involves a lot of memory, details and technique such as medicine, nursing, editing, therapy, psychology, veterinary, etc. Throughout those years, you could have been or will be very strict with your time and hours of studying since most of the careers mentioned about requieres constant learning, technique and goos memory.
Libra: the journey of this individual through university could be a very balanced one. With this, I mean that they will know how to balance the times of studying and socializing when it's needed so they won't fall into the situation of overworking themselves to exhaustion or socializing too much to the point of being so hard for them to keep with their works and test. Since this sign reminds me so much of the Justice card in Tarot, I know that they are smart at putting a balance between fun and work during those years. In matters of possible careers and jobs to study for these individuals there is art due to Venus being the ruler of the sign, law, any career that involves the contact with other people and helping them such as a counselor, advicer, psychologist, etc.
Scorpio: your journey through university will complete change you. In my opinion, those who have this sign in this house will suffer some kind of transformation. It doesn't matter if it is good or bad, you will, somehow, change during the period of your university years. Of course, it also depends on the planets that resides in your ninth house but, just by looking the sign, it speaks of a life-changing and intense period of your life. You may struggle to keep the peace through all the subjects and lectures of your chosen career. Maybe there is a risk of loosing your chosen career due to bad grades or you won't like the path that you choose so you will change careers abruptly. Either way, it won't be easy but these changes can bring a huge potential of evolution and healing. A few careers or professions I see with this sign are a scientist, a healer, a banker, a politician, a terapist, astrologer, tarot reader or detective.
Sagittarius: for those who have the natural sign that rules the ninth house, your time at university could have been or will be pretty much an ejoyable time full of oportunities, grow and expansion. Of course, there is planets and aspects to the ruler to consider before trying to reach this conclusion but, with this sign, it can give you these effects since the planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter, the planet of expansion. Since this is also a mutable sign, you could have done more than one career. On another hand, there is a huge chance that you will travell aboard for your education. Maybe you will study or studied one semester or more in another university. Maybe it was a study exchange or, plainly, you did your hole career in another country. Possibles themes you could seek to learn are teaching, religion, turism, piloting, etc.
Capricorn: in the case of Capricorn as the ruler of the ninth house, you could struggle, or could have struggled, to enter to university because of circumstances. Maybe you don't have the resources. Maybe your culture or religion don't approve your choice. It could be anything. That could be one of the options that could unfold with this sign since his ruler, Saturn, create some karmic situations that seems to limit us or block us. On the other hand, your time at university or your career could be complicated and hard. You are responsable and hard working and yet there is a possibility of struggling with all your works, tests and evaluations. There is also a change of ending your chosen career and pursuing something else if there are other aspects that confirms it. Some possible themes I see you pursuing are ingeniering, medicine, law, bussiness, politics, history, etc.
Aquarius: there is a huge possibility that your chosen career to study is something totally different from what was expected for you. Maybe somebody believed that you were going to study something classic like medicine or law and you chose to follow arts. Or maybe you follow the path that was expected or you really liked to try but, one day, you've realised that you wanted to do something different and so you've changed your career abruptly. Those who have this sign will like to learn more about human kind, technology, any career that involves helping communities or something thats original and unique. Possibles examples are technician, influencer in social media, astronaut or investigator, actor/actress, director or worker of an humanitarian organization, etc.
Pisces: the foginess, mysterious and sometimes confusing energy of this sign can tell me that those individuals who have this in the ninth house struggles to find a topic or theme to study in the university. Or maybe they have a certain picture of themselves in the future with things they want to achieve but they don't know which path, career and university to chose in order to achieve their dreams. This confussion or uncertainty can make you to switch careers during your years at universuty. Maybe even more than one. On the other hand, maybe you have an inner interest in learning about the mysterious side of nature, the universe and life, that's why one of the many possibles careers or themes for you to study are alchemy, cience (especcially quimic), tarotism, astrology, etc.
This is all I have for you. I hope it resonates.
Love and light.
Tower Girl Anon.
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nonothing-astro · 2 years
What Does Your Moon Sign Say About Your Inner Child?
Aries- Your inner child is fiercely independent. You are determined to go in the opposite direction of those who negatively influenced you as a child. Just be careful with your determined, fiery spirit that you don't destroy everyone in your path.
Taurus- Your inner child is stubborn, strong-willed, and sensitive. You may feel slightly behind others your age, but you are on your own path. Remember to be kind to yourself and patient with where you are headed.
Gemini- Your inner child needs to feel heard. It's important that you surround yourself with people who will listen to and validate your feelings. It can be easy to drown out the truth with humor and noise, but pain demands to be felt.
Cancer- Your inner child needs the space to heal and grieve. You have always been a bit moody and volatile, which you may have been taught to suppress. It's time to acknowledge those feelings you've buried and process the things you've tried to forget.
Leo- Your inner child needs reassurance. Despite coming off as confident, your emotional self tends to lean towards insecurity. Surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself and who validate your importance.
Virgo- Your inner child needs rest. It can be hard for you to make your mind stop. It's important to take time away from responsibilities and just relax and recharge. You don't have to be so hard on yourself in order to be successful.
Libra- Your inner child needs discipline. It can be hard for you to hold yourself accountable. Without structure, you fall apart. You are naturally playful with a cheery spirit, which can cause you to become distracted. Stay focused on the task at hand.
Scorpio- Your inner child is wounded. You have a hard time processing trauma. Your instinct is to avoid conflict at all cost, even when it is necessary. Healing has become a stranger to you. Focus on what you need, it all starts there.
Sagittarius- Your inner child craves freedom. All you want from life is absolutely everything. You are a natural born leader, but with that comes responsibility. Remember to give yourself the space to walk away if that's what you need.
Capricorn- Your inner child craves approval. You feel an intrinsic obligation to succeed. Have you ever questioned where this comes from? Allow yourself to be content as you are. Only then can you truly appreciate your future accomplishments.
Aquarius- Your inner child feels conflicted. You are constantly being pulled in multiple directions, and that gets tiring. Do you worry about letting others down by making a decision? At the end of the day, you're the only person you have to sit with.
Pisces- Your inner child is a dreamer. At times, you are ruled by your emotions. It can be difficult for you to relate to others as you are consumed by your empathy. Remind yourself that you have more in common with people than you think.
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nonothing-astro · 2 years
week of june 12th, 2022
aries: it may not be your idea of a good time but it's certainly... productive. or at least, therapeutically constructive. mars conjoins chiron in your sign. take an action this week to heal yourself and/or others. it pays off.
taurus: your ruler venus on the north node in your sign is potent. very potent. and even a saturn square does little to bring the vibe down. you have the power at this time, more than usual, to weave your own fate. make it suitably beautiful.
gemini: your friend mercury is back at last! take good stock of the period from when it was last here and through the retrograde period. what has changed? what have you learned? what will you do with that information?
cancerians: none of the week's major aspects really affect you directly but there is too much going on to try to just coast by. you have both tense and harmonious events occurring in various facets of your life. watch the transits and try to go with the flow and embrace each changing energy as well as you can manage.
leo: the sun trines saturn and squares neptune this week. this is not the time for frivolity or too much daydreaming... it may sound bleak and feel tedious but it's the time for planning and self-discipline. the buoyant fun of your truest nature returns soon enough.
virgo: while you are not necessarily saturn-ruled the saturnine quality of this week's transits support planning and ironing out the details, which are areas you excel in. it's not a great time to be focused on other people or your relationships with them, but it is very useful in all ways to focus on the details of your routines and daily structures for a while.
libra: a bit of a fresh increase in air vibe suits you. whatever stale and musty feelings you've had begin to dissipate. and sure, some of that air is by way of saturn, who is still quite heavy, but you can romanticize your life just a little more than usual recently and it helps.
scorpio: so frankly this is not an easy week for scorpio people *but* if you are self-growth-oriented as many scorpios are it is at least constructive and accelerated. saturn may try to slow things down but mostly it will not be successful; this is a growth spurt, especially in terms of your interpersonal relating.
sagittarius: mercury back into gemini heralds the revisiting again of certain important relationships. for a brief while longer mercury is still in the shadow zone of the recent retrograde and communication can be confusing, but it is becoming clearer. you can start thinking about the things you want to say and even start actually saying them, in situations where you have good trust.
capricorn: if you have a large expense or a major purchase to make this is likely to be a good time to at least start taking steps toward clearing it up. it is not for frivolous purchases or excessive generosity, but it is the right time to take care of yourself financially.
aquarius: if you're looking to solidify a commitment or renew it, or dissolve one that isn't working out, in terms of relationships especially that are simply for fun up to this point, or even in terms of a fun or creative hobby or pursuit, this is the week to build or remove those structures!
pisces: with mercury back into gemini fresh off its recent retrograde it's a good time to dig into your ancestry, genealogy, and/or the family secrets. if you don't dig intentionally, some of this is likely to surface anyway. so you might as well go looking on purpose.
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nonothing-astro · 2 years
Your rising sign and how you look & act !
“What are rising/ascendant signs?”
Your ascendant is the zodiac sign that was on the eastern horizon when you were born. It can represent your outward appearance, physical features, outward style, social personality, the energy you give off, the path/direction you are going, your approach to life, and etc.
“How do I find my rising sign?”
Go to https://www.astro.com/horoscope and press charts & calculations, then go to chart drawing.
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Aries Rising ↑
Aries Rising’s usually have a very fierce and fiery look. Their eyebrows are very prominent and are often complimented because of their nice shape. They have plump lips and even if they’re on the smaller side, they still look satisfying. They can have big heads or foreheads most of the time, just because Aries rules the head. They can be very intimidating just by their appearance, and sometimes even their personality. For some reason, they like tattoos so they’re also more prone to getting them just out of impulse. They can look very young even when they’re older. Let’s say an Aries Rising is 34, they’ll look like they’re 25 or even younger. Also, they truly have a resting bitch face, and this also contributes to the intimidation. It gets to the point where people think they’re irritated or something. They are very hard-workers and they try to be good at everything they do to prove people wrong. These people will not lie or sugar-coat things with you. They usually act off of their instinct, but they don’t always do everything impulsively. They have a strong and big presence whenever you’re around them, which is why they’re always getting noticed by people. Their energy can be more masculine (and this isn’t a bad thing) because it actually attracts more males to them. They can be confident but sometimes it’s just to hide their insecurity and others can read into this sometimes. They can get angry very easily, and can have mild to severe anger issues. It’s very rare to see an Aries Rising scared to call out someone for something they’re doing wrong, because they usually do tell you when they don’t like something or are annoyed. They also give off a very energetic and active vibe which leads people to believe they like working out or just being active in general. They make very great leaders, and people honestly just want to know what they’re all about.
Celebrities with an Aries Rising: Shakira, Kendall Jenner, Rihanna, and Cardi B.
Taurus Rising ↑
To be honest, these people are very naturally pretty. They don’t need makeup at all, but when they do wear it, it makes them look more radiant and it kinda just suits them. They can have more squarer or broader shoulders, along with a longer/thicker/stronger neck because Taurus rules the neck. They’ll wear the same colors over and over again just because they like them. They either like to dress comfortably, or like a Queen. No in between. They like to put thought into what they wear, and most of the time they don’t like cheap things. They can have bigger eyes, and when they open them wide it’s like they’re genuinely bulging. They have gentle but powerful stares. Their face shape is well rounded & their lips are prominent and plump. Very strong and sturdy features too. Their noses especially can be noticeable or something people just pay attention to. They have many round features & broad foreheads. They usually have baby-faces, or faces that look younger. I’ve noticed that people with this placement can usually have very clear skin, or their skin gets clear quickly. They have like flawless skin. They spend a good amount of their time worrying about their security and the things that they have. They can also be more materialistic, and territorial or picky with their items and social image + people they love. They can have a stubborn type of look, and when people try to convince them to do something they don’t want to do, the person will quite literally think “this person will not budge, how do I convince them?” When it’s time to change, they try to resist just because they find comfort in how they’re used to doing things. They’re really the type to not get out of their “barriers” or “bounds.” And they can be wary/suspicious of new people. They like acting like a Queen or just a fashionista in public, and this draws attention to them. They’re really good at grounding themselves naturally!! They always take everything in before any actions. Since Taurus is ruled by Venus, these individuals know how to make things look aesthetically pleasing or just nice in general.
Celebrities with a Taurus Rising: Mariah Carey, Gigi Hadid, Miley Cyrus, and Robert Pattinson.
Gemini Rising ↑
Gemini rising’s usually have very expressive faces that can make people tell a lot about what they’re feeling. Their cheeks often get red or have a redder tone to them too. Their eyes can be rather small and brighter, with a more mischievous look around their face. They can have more of a diamond shaped face with a pointed chin, and they’re always talking with their hands. They have pouty/fleshy cheeks, which honestly makes them look doll-like. They have long limbs & a short torso, their style can change a lot and just fluctuate often, or they just put random clothes together and call it a day. Their hands can be nice looking & they like to keep their nails clean since Gemini rules the hands. They have nice skin and youthful faces! They know how to gather information all at once, and are often very useful because of this. It’s like they’re meant to collect information and share it with the world. They are great at multi-tasking and just doing many things, and people really see this in their personality. They spend a lot of time in their head though, so sometimes they feel like other people already know what they want to say when in reality that’s not true, so communication is important. They’ll spend most of their life just looking for information and not really living which is why their time passes so “fast.” They don’t really get a chance to explore the true world around them, unless it’s through research, so sometimes they can be unappreciative or even ignorant. They have an ability where they can just naturally entertain and be funny with people, which is why other people kind of let their guards down near them. These people tend to get red easily, like if they’re doing any activities, their body just warms up and their cheeks get red. A lot of the things they say have at least some wit to them. They are good at gossiping & will quite literally gossip all day if they could. They’re the type of who kind of “copy” or just adapt to others, whether it’s typing style, certain words, etc.
Celebrities with a Gemini Rising: Lady Gaga, Amy Winehouse, Kristen Stewart, and Lindsay Lohan.
Cancer Rising ↑
Cancer risings have a very soft and innocent look to them, which makes them look like they aren’t capable of doing any harm. Their energy, aura, and appearance is always changing based on their emotional state (which is often changing too.) They have a very angelic look to them. These people usually have rounded faces, puckered lips, softer features, fleshy cheeks, and thin hair with paler faces. Their aesthetic can be more on the softer side, and they may just like comfortable clothes in general. Cancer rules the chest area, so a lot of Cancer Risings can have a prominent chest/breasts or just bigger ones. They have glistening eyes, and a more feminine look to them. They also have baby faces but in an actually attractive way. They can really just witness people in their true, actual personality’s and this is like a superpower. They have been through a lot in life, and may not have had a stable emotional or home life. They’re seen as very sensitive, so people will go to them with very emotional, vulnerable, touchy information (not necessarily for advice either.) It’s more like people go to them to get consolation. They can pick up on what others are feeling (and their opinions) and they have strong intuition that really shows up in their life, so some might say they have an advantage. They may also just use this information that they pick up to get the upper hand in situations. Since the moon is their chart ruler, they can have deeper emotions, are quick to sympathize, and are just very heartwarming. But, they can also be lazy, passive, and inconsistent. It can be difficult to get to know them since they’re not gonna let anyone in, first they would have to adapt to the person, and then decide.
Celebrities with a Cancer Rising: Angelina Jolie, Ariana Grande, Cameron Diaz, and Julia Roberts.
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Leo Rising ↑
Leo risings are very glamorous & gorgeous. They don’t exactly ask for attention, but they do just get it anyways since they’re ruled by the Sun which is at the center of the solar system. They can put their spotlight onto others if they really wish to, and can often just like help people and lift people up when they’re feeling down. They also just like give off this confident and assured energy that other people see, but often, this is not the case and instead, they can be really insecure. People with Leo risings will often act more like their Sun sign since Leo rules the sign. They often have amazing, curlier hair, high cheekbones, strong, defined jawlines, cat-like features, average height, a good hairline, bigger upper body (which often makes their lower body look smaller), and golden/bright undertones. They’re really generous and many people will see this and try to take advantage of it, so they need to be careful with who they’re trusting and wary with who they’re being generous to. When they’re fixed on an idea, there’s no changing their minds. But they can be bossy within their circle of friends, or just bossy in general, but along with that they can be playful, sassy, and fun. They can have more of a luxurious type of style, and their style can also be attractive or prominent to others. People can’t seem to stay away from them regardless of if the native has done something bad. This is what makes them so magnetic. They just make people want to talk to them. They’re pretty goofy once you get to know them, and this makes people like them too. They can be more dramatic as well, and are actually more goal-oriented because they want to do good in many things. They are usually very good in positions where all the spotlight is on them. They may get stressed out easily and because of this, they can overdo it with themselves sometimes since they just want to be seen and noticed. Overall, they just have a very magnetizing energy.
Celebrities with a Leo Rising: Marilyn Monroe, Selena Gomez, Reese Witherspoon, and Ashley Olsen.
Virgo Rising ↑
Virgo Risings just have a very kind of “dull” appearance. It’s not that they’re boring, it’s just that you can’t really read them. They have sharp eyes, younger faces, small features, an oval shaped face. Most of the Virgo Risings I’ve seen get clear skin easily. They’re prone to not really making many expressions with their face, and give off a very unamused type of look. They like prim & proper styles that make them look fresh and clean. When you meet Virgo Risings, you can tell that they’re organized and are overall well put together. They tend to have cherubic faces, almost baby like but not quite which makes them look gullible, but they’re actually really not. Sometimes, they can come off as cold-hearted but that’s not actually the case. They either talk a lot, or they don’t talk unless they have to depending on their Mercury sign. They like to help other people, but sometimes it comes off more as like if they were trying to fix peoples mistakes in a rude type of way. Even if they don’t think this themselves, this is how other people see it. They’re prone to overthinking because of this. The better the sign their Mercury is in, they better they come off. (Like a Virgo Mercury with this placement would come off more loving since Mercury is Virgo’s ruling planet.) They can be more on the shyer and aloof side, but they do still have their own charm. Even if they’re going through a lot, these people don’t tend to show it. They are very judgmental, mostly because they know they can get things done in a better way, and they’re not scared to judge someone out loud. But, since they’re always paying attention to the little things, they tend to not see the whole picture. However, their attention to detail can get them far in life since this attribute can be useful. They know that to accomplish things, hard work needs to be done and even though they don’t  necessarily like this, they’ll do it.
Celebrities with a Virgo Rising: Keanu Reeves, Emma Watson, Timothée Chalamet, and Uma Thurman.
Libra Rising ↑
Libra risings kinda just have this way of taking too much problems on.. it’s like they think they can handle it, but then they’re like “oh shit,” if that makes sense. They can often be misunderstood, and I see a pattern where they’re constantly stepped or walked on, and the truth is, they can’t handle it. But to be honest, they can still balance it out. They put plenty of thought into every decision they make. They want everything in their life to make sense and line up with their perspective. They honestly just want to belong with other people, and because of this, they may act differently than their actual true self. Libra risings can have very symmetrical and proportional faces, cute smiles, dimples, prominent/strong noses, bigger lips, charming demeanors, approachable look, they usually have a nice sense of style and everything is well put together. They are also just very alluring overall, but it’s more subtle. However, they can be manipulative without really knowing it & can possibly be people pleasers. If you’re smart enough to see it, you will, but Libra risings can often get what they want through verbal communication. People can easily make them “depressed” or just sad by discouraging them even the slightest bit, but it really doesn’t take much for these people to be happy either. They are people pleasers but in a more subtle way which makes people like them, and they’re mainly like this because they don’t want to start an argument. I also hate to say this, but if they have a lot of Libra/7H placements then they will not be able to verbally fight all that well unless there’s some Virgo/Gemini placements and even then, you never know. But they do just have a very romantic nature to them with charm and they’re honestly good at art, like I’ve never seen a Libra rising being bad at anything art related. Just overall lovely people & sweethearts.
Celebrities with a Libra Rising: Gwen Stefani, Britney Spears, Harry Styles, and Beyoncé.
Scorpio Rising ↑
Okay I know this is said A LOT but.. Scorpio risings are literally so mysterious & just alluring… I’m not even kidding. I HAVE to mention it. They’re enigmas whether they admit it or not. They also just have a very intense aura to themselves, they can be obsessive, passionate, and when they walk into any room, it’s just like all eyes on them, and they can even feel this. They’re like multitaskers, they’re intense but then there is something interesting about them, like something nobody knows but people can kinda sense it. When people like Scorpio risings, they’ll make it obvious because they’ll want to be around them a lot & so since Scorpio risings are also observers, they’ll kinda like figure it out. They’re also the type of people who hold grudges, and they would want to get revenge too. They’ll do it in the worst way possible as well. They can also be hard to read at times…. But let me just tell you, these people are prone to having other people obsessed with them, and then they themselves being obsessed with other people. They can also honestly make people feel exposed. At times, they’ll know how to spot even the littlest lies & it surprises people. They have very piercing and captivating eyes, prominent noses, strong shoulders, they can usually pull off many styles too, great cheekbones, subtle hooked noses, unamused lips, cool skin tone, suspicious gazes, high cheekbones, darker styles, sharper features, poker faces, more arched eyebrows, powerful walks, and a lot of *mysterious* sex appeal. These people usual look better in red or just dark colors in general. They can have resting bitch faces, or just look more intimidating. They can give a more mean first impression, but they’re actually just protective of themselves.
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Celebrities with a Scorpio Rising: Prince, Katy Perry, Lana Del Rey, and Taylor Swift.
Sagittarius Rising ↑
I genuinely love Sagittarius rising’s so much. People often think they’re very lucky, wise and knowledgeable & it’s true. Many celebrities with a Sagittarius rising are very iconic as well. Sometimes their humor can literally be seen in what they wear, and it just makes a statement to be honest. They do seem more naive, free-spirited, and impatient so sometimes people may actually underestimate them, but they’re actually ruled by Jupiter so they have a lot of higher knowledge & in some cases can be very intuitive. They’re also pretty well known for being blunt, and this is sometimes just on impulse. They don’t like people telling them they can’t do something or just generally restricting them from exploring different things. They don’t like to be told what to do either. They kinda like to be the one in charge. They have very vibrant and strong auras in a good way. They don’t want to restrict other people either just because they know how it feels. They like to have more adventurous and out of the ordinary lifestyles because if they feel stagnant, they’ll get very bored and might even fall into depression. They can also start fashion trends just because they tend to be more creative about their fashion sense. They can usually have almond eyes, a nice warming smile, well-defined chins, expressive faces. I’m not even kidding their chins and jaws are so beautiful. Even if they have smaller lips, their smiles are just so big. They’ll honestly try to make the best of any situation, even if it’s bad. This is not a secret, but they can also have big, defined glutes since Sagittarius rules the leg and glute muscle. Even if they don’t have a big buttock, their bum still looks nice. Oval faces can be common, medium foreheads, big to medium eyes, free and wild hair, and longer torsos. Their styles can honestly vary from street wear to y2k to dollete. They genuinely just have a very flirtatious type of personality when they want to have fun. They are also very fun to be around, and keep you very entertained. When Sagittarius risings have a new interest or a passion, they will speak A LOT about it. Even if there is no one there, they’ll talk to themselves. It makes them feel relieved and recognized.
Celebrities with a Sagittarius Rising: Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton, Princess Diana, and Joe Biden.
Capricorn Rising ↑
Capricorn risings always give off a very strong, disciplined, serious type of energy when people first meet them. They are so very hard working like I can’t even begin to tell you about it but they genuinely do work so hard and they end up accomplishing many things because of it. But people mostly view like the serious and cold side because even though they’re emotionally intelligent, sensitive, etc, this is like a more hidden side of them. They’re also grounded since they are an earth rising, but they’re more focused on building sustainable and stable things. They have more mature energy because the usually came into life being more mature, responsible, and persistent even though they may not have necessarily realized it at the moment. At times, they can seem more shy & quiet or reserved because they don’t completely trust people. They have really strong feelings, so when they do open up, they’ll show this & people can see this. They are often really good at finding certain peoples weaknesses because they learn things about people along the way of their life & this information helps them. Even though they may have more traditional views, their passions can be genuinely anything as long as it’s something they like. They can be very intimidating when you first meet them, and their resting face is just very blank and it can look “mean.” They have amazing bone structure, sharp jawlines, they might like darker colors better like black, they like to look presentable & respectful, they like to make sure their aesthetic is always in tact and just perfect, sharp features overall, smaller-average height, or petite features/details, noticeable teeth/smiles, steady & serious expressions, young faces, prominent eyebrows & cheekbones, round eyes, some/ a lot of beauty marks, and noticeable collar bones. Their demeanor and look gives off like “don’t talk to me” energy which is why people don’t approach them often.
Celebrities with a Capricorn Rising: Megan Fox, Kylie Jenner, Ariana Grande, and Joan Jett.
Aquarius Rising ↑
There’s just something about Aquarius Risings that really separate them from the crowd. Their personality’s are honestly one of a kind, and this often intrigues people. It kinda makes people want try and steal their flair or like their uniquenesses just because it’s so original and so in demand. They’re the type of people to say random things out of nowhere or just like certain things in the wrong situation. They’re honestly just so cool and they’re up to date with fashion trends, this is something that people notice about them quickly. They can be mysterious but also very intelligent & interesting. Many Aquarius risings I know are more into weirder stuff or just stuff people wouldn’t consider ordinary, or maybe things that are just advanced. They can be a bit intimidating when you take a look at them, but this really depends on how you view them. In reality, they’re very friendly & knowledgeable. They themselves are just very unique and eccentric, they also really like helping people especially their friends which is what makes them good friends. They keep an open mind to many things in their life so they’re not really hard to shock. They don’t like having authority figures, and because of this they can rebel. Their energy can genuinely just seem out of this world. They can be above average height, strong jawlines, observant & open eyes, they can pull off all and even the oddest of styles, something about them just stands out so when they were younger, they may have been picked on or bullied because of this. They can have bigger facial features, alien shaped heads, bold & original styles, wide + sparkling eyes, almond shaped eyes, broader hips + shoulders, and squarer facial features.
Celebrities with an Aquarius Rising: Zendaya, Nicki Minaj, Christina Aguilera, and Audrey Hepburn.
Pisces Rising ↑
Pisces risings are honestly so sweet and just ethereal. Their attitude towards life is like they think it’s not really real, or they think most of it is like fake. They treat it as if it was a dream in some ways. They know how to convey and manipulate what they want other people to see. They literally look just like a dream. At times, they can be very fake, (not in the bad friend type of way but just in their attitude) like they try to smile and laugh and show people that they’re happy when they’re really not. They can dress very formally and proper one day, and then they’ll dress down the next. Like I said, they’ll show you what they want to show you. But for the most part, they do like to show people the “better” side of them. They can be extremely spiritual even if it’s not the most obvious thing about them, they still have that energy. Like they just know things, and give off major psychic vibes. These people are very emotional at times, and people do notice this rather quickly. But they are very understanding, and just like emotionally intelligent towards the people around them so their emotional nature isn’t always bad for them. They’re very creative and artistic, so they may even want to show this side of them through their clothes, appearance, etc. They also have like such a big imagination and like a tendency to get stuck inside of their head, so they tend to kinda materialize them. It’s like when people say they can’t do things, they will prove the can do it. They can have soft looking skin, watery sparkly eyes, bigger or “fish” like teeth, bigger smiles, wider facial features, a more fragile and emotional energy and demeanor, sometimes they can just look sad and down, and their eyes are just really deep. Like their eyes say a lot. They may have unique or a “weird” size feet, OR their feet are very nice. Their eyes tend to be wide and circular, but more bigger. Their faces are more thinner, so their cheeks just go out and just make their cheeks noticeable. They have more elongated features, and their eyes just tend to go more downward at the bottom.
Celebrities with a Pisces Rising: Billie Eillish, Whitney Houston, Jimmy Fallon, and Gwyneth Paltrow.
- With love, Luna <3
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nonothing-astro · 2 years
­­ — THE FIRST HOUSE: A lot of these people suffered bullying from a young age, most likely due to your appearance/something that was completely out of control. Feeling extremely isolated from others in your childhood, like you could never connect with the people around you and, because of that, you’ve learned to be independent and to never trust others. Now, it’s difficult for you to open up even to your closest friends, and you fear that you’ll always feel alone. You can’t stand feeling misunderstood and, because of that, you can be very obsessed with “studying” the trauma you experienced through astrology and therapy, and you feel very triggered when someone misunderstands your intentions and misconstrues your words. A feeling that the world is against you. Someone having “taken” something away from you - your freewill, innocence, power of choice. People who either get repulsed by you or obsessed about you when you’re just sitting there and being yourself, and it’s out of your control which. Having been stalked in the past. A compulsive need to be private and keep things to yourself, a fear that other people are going to take everything away from you, especially the ones you love.. that they’ll turn them against you. Being treated like a sexual object, being sexually exploited. A fear that you’ll never be able to let go of your need for control. A fear that you attract too much chaos/people who are very chaotic themselves into your life. The feeling that, at the end of the day, you’ll always be alone with your fears, sadness and experiences that you haven’t found the courage to tell others. A feeling that you’ll never feel safe or comfortable.
— THE SECOND HOUSE: You don’t understand your own emotions and that gives you a lot of frustration and anxiety. You might’ve struggled your whole life with an emotional intensity that had you swinging from being at your happiest and most cared for in one moment and at the depths of despair and distress in the next. Your sense of self-worth fluctuates with unpreditability and yo can go from being overly confident to extremely insecure. Your passions constantly change and, because of that, it’s hard for you to know what you want to pursue in your life. You might’ve experienced a lot of distrust from others from a very young age, especially when it came to financial matters. You were accused of stealing, lying, perhaps even committing crimes. You felt like you had to work twice as hard to gain people’s trust and your parents, the ones who were supposed to protect you, were the first to be suspicious of everything you did. It’s like people are waiting for you to commit any sort of mistake so they can lash out on you and blame you for everything. You can become unproductive and start procrastinating as soon as you start feeling sad, self-sabotaging your own success because you’re afraid of failure, of putting your heart to something and then, all your efforts going to waste. Fear of losing the ones you love so you become possessive over them, or you attract people who are possessive of you and treat you like their property, making you feel suffocated in relationships. The fear that you’ll never be financially stable because things always go wrong. Looking at life through a pessimistic lens. The fear that you’ll always have enough to just survive. Having to do immoral things for money that left you feeling disgusted at your own actions. People who invaded your privacy for their personal benefit.
— THE THIRD HOUSE: Having been bullied and possibly physically abused in your early school years. A feeling that you had to “survive” school, that it was a place for pain and anxiety instead of learning. This could have given you a tendency to procrastinate in school and to rebel against it, you might’ve missed classes and it was hard for you to focus on your daily schoolwork but then you got to the tests and you got the highest grade due to your intelligence without needing much study. You might’ve constantly heard that you’re wasting your potential and intelligence simply because you didn’t care for school. From a very young age, you might’ve always felt the need to escape your house and neighborhood, and you took every opportunity you could get to stay away, which could have been the source of a lot of arguments at home. You were painted as the black sheep of the family, misunderstood by your parent figures because they couldn’t understand how their toxicity drove you to want to stay away from them and how school brought you trauma and anxiety. Relationship with siblings could’ve been very troubled, parents you pit you two against each other, a feeling that you had to compete with your siblings for their love, that they were the golden child while you were the disappointment of the family. You can also feel a strong need to protect your sibling from your parents and in school, that you want to teach them and be their role model because they had no one to set the good example.
— THE FOURTH HOUSE: You wanted to take refuge in your home when the outside world got hard again, you wanted a place to retreat to and find peace and wisdom, but soon you likely found out that it’s inside your home that the monsters laid. Your parent figures can have been extremely emotionally manipulative, in a way that took you years to understand: they showed you they loved you, treated you like their pride and prized possession, but they also tried to control you, invade your privacy, leading you to feel like an extension of them. You might’ve witnessed toxic and abusive relationship dynamics in your childhood; relationships filled with power-struggles and betrayal, obsession and possessiveness, arguments and competition. A lot of these people had one parent who cheated, making them feel like they had to compete with the other person. The relationship with the mother figure might’ve been a very confusing one: on one hand, you were close to her to the point where you needed each other more than anything, but at the same time, she might’ve been toxic and tried to live vicariously through you, wanting you to live out the dreams she never could. Even if the family home was loving and instilled in you values of hard-work and passion for anything you got involved in, there might’ve been one (or more) particular event that left you traumatized, feeling robbed of your power and strength. The family home can be exhausting, as if your parents expect you to be the one to take care of them and solve their problems. You fear becoming like the ones who mistreated you, you fear never being able to protect others in the way you never were. There might be an inability to trust here; you feel like you’ll never be able to fully trust and be vulnerable with someone because you want to always guard your heart from anyone who has the potential to break it.
— THE FIFTH HOUSE: When you love something, you love hard and this itself can feel terrifying at times. You understand how loyal and devoted you can be towards your passions, and you fear putting your heart into something then watching it fail miserably in front of your eyes. Fear of rejection and failure. You tend to procrastinate and purposefuly avoid going after your passions because you don’t want to watch your dreams die in front of you. There might be a fear of having children here, a fear of raising your kids the same way you were raised or not being able to meet your own expectations, a fear of not being able to emotionally connect with them, a fear of them living through pain and traumatic events without you being aware of it. It can be difficult for you to have one-night stands because you get very emotionally attached to people even if you don’t like showing it. Relationships can be filled with drama, chaos, obsession and lack of boundaries/lack of respect for the others’ privacy. There might be trust and intimacy issues here, where you get involved in casual dating but suddenly you’re jealous of other people who your person is seeing. You try to manipulate your romantic partners in order to feel in control of the relationship, a way for you to subtly self-sabotage your chances at happiness. You might mistake having a big ego for loving yourself, covering your deep-seated insecurities under a cocky attitude. The intensity of your emotions can scare you at times. You compare yourself to others because you fear truly loving yourself. You fear stability, you’re so used to living alongside chaos that you don’t know who you are without it – just the mere idea of sitting alone with your thoughts for a moment of peace can feel scary.
— THE SIXTH HOUSE: A fear that there’s no stability and peace in your day-to-day life because something’s disruptive is constantly happening. Your health doesn’t normally get bad but when it does, it’s awful. A feeling that you live life on survival mode. The death of a pet of your that deeply scarred you. Parents who tried to control you and every little habit of yours in your childhood. being constantly criticized; a feeling that you had to fit a certain image to please others. Being expected to always be at your prettiest and calmest, to be the adult among children, to take on the mature role. A fear that you’ll never be enough in your own eyes, a constant striving for perfection that only leaves you feeling more pained. a fear that you will never cease your need for control. A voice in your head that criticizes everything you do - you have become your own worst enemy. A fear that you’ll keep getting stuck with looking at the world through pessimistic eyes, eyes that have witnessed its cruelty. A fear of losing hope. A fear of not finding a job that fulfills your immense passion, and that you’ll always work too hard without getting the recognition for it. Coworkers who try to gain control over you, who belittle you and see you as their competition, who try to make your life living hell and who, in turn, discourage you from pursuing your career. Being overly sexualized at work. The feeling that it’s going to always be you to solve others’ problems and to be their savior, but at the end of the day, no one will be there for you. It’s like people already expect you to be the strong one so they don’t even ask if you need help. Having parent figures whose health is fragile so you have to take care of them, the feeling that you have to forget your own needs to take care of them.
— THE SEVENTH HOUSE: Always being the therapist friend, the one who holds others’ lives together. Parent figures who had a broken marriage; witnessing toxic relationships in your childhood that left you with a warped sense of what love means. The fear of getting into a relationship that mirrors the ones in your childhood; the fear of becoming just like your parent figures. Betrayal comes from those closest to you – your family members, your best friends, your romantic partners. Associating love with pain and grief and loss. The fear that no one will match your level of intensity and devotion in love, that you’re always going to get involved with people who are flaky, inconsistent, who betray your trust and who try to control you. The fear that you always attract the wrong type of people, that all your relationships are filled with power-struggles, possessiveness, drama and obsession rather than pure, healthy love. In the past, it might’ve been very difficult for you to feel fulfilled in a stable relationship, you always need it to be all-consuming and passionate but then, when it ended, you couldn’t even remember who you were before that person and the pain the end of the connection caused. You might’ve lost yourself and your sense of identity in relationships, giving your 100% to a partner who could only take and never give. Fear of abandonment, rejection, losing the people you love the most. Having been emotionally manipulated in relationships, used in your most vulnerable state.
— THE EIGHTH HOUSE: The death of a loved one that deeply scarred you, fear of intimacy all while feeling a compulsion to engage in it. Sexual experiences could’ve been traumaziting and like the other person was trying to take control of you during the act. There might be a fear of sex due to a fear of surrendering to someone else. Feeling a strong darkness inside of you that threatens to engulf you with every step you take. Fear of your deepest thoughts. Fear both of change and of not changing at all, you might constantly feel stuck, like you’re still holding on to the past when you know you should let go of it and stop giving it the power to control you. A feeling that everyone is always trying to take something from you, to impose themselves on you. Your parents might’ve taken away your money and possessions. A fear of “revealing” yourself to others, and at the same time, that no one will ever truly know you. Fear of someone taking power over you. A strong connection with death, fluctuates between fear of death and fascination with it. A fear from a young age that you only bring destruction wherever you go. Always feeling the need to run away when you get too close to someone, scared of becoming emotionally attached because you know that your love and loyalty knows no boundaries. These people often tend to experience an almost debilitating feeling of powerlessness throughout their childhood and adolescence that can have them stuck in the mentality of “I’m weak and I won’t ever rise above this”, and it takes them a lot to come out of their shell, to accept and embrace their power.
— THE NINTH HOUSE: Having been raised in an environment that didn’t allow you to express your beliefs and personal thoughts; parent figures who tried to control you and mold you however they saw fit into their puppet, parents who enforced their philosophies on you even though you didn’t agree to them. Having your power taken away in your childhood, feeling imposed on, restricted from your freedom, which now makes you feel paranoid everytime someone tries to constrict you in any possible way. Going through life with a “I’ve only got me, I can’t trust no one else” mindset, fear of letting people in due to how much you long to stay independent. You’re at your most self-destructive when you feel that someone is trying to hold you down, control you and manipulate your thoughts. You had to fight for your freedom and individuality so now you can’t stand that being taken away, which can result in a feeling of claustrophobia when in a long-term relationship and sabotaging everything to make sure the other person will leave you so you won’t havee to trust them, rely on them. The fear that your life will never have a purpose and that unpredictable, traumatic experiences will keep happening that completely change your mindset and sense of direction in life. The feeling that the universe purposelly fucks up your life and makes you go through pain in order to change and evolve. The fear that you’ll never be in any way stable and reliable because you go through constant transformations when it comes to your beliefs and thinking processes.
— THE TENTH HOUSE: Being treated like a product and not a person. You might’ve experienced hostility from those in power, as if they’re threatened by your potential and go out of their way to make you feel like you’re less than them. In your workplace, other coworkers treat you like their competition and like you don’t deserve the success you’ve been given, spreading rumours about you or talking shit about you to the boss. You might’ve experienced aggression from “masculine” figures (it doesn’t have to be specifically from men but from those who are agressive, powerful, dominant; those who are older and more “mature”), people who want to take control over you and manipulate you for their benefit. In your career, you can be objectified and perhaps others make you feel like you got the job simply because you’re attractive and not because you worked hard for it, undervaluing you and your efforts. A period in your childhood where authority figures didn’t believe you and ridiculed you when they should’ve listened to you. Having your power stripped away from you in your earlier years, making you crave to have control again – now, you want to be in charge, you want understanding, you want to be in control of yourself; but this can have you trying to exert power over others, manipulate them before they have the chance to manipulate you. You seek control in everything that surrounds you and that heightens your anxiety every time something doesn’t go according to your plans. A feeling that tragedy follows you around, a paranoia that things are going to go wrong any second now. A fear that you’ll always have your talents and habilities underestimated.
— THE ELEVENTH HOUSE: Betrayal from friendgroups, your earlier years might’ve been traumatizing when it came to friendships. It’s like people got close to you for the sole purpose of destroying your self-esteem, of discovering your secrets just so they could air them out to everyone you knew, or spreading rumors about you and wanting you to feel embarrassed/ridiculed of every step you took. It might’ve been very difficult for you to work on your self-esteem and it might still be an on-going battle, where you see yourself as worthless and like people will always use you as the butt of their jokes. Friends who invalidated your trauma, didn’t believe you and went out of their way to befriend the people who hurt you. You fear that you’ll never be able to fit in with the society where you live because your opinions are seen as too controversial and extreme when most of the time they can simply be progressive and open-minded. You might be surrounded by narrow-minded, prejudiced, conservative people. Your parent figures might ridicule your dreams and ambitions and make you feel like you’ll never achieve anything, that you’re too idealistic and delusional. You might feel like you had to disappoint your family in order to go down your own path because they didn’t support you and wanted you to follow in their footsteps. The suffering of the world might deeply affect you and you find yourself paralyzed by injustices that happened to other people as if you felt them in your skin yourself. You yearn for deep and intimate friendships but you might’ve been disappointed over and over again. You give yourself fully to the people in your lives to the point where they start taking you for granted.
— THE TWELFTH HOUSE: You notice even the subtlest changes in others’ behavior, how they said hi in a slightly different tone and what that might imply… being so perceptive of everything that’s going around you feels emotionally draining to the point where you’re left with your anxieties and paranoias of not being enough for others, believing you should be stronger, you should be more reliable, you should be easier to love. Your mind is your greatest enemy and when you sit alone with your thoughts, you hear all the self-doubt, guilt and fears that are threatening to destroy all chance for stability. You can have nightmares that fill you with stress, making you fear go to sleep and you can stay up all night because it’s the only time of the day where you can be by yourself without having to put a mask of happiness for others – during the day, you’re expected to take care of others, to save them, to put their needs above your own, but at night, you can finally breathe. Your childhood can be a blur of moments you can’t comprehend and things you’d rather forget, and you might’ve been ridiculed for your emotional sensitivity. You were told you’re too emotional, obsessive, stupid for giving your heart to the wrong people. You can be very self-destructive as a way to escape reality, wishing you could just turn your feelings off. You repress your emotions and bury them deep within yourself. You might’ve dealed with drug abuse and mental illness/people around you who struggled with it and it affected you deeply. You feel others’ pain as if it’s your own. You fear asking others for help, being seen as weak. You fear that you’ll never be in control of yourself, that your emotions will always be too intense. 
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nonothing-astro · 2 years
*do not plagiarize my writing or repost on any forms of social media under any circumstances.*
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Aquarius governing the 11th house is appropriate given Aquarius' inventive, rebellious, and brilliant nature. Humanity would not have progressed to where we are today if our civilizations had not embodied these traits. But there is another reason we evolve, which is Aquarius' detachment. The best results come from letting go of a desire and just letting things happen. The more we strive to micro-manage our life, the more difficulties we face. Letting go is the secret to happiness. ☔️♒️
The best things I've accomplished were things I decided to send out into the universe and then move on with my day, knowing that it will ultimately find me if it was intended for me. It's a natural process, as the Aquarius-Leo axis demonstrates. The 11th house (aqua), for example, rules your profits from your career, whereas the 5th house (Leo) governs your creativity and hobbies. Consider how many people have made art (5h) without worrying about the outcome, success, or financial benefit, only to receive widespread acclaim and rewards (11h). In the interviews, you watch them in awe proclaim, "I never imagined this would happen! I never imagined I would reach so many people." Why? Because they had detached. And that mindset can get you far. 🍬✨
If you’re struggling to shine and develop your self expression (Leo) then look at the opposite of that (Aquarius) where you need to release and let go of that pressure. Especially internal pressure since air sign energy has a lot do with our intellect and thought process. This sets the stage of success that aligns with the most genuine aspects of yourself.👽💜
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👾this article perfectly explains just how powerful Aquarius energy is:
“Aquarius rules over the concept of a foundation in general. It’s the energy from which everything before it is built upon. If you have a weak foundation, the structure will crumble. If you build on rock instead of sand, you’ll be the one left standing when the storms of life blow. Aquarius is the sign where it’s AS GOOD AS IT’S GONNA GET in terms of materialism. In the next sign of Pisces, the higher you go in consciousness, you’ll finally exit the ring of form where all material “stuff” dissolves. Aquarius gives you your grandest wishes in the world of form. This is the realm the average person’s highest goals and ambitions are in. Most people want things with a label or a title. Aquarius will give you the very best of that in the physical dimension. Extravagantly rich people are a perfect example of Aquarius energy.” 💰
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Aqua 12h and Leo 6h: letting go of your fears and traumas (aqua) to allow yourself to shine in your job and daily life (Leo).
Aqua 11h and Leo 5h: letting go of the need of acceptance and permission from your community (aqua) and allow yourself to create without limits or shame (leo).
Aqua 10h and Leo 4h: letting go of pressures of following a conventional career path (aqua) and finding something that aligns with your self-expression, values and emotional comfort (Leo).
Aqua 9h and Leo 3h: letting go of your need to find meaning to everything (aqua) and focusing on finding yourself in your environment through conscious engagement (Leo).
Aqua 8h and Leo 2h: letting go of the need to merge with others (aqua) and focusing on what your own values and desires are (leo).
Aqua 7h and Leo 1h: letting go of the need to conform or explain yourself in your relationships (aqua) and investing in you completely (leo).
Aqua 6h and and Leo 12h: letting go of your consistent attachment and desire to please others in your daily life (aqua) and focusing on your spirituality and deep reflection (leo).
Aqua 5h and Leo 11h: letting go of your desire to label every thing about your creativity, hobbies and lovers (aqua) and focusing on what your community means to you (leo).
Aqua 4h and Leo 10h: letting go of the desire to please your family and conform to their norms (aqua) and figuring out what you really want to do with your life (leo).
Aqua 3h and Leo 9h: letting go of your attachment to your near environment (aqua) and figuring out your life philosophies (leo).
Aqua 2h and Leo 8h: letting go of your need to find meaning to your assets, resources and values (aqua) and figuring out how you can begin to hone your intuition to be complete with others (leo).
Aqua 1h and Leo 7h: letting go of the need to establish who you are to the world and consistently explaining yourself to everyone (aqua) and focusing on the quality of your relationships and what they mean to you (leo).
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👾*I also have a post on manifesting your dreams using the 11th house attached here.* 👾
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nonothing-astro · 2 years
Astrology Observations (part 1)
these are all observations from my own personal experiences and are no way the absolute truth!
• Pisces placements can be so caught up in their own head and have a hard time staying present. They can easily create these dreamy ideas of people or situations in their head that they fall in love with but when reality settles and they take a step back to see that it may not be what they actually wanted, just the idea.
• Aries risings are very self righteous and can have the biggest egos. Due their houses being aligned and at home, they like to walk around like they’re better than everyone and know everything. They have a lot of confidence but it almost inflates their ego and a lot of things end up going to their head. It’s hard for them to step back and learn from other people because they’re so use to seeing themselves as correct and true.
• Sag suns can also be very self righteous but also think that life is owed to them. They can be very entitled to other peoples time and almost think that people are obligated to do things for them, give them things, take them places, or listen to them. This can be draining to other people because it feels like they only call you when they need something.
• If you ever need a recommendation for something to listen to, watch or buy, ask a Gemini, Aries or Sag. They’re very caught up on new things being released and love to put people on to new things or experiences. They’re both adventurous and love trying new things so if you’re nervous they’ll definitely join you or encourage you to step outta your comfort zone.
• Earth moons seem so stable in their emotions and that can balance out any chart no matter how chaotic is may be.
• Who’s more indecisive? A Gemini moon or a Libra moon. Be honest.
• A Gemini moon will think themselves to death I swear. They are always so in their head when it comes to making a decision about anything at all. The fear of making the wrong choice really eats them up and consumes them. They will definitely push decision making onto anyone but them.
• Aries placements are definitely bullies and don’t know when to stop joking at someone else’s expense. They have a tendency to make people the butt end of their joke for the sake of entertaining a group. Like making fun of someone or bringing up something embarrassing about someone to make an entire group laugh. Or they say things jokingly but are deadass/serious about it.
•As a Scorpio moon, I will say it’s a red flag lmao.
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