nocturnnalex · 6 months
weren't we the stars in heaven
5/5 chapters - 30k words - teen and up - (sort of) enemies to friends to lovers / forced proximity fic
Crowley had always known he wasn’t nice. Nice was a four letter word, and its definition was not one he could fit into. He could twist words and attempt to change all he liked, and he would never find his way into that box.
So he learned to escape it. To flee and turn to nature, backpacking. It was a freedom unlike any other. It was a short but infinite moment where the fresh, breezy air seemed to blow it all away– that was until Aziraphale appeared. Then everything started to go rather downhill.
Crowley misses his bus home after bumping into Aziraphale, leaving the two of them isolated together in a remote hamlet. Running low on supplies (and time, if Crowley wishes to return to work in time to not be fired) the two of them must work out their differences in order to find a way home.
i've already said this in the discord server, but honestly i cannot say thank you enough to those i worked with during the @ineffableidiotsbigbang! so thank you to my beta reader, @the-willow-tree for your greatly appreciated help and advice throughout the fic, and to my artist @anaquariusfox for creating the most beautiful stargazing artwork for chapter 3! it's been great working with you all :)
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nocturnnalex · 6 months
this is so unbelievably pretty!! fox did such an amazing job on this! thank you so much, it's been great working with you :D
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Weren’t we the stars in heaven
my art piece for @nocturnnalex’s fic for the @ineffableidiotsbigbang !
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nocturnnalex · 6 months
weren’t we the stars in heaven - 3/5 chapters - 20k words
“Did you make a wish?” Crowley asked.
“Hm?” Aziraphale looked at Crowley with confusion – but not, as Crowley noted, annoyance. Crowley noted this because it was a rarity; things like this didn’t often happen to him.
“On the stars,” he replied, allowing his gaze to move upward. He wasn’t sure which star from this sea of a thousand had caught his eye earlier, only that it must have been a sacred one. He did not even have to whisper his wish for it to be known. For it to be granted.
In the latest chapter, Crowley and Aziraphale move past their distances and work towards a better friendship, but will the be able to maintain their fragile peace?
chapter 2 and 3 are now out for my aziracrow fic, written for the @ineffableidiotsbigbang and beta read by @the-willow-tree! 
be sure to check out @anaquariusfox who will be posting some amazing fanart for this later in the day :D
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nocturnnalex · 6 months
weren't we the stars in heaven - chapter 1 - 5k words
a (sort of) enemies to friends to qpp/ forced proximity fic except the enemy bit is one sided
Crowley had always known he wasn’t nice. Nice was a four letter word, and its definition was not one he could fit into. He could twist words and attempt to change all he liked, and he would never find his way into that box.
So he learned to escape it. To flee and turn to nature, backpacking. It was a freedom unlike any other. It was a short but infinite moment where the fresh, breezy air seemed to blow it all away– that was until Aziraphale appeared. Then everything started to go rather downhill.
Crowley misses his bus home after bumping into Aziraphale, leaving the two of them isolated together in a remote hamlet. Running low on supplies (and time, if Crowley wishes to return to work in time to not be fired) the two of them must work out their differences in order to find a way home.
an aziracrow fic i wrote for the @ineffableidiotsbigbang, beta read by @the-willow-tree! chapters 2 and 3 will be out tomorrow, the latter of which will feature some awesome artwork by @anaquariusfox :D
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nocturnnalex · 10 months
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Signups are now open for Writers, Artists and Pinch hitters!
Fics are a miniumum of 10 000 words and must be completed by 2nd December
Art includes traditional art as well as gifsets and other art
You can sign up on your own or with other/s
The full rules are available here.
The full schedule is available here.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to send us an ask.
Signup links:
Writers (close 20th September)
Artists (close 3rd November)
Pinch hitters (always open)
Beta spreadsheet (anyone who wishes to beta can leave their username etc here so they can be contacted by authors)
Even if you can't participate, signal boosts are appreciated so we can have as many participants as possible :)
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nocturnnalex · 1 year
Got a chance to work with
@alexnocturne to illustrate their beautiful Nureyev-centric piece for the @penumbrabang 2023
Here we have Juno and Peter chatting - wonder what that could be about? :)
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Admiring the sunset. Gorgeous, but not nearly as charming as it could be~
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Someobody's asleep...
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Check their work out ->
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nocturnnalex · 1 year
glacial melt
by nocturnalex
(click to read)
Very early in life, Peter Nureyev learns what it is to lose: to lose family, to lose the warmth of another, and to lose his very own existence. The cold has clung to Nureyev’s bones for decades. In a futile attempt to escape the chill, he buries his identity, and Peter Nureyev becomes that of the past.
Peter Nureyev is meant to be dead, but with the newly found warmth of another, Juno Steel, followed by a group of criminals on a high-steaks heist, his glacier begins to melt, and the boy beneath awakens.
multi-chapter - 65k - teen and up
hello! this is my fic for the 2023 penumbra bang! I'm very excited to share this with you all, i hope you enjoy it! :D
special thanks to @koscheib for drawing the beautiful artwork in this fic, to the @penumbra bang team for helping me out all through the process, and to @prydon for beta reading - i could not have done it without you all!!
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nocturnnalex · 1 year
dances in the dark
by nocturnalex
(click to read)
Arthur knows his love is different. He has been reminded, every Valentine's, by passers-by, hand in hand, and his own wife, tears in her eyes. His love is different, and it had not been enough.
But then there's John - who he hates, and who he cannot help but love. Even if the love is the sort that people have shunned. With John, his love does not feel so much of a burden anymore, and Valentine's day has found a new meaning.
Suddenly, he knows that when the ending comes and his heart is weighed upon a scale, it will not be found lacking; there are beautiful things found within the dark. How could he be punished for wanting them?
OR a very late valentines/ just on-time aro week qprthur fic!
one shot - 10k - teen and up
note: hi! this is my first post and fic - you can find me at nocturnalex on ao3 and either alexsnocturne (alt) or leediedagain (main) on twitter!
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